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/fa/ - Fashion

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7166905 No.7166905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I'm /fit/ and my quads are so big that I can't get a pair of 30 pants past my thighs. Instead I have to wear 32's. What does /fa/ suggest I do to counteract this? Am I going to have to go and have the waist of every pair of pants I buy tailored?

>> No.7166912

Maybe try wearing Weird Guys and 501s.

>> No.7166922

That bitch fucking chunli?

>> No.7166927


Is it actually possible for the body to grow this disproportionate?

>> No.7166932

Yes, tailor them. It's going to look like nazi trousers though. You got too big.

>> No.7166930

>Chun li
>not that amazon chick from dragons crown
get out of here

>> No.7166934

What other /fa/ brands make legs like that? I'm just curious because all I see suggested is weird guys, but I'm sure there has to be more than just those.
I usually wear skinny guys though because they look good on me, but I'm just curious.

>> No.7166940

The two simply can't be.

>> No.7166944

lol u just made me look up a hentai game.

>> No.7166967
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>tfw you have no way of contact nick wooster and asking him to teach you how to be /fitfa/

>> No.7167018

shit he does dress very sharply

>> No.7167027


Lose weight.

>> No.7167065


you mean lose pure muscle mass? i'm good. i'm not fucking christian bale dude. i can't just drop 50 lbs of muscle in 3 months

>> No.7167071
File: 55 KB, 500x667, laby_21_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides.
nigga looks #mensware as fuck, autism.

you faggots make this thread everyday.
you rely on 4chan for questions that you forget about google.


>> No.7167087
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>nick wooster

holy fuck, i just remembered why /fa/ is the 2nd most pleb tier board on this website

>> No.7167101
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>> No.7167117

that's queen's blade, dragon's crown is a sidescrolling beat 'em up

>> No.7167119


>> No.7167123


>> No.7167131
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>actually answered OP's question

>> No.7168358


wtf? you're kidding right? Hungry skeletons look shit in everything, you can't look great in any clothes unless you're moderately well built

>> No.7168894


/fa/s style is godawful and inspo threads are cringeworthy from top to bottom

back when there were actual varying opinions rather than a dick ovens angsty malnourished teen circlejerk this place was good

>> No.7168917

Praise the Goose.

>> No.7168921

Do u think they can jump mad high?

>> No.7168926

are you fat

>> No.7168932

Nope. I look better than 90% of this board.

>> No.7168948

I'm about 5-10lbs from abs.

>> No.7168993
File: 266 KB, 580x839, 2013-10-31 09.50.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's your pic. I reckon another month should do it. 182lbs 6'2"

Fox and grapes. You're all skinnyfat and lazy so you complain about getting too muscly for thigh gaps. What happened to ottermode being /fa/s goal?

>> No.7169403

weird guys won't cut it bro. i lift too, but probably not as much as you if you're experiencing those kinds of problems. i'm doing SL5x5 and im at 235 for the squat. my quads aren't huge by any means but my weird guys are feeling tighter every week. fyi my weird guys fit perfectly at the waist, so if i keep getting gains on my squat, i might have to size up like you. i know that feel bro it sucks

>> No.7169410

>wtf? you're kidding right? Muscular blobs look shit in everything, you can't look great in any clothes unless you're moderately skinny

>> No.7169422
File: 532 KB, 1283x669, being -fa- for -fit-izens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP.

I've had this pic floating around for a while, was wondering what /fa/ has to say about it. Good advice?

>> No.7169486
File: 883 KB, 802x523, weirdguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just took these to give you an idea of the fit of my weird guys. im 5'9" 145lb, and jeans are size 29.
note that i AM tensing my quads so they look a lot more jacked than they actually are. i might decrease weight and increase reps on my squat to prevent my quads from getting too bulky. first world problems bro, i know that feel

>> No.7169490

oh god hahahahahahahahaha those proportions

all that hard work for nothing

>> No.7169494
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>> No.7169505

Not really, he just needs to work shoulders more. Lateral raises all day man.

>> No.7169515

i guess you didn't bother reading my post. im only tensing my quads so obviously they will look disproportionate to the rest of my body. i bet you're to embarrassed to post your body, you skinny-fat goof ninja.

>> No.7169519

lmao this nigger jealous

>> No.7169526

Le fox crying faec

>> No.7169554

nice bellyfat

>> No.7169607

Read, nerd.

>> No.7169648

I swear to god your leg opening better be over 7 3/4" or I can promise you you look like a faggot

>> No.7169936

fucking this. you skinny-fat beer-belly disgusting-fags think you look good. otter mode is the ultimate /fa/ body.

>> No.7170492


what do you think happens when you only exercise one side of your body

>> No.7170656

123 get
but u meant kleomklao

>> No.7171413

what happens when you're too skinny for SLP jeans? I'm gonna try to find out

>> No.7171433


time to start skipping leg day :3

>> No.7171438


> might decrease weight and increase reps on my squat to prevent my quads from getting too bulky

Too late

>> No.7171455
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>> No.7173142

id rather look like this than 95% of skinny fats on /fa/

>> No.7173201
File: 70 KB, 720x540, absbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I weigh 10 pounds more than you at the same height and still have abs
I think you should try putting on a little more muscle before you cut, though. Pullups, deadlifts, and squats all tear your core apart, so do those until you have a visible ab outline and THEN cut. You're just a bit too small to be otter yet.

Ever notice that everyone that ever makes fun of bodies posted on /fa/ does it without posting a picture of themselves? 4chan is really just a sour grapes cultivation center

>> No.7173256

I don't see you posting your body either. I've got the same body but at least I know it's not worth posting.

>> No.7173311

how did he do that anyways? fucking, just, not eat 3 months..?

>> No.7173346

/fit/ dude here
I used to browse /fa/ occasionally to try and improve my style, but, by god, truer words have never been said.
Guide to being /fa/ according to /fa/:
> be hungry skeleton
> strange black clothes
> biggest boots

>> No.7173357
File: 622 KB, 1366x2048, Look 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abandon denim
wool is love
wool is life

>> No.7173363

And we we go someone immediately proves my point:

>> No.7173370

yo I've been on /fa/ for ages and the general quality is still better than it was even in '11

I wouldn't say this board was ever even good until the WAYWTs picked up as a regular thing that people actually contributed to as opposed to it being that one thread you see every once in a while that dies a 4 day death.

I'd say WAYWT quality has only taken a downturn over the past few months. Even though you probably weren't impressed by it at the time, WAYWTs were at their best pretty recently. Maybe 4 months ago to the year or two before.

>> No.7173375

>i might decrease weight and increase reps on my squat to prevent my quads from getting too bulky
I thought this increased hypertrophy more than big weights on low reps?

>> No.7173379

enjoy your jeggings

>> No.7173425

How would that help anything? Just squat less frequently yo

>> No.7173448

Where can I find black tweed/wool pants like that?

pls help

>> No.7175766

yeah seriously. where the fuck did you get a routine from

>> No.7176490

Dud you look alright, why comply to fa when most of fa should comply to you?

>> No.7176574
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>> No.7176763


>knowing this feel

Some Jeans have wider thigh openings and are tapered from the knee down such as Levi 508s. I was only squatting about 100kg and my 511s ripped. 508s are much better.

>> No.7177890

the only thing I really disagree with is peacoats, but that's basically a given. otherwise, good advice

>> No.7178024

I also know this feel.

>165 lbs (cutting)

Pants aren't my problem, though. I'm a curlbro for convenience--I do homework instead of lifting on leg days (taking 21 credits and working two jobs). My problem is trying to find shirts that don't look dumb when I have a 31" waist and a 40" chest.