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/fa/ - Fashion

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7104989 No.7104989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 5'9

>> No.7104997

>tfw 5'5
>tfw gay
>tfw forever-cute-mode

>> No.7105024


pls b in london

>> No.7105062
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>tfw 6'4

>> No.7105054

tfw always taller than people who claim theyre 5'9 even though thats my height

>> No.7105059

(pssht-i ain't done growing)

>> No.7105066

mad staxx
only benefit lol
and good height to fuck mad asian punani

>> No.7105072

do you fuck mad asian punani

>> No.7105081


>> No.7105078
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>tfw telling people I'm 5'10"
>actually 5'10.75"
>tfw don't want to sound even shorter by tacking on a fraction

forever king of the manlets =(

>> No.7105083

nah lol
live in a v white area
need to move out to fuck mad asian punani but it's gonna happen

>> No.7105084

he probably fucks a pillow

>> No.7105091

>one inch off of glorious 6 feet
sometimes I'm 6'0 when I wear certain shoes, but I'm still too short

>> No.7105097

yeah animu pillows

>> No.7105105
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>be 6'4"
>hardly anything fits you right

I wish I was 6'2" master race

>> No.7105108
File: 138 KB, 800x600, 1381063331507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'7
>shorter than everybody
>no pussy
>no money
should i kill myself?

>> No.7105118

Just buy smart and roll things up if necessary.

We're lucky that at the moment flashing some sock can be considered fashionable.

>> No.7105126

No, but you should probably quit fashion

And for the first time, I mean that in a good way because the standards are so steep you're just damaging yourself trying to keep up

Plenty of short girls are daunted by guys that tower over them - not that there aren't plenty of girls that are 5'1" - 5'2" that want a dude a foot taller

And fuck dude, don't be scared to date a girl that's like an inch taller than you or the same height - I see that shit ALL THE TIME in downtown portland

>> No.7105124

nah there's a lot to live for

>> No.7105134

keep on truckin buddy

unless youre stupid and have no prospects in which case do heroin for a bit then kill yourself

>> No.7105140

watch fight club faggot

>> No.7105149
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usually i'm terrified by the taller bitches, especially girls in heels are like a feet taller than me.

>> No.7105152

why should he watch fight club

watch somethin to cheer u up, watch the big lebowski

>> No.7105154 [DELETED] 


I'm 5'3 and I just enjoy piecing together outfits for myself. i dont expect to become a model or anything. why should i quit fashion

>> No.7105181

big lebowski sucked. I watched grandma's boy, that was pretty good. I usually smoke weed, it helps me cope with the pain

>> No.7105190

lmao. That movie is the worst pseudo-intellectual bullshit I have ever witnessed. There are no ideas of any value in the entire thing and the dialogue is cringe-inducing.

The big Lebowski is dope af

>> No.7105206

ermm.. anarchy was kind of the point of the whole thing

>> No.7105211

its my favoueirte film by a long way dude,,, its the shit, can watch it hundreds of times

>> No.7105215

Actually. I'm pretty sure that the point was that both anarchy (represented by tyler) and absolute order (the main dude's place of work/previous life) are imperfect ways to live.

The worst thing about the movie is people who completely misunderstand it and quote the shit that tyler says.

>> No.7105225

>big lebowski sucked
kill yourself

>> No.7105232

okay it didnt suck but i found it kinda boring for some reason never liked it that much

>> No.7105248

News flash, big lebowski is overrated garbage

Unless you're into movies full of mediocre one-liners and no real substance - than by all means, more power to you

>> No.7105264

the big lebowski isnt a stoner film, i watched it first when i was 15 or so and loved it ever since, back when i touhght weed killed u

its just so good and has the perfect vibe, relieves stress, i like to watch it the night before exams if im stressed it chills me out so good and part of that is because ive seen it so much its very familiar

you gotta watch it multiple times although even still the comedy might not be for you but its worth watching again

troll or bad taste the comedy doesnt come from one liners

>> No.7105262

The trick to fight club is to stop watching it once project mayhem starts

The latter of movie encapsulates idealism going completely wrong perfectly, and it's a complete buzzkill

>> No.7105272

>not smoking weed since u were 11

>> No.7105305

Spot on

Also, girl orgasms

>> No.7105302

lel iktf

>> No.7105309

My gf is terrified of marijuana and she loves stoner films. pls explain

>> No.7105330
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>tfw people never ask for my height
>tfw randomly shout it out whenever night out
>tfw they think im counting down to a bomb that will explode
thx arab genes

>> No.7105494


>> No.7105512

>tfw 6'1
>usually a good 3 inches taller than guys who claim to be 6 feet

>> No.7105592

Why do people lie so egregiously about their height? I'm 6'2 with shoes off and I'm usually about as tall as people who claim to be 6'4 and a good 4 inches taller than people who claim to be 6 feet.

I mean, it's not like people can't see.

>> No.7105609

>tfw 6'6
>tfw never comfortable at concerts because of the knowledge you block the view of people behind you
>tfw pretty alright apart from that

>> No.7105620
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>baby face
>go to hit on a girl
>she tells me to come back when i grow up

Ive probably never felt more like shit in my life

>> No.7105623

>in japan so still taller than everyone

>> No.7105619

i don't get it. is it a good feel?

>> No.7105629

>quit fashion

All us short guys have is keeping low body fat and dressing well, why would you take that away from us?

>> No.7105634

this and girls with big ass thighs

>> No.7105637


>tfw 6'3
>at concerts
>girls always ask if they can stand in front of me
>tell them no
>you should have got here earlier

>> No.7105638

I'm 6'1 and still get this. I look like a giant 12 year old

>> No.7105649
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tfw average height so i can only get short pussy

real talk tho
i want a girlfriend that is like eye level with me
would be so fucking hot
but the taller the girl is, she feels so exponentially more unapproachable

are there girls that like guys that aren't taller than them
i want to feel equal in power with my bad bitch

you feel me

>> No.7105661
File: 98 KB, 701x1125, 1381270496935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there there now bro

its all going to be okay

>> No.7105690

or if you like animu, watch ttgl

>> No.7105691

i bet id be into this if i was gay and positive

>> No.7105695
File: 166 KB, 786x1017, 1361210983618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no amazonian gf

>> No.7105700

you are the worst

also matt why do you never use snapchat

>> No.7105702

this is one of my fetishes

>> No.7105721
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>> No.7106632

me too but I'm almost 6'3", so...

>> No.7106648

>Be 5'7
>Girlfriend is 6 foot tall thin blonde model
>Feel alpha as fuark walking around with her
>Tallfags are visibly butthurt

>> No.7108518

>only sit at home browsing /k/ and /fa/
>Picking up /fa/ as my new hobby because I'm fucking tired of peple bringing politics into /k/-related talks.
>Nazi uniforms are totally /fa/

>> No.7108553

drop the name you're already annoying me.

>> No.7109358

>Quit fashion because short.
Cute that you're trying to be nice, but just because super high fashion is aimed at taller people doesn't mean he should just stop dressing well. Obviously /fa/ over exaggerates the importance of height because most people here only have that to be proud of. Let this nigga do his thing!

>> No.7109377

5'10 and same situation. Shit's nice.

>> No.7109394

>be 5'7"
>dating girl who is also 5'7"
>go for drinks
>we're leaning against the bar
>she's wearing boots and her eyes are right above my eyelevel
>feel inferior and wedge myself against the metal bar near your feet so as to get a slight height advantage