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7100098 No.7100098 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest.

Who here is a Manlet?

5"6' reporting in

>> No.7100111
File: 65 KB, 460x599, 460px-Borovikovsky_By_Bugaevsky_Blagodatny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting. 5" 5' and will be always considered as a younger brother to older and successful women.

>> No.7100114

6'1 dwarflet reporting in

>tfw you will never be part of the 6'2 master race

at least i can wear tall shoes...right?

>> No.7100115

i dont know how you short guys do it

im only 5'9" and obviously /fa/ thinks thats short af and i guess it is, but the actual 'short' people are just so disadvantaged, i feel so sorry for them

>> No.7100123

mayne I'm 5'4, but you learn to make do

>> No.7100129

5'3'' but I'm like half gay so it's cool

>> No.7100130

>consider myself petite

Can't even imagine how manlet's live with themselves trying to be fashionable

>> No.7100138


Living in California means i just about tower over everyone else.

>> No.7100141

there was an /fa/ thread about some guy who was 6" 11' and started a rage thread against short guys. He was a real douche and pretty much had no talent, probably wasn't good looking (took a blurry pic of himself), and really just mad at people shorter than him being better at life than he was.

Height isn't everything. Hell this guy was 6"2' and he can;t play basket ball, let alone dunk a 6-7 feet basket

>> No.7100150
File: 15 KB, 420x300, 1364174586619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 10 is a fine height. I quite like it for the most part. I wish I was 5 11. Any taller though and it'd get awful.

Hahah at least I'm not a manlet like so many others on this board.

>> No.7100152

5"8' reporting in captn

>> No.7100165

Modest height masterrace

>> No.7100168

do we really need to have a height thread right now man

you could just delete it

>> No.7100175

You're always welcome to hide threads, or you can man up and be honest with yourself - either is okay

>> No.7100180

6'3" here. Somebody just tie me a noose... please...

>> No.7100182

How exactly do you "tower" over everyone else. Where do you live. Im 6'2 live in LA. Koreatown to be exact. People here are pretty decent sized. Pretty tall actually. Not counting asians since they are obviously smaller but even then i see some pretty tall koreans around here all the time.

>> No.7100193

Where are you gonna use it your head touches the ceiling when you stand lel.

>> No.7100201

i just wanted you to consider it

there are times when i like not being tall, it's nice to be able to blend in and not be noticed

>> No.7100211

omg how kawaii, u small precious babies
i'm a 5'6 female and i only know like 2 people in my country who are shorter than me, and they're both girls.
so my heart goes out 2 u i guess???

>> No.7100216

I'm 6'6", you still have it easy...

>> No.7100220

>half gay
how does one achieve this sexuality?

>> No.7100243

6ft manlet reporting in

>> No.7100257

5'11 here
feels ok

>> No.7100263

6'6 here too any tall tips?

>> No.7100270

5'11 ft

tfw mediocre

>> No.7100275

5'8" here
>wish I was 6 feet
>wish I got more nourishment from my maternal creature
>mfw lack of love from parents led to failure to thrive and smaller bone structure
>mfw there are Asians taller than me

>> No.7100285

5'7" Kanye Yorke master race

>> No.7100289

>wish I was 6 feet
Why m8? I'm 6ft and it's still realy small, I'm a manlet.

Maybe its cause I live in the Netherlands but seriously 6ft is nothing to be desired

>> No.7100303
File: 101 KB, 634x896, ssssssstttttttttaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being 5'8 kanye tier
>not having mad stax

>> No.7100313

6'3 feels glorious

>> No.7100315

yes it is, as a 6'2 person in Canada I'm taller than almost everyone. When I went to netherlands I felt small, staying the fuck out of the netherlands.

>> No.7100322

I think I'd feel more comfortable with the extra vertical stretch.

I don't really think much taller is any better. I still want to fit in, don't want to be a giant or look like a football player ('merican kind).

>> No.7100320
File: 492 KB, 369x265, he-was-number-1-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You 5'6"-5'10" seriously need to stop boo hooing. Fucking get over it.

There are REAL short men who kill for your height. There are actually men who are only like 5'1".

Fucking accept it and move on. Stop being insecure.

And fuck anyone normal short man who's ever made fun of those really short men.

>> No.7100329

>tfw 6'2"
>tfw the inseam on my size 29 n&f jeans isn't long enough to give me mad stax

some1 kill me already

>> No.7100333

as i said, I'm 5' 5". While I understand height is a major "first tell" for people in measuring and predicting others, I find it a poor tool in that you'll consider someone worthy as a dismissive inferior human.

I my roomate who I dormed with was a tall kid and while at first thought I was some beta faggot, eventually found out how fucking intelligent and on par to discussions. and him being a INTJ... man did i do well

>> No.7100334

IKTF brah

except I'm asian.

>tfw asian grills are more antsy about height than other grills

>> No.7100338

That can be tricky if you're so thin. I have to worry about 34 inch inseams erry where. Not really into all dem stax, just want a nice tapered leg.

>> No.7100344

pro tip: asian girls don't notice you unless you're tall, rich, or sucessful/famous

I'm short, pretty plain looking dude. But once they realize what I drive, where i live, and what my occupation is, they fucking get needy as hell

>> No.7100345
File: 36 KB, 415x594, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 5'9 but grills still tell me I am tall
probably cause im skinny as fuck so they think im slander or some shit
Wish I was min. 5'11 though

>> No.7100352

Google says he's 5'6. No fucking way. Taylor I know for a fact is only like 5'7. Those heels may boost her but Bruno is like 5'3 or 5'2. Great artist but fuck me he's a midget.

>> No.7100353

5'3 reporting in.
can provide pics for proof if anyone gives a shit.

>> No.7100348

I wear 29 too
>tfw mad stacks >>7100345
>tfw manlet

>> No.7100360

Hi bruno

>> No.7100356

she's like 5'11 dude

>> No.7100361

>he's 5'5"
>i'm 5'5"
>my feelings are hurt

>> No.7100364

taylor is 5'11, bruno is 5'5. plus she's wearing heels so she's probably like 6'3 there.

>> No.7100365

the girl in the corner is still mirin though

>> No.7100366

Please do I want to calculate Bruno's height. I really hope lift. You can get buff fast.

No she isn't Celebrities lie about their height. Even Taylor Laughtner is like 5'7/5'8 and he stood next to her and was taller.

Daily reminder Robert Downey is 5'8 and wears man high heels.

Daily reminder Both Harry Potter and Emma Wattson are 5'5.

>> No.7100377
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1373939906437s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so celebrities lie about their height all the time. Taylor Laughter is like 5'7/5'8. He stood next to Taylor Swift and he was taller. And she wasn't wearing heels this time.

All celebrities lie about their height.
They all want to seem bigger than they are.

Daily reminder both Emma Wattson and Daniel Radcliff are 5'5

Daily reminder Robert Downey Jr. is 5'8 and wears man heels.

>> No.7100382



>> No.7100384


lel, I bet you browse celebheights and try to scrutinize their heights all the time you insecure manlet.

There's tons of reference photos to prove she's 5'11, if she really was 5'7 then more then half of Hollywood is sub 5'5.

>Gosling is really 5'5 guys, I'm 5'9 and taller than everybody I meet!

>> No.7100385

holy fuck its u again

WHY would female celebrities say theyre taller than they are

height is not seen as an advantage in women

>> No.7100389

Just calling out bullshit when I see it. Not everything you are told is true you know. People lie. Deal with it.

>> No.7100398

She's 5'8 you fucking retard bruno mars is prob. 5'3-4 and the fact that swift is wearing heels makes him look even worse than he is

>> No.7100399

yeah, idk why the inseam on n&f is so short. my j brand jeans are a lot longer. and i have some damir doma pants in size small with like a 40 " inseam its ridiculous

>> No.7100403
File: 825 KB, 1264x2672, DSC00942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delivering. The blue thing is a 12 inch ruler.

>> No.7100407

>celebs sometimes lie about their height
>therefore I'm going to subtract -3 inches from every celeb

>> No.7100408

5'10 and I am average in LA
I use to live in LA but never felt short
Blacks are tallest
White races are tall or mostly my height
I am Hispanic so hardly anyone else at 5'10
Tallest in immediate family
Grew up being called tall at 5'10
Use to play B ball at parks in LA as a kid and always called short

>> No.7100409

wow fuck mate that sucks. uh. Nice quads

>> No.7100415

What are you talking about? We are only talking about 3 people right now.

>> No.7100431


yeah I get asian attention but have a thing for thinner white washed black grills

>tfw they're always holding onto a 6'5" white guy's arm

>> No.7100435


And what evidence do you have for them lying about their heights other than "celebrities lie about their heights so these 3 people do it as well?"

This whole argument reeks of insecurity. Taylor in heels is taller than 90% of guys in all her photos, so unless only 10% of Hollywood and MTV is taller than 6'1 (which is pretty much ridiculous), she is not 5'7. She's even taller than guys that are most def 6'0~, who tower over ordinary looking dudes.

You might as well claim everyone famous is a fucking ooma loompa.

>> No.7100444

Only 10% of people in Hollywood are over 6ft you fucking retard. God damn you worship these people like fucking gods.

>> No.7100453

oh pls, lots of women want to appear taller, myself included, i wear like 5 inch heels on the daily and i'm not the only one

also, why do u guys even care how tall taylor swift is, why does it matter

>> No.7100462


Nigger, just move to L.A sometime and have your world blown apart. I'm sick of manlets making ridic. claims and trying stretch the truth to justify their short af legs.

There are short guys in the industry, but most of them are decent height. If Taylor was 5'7, then most famous guys there are sub 5'7. The's way way way below the national average, you're outright claiming they're statistical outliers.

>> No.7100480
File: 60 KB, 406x600, artist_of_the_decade_85830311-x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nicole kidman - 5'11
>taylor swift in flats standing next to kidman in heels
>~2 inch difference

manlet status

>> No.7100481

am i a womanlet at 5'5, guise?

>> No.7100496

Nah, you're aight.

6'2" and 5'7" is hetero couple masterrace I think

>> No.7100498

depends where u live i guess
i'm 5'6 and when i lived in america i was way above average
but here in norway i'm a tiny baby

>> No.7100510

5"1 reporting.
Yep. I'm a dude.
I have a surprisingly large penis to make up for it though. Well, large in proportion to my body.

>> No.7100523


> tfw 5'10" Asian
> taller than you
> top kek

>> No.7100524


>>7100403 here
yeah, our dick-to-body ratios are fucking sick.

>> No.7100536
File: 5 KB, 146x160, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8 here
>yfw I till wear tall tees and hi tops

>> No.7100556

rdj is probably 5'7"

>> No.7100562

See what I mean?

My dick is 6 inches. Please tell me I can at least win that battle...

Grills be sizing you up by height first, then wrists and shoulders and shit, finally it's cocks.
>my theory

>> No.7100573

asian and 5'9 5'10 here. How can people be shorter than me and live with themselves? How do I live with myself?

>> No.7100576

lol no it's all about the $$$ lil boy
buy me expensive clothes and i'm urs

>> No.7100578

6"1', 170lb half asian here. I'll fight everybody in this thread.

>> No.7100581


A big dick on a short guy = a average dick on an average guy = a small dick on a tall guy.

>> No.7100584

fite me irl

ill smak u down

u don't wan nun this


>> No.7100588


Before I make this decision how tall are you

>> No.7100608
File: 8 KB, 400x400, cut your hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u want sum this


>> No.7100615

5'11.5" reporting in

is it worth living?

>> No.7100616
File: 477 KB, 500x744, tumblr_mm9oyjKkeX1qa9gi9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 homo sapiens superior reporting in

>> No.7100625

no because you care way too much about that last half inch obviously.

at least you are king of manlets though

>> No.7100656

>tfw 5' 8"
>tfw dad is only 5' 9"
I will pay you to come and kill me

>> No.7100659

dam blood, u rite, I forgot about gettin back to da monay

I have a four door compact hatch, but recently acquired a green amex... I notice anytime I whip it out my filipino friends are the first to comment and give me complements. Same when I got a discover.
>we're in same socioeconomic strata
>can't tell if they're being sarcastic or really dat poor/bad credit/low wage earners

>> No.7100660

>Dad 5' 6" and Mum 5' 3"
>sister 5' 4"
>tfw 6' 1"

thank god

>> No.7100672

I dont azn but ye dont practice a fightn art ill go with ya no fearz. 5'8 n never scared

>> No.7100681

5'9" Asian
Average even among other Asians here.

>> No.7100692

5'9" here.
Feels mediocre man.

>> No.7100708
File: 162 KB, 1024x640, 7KCGE3v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad 5'9"
>mum 5'3"
>sister 5'4"

mfw 5'7" but female, phew just made it

>> No.7100712

Mom - 5"6'
Dad - 5"8'

Me - 6"

Thank you based god.

>> No.7100722


index finger.
what the fuck?

>> No.7100729

Dad - 6'
Mom - 5'9
Me - 6'1

About what I expected. I am the shortest of all my brothers though.

>> No.7100820

Yep. That's exactly it.
It's like my penis grew but the rest of my body didn't catch up. It's probably all the masturbating I did in junior high --> uni

>> No.7100823

strong milkman genes

>> No.7100825

wow you're only 6 inches.
Sorry man

>> No.7100835


I just think that my parents were like malnourished or something in childhood

>> No.7100881
File: 8 KB, 209x241, glad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not knowing whether I'd reach it

>> No.7100929
File: 140 KB, 400x332, 1382089432347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw parents are tall so everyone expected you to have a growth spurt and become tall
>tfw you tried to eat a ton of food and do stretches
>tfw never happened and going to die as a 5'9 manlet virgin unless I hire a escort
>tfw huge dick that only prostitutes will ever get to see
>tfw personality is too shit to make up for my manlet status


>> No.7101251

grandpa -5.5
grandpa -5.6
grandma -4.9
grandma -4.11

ME-6ft thankyou god

>> No.7101336

5'9 but still seems pretty short sometimes

late bloomer so im still growing


>> No.7101361

>half asian
>have to hem and dart all of my clothes
>tfw no gf
it gets better right?

>> No.7101597

Im 6'4. I got a taller toilet and my vanity in the master bedroom is 4 inches taller than normal so I dont have to bend over. I wish the kitchen could have been made a bit taller too but oh well. I just get tired of bending over. I used to work in a kitchen as a chef and my back was constantly sore at the end of the night.

>> No.7101598

>it gets better


>> No.7101602

<5'6 - subhumans.
5'6 - actually short tier. literally manlet.
5'7 - pretty bad, but can still be that "boyish" short guy.
5'8-5'9 - crowd filler. no one will notice you, you're the backdrop in life.
5'10-6' - average joes, some people might notice you, some might not. decent height, very average.
6'1-6'4 - walking gods on earth. the chosen ones, given a place on this planet to rule over all others and succeed beyond the vertically inferior. perfect height.
6'5> - kill yourself tier. lanky af. people eye you like a circus sideshow.

>> No.7101599

nobody expects an asian guy to be tall so its not seen as a wierd thing. If you were black or white, it would be only somewhat noticeable. No women really notice my height until i get close to them and im 6'4. I think the same probably goes for shorter guys. They probably dont really think about it.

>> No.7101604

nigga he's fucking 5 inches shorter than the average asian. people don't expect asians to be tall, but they sure as fuck aren't expecting them to be 5'3. stop giving him unrealistic expectations.

>> No.7101610

I have a lot of female friends and many of them like tall men but a good number of them, and hot ones I might add, dont care either way. Its just my experience with women. I think for guys like myself who are tall, we get girls and they say omg you are so big I love it. But we probably only attracted them because of our height.

>> No.7101611
File: 146 KB, 612x612, 1360779637932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo u ever been to the bay fam? <5'7 jungle asians everywhere

>> No.7101615

jungle asians are 5'5 avg.

>> No.7101616

what is unrealistic about saying its not a huge deal for some women.

>> No.7101672

Are you the oldest? A lot of times the oldest brother ends up the shortest.

>> No.7101684
File: 28 KB, 635x423, armstrongweb-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 6'2 master race
>have a 5'8 manlet friend
>convince him to start lifting
>he slowly starts to pass me up on every lift
>i start pointing out his height
>when we're around people i say his lifts dont count because he's a manlet
>he laughs at the jokes
>at a party with him
>girls say that we're going to play a game so all the men need to sit on the couch
>tell my friend he needs to find another group for the game because he's a manlet rather than a man
>all the girls start laughing
>his over sensitive ass comes up to me after the party and tells me im taking it to far
>start linking manlet memes to his facebook
>girls like and comment on them but he immediately deletes them out of insecurity
>be out to dinner with people after a concert
>he goes on about how he's been getting really good at bass and he's about to join a band
>i say 'haha he's just trying to make up for that height he's missing!!'
>girls start laughing
>he walks out of the restaurant pissed off
>i go out to try to calm him down
>he drives off and eventually moves away
>we never see him again

Lel. Over-sensitive fucking manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.7101687


funny meme reference /b/ro

>> No.7101689

>tall people must be good at playing basketball
that's heightist

>> No.7101694



>> No.7101703

You mustn't have a lot of friends.

>> No.7101724
File: 322 KB, 1200x798, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*manlets assemble*
Got me wondering for some time, are they all fuckin manlets or is she tall?
Captcha : smallest bossals

>> No.7101726

You're actually a really nice guy that would never even think of doing this, faggot

>> No.7101751

1.71 here

>> No.7101752

pharrel is 5'9, guy manuel is about the same height.

so yeah they're manlets.

>> No.7101913

Damn, what. I just moved to LA from Phoenix and suddenly feel small at 5'11". I swear the air here promotes growth. People are at least an inch taller on average. Even the Chinese kids are tall as fuck.

>> No.7101920

glad to see some fellow 6'6 /fa/gs. was starting to think i was the only one

>> No.7103259


This would be pretty funny if the manlets didn't run the world

>> No.7103251

this actually sounds somewhat accurate

>> No.7103450
File: 43 KB, 624x352, 936b5717a3afad3db4bc2402bf15c515_width_640x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tall is barack

>> No.7104812

lol'd bro and by bro i mean never my bro you faggot

6'5 245, stay down son .

>> No.7104876

I'm guessing he meant bisexual.

>> No.7104896

>Imperial system
Truly disgusting

>> No.7104912

American website

pls go

>> No.7104916

how tall are his jewish puppetmasters?

theyre short

>> No.7104934

Being American or not has nothing to do with the imperial system being retarded.

>> No.7104946

5'6 here.

Was never really self conscious about my height until I started browsing /fa/. I knew I was short, but I didn't really care and no one ever pointed it out. But, now I'm self conscious about it and I'm afraid to leave the house because everyone will think I'm a beta faggot. Could be worse I suppose. Grew a bit recently, so there is a slight chance I could grow a tiny bit more before I stop altogether because I'm already 20.

>> No.7104952

>short people

nigga what are you talking about? I'm 6 foot in san diego and I feel like I'm below average height.

>> No.7104953

We use the metric system to sell drugs. Okay? Now fuck off

We use both

Does your country use both?

What is superior now?

>> No.7104956


6'0" here

Do I wish I was 6'2"? Yeah a little. Do I thank my fucking stars every day that I'm not 5'6" or worse? Hell yes. I'm pretty content with my height.

>> No.7104965

5'8 in the uk

tfw taller than most guys at a dorm party yesterday

what the hell man

>> No.7105136

195cm or 6'4"
Feels good man.

gf is 185cm or 6'0"

>> No.7105150

Unless you are doing physics or chemistry any arbitrary measurement is fine.

>> No.7105186


freaks of nature

>> No.7105210
File: 995 KB, 200x104, FuckThisGayEarth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw barely 5'1 womanlet

>> No.7105281
File: 38 KB, 305x279, 1369911345948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of Manlets reporting in.

>> No.7105314

5'5" inches here. Shirts aren't too bad to shop for, but finding pants that fit well are tough.

>> No.7105338


6'4" does not feel good man. You stand out in a crowd and I can't wear most of the shit I like.

>> No.7105340
File: 184 KB, 377x351, 1379990036327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" clocked in

and i'm black... it hurts so much. i've attempted suicide before...

just one more inch or two... i'm only 18 do I have time??

>> No.7105347

6'1" and toned - too thin for girls with any sort or height because they're bigger than me as far as I'm concerned

Love, and basically prefer petite girls

Hang in there

>> No.7105359

any sort of weight or height*

>> No.7105360

Shut up, you're tall enough. I'm 6'3 and you're being stupid. I have zero advantages.

>> No.7105392
File: 500 KB, 470x296, tumblr_lnwy9d0X5u1qh2mpqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7105403

6'3" feels oh so goodman

>> No.7105402

wow you are me
i mean, in the height, age and wondering if we will ever grow a little more, i'm not black

i think we are doing alright, though, look at all these manlets on the thread

>> No.7105407


Being too tall is suffering. Finding clothes that fit is torture.

>> No.7105410
File: 2 KB, 174x160, 1381965630720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I know a black guy named al

>> No.7105416

being a short grill is qt af
check ur priv m8

>> No.7105428

Holy shit man, how does that work out for you?

>> No.7105437

You've definitely got your pick of the litter as far taller girls go

>> No.7105450
File: 1.44 MB, 300x208, 1380901125779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw 6'2" and 6' girl likes me and we share a ton of interests
mfw find out she's crazy

maybe next time.

>> No.7105866

6' 0" reporting in

>> No.7105886

4'11" and 24 years old kissless virgin here
Don't know why I don't kill myself

>> No.7105902

What you need to do is get SUPER FUCKING /fit/ and fucking exude confidence like a mofo. Those short ripped dudes who know they get the pussy GET THE FUCKING PUSSY.

>> No.7105913

>tfw tall girls are the only girls I'm scared to hit on

>> No.7105910

Certified midget, dang. I think I was 4'11" when I was 11.

>> No.7105915
File: 20 KB, 512x384, sfb99146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7105925
File: 68 KB, 752x892, midgetandweeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tiny is 5'4"

being under 5'6" is pain

being shorter than Danny Devito is hell

>> No.7105922

Taller girls are more willing to settle for exactly that reason, so just go for it if you're interested in one. You might be pleasantly surprised

>> No.7105931

Yeah, you really should kill yourself. Jesus.

>> No.7105943

is being tall actually that big of deal? im 6"4' and ive never even thought about my height

>> No.7105944
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>> No.7105937

6'1 here. should i get 1 inch lifts for my boots?

>> No.7105939

5'9" reporting, I-i'll grow an inch or two, r-right effay?

>> No.7105948

what happened to tiny? the last post on his blog is from 2012 ;_;

>> No.7105949
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>> No.7105957

>Be 6'4
>Meet a chick who must've been 6'2/6'3

She freaked the fuck outta me just by that alone it was super weird

>> No.7105970

Dad: 6'2
Mom: 5'8
Me: 6'3
My cousin is 6'6 as well as my uncle, so I feel like a manlet at 6'3 during family gatherings.

>> No.7105961

He grew up and moved on. I hope I'm not still posting here after age 24.

>> No.7105975
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>mfw I see all these tall girls with ugly as fuck tall guys

They just need to feel short so much they'll fuck anything taller than them.

>> No.7105976

> tfw 5'6" manlet with pear shaped body and fat ass

kill me now ;_;

or give feshin tips pls

>> No.7105971


Pretty proportional.
Horizontal scars (stretch marks) along back.

Kill me. Please. Everything else is fine BUT that. I didn't even know guys could get them but of course, I had to.

At least you manlets don't have to worry about it and because of that, I'm jealous. I'd rather be short than have the back that I have now.

>> No.7105983

I have stretch marks like that too. Is it from growing fast or from bad posture? I've heard both explanations and both apply to me, so I'm unsure.

>> No.7105985

I know EXACTLY what you mean - it's like they'll date the first guy they find that's actually taller than them

>> No.7105986

thats probz true actually i mostly see short women with tall dudes tho

>> No.7105981

5'11" but i havent stopped growing yet so i might even get to be six foot
but if not i will probably hang myself

>> No.7105982
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>tfw 5'9"
>tfw in the netherlands
>tfw so many dutch grills are at least 5'10"

>> No.7105989


>> No.7105990

wear wide clothes.

>> No.7106003

ive had them too since is was like 13-14. theres only like one or two of them that are actually noticeable now.

>> No.7106010

I think it's from growing too fast.

I was a really late bloomer and I shot up really quickly towards the latter half of middle school.
It really sucks though because I've been fit my entire life and every time I take my shirt off, I feel like everyone is staring.

Whatever. We couldn't have done anything about it. Puberty can really fuck some people over man.
(Also, I'm half Filipino/half White and scars are very visible on me).

>> No.7106020

Do Greyskull LP w/ dips and pullups err day.

>> No.7106016
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You now realize that 5'11 is the optimum pussy obtaining height, all other heights pale into insignificance compared to 5'11 master-race.

Statistics bitch.

>> No.7106017


but since brazillians are naturally short I'm fine

>> No.7106023
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>tfw 5'11
doesn't have the same ring as six feet doe

>> No.7106030

Tall girls are usually ugly.

>> No.7106037
File: 187 KB, 568x533, Evolved Jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't get the whole 'height' thing. It literally has NO bearing on how attractive I find someone. I always thought it weird how important it is to some people. Other stuff, sure, but height? Don't care.

>> No.7106034

I've got about five of them but they are all pretty long. Being of a darker complexion doesn't help. I've thought about getting laser treatment.

>> No.7106043

Was 5'6" when i graduated. Got a late growspurt and got to 5'9" by 21. Still a manlet but thank god i still grew that late.

>> No.7106045

he left 4chan.
He still posts on fitocracy.

>> No.7106047

>stretch marks on back too
count yourself lucky

>> No.7106049

5'9", but it doesn't bother me that much because I live around a bunch of Mexicans so I feel taller

>> No.7106052

shit i got some minor shingle scars

them niggas are ugly im just glad ive only got a few

>> No.7106057

The outliers are fantastic though, there was this one tall italian girl with frumpy hair and cute beady eyes in highschool. She played basketball and had the legs of a goddess like, slender and toned and shaped in the most perfect way.

>> No.7106059

Me neither but I think the reason behind all of the emphasis is because taller people just naturally stand out more.

When you see a taller person walking with shorter people beside them, you're gonna notice the taller person first.

They naturally get more attention.
I don't really care but it sort of makes sense to me.

>> No.7106065
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I know it's petty, but I fucking hate it when tall girls wear heels. If you're 5'6 or over, stick with flats please. It's a little bit embarassing.

>> No.7106074

>tfw 5'10.5"
>tfw 20
>tfw my sister still keeps asking why i'm so short and if i'm "seriously done growing"
>tfw she's like 5'3"

s-she's just trying to piss me off, r-right...?

>> No.7106088
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She wants the D

>> No.7106090

>pear shaped body and fat ass
used to have this honestly all you can do is lose a lot of weight

>> No.7106098
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Dude, at this point, I feel like my messed up back overshadows my height.

I guess clothed is a different story but still. I feel weird when I take off my shirt. Me and you are in the same boat.

I just need to learn how to not give a fuck.

>> No.7106104

mine are fading but I guess so, yours must be pretty deep for them to affect you that much, how much do you grow?

>> No.7106112

6'4" in Orange County. I am average. Mormons that migrate from Utah are all fucking huge.

Asians, Mexican are usually under 5'9". Blacks average 6'.

>> No.7106116


It matters a lot for women assuming you're not TOO short

>> No.7106130

related question, how tall do you guys prefer your qtp2ts? ive only dated 5' 2"-5' 4" grills before, but then i just met this ~5' 7" girl at uni and i think im ready to make the change

5' 10" king of manlets btw

>> No.7106142

When you guys go to bars/clubs and she's wearing heels and taller than you, it'll attract taller guys that think they can steal her from you. You'll look like a bitch if you don't do something.

>> No.7106144

Buy some bio-oil, brew.
Bro is 6'2, shot up from 5' ish in a year and got the same thing - scars are mostly gone now.

>> No.7106147

Yeah, they are pretty deep and since I scar extremely easily, they are very easy to see.

I don't believe they will ever fade. I still have scars from cuts when I was a kid.

Anyways, I wished I had recorded my height but I'd be willing to say that I was around 5'2 going into middle school and left at around 6-6'1.

I'm still growing but not nearly as much as when I hit puberty. I hope I stop because I'm fine at 6'3.

>> No.7106151

I'd rather be 6'2" because its manlier and I'm a masculine person.

>> No.7106161

Indians are gross by default. Dots and feathers.

>> No.7106167

You look cute as a button, though.

Do you not like women taller than you? I personally don't care about height, but I always wondered if it went both ways, as in: "men don't want women taller than them." Just like "women don't want short men"

>> No.7106162

tfw she hates heels so you never have to worry about >>7100345 happening

>> No.7106173

If you don't have abs you should be embarrassed to take off your shirt.

>> No.7106178

Cowboy boots are heeled about an inch, retard.

>> No.7106186

I'm 6'2 and not that guy, but I would love to date a girl taller than me. It only occurred to me like a few months ago, but it is definitely my preference.

>> No.7106198

That's good and everything but your chart clearly says that 6'0 is better. Do you even charts bro

>> No.7106199
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>> No.7106201

freud would have some shit to say but I think you already know.

>> No.7106216

Thanks man I'll try it. The only thing I'm leery about is the possibility of me growing even more scars.

Like I said, I'm still growing and it just has to be a hormone problem since both of my parents are under 5'8-5'9. Currently 18 years old, almost 19.

Haha nah man I don't have abs. I'm actually pretty skinny (6'3 and around 150 lbs). I've never been really able to pack on weight which I suppose is good since I have horrible eating habits.

I need to start working out once I find the motivation to begin but until then, I'm content.
I just think that even with abs, I'd still be inclined to keep my shirt on what with the scars and all.

>> No.7106241

damage report. how tall?

>> No.7106243

I don't mind. It doesn't really hurt anyone else and it's not as if I haven't dated and enjoyed shorter girls. I'm cool with having problems.

>> No.7106236

My brothers are all taller than me, and I barely have an inch over my sister. I'm not quite sure what happened. Maybe it was all the fast food, coke, and all night Counter-Strike binges?

>> No.7106249

You should be 170lbs minimum at 6'3" otherwise you look like a daddy long leg.

>> No.7106260

no, im 6'2" and did all that
dr pepper and counter strike source every night from sophomore year till senior
freshman year it was gears of war

>> No.7106258

About 5'6. My brothers all range from 5'10 to 6'

>> No.7106268 [DELETED] 
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Look at you, proving my height I already said I was.

I live in miami so I'm as tall/taller than around 60% of girls. I prefer women a couple inches shorter than me.
Pic related, gf. Censored to shit so no backtracing or anything.

Also in case anyone is curious, my father is 5'6 and my mother is 4'10.

>> No.7106283

disagree. I don't like super fit guys, it creeps me out. Just be squirrely and twitch a lot..... haha, ok that's not true.

But overcompensating in other areas is never a good look.

>> No.7106300

thought so ;_;

>> No.7106337

Lol, but you're a girl on 4chan. You're even more broken than we are.

>> No.7106345

your legs, holy shit

>> No.7106348


>> No.7106364

at least you can buy kids clothes and save a bit of money

>> No.7106365

w-whats wrong with them?

>> No.7106369

They're really stubby.

>> No.7106374
File: 1.15 MB, 300x169, 1362964094269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3 and still growing

>> No.7106376

I don't see it, it's all relative. In the pic his proportions look like he's 5'7 or so

>> No.7106379

start sleeping and eating less. you don't want to enter freak territory

>> No.7106385
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>tfw no qt dwarf gf

>> No.7106389

Doesnt sleeping help the growth process?

>> No.7106405
File: 32 KB, 236x236, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. so like op said, sleep less

>> No.7106413

Oh i completely read that i wrong. I though he was saying start sleeping more.

>> No.7106422


5'7 Shit-Shit-Shit tier master race.

>> No.7106515
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pic or it didnt happen manchild

>> No.7106613

>tfw you're tall as tiny

>> No.7106644

6 foot, feels good mane :)

>> No.7106700

if you're a qt you can become a tarp.

>> No.7106714

6'5" /fit/ here. Feels like a champion.

>> No.7106958

>GF taller than me.
I'm Surprise I've lived this long without being stepped on. Will you do me the honors. :(
Will you do me the honors.

>> No.7106971

>tfw 6'2 freak of nature


>> No.7107015
File: 79 KB, 306x362, 1351263274-20121023-taylor-swift-picture-02-x306-1351008025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short chicks are like rodents. Loud and annoying and always wanting attention. I'll stick to 5'8"+. Pic related

>> No.7107017

same brotha
no one fucks wit us

>> No.7107030

but you'll never be "one of the boys"

>> No.7107040
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Mfw she looks squirrelly

>> No.7107057

5'4, I stopped giving a shit when I realized I'm better than people even if they're taller than me.

It's honestly whatever.

>> No.7107067
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>> No.7107078

5'9". No problems ever. Obviously sometimes i see taller people and be jel but its part of who i am.

>> No.7107112

Are you a reptilian?

>> No.7107147

you're fucking retarded lel

>> No.7107285

He's more like 5'5 without the height insoles.

>> No.7107299
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Without the helmet Guy's only about 5'7 or 5'8 man.

>> No.7107344

Bro science.

>> No.7107394

I'm 5'11 and a half but in sneakers I'm 6'0
I'm taller than most of the people around where I live, but there's the occasional 6'5+ guy who's awk af to be around

>> No.7107409

5'11" here, that feel when manlet, when will i learn?

>> No.7107439
File: 130 KB, 556x760, ya-know-you-really-are-short-for-a-guy-did-ya-ever-think-of-dressing-in-high-heels-youd-look-sooo-cute-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am probably the shortest manlet here.

>> No.7107483

>6" our 6,1 " ?? round 185 cm
i hate dating girls that are below 5,9 shit is getting me irritated.

w2c amazonian 6'+ goddes ?

>> No.7107506

top kek, i'm the second tallest in the class besides some latina girl.

tfw im in the metro our bus and i see over people.

>> No.7107511

>not knowing 6'0 is the new 5'10

>> No.7107555

5'11'' but my charisma and charm make up for it.

>> No.7107599

when i found out ryan gosling was only like 5'9 i kinda lost respect for him... idk why

>> No.7107611

optimal 6'0 master race here

half of you people on this board are faggots

>> No.7107613

i guess we'll never know why either, if you find out why be sure to tell me.

>> No.7107653

What he's only 5'9?! He was 6'4" in my fantasies. How will I ever fantasize snuggling with the goose now and have him tell me everything is okay if I'm taller than him? This is not okay.

>> No.7107669

i know, so sad :( i assumed he was at least 6'

>> No.7107749

fuck are you on about that is perfect height

>> No.7107769

I can smell doritos and BO all the way in Zagreb

>> No.7107850

Fuck, same here. Never thought about height until /fa/

>> No.7107901

Stop being a shallow cunt maybe?

>> No.7107917

5 5 reporting

>> No.7107918

I am 5'9 and my gf is 5'4

she is asian and one of the only people to tell me I am short... Her parents are taller though, 5'6 and 6' so maybe we will have taller kids, she got bad nutrition as a kid also.

>> No.7107981

i'm 5'9"

i feel average-tall here tho lol

>> No.7108040

4'11" grill reporting in

you'll always be a big strong man to me, manlets. ;_;

>> No.7108083 [DELETED] 

im about 5'3-4ish in 9th grade i doubt ill still grow

>> No.7108095


>> No.7108103


>> No.7108126
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>underage b&

>> No.7108120

underage b&

>> No.7108121

>implying that our life has no meaning direction
So what if some 14 year old spends his leisurely time doing the same thing we do.

pls go ; ;

>> No.7108133


>> No.7108163


>> No.7108194

i lol'd

>> No.7108205

I have them too, I'm only 5'10 but I got them when I suddenly fixed my posture in middle school. Maybe I had a growth spurt too

>> No.7108333

so cool
so follow
so leader

fuck you

>> No.7109598

from growin fast bruv
i got em too

>> No.7109618

5'7 and never dated nor fucked a girl over my height.. don't know whether to be ashamed by that or to be confident in my success with shorter females.