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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 245 KB, 1162x876, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7365941 No.7365941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do these fakes look tho /fa/
real leather
fuck paying for the real ones no one in this shitty country would know

>> No.7365951

>buying geos real or fake in 2013

>> No.7365950

leather already has holes bro

>> No.7365957

that's from taking out this ugly cross they had decided to stick on the back, lol i should have clarified that
thanks uh i love you

>> No.7365963

>rick owens
wouldnt wear this shit if it was free

>> No.7365967

damn what a fucking pimp

>> No.7365988

>getting a sassy attitude because someone doesnt obsess over ugly clothing just because it has a high price tag

>> No.7365997

ur the sassy one :L
thx for bumping tho

>> No.7366007

w2c fake geos?

>> No.7366009

the only ugly clothing is ur mom

>> No.7366010

they're ioffer fakes, cbf finding the exact link sorry

>> No.7366033

>no treaded bottom
anyone who cant tell those are fake in 10 minutes wont know what geos are or how much they cost anyway

>> No.7366038

i addressed that in the OP

>> No.7366046

Read: 99.9% of everyone.

>> No.7366050


you are in a shitty country, you know what they are. chances are someone else will know too.

>> No.7366064

so basically either way you'll look like a fuccboi

>> No.7366072

The thing is, no one knows and no one really cares, there have been multiple "spot the fakes" here on effay and no one can tell unless you ACTUALLY tell them the difference between the two.

Wear them because they look cool, effay couldn't tell the difference neither can anyone else

>> No.7366077


people who care know. people who know care. those who don't care will think they are ugly snowboarding boots anyway.

>> No.7366085

Why is everybody in love with these? They are ugly as fuck. I bet you fags would even pay for Rick's semen.
>not even mad

>> No.7366089

i don't dress to impress anyone but myself; if i wanted to impress fa i'd buy the real ones, if i wanted to impress your average cunt on the street i'd buy vans. thing is, i actually suit these clothes and have gotten more compliments on fake shoes than most of you will ever get on your real ones

>> No.7366092

most people actually think they're some kind of basketball shoe. i guess the average iq of a seppo is pretty low. collective degradation of intelligence i guess

>> No.7366094
File: 175 KB, 640x640, 1379232221119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i actually suit these clothes

this is what they thought too

>> No.7366100


they don't. If you saw dreamboxes on the street I'd bet a pair of geos you wouldn't know

>> No.7366107

nah man i'm 18, confident, thin, dark featured and 6'2". there's a huge difference.

>> No.7366113

>can't afford real geos
what's ur excuse

>> No.7366114


if u live in a shitty country should u be using the money to get out of the country instead? o_O

>> No.7366116

Exactly. You don't have 10 minutes as another guy ITT said to stare at another dude's footwear from across the street.

>> No.7366122

it's not a shitty country, i was kinda joking. it's a good country i guess but i personally hate it.
i rent my own house, and geos end up costing upwards of 1500NZD

>> No.7366129

and if you can get 80% percent of the shoe at like 10% of the price, why bother? i'd rather spend that on some margielas or something

>> No.7366132


if you can't afford the real thing i doubt you can afford to pull off a legit goober fit. are you gonna wear them with black and white XXL fruit of the loom shirts and asos sweatpants?

>> No.7366140

yeah dude spot on

>> No.7366143

nah but forreal i rock em with ioffer balmains and an ioffer givenchy tee u feel me g

>> No.7366153

Manlet would look decent if he could add 30 cm. Asian is good until you look at the shoes. Rest looks super awkward.

>> No.7366166

If you think a pair of sneakers (yes, they are still sneakers) *have* to be worn with gothninja, I believe you may have the autisms.

>> No.7366197


except when, you know, they are THE ultimate gothninja sneakers. autistic would be wearing them with cheap basics.

>> No.7366212

This picture is terrible.

>> No.7366221

Whatever dude you sound like you care way too much

>> No.7366293

OP can you post the bottom of the shoe real quick? really interested in it!

How much did the shoes end up costing? Purp or reggie?

>> No.7366584

feels like some kind of gum material
they were probably like $150USD
reggie you don't get purple here often

>> No.7366596
File: 308 KB, 1098x655, 436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7366627

how hard was it to get you swisher in the pic?

>> No.7366638

>asian wearing shoes that don't fit becuase he got a good deal on SZ

>> No.7366639

like trying to wear stripper heels with a wedding dress.

>> No.7366643

>"i don't dress to impress anyone but myself"
>posts on /fa/ looking for opinions on dress sense

>> No.7366645
File: 265 KB, 500x750, lit_zps996ce85d.jpg~original.jpg~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowowww faust is small

>> No.7366652

that's faust?? I know he has a bad haircut but every pic I see of him is blurred

>> No.7366662
File: 41 KB, 588x166, Screen shot 2013-12-05 at 18.42.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im p certain

he looks like a shorter chubbier avey tare

>> No.7366681

wow, are you retarded? i was asking about the quality you fuckwit

>> No.7366688

his facial/hair aesthetics don't fit the style imo. looks like a nerd

>> No.7366698

He looks like a dad going through a mid-life crisis.

>> No.7366702

OP is smoking Nat Sherman's

>dat class

>> No.7366703
File: 95 KB, 274x258, Screen shot 2013-11-27 at 07.55.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea he does look p nerdy

helpful tho

>> No.7366726


So how small is faust exactly? Judging by the way he posts he has a serious napoleon complex.

>> No.7366745
File: 23 KB, 1015x109, Screen shot 2013-12-05 at 19.00.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judging by the way he posts he has a serious napoleon complex.

you think? i didnt really notice that but i havent really seen that many of his posts

pic related

>> No.7366751

why would you get geos when cps are all you really need

>> No.7366773

why would you wear clothes when a footie pajama onsie is all you really need

>> No.7366807

stop sucking dick owens

>> No.7366816

i want to beat up faust and force him to give me sz or otherwise ill stomp on his nuts till they explode on the pavement

>> No.7366820

cps aren't even interesting in the slightest

>> No.7366825

>and have gotten more compliments on fake shoes than most of you will ever get on your real ones
and this is the point in any thread where it gets obvious you're a huge faggot

any thread where op pulls the
>more compliments than you
card you might as well just straight up say that you're a fuccboi cause it'd take way less time than writing all that faggot shit

>> No.7366826

>geos are

>> No.7366830

>why would u get thing u like when thing i like is clearly better

no one cares about your shit opinions

cps are boring as fuck for the most part and none of them have a remotely similar silhouette to geos

>> No.7366834

thats not true. i wear rick and if i saw someone wearing fakes a) i wouldnt really be able to tell the difference unless my face was at least 3 feet away from the shoes and b) even if i could tell i wouldn't care at all.

>> No.7366855

you seem really sad over something that isn't very important :( do girls laugh at your rafdidas?