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/fa/ - Fashion

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7137642 No.7137642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did poet died

>> No.7137647

his cancer went into remission

send him your prayers

>> No.7137650

he left because /fa/ was becoming too lame

he kept wanting to talk about interesting fits and space while the rest of /fa/ wanted to talk about vans chucks and asos/topman sales

>> No.7137655


Remission means it went away, stupid fuck.

>> No.7137672

we spoke for quite a bit about it, and decided it would be best if he stopped using the internet altogether.
even though it's been less than a day, he has already been a much more positive person.
i missed that part of him and i'm glad to see it coming back :)

>> No.7137678

None of that happened.

>> No.7137746

yea it did.
he forfeited the game before someone took him out of the frame and put his name to shame.

trust me on this, friend. i live what i've learned.

>> No.7137753
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>> No.7137783

I am right here

>> No.7137786
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fake poet pls go

>> No.7137787

whats a poet

>> No.7137788

This is so pathetic lol I feel bad for you

>> No.7137793

>i wasn't really retarded i just le rused u!!!1

>> No.7137795
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>> No.7137801

No, he literally said /fa/ was too mean.
I watched this guy get angry at someone in a chat once and then spend 30 minutes apologizing for it.
He's bonkers.
He's too old to be here.

>> No.7137808
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Wow, why the fuck did you quote a Linkin Park song
Maximum angstism.

>> No.7137812

he's right though

the niggas on /fa/ are bullies for no reason then in another thread they'll make long-ass posts about their feels and then post a 1/2 page greentext story about how a girl smiled at them on the bus.

afterwards they'll call someone a fuccboi in another thread and continue to shitpost

>> No.7137823

It's an anonymous board there is no way to tell who's posting what. The majority of feel thread post are for laughs.
Or at least I find them funny.
But I witnessed his spergfest first hand and I cant remotely look at him the same he's unstable to say the least.

>> No.7137829

calling a late 30's man out on his bullshit makes us bullies?

poet could have been anon for the entire time, he wanted the attention and he got it whether it was negative or positive.

>> No.7137825

I find feel threads funny too but the people participating them are serious

>tfw /soc/ /r9k/ and /fit/ taking over da board

this place isn't for fashion so much as it is "pls help me improve my life and become effay and dress me in a way that girls will think i'm cute"

>> No.7137833

That's why no one comes here for fashion.
You come here for laughs, occasionally snipe peoples cops, and sometimes I fuck around and buy shit in the buy and sell threads.
But there are a few people who have dope fits in our waywts but if you think this going to be exclusively serious fashion discussion you are in the wrong place this place has never been like that.

>> No.7137836

poet isn't mad because you bullied him, it's because you bullied his gf

>> No.7137853

i thought it was p. weak

he spent ages posting that despite the cruelty of 4chan it was the kind of niche he was looking to inhabit, had done for 6 years or s/t etc etc and would proudly advocate only to double take, upped and left at weak as fuck anon faggatory leaving evry1 disillusioned
[more mental fortitude req]

tbh he use to post really cool shit before he tripped then all of a sudden it became p.lame and a bit narcissistic
narcissism is /fa/ tho so w/e

u can stil contact him ovr email

sage for lame meta thread

>> No.7137859

it's because people were bullying twerk, that's pretty obvious

>> No.7137865

yeah poets posts went way downhill once he started posting pics and acting like a normal trip

i guess the internet fame went to his head even though that's the opposite of what he wanted

>> No.7137868

no timber is his gf, at least that's the word around town

>> No.7137869

that's the stupidest fucking thing i've ever heard lol, there's absolutely no precedent for that whatsoever

>> No.7137876

um hello?
they both live in new york
they're both shitheads
twerk has been bullied forever now
twerk didn't even get bullied in the thread, one anon posted a pic and that's it, twerk wasn't even upset
timber only recently came into the spotlight
poet blew up immediately after people made fun of timbers Picasso face

do u even know how to read the mood

>> No.7137874


timber lives in a secluded village north of france btw

>> No.7137875



wow rich coming from you

you're the most self serving trip on this board. ive never seen you make a single post that didn't exclusively benefit yourself or just shamefully dickride another poster with more knowledge than you (which is often)

I've seen the way you act on unwoven and it makes me laugh. so subservient its almost painful

>> No.7137878

lol her eye really is fucked up tho.

>> No.7137880

can someone link the thread?

>> No.7137883

excuse me? you don't need to tell me stuff I don't care about sweetie, now run a long and play with your jawns

>> No.7137882

im not a misogynist by nature

i dont spend my time posting things if it's not self serving and i certainly dont get paid
although i think i should, my paypal is open to all currencies.

i have like 2 text posts over 4 words on unwoven or s/t
idm presenting admiration for those i respect

u also dont no what a narcistist is

>> No.7137884

Am I a narcistist?

>> No.7137885


never seen

>> No.7137887


neither do you

nor do you know what misogynist means

>> No.7137889

you shouldnt talk

>> No.7137892


tfw equivate misogynist w/ masochist

>> No.7137893

It's a person who studies swimming insects.

>> No.7137895

I puked in a toilet this morning it was coffin nails bruh.
I don't sleep anymore.
Haven't had a entertaining nightmare in ages.
Sometimes i piss walnuts tho bruh.
I'm too busy being unemployed to satisfy my cabbage patch.
I'm bleedin bruh.
This nigga thought my shorts were boxers today.
If these walls could talk they would probably just ask the clock what time it was.
Those walls dont give a fuck about me bruh.
I need someone who cares bruh.

>> No.7137897

Wrong answer little drummer boy.

>> No.7137903


>> No.7137902

post picasso face pl0x

>> No.7137904

I'll read the mood for you. Based on this post, you have such a crush on poet yourself that you're getting jealous of people he's being friendly to on the internet. Only a girl/guy in full-on jealous bitch mode would spend enough time thinking about the issue to make these kind of tenuous connections.

timber has been posting since last year, they (she? thought it was a guy until recently) just don't post that often. Pity that this issue seems to have driven her off too, because she seemed to be one of the few knowledgeable trips left on the board. Same goes for twerk.

>> No.7137906

you should give up on humor, you're no good at it. Try something easier like a taxi driver or archeologist.

>> No.7137910

No dude, don't have a crush on the space autist, sorry.

>> No.7137912

I actually direct surrealist films. What do u do?
Oh wait you keep up with trips and aren't even good at that.

>> No.7137914


twerk is a real nigga tho

he doesn't let this kinda petty shit get to him

>> No.7137916
File: 240 KB, 427x640, K46QlI4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a pic of timber when twerk it told her to shave her head and she did because she is a sub cunt

>> No.7137917

I was wrong about you, I'm laughing right now.

"I actually direct surrealist films."

I can't breathe

>> No.7137919

how do you even know that she lives in new york
how do you fucking people remember so many pointless details about people on the internet
do you just devote all your time to memorizing these useless facts poet was right lol this place is poison

>> No.7137924

Completely different person. That's a sufu poster.

>> No.7137920

He's not a pussy who feels the need to respond to every hater. Poet would go out of his way to respond to every hate post and ignore everything else he's too old for the internet he doesn't know how to hang.

>> No.7137921


lol stfu that's timber from sufu completely diff person

>> No.7137922
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btw did twerk leave too?

>> No.7137925

Role play isn't allowed outside of /b/

>> No.7137927

no its the same person u kunt

twerk it used to post as patroklus on SZ and she was there

>> No.7137929

not her. if u find the archived thread i think its in the one poets had his final sperg flare. she always wears her hair in a bun on top and shes got a srs lazy eye.

>> No.7137931

I don't follow trips, it's just the word around town. I literally just learned this yesterday. Apparently they had a meetup and fucked then this.

>> No.7137937

it's not, this has been addressed so many times

>> No.7137941
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guess this is the thread, reading his last post makes me sad

also I am probably gonna get shit from my acquaintances who lurk mfa/sufu/SF if they hear /fa/ has chased off another trip

they scoff enough at me already

>> No.7137943
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>> No.7137945

How would anyone possibly know that? That just sounds like a rumor started by the same idiots in this thread who think the girl who posts on SuFu as "timber" has ever come on /fa/.

>> No.7137951
File: 7 KB, 400x400, headache.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh dats timber

she kinda qt

is that rly y he got so mad? kinda makes sense tbh...

>> No.7137953


>> No.7137954

Because they're her friend and she told the about meeting poet in chat, duh.

3 days ago I wouldn't have cared who timber was, but when shit goes down you gotta get all the facts.

>> No.7137955

yeah he is a pussywhipped faggot who had to protect that smile

>> No.7137961

she moved to ny for school poet said he would show her around once and thats where the facts end.

>> No.7137965
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oh and this is timber

>> No.7137967


I don't believe for a second timber went to that fucking tinychat, let alone told any of the spergs on there that kinda shit

>> No.7137968
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so dey rly getn jiggy?

hard to believe he just flew off the handle like that

>> No.7137969

yeah this lol
she also admitted to being a lesbian.

>> No.7137978

what chat
it definitely wasn't effay, i have never seen anyone named timber in there ever

>> No.7137976


>> No.7137980

Who said anything about tinychat? There are other chat services.

I never went to chat myself, but word around town is poet went a lot. Wouldn't know if timber did, don't really care.

>> No.7137983
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lmao this is even funnier than that shit about mif and ena fucking even though they're siblings

never change sperglords

>> No.7137984

it doesnt exist anymore.

>> No.7137985

if you say "word about town" one more fucking time i swear to god

>> No.7137990

Word around town my dick taste like ribs!

>> No.7137998

>around town

What's "town?" Some chatroom dedicated to fashion Internet drama?

>> No.7137999

i wonder if they did a mold of ricks dick for that....knowing him, i wouldn't b surprised

>> No.7138002


>> No.7138009

here are the FACTS:
timber used to go on effayradio, thats where the picture of her face came from
shes also a dyke
one time poet came in and said they could hang out when she moved to ny
that's ALL

in case you missed it: shes a dyke

everything else is made up shit



>> No.7138013

It's a soulja boy tell 'em lyric.

>> No.7138014
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thats one interpretation but it has been stated this is the closest iteration of ricks special place

>> No.7138017

Just cuz she a dyke don't mean poet don't know how to pitch.

She only calls herself a dyke because she's too ugly to get a boyfriend anyways.

>> No.7138018


w2c(ock) drapey willy

>> No.7138024

No, I mean, what is the venue/context/whatever he's referring to when he's saying "word around town?"

>> No.7138025
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>> No.7138027
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aw ye trips


wat do you kno bout sruli's special place :333

>> No.7138030

It's a general saying for rumors lol

>> No.7138038

Well, duh, I know. I'm asking where these rumors are getting passed around.

>> No.7138039
File: 197 KB, 714x325, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found out sruli had a partner the other week...
she's p.pleb and her blog is all about gift paper wrappings, oragami, short stories and ;s drawings etc etc
like...he commits some of his hardcore tech to producing bespoke wrapping paper...

that's actually p.cute now that i think about it

>> No.7138041

I don't know where soulja lives. He probably has a bunch of rumors in a bunch of towns.

>> No.7138046
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u guys rly fukt up this time

going back on archives and reading some of poets posts make me feel bad even though I didnt read much of the fuckers posts he seemed like a swell guy'

fuc man

>> No.7138053

Maybe you should leave too, crying ass pussy!

>> No.7138058


surprised he doesn't have some wife/gf like lamy or s/t

u kno

>> No.7138059
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>> No.7138062

He fuckd sheep then turns them into clothes.

>> No.7138066
File: 240 KB, 938x939, 1382410627490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blog link pls tl

>> No.7138067

poet lawst, feelings have been caught

>> No.7138086

>surprised he doesn't have some wife/gf like turny or s/t

tbh tho it just atests to his cuteness


>> No.7138087

>soz just relogged onto uni comp .____________________________.

>tbh im just samefagging this entire thread anonymously B)))))))))))

>> No.7138091


>> No.7138093

the old trip fooling these cacs

>> No.7138096


aw come on man...

>> No.7138098

turnleft this is like the 2nd time I seen you samefag, so I'm really not surprised. You should be ashamed though.

>> No.7138103
File: 25 KB, 295x201, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont samefag tho
im actually at uni and comp timed out
i reloged 4getng 2 trip

but if i was truely honest i am the op and every second anon in this thread
including tomato

>> No.7138110
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>> No.7138113
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---the plot thickens---

>> No.7138136

I laughed really hard at your filename.
Must be getting late.

>> No.7138156

>people actually care about tripfags

fucking tossers

>> No.7138172

trap lord make a beat

>> No.7139683
