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/fa/ - Fashion

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6970402 No.6970402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

itt: ioffer/other related sites experiences

>over a year ago, order pair of jordans from fake jordans site
>they arrive and tons of kids freak out about em (in a good way)
>don't see what the big deal is
>sometimes known as the "kid with that one pair of jordans"

>> No.6970408

dont think that just because jordans are made in china shit marked up 1000% that rick is the same thing kids

>> No.6970415

oh i know
i just like the way the ramones look and i was looking into buying a fake pair of them in a few months
not expecting quality. also not shelling out over 700 dollars for a pair of shoes

>> No.6970419

just buy converse theyll look better

>> No.6970425

What are you born in 1999?
I didn't even have Internet when growing up
>hurrr durrr this was high school
>mfw you high school is full of you g adult retards who can't tell fakes from real

>> No.6970434

>wanna wear ricks but don't wanna buy ricks
Guess you don't deserve to wear it fuccboi

>> No.6970438


This is actually pretty sound logic. Or even the Varvatos chucks if you want to have a little extra something.

>> No.6970441

im not even sure what you're trying to say but thanks
wow never heard that before lol thx

>> No.6970448

ur right, i dont deserve to wear high-quality sneakers. which is why i'm not buying high quality sneakers.

i've owned converse before, i hated them. just the silhouette alone, even if it is somewhat similar to the ramones, was terrible to me

>> No.6970451

converse has a billion collabs and most of em are gonna look better/be better quality than ioffer fakes

hell for the prices they charge you could get cdg or mmm chucks

>> No.6970456

well thanks for actually giving me advice but i really don't like converse, except the missoni x converse collab

>> No.6970461

Then don't pretend to wear high end sneakers either fuccboi
>"I like the look of the ioffer ricks, it's not that I wanna wear ricks"
Pls, buy a pair that you can afford that's not fakes

>> No.6970462

u hate converse but ull dickride a converse inspired shoe if its made by rick? smh ur as bad as the kids that shit on af1 fits and get wet for geos

>> No.6970464

and by the collab i meant the running sneakers

>> No.6970474

no.... what lead you to that conclusion? if the ramones were labeled as converse, i would buy them...
i dont care about what status the sneaker has like "high end" i really dont care, i just so happen to like these and they are hundreds of dollars that i do not have

>> No.6970472

This so much
Op is being super retarded

>> No.6970488

Wtf is happening in dont even
>don't want high end shoes
>buy wanna buy ioffer Rick that represent high fashion shit
>Anons tell him to save the money and buy converse
>don't like look of converse that look like Ramones
>not buying because it high end
Stop fuckin lying op

>> No.6970498

converse just dont do it for me. i know they heavily inspired the ramones but i like the ramones a lot better. sorry? i really dont care who made the shoe

>> No.6970508

Then save up to buy the real shit
>"but I don't like it THAT much"
Guess you don't deserve fake Rick or real Ricks

>> No.6970519

you know what, i probably don't deserve any type of non-malltier shoe because i'm only in high school. thanks for putting in perspective friend

>> No.6970524

Also you can save 700 dollars within 2 months or even 1 if you have a part time job

>> No.6970529

i suppose this isnt exactly on topic but ive applied to over 30 places in the past month or so and i haven't got a call back yet or anything. i'm still trying.

>> No.6970528

save up

find some shoes you like, that you can afford

or buy your shitty fakes

i dont care which you do

it doesnt affect me

but please stop shitting up the board with these awful threads trying to justify your awful purchases

>> No.6970533

Did you actually go to the said place and asked to speak to the manger?

>> No.6970534

>buying the fake version of one of his shittiest shoes
idk if this is a good or bad choice

i think the best choice would be to get better taste in footwear

>> No.6970543

no he applied online lel

>> No.6970549

>speak to the manger

I'm an athiest

>> No.6970557

for about half of the places, yes. i was told they would get back to me once they review my application
thanks gringus

>> No.6970958
File: 494 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliexpress has fake ricks on sale for $30-70 inclusive of shipping depending on the seller

>> No.6970966

those r rly bad

>> No.6970979
File: 2.33 MB, 480x368, 1375397197608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before /fa/
>Come across picture of your typical yesstyle jacket on /r9k/ or some shit
>Think it looks good, actually find one on eBay and purchase it
>Wear it to uni one day
>Buying coffee, girl that serves me gives me a huge smile and says "I love your jacket!"
>Never wear it again
>Start browsing /fa/ a year later
>See the yesstyle infographic

>> No.6971094

Have you used Aliexpress before? I'm thinking of getting some stuff from there but not too sure about it.

>> No.6971107

theyre also about 100x worse than regular fakes

>> No.6971157

why do you like counterfeit goods so much?

clothes, cards everything

>> No.6971463
File: 50 KB, 960x813, 1379632741565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh that's lame tho
tell ur friends you ain't bussing over today, savin up for ricks
nope m8 can't drink, ramones on the way
nope mum it's fine, i don't need groceries call back in a month come over then and see my ricks
sorry babe can't take you out, can't buy condoms, it's rick see you must understand
sorry uni ricks on the way
if you can't outa pocket buy ricks you got some fucked priorities if you're saving for two months
just buy the fucking cdg black chucks, acetone off the heart if you must, glue a black dildo to your forehead and tattoo fucciboi on your upper lip

>> No.6971465

shit bouta cop sum $9 fakes tho
I could get a size 3 and put it on my dick and size 4s and put them on my hnds and be a unidunk

>> No.6971487

hes in hs and doesnt have a job. he probably cant afford any of the things you just listed. if he gets a job he can afford drinks, condoms, bus tickets, ect. and still save up for rick at the same time.

>> No.6971495

lol kk you work $11 a week and if youy have any priorities at all you're putting $100 tops a week away for ricks
if $700 can vastly improve the quality of your life a pair of fashion sneaker ain't the shit he needs

>> No.6971573

i make ~300$ a week, working part time

maybe 1/3 of that goes to sikk cops, probs less

>> No.6971593
File: 159 KB, 350x493, zhongshan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 100k in savings
>tfw no bills
>tfw still cop fakes

No one will give you respect here if you cop fakes. Even worse than people rockin fakes is the people who shit on them too much. Do what you want.

>> No.6971607
File: 313 KB, 1024x768, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I withdrew $10k cash like 6 months ago, and I pissed it away on crap

>> No.6971631

no dude all my friends and all of the people i know that have money to actually buy real shit buy fakes from china

its become buying purely for namesake

>> No.6971661

>mfw in high school our economics teacher showed us this chinese ebay like site
>me and my friends freak out cuz its cheap as shit
>i buy jordans they look nice, soles are shit though
>my friend buys a toyko sbs (worth like 1000 if real)
>gets laughed at by everyone cuz they know its fake
>friend uses them for running shoes lol

>> No.6971705

What the hell do you need cash for except illegal things? Classic hookers and blow?

I use my credit card all the time because it is safer and I get points/rewards.

>> No.6971721


I copped some fake bape back in highschool when it was really popular, around 2006. Also some fake wallets too.

>> No.6972451

Not if you want to eat and study too, I can get like €150,- a month in savings together.

>> No.6972721

Reduce the eating.

>> No.6972753

be the geosuit

>> No.6972756

yea wtf I was a junior in high school when I got the internet.

>> No.6975254
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>> No.6975293
File: 650 KB, 693x618, screen-capture-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck these are bad.

but no one where I live would know the difference...

>> No.6975317


>mfw /fa/ has discovered taobao
>but is still paying mark ups on sites like iOffer

you guys know you can get them cheaper right?

>> No.6975328

got a list of sites better than ioffer?

>> No.6975332

>not paying top dollar for your knockoffs

>> No.6975333

i never like any of his shoes but where can I buy fake rick tees?

>> No.6975350

any fake rick hoodies or anywhere else i can get cheap long bodied hoodies?

>> No.6975371

Anyone who knows rick will know these are fake. Anyone who doesn't know rick will think you are wearing cheep retard shoes.

>> No.6975378

>represent high fashion
he likes the look of the shoe, you stupid shit. You suggest something it looks nothing like it

>> No.6975403


>> No.6975405


go over to cgl and find the taobao thread, you now can have high quality knock offs with reviews directly from the chinese factory with not an insane amount of mark up.

>> No.6975415

Are there any rick fakes who actually have the signature on them?

>> No.6975417




>> No.6975453


Send it to Rick.

>> No.6975483

holy shit that is awesome. thanks anon

>> No.6975492
File: 59 KB, 971x169, iofferpaymentinstructions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys how long does it usually take for payment instructions on ioffer?

Trying to buy some dreams from jiangnan566.

>> No.6975503

It's been 4 days since i placed the request to buy, btw.

>> No.6975515


I'm bored at work so if anyone has any requests for things on taobao I can help out

>> No.6975537

Explain more?

Like help out as in proxy them to the US?

>> No.6975557


I can either help you find things in chinese, or help you with questions about shopping on taobao.

I don't live in china at the moment so I can't act as an SS for you

>> No.6975578

can you help me find rick double layer tank or shirt?

>> No.6975648



search term: rick owensT恤

>> No.6975662

what agent should I use?

>> No.6975669


I use Pruany due to the shopping cart system but each one has their ups and downs, the most popular ones from cgl are Pruany, Taobaoring, and Bhiner

>> No.6975810

any one have experience with the teez?