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File: 40 KB, 360x581, yohiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7115404 No.7115404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Manlet thread. 5'6 and under only

w2c manlet clothes without the need of tailoring?
how 2 look good as a manlet?
what are some good booster steps for the kitchen?

>> No.7115429

yohjis not really a manlet by asian standards

>> No.7115425

try pumpkin patch

>> No.7115431

>what are some good booster steps for the kitchen?


>> No.7115436

He's 5 3, he's definitely still short for asian standards

>> No.7115442


lmao @ yohji wearin fake chucks

>> No.7115444

no hes just below average

>> No.7115454

That's considered short faggot

>> No.7115485

average male height in Philippines is 5'3

asians are short on average m8

>> No.7115502

I'm not arguing that. But he's still considered short in his country.
I don't know why you're so obsessed over this.

>> No.7115503

Average male height in Japan is 1.707m (5ft 7in).

>> No.7115508

Please stop derailing the manlet thread.

5'3 checking in

>> No.7115513

I have some t-shirts in xs from Uniqlo that fit my really well lengthwise
5'3'' btw

>> No.7115516

how dense are you?

>> No.7115519

i'm not the same guy, you're dumb as fuck tho

>> No.7115520
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weight? fit pics? i need some manlet inspo

>> No.7115524

How am I? He's not fucking from the Philippines. He is short but he's effay as fuck

>> No.7115527

you're trying too hard

>> No.7115534

I'm not being negative towards him at all m8. I love Yohji, but he is short.

>> No.7115537
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>mfw my 16-year-old sister is taller than him

>> No.7115548

I'm 5'7

Can I come too? All of my friends are 6' at least

>> No.7115552

>5'6 and under only
I feel like someone of mixedrace 50 years ago ;_;

>> No.7115553
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>> No.7115559


I can't imagine you guys having any trouble finding clothes

>> No.7115564



>> No.7115572


lol at 5'3, where do you people get ur bullchit fukiin sources from? there's a pic of him standing next to 5'6 justin bieber both same height

>> No.7115577

Why does it matter? He's acknowledge in his interviews that he considers himself short that's why he designs his clothing with that in mind.

>> No.7115580

>I'm 5'7
No. You're too tall.

5'5" manlet checking in. Do you fellow manlets know the feeling when all the clothing that fits you lenghtwise is too tight around the chest and shoulders? I'm built too wide for my height. And no, I'm not fat. I actually have broad shoulders compared to my size.

>> No.7115583


5'3 and 5'6 is a big difference, you shouldn't post bullchit, it's as simple as that.

>> No.7115587


>tfw barrel chest and relatively wide hips
>tfw no matter how much you lose weight /fa/ will still call you a fat manlet

>> No.7115589

I'm noticing a shift from the term manlet being used to describe anyone under 6 foot to being anyone 5'5 or less. P interesting

>> No.7115590


also wtf has his designs got anything to do with you posted stupid shit?

don't you think it's a little bit stupid not even doing a quick google search and posted whatever you 'think' his height is, ur fucking dumb and pissing me off u annoying maggot

>> No.7115594


It's a shift from 4chan troll standards to real life standards. Unless you live in Scandinavia or The Netherlands, no one considers 5'10 to be short

>> No.7115604

The number wasn't even my point. My point was that he was considered short, even in asian standards. Stop being so fucking defensive, the man looks good regardless

>> No.7115606


its only ever scandinavians that post these shitty threads, they have nothing better to do with their miserable dull depressing grey life than shit post and play dota 2

>> No.7115611



delete your original post now you maggot

>> No.7115626

How autistic are you m8

>> No.7115636
File: 201 KB, 620x370, tumblr_m3mfezfyoX1qlubnuo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zidane killing it

>> No.7115641

what are you talking about mate 5'10" is short

5'5" is midget

>> No.7115642
File: 19 KB, 256x237, 1364103615762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.7115665

>5'10" is short
No it's not:

Troll itylLas

>> No.7115668
File: 66 KB, 277x745, DSCN9422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H&M, Gap, tailor, etc.

>> No.7115682

does these statistics really make you feel better about yourself?

>> No.7115696
File: 31 KB, 400x347, 1381097876694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you assume I felt bad about myself in the first place? Someone said something untrue and I showed them they were wrong.

>> No.7115702


>> No.7116865

bump for the manlets

>> No.7116876

>too tall for manlet threads
>too short for tall fag threads
This is a tragedy

>> No.7116885


lmao he literally looks like a child with a beard and grey hair. i cant imagine being a manlet

>> No.7116889
File: 10 KB, 633x758, pondering banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a regular joe thread

>> No.7116910

why am i attracted to him so much

(no homo)
(mayb a little)

>> No.7116913


He's ugly but pulls it off. I'd suck him off fosho

>> No.7116917


>> No.7116924

5'10 is regular?

>> No.7116944


>> No.7116951

manlet in america = average height for a japanese dude

>> No.7116955

fuck yeah im almost average

>> No.7117011

Don't they vanity size? Nothing from Gap or BR has ever fit me

>> No.7117047



>> No.7117057

they always fit too fat for me and i'm not that thin

>> No.7117058


WOW. 2 whole stores. Thanks for the help!!

>> No.7117084

Short+fat is the worst combination ever. Being fat accentuates your shortness. Eat less and do some cardio.

>> No.7117091

You're most welcome gentlesir!

>> No.7117316

i'm not fat, fuck face. learn to read

>> No.7117323

>am manlet
>rly wide shoulders
>narrow as fuck legs
>26 inch waist


my proportions are naturally slim as fuck so i just sweat oversized jackets and sweaters, anything too form fitting and i just look like a twink

>> No.7117326

>>26 inch waist

How tall and how the hell do you find pants?

>> No.7117331


>5'5, wide shoulders, really small waist and short torso, long as fuck legs

>everything is way too long and way too baggy around my chest, makes me look even smaller than i am


>> No.7117343

>tfw 5'8
>too tall to be in the manlet club, not tall enough to be considered a person

>> No.7117342


size up to slimmer fitting 27s, 28s with a belt. obv 26s where i can find them

also doesnt help that my inseam is 31, im 5'6

>> No.7117346


I can't imagine you having trouble finding clothes. Fuck right off

>> No.7117363

I'm like 80% legs. I have a ridiculously short torso so finding shirts and jackets is a hassle.

>> No.7117361
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that feel.

>> No.7117370

I bet you look tall if your head isn't too big

>> No.7117382

>be tall around 190
>huge head and all torso

>> No.7117453
File: 1.91 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6"er reporting in
I know t by alexander wang has gotten a bad rep here recently, but I copped an xs tshirt from used/consignment, and it's like the perfect manlet tshirt
drapes well, semisheer, looks really nice

>> No.7117485

fat fuck in denial

>> No.7117509


I'm only 140 lbs.

>> No.7117514

Means shit if you look fat

>> No.7117518
File: 105 KB, 360x618, fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only an illusion tho maaaan

>> No.7117523

top lel

>> No.7117532


Why would you buy a used diffusion of a brand who copies other brands poorly?

Thats like buying used dreamboxes lol

Shit i was selling nwt t by aw for $20 shipped

>> No.7117587


5'7" and 122lbs here. Step up your game fattie.

>> No.7117596

That's really skinny. 130 is probs the ideal weight for someone 5'7

>> No.7117616

Normal BMI is 18.5
Mine's 19.1

>> No.7117628

Lol Daniel is 5'5

>> No.7117644


eh, i'm 5'7" and 130 and i'm kinda pudgy tbh.

>> No.7117642

also rupert is 5'8'' and tom pelton is 5'9" and emma is 5'5"

surprising amount of short people in harry potter

>> No.7117645

18.5 is just above anorexic, low bmi is flat out unhealthy. 19.1 is good but 20-21 is the healthiest. Anything below or above that increases your health risks.


>> No.7117652

Where can I get some good and slim XS tees. I know what the other guy means. Uniqlo tees are too wide at the bottom and give off a chubby look. Maybe it's just the XS but I'd prefer slimmer tees

>> No.7117663


Those Brits need to eat more McDonald's.

>> No.7117674

probably just your shit body either or you're incredibly unfit or you need a new scale

>> No.7117689

This is me bros >>7117439


>> No.7117700


Oh, shit. I just weighed myself, and it looks like freshman 15 hit me hard.

>> No.7117709

>be 5'6'' with proportional head and skinny bone structure
>look normal

>> No.7117718

Good job
Post pic

>> No.7117736
File: 10 KB, 93x141, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7117747


also, check out some of aa's tees, some models are pretty slim last time I checked.

>> No.7117762


Yeah I'll probably check out AA. I don't think I can justify paying $75 for a basic tee

>> No.7117763

my darling Matthew Lewis is 6' though <3

>> No.7117783
File: 111 KB, 580x907, 1377599991923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'6 with long legs and kaiju-tier head

>> No.7117805

not gonna post a pic, but i'm definitely not the stocky big-headed build you see on most manlets my height, which is p nice
i'm asian tho

>> No.7117816

any 5'6 and under wearing docs inspo pics?

>> No.7117820


Man. maybe it's just me but I feel like us manlets can't pull off boots without looking kinda goofy

>> No.7117828

unless you work out and have a decent upper-body you're gonna look like a clown wearing boots imo

>> No.7117826

just get small docs, fuck

so long as it looks proportionate and you have small feet you can pull it off

>> No.7117838

tfw 5 7 alpha male xs wearing NON-manlet

>> No.7117881


>>7117820 this
it would almost work but most docs have this atrocious fatty toebox that you suddenly notice irl
i've got small feet and i considered some of the more inoffensive docs, but i really just discovered i didn't like them in general i guess

>> No.7117898


thats because most docs in general have a fatty toebox, regardless of your size theyre going to look bulky, thats how theyre designed to look.

if you want something thats more narrow and slim, look at 1914 docs

>> No.7117924

>and emma is 5'5"
That's perfectly average for a woman, isn't it?

>> No.7117939
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>5'10" sub superior king of manlets

>> No.7118061

without meaning to derail, appropriate or shit-up this thread (5"8 reporting) you know you've failed when you correct grammar

>> No.7118064

;_; ur proportions would be godtier if u were taller

>> No.7118088
File: 2 KB, 1000x1000, Bomber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Boeing MA-1 similar/same quality as the Alpha Industries? They are almost identical in all aspects even down to the details but the Boeing is 1/3rd the price. Also, pls give me good cheap bombers with gud qual pls.