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/fa/ - Fashion

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7026615 No.7026615 [Reply] [Original]

Does /fa/ have any experience with getting boots altered? I bought these and wanted the heels high, but now I realize I'd wear them more often if the heels were lowered. Any recommendations?
Pic related: it's a terrible picture of the boots taken in a bathroom -so ashamed-

>> No.7026630

those boots are hilariously ugly

>> No.7026647

I kinda figured that would be the response.
I wear them with corsets and belt pouches, fashionable is not the objective.

>> No.7027074

do you also eat food with no intention of deriving sustenance from it? get in the car with no intention of getting to a location? this is all way over my head

>> No.7027095




come back when you want to dress like a human

... or an astronaut

>> No.7027100

If it's dessert, then yes. If I'm driving around just because I want to drive around, then yes. I wear these clothes because I like wearing them.

>> No.7027428

>fashionable is not the objective
>asks /fa/ for criticism and bitches at responses

Just stop posting

>> No.7027455

Didn't ask for criticism, asked for advice about getting boots altered. Did you even read the post?

>> No.7027475

those are disgusting

also you could probably buy new ones with a smaller heel on amazon or whatever shithole you got them from for the price it would take for a cobbler to saw half the heels off

i hope you didnt pay more than 20$ for them

>> No.7027486

Yes...all leather boots that were made to fit exactly my foot could certainly be bought on amazon, you've been so helpful.

>> No.7027496
File: 24 KB, 270x298, 1378951158887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this nigga not know how shoe sizes work?

>> No.7027495

>all leather boots that were made to fit exactly my foot could certainly be bought on amazon, you've been so helpful.

oh wow excuse me i had no idea your special snowflake feet were too perfectly formed to fit into regular boots wow please forgive me

>> No.7027505

You don't wear heels do you?

>> No.7027521

Are you suggesting that heels need to be formed to your foot to fit?

>> No.7027524

Only that it makes them more comfortable, and that ill-fitting can really fuck up your feet.

>> No.7027548

It's too bad there isn't some sort of numerical sizing formula for consumers to use to prevent that issue.

>> No.7027547
File: 52 KB, 639x394, 39dcb_1zmjcif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off to /cgl/ with your ugly boots you fat cunt

>> No.7027565

If you think that actually works well then you have never worn heels for any amount of time.
Yeah guys, measuring only the length of a foot in barelycorns is certainly the best way to make sure shoes fit.
I still just want to know about getting boots altered.

>> No.7027594
File: 48 KB, 250x375, “JUXTAPOSITION”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue is not the heel height, those boots just aren't worth altering. at all
for one thing i don't even think you could, looking at the way the sole is constructed. it'd be worth more to resole them entirely than it would be to replace them at your pricepoint. if you can't wear them at their current height (as in, too high making them too uncomfortable) get insoles. altering heels is one thing but altering boots is another entirely
the way they fit through your ankle and calf just wouldn't make it conducive to alteration along with the lesser quality of the leather, and that is a fault of the boot itself.

>> No.7027596

How about you take them to a cobbler you Dr. Scholls reppin' motherfucker

>> No.7027623

Thank you for your help. I've got some insoles for them, and they help a little bit, but start really hurting around hour 2 or 3.
The fit through the ankle/calf isn't nearly that bad when I wear them with tall socks and pants under them, I just didn't bother putting them on for the picture. I probably should have.

>> No.7027665
File: 357 KB, 907x678, pale marques2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome, anon
if regular insoles aren't helping i would definitely look into more expensive orthopedic ones if you have a shop nearby that specialises, or check online for ones that are specifically your shoe size and geared towards strong back support. if they start hurting that badly that soon in though i really recommend upgrading to a more supportive pair whenever you can, wearing boots or heels (or, both) that hurt your feet is a major cause for ankle and back issues! then you'll really need speciality insoles.
either way you go it'll be an investment but it's so worth your money-shoes are the most impactful things we wear at least physiology wise, if you have the opportunity to invest, don't hesitate.

>> No.7027702

I'll be sure to check around for specialty shops, just moved to Seattle, so surely there's something around here.
Today anon was helpful, and it gave me warm fuzzy feelings.

>> No.7027710

Just buy a pair of Doc Martens if you want an orthopedic boot

>> No.7027772
File: 93 KB, 500x749, alexander wang ss cut out boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw. good luck. again, don't be afraid to shoot high once the time comes, your spine will thank you.