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7183720 No.7183720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can you have clear skin? what creams or products do you guys use to have great flawless skin? I have a few acne scarring and my facial skin is not bad looking but far from perfect, it needs to be better.

>> No.7183803


>> No.7183882

bumping also curious to know

>> No.7183914


>> No.7183943

I use a basic cleanser, toner, moisturizer combo. These products are all purchased at Kiehl's.

When I shave I use a safety razor and a badger hair brush. After I shave I use Baxter of California after-shave cream and then put a protective moisturizer on top of my skin. Since switching from a shitty Gillet razor to a safety razor I've had a dramatic reduction in razor burn and bleeding.

Skin is looking healthy and I get occasional compliments. God speed!

>> No.7183964

best thing to do is eat well and drink a shit load of water

>> No.7184268

i heard using aloe cream on your face also works well too OP, check it out.

>> No.7184276

I noticed that safety razor makes my skin even worse than Gillette Mach 3 or anything else.

>> No.7184286

acne.org moisturizer + acne.org jojoba oil

diluted tea tree oil is coo too

>> No.7184310


>> No.7184321

You'll think im trolling but I pat apple cider vinegar into my skin after washing with an abrasive cloth at night. It stings but works like a charm. Google it

>> No.7184338


Prep your face better before shaving:


>> No.7184351

I live in the American Gardens building on 21'st street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I am 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself. In a balanced diet. And a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy, I will put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a Honey Almond body scrub. Then on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an Herb Mint facial mask, that I leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol. Because alcohol dries your face out. And makes you look older. Then moisturizer. Then an anti-aging eye bon. Finalized by a moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze. And when we hand shake you can even feel flesh gripping yours and may be you can sense our lifestyles can be comparable. I simply am not there.

>> No.7184382

Hey guys, I noticed when scratching my back in the shower I pulled some dead skin. Rather than scratch every inch of my back by hand (which I can't really even do), what can I do? I already use a loofah, and a normal body wash.. anything I can do?

>> No.7184414


>> No.7184423

Just a question, is their a way to make sunscreen non oily? I've never worn it for that reason

>> No.7184495

I have heard that egg is a good solution for acne

>> No.7184518

the proteins probably help

>> No.7184557

stop putting tea tree oil on your face

no fragranced oils either

stop putting crap on your face
change pillowcase every 2 days

don't fall for some marketing ploy

>> No.7184560


>> No.7184602
File: 99 KB, 703x1675, neutrogena_opt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use this shit

>> No.7184607

the mayo-mineral oil face mask stuff does wonders for dry, flaky winter skin

>> No.7184620
File: 120 KB, 1496x1114, Photofacial2before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy
everyone should be wearing sunscreen everyday if they dont want their skin to look like shit when they're 40.

>> No.7184700
File: 869 KB, 2136x3216, post-19430-0-08258400-1349293307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you use an actual loofah, or do you use the kind made of plastic mesh? get the latter if you don't have it already
when you have that, get an exfoliating scrub with a very coarse texture
make sure it says "body" instead of "face" on it because a facial scrub may be too gentle to properly exfoliate your back

shiseido has some great sunscreens that are dry enough to put a few full coats on one's face


i also have to put in a good word for >>7184602
it's not my favorite, but it's decent for the price and availability

>> No.7184762

this is how you will feel if you take accutane btw
i watched this movie biweekly and wanted to die for 6 months
i lost pretty much most of what i felt was my personality and i havent recovered very well either

skins still clear, been off for a whole year and no more than 1 pimple at a time which usually fades in 2 days

in case anybody was thinking about going on it

>> No.7185006

My skin goes a little shit in the winter, however in the summer it's flawless. I used to have it pretty bad and all i did was..

>Wash face mornings/night.
>Dont touch face.
>Lay towel on pillow case (i dont anymore)
>Seriously don't touch face.
>Only shave with the grain, not against.
>Oh i guess water helped a little?

No fancy products, except a little no scent, natural moisturiser when skin feels dry.

>> No.7185068

you could try birth control if you're a girl

or get your hormone levels checked out

>> No.7185304

i heard of usuing aloe vera works great, does it really?

>> No.7185456 [DELETED] 

How is it different in the summer and the winter?

Does temp and humidity affect Acne? cause if it does I'm willing to move to another country

>> No.7185486

How is it different in the summer and the winter?

Does temp and humidity affect Acne? cause if it does I'm willing to move to another country

>> No.7185592
File: 80 KB, 717x458, faskin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7185623

can flipping the pillow count as two nights with a clean case? I don't have that many pillow cases...

>> No.7185641

You can use a clean t shirt, I would be tentative to say you can flip them, probably not optimal but still far better than changing them every 4 days to a week (or however often you change them).

May baby skin be with you brother

>> No.7185737

>mfw i havent changed my sheets since july when me and my ex broke up
>mfw i had her period stains on my bed for like 2 months prior to this as well

smooth acne free skin here

>> No.7185760

How well does changing yr pillow case 3-4 times a week really help? Anyone have experiences?

>> No.7185769

it is the easiest way to get better skin, while you sleep you dirty your pillow case with your hair and face, and then you sleep in it the next day.

Change that shit

>> No.7185775

I think I might just go out and buy 10 pillow cases.

>> No.7185780

you're fucking pathetic

>> No.7185788

Depends how often you do your laundry, I have 7 pillow cases because I used to do my laundry once a week, now I do my laundry every 3-4 days so I have a couple of extras.

Changing your sheets does wonders as well, not only does it feel great to sleep in but also if you cover yourself with blankets/duvet or bury your face in them, you would want them to be clean too.

>> No.7185806

I like to have 2 pillows on my bed, I roll around a lot when I sleep.

>> No.7185828

i have teenager acne, i also have proactiv, wat do

>> No.7185935
File: 61 KB, 296x500, duac-gel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Get it.

>> No.7185957
File: 153 KB, 500x285, lagerfieldandvalentino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much acne, maybe a zit or two sometimes but I'm kind of fair and my face gets kind of red, especially around my nose.

What do?

>> No.7186280

>OP asking to clear acne scarring
>people suggesting acne medication
come on guys, he obviosuly needs something for skin scars nothing else.

>> No.7187393

what about nose blackheads? any tips?

>> No.7187413


>> No.7187440

>what creams or products do you guys use to have great flawless skin?

accutane, buy it online you retard.
creams are shit.

acne is something genetic/biological/internal/dietary.

putting cream on acne will only help a small percentage, it won't get you clear unless your acne is 1 or 2 zits.

>> No.7187450

what's so great about it?

>> No.7187451


>> No.7187458

ceravae > cetaphil

>> No.7187487

Man I have 4, I place two under my arms, one under my back and one under my head.

>> No.7187495

+1 to this, got some around my chin and it's an eyesore on average how long does it take for the red marks left after the zits to go?

>> No.7187579

>not having a pillow between your legs

>> No.7187605

ive had about five pimples my entire life, and i dont use any kind of cream or product. i DO do a lot of sport and eat a healthy diet, however i'd say most of it just boils down to genetics. none of my siblings have any pimples either, and they are very unhealthy.

>> No.7187624

If you're a lazy fuck op, do what I do:
honey and coconut oil.

At first, your acne will get really fucking bad for like 2-3 days. Then, coconut oil will do it's work prevent acne and the honey will heal acne scarring, as well as preventing future acne.

Remember to apply the 2 topicals after showering or intensely washing your face with warm/hot water. Apply coconut oil liberally and spot honey on acne scarred areas, you're pretty much good to go op.

>> No.7187630

not same anon,but , don't touch your fucking face, and change your pillow covers every 1-2 days, alternatively, lay down a towel on your pillow.

btw coconut oil is really good for your hair too

>> No.7187657

But I put a blanket between my legs. I also seperate my toes since I have Metatarsalgia

>> No.7187663

I mean tailors bunion

>> No.7187855

where do you get coconut oil? I can't find it anywhere ._.

>> No.7187892

>Buy coconuts
>Extract oil

>> No.7188438

no. its the sun

>> No.7188603

Also interested.. white / 22 / M here.

I always have taken great care of my skin, I get the occasional spot but not often.

I use all sensitive, non comedogenic products for shaving and washing, (Foam, shower gel, after balm), E45 moisturizer and a clean & clear blemish free moisturizer. I don't really get much facial hair anyway and I'm fair haired / skinned.

Even after all this my skin still looks kinda rough, I was wondering if there is some special moisturizer or face wash which gives that really clear, smooth look. Or maybe some step I'm missing in my routine.

>> No.7188945

how to get rid of acne scars?

>> No.7189107

Maybe look into bb cream

>> No.7189222


>> No.7189625

why did you want to die?
could you be more specific
did accutane cause depression? did accutane cause an unhealthy obession with your own image?

>> No.7189636

accutane can fuck you up mentally pretty bad

>> No.7191407

Seconding coconut oil and honey but you can add a little lemon juice as a cleanser too.

Also for any offensively red and large pimples you can crush up inbuprofen (ie Advil) and apply that directly to the face. If it's sugar coated soak off the coating in a little warm water, you may have to soak the tablet for a minute before you can crush it.

>> No.7191412


i've taken accutane twice, around 6 months the first time and maybe 3 the second. no side effects whatsoever besides really chapped lips/dry skin.

>> No.7191560

I use this:
this twice a week or so:
and then this after I shave:

I've never really had bad skin, and mine's not perfect since I'm still 19, but it's fairly clear and getting better as I get older.
I don't even drink a shit ton of water or anything.

>> No.7191747

Changing my pillowcase every 2/3 days is what I started doing a while back. I can't be sure that that is only what's helping, but it does seem to contribute to getting less zits etc.

>> No.7192244

Anybody with cystic acne able to get rid of their's? I think I'm just going to go for accutane at this point. My face is getting clear but I keep getting cysts that won't completely go away and my back has them too. Fuckers hurt like hell.

>> No.7192916

anyone answered this?

>> No.7192940


>> No.7193013

use aha or bha to chemically exfoliate

>> No.7193633

My brothers friend did something for his acne once, and he had really badly dry lips, it was worth it though

>> No.7193644

I just went to a dermatologist appointment yesterday, got a shampoo and lotion I need to use, got another checkup in two weeks.

hope itll work

>> No.7195448
File: 12 KB, 402x264, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I remove my ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.7197441
File: 75 KB, 468x456, 1378263819317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy here