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6966550 No.6966550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a virgin


>> No.6966552
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wanna hug?

>> No.6966559

yes ;_;

>> No.6966573

how old? i'm 24

>> No.6966576

how old are you?
It's been more upsetting for me since I turned 21

>> No.6966586
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>standards too high to get a gf
>ego too narcissistic to lower standards
fucking shit

>> No.6966589
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20 here not op tho

>> No.6966602
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>> No.6966605

i will be 20 in 5 months

>> No.6966617
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>tfw I lost it a 16

I still don't understand how people can be virgins at your age without wanting to be.

Like seriously, do you just never go out? Even that's not really an excuse as in this day and age you can pretty much just ask people online if they're dtf

even uggos have fat chicks they can bang

>> No.6966622

stop making me hurt

>> No.6966624
File: 60 KB, 474x293, a-hole-in-your-chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate women but there is still this hole i need to fill

>> No.6966632

>that pic

kill me

>> No.6966628

I'm not trying to make you hurt.

I just don't understand. I can pretty much guarantee that as long as you are a 5/10 or above you could go out and get laid tonight.

Even if you are a fucking hideous hambeast a couple of weeks searching online could find you a chick who's into that sort of thing.

>> No.6966633

i don't really want to have sex to be honest
i'm good fapping whenever i'm horny

>> No.6966635

then quit complaining you attention whore

>boohoo I've never had sex
It's easy actually
>lol I don't want to anyway

>> No.6966638
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The whole you need to fill is called a vagina.

>> No.6966639

what if i'm just not attracted enough to girls my age?

>> No.6966641
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Are you guys ugly?

>> No.6966646

also whenever i flirt with a girl i see all those flaws and ask myself: do i really want her or am i trying to fit in because society tells me it's normal?

>> No.6966660

that fuckin guy standing on the fence..

>> No.6966676

18 year old virgin here

there were fuck all girls in my hs and most of them had bfs

year out of hs now and i should be having sex but i dont, i have no idea why, im not ugly or anything

>> No.6966671

I was a virgin til 19. I had opportunity to have sex before that but I didn't understand that young horny girls want you to talk dirty to them and whisk they virginity away in a whirlwind of passion. Parents raised me to be a proverbial gentleman and respect women and all that jazz, plus I never wanted a gf because all my friends that were dating were constantly arguing about trite shit I didn't care about, so I thought dating was for suckers. It was more fun to run around and kiss who I pleased.

Anyway I went to college and met a Dom chick who showed me what's up. Been a bit of a womanizer ever after. Anyway, getting laid is easy. Just gotta experiment.

>> No.6966675

Well, I don't know how people can be as stupid as you are.

Were not even tho.

>> No.6966678

not OP but i know what you mean
i was in town with some friends and was making out with a girl i thought was pretty hot, got outside.. nooope

only ugly/overweight girls hit on me
i wouldnt even be able to stay hard so why bother?

>> No.6966683

I dunno if its different for straight guys or w/e. Being gay, I wouldn't recommend going out having sex for the sake of having sex. Find a nice fuck buddy you get along with. Its way better than having one night stands.

>> No.6966690

can you do that without becoming emotionally attached. It sounds ideal but i'm too much of a bitch.

>> No.6966694

18 y/o virgin

Have had so many chances to lose it but I'm a fucking pussy and I hate myself

>> No.6966700

if i could find a fuck buddy that would be fucking perfect. 19 years old and still a virgin, lmao i live a sad life. im straight too, shouldnt it be easier for me? i'm 6'4 too, my short mates get laid no problem

>tfw met an obviously gay dude at uni today who was hitting on me

and i dont even dress well
i thought gay dudes generally hit on guys that give off the gay vibe?

>> No.6966702

As someone who's had sex with an extremely large range of women, I've got to say the best are the average to slightly below average girls. Real hidden gems. Fucked a short slightly tubby chick with a nice face when I was drunk once and it turned out she was a squirter. Another time I met this nutty 7/10 redhead at a party and she brought out some primal sex animal in me I didn't know existed, I fucked her 5 times in a night and I've never gone that much before or since.

Its good to have high standards but sometimes girls just have a certain intangible something you'd never experience if you didn't take a chance.

>> No.6966704

same here, but ive only had chances like that with below 6/10 girls

so i figured why bother, id hate myself more afterwards

>> No.6966709

>i thought gay dudes generally hit on guys that give off the gay vibe?
no some like manly hetero guys

>> No.6966708

I had an oppurtunity when I was 16 I had an opportunity but I literally pretended I couldn't hear her when she basically asked me to fuck.

Ended up having sex with one of my best friends while I was in the next room a week later.

Haven't met anyone since who's as good as her and i'm 18. I guess she was a dirty stinky hoe though.

I am the kind of person who is critiqueing your fits in waywt threads.

>> No.6966714

>a chick who's into that sort of thing

I don't want a chick who's into that sort of thing

I want a 10/10

>> No.6966728

tfw small town, if I don't lose it here I'll probably never lose it because I'll probably be too socially retarded to make new friends

(I've been drinking since I was 13 with girls etc and I STILL haven't lost it, that is how pathetic I am)

>> No.6966727

>tfw virgin at 20
>tfw all my friends have had sex
>tfw they think im gay because of no sex and interest in fashion

>> No.6966729


Let's be honest nig, are you worth a 10/10?

Are you good looking? Smart? Talented? Funny? Reasonably affluent? Adventurous? Strong?

Could you honestly say you have even ONE of those qualities?

>> No.6966733

>tfw depressed downer

>> No.6966738


Sorry man, no ones going to fuck you for being sad. Your mom might give you a hug though.

>> No.6966743

haha, im neither

wish i was the latter though
but then i wouldnt be on 4chan would i?

>> No.6966755

you're too fucking tall

>> No.6966757
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you forgot money i have no money

>> No.6966760


If you're getting hit on by gay dudes then you're not hideous. Those cunts can be some choosy fuckers.

If your shorter friends get laid but you don't it might be your height. You ever meet someone whose 7 feet tall or taller? That's how short girls feel meeting you. They're probably really fucking intimidated. So be fun and not intimidating.

>> No.6966759
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Yes. I'm capable of all those things & more.
And so are you, anon - as soon as you're ready to embrace it.

>> No.6966765
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are you me

>> No.6966769


Are you unfamiliar with the word "affluent"? Well, you admitted you weren't smart so I guess I can't expect much.

>> No.6966771

not by that much m8.
6'2 is probably optimal. what, you really would prefer being 5'10 to 6'4? nah fuck that.

i suppose, but this one wasnt a well-dressed gay dude. just a boring one.

damn, you think so? 6 foot is fairly average round where i live, maybe youre right. im a boring cunt though so thats definitely my biggest concern

>> No.6966776


Its OK to be boring as long as you know how to have fun and you're not stupid.

That's like, the bare minimum required to get laid.

>> No.6966782

Rekd yourself but brought us down to your level. Nice.

>> No.6966788

Someone diagnose me

>was operated for phimosis about a year ago, couldn't have sex before.
>now have little interest in sex although many girls like me.

I don't get it, I live like a fucking eunuch, I just dont care about sex..

>> No.6966794

no you are both me

>> No.6966796


>tfw lost my virginity when i was 15
>not even good looking, study fashion design
>some mates call me a fag for an interest in fashion
>most of them are kissless virgins
>also this fucking uni, tons of hot bitches errywere

>> No.6966798


So you're asexual.

Talk to your doctor.

>> No.6966801

low testosterone, hands down.

fix it by sleeping 8 hours minimum a night, eating lots of cholesterol/sat fats, taking vitamin d3 and zinc supplements, maybe hitting the gym.

>> No.6966805

>tfw i get at least 12 hours of sleep everyday

aw ye

>> No.6966812

haha, i have a feeling the law of diminishing returns might apply m8

>> No.6966820


Already considered, but Im a /fit/ native whos been lifting ~4 days a week for 2½ years, my bf is 9% and i can bench ~1,5x my bodyweight and squat 2x. So it just seems weird, I'm not a doctor though.

I think this is psycological to be fair, like I never left the mindset of having phimosis.

>> No.6966823

Obviously that isn't an indication of hormone levels, but I just wouldnt be able to help it by going to the gym, since I already am, and have been for a long time.

>> No.6966826

hoo shit i'd never noticed that before

>> No.6966831

>tfw she asks how she should show that she misses me
>tfw beezy the next 2 weeks

>> No.6966832

Might add that sometimes I'll hit on a girl and get her number just because I want to know that I can, it's weird.

>> No.6966838

tfw 7/10
didnt lose it til 19
only been with only 4 girls since (am 20 atm tho)


>> No.6966845


it's not even an issue of being 'worth' a 10/10, just thinking that you are

and even if all I could get were dumb hambeasts I'd rather die a virgin

>> No.6966853

how does it fell to be a fucking normal person you dirty normal male fucken

>> No.6966862

>and even if all I could get were dumb hambeasts I'd rather die a virgin

me too, but remember hambeast's standards are lower. my ex was 2chubby but she was smart as fuck and had good taste. never fucked her cause the rolls of fat made muh dick soft. not even kidding. got the same situation twice and figured it wasnt working, we broke up shortly after, didnt have the heart to tell her i could get it up for her. she told all her mates i was a complete wierdo, i cant hang out with them anymore. sucks cause some of them were pretty cool

>> No.6966869

>tfw 5/10
>19, never lost it
>made out with several chicks, all while i was drunk
>1 gf, never fucked

i am the face of 4chan

>> No.6966870

>i still don't understand how some people are different from me

>> No.6966872

my only regret is i don't like having to navigate the games of 7/10 women
holy shit
but i can't lower my standards cos that's not effay

>> No.6966878

>games of 7/10 women

oh god even just as friends they are hard work..

please enlighten us to prepare us, like how bad is it

>> No.6966895

you guys are weird

>> No.6966912

>this is my first day on 4chan

>> No.6966915
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>but i can't lower my standards cos that's not effay
well youve already considered it,but won't because you'll feel dirty for not checking a checklist made by some chinese cartoon board where people are laughed at for being 2cm under/above a certain height.You're stopping yourself from living because of some imaginary ideals/morals you don't uphold yet are undertaking?
>my only regret is i don't like having to navigate the games of 7/10 women
>oh god even just as friends they are hard work
You're living life in your comfort zone never wandering outside your treehouse into the forest yet you dont realise you're now in the fucking forest?
come on homie what happened? fuck and socialise those 4,5,7/10's and befriend them like they are the 10/10's u so want(DO NOT IDOLIZE THEM),start there and workt it up/down the chain (at your own pace) a 10/10's beauty is not everything you'll be dealing with.There are no mods who keep score of your stats,time to live for yourself.Are you even fucking 10's on the regular?

>> No.6966914

what'd you mean m8
can u be a lil more specific
also (in my experience) you don't tend to transition from friends->fucking with qt girls it's usually decided the first time you meet by a lot of factors (your looks,height,weight,clothes,accent,status,wealth ==BUT== also, and this really helps once u realise, how much touching and bravery you put in) <<-- cannot stress this enuff

e.g. first time i met this qt girl i wanted to ram i man'd the fuck up and just thought in my head "she wants to fuck me" so i pretty much acted like it was a given, within 1hr we were making out @ hers on her sofa and about 1hr after we fucked. first time we met too

>> No.6966923

tfw no qt gf: The Movie

>> No.6966934

I feel you but like I'm a bit of an egotistical prick so the standards are self-set
I don't believe in 10s, highest fucked was an 8 tbh

>> No.6966938
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"anon, do you have a girlfriend?"
"are you gay?"
"well, you must be gay since you take care of your body and care about your appearance and you're well-mannered."

>25 year old virgin

It sucks because older women find me attractive and think I"m gay but women my age think I'm "metro".

>> No.6966943

haha i wish
you should have fucked her there and then she was asking for it anon

>> No.6966947


I meant that as a generality. I'll meet pretty women and get along fine with them and find out later they thought I was gay or metro or something.

>> No.6966949

i dunno, all cute trendy girls ive met seem to be self-diagnosed depressives and shit. come off as snobbish and obsessed with attention

>fucking with qt girls it's usually decided the first time you meet
that's true man. it just seems to be the average/below average ones that give me those vibes, i should just give up.

>how much touching and bravery you put in) <<-- cannot stress this enuff
damn, im no good at that, never paid much attention to it. guess i should tho

>> No.6967003

I fucking love A Better Tomorrow. It's the closest I've ever come to crying during a movie. That, and Gattaca.

>> No.6967010

keep fucking em homme B^)

>> No.6967015
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>for being 2cm under/above a certain height

more like they're just zombies who aren't passionate about anything other than the big bang theory

or else they're hairy in all the wrong places

maybe I'm just a bad conversationalist with virgin standards but I don't mind having 16oz of denim between my dick and those girls at all times

it's not even a question of getting laid, more like I just need to find a group of friends that have the same values. it's like I've been on the internet so long that I'm too superior to converse with actual humans.

>> No.6967030
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1364247768680 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it just seems to be the average/below average ones that give me those vibes, i should just give up.
every chick who isnt your mum,sister and gran wants to fuck you on a scale of 1-10 they will fuck you,know that.if you give up,well guess who you'll be fuk=cking? nope not even those below avg chix.yup you'll be spending time with your hands and xvideos more than ever.
be confident,relaxed and converse as if they are your frens,it'll all pan out

it's like I've been on the internet so long that I'm too superior to converse with actual humans
then dont be so superior? you do know there are many people who stay on internet 24/7 with the same mentality,so itl be rare to meet them,thus the cycle continues.
start going out and eventually you'll find somebody who "matches" your superiority(which i believ is bull,if u were superior you would know how to mingle with plens and every1 else)
pic related

>> No.6967034

>i dunno, all cute trendy girls ive met seem to be self-diagnosed depressives and shit. come off as snobbish and obsessed with attention
Comes with the territory. It's not easy handling that much attn
>that's true man. it just seems to be the average/below average ones that give me those vibes, i should just give up.
Start average and work up m8 trust me.
>damn, im no good at that, never paid much attention to it. guess i should tho
see above, practise it on 5 and 6/10s and hopefully you won't fuck up on mega qties

cos u aint makin moves son

>> No.6967035

not the pic,but it was the techninja/goths hanging out
ure not superior much if youre still complaining
maybe you do enjoy being alone idk
btw not aggresive here

>> No.6967039

even if he fucks up,thats not the only megaqt in the world.2nd chances are available he wouldve learnt soemthing

>> No.6967044


I know I'm not actually superior to anyone, my point is that I need to find the right group of people to hang out with and I'm not happy with the friends I have

>> No.6967057

in my opinion its best to stay a virgin over fucking a fat chick just to lose it, but i lost mine at 16 so maybe i have no concept of the emotional pain or whatever.

guys place way too much on losing their virginity, since losing it doesn't change you at all.

>> No.6967063

>uess who you'll be fuk=cking? nope not even those below avg chix.yup you'll be spending time with your hands and xvideos more than ever.
be confident,relaxed and converse as if they are your frens,it'll all pan out

tru man. thanks for the advice. ive been a fuckin basket case my whole life i cant go on with this hah

>> No.6967080


>since losing it doesn't change you at all

idk about sex but this semester I got drunk and went to a few parties for the first time and the realization that it wasn't anything special actually changed me a lot

I thought I was somehow missing a huge part of what it means to be in college or something, like everyone was better than me, but after a few weekends it turned out that it's hardly as cool or tasteful as I thought, just a bunch of jackasses getting drunk and going home.

it actually improved my confidence a lot to realize that the fridays I spent at home playing video games were not some kind of mark of shame or something, like I could have been having way more fun if I just had the missing piece. it's all more or less equally shitty.

maybe it's the same deal with getting laid idk.

>> No.6967090

>Start average and work up m8 trust me.
this really is good advice, as long as you are still somewhat attracted to the average girl.

even though getting laid is not important, it feels like it is, and having sex makes you feel a lot more confident with girls.
whenever i go a week or even more without sex it becomes harder to get laid because my confidence kind of dips.

>> No.6967091

i wasnt laughing at you,i wanted to show a group of people w/ similar interests.do you go to a school?im pretty sure theres a interest group somewhere there or try conventions and meetups.You wont find what you're looking for but maybe what you need.
i noticed a difference,sex does change you at (contextually for you) the right time
goodluck may Rick&Lamy bless you with curious sex and good times

>> No.6967105

>mfw i have no idea who ramy is and this is like the fourth time ive visited this board

thanks tho brah

>> No.6967108

I never really got the whole confidence thing, girls are usually just as nervous on dates and stuff, and its not like you aren't in complete control of the things you'll say and do.

If you're unconfident because you're a boring person thats an easy enough fix, even then there are a lot of girls who like that.

>> No.6967110


mud golem

>> No.6967117

lamy is a supermodel who gave birth to all the gothninjas


>> No.6967123

a lot of times parties are just people looking to fill some void in their lives and #yolo it up.
nothing really wrong with that, but it is pretty meaningless.

it's something to talk about, and a way to feel connected to other people, but you don't need it.

sex is the same for a lot of people, but i don't really talk about in real life, so most of my friends IRL have no clue about it.
while they talk about their last fucks, i just listen. it seems like the main goal of fucking a lot of girls is to talk about fucking a lot of girls.

>> No.6967129

they say sex is like smoking and walking at the same time

>> No.6967154

>If you're unconfident because you're a boring person thats an easy enough fix, even then there are a lot of girls who like that.


>> No.6967185

You can take up a hobby, go traveling, learn or develop a skill/talent/trade. There are girls who rarely go out, who like to stay in that you can find on internet dating sites, or the rare occasions they go out, like the men in this thread.

The first thing though, if you keep yourself occupied with learning or doing you might be less inclined to feel lonely and things might happen more organically.

>> No.6967186

i used to have phimosis as well and now i identify as asexual. maybe there is a correlation. i might go to the doctor to get checked out for low t. i'm just worried that the appointment will be awkward

>> No.6967229

why would it be, he doesnt look at your nuts bro
just ask for a blood test

>> No.6967254

you could just try raising your T level yourself and seeing if theres much of a difference.

>> No.6967308


That's not a real party mate.

You ARE missing out staying home playing video games instead of trying to meet the creative minds in your town and getting in their circle.

>> No.6967320

>trying to meet the creative minds in your town

how do I meet cool people?