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/fa/ - Fashion

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7047172 No.7047172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you lift?

>> No.7047178
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>> No.7047237

>"I'm bulkin' bruh!"

>> No.7047325

No I mean weights

>> No.7047336

Yeah I'm a powerlifter

>> No.7047375

you really think there is a single /fa/ jacket in the world those disgusting lumps of meat could fit into?

no, there is not.

>> No.7047438
File: 50 KB, 573x830, steel ur girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're fit, any clothes look good on you

>> No.7047532
File: 24 KB, 300x250, 2013 not having a dickpivot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lift every time I pull my dick out of my pants to pee

>> No.7047545

is that that bazinga guy?

>> No.7047558

yeah, not really

>> No.7047579

Yeah really. Deal with it, skinnyfat

>> No.7047581

yes, but not very much
escaping skinnyfat, endless journey

>> No.7047588

>I lift every time I pull my dick out of my pants to fuck you are mom

>> No.7047637
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>> No.7047643

if /fit/ fashion threads are any indicator of what the average fit person dresses like, then no that's not true at all

skinny people look good in nice clothes, deal with it nerd

>> No.7047656

>not being ottermode master race
>not having a good looking body while being able to fit into clothes well

stay pleb

>> No.7047658

Until age 20 you mean?

after that it's time to go gosling

skinny late twenty year olds just look skuzzy as fuck, just nasty

>> No.7047689

Just because the average zyzzfag dresses in tank tops and bad tattoos means you have to, too? That if you somehow got off your ass and had a good looking body you'd have to stop dressing classy too? Right...

>> No.7047696

>Just because the average zyzzfag dresses in tank tops and bad tattoos means you have to, too? That if you somehow got off your ass and had a good looking body you'd have to stop dressing classy too? Right...

I never said that, I was implying that the 20somethings that are fit dress like the dudes you're describing.

the first guy said that being fit automatically means anything you wear will look good, and that's simply not true

>> No.7047708
File: 2.06 MB, 2880x1280, my-first-progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do, only twice a week though in my home gym.

Pic related my progression from earlier this year, picked up lifting again a few weeks ago.

Just hoping to gain some upper body mass and escape hungry skellington mode. It's just really challenging for me somehow because I have to do cardio for work 4 times a week and I'm not a big fan of eating.

>> No.7047743
File: 1.23 MB, 1938x2584, IMG_20131010_093013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup but I'm not /fa/ at all

>> No.7047760

let's see that wiggly wee wee of yours fit boi

>> No.7047770
File: 1.19 MB, 714x877, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, started 4 months ago

>> No.7047772

>wiggly wee wee
Do you mean my penis?

If so no I'd rather not share it.

Besides, that would be inappropriate for this board and I don't want yet another ban.

>> No.7047812


nice penor

>> No.7047814

Does lifting really define the abs that much?

>> No.7047830

whats ur routine/diet m8

>> No.7047840

fukk gains are ezmode when ur short
im mirin and jelly

>> No.7047834

No, being low bf% does. Both of them are hungry skelator mode

>> No.7047833

if you have low body fat around your core and do core exercises/compound lifts, then yes. everyone has a six pack deep down, its just usually covered in fat.

>> No.7047862

if zyzz wore the same clothes as you (implying you are not fit), zyzz would be 10321 times /fa/ than you

>> No.7047886


>> No.7047953

this is not bad, stay like this

>> No.7047978

My body is pretty much like yours in the first pic but I have girly waist. Would you mind sharing exercises and tips anon? Ya looking good.

>> No.7047997


You can be skinny and /fa/, but being somewhat muscular is always a bonus.

There is a cut off point, however.

>> No.7048013

You cannot be too big while staying lean, unless you're a manlet. It is impossible without gear. Impossible.

>> No.7048031

this nigger knows
i'm skinny, but i'll start working out in a few months
because ottermode is the ideal body. period.

>> No.7048044

>Do any of you lift?
-myself out of bed?

>> No.7048062

Nah, more than ottermode. More like Patrick Bateman mode or brad pitt in troy. Ottermode is A&F models and they still look like bitchbois.

>> No.7048125


>> No.7048199

brad pitt has bitch legs and is slightly above other mode in troy

>> No.7048221

>fukk gains are ezmode when ur short
I suppose.

But I am 6ft on the dot (183cm), I wouldn't really call that short. Would you?..

I think it comes down to having low bodyfat and those muscles atleast be activated somehow (I cycle and walk alot), I no longer do ab workouts. I'd rather have thick and solid arms+chest&shoulders than defined abs.

Thanks, I'd advice you to get two dumbells with extendable weights, very versatile, you can literally do almost any essential workout excersize with them to get you started. From there on you can either get more gear or move on to a real gym if you really do enjoy working out.

Just search for "full dumbell workout" on Youtube.

>I have girly waist
How bad are we talking m8, is it birthgiving-core?

You're welcome fatty :^)

>> No.7048252

Fuck legs

>> No.7048303

>But I am 6ft on the dot (183cm), I wouldn't really call that short. Would you?..
try being 195cm
just sayin. guys who are 6'0 and under have it a lot easier. not shittin on your progress but still

>> No.7048315

>I'd advice you to get two dumbells
I actually have a few equipments but I've never noticed any improvment besides more strenght and disposition, nothing aesthetic. Problem is, I hate gyms or any sport that is too packed with people. I'm thinking about starting swimming or something.
>I have girly waist
>How bad are we talking m8, is it birthgiving-core?
Shit, meant to say hips. I actually like it, it's pretty androgynous.

>> No.7048325
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>> No.7048326

I was just saying that brad pit isn't really a lifter, he just has glory muscles.

>> No.7048334

If he cut it wouldn't look bad.

and im not cursed with bad calves by default

>> No.7048339

Is your routine 10x5 fork-to-mouths?

>> No.7048344


I lift and run for fitness and looks. I don't care about my lifts.

>> No.7048356

>twf when skinny jeans fit like leggings and your big glutes make you look like a girl from behind

I hate being poor, I need new pants

>> No.7048369

I suppose you are right. I shouldn't take it for granted and lift harder. Felt like you were calling me out for manlet for a second there though.

>I actually have a few equipments but I've never noticed any improvment besides more strenght and disposition, nothing aesthetic. Problem is, I hate gyms or any sport that is too packed with people. I'm thinking about starting swimming or something.
It's actually perfectly possible to make aesthetic improvement given the fact you have the right routine, doing the right excersizes and form. Also taking in adequate calories and proteins. It also takes alot of time, so you gotta be patient with it m8.

I don't like sports or gyms packed with people either. I'm just going to buy a heavy barbell soon so I can do deadlifts aswell. Swimming is great, but you'll have to take it to a certain level and be consistent with it if what you're aiming for is purely aesthetics.

>> No.7048413

Gap runs large, I recommend anybody from /fit/ to try the authentic skinny style there. Wait for a sale and you can get their raws for like 45 bucks, amazing entry level price and better than levis.

>> No.7049655

I do, people should lift.

>> No.7049678
File: 324 KB, 1080x1920, lelk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just did pull-ups everytime I entered an exited my room lol

this is evident in my horrible abs.

>> No.7049745

and chest
good work otherwise