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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 592x553, 1373336825439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7114789 No.7114789 [Reply] [Original]

can you be fah when you're brown

could you please post some fah brown people

>> No.7114792


>> No.7114808

Take a shower and stop smelling like shit you dirty brown fuccboi

>> No.7114811


you are a jerk. you can't wash off brown skin .

>> No.7114819

but you can wash off the shit that you brown people have all over your body

>> No.7114821

Post a pic and we'll see.

>> No.7114823

>shit skinned

pick one

>> No.7114831
File: 91 KB, 538x631, mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a qt brown girl in one of my lectures, she has the best cheekbones i've ever seen

>> No.7114834
File: 137 KB, 650x974, who's that BROOOOOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7114841

fucking curry eating try hards

>> No.7114849
File: 64 KB, 626x799, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7114855

>implying they eat anything but pizza hut and taco bell

>> No.7114868

brown means Indian, right?

if so, nah, never seen a /fa/ Indian before.

>> No.7114871
File: 662 KB, 881x1240, tumblr_mtahsvutDP1qgvdcto1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a girl or a boy?

>> No.7114873


OP here. I'm a male paki living in the netherlands.

>> No.7114894


>> No.7114891

no one cares unless you're female and under 26

>> No.7114903

There's a tall skinny brown skinned dude in one of my classes. He dresses himself pretty well and I can tell girls are mirin

>> No.7114911
File: 91 KB, 634x822, allgoldeverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course you can be, just don't dress like anyone from your motherland. (I'm counting India as well, you both dress horribly)

Wat doe je in Nederland?

>> No.7114908



Jij uit Rotterdam?

>> No.7114921


Werken en studeren. Ben hier geboren ouwe.

>> No.7114926

Well Meddieteraneans aren't neccesarily brown but they are the most /fa/ people on this planet. Try to go for a southern euro look. I know a couple of lighter skinned Mexicans that do and they can pull it off nice. Would help if you can grow a beard.

>> No.7114930


Nou, als je contacten daar (Pakistan) hebt zou ik een zootje pakken en overhemden laten maken door een goede kleermaker. Als jij bepaalt wat en hoe ze het maken krijg je mooie kleding.

>> No.7114944

Sure you can.
Keep clean, wear decent clothes and have a 10/10 facial bone structure.

>> No.7114950

check out a blog by this guy named harman at sixgreenapples.com

he occasionally posts his own fits too and they're not amazing but I'd say they're decent

>> No.7114973

Don't be self loathing it's pathetic and unattactive. It doesn't matter what the masses think. They're only as significant as you want them to be OP.

>> No.7114991

Michael Jackson did.

>> No.7114998

if you are a paki you better look than sharukh khan, otherwise you don't stand a chance

>> No.7115038

You cannot be brown and /fa/. Brown people are meant to serve the white man. Slaves are inherently not /fa/. The white man is destined to rule the world.

>> No.7115057


zet die koeliestyle, matje alles,

anyway you can wear black and white better than white people,

basically if black people can be /fa/ why not brown people?? you even have better hair than black people

>> No.7115056


sharukh khan is ugly bro

>> No.7115059

god yes i know so many ill seapunk brown dudes who pull off the arycore/net art/post-seapunk mega internet thing super super confidently

get really skinny and wear cool weird clothes with self-assured and your brownpplness won't matter

please be careful not to smell bad, though

>> No.7115064


i dont get that style, its just the t shirts right? just wear those t shirts (draped) and youre wearing that style basically

>> No.7115074


are u just saying this to be edgy? no, he is not.

>> No.7115079

fucking ugly

>> No.7115088
File: 144 KB, 530x800, 1378744231797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ofc u can nigga B^)

>> No.7115090

Half black/half white is the only /fa/ brown

>> No.7115091

Hey, I know that guy. He is a call center representative for ATT. He helped me out with some wi-fi problems.

>> No.7115096
File: 624 KB, 3072x2304, indian swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7115104

some paki girls are really good looking

>> No.7115102

No. That's still basically black.

>> No.7115106

Now that looks cool. I am imagining a fit that looks a little more modern, and a little more form flattering, on a younger dude.

>> No.7115134

That's some sick layering.

>> No.7115184 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have a chance /fa/?

>> No.7115197
File: 499 KB, 402x546, ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have a chance /fa/?

>> No.7115209


you're pretty bruh

>> No.7115217

pretty ugly

>> No.7115245
File: 77 KB, 720x960, hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've never been able to grow my beard out because I don't wanna scare qts away
Should I go for it anyway?

>> No.7115269

if you're more arab.light skinned then i like how well suited menswear looks on them
do it op fashion doesnt have racial restraints
all da sticky hivemind fuccboi's will tell you otherwise

>> No.7115273

Where to cop shirt? Is it a henley?

>> No.7115280

The stubble's good

>> No.7115282


you'll be da bomb

>> No.7115283

dude you can do this. you look good

>> No.7115288

my sayids

>> No.7115361

No one is debating that, but a master cannot be /fa/ if his servants don't adhere to an aesthetically pleasant uniform.