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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 106 KB, 960x960, Paweł-Bednarek-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7211714 No.7211714 [Reply] [Original]

do models suck in their cheeks or do they actually look like this?

>> No.7211717

Yes they do look like that.

>> No.7211721

google buccal fat removal

>> No.7211729

Smoking helps too, but it's not symmetrical for me

>> No.7211734

fuck so jelly :(

>> No.7211747

you know
i don't really think these guys look good (pr at least not the one in op's pic)
that whole cheekbone thing is overrated
the master race is the medium level between non-cheekbones and cheekbones

>> No.7211760

nah its not you're just ugly

>> No.7211766

that has nothing to do with what i said lel

>> No.7211767

Lighting helps a lot in that respect. Try finding them in normal, unmodeled photos to compare.

>> No.7211772


>> No.7211769

ugly people always say shit like that

>looking good is overrated

>> No.7211777
File: 106 KB, 718x950, 12-47-6+(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modelfu thread?

>> No.7211787

am i being trolled here
i recently uploaded a pic to /int/ and the whole fucking board called me auschwitz
lel looks like you can't even read, but it's okay, i'm gonna explain it a little better for you

i never said looking good is overrated. stop projecting in others. if i said anything, it was that beauty is a social construct that changes from time to time therefore cheekbones are just a beauty standart for this society that in my opinion isn't attractive at all.

but whatever works for you :-)

>> No.7211796

adding a little to my argument:

look at this guy: >>7211315
very handsome, has some cheekbones.
now look at this guy >>7211309
he has "better" cheekbons, but in my opinion he looks like a fucking mutant

>> No.7211829
File: 55 KB, 450x574, tumblr_ltkiapsqHR1qem803o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is masterrace

>> No.7211852

this guy knows

>> No.7211862

some of it depends on lighting
i look like that in some photos but not others

>> No.7211873

if you are aware this is ur opinion and that it's different than most people's why are you so insistent

>> No.7211879

because hes ugly

>> No.7211890

Pretty sure attractiveness for males is just how good your jaw/cheekbones are. If both of these are good, but the rest of your face is ugly people just call it 'unique'.

>> No.7211936

pretty sure you're wrong. i see plenty of attractive guys without prominent jaw or cheek bones, i think symmetry, eyebrows do a lot for a guy

>> No.7211958

Gaunt cheekbones are not an attractive trait.

>> No.7211965

This, lighting plays a huge role in it.

>> No.7211966
File: 64 KB, 620x400, 1383082804001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point, methinks

>> No.7211971

Gaunt cheekbones are an attractive trait.

>> No.7211977

... but he does have good cheekbones and a jawline
it's just not exaggerated like a model

>> No.7211991

okay then, I see what you're getting at

>> No.7212224
File: 50 KB, 480x640, imfatsadface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i into slimming my face? :/

>> No.7212228

Try not being 12

>> No.7212231


>> No.7212256

Nigga u in 8th grade

>> No.7212259


>> No.7212270

by sucking dick (mine)

>> No.7212300

MODS x 10^10

>> No.7212318
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, whymustibother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now answer me faggots

>> No.7212334

Cut your jugular open, all of the fat will drain out. Scars typically heal in 4-6 weeks.

>> No.7212367

>people born in 95 can use this site
holy fuck

but yeah you can't slim your face without losing weight, you should feel stupid for asking

>> No.7212431

What if extremely thin but my face is fat? Fucking hate it.

>> No.7212524

Oh shit, nigga, we're the same age.

>> No.7212536


>125 lbs still feel like my face is chubby
>5"10 now
however, my face looks fine in the mirror... but whenever i take it photo it looks much fatter.

we share the same birthday, or?

>> No.7212550

You're 4 days younger than me

>> No.7212572
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, laughingchickens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toplel that haircut.
Think we need a new minimum age of 21.

>> No.7212568


>> No.7212576

Get a shorter hair cut.

>> No.7212618

You're silly and should feel silly

>> No.7212642

I looked much worse with shorter hair

>> No.7212659

With a shotgun

>> No.7212691

>People find that attractive
His eyebrows are ugly as shit and he looks like a fucking insect. I could break his damn spine with my thumb.

>> No.7212707

u jelly

>> No.7212706

that's johnny depp m8

>> No.7212827

try drinking lots of water and eating healthy food

>> No.7212902

Thankyou, as of one week ago I've actually started drinking nothing but water

>> No.7212984

that guy is sucking his cheeks in. even under bright lighting cheekbones do not look like that

>> No.7213033

that's the way to go

>> No.7213244

He's not sucking his cheeks in, he's clenching his jaw

>> No.7213269

you guys are just as bad as the fat acceptance whales

>b-b-but muh naturally cheek curves
>b-b-but nobody looks like that in real life

step up losers

>> No.7213292

Dunno if guys do it, but women usually contour their faces with makeup for huge cheek bones.

>> No.7215184

r u a qt gril

>> No.7215212

pls be gay

>> No.7215321

The people still look like shit after.
Looks like it barely makes a difference.

>> No.7215399

not the same guy, you're into /fa/ faggot. Means a hell lot of people here has "kind of" androgynous haircuts (side cut also counts, don't start that "hurr durr its old skool 1920 style" bullshit).

Also means you're a fucking dirtbag, and a ton of people here have horrible taste, means 99% of chance you have shit taste in clothing.

Means stfu and go die in a hole.
>inb4 "u got same hairkut leeeel"
Not at all, got really short hair
>inb4 "emo/scene etc butthurt"
Nope, just mad at people who think they are different in some way from guys like this just because they have a douchebaggy haircut.

>> No.7215479
File: 41 KB, 650x488, 826138-1_ll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheekbone game too good

>> No.7215490


i hope you're gay

>> No.7215495
File: 144 KB, 484x646, mehmehmeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay

> i think i look better in mirror pics 2 much distortion in many photos

>> No.7215498

refer to

>> No.7215509

they are all sucking in their cheeks

>> No.7215586

holy fuck what the fuck

cut your fucking hair

>> No.7215598
File: 2.58 MB, 522x291, FUCK THIS THREAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7215611

This site is 18+
Come back in 9 years

>> No.7215619

intense vomit
stop tripping

>> No.7215627


>> No.7215663
File: 23 KB, 720x540, 1383073005952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off this site while you're at it

thank you, signed the rest of 4chan

>> No.7215686
File: 28 KB, 403x293, 1376850550280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to playing lol or whatever it is you do you prepubescent fifth grader


>> No.7215689

>these are the people on /fa/

>> No.7215785
File: 43 KB, 720x540, 1384022480308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]