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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 640x425, Smoking_(Small).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7055059 No.7055059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is smoking half a cigarette then stomping it out cooler than smoking a full one, i personally think its more fa to smoke just half to show u dont give a fuk, and the other half is nothing cause u been doing this for a long time

>> No.7055069

>Year of Our Lord + 13
>Not putting out your cigarette on your tongue
dios mio amigo

But seriously you're a fucking retard

>> No.7055067

this is retarded

smoke as much of it as you want, no one is watching and judging how you smoke a cig

smoking cigs are for your own pleasure, not to impress others, you are a fgt if it is the latter

>> No.7055073

the only reason to smoke cigarettes is to look cool idiot.

op smoke about 3/4, only 1/2 makes you look dumb for wasting most of it

>> No.7055077

cigarettes dont do anything, i only smoke infront of girls, deal with it

>> No.7055084


you both probably look like massive tools taking out your cigs and lighting up every time a girl is near you

i bet youve never even talked to a girl while having a smoke

>> No.7055092

thats the look i go for though, being wasteful looks cool imo

>> No.7055096

i bet u i look more stylish while smoking than you do, guarantee it actually bud

>> No.7055102


lel, highly doubt that

what you smoking?
>rollies is the only acceptable answer

get on my heroin chic lvl

>> No.7055112

rollies are shit, u look like your trying hard to smoke like u look like u would sit in a smoker longue and make convo with other smokers , pre rolled looks like u dont even think about it, u just do it, its effortless like marilyn monroe

>> No.7055122

you lose that bet then bruv. i don't light up whenever a girl is near me. smoking in reaction isn't /fa/ duh

>> No.7055123

haha ya nothings more stylish than a greasy abbo trying to bum smokes off people outside 7/11

>> No.7055131

you're all a bunch of cunts

>> No.7055128


rollies show you arent just smoking to look cool and you are experienced a bit

packs are for grills and posers (like you)

>> No.7055132

or at least make it appear like you're experienced

remember there are people that come on here and figure out how to skip the pleby steps

>> No.7055141

exactly u dont wanna be that in it, u just wanna look like u effortlessly dip ur toe in when u want without even thinking about it, like u would with a piece of food

>> No.7055146

on the other hand makes you seem more rare

>> No.7055148

you definately dont wanna be the guy who always has a pouch thats so uncool, its only cool if you just have a pack sometimes, and sometimes u smoke halfs and just throw them in the trash and sometimes u smoke the full thing, thats the truely coolest way to smoke IMO

>> No.7055149

its not what you smoke , its how

>> No.7055151


no lel

that ust means you are smoking to look cool, meaning it isnt effortless

rolling up a nice looking cig yourself in a few seconds and lighting it up and smoking it looks far less try hard than some fgt with his freshly bought pack of cigs lurking behind a group of girls trying to look cool

>> No.7055158

this is true, the way u hold the cigarette, blow it out and the way your eyes move when the smoke is coming out is extremely important and i often find myself rating peoples smoking technique in public

>> No.7055163
File: 13 KB, 360x270, marlboro man 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just smoke as much as you feel like

There are people who genuinely need the nicotine and then there are people who dont even breathe it in

The latter is just wasting good air and money.

>> No.7055166

no it means u dont care, its just a part of life that u never thought about for more than 2 seconds (thats the look your trying to give off)

>> No.7055175

But you do care

>> No.7055184

thats irrelevant

>> No.7055186


this isnt going to get anywhere lel

ill stick to smoking rollies simply because i think they taste much nicer than packs and i dont really give a fuck about looking cool

>> No.7055193
File: 35 KB, 609x480, marlboroman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you expect to look cool if you don't think you are cool enough on the inside

some people just own it.
because they don't do cool things, they are cool.
Simply by association.

You are just being a faggot.

>> No.7055199

stick to being a pleb while i flex on you infront of your girlfriend looking like a effortless god

>> No.7055203

im cooler than you tho

>> No.7055209


whats that about not caring?

she will be too busy sucking my dick over my rolling skills

>> No.7055206
File: 185 KB, 800x534, skye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you really not see the contradiction

the things they do are cool, simply by association.

Stop miming ur movie heroes like a monkey, you are impressing nobody worthwhile.

>> No.7055210

I'd be more sad than happy if I were cool in your eyes

>> No.7055215
File: 1007 KB, 500x380, tumblr_inline_mu7k6q2Hvv1qdy69j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7055219

shell think your boring cause u come off as SO pre mediated

>> No.7055224


she will be laughing with me at the loser leaning on the wall fixing his hair every two seconds and checking himself in the window while chain smoking and staring at qt's as they walk past him not giving a fuck

now fuck up m8

>> No.7055232

to your face shell laugh then youll be browsing insta and notice she liked 3 of my photos and i still wont respond cause shes boring and like rolled cigarettes

>> No.7055237
File: 1.50 MB, 230x172, euphoric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm convinced that you are just having a giggle

>> No.7055261

Worst trip. Rarely, if ever, talks about fashion, stupid tryhard poser.
End yourself.

>> No.7055264

he's not even a trip
i'm so embarrassed for you

>> No.7055273

what u mean fuccboi, i been skooling people on fashion since i arrived, ive even noticed changes in the way people dress since i came, people trying to imitate my style

>> No.7056096

I hate people who waste a good cigarette and Id think you are a faggot thats afraid of a used filter, just my opinion though it is pretty hard to be /fa/ when the cigarette is burning your fingers

>> No.7057655

Smoke clove cigarettes. All of the protagonists in most Bret Easton Ellis novels smoke them.