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/fa/ - Fashion

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7101328 No.7101328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been curious for the longest time...but how the FUCK are you guys paying for all your clothes?

>tfw broke college student whose wardrobe is 50% hand-me-down/free shit people throw out and 50% pre-teen retail store stuff bought on clearance
>tfw I will never be effay

>> No.7101335


>> No.7101341

Instead of making realistic investments and putting away money - kids on here work min. wage jobs and actually SAVE to buy clothes that can't afford - and, as far as I'm concerned, probably have no business wearing

But they can go about their life how they want

In the past, I just stole the nicer clothes, but it's a hard standard and lifestyle to keep up with

I just wear basics and work out - significantly more effective

>> No.7101365

I get $800mo cause I collapsed a disc.
I just lounge around all day playing guitar, buying/making clothes, smoking and not having to pay rent cause my friend owns his house and doesnt work either.
and I get $300mo foodstamps which I spend on coffee and energy drinks.

so effay, plebs.

>> No.7101439


i would rather b poor and look amazing with a wardobe of avant garms

ill leave such a pretty corpse


what is this /mfa/? next ull b telling us we should b starting our own nuclear family i dont think ur about that fash life at all r u

>> No.7101474

you're scum and your friend is worse
contribute something to the human race

>> No.7101481

are you gonna get 800 a month for your whole life?

>> No.7101483

>Instead of making realistic investments and putting away money


Why are you on this board?

>> No.7101485

it's kind of a cycle, because good clothing at least retains some value
i buy something on-sale or secondhand, wear it, if I don't like it I can often resell it for what I paid, sometimes even more, and having recouped my losses, I can buy more stuff
whereas you'd be lucky to sell a piece from h&m for anything more than $10

>> No.7101486

how did you steal nicer clothes?
seems like theyd be pretty hard to steal the standard ways.

my problem is shoes. i can deal with wearing clothes within my means, but when i see an expensive pair of shoes i like, it's over.

>> No.7101490

>don't drink
>save up from shitty min wage
>youth allowance
>live with parents


>> No.7101496

>I just wear basics and work out - significantly more effective

confirmed for loser from /fit/ trying to find out how to attract girls from a japenese cartoon forum

>> No.7101499

It's not all that hard. They are big purchases, this much is true. But they're not short-lived ones. Many expensive articles will last you years. Say you bought one expensive article a month, an $800 purchase. In 5 years time, you end up with a pretty extensive collection. And $800 a month really isn't that much to ask, but it does require certain cutbacks below some pay-grade.
Really, it's like any other hobby but I guess most hobbies have you spending 800$ a month for 10 things as opposed to 800 for one. but that one just means more here. Where an 80$ figurine for some otaku only exists within the context of his household, the $800 jacket might almost primarily exist out of the household. Out clearly being a far more vast and complicated landscape than In.
And anyways you hit the point of ' maxed quality' in terms of usability at around $200, everything after is for the aesthetics
Anyways I'm sure unless you're some crazy-low quality blue collar fuck you can bring up $800mo for a hobby. Again, 800 isn't all that high. But obv if you're a student you're basically a blue collar fuck on the money scale. You can't work a decent 40hr job as a student, obv you gonna be a poor shit if you don't have parents or scholarships backin you up
i mean fuck what the hell does a cup ramen eater have to be confused about
can't afford decent food, confused about how people can
can't afford decent clothes, confused about how people can
thats fuckin stupid
you know your situation

>> No.7101501

medical trials.

>> No.7101503

I'm 24, single and work full-time as an engineer. 3/4 of my income is disposable.

>> No.7101506

and fuck what the hell do you think post-student is
the whole point of being a poor shit in college is that you bring in the bucks 5 years later
but no you ask why i aint bringin in the bucks now
cuz your parents too poor and you investin for later
the fuck do you think everyone else has parents too poor and everyone else still investin for later
thats fuckin stupid op

>> No.7101507

I don't care about the government or the populace.my friend owns his house, he can do whatever he wants. Noone has to contibute to a world built by others for thwor reasons. I'm here to live my own life. Did I menton I'm handicapped?

Also: some men just want to watch the world burn.

Yes. I also sell art and make money from that. Hustle bitch.

>> No.7101509
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I go to clothing exchange stores or buy shit from ebay. I'm never satisfied, but it feels slightly better than wearing dadwash jeans and Hanes t-shirts.

>> No.7101510

>have clothes bought for me when I'm with parents
>save money from part time job
>buy things when they are on sale
>mostly wear basic shit
>only cop a few (<7) big pieces a year

>> No.7101557

where do you get your money in the first place though, is what the thread was asking

>> No.7101578

Scum, kill yourself and give funding to people that actually need it.

>> No.7101584

Several large scholarships and tutoring/RA money. I don't have a significant other so I have tons of disposable cash.

>> No.7101650

i like you, anon. get down with ur bad self

>> No.7101651

I don't actually own anything expensive. I just take an interest in fashion in a non-practical way.

>> No.7101656

He offers the comforting feeling that someone somewhere is leading a very easy life. Don't be so jealous.
You'd do the same thing in his situation. You don't work because you want to contribute to society, you work because you have to; where as he doesn't.

>> No.7101664

this is what I'm doing too. Just got a second part time job too

>> No.7101686

My parents make 250k household income. They pay for everything. I only pay for fun stuff with my job. So I just work for my spending money and make like 120 bucks a week.

>> No.7101691

>selling clothes

>> No.7101693

i have a pretty decent job and still live at home with my parents. i have no significant other. almost 100% percent of my income is disposable. i make sure to utilise ebay/rakuten/y!auctions as much as possible so that i always have the money when there's something new i want to buy. i've got a wardrobe full of grails at the moment and it is quite extensive otherwise. this means i don't have to spend money on fast fashion to fill the games. fast fashion does actually end up costing quite a lot. if you just stop buying cheap shit you'll be impressed by what designer stuff you can suddenly afford

>> No.7101695

no idea why i wrote "games" when i meant "gaps"

>> No.7101697

Mfw I don't like designer shit and am too masculine for it to work anyway

>> No.7101698
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Forgot pic

>> No.7101711

From my job and the fact I buy everything cheap off eBay rather than paying full price.

>> No.7101714

£2000/month paycheck, its called having a job son :^)

>> No.7102176 [DELETED] 
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I'm doing an apprenticeship as an engineer, I work 4 days a week and I'm at college for 1

I get paid about £850 a month after tax

£125 rent (living with parents)
£80 petrol
£XXX on other shit, usually £80/mo going out

I've just paid off my car and car insurance this month too so all extra money now can go on what I like

I'm trying to build a niceish wardrobe before I move out with my friends and end up being poor as shit

>> No.7104494

I do government contract work. I have no kids or wife so pretty much all of my income is disposable.

>> No.7104520

wow u r soooo cool

>> No.7104526
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>be Scanditard
>get money from government just for getting an education

>> No.7104534


>> No.7104531

I buy everything second-hand or off amazon

I make about 1,200 a month but most of it goes to rent and bills because I live in california and apparently CA likes to charge 800 dollars a month for a two-room apartment

>> No.7104545

his mom's money duh

>> No.7104551

How is paying for the absurdly high prior appropriation water rights going?

>> No.7104573

how old are you?
do you go to school?

i wanted to move out years ago but decided to keep saving

>> No.7104613
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this post made me rage so fucking hard
truly hard
this is the embodiment of first-world mentality.

do you even know what south/central america is? do you realize in africa/east asia 800$ a month is a big deal? and i'm not talking about 800$ a month for a hobbie, i'm talking about an overall salary of 800 dollars each month.

fuck, you guys are fucking delusional. i mean, okay, spend 800$ on a single piece of clothing (fucking lel at that, by the way), but don't pretend it's easy for the rest of the world just because you live in the comfortable boundaries of the usa or the rich parts of europe.

greetings from Chile, you arrogant piece of shit,

>> No.7104626

This. Buy what you want, but it's pretty dickish to just pretend you know someone's situation.

>> No.7104647

Inheritance. Grandpa was a three star general in the U.S Air Force and lived frugally, even having his huge pension. I got the rest of it because I was the favorite.
I also live in an apartment for $600/month instead of a 2,000 sq ft house for $1100/month
I could also cash in on my great grandpa's authentic SS uniform. Including the longcoat, uniform, hat, gloves, and everything else. All of which saw combat. Collectors have offered me huge sums of money, but I doubt I'll ever sell it.

>> No.7104664 [DELETED] 

>save up money little by little

>> No.7104703 [DELETED] 
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You just had to be born somewhere else you fucking dirt poor spic fuck out my face pleb

>> No.7104714

Tuition for CUNYs are cheap, and I don't have to dorm since I live in NYC.

I still get a big ol' fafsa check, but since I don't dorm the check has money left over.

So I get like 1.5-2k a semester just for going to school.

Only downside is having to live with my parents.

>> No.7104715

"I'm mad because other people have disposable income and I don't"

Shoot yourself and reroll the dice then, faggot.

>> No.7104721

go fuck yourself, filthy peasant, you only exist to be exploited by your superiors

>> No.7104730

Too bad you waste all that money to cover up that waste of skin.

>> No.7104736

ebay and savings

i might get a job spring quarter

parents are footing the bill for college (most aspects, at least)

>> No.7104740

but i live in the first world and actually earn money.
the market forces have dictated that i am objectively superior and provide more worth to society than you and in return, I receive wages taken from worthless mud-dwellers like you.

>> No.7104751

good 1
such #rekt
so served

>> No.7104769

And you're on /fa/ producing literally just as much. Go have a nap m8.

>> No.7104762

You do nothing for the world nor human kind. You are literally a cog in a capitalist society, producing and consuming meaningless things so that whoever's actually at the head of society has enough resources do do something worthwhile. Kill yourself

>> No.7104786

What grails do you own?

>> No.7104780

Meh I'm a multimillionaire pretty sure most of the people on here get their parents to buy it or work some minimum wage job for weeks to buy one t-shirt.

That being said, I either buy suits or dress pretty minimalist. Only idiots spend thousands on a t-shirt that cost 5$ to make.

>> No.7104782

that's why being fashionable is for adults and the reason why this board sucks.

>> No.7104791

its funny that you are saying this, fuming in your filthy third world hovel, using products created by the same capitalist society that has shown that you are worthless while I am not to complain about the aforementioned society and people objectively superior to vermin like you

>> No.7104796

>work some minimum wage job for weeks to buy one t-shirt.

So they really weren't lying about money not buying intelligence.


>> No.7104811

No. I said people can go about their life how they want.

More than anything, I was implying not just living paycheck-to-paycheck as you pursue grails

See above

I'm a really good theif, but don't steal anymore. About 6 months ago I made a thread and answered any and all questions. I don't have the energy to really break down how to go about stealing higher-end clothes - it's just not worth it in the long run

Confirmed for skinnyfat loser. No, I'm not from fit

>> No.7104820

7.25 USD Minimum wage.
= 3.32 weeks for one shirt. (Assuming 40hr weeks)

>> No.7104825

wait what are you talking about? not that guy

>> No.7104831

How Can You Be Superior When You Can't Even Capitalize Faggot

>> No.7104843

There isn't a single person on /fa/ who would save up for this, they would just buy a normal rick tee for ~150.

Also, that isn't a t-shirt.

>> No.7104854

>not copping shirts on the cheap at TJ Maxx and Marshalls, then tailoring them yourself

>> No.7104857
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my parents are awesome and not poor and pay for all my shit

>out of state tuition
>flying lessons
>rc airplanes
>computer stuff
>everything else

only money I've earned was at paid internships or from buying and selling on ebay. I'll never have to work just to earn money (like at mcdonald's or something). in return all I have to do is not be a bum basically.

that being said, my clothes aren't cheap but my entire "wardrobe" minus a jacket could fit into a backpack. I just buy versatile quality basics and sell what I'm not wearing.

tl;dr pirate textbooks buy less drugs buy more clothes

>> No.7104865

Learn to sew/alter.
Trust me.
Then you can make your own basics and save up for more elaborate pieces.
You can buy cheap shit and alter it to get a good fit.

It's also fun and emotionally rewarding.

>> No.7104873

Any way you want to slice it, having to 'save up' for a piece of clothing is pathetic. Kind of makes me happy, but without people living beyond their means I would be far less wealth than I am today.

>> No.7104877


all lowercase is /fa/ bro

the superfuture guides don't even capitalize now

Capitalizing and punctuation properly just seems stuck-up and old-fashioned. Unfortunately for grammar freaks, it's also way cooler to comma splice instead of using semicolons or colons, which are archaic and basically pretty old and no fun like you're mother.

>> No.7104885

Having to "save up" for things is pathetic?

Point proven.

>> No.7104900


I'm pretty sure he's trolling, just let him be

>> No.7104901
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that wasn't the point of my post. i wasn't even talking about my particular situation, you retard. instead of buying expensive clothes to fill whatever void you have, go spend some money on a reading lesson.

>thinking that having more money makes you superior
fucking mega kek. this is as sad as it gets... money makes you? you are that much of an uninteresting person that you define how cool you are in relation to the ammount of money or material possessions you own? and you also happen to think that every third-world scum is a blue collar worker?

this is as ignorant as it gets. i'm not mad anymore, this is fucking ridicuolous :-)

>> No.7104906

thrift shops ?

>> No.7104921

Eh, alright.

>> No.7104930

There is some validity to the argument of having to save up for higher-end clothes

Personally, I don't want anyone to think I have a dollar more than I have

If that means I can only wear all Nike, and basics to fill the in between - so be it

When I can something like Geos without saving - you better believe I will

My understanding of fashion, and to an extent - my opinion, it's about having disposable income and literally nothing better to spend it on than designer clothing

Buying three articles of clothing a year that required 75% of what you made is just fuccboi shit - IN MY OPINION

>> No.7104963

Saving up for valid things makes sense. Save up for a house, a car, etc. The whole point of buying 'designer' things is to showcase that you have enough money to frivolously spend it.
Wish I was, that would imply I understood the mindset that went with these purchases.

>> No.7104979

1100 a month is shit money. get a job you waste of human semen

>> No.7104991

This is essentially what I mean. I see people taking the bus with designer (real) bags, and I cannot fathom the thought process that went into the purchase.

>> No.7104996

I saved up for my red wings.
is that wrong? They'll keep for years.

>> No.7104998


>my opinion, it's about having disposable income and literally nothing better to spend it on than designer clothing

you seem like you're distancing yourself from it

if fashion is something you care about then it's a priority. obviously nobody says you have to spend your money.


you seem to have the same idea.

>save up for a car

if you're a car enthusiast you may drive a porsche because you care about the performance. you might also drive one as a status symbol. you seem to be implying that designer fashion is exclusively limited to the second domain; that fashion enthusiasts or hobbyists or whatever you call them can't care about the design of the garments; it always has to be about what others think.

that's why I think you're trolling. it's a personal choice whether to spend your money on a house or on your kid's education or on rick owens or star wars paraphernalia or crack cocaine. and they're all equally valid to different people.

>> No.7105007

>Buying three articles of clothing a year that required 75% of what you made is just fuccboi shit - IN MY OPINION
aw hell nah

>> No.7105018


>I see people taking the bus with designer (real) bags, and I cannot fathom the thought process that went into the purchase.

even ignoring the huge price discrepancy between a car and a bag (not to mention the practicality of owning a car, depending on where you live and what your situation is)

if you can't understand why someone would rather have designer clothing than their own automobile, I don't really know what to say to you. there are situations where I wouldn't understand it either, but it seems odd to judge someone like that just from seeing them on the bus.

>> No.7105044


I'm also in this terrible poorpeople mindset where I'd rather blow my cash on multiple cheap stuff instead of investing it on something big. Sometimes I'm intimidated on blowing big money because I fear buyer's regret. "What if my skin turns out to be sensitive to the fabric? What if a seam will rip in two weeks? All that money will be thrown away" etc.

>> No.7105057

I buy clothes exclusively from thrift stores, and I'm pretty fashionable in my opinion.

>> No.7105058

>that's why I think you're trolling.

Some people are just dense m8

>> No.7105060

pretty sure anon refers to LV and the like - plebs trying to show off their nonexisting money with high end labels

>> No.7105110

It's two times more than an average pay here where I live. :(

>> No.7105129

I don't buy "nice" clothes. I buy clothes than only LOOK nice.

Essentially, I'm a nigger.

>> No.7105162

Things can be taken to the tailor if you wreck them. I guess you've got to look at certain big purchases as an investment. I don't think I buy into fashion as much as I want the few clothes I own to look and fit well. I only own 3 collared shirts; they all fit well and they all cost me upwards of $80, but they all fit well and I see no need to buy any more until at least summer. Same with pants; I've got one pair of nudie jeans and one pair of chinos (though to be honest I am considering another $200 to go to another pair of jeans...) and that is all I really need. Now, I guess that does mean that I've spent $350 on two pairs of pants, but there are advantages to that, such as fit and quality. It kind of was justification when my friend, who often comments on my clothes purchases, had bought a pair of jeans for $25 and only three weeks later needed to replace them because they had stretched out too much and the hem stitching is coming undone. A $25 pair of pants doesn't deserve a $15 re-hem -- obviously you'd just buy a new pair; I'm laughing all the way to the bank in my $200 nudies that I wont have to replace for years and are worth it to tailor if they rip, meanwhile my friend is buying new jeans every month or two.


>> No.7105288

You don't understand what "investment" means. Think about the word "fashion," then about "malefashionadvice."

M[investment]advice is to invest in a diversified portfolio of managed mutual funds, some of it in high yield ones, but most of of it in stuff like money market funds. "For retirement."

/fa/ investment is stuff like taking positions in businesses, buying rental property, investing in truly high yield foreign CDs. Stuff where you toss money and then sit atop an appreciating flow of the stuff.

>> No.7105300
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I'm a poorfag at a very expensive uni (got an almost full scholarship) and it sucks when everyone around dresses in designer from head to toe except you. One of their outfits easily costs more than my whole closet, though most of them still manage to look like shit. Rich bastards.

>tfw I will never be /fa/
>tfw if I ever manage to afford it, I'll be too old for the style I like

>> No.7105394


as an advocate for basic income, I'm okay with my tax dollars going to letting you be lazy/creative/bullshit all day

however I'm not okay with it going to bomb pakistani children who don't know their parents are "terrorists"

>> No.7105417


>market forces

inb4 you start quoting Hoppe, Nozick, Rand, Sowell, Hayek, Friedmann or any other market fetishist hack

you know goddamn well the market forces have very little to do with your success; you are likely just another person born into wealth who grew up hearing their parents bitch about how "Karl Marx is coming for our tax dollars!!" and has never actually experienced poverty or seen what good governments actually do for people

go back to pol

>> No.7105449

>Implying that you need a fortune in order to buy nice, new clothes
Seems you don't know where and how to shop clothes. And I'm not even into fashion.

>> No.7105451

please tell me your thieving ways master

>> No.7105455

How do i learn? Any guides?

>> No.7105471 [DELETED] 

>Not buying new clothes every few months like a spoiler chick (expecially if you have enough clothes at your closet)
>Having relatives and friends buy you new clothes as birthday/Christmas presents
>Find cheap stores

>> No.7105486

>>7101328 (OP)
>Not buying new clothes every month like a spoiled rich chick (expecially if you have enough clothes at your closet)
>Having relatives and friends buy you new clothes as birthday/Christmas presents
>Find cheap stores
>Not buying expensive labels

>> No.7105492

1st off, I live w/ my parents.. and they take care of me. dad makes a lot, owns his on biz.

I buy my own shit.
i'm a busby and I bake bread and prep food at a restaurant. for 3days a week.
make enuf money to buy w.e I want

>> No.7105639

I don't care about people who have less money than me, so sorry I am going to have to disregard the rest of your post

>> No.7105671
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same boat dude, feels good right. The only money I have ever earned is reselling supreme garbage for 2 times the price to raging fuccbois. Made 5 grande. What I usually wear (obviously not all the time but you get what I am trying to say)

>> No.7105680


typical of deluded lolbertarians

>> No.7105681

can u please post a fit w/ the footscapes
rly hyped :)

>> No.7105795

being political is for deluded fucks that think that their shitty little opinions effect anyone but themselves.

>> No.7105846

There are way more people to mire your fits with public bus, trans, train and walking in the metro

>> No.7105898

Depending on if you're okay with a really simple wardrobe or not, you can cop some basics for pretty cheap, especially if you sell off your old stuff.
- Mossimo (Target) t-shirts: Decent enough quality, like 7 bucks a piece. Good fit
- Levis Jeans: Can be had for like 15 bucks if you know where to look. Get 511/514/508 in a dark wash.
- Shoes: Either Vans or Converse if you really can't spend a whole lot of money.
- Everything else: Thrift, thrift, and thrift some more

You'll be called a pleb around here for some of this but even if you can't spend a whole lot of money you can still look pretty much the same, even if what you have isn't the best when it comes to quality.

>> No.7105998

where the hell does one get decent levis for £15?

>> No.7106001

coming tomorrow :) will do

>> No.7106015

he said 15 bucks actually which would be £9

>> No.7106029

You'd struggle to get decent jeans from primark for £9

>> No.7106031

>will do
thank u based sheriff

>> No.7106067

primark jeans are £20-30 i'm fairly sure kek

>> No.7106106

Depends where you are, £10 is standard round my way but I'd imagine they go up a lot in Landan. And they're shit jeans too.

>> No.7106133

No I don't go to school and I'm 24
I moved out at 17 so as not to be a drain on my family
I don't know much about that at all, pls enlighten?

>> No.7106139

nice one anon. I used to have 2 part time jobs but it got too much to handle, places closed, life got in the way etc.
>tfw parents told me I should quit my only job, on Saturday nights, when I would otherwise have just been going out anyway

>> No.7106165

working retail
>get discount
>i know when the sales are
>i know when things go to clearance

also, thrift shops

>> No.7106170

Military surplus is great winter clothes for cheap

Get them tailored to fit and you're cool

>> No.7106174

Are online milsurp stores worth buying from?

>> No.7106203

If you have shit luck they'll be wrinkly and have holes
Also buy a size above your normal size because they're small sometimes

>> No.7106215


>implying I think my beliefs effect anyone

Typical shut-in libertarian

>> No.7106227

Shit, thanks. I'll probably just look for one.

>> No.7106259
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>tfw the government pays me $40,000 a year for me to study abroad
>tfw I spend the money on designer clothes

>> No.7106336

your pants r on backwords

>> No.7106349

i am a 23 y/o college grad with a full time job, but only make 10 $ an hour. my dad has a very good job and pays for a lot of shit like for example all my car expenses (gas, insurance, maintainence, etc.). he's even giving me a new car next week. i live in a big city and none of my friends even have cars. and he still sends me like $500 a month.

that said, i have 2 maxed out credit cards and i didnt pay my electricity or gas bills from my last apartment for a whole year and now have debt collectors that call me every day and i dont even bother answering them. when i graduated college my dad gave me $7,000 in savings bonds to cash in, yeah all that money was gone in 3 months

but i have a closet full of shit i bought from barneys and wouldnt trade it foe anything in the world

luv u dad

>> No.7106359

>tfw taught myself algebra in 3rd grade
>tfw parents could not afford private schools that wanted me
>tfw middle school in a public school
>tfw outcast and too stressed to study
>played WoW and Ragnorak with friends
>became degenerate punk
>took high school as a joke
>got GED at 19
>some problem with my name cause my mom spelled it wrong from my birth certificate through all these years
>had to start college at 21
>22 yr old freshman at a community college
>thinking of just helping my pops with his business and make 1k a week
this some gay shit

>> No.7106362

also, starting in 3 months i will be paying child support which my lawyer estimated will be ~$700 a month but my dad told me he will pay for it. he makes i think like $180,000 a yr as an engineer for a steel company

>> No.7106396

1k a week aint bad man. get some flat mates for some cheap rent.
save up make some smart investments
start ur own business maybe.

>> No.7106426

Chile, you're not that poor, stop acting so poor.

Also, you can probably get old mestizo ladies to sew you things that I would never be able to buy

>> No.7106429

fuck you

>> No.7106439

Buy stuff used from sufu,sf,rakuten,sz,ebay,y!jap

Know exactly what you want(have a list)so you don't waste your limited money in bad cops.

Make it a habit of checking the marketplaces in the morning,lunchtime and evening

Get a job and put money away because nothing's worse than dilligently keeping an eye out for something you want only to find out you can't afford it

Know what retailers are stocking pieces you want and subscribe to their email alerts so you can know when they're having a sale

Know what local boutiques carry stuff you like and subscribe to their instagram/tumblr/whatever so you can stuff if they make it to sale season

Its hard work but you can easily build up a sick wardrobe in less than a year.

>> No.7106471

All my jelly bro. Where are you from?

>> No.7106728

I work hard as a cook in a bar and study full-time, don't drink, don't eat out, don't waste money. If I wanna go see a band or an exhibition I have money for it. After rent, food bills and travel I have around $350 left over, some of which I'll put towards some new clothes if something catches my eye.

Why are you a broke college student, do you waste money? Have you looked harder for a better job? Do you minimise expenses. It's really not that hard to make money and have/do nice things, just be rational and not lazy.

>> No.7106841

I don't get why /fit/ and /fa/ would be mutually exclusive.

>> No.7106869


Basically this.

For everybody, it's priorities.

Some people really really like clothing, and make sure that they have their expenses centered around it. For others it's music or movies, some people like more social entertainment like drinking or going out to eat with friends.

What has to be realized though, is that for most of us we can't do it all. So it's always up to whatever you think is most important after all the necessary expenses are out of the way.

>> No.7106881

The people here are mad jelly that we stylin like gosling and they got skinnyfat bitchboi bodies

>> No.7107307

id like to know how, im a pretty decent thief myself, but i dont go near higher end stuff

>> No.7107370

so you're a crazy low quality blue collared worker
the fucks your point
the fuck is some shit in sa who can't afford decent food trying to do thinkin about buyin clothes
why should i account for fucking morons who cant get their priorities straight
poor fucks in sa arent even going to be dealin with people who have any taste in clothes, shit won't help em
and they dont have the luxury to have a decent hobby so talkin about clothing fashion doesnt help em there either

this post is the embodiment of first-world apologist mentality
too fuckin stupid to grasp what money means outside of its literal value

>> No.7107687

same here. I think quality nullifies things to a point, buying $300 boots isn't anything other than choosing quality over other factors.

>> No.7107755

1200 for a one bedroom here in NY. Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.7107765

Same for me - in Australia

>> No.7107773

Where in Australia? In Brisbane that price is quite high, it'd have to be a great suburb and a great house at one bedroom. Of course, Melbourne and Sydney are much pricier (for good reason, this place sorta sucks)

>> No.7107784

>I moved out at 17 so as not to be a drain on my family
why do people do stupid shit like this and then go on and complain about rent

>> No.7107791

-knowing where to look
-not drinking or having other expensive hobbies
-being extreme danny

>> No.7107799

Expense account from parents. About 1.5k month. Still, got to save to get the good shit.

>> No.7107806
File: 12 KB, 645x773, 1381220248051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw that's the life i'm heading to

>> No.7107808

Right now I just cop basics fro Jcrew, Uniqlo, and Club Monaco. Spend more money on investment pieces: Boots, Shoes, and Glasses.

>> No.7107818

why would you spend the money on J Crew instead of saving for what you really want and just copping all Uniqlo in the mean time im gonna take your credit card away you piss pail.

>> No.7107825

The min wage in NY is 7.25 though.

>> No.7107848

because people like to think that only immediate benefits matter. Hence the ideology that education begins and ends at what is instantly applicable (the humanities are worthless, STEM are the only viable fields of focus)

>> No.7107924


>> No.7107972

How is his friend worse if he owns the house? Why the fuck would he have a job when he doesn't have to? As long as he isn't leeching off the government or anyone else then good fucking job.

>> No.7107996

Yeah, I live on the Gold Coast (an hour away from Brisbane) which was cheap but shit, I live in Newtown Sydney which is 10 minutes from the university, full of bars and music venues.

>> No.7108000

used to live on the Gold Coast*

>> No.7108053

I have a decent paying job and live at home. I might spend about on average like 150 a month on clothes here and there.

Planning on moving out once I graduate and get a proper job, I should make enough then to be ok.

I look at it as an investment. I've been buying low key menswear stuff, stuff I can wear in an office 5 days a week.

>> No.7108201


True, but most jobs in New York (even crappier ones) won't pay you 7.25--unless you're being tipped.

Look up "Barista" under nyc's craigslist job section. Most of them start at $9/hr, without experience.

>> No.7108206


Yeah...this is any major city, pal.

I live in Austin, and the typical rent for a one-bedroom in a decent part of town (one that isn't an hour's walk to downtown) is ~$1100. For a room near downtown, you might pay $900.

It's almost as expensive as New York.

>> No.7108325

>I'm here to live my own life
built by countless other lives

it's such a complex matter and you think you're fucking deep by summing it up in a sentence.