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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.73 MB, 273x273, 1372333161796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6967695 No.6967695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rick ss14 womens starting in an hour. Anyone watching? Any streams?

>> No.6967708

not watching but I know at least nowfashion will have a picture stream of all of the looks and some close ups

>> No.6967716

does /fa/ still watch shows or have the shitposters really taken over?

>> No.6967727

I'm lurking this thread for a stream link

>> No.6967742

menswear shows... I gave you a link

There's probably not going to be anything better than the picture link. I remember a video stream but it was low quality from like 5 different cameras in the same scene

>> No.6967752
File: 166 KB, 598x465, 1366983458467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously think that people looking for a stream link will not already know about nowfashion and othersites that stream photos?

>> No.6967756

How do people like Rick get big? Give me a brief on his history

>> No.6967776

and eat lots of sandwich

>> No.6967778

Make good clothes

>> No.6967782

Get Kanye to tweet about you

>> No.6967787

get V$VP to usually dress in your clothes

>> No.6967788


>How do people like Rick get big?

they design good things and the right people notice.

>Give me a brief on his history

He was from rural part of california, and moved to LA to go to painting school when he was done with high school. Didnt like it so he switched to pattern making school. Worked as a patternmaker for several years, while working on his own designs. Met Michele Lamy when he was working on his clothes out of a studio in LA. At this point, Rick already had a buyer in LA called Charles Gallay. Michele had been helping Rick out with his brand while running her restaurant. Ricks clothes were bought by a few more cutting edge kinds of stores in LA and then I think by a store in Boston. Someone from american vogue took notice of his clothes in a store and contacted him to be a part of a program to publicize american fashion designers. They funded the entire cost of a runway show for Rick. At this point, there were multiple stylists of celebrities buying his clothes for these celebrities to wear, and were being photographed in multiple higher profile magazines. This was kind of the tipping point. Around this time, Rick was contacted by luxury distributors from Italy that wanted to work with him to produce his line. His clothes started being produced in Italy when he was still living in LA. In i think 2002 he was offered a job as creative director at the french fur house revillon, which is when he moved to paris. His success sped up dramatically at this point, and he has been publicized much more heavily since being based in europe.

sorry if there are errors, this is kind of vague i just typed from memory without looking at references

>> No.6967790


But he doesnt

>> No.6967795 [DELETED] 


>> No.6967799

>inb4 700 replies

>> No.6967801
File: 137 KB, 812x857, 1377283097082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6967806

What are you gay?
Who the fuck keep a track of dick ovens history
You are so filtered
Jking, I didn't know Michelle had a restaurant
Rick is kinda of a fag for living in Paris and not learning French

>> No.6967808


>> No.6967818


>Rick is kinda of a fag for living in Paris and not learning French

i got the impression from watching an interview that he doesnt really want to speak with the french people, he said that it offers privacy to not speak it i think


>> No.6967819

*tips fedora*

>> No.6967842

so much autism in that post

>> No.6967847

top euphoria

>> No.6967852

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6967860

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6967865

may-mays are so much fun XD

>> No.6967871


>> No.6967875
File: 236 KB, 680x798, 1361901478022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw /fa/ is almost nothing but shitposting these days

>> No.6967885

Might be able to watch it on here

it says "12:00 PMRICK OWENS SS14 (D)"

>> No.6967890

topest of all autists

>> No.6967909

how new are you?

/fa/ was never good.

>> No.6967916

who care woman gros !

>> No.6967927

heyyy user,

I'm trying to cop some ann D sneakers, I was wondering if I could e-mail you pics of them so you can tell me what you think of em. (i'd post them here but I am afraid they would get snatched up rather quick)

>> No.6967957


yeah sure go ahead.

>> No.6967993
File: 26 KB, 210x340, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 17.29.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is stressful

>> No.6968032

vid stream where?
Hopefully fashiontv has it later on and ill record it

>> No.6968037
File: 518 KB, 817x521, Picture 187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.6968046

where r u viewing this

>> No.6968053


just nowfashion, in my exp. they upload images fast. idk where you can see a good quality stream.

>> No.6968054
File: 12 KB, 472x38, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 17.46.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

firstview claims 6PM

>> No.6968064

Lenny Kravitz?

>> No.6968072
File: 4 KB, 245x180, ss (2013-09-27 at 02.44.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6968074

ricks youtube channel should have the show upped in HD within the next couple of days

>> No.6968079
File: 235 KB, 338x586, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 17.53.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968081

mods sticky this
lets dump pics from now fashion

>> No.6968083

omg rik wat r u doing??????

>> No.6968088

>on /fa/
how new is this tripfag?

>> No.6968084
File: 713 KB, 848x562, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 17.55.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6968085


>> No.6968089


Fuck, link damn it. This looks hilarious.

>> No.6968092


>> No.6968093

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.6968098

Same type of thing as mens ss14

>> No.6968099

they look like they ate them already

>> No.6968101

What is going on?
thanks to nazi moot these days they are more active dude.

>> No.6968094

Do you think they have sandwiches in their pockets?

>> No.6968095
File: 280 KB, 406x598, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 17.56.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unexpected

i hope every rick show doesn't have a gimmick from now on

>> No.6968096
File: 161 KB, 500x665, tumblr_mhemm5Mnye1ryb81eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6968104


inb4 Rick announces his retirement

>> No.6968103
File: 444 KB, 421x611, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK????????????????????

>> No.6968111
File: 285 KB, 410x601, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 17.59.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't even joke

>> No.6968113
File: 23 KB, 350x193, darwin_race_skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh darwinism

>> No.6968110

wait.... these are the models?
This isn't some dance troupe gimmick?

>> No.6968119



>> No.6968116

those single colored shoes look amazing tho

>> No.6968124

is this gonna be it or is there a runway show after? Looks like alot of different pieces on the dancers

>> No.6968122

so is fatninja a thing now?

>> No.6968131


>> No.6968126
File: 1002 KB, 954x636, ss (2013-09-27 at 02.52.18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself

>> No.6968127

>Have disgusting fat fetish
>See this
I should just kill myself.

>> No.6968128


he took steroids and ate clean

>> No.6968129

>muh art
Well it certainly looks laughable but I think I sorta see what he's going for? unless of course its a complete joke

>> No.6968134

I want to lick those legs up and down

>> No.6968138

I just hope to god this isn't rick buying into that "skinny models dun represent reel wimen" crap. I thought he was better than that.

>> No.6968140
File: 38 KB, 645x773, 1365598846672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please make it stop

>> No.6968141


Maybe he's targeting fat African Americans.

>> No.6968142

nah its just rick being rick

>dat cutting edge

>> No.6968143

this truly is the end of days

>> No.6968145

SJWs don't have money.

>> No.6968148
File: 195 KB, 479x555, Screen Shot 2013-09-14 at 8.09.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has fashion gone too far?

>> No.6968151

BUT you know what it could be though... an appeal to race as the runway has mainly been dominated by white women or lighter skinned women, this might be the message rick is trying to send "we are not racist we are so not racist look at all these sheboons we get"

>> No.6968152


They aren't exactly fat, though. Just look at those thigh muscles.

>> No.6968149

i dont think hes using fat models because he likes fat people.
it's just a gimmick, or a troll.
it doesnt even fit his aestethic (how do you write that anyways?) but its edgy

>> No.6968154
File: 66 KB, 553x453, fasdfgasfASD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968155

>(how do you write that anyways?)
like this

>> No.6968161
File: 415 KB, 1366x2048, thombrowness14(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb gimmick cool clothes, better than the menswear
he can't do big performances

>> No.6968163

>not a single post about the clothes
was that his point?

>> No.6968160


Actually, nvm.

>> No.6968173

stream link?

>> No.6968174

hahah /fa/'s housegod pulls this shit
this will be hard for you edgy dudes to handle when you're supposed to hate stuff like this
can't wait for menswear.

>> No.6968166
File: 687 KB, 915x454, ss (2013-09-27 at 03.02.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats that you don't like my fit?
Whats that you wanna fight me trick in the back of the class room sted of talkin shit better shut ur ass up b4 i reach u real quik uhh

>> No.6968167



>> No.6968168
File: 71 KB, 943x530, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i think this and Damir Doma this season just about puts a seal of fate on the goofninja fad

>> No.6968170


you're awesome. How do you know this stuff?

>> No.6968172
File: 92 KB, 450x675, _VIE0009.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fun article if u haven't read

>> No.6968177


>cool clothes

>> No.6968181

There were clothes?

>> No.6968179

How angry do you think all the people who went to see it are?

>> No.6968180

He has the street goth crowd to appeal to guys. He has rocky and kanye's respective fans to sell to who ape the shit out of their styles.

>> No.6968187


>> No.6968191

the clothes are pretty much the same style, all of it will sell well. Shame the dancers do detract from the clothes.

>> No.6968199

Rick Owens 1961-2013.
R.I.P. Rick :.(

>> No.6968196

im furious and im at home in my pajamas

>> No.6968198
File: 56 KB, 500x375, speechless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

** camera pans slowly to face observer **

** slow zoom **

every time u think u couldnt love him more (...)

>> No.6968205

the amusing thing is because of the political pressure on the fashion industry, they will all feel like they aren't allowed to be angry, and anyone who has the balls to say something will suffer the wrath of the fatty backlash

>> No.6968206

>I grew up buck-toothed, soft, and pear-shaped—honestly, if I can change, anyone can
That explains it.

>> No.6968208

Wow this is ridiculous lmfao, look up #rickowens on instagram, theres videos of this shit, niqqas gone crazy

>> No.6968211

I liked the show...

>> No.6968213

Why does Rick look like a vampire?

>> No.6968216

u ain't gotta like it cos tumblr gone love it

>> No.6968221
File: 88 KB, 450x675, _VIE0029.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the menswear already happened

>> No.6968234

I for one am glad he uses real women in his show.

>> No.6968229

Ricks Shows going crazy. Hes prolly laughing right now

>> No.6968230
File: 159 KB, 804x720, 1375747896635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jungle-gym core

>> No.6968233

isnt he using the same music for this show that he did on fw12 mountain mens?

>> No.6968238

nah it's toto - Africa for this

>> No.6968244


>> No.6968251

so original
so art
rick so deep

>> No.6968240

>show is crazy
>everyone only takes from this season "oh mnan that rick ownes show"

step it up everyone else

>> No.6968257

he is obviously kidding dude lmao

you know how racist that would be

>> No.6968258

top lel

>> No.6968254

But will it sell his clothes thinking back to "that silly Rick Owens show"

>> No.6968255


whats so funny?

>> No.6968268


>> No.6968260

d blx

>> No.6968261
File: 979 KB, 500x280, husseinchalayanfw13(4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember how there are far better performance designers than rick

>> No.6968262

Don't fall for the bait guys, ignore this

>> No.6968276



>> No.6968271

a gang of fat niggers dancing like apes
it can't get much more racist than that

>> No.6968282
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>> No.6968283
File: 24 KB, 749x471, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck that's awesome

>> No.6968294

User, if you are still ITT: the heels came in.

>> No.6968295

man i still fuckin love this collection

>> No.6968296
File: 255 KB, 975x765, afp_france_men_fashion_01Jul12-975x765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lol

is thom a good performance designer iyo
i enjoyed his satyrs

>> No.6968292

Guessing /fit/ can goth ninja now
>those thighs and legs

>> No.6968286

as campy as rick is im guessing this didnt hit as home as he wouldve liked.

>> No.6968289
File: 889 KB, 774x516, downfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man, the myth,

>> No.6968298
File: 241 KB, 989x1280, isseymiyakess94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow welcome to fashion

>> No.6968314

I want to see a RO dress shirt.

>> No.6968307

#started from the bottom

>> No.6968321

what is going on behind him

>> No.6968327

spinning metal band

>> No.6968322
File: 75 KB, 480x640, a4nbtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loved this one

>> No.6968323

see the gif in OP

>> No.6968332

what a silly rick

>> No.6968328
File: 23 KB, 342x446, RO_shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968330

Winny Puhh


>> No.6968337
File: 105 KB, 450x675, YVL_9424.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.6968338
File: 63 KB, 493x673, based jogu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's done so many

>> No.6968345
File: 333 KB, 160x120, alexandermcqueenss99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968373

I bet everydody is laughing at Rick right now in Paris.
That shit wasn't next level at all, it was a pathetic attempt to act like a rebel. What a fake ass cracka

>> No.6968379


kill yourself

>> No.6968381

p-p-post f-fit!!

>> No.6968384

>tfw think this collection was actually alright

>> No.6968387

rick owens ss14 - 'planet of the apes'

>> No.6968391

woops meant to reply to >>6968373

>> No.6968389

it's exactly the same as the menswear collection

>> No.6968393


It was the exact same as the mens, your just racist, dislike rick ownes, or a combination of both.

>> No.6968402
File: 638 KB, 769x515, eheheheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we sure got those fuccbois good eh ladies?

>> No.6968413


ahahahahaha, thanks anon

>> No.6968414

>tfw rik is a niggerlover ;_;

>> No.6968410

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6968419

probability that rick's aesthetic will break into the mainstream with this collection?

Can definitely see this getting some mainstream media attention.

>> No.6968415

does anyone have links to a place where i can access downloadable pictures of this seasons shows?

>> No.6968416

it's like when the UN do an airdrop in africa or something and all the niggers swarm around it to feed their shitty family containing 11 kids.. oh wait

>> No.6968420


>> No.6968427

Lol delusional

>> No.6968430
File: 18 KB, 320x480, 00030m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh yea its going to be in all the shit UK newspapers tomorrow

>Los Angeles Designer Rick Owens Takes Fashion In the Right Direction!!!!

the article will feature the words 'fierce' 'brave' 'gorgeous' and 1000 superlatives 2 describe dancers


cool show but i miss walking

>> No.6968437

don't forget 'curvy'

>> No.6968451
File: 61 KB, 683x1024, 00180fullscreen (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yea

>> No.6968466


damn ya'll are racist as fuerk.

>> No.6968474


i want karlie kloss 2 get acid attacked

imagine all her beauty fading in just a couple of seconds

im sick im not good im not ok

>> No.6968475

None of Rick Owens' clorhes look wearable.


>> No.6968477

>look at me
>am rick owens
>so diverrse
>not racist
>what type of sandwich do they eat in africa

fuck you rick I loved you ya bastard

>> No.6968483


>> No.6968487
File: 1.28 MB, 2136x3201, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thirsty /pol/ transplant statuses: (t)ricked

in all seriousness, this does bother me because i can't properly evaluate how the clothes are going to look on a relevant figure

>> No.6968488


oh shieet how did u know xD i've been comrpimed pls feed me obeayma.

EBT x rick owens

>> No.6968492

also, some of the jackets near the end reminded me of this


>> No.6968495

>Electronic Benefit Transfer x rick owens

>> No.6968496

man gareth is adorable

>> No.6968497

>same age me
>I'm still in school and a pleb
Fuck... Feels
>you will never date another 21 that looks good as her

>> No.6968502


Part of me agrees that it's a distraction, but part of me enjoys that Rick is always willing to remember that a fashion show is a show. Also, as a regular consumer, you look forward to seeing the clothes on the runway, but industry people don't think that way. That's what studio and showroom appointments are for.

>> No.6968513

>Also, as a regular consumer, you look forward to seeing the clothes on the runway, but industry people don't care about 99% of their consumers.
that wasn't comforting at all

>> No.6968511
File: 59 KB, 375x306, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 19.15.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ppl getting mad at rick from your fb

pic related #hurt

>> No.6968522


It's a show. It's for press, it's for image, it's for display. You aren't going to see these clothes for another six months anyway. Seeing whether the drape goes above or below the hip on a top won't really do much to help you appreciate it. Besides, lookbook images and editorials will be out for a few months before the collection hits stores anyway.

>> No.6968525

>implying we have /fa/ friends

>> No.6968533

why do they all have black and white profile pics

>> No.6968549

It's a /fa/ thing.

>> No.6968639

menswear was pretty tacky but very fun
and fun is always fun guys

>> No.6968640
File: 499 KB, 245x240, The bat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968680

Rick confirmed for based relevance, menschlikeit, and provocation. No way to top this, at least this season.

>Besides, lookbook images and editorials will be out for a few months before the collection hits stores anyway.

Exactly. This is some mix of performance and branding art. Plus, I guarantee these are immaculately tailored for their figures to look right on them, and in turn you can expect the same kind of fit on the retail clothes as you've been getting.

>> No.6968681
File: 128 KB, 289x500, jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's not forget how different the clothes look when they're...you know, just clothes. The mesh men's pieces looked pretty bonkers on the models, but they're much tamer when you just handle them on their own.

>> No.6968714
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Karlie 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her alone

>> No.6968715
File: 229 KB, 370x190, tumblr_m0oahoKVlL1qc5e74.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dancing is one of the purest and simplest expressions of joy, and I feel a moral responsibility to enjoy it.

Oh, Rick.

>> No.6968724
File: 32 KB, 320x480, 107926_320n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dick ovens

>> No.6968739

you sick fuck i will wreck if you if you ever act on your deranged wishes and harm Karlie

>> No.6968755

>baww fashun shud b the way i like it

stay mad babbys, fashion is art, and there are no boundaries. Fashion doesn't begin and end where you want it to.

>> No.6968759


if i get really depressed like know i will commit suicide then i definitely will, ill just bring a gun too so i can execute myself on the spot at the same time

>> No.6968780


>> No.6968792

if you think that this will take anything away from the clothes you need to wreck yourself before you check yourself. Rick knows that fashion is about the aesthetic of the clothes. He knows what people expect his clothes to look like. He used heavier models to say it. It is all about the clothes, and not some idealism you have for the human body. It is the clothes that create the look, not some model.

>> No.6968795

This is fucking amazing.

>> No.6968803

When you're doing drape-heavy pieces like Rick did with this collection, it's probably far more feasible to have heavier models. You don't need to sew around their bodies.

>> No.6968806

Maybe he was trying to get them to lose weight

captcha: sweat cantly

>> No.6968800

There are several interviews of him, and some documentaries.

Watch some and get an entry-level education m8 B^)

>> No.6968815


I really think it was more about the attitude and look than about the weight. I cant imagine someone like Sasha making a snarl and looking believable.

>> No.6968827

>You don't need to sew around their bodies.

Can you elaborate on this for someone who knows jack nothing about making clothes?

>> No.6968839

>Implying there was anything worth looking

Sorry. When you are that fat, you dress like shit. It looked like shit. All the pictures in the thread from this season looks like shit.

>> No.6968854

when will rick x adidas drop?

>> No.6968863


With the rest of the spring '14 collections, probably middle of the delivery window.

>> No.6968855

Wow I fucking liked Rick too. Unless this is some ironic stunt I really fucking hate him now. Could you get less fucking fashionable? Like this pisses me off, its not edgy or cool, just gay. Fuck gothninja now, no one will do it after seeing that.

>> No.6968881


I always find these pronouncements really funny to read.

>> No.6968882

i love rick even more now, he's shattered all your

so skinny
so fashun

ideals and now you're all butthurt, top kek

>> No.6968877

>lookbook images and editorials
the reason i don't care about these in the first place is because they're full of deceptive stylization

they're fine for what they are, but they aren't a replacement or an adequate supplement for this show

i actually just realized what bothers me most about this: it's not just a distraction, it's almost a smoke screen
the clothes themselves weren't terribly interesting or fresh in comparison to past seasons; i'm bothered because this show brought almost nothing new to the table besides chunky, "ethnic" models

>> No.6968887

The menswear one was kinda crazy but like in the way you would expect. You don't think he will get shit on by people in the industry for this?

>> No.6968893

Go make a body positive thread on lgbq faggot.

>> No.6968890

are you for real?

rumored 400-450 tho, i wonder what that will transfer to in euros
in secret i hope i can lace them the way i like but it doesn't seem like that's possible

>> No.6968901

lel working out is modern couture skeleton-san, didn't you get ricks memo?

>> No.6968905

>the reason i don't care about these in the first place is because they're full of deceptive stylization

I hate to break it to you, but runway shows also have "stylization".



>> No.6968915


Depending on the model:

€440/490 or $690/790

>> No.6968917
File: 135 KB, 500x375, 1375329616278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw asap rocky has them already

>> No.6968925

>I hate to break it to you, but runway shows also have "stylization".
no shit, but at least i can see the clothes in motion instead of the single, filtered moments in time that the editors have selected for me

>> No.6968929
File: 342 KB, 800x600, fuckyourick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rick Owens logic

>> No.6968946 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 670x885, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some nice pieces, mostly not.

>> No.6968951

yeah he has them on here


>> No.6968965
File: 96 KB, 683x1024, 00250fullscreen (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that video frustrated me

i hate rihanna a lot

>> No.6968980
File: 207 KB, 483x400, Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 20.55.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vfiles is like the miley cyrus of retail

>> No.6968984

And when they're actually up for retail, some of the heavyweight retailers (Barneys, IIRC, for one, but I don't pay attention where I cop online) now have brief Vine-y clips of the catalog model moving around in all the clothes.

And honestly, I would hate to see fashion gripped by a "consumer information" style mentality. It's boring, it produces bad discourse, it's for Americans who want exactly what they expect and have zero receptivity, and it's just useless in an age of free returns.

>> No.6968988

>black and white photography

so edge

fuck I wish I could line these edgy cunts up and shoot them in between the eyes

>> No.6968993
File: 19 KB, 620x480, 2RO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of the golden tranny bar hopping days
>no mention of the hardcore partaying/networking in paris
>no mention of the gym
0/10 no fun allowed.

>> No.6969000

the clothes are pretty much the same as mens?

>> No.6969005


yes yes

>> No.6969006

im gay pls bang me

>> No.6969011


Jesus, people on your facebook actually talk about fashion designers?

People I know just talk about getting drunk and Nandos.

>> No.6969028
File: 58 KB, 692x450, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*screen begins to shake violently*

* ricks shit eatting grin intensifies*

*Photo begins to distory*

*turns into a kitten in a space ship*


really though fucking went through the photos just now. just woke up and it's 8am and im losing my shit - can't eat breaky.

>> No.6969033


Style.com now offers small video snippets of most of the major shows, including Rick's.

>> No.6969046

You can just follow magazines on instagram and get instavideos almost live.

>> No.6969050

All the stupid reactions in this thread prove that /fa/ really doesn't understand most of the designers namedropped here.

This show was hilarious I love it.

>> No.6969051

is being fat modern couture now?

>tfw not a fat black woman

>> No.6969053


>> No.6969069
File: 82 KB, 600x532, tripsk4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didnt know that, what magazines to follow?

>> No.6969083


ur weird

>> No.6969088

Game over rick

He just announced his retirement

>> No.6969093
File: 157 KB, 601x533, trip3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get away from me

>> No.6969091

>And when they're actually up for retail, some of the heavyweight retailers (Barneys, IIRC, for one, but I don't pay attention where I cop online) now have brief Vine-y clips of the catalog model moving around in all the clothes.
and that's awesome, but we know that they won't be carrying the whole collection, and it won't be rick himself putting together the ensembles

>And honestly, I would hate to see fashion gripped by a "consumer information" style mentality.
if your idea of that is a show which displays the clothing in a context that is remotely relevant to the consumer, then it's too late

>It's boring, it produces bad discourse, it's for Americans who want exactly what they expect and have zero receptivity
is this supposed to be some kind of shaming tactic? perhaps it's for people who want a presentation of the product that is still anchored in reality? i'm a bit amazed that you found a way to make this sound like a bad thing or even wanted to make it sound like a bad thing, but i shouldn't be

>and it's just useless in an age of free returns.
most sites for high-end clothing don't have free returns, and the ones that do usually have restocking fees or something like that, so they aren't truly free
i don't think it's such a big deal just because people who are buying more than basic or tried and true pieces probably don't need to worry about restocking fees on their budget and/or could afford to go to a store and see them in person

i don't see how that's helpful for this particular show

>> No.6969098


>> No.6969109
File: 335 KB, 601x533, trip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969111


>> No.6969116
File: 145 KB, 518x640, 2715525942_c810d8f4cb_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick Owens and goofninja is over. Now dadcore can be the hero /fa/ deserves

>> No.6969121

show me #2

fuc yo

>> No.6969118

actual autism

>> No.6969128

2 is long lost man, rip in piece but I will make it up to you by showing you #5


>> No.6969129

this is probably actually one of the best pictures of tirpsk

>> No.6969139

a m a s i n g

>> No.6969149
File: 48 KB, 601x533, tripsk6 debut FW2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is becos I took the picture while I was underneath her

evoke my emotions

>> No.6969174




>> No.6969175
File: 145 KB, 608x609, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969169

god damn she is fucking gorgeous

>> No.6969170


how 2 underneath trispk???

>> No.6969176
File: 21 KB, 314x402, bag_of_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969181

>i don't see how that's helpful for this particular show

That anon complained about not getting to see clothes in motion. So. There's that.

>> No.6969183

This is the type of shit that is going to keep Rick Owens from entering into the mainstream with all of those white beverly hills bitches. And I fucking love it.

>implying fat niggers will afford this

>> No.6969184

can some1 give me a link to watch the show? maybe on youtube

>> No.6969193

yeah it just got uploaded


>> No.6969199

oh dear

>> No.6969202

Why does it have to be down......

>> No.6969203
File: 21 KB, 230x259, fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969206


>> No.6969222

Don't listen to that fucking autist. Someone uploaded part of it from their pgone.


>> No.6969229

that anon was me, and i complained about it for this case only because the show was a wash

>> No.6969265
File: 85 KB, 379x394, mfw fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to cop necklace

>> No.6969268

Rick what happened to you? I thought he was all about getting fit, getting healthy and having beauty

>> No.6969277


Any person who does dances like hip-hop, step, etc. are bound to have builds more like this. It's more like contemporary, ballet, jazz that you have those longer, leaner bodies.

>> No.6969283


tinny aren't you from England?

>> No.6969285

They're just fat.

>> No.6969306

>what type of sandwich do they eat in africa

lost it

>> No.6969313
File: 337 KB, 788x812, Pic of me 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I can post on these forums. I waited a long time for this, and Richard Owens has open the doors for me. Behold, /fa/. The ideal state of his vision. Fat acceptance is now.

>> No.6969319

would you rather they were dense like u
re-read his post

>> No.6969328

tbh he would probably be a rly chill/goofy guy
he's just making funny faces for the camera

>> No.6969325

If this makes the world get rid of skinny jeans, it's fucking worth it.

>> No.6969331

>haha fat niggers am i right
>a-am i edgy yet /fa/

>> No.6969338

OH hey man, how long has it been since you took that picture? I have had it for a while, you lose any weight yet?

>> No.6969333
File: 34 KB, 304x277, 1374808955763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god i just ordered those glasses and was all excited and now seeing that ....

youve fucking ruined them. you ruined them you fat piece of shit oh my god fuck you

>> No.6969351
File: 37 KB, 493x276, 1379740161585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol my bad dude I didnt do it on purpose nice trips doe

>> No.6969409

everyone looks better in black and white

>> No.6969500

>using gay as in insult

>> No.6969504


>> No.6969507


>> No.6969514


holy fuck
you're trying sooo hard

i actually giggled irl ur so adorable

>> No.6969516

Clubmasters tend to look either look really sweet or really stupid. Just try them on and be honest with yourself. You'll probably still like them.

I assume you're kidding, but sometimes that shit really does happen and it can be annoying.

>> No.6969519
File: 864 KB, 242x200, u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting butthurt over a word on the internet

>> No.6969535


It's more that I find it ironic that you use gay as an insult while admiring a fashion designer whose influences have always been very queer.

>> No.6969549


Nobody thinks about the meaning of the word gay anymore, nor the word faggot. It's an insult we use on 4chan how new are you? I'm sure he isnt even homophobic, I am actually bisexual myself and I call people gay and faggot and use the word gay in a negative context all of the fucking time. Its the fucking culture here, no one is thinking about the textbook definition of two men blowing one another, now stop being a fucking autist about it you gay faggot.

>> No.6969556

>It's an insult we use on 4chan how new are you?
epic culture nigger faggots xd #

>> No.6969558

>Nobody thinks about the meaning of the word gay anymore, nor the word faggot.

Except, you know, gay dudes. And homophobes.

But it's all good, I jerk off to Denzel Washington in 2 Guns so I can call you both a faggot AND a nigger

>> No.6969565

wow you are actually so angry
i stopped reading this post halfway through are you really that unhappy about his post wow ur an emotional gayboi

>> No.6969562


>> No.6969569

it's so stereotypical but it still happens every time

>> No.6969567

Its been around for years, eat shit faggot.

Fuck what gays think though they're a buncha faggots and so are homophobes.

I kno

>> No.6969572

ok i'm glad u know
jst stay chill

>> No.6969576

epic simply epic

>> No.6969585


You sound like a child.

>> No.6969597

Where the fuck did all of these retarded kids come from?

>> No.6969609


it started after tripsk4.png

>> No.6969634

I dub this day: The Great Fuccboi Purge. In which the fuccbois, offended by Rick's antics, hopped off his dick leaving girth for we chosen. It is a fine day.

>> No.6969783

Oh please. There are plenty of lean hip hop dancers.

>> No.6971466

u talkin bout gimmicks
thats a gimmick