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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 285 KB, 1513x1372, 1223876318066oa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7162681 No.7162681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill, come argue about no poo or whatever.

Getting a haircut today, how do I ask for a HY?

>> No.7162686

Just show a picture. Christ, is it really that difficult?

>> No.7162699

I've never seen anyone show a picture in a barbers, it would feel weird I guess

>> No.7162703

seriously, just print out the exact pic you just posted.

i've used literally the same picture when i got an HY over 3 years ago.

>> No.7162701

Don't get a HY
They look shit unless they're on a model with carefully chosen angles and lighting.

>> No.7162714

There's like 10 different cuts on that pic

>> No.7162718

yea so you say:
"something between this, and this. this is too short, but this is too long"

>> No.7162723
File: 2.46 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_1307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this /fa/? Havent used it yet

>> No.7162728

Guys, I'm sick of my shit tier hair, it gets greasy in like 10 hours after showering and I get dandruff sometimes. I wash and rinse it right with anti dandruff shampoo to no avail. I probably fucked my hair up by washing way too often as a young teen, like at least 2 times a day. I have been considering no poo for a while now but I'm scared of a) going out of the house with super greasy and disgusting hair in the first few days/weeks and b) no poo not working. Could anyone please give me some advice on how to approach this and give general advice regarding no poo? Any pics of no poo hair?

>> No.7162792

Ease into it, when you don't have to go out for a couple of days just let it be greasy. Less poo helps as well, I've been washing mine like once a week and it doesn't get greasy nearly as quickly as before. Gradually go longer and longer without pooing

>> No.7162813

Thanks, that sounds reasonable, but I got classes 5 days for weeks and I don't want to stay at home on weekends really. After some research on oily/greasy hair I just ordered some polish shampoo that is getting rave reviews by fellow sufferers. If I can keep my hair grease free for more than 2 days I'll be able to ease into no poo more easily.

>> No.7162822

well at least you have a life

>> No.7162823
File: 2.21 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20131029_02920131030002233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i shave the sides some more?

>> No.7162837


looks good b
going shorter is up to u

i do a 1 to 1.5 fade on the sides for mine

>> No.7163112
File: 75 KB, 500x648, punk-hairstyles-vip-hairstyles-500x648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got advice for a chubby lady as far as haircuts go? Looking for something new, pretty sick of this generic shit I have right now. Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm fat, I should be ashamed, go to /fit/, eat my fucking twat you useless shits, it's not my fucking fault you don't get laid. Anyways, I don't have a very good fashion sense. I feel like other women just kind of naturally get it and I'm just defective or something, so I don't even know what kind of haircut would work for me. Bit chubby, round/oval face (somewhere in between), hoping for something short like the picture provided but with maybe a shaved portion on the right side because I like that kind of shit? Idk. Does that work with someone like me? If it helps, I'm seriously not all that fat, I'm usually about a size 16

>> No.7163136

HY = Undercut

>> No.7163137
File: 25 KB, 624x352, Episode 7 - Business Trip.mkv_snapshot_01.51_[2011.06.27_07.28.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>size 16
>not that fat

Anyway, I would advise that you keep your hair on the conservative side to avoid that stereotypical "adipositive/pseudo-Rockabilly/tattoo-ridden/Tumblr feminist" fat girl look that exemplifies the need to take "charge" of their bodies in every way except for the meaningful ones (aka eating right and exercising).

>> No.7163145

I play bass in a fucking death metal band lol I don't really give a shit about coming off whatever such way, I just don't want to see my stupid pudgy face framed with a shit haircut and regret it

>> No.7163161


>> No.7163187

Oh, piss off you fucking hipster shit. Blow your fucking fedora out your ass; I'm sure all the black cocks you take have left you with a nice wide orifice

>> No.7163195
File: 21 KB, 960x519, 960x595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who act this way in real life right now

>> No.7163202
File: 90 KB, 509x632, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what to do
I have a super long face (hence the fringe)
But the fringe got out of control and turned into some shitty scene kid thing
man bun has been suggested

>> No.7163210

Insecure faggot.

>> No.7163215

shave the gross beard or get a better one
this is going to sound stupid af but i think manbuns work better on asian ppl but u try anyway, otherwise just go HY, what u have now is terrible

>> No.7163217
File: 1.41 MB, 2346x1399, sammy boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i know you from school


>> No.7163218

Well, just the fact that I asked a simple question in the vein of a topic this board is supposed to be about and all I get is insults. I knew I probably should avoid this sweaty armpit of the internet but I was hoping to get fast advice on hair instead of bothering to sign up for some forum. And all my friends are guys who definitely have no fashion sense so I can't really ask them. So, yeah, it's more than a little irritating

>> No.7163223

>recommending HY
>recommending something that makes his head appear taller
>being wrong
pick three

>> No.7163224

Well, the beard doesn't help. It's both disheveled, a bit too grunge for not being a founding member of Nirvana, but otherwise I advise looking for some actors that look a bit like you and see if you like any of their haircuts. If so, you can try something kinda like it

>> No.7163225

I know it's terrible, but I've never known what to get b/c shit face shape
HY won't work due to face shape
And yeah, manbuns do look best on asians, I agree.

>> No.7163227

much better than the shit he has now tho

>> No.7163232

just try a manbun anyway

>> No.7163230

Do we speak?

>> No.7163237

It'd be limiting though. Why not go to something that suits me rather than an /fa/ standard?

>> No.7163234

ur first post had an insult in it u fat cunt

and then all ur subsequent posts had insults too

>> No.7163241

Yeah, aimed at the shithead trolls that I knew would take time out of their day to be an ass for no fucking reason. I hoped to shut them down before they even started but there's just no fucking winning here is there?

>> No.7163249

that's because they're fucking casuals

>> No.7163246

go away

>> No.7163253

Nah, I'm going to stick around until someone here with the right amount of chromosomes feels like not being a fucker and just answers my original question. That's all I fucking needed, this unnecessary bullshit isn't on me. So make this easy or keep bitching, I have all fucking day

>> No.7163255

holy shit you must be fun at parties

>"dude how cool is that we have a real monster playing our bass"

forget your weight, you sound like a terrible person and should just kill yourself

>> No.7163257

your face shape is not that bad
seriously, hiding it is worse

>> No.7163258

Oh no, that really hurt my little feelings! Did you take this whole fucking time to think of that? Lol this is starting to be really fun

>> No.7163260

pls respond
so intrigued

>> No.7163261

wtf are u 15, also why are u so mad u are annoying no one is goinn to help u

>> No.7163264

thanks, I finally got some good criticism
recommend a style?

>> No.7163265


get a topknot theyre sick af (actually idk top-knots are sick tho)

>> No.7163269


Post pics you fat edgy feminist fuck

>> No.7163274

Fucking Christ, look at the five year old talking down on me. Did you learn to spell by reading graffiti in a fucking crackhouse or have you been punched in the face more than Sylvester Stallone? Do your parents realize you're on 4chan when you should be at school? Lol you're right though. This site is fucking worthless. I'm going to go get drunk

>> No.7163280

You're really embarrassing, no one is going to help you here if you're going to be an unnesairly defensive bitch

>> No.7163281


>> No.7163283

>getting this mad

>> No.7163288
File: 1.84 MB, 2080x1243, daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think we shared a class last year

>> No.7163290

>tfw, bait or not, people like this is why I'm a closeted metal fan

>> No.7163296

god damn i'm so curious now
shoot me a message or s/t because it'll play on my mind if I never find out
What's the initial of my first name?

>> No.7163299


>> No.7163305
File: 93 KB, 640x480, Begentle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, getting a haircut tomorrow, thinking about getting it cut and having it gelled back, defs gonna get the sides shaved and everything.

>> No.7163309

what are your stats m8

>> No.7163312

Nope, sorry
Must have the wrong guy
suburb in which you go to school?

>> No.7163318



>> No.7163319

damn you look attractive

>> No.7163324



>> No.7163329

are you taken?

>> No.7163341



>> No.7163344

will you be my bf?

>> No.7163347


Are you a man?

>> No.7163349

Was there any doubt?


>> No.7163357


I have hope, that's a no then.

>> No.7163359
File: 10 KB, 296x376, 1376692821832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having bangs

>> No.7163409
File: 398 KB, 1686x1126, IMG_2312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is awfully boring because i just buzz it myself after it gets uncomfortably long and i repeat this process again and again, i'm going to get a haircut soon and i'm not sure what i want, i don't think my hair is long enough on top to make for a HY.

>> No.7163432


Not that i would get a HY, i too think my face is too long for that, but i would like to leave more on the top though, my hairline has always been quite high, so i want the hair to fall on my forehead a bit at least.

>> No.7163484

ur hair is thinning bro

>> No.7163499
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 516406204_5dc14cb297_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, always been thin, in unfavorable lighting i look like pic related

>> No.7163511

pls response

>> No.7163509

no rly look at the sides

>> No.7163531
File: 25 KB, 303x384, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not everyone has hairline like pic related, but well, whatever keeps this thread up.

>> No.7163534


Whatever helps you sleep at night..

>> No.7163545
File: 118 KB, 700x700, 1382080776737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an unfortunate meeting with the clippers at the start of uni. Is there anything that makes hair grow back faster.

>> No.7163564

In that case go for a curly mop or something like your pic with some bleached white streaks.

The shaving thing is overdone, just go short.

>> No.7163568

>not taking gay black cock

Are you even trying you sket?

>> No.7163573

Ziggy mullet

>> No.7163595

does a manbun need any upkeep to keep it looking good?

>> No.7163604

drinking a couple litres of water a day
>implying im joking
Do it mang. In addition to to faster hair growth you may experience cleaner skin, faster nail growth and overall wellness.

>> No.7163611

wow you have shit genetics

>> No.7163617
File: 198 KB, 500x722, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for something kind of like this. Would something like this work on a mostly white guy? I feel like my face is too wide for a lot of haircuts with short sides. Also, where do you guys go to get haircuts? If I want something good should I go to a nice salon or is the cheapest place usually ok?

>> No.7163641


no dude
it won't work

>> No.7163657
File: 150 KB, 1281x1619, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont normally come over here I usually stick to /b/ and /vg/, but im going for a haircut in about an hour or so and I have no idea how to have it, I've pretty much always had it medium-long and I was wondering what you guys thought would suite me best. These are the most recent pictures, my hair is really thick like these pictures are just how it looks flattened

>> No.7163682

short sides long top and consider modeling if you're 6'1"-6'3"

>> No.7163679


>> No.7163696

Jaw of the gods

>> No.7163698

you're very good looking but your current haircut really holds you back

>> No.7163734

that stupid fuckin hair. you're attractive but that stupid fuckin hair.

>> No.7163749


Someone say something about what i could get pls

>> No.7163756

just stop

>> No.7163795
File: 100 KB, 643x463, ss (2013-10-30 at 12.45.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need haircut suggestions please.

>> No.7163807

Stop what?

what did you even come here for, you faggot? you'd look really fucking good if you got rid of the piece of shit scene kid bieberfro that you've got going

suck it up and shave the back + sides

>> No.7163830


>> No.7163834

short back and sides you daft cunt.

>> No.7163842

Ok thank you both.

>> No.7163972

that wasnt me, just came back from the hairdressers will update as soon as I get a chance

>> No.7164020 [DELETED] 
File: 1007 KB, 1884x1884, Hitler Youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what kind of a HY you want. Some cut the backs, some don't. What kind do you want? How are you going to style it?

>> No.7164027

Looks like shit, kill your barber

>> No.7164059

not everyone can appreciate art

>> No.7164074

HM sellsperson/10

>> No.7164075

It's just badly cut breh

>> No.7164076

Take that back, you miserable little cunt

>> No.7164083

You mean >>>/hm/?

>> No.7164089

hehehe still funny ^^
are you saying i should be a pornstar

>> No.7164101

m8 u forgot ur red chinos

>> No.7164119 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1481x779, ss (2013-09-09 at 08.18.14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too pale for red chinos

>> No.7164138

I'd think you were a fag if I saw you

>> No.7164139

m8 u forgot ur topman rihanna shrit

>> No.7164176

Go for the full john connor.

>> No.7164181


success breeds jealously

>> No.7164236 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 409x713, im actually an adult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre affecting my self-esteem
thanks man

>> No.7164241


dont let them get to you man

ur really good looking, they are just trying to bring you down to their level

>> No.7164256

what success tho lol

>> No.7164288 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 421x614, the-chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all right.
ive once or twice seen my pictures posted by people saying "i want something like this, blabla". but then again, what a few people on /fa/ want isnt exactly what the majority wants.

but its can be useful to hear what people come up with when they try to insult you, because it can help you revalue own preferences if you manage to see where theyre comin from. dont you think?

for one thing, ill probably look look 20 when im 65
thats gotta classify as some kind of genetic advantage

>> No.7164292

not if you keep wrinking your forehead like that idiot

>> No.7164301

I'm not talking about his face. I'm talking about his expressions and clothing.

>> No.7164315

you look swedish

>> No.7164330
File: 1.80 MB, 200x200, 1351951800576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Masking yourself with a facial expression can sometimes be a subconscious defensemechanism, that protects the person in question from having to face the reality of any negative critisism by letting him go "well, it's just because of that face. I don't actually look like that so what they're saying about me looking bad doesn't really apply!".

youre literally making me psychoanalyze myself right now
this will lead to lifechanging things if you continue

jovars fan klart man e svensk, you caught me

>> No.7164342


>> No.7164349
File: 689 KB, 350x272, 1349032309232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better stop then

>> No.7164360

youre passing up the chance to change the world

>> No.7164371

Förstod väl det!
Det är verkligen sorgligt vad avundsjuka gör med vissa människor, jag personligen tycker att frisyren ser bra ut.

>> No.7164399

Tack igen!

Have you posted your picture in this thread?

>> No.7164409

Na mate, haven't cut my hair in a while.
Looks half lenght retarded.

>> No.7164429
File: 466 KB, 839x584, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead of getting a Hitler Youth, you DON'T get a Hitler Youth.
Every cunt on this board has one.
How about trying to be original, just a thought.

>> No.7164463

you dont understand fashion do you? this isnt a social or personal board, this is a board dedicated to fashion.

fashion is all about following trends, whats in now, etc.
people who care about fashion care about other peoples opinions on their sense of fashion

tl;dr youre telling those specifically here to be inspired by what everyone else looks like to not follow their inspired choices

thats just silly

>> No.7164472

Following a trend is not the same as everyone copying the same fucking thing.

>> No.7164480

I'm thinking of not washing my hair at all for a month to see if it's more effective than simply not 'pooing. I'll wear a shower cap when I wash, comb and brush my hair regularly and wear a beanie while I'm on the street. Any idea what will happen?

>> No.7164483
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, ss (2013-02-02 at 05.06.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it kinda is though if you think about it

just put your frustration to the side, rest your palms against your thighs and think about it for 15-25 seconds before you decide what you should answer

>> No.7164501

No, you're talking about a uniform.
A trend is something to gain inspiration from when creating an outfit, to improvise upon.
There has to be some variation in there otherwise everybody looks the same.

>> No.7164544
File: 1.41 MB, 442x812, selfHytoday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished cutting my hair by my self

Here's the result

>> No.7164553

Look at the OP picture. If you claim all those haircuts to be interchangeably alike, you are not paying enough attention.

>> No.7164561

Well cut, looks good.

>> No.7164573

But those aren't all Hitler Youth, use your eyes.

>> No.7164579

Anyone got tips for frizz/dryness

shit is the worst, it looks so good for a while then it drys up and bam

>> No.7164617

No, but the ones that are are also different compared to each other. Can you not acknowledge that?

>> No.7164627

Okay, since when did I say anything about OP's image?

>> No.7164642

forget it

>> No.7164657

Thought so.

>> No.7164673

i see u talking shit without posting a fit

>> No.7164674

most of those are just short back and sides

>> No.7164689

Yeah thats a HY

>> No.7164700

no, there's a difference

>> No.7164702

Talking shit and calling someone out for being an easily lead automaton are two very different things.
Also, I see you unable to construct a sentence like an adult. This is an over 18 website after all.

>> No.7164721

Wear a cap or beanie

>> No.7164727

Nobody will care, you'll still be edgy metal fatty mcfat

>> No.7164768

I am perfectly capable of constructing a sentence "like an adult".
However, I choose to avoid utilizing that capability when posting on 4chan, since it typically distracts and confuses more than anything else.

>> No.7164858

Is your name keiron you fuckin meltybrain?
St Paul's massive?

>> No.7164860

I think i am starting to lose my hair, I got a big bald spot over my temple now and it just feels uneven and shitty every were since the last time i cut it
thinking about shaving off my sides and back because for some reason it seems like that is all that is affected.
I have curly half black hair though I dont know how to go about doing this, all the pictures you guys post always have straight hair or is on a model
I'm just a normal looking guy with curly hair with an embarrassing bald spot spot i want to cover for
any tips or pics would be appreciated

>> No.7164875

Seeing people use correct sentence structure gives me a boner. As you were mate.

>> No.7164977

help? was going to try and sneak in haircut today but I dont want to go late

>> No.7164999


>tfw /b/ kiddies have a better jaw-line than you

Gods pls... Why do all the rejects have to have such beautiful features.

>> No.7165067


>> No.7165116

literally sick

>> No.7165258
File: 66 KB, 720x885, jeofslgkvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use and would appreciate hairstyle advice. Ought to be going to the barber soon.

Currently my hair is very long so it can go either way.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.7165264

shave the pubes off your chin

>> No.7165300

it's called a fucking undercut

>> No.7165323


>> No.7165333

shave immediately

>> No.7165339
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the fringe a bit, have it end at your ear or something. Something like this.

>> No.7165412

wtf I show pictures every time cause most barbers prefer it.
Grow a pair bitch.

>> No.7165427

Nah, leave it.

>> No.7165433

>If you think you're fat, you're fat

It doesn't even matter what haircut you get. You can not be aesthetic until you address that problem. There is no other way and no shortcut.

Lose weight.

>> No.7165441

Why the fuck...

He has a tall face. Why would you recommend a HY? That would just make his face look like a banana.

>Is not knowing anything about aesthetics /fa/?

>> No.7165446

Fringe looks a little long/heavy. Have it trimmed and ask them to take a few layers off of it.

You definitely need to take it much shorter on the sides to show off your jaw a little more.

GL m8

>> No.7165452

Wow you are fucked.

>short hair would show off your ugly ears
>long hair would look bad because you have shit hair genetics

>> No.7165468
File: 178 KB, 257x542, 1382565856699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls post more good HY pics, I need something to show my barber so they don't fuck up

>> No.7165480

>so they don't fuck up

Honestly if it looks like shit it's gonna look like shit because of your facial aesthetics, not because they fucked it up.

The only people who should be wearing Hitler Youths are the people who would look good no matter what haircut they have.

>> No.7165486

then what are some good cuts? The only fucking thing I see people post or ask about are HYs.

>> No.7165498 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 1644x1848, 545434332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what do to with my hair, so i wear a cap when outside

wat do

>> No.7165518

>bangs look like shit always, always fall horridly on my face
>put hair up and it just elongates my already long face and shows off my narrow temples

kill me

>> No.7165536

short back and sides
x length on top
really doesn't matter

>> No.7165549

That's basically just a HY then, right? Isn't a HY just shaved down to a one for the sides and back, but still kept long on the top?

>> No.7165606


Are you that evil rollerblader from Brink?

>> No.7165621

nah, show pic

>> No.7165623

join team xbladez and call everyone a pansy soul skater

and casually drop racist comment on disney movies

>telling gabriella to go back to mexico

>> No.7165653
File: 444 KB, 640x426, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /fa/ i posted in yesterday's hair general and i really want to get a new cut but I'm not sure what would look good on me
HY is out of the question considering how stupid it would look with my facial features
help me /fa/

>> No.7165694

lol really? I do it, why worry about it. It's their job to do it right and I'm helping them make me happy which in turn makes me tip more. It's a mutualistic relationship

>> No.7165727
File: 33 KB, 640x480, whybothercoveringeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /fa/. Going to go for a cut in 2 days, just looking for some suggestions. I'm going short on sides and back of course but what should I do with the front??

>> No.7165733

i guess mullet would look cool

>> No.7165736

oh btw i got the parka in the mail today and i kinda hate it its really thin like a windbreaker and its kinda short im gonna burn it

>> No.7165870

just let it grow more. It will look the same to everyone else that doesn't care anyways if you cut it shorter.

>> No.7165946

Fair enough, I just hate it but I can deal

>> No.7166106
File: 429 KB, 956x2428, new haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first haircut in months today. how'd I do?

>> No.7166110

You need texture so bad

>> No.7166137 [DELETED] 

What can I do to get texture?

>> No.7166146

Should I use a wax in my hair to add texture?

>> No.7166160

No you should honestly use shampoo every 3 days max. Honestly

>> No.7166183

I'm starting no poo. I don't use shampoo more often than once every other day, and only a tiny bit. My barber shampooed and conditioned my hair because I'm too much of a fuccboi to tell him not too

>> No.7166176


>> No.7166203

le thin hair chin man?

>> No.7166212

I don't know what you mean

>> No.7166227

>le thin hair chin man

>> No.7166290

Oh god, no that's not me

>> No.7166501

tfw grill told me straight up my hair was thinning today. How do I get it back fay I'm only 25 ;_;?

>> No.7166522
File: 63 KB, 480x480, 1378961876470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greasy(ish) roots and extremely dry ends. Do I scrub harder, wash longer. Or do I scrub less and wash shorter? Pls respond. (Water only by the way. I'm two weeks into my transition period after baking soda and acv rinses)

>> No.7168507

Why do you have foreskin on your shoulders?
Hair looks pretty good, though.

>> No.7168977
File: 71 KB, 427x594, Charlie+Day+Short+Hairstyles+Short+Straight+9kH5lsj-M2il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no god-tier charlie day hair

>> No.7169039
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, 20131025_061611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7169160
File: 11 KB, 283x200, ahitler2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard can it be to just ask for a hitleryouth haircut? Also why is it so difficult to just buy a pair of clippers and cut your hair yourself jezus

>> No.7169168
File: 260 KB, 638x772, id.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get your autograph?

>> No.7169362

get pink contacts and pretend you're albino.

>> No.7169439
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x2560, baldspottt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bald spot over my temple, it sucks and is making me depressed

going for a haircut finally tomorrow and i have to come to terms with it, decided i am going to shave the sides and back like an HY

but I have curly black hair, i have googled and googled and cant find anyone who looks like me that has the haircut

I just want something to bring in to the barber to show him anyone got something or advise, maybe i should go with a different style

pic very related, making me want to kill myself and i havent gone out in 2-3 months because of it

>> No.7169448

r u fucking naked?

>> No.7169500

wow that fucking sucks

This is what I'm looking to bring to my barber soon, I also have curly black hair but the shorter it is the wavier/straighter it stays.( bit like this right now but not as curly : http://i.imgur.com/fTS6Ph.jpg))

taking these: http://i.imgur.com/WCSzx.jpg


Showing the second one because the hair near my temples aren't long at all, but I need it to hide a bit of a receding hairline at the temples.

>> No.7169511

Why so faggy tho

>> No.7169702

any with the sides completely shaven

>> No.7169822
File: 78 KB, 1280x960, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time here, i usually just visit /fit/

what hair cut should i get?

>> No.7169916 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 888x1104, 2013-10-31 20-35-29.962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any ideas have quite a high hairline and a weak chin

>> No.7169928

Probably one that distracts others from that giant black growth on your face

>> No.7169969

What the fuck I am supposed to do with curly hair?

Light brown hair, pale as fuck and a squarisch face with broad jaw.

>> No.7169995



>> No.7170003

if you have the right facial structure (like the guys in OP's pic) you could literally sport any haircut. its silly to limit yourself to ones that /fa/ beleive.

if you're a normal person you should probably stay away from HYs

>> No.7170007

Buzzcut m8.

>> No.7170023
File: 625 KB, 900x1217, 1383093869938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related difficult to pull off? Will it look weird from behind?
I want to cut it myself. Any tips?

>> No.7170024

;_; I don't wanna look like someone that has cancer or a chav

>> No.7170048


>> No.7170054

>Is pic related difficult to pull off?

>Will it look weird from behind?

>I want to cut it myself. Any tips?
never cut your own hair

>> No.7170064


>> No.7170081

Damn he looks worn out on this pic ;_;
still qt though

>> No.7170088

You'll either look like a skinhead if you're skinny, or a militaryfag if you're slightly muscled up.

>> No.7170120

Neither of those would really fit my style, occupation, education and personality.

>> No.7170135
File: 458 KB, 250x289, guuurl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then rock those curls m88

>> No.7170144

Yeah but I wonder what style would be /fa/.

Full on afro looks shiite

>> No.7170159

Keep it short then, I mean, it all comes down to how curly your hair is. If it's full on, legit, master jew curls, there's not much to do. If you were a qt black chick/tall skinny pimpin black dude, you could go afro. But seeing as you're not, yeah, keep it on the low down homeboi.

>> No.7170167

The lord of a savior betrayed me by giving me this hair ;_;


>> No.7170178
File: 15 KB, 274x290, 1378748933086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! Just rock it, bro.

>> No.7170184
File: 1.73 MB, 295x211, 1382629370411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not even Jewish.

>> No.7170199

Well, I want to get it so I probably will and then I'll regret it.

>> No.7170200
File: 24 KB, 145x103, 1380612064999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you son.
At least you don't have goyim jew nose.

>> No.7170206

What makes you think that?

>> No.7170227

So you're not a jew but you are exactly like a jew?
I feel bad for you son.

>> No.7170230
File: 21 KB, 400x304, schindler's swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys im the anon who posted this photo, im getting a haircut today, and I was thinking of getting hitler youth, think i could pull it off?

>> No.7170244

No I do not have a jew nose but I just wondered what made you think I didn't have one.

>> No.7170252
File: 377 KB, 640x480, 1378871767115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7170267

It fucking sucks man, I know a HY cut would look badass on me but oh well

>> No.7170277
File: 30 KB, 640x480, JfroHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7170281


lil nigga be qt

get yo ass an HY

>> No.7170283

wow, that might actually work.

I would just need something to get my hair to be less frizzy.

>> No.7170294


I don't know what to do with the frizzy hair though. I have absolutely no knowledge on hair products or that sort of maintenance thing.

>> No.7170304

I need to find a good barber in the Baltimore metro area. I have only ever gone to great clips and once or twice to a Bubbles Salon (only because I was with my girlfriend when she was getting some stuff done and I needed a quick trim). I don't want to Yelp this or even google it because Baltimore is filled with so many thugs that just want an edged buzz (white and blacks alike, why don't wiggers see that that style looks fucking horrible on them?) that the reviews could be way off from something I would want.

>> No.7170320

Try semen in your hair for dat der shine.

>> No.7170325

is it possible to have hair like this if it's coarse?

>> No.7170329

Pretty mad no one wants to have sex with you eh?

>> No.7170379

yes, you could. nice jawline. youd just have to keep it textured

>> No.7170376
File: 76 KB, 640x960, hair now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never comb it, i just wake up and go outside. I'd like to shave it on the sides like on OP's picture. What do you think?=

>> No.7170420
File: 36 KB, 720x367, top lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By shave i ment buzz.

this is something i got 3 years ago

>> No.7170426


>> No.7170443

>nazi youth haircut
an hero yourself already

>> No.7170565

kekeke u fukin try hard, kilurself
3/10 ugly fucker.

>> No.7170591
File: 228 KB, 720x1280, oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't washed my hair in about a week.

What do? Shave sides again and keep growing out top?

>> No.7170627



>> No.7170814

if you are actually you, you need to quit with this shit

>> No.7170818


>> No.7170821

your hair is too wide

>> No.7170822

Why do you look so distressed?

>> No.7170835

I will once I get an answer.

>> No.7171284

Please post a fit, your hair is incredible

>> No.7171330

Pls help /fa/, you're all I have

When we say "no poo" does that include Conditioner too?

Is just using Conditioner on its own frowned upon, do you simply rinse/scrub your hair with the water? Freezing-cold, presumably?

>> No.7171373
File: 370 KB, 1024x2296, 1370374567685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys get your hair cut? Would going to a more "Traditional" mens barber be a good idea if I plan on getting a more unorthodox cut? Like a HY I guess..

>> No.7172409

Even when every girl was shaving one side of their head it still looked like shit.
What makes you think it'll look good now that everyone has wised up and moved on?

>> No.7172416

just ask for the macklemore hair

>> No.7172421

You look like the end result of Tilda Swinton trying to terminate her own pregnancy using an egg whisk

>> No.7172429

did u photoshop your jaw bub

>> No.7172431

that would be a shit haircut because of how it comes off regardless of how you feel about it

>> No.7172435
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.7172433

I have too much hair /fa/
it's actually my head height on the top, it's gotta go
it gets kinda wavy when it's short, so I was thinking something like
would it work?

>> No.7172524

a cheese grater for those shitty tats

>> No.7172681
File: 1.79 MB, 3456x2592, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New haircut, what does /fa think?

>> No.7172771

awful, make everything 3mm.

>> No.7172846

People like you actually exist...

>> No.7172861

Your hair is too thin for a hitler youth.

>> No.7172880

this girl I've been seeing said she loves my hair

feels good man

>> No.7172884
File: 171 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mveuzqKVjJ1shnquto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a pic of this hair at a better angle??

>> No.7172885
File: 41 KB, 500x500, caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to try hairstyles, the next one will be more simple. Like in the photo.

>> No.7172894

don't believe the no poo hype. it works for some people, but others will just get greezy.

I worked with a guy that claimed it would get really greasy for about 2 months and then suddenly become glorious. i never witnessed it ... it always just looked like he had a greasy mop.

i can't speak for what you should do, but if i didn't get any suggestions i would just try different poos until I found one i liked. google that shit and experiment. i use burt's bees shampoo, i like it, but i'm not expert

>> No.7172908

Anyone have any experience with Aveda? I bought the Brilliant conditioner and styling cream and I'm not sure if i should be using the latter everday.

>> No.7172922

you are trying way too hard to be funny/clever. if you just acted like a normal person instead of an edgy hardass you would get some more respect.

can't tell if you are serious. if you are you should change everything about yourself including your fat

btw someone already gave you advice so gtfo

>> No.7173062
File: 63 KB, 540x494, ReadyForNuremberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indirectly asked for a Hitler Youth, how did I do?

>> No.7173111

I think I'm gonna shave the sides of my head 'for no shave november' but really just because I want to do it.

Does anyone have some sick undercut pics like this: >>7171373 I've got that same thick curly/wavy hair and want to see if there are some styles I'd be actually able to pull off.

>> No.7173132


>> No.7173143

Should've asked for a hitler youth instead.

>> No.7173147

Looks good.

>> No.7173166

just shave the back and sides completely off

>> No.7173183
File: 36 KB, 361x407, hy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed him this picture, wouldn't shaving off the sides entirely be too drastic?

>> No.7173193

no, that's a hitler youth

>> No.7173198

that's a short back and sides

>> No.7173199


>> No.7173213

>all this disagreement

>> No.7173476
File: 308 KB, 489x418, hair fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my current hair, going top hairdresser's on monday. What do you think I should ask for? Is the current hair okay-ish? I thought about just asking her to make it thinner and a little shorter on the side

>> No.7173483
File: 227 KB, 382x434, hair fa 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another pic

>> No.7174315

what weird is you feel weird showing pic to barber

>> No.7174316
File: 78 KB, 469x700, 1383312352765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fairly thin hair but I want to cop this style so bad. Would thickening mousse/clay/gel/etc help?

>> No.7174352

minus the stache

>> No.7174359

quit being a bitch and buzz your thinning hair

24 year old baldfag reporting in

>> No.7174360

Why does everyone keep recommending HY to everyone?

I cringe whenever I see someone with a round face with a HY it just looks wrong.

Also I think it looks really weird on non white people, just doesn't suit the face.

>> No.7174365

they look like whatever they are

just stop trying to look exactly like cole mohr and it'll look fine
Also, for the thread, I use Dr. Bronner's organic all in one, some thicker pomade and a bit of hairspray

>> No.7174369

get a macklemore haircut bruh

>> No.7174376

he posted a pic of himself on the internet and you didn't

let that sink in

>> No.7174374

That's a great example of a haircut on a really wrong face.

>> No.7174379
File: 170 KB, 500x494, 1303841709227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7174990
File: 94 KB, 581x757, Hy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows my hair?
dat ms paint skill

>> No.7175140

looks kinda lopsided bruh. try slicking back a wee bit

>> No.7175195

ngl tbh u got rekt p hard

>> No.7175217
File: 80 KB, 581x757, 1383353221354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mackelmore/10 u shud feel bad

>yfw ur hair

>> No.7175271

I can probably pull that off.
But what product do you use to get the hair to stay that way?

>> No.7175686

no idea what to do for hair.
I just know i need to cut it

>> No.7176416
File: 510 KB, 1080x1920, SHITFACE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I know my hair is butt, Somebody give me ideas, Images would be best

>> No.7176519

>fat gril with any kind of short hair
>those shitty "punk" hairstyles girls think look good

Why is it that women are always such subhumans?

>> No.7176940

what the fuck you're like 13 years old what are you doing here?