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/fa/ - Fashion

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7216228 No.7216228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that poet was the biggest faggot to ever post on /fa/?

>gets pushed out of 4chan because someone talked shit about a girl he liked
>The girl he likes still posts her despite him taking a dive for her lmao

>> No.7216240

>there used to be a 40 year old man who would dress up to try to impress fat neckbeards on a anime forum site

>> No.7216241

yeah OP, he's a fucking idiot lol.
i still remember the thread he posted that pic in too, along with some argument that skirts arent gay :'(((

such fashiun wow poet

>> No.7216243

as big of a faggot as poet was, you really can't top sieg

what do you think is the best way to get him to leave?

>> No.7216248

Idk how someone can justify dressing like this if youre not a rapper

>> No.7216250
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>that skirts arent gay :'(((
reminds me of pic related

so many women on SZ get wet looking at an emasculated man in a skirt because of their patriarchal issues, naturally beta males will try to appeal to them while rationalizing that skirts arent gay

>> No.7216255

probably not true that he quit due to a girl but either way it's really dumb to think women care about any sacrifice you make for them.
they like it but they wont like you for it and it wont make them think

but one thing i know for she he is a misogynist fuck PUA and im glad he's gone i hope he learned a thing or two about life because he needs one.

and also:
reported for not being related to fashion and being centered around hate like the PUA faggot you are.

>> No.7216262

Fuck off poet you bald cunt.

>> No.7216263
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how about u report these nuts to your moms mouth fagget lao

>> No.7216275

where did he say he left for a girl?

>> No.7216277
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write a rick owens x sieg fanfiction where sieg is ricky's sub, and rick does all sorts of fucked up sex acts with him. and rick's facial expression never changes, it is always pic related.

sieg could never live it down. mods would infinitely sticky the fanfic so every time he visits /fa/, he's greeted by "CHAPTER 21: How I Slickly Lick Ricky's Tricky Dick"

>> No.7216288

i like poet

>> No.7216283

>everyone shits on [insert name here]'s lazy eye
>a few posts later poet says hes out
>we find out poet was with [INH]
connect the dots

>> No.7216294

>How I Slickly Lick Ricky's Tricky Dick

>> No.7216291

Poet was a pretty big faggot. Tried to be 3deep5me with his overly embellished posts and promoted a joke style under the guise of "pushing boundaries". Good for laughs though.

>> No.7216296

Five star post OP. Poet was a gigantic faggot.

>> No.7216297


>> No.7216299
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>How I Slickly Lick Ricky's Tricky Dick

>> No.7216304

i didn't expect anything good to come out of this thread, but wow
you really did it

>> No.7216307

i was there when poet left. i refreshed the page and there was his new post. i was really happy

what was worse than his fits was when he would get all psuedo-philosphical on us because somehow he was more enlightened than us because he lived un nyc and rented out an apartment building

what a loser

>> No.7216311
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>How I Slickly Lick Ricky's Tricky Dick

>> No.7216327

>he would get all psuedo-philosphical
This was annoying and pretentious as fuck. Good riddance.

>> No.7216325

So we can all agree that poet leaving was a positive thing for /fa/? Type 1 in chat if you agree.

>> No.7216330


>> No.7216333


By the way, where are all the poet dick riders in his dumb moon threads? He couldn't have been samefagging this whole time, could he?

>> No.7216340

i used to think this way too but then i started talking to him and i learned quite a bit. it's sad that he left in my opinion.

>implying there is more than one person in this thread

>> No.7216339


Sticky posts about Duran Duran being the shittiest band to date.

>> No.7216346

oh really?

why dont you tell us exactly what you learned from him?

>> No.7216352

I can vouch that there is at least one person aside from OP. The rest may be OP, but this >>7216291
is not OP.

>> No.7216348

>being this naive
>not knowing poet samefagged almost all of his replies and positive comments ever, and the other positive comments were from mindless sheep dragged in by seeing all the positive comments about him
aw look at this cute little anon

>> No.7216357

>>implying there is more than one person in this thread
OP here, I don't care what you think, I know I'm not samefagging and I am happy as fuck to admit that there are a bunch of people ITT who agree that poet leaving was a good thing.

>> No.7216355

What happened to poet?
I barely lurk /fa/ nowadays.
I don't get all the hate that's directed at him, he had pretty quality posts for the most part.

>> No.7216362

honestly any time a tripfag leaves it's a good thing

>> No.7216386

one thing that changed my view a lot was when he told me to stop trying to maintain complete control over how an audience processes my work. i shouldn't try to force them to think just my way and give them a creative space for interpretation. this was a flaw that i was not aware of until poet told me

>> No.7216398

son that is vague as fuck what do you mean by work? And that's something you can learn from taking a pre-requisite course for art 101

poet was realy a useless cunt

>> No.7216410

work as in clothes since this is a fashion board. it was the good ol discussion of who you're dressing for. what he said was true and i'm happy that he told me it doesn't matter if you're aware of it or not.

>> No.7216415

God his posts were long. However old he was, no one can deny he was incapable of being succinct. It displayed remarkable immaturity.

>> No.7216416

Shit, I figured he'd left but I missed the whole shitstorm.

Archive link?

>> No.7216424

I was afraid of that

>interpreting clothes

"speaking with your clothes is passive aggressive" - tricky ricky

You're gonna listen to poet over rick? nigga what the fuck is a matter w u

>> No.7216431
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are you telling me clothes aren't a form of communication?

>> No.7216441

tricky ricky's face is passive aggressive

>> No.7216442

I didnt say that.

I actually agree with the thought that the real first impression you make is with your clothes, but there is no doubt that it is passive aggressive as fuck if you are consciously trying to speak with them

>> No.7216454
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who the fuck is poet? Fuck that faggot

pic related is me

>> No.7216459
File: 162 KB, 726x1023, Louis XVI of France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no doubt that it is passive aggressive as fuck if you are consciously trying to speak with them
it's what every culture in the world has been doing since the beginning of clothes

>> No.7216462

What is this?

A picture for fags?

>> No.7216469

yeah in the history of clothes but as time goes on the game changes, and this is the present where try hards exist. poet was a try hard so he never got respect around here

if you arent trying to be effortless at evrything you do, ya shit

>> No.7216475


>> No.7216474
File: 152 KB, 1556x262, yay poet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.7216476

maybe it's the liberal movement that doesn't want people to stand out since expensive clothes are always a sign of wealth and power.

>> No.7216477

This. What exactly happened? Somebody has a screen-cap I hope?

>> No.7216478

i would

>> No.7216508

Can someone link me to the archived thread where poet left.? I missed the whole thing be ause I have been busy recently

>> No.7216521

Except none of that is true.

poet left this place because it's gone to toxic shit; one way in which it's gone to toxic shit is its continual harassment of anyone distinctive at all. I'm only still here out of bored, compulsive habit.

As far as Timber and poet being a thing, I've only heard that from anonymous fuccbois here. The closest to that I've heard from anything reliable is that he showed her around New York once.

How was poet a misogynist, or a PUA type? He would occasionally talk about flirting with women, but that's miiiiiiles from the reductive, systematic PUA shit.

>> No.7216539

any attempt to talk about girls is PUA because it implies that you cant use your heart.

>> No.7216537


Uhm except he wasn't all the nigga did was give you fuccbois advice (more like common sense tbh)

>> No.7216545

>tfw actually really liked having poet around

Even if you don't like his style, he contributed to this board in a good way while most people here just shit post

>> No.7216559

I thought poet was a pretty cool guy to be honest. You dont have to like his style, but I thought it to be unique.

>> No.7216560

its cuz aside from poet there were only like 3 or 4 people that actually contributed new content besides the idiots who just bought palladiums and a bomber. of those people only like two of us would start threads (me and meta generally) and keep them going with new content that we'd dug up.

meta apparently has stuff to take care of irl and he's stopped tripping anyway

I don't have any money or a computer anymore so I can't really do much as far as making new fits or finding new content even tho I've been posting fits

anyway I feel like there's about 4 people in here and its kinda sad that you are still talking about poet. you still feel so insecure that you have to reassure eachother that POET SUKKS OMG. also its kinda sad you guys can't see that poet was an extremely genuine, honest and humble guy

>> No.7216638

nice post poet
thanks poet
did you just get home from your vacation as a famous billionaire on a yacht poet?
poet only posts on unwoven now didnt you know
poet may have been kind of bad but he was also good

>> No.7216659

1) Except most of poet's advice in everything pretty much amounted to "use your heart."

2) Like anything, there's techniques in the use of the heart. For romantic love, for friendship, for art, for anything. Our selves are so fucking malleable, and if we don't talk about all the different forms they can take, the ways they can exist in the world, and the effects they have, we're far too subject to default, too-easy, too-smooth paths, often ones lubed up for us by lies. PUA is repugnant for the same reason rom-coms, that New Testament verse that gets read at every damned wedding, and all that is repugnant: they're the lies that distort the heart's signal, the lies we need deprogramming from, and to do that, we need to talk honestly and from lived experience about the things they lie about.

You know that line about philosophy being "the teaching of the good life?"

+1. I've never posted a fit for a number of reasons, but I've always tried to contribute. Hopefully I've done so well in other ways.

>> No.7216841

anybody have this unwoven site he talks about? I can't find it google gives nothing

>> No.7216866

fuck off you're not wanted there

>> No.7216989

I wont post it for you but I will give you a hint; its literally called "unwoven". find it yourself.

>> No.7216998

he's right though

you niggas put too much effort into being catty with one another and not enough effort improving your fits

now /fa/ is just kind of a place where you get information parroted to you by anons with no experience outside mall-fashion

>> No.7217004
File: 985 KB, 1050x700, 220510_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas are really dedicating their lives to hating on this dude lmao smh grow up

>> No.7217032

>dedicating their lives
calm down loser

>> No.7217035

maybe not dedicating their lives but they are dedicating their saturday bagging on him

>> No.7217056

It takes no effort for me to call you a humongous faggot, you poet dick riding faggot.


>> No.7217061

>It takes no effort for me to call you a humongous faggot, you poet dick riding faggot.
idc what you think of me, call me whatever you want, sticks and stones etc etc

it must take you a lot of effort to look at your fit in the mirror and lie to youself saying "this is good enough, I am good enough"

>> No.7217097

somebody caught feelings.


>> No.7217140

it must take you a lot of effort to ride poet's dick

>> No.7217152

nigs used to riding dicks, thats how he got his e30.

>> No.7217162

i think you got the posts mixed up m8

>> No.7217175

my point still stands

>> No.7217181
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>> No.7217192

>poet hasnt even posted here in weeks
>u losers still cry ur hearts out about him

top hue

>> No.7217194

somebody caught the feelings 8)

>> No.7217346

theres no such thing as unwoven or I would have heard of it by now. It was just a final troll attempt or "fuck you" if you will by poet.

>> No.7217356

you gotta wait til the dust settles to get the truth fagget

>> No.7217363
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>> No.7217368
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I a-actually liked poet ;_;

>> No.7217408

I thought you didn't post here anymore

>> No.7217413

alright m8

>> No.7217443

We all did, anon. We all did.

>> No.7217467

No one did.

>> No.7217593

I liked him aswell, he wasn't a complete tool unlike most people here. even if you didn't like what he was wearing it shouldn't matter, its an open forum, people should be able to post their fits w/o people going mental and start fucking with their personal life, fashion isn't ONE style, dress h/e you like... to much shitposting on this board, poet did the right think by leaving ...

>talk shit post fit

>> No.7217614

No one cared what the fuck he wore. It was the stupid drivel he posted that made him a faggot.

>> No.7217975

this. his fits weren't always that bad, it was when he opened his mouth and had an opinion. the giy needed to get a real life, he spent way to much in the bubble of /fa/

>> No.7218176

nice try the foto is smaller than ur dick lmao

>> No.7218235

>implying poet isnt still lurking this board because he has nothing better to do
>implying in a few months he wont come back

>> No.7218255

He looks like the kind of dude that is in videos on /r/cringe.

>> No.7218286

you're insane

>> No.7218322

I kinda liked poet. He was nice.
Posts were too damn long though. Every other post was a wall of text, which was often unnecessary.

>> No.7218327

the amount of samefagging in this thread is ridiculous

>> No.7218354

Yeah he's right though. /fa/ could be one of the best places on the internet if there wasn't so many edgy shitposters.

>> No.7218363

poet co produced bon iver bon iver, what did u do of late op

>> No.7218369

as much as I like you guys for being you and hate hugboxes like reddit

he kind of has a point. Don't know why you guys are giving him so much shit

>> No.7218372

infinitely this

>> No.7218378

you kno, that actually wouldnt surprise me.

ill miss u poet ;_;

>> No.7218400

he actually did tho, go read the credits

>> No.7218414

i remember that thread. it was gay as shit, it honestly was. fucking poet was a pretentious asshole who wasnt nearly as smart as he tried to make people think. that said, he didnt bother me one bit because his stupid posts were usually at least mildly entertaining.

>> No.7218424

this is old

>> No.7218430


Knochenbutt was worse.

>> No.7218457

you fuckers created him
back when he posted as anon and spouted unrelated garbage with old space pictures
you idiots dubbed him space-chan and poet-chan and whatever and fueled his shit
you retards begged him to trip
you retards told him you liked his 'poetic style of posting'
you retards overlooked his pseudo-intellectual garbage
i dont mean everyone of course but a select group of dickriders
he was always a piece of shit and people fueled him into thinking it was wanted

>> No.7218458

Is poet Andy Immernan?

>> No.7218717

fuck me I remember arguing back when he had a thing for natalie and he acted so passive agressive til this one guy put him in his place good times

>> No.7218734

calm down

>> No.7218763

Poet was /fa/.
He was the best we had to offer. The only worthwhile reason anyone had to visit this board.
And now, he's gone. We fucked up.

>> No.7218813

thats completely made up though, timber said it was all just stupid bullshit that a bunch of the posters from effay came up with

>> No.7218821

>believing a woman over your best friends
come on buddy, why would we lie to you, sweet pal o' mine?

>> No.7218837

produce just one shred of credible evidence and ill believe you

just one iota of evidence, im serious

>> No.7218843

well look here, I'm actually poet and I banged her

>> No.7219130
File: 62 KB, 359x444, 1365307336064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw genuinely attracted to him

>> No.7219155

r u grill

>> No.7219166
File: 57 KB, 800x624, gggggggnnfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. i liek his face... he posts fits and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.7219170

I'm gonna marry you!

>> No.7219169

why cant u like me instead

I hav over 20k invested in RO

>> No.7219176

poet is no doubt one of the best looking posters on 4chan fa

>> No.7219180

who was the grill he liked

>> No.7219181
File: 2.25 MB, 2796x2448, 1379916721722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i actually saved some of his other fits too

>> No.7219187

oh shit that was him the whole time

>> No.7219190

looks terrible
shoes look fucking ridiculous, rest of his clothes are basic as hell - how is that anything special from the casual old navy shopper?

also why does everyone on /fa/ stand like they have fucking flat feet

>> No.7219193


maybe they have flat fucking feet?

>> No.7219194

he pounded timber, some crosseyed bitch

>> No.7219197

m8 ther is no raisin to name drop here in we are autonomous

>> No.7219208
File: 68 KB, 483x768, 1382587365603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this her?

>> No.7219216


>> No.7219223


>> No.7219233

then who the fuck is it you fucking idiot autistic faggot bitch

>> No.7219236


that's jin from unwoven

>> No.7219237

your mum, i cume in her

>> No.7219244
File: 238 KB, 666x784, bb3.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that the place all the /fa/ fuccbois go when their fits get laughed at on sufu?

>> No.7219272

she not even cross eyed you faggots

people's eyes do that when you take pics and look in the mirror sometimes

>> No.7219304

fucking berry

>> No.7219452

Poet is a godamn pedophile punk mother fucker that sucks the genitals of infants! I know him IRL! He was with me at my aunt's house and she walked out to go jogging and he snatched up her kid and ripped the diaper off and proceeded to tongue bath the child's genitals. He told my aunt that her baby needed it's diaper changed and she was freaked out he tried to play mother and couldn't wait 10 mins for her to return from jogging. She looked in teh trash and saw the diaper was not dirty just ruined from tearing the strips and she started yelling. I had to confess everything, my aunt loves me.

>> No.7219458

I'm dying

>> No.7220275

>le keeping newfags away from shitting up a newborn fashion forum ;)

>> No.7220286
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>> No.7220330

his pretentious ramblings were cringeworthy to read, but there's been worse here.

>> No.7220348

wasting all this time and actually talking about a guy none of you ever met that only posted pictures and wrote some text on 4chan.

Who are the real faggots?

I mean...seriously... You're all whining about some bald fuck you only knew from the internet. Have you no real lives?

>> No.7220494

nice post poet
thanks poet