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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 453x604, lelelele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6961665 No.6961665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you live in Britain
Can't wait to move back to Denmark. Can someone tell me why I came to study in this disgusting country?

>> No.6961678

All countries have areas like that OP

You must be studying at a shit university if it's in such a filthy location

The good unviersities are usually in nice, pleasant locations, where are you studying?

>> No.6961695

I live in N.London
It's shit
>tfw when commuting to central london and suddenly everyone and everything is /fa/

>> No.6961702

If I lived in Britain I'd browse through all the brick and mortar stores for discount dadcore shoes like Trickers, Crockett&Jones, Church etc

>> No.6961754


They're all shit. Only good shops in UK are ... oh yeah, foreign shops. Topman if you're fucking poor.

>> No.6961760

>Tfw Dane obviously goes to a shit hole uni if he is in a bad area.

>> No.6961766

>If I lived in Britain I'd browse through all the brick and mortar stores for discount dadcore shoes like Trickers, Crockett&Jones, Church etc
how do you get discount? I am currently living in Manchester.

>> No.6961767
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Jesus Fucking Christ what possessed you to go to Hull

Hull is the god damn inside joke of the United Kingdom

>> No.6961774

Most Brits just aren't fashionable, it's not in their DNA or something. Like Aalborg.

>> No.6961784

Show me a country where most people ARE fashionable. Protip: it doesn't exist.

>> No.6961777

>10 Worst Places to Live in UK

>1 - Hull
>2 - Nottingham
>3 - Strabane
>4 - Hackney, London
>5 - Middlesbrough
>6 - Mansfield
>7 - Blaenau Gwent, S Wales
>8 - Merthyr Tydfil, S Wales
>9 - Salford, Gtr Manchester
>10 - Easington, County Durham

You literally could not have chosen a worst city

>> No.6961796

You can't put it like that, you have to look at it per capita. London has fashionable people but it's also a fucking huge city. Copenhagen is also fashionable even though it's so much smaller.

>> No.6961802

I want to live in London, too bad it's so bloody expensive. Maybe in a couple of years.

Probably Monaco or something like that.

>> No.6961816

three of my flatmates are from London. One of them is called "posh" by the other flatmates, but he is not dadcore/#menswear at all, the 2nd guy is kinda tumblrcore with his rainbow coloured hoodies and the 3rd guy is not into /fa/shion at all. I've also met their friends from London, and they're not /fa/.

>> No.6961833

MDMA is fucking cheap. That's why.

And I have some good friends here. But when we all go back home or fuck off to France, life will improve.

>> No.6961839
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>gf is from middlesbrough
>go there to visit her family
>walking through the town center
>there's an obese woman holding her at most two year old daughter up, her pants are down, and she's pissing in the corner
>12 PM
>plenty of public bathrooms around
>my face

She always said it was a shithole, I should've believed.

>> No.6961848

>not living in paris or milan


>> No.6961842
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>anywhere in the uk but london

u dun goofd

>> No.6961844


oh my god dude, my condolences

>> No.6961854

why the fuck would you leave denmark to go study in fucking hull. hull is the shittest place in britain, possibly in europe

>> No.6961858

Half of London are muslims, the other half are Nigerian.

>> No.6961867

Leeds is cool. I quite enjoy being 1 of 8 gothninja's here.

>> No.6961873

I like York.

>> No.6961877

how do savauges fit tinny? size up? size down? tts?

>> No.6961881


fuck off back to your denmark shit hole faggot, play dota 2 in ur loft extension

>> No.6961884

yeah fam

>> No.6961896
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ehh id say size down cuz i'm a true 11.5 and I have 11s and they are 2 big

ask other ppl tho i dont want 2 be responsible for your shoes not fitting

and a small percentage is tinfoil B)

>> No.6961901

top kek

>> No.6961926
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so im size ten and ill get a size nine then. dont worry u cunt i can just return them.

>> No.6961935

>What is York

>> No.6961953
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ok i hope it goes well bb

>> No.6961957

>they think york is fa because it has apc

top kek

>> No.6961966

Why would you study abroad at Hull? It's not a particularly highly ranked university so you don't have the excuse of living in a shit place for a good uni. Surely you would have been better off in Denmark.

Nottingham and Hackney are not bad. Isn't Hackney a pretty /fa/ place nowadays.

>> No.6961970
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>> No.6961984

Oh yeah I forgot to give you my condolences. The best thing you can do is travel to different cities in the UK. London is great. Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol as well.

>> No.6962006
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medium kek

>> No.6962014

I came to Hull because it's cheap. Drugs are cheap, houses are cheap, etc.

Uni is not bad for the subject.

Been to every city mentioned so far. London was cool. Everywhere else was like "hm, so, they have the worst stuff from that designer in size M-XL, GREAT"

>> No.6962019

>because it's cheap

complains about it being disgusting

stay pleb

>> No.6962026

>thinking berlin is where its at in germany

ever been to hamburg, OP?

>> No.6962261

Would have been cheaper to stay in Denmark, no? Or even on continental Europe, like the Netherlands (Amsterdamn). A lot of nicer unis do English language instruction, you'd probably get better value for money than UK. I'm from the UK but wouldn't come here to study unless at a good top 25 uni.

>> No.6962277

not even from britain but why dont you fuck off then

>> No.6962616


>> No.6962624

>Uni not bad
Are you studying how to steal paving slabs?

>> No.6962674
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One of the great universities: Oxford, Cambridge ... Hull

>> No.6962679


Yeah there is. France

>> No.6962697


>Bradford not even ranked.

>> No.6962727

> No jaywick, do you even east of england?

>> No.6962723



>> No.6962743
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Lake District fag here

Not exactly a /fa/ place unless your into the whole outdoors/techwear thing.

Sure is purty though.

>> No.6963233
File: 56 KB, 473x632, occi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel u OP, Norfag here. Lived there a year....

>Trailertrash host mom (that only had me for the money and treated me like shit)
>dosn't give me dinner, i'm 16 year old kid too afraid to complain, fuck was i suppose to do
>Everybody looks unhealthy and fugly, not super fat-american ugly, but just..idk ...greasy, like you can tell by their skin they're fucking unhealthy
>That Chav/biker style
>nike, nike, nike
>No one knows how to dress
>THAT motherfucking pale pink and purple color everywhere! Not just on people but on their walls too, not to mention the wall to wall carpets. Jesus have mercy on my soul.
>Everybodys racist as shit (got beaten up twice for being "German")

London's a bit better, but expensive. Generally liked England before i lived there. Good music though, but that's all in the past.
/rant off.

>> No.6963399

every fucking chavette has a pauls boutique bag or jacket too, i honestly don't see the appeal in them

>> No.6963437

>pauls boutique
Wait wait, as in Beastie Boys? Cause that album is THE shit

>> No.6963558

>Everybodys racist as shit (got beaten up twice for being "German")
That's not really racist is it though more xenophobic.

>> No.6963564

It's so fucking shit and not even good designer but turboplebs believe it is.

>> No.6963572

midfag here, can't wait to get out before the plebs bring me down to their level, PRAY FOR ME

>> No.6963599

How is it?

>> No.6963600


Nope. It's Racist.

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Guess what, judging an entire people cus of their ethnic and national background is...........racisit!
Also, just before i went there two german exchange student were brutally stabbed to death. We were told that if we got attacked by anyone we should scream "we're not Germans" and never tell anyone we were German if asked.

It's like a fucking third world country.

>> No.6963605

And you're judging a country based on a small incident.

>> No.6963607


>> No.6963613

Norfag here too.

u wot m8? I am the most racist guy in the flat, and everyone is from the UK.

>> No.6963617

Where the fuck did you go? And what are you black or white?

>> No.6963621

confirmed for bullshitting
if you want to disparage a nation you might as well try to make your story believable

>> No.6963628
File: 62 KB, 312x312, somuchgross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UK is a minefield of shit cities and you still managed to pick one of the worst ones.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.6963634

>living in a poor working-class town
>/fa/ lifestyle

choose one

>> No.6963638

90% of France is rural
90% of France wears clothes that chavs in England gave up on years ago.

A small amount of france (Lyon, Nice, London, and a tiny part of Paris is /fa/)

>> No.6963643

oh shit

this guy met ~10 londoners and none were /fa/
guess nobody from london is /fa/ then

>> No.6963644

It's actually just a really nice city to live in (no muslims).

I've also lived in Bristol, Bath, parts of London and Manchester. All decent places.

Oh and Exeter. Don't go there. It sucks.

>> No.6963652

>tfw you're an american and you know all of these english towns, and cities being named cause of fifa.

>> No.6963656

Who the fuck gets beaten up for being German? The worst you will get is a bit of bants.

You sure you didn't gut mugged by somalians or something m8?

>> No.6963661

they clearly didn't

>> No.6963658

It's alright

>> No.6963663


"The third world country” was an exaggeration, if you didn't catch that. But yeah, sure I can see that there’s a hint of hypocrisy in my post. Still, I’m just some shithead complaining of what I generally think is a shit country on the internet, mostly due to cultural and educational problems. I don’t go around beating up people cus they’re in inferior evil “Ukfags”!!!

White, blonde, blue eyes.

I lived just outside what was a workingclass town.


Met some nice Englishmen for sure, but only really upperclass students that didn't go to the same school as me.

>> No.6963675

York is really dull though, i go to uni here and there's fuck all to do. No culture, and it's small as fuck.

Old walls do not count as culture

>> No.6963674

but you're basing that on 5-10 people you've met, there's 8 million people in london

>> No.6963685

>I lived just outside what was a workingclass town

well there's your fucking problem

>> No.6963696

Posh is probably because of their accent

>> No.6963690

Leeds is 15 minutes away.

>> No.6963701

>Thinking that a working class town anywhere is going to be good.

u srs?

The retail stores in the UK suck though. Very little variety on the streets because of terribly high rents.

Also no Brit threads on /fa/ mean that I'm always learning about American brands and being jelly.

>> No.6963706

david beckham is #menswear to the nth degree and he isn't posh. it has nothing to do with clothes and everything to do with background

>> No.6963716

Sorry that you had to live in Exeter, it's such a shithole, there's like one nice store here

>> No.6963712

>basing life choices on cheap drugs

Haha Enjoy Hull you massive faggot.

>> No.6963713


>> No.6963717

Leeds isn't York.

>> No.6963723

I know. You get to sleep in a nice cosy town and go to a bustling metropolis whenever you want.

>> No.6963730

The sad thing is that gandy street used to be really vibrant but it's now totally dead. Maybe it's just me but people there look inbred.

Also, the cornish pasties aren't even that good. The quay is quite nice though.

>> No.6966346


gtfo you dirty danish cunt

>> No.6966401

Was the kid or the mum pissing, if it's the mum its even worse than I thought

>> No.6966416

Every Danish person I've met has been beautiful as fuck, male or female. Brits on the other hand...

>> No.6966431

>tfw Danish and not beautiful as fuck

>> No.6966434
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>tfw Australian
>tfw better than everybody

>> No.6966447
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>parents offered to pay for a plane ticket to the UK over the summer
>went with a friend who got us free room with his internet friend
>staying in chesterfield
>fucking disgusting
>first train to london
>tons of shit to do, amazing food, attractive women, fantastic alcohol
>meetup with other friend who happens to be in london
>attempt pub crawl, blackout city after six pubs
>somehow end up in paris on accident, alone
>red wine and baguettes, see all the cool shit because why waste an accidental day in paris
>have to go back to chesterfield since my plane ticket is out of manchester
>chesterfield is even worse having seen london

OP I don't know what's wrong with you

Britain is fucking awesome.

>> No.6966451
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>> No.6966497
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>>somehow end up in paris on accident, alone

>> No.6967329

See, drugs are bad for you. You can end up in Hull.

>> No.6967332

London isn't even a part of the UK at this rate, it's a small bubble of cosmopolitan civilisation among a vast swathe of post industrial wasteland.

>> No.6967338
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>> No.6967342


MDMA is of a similar price across all cities in the UK. It's more a case of who you know than the location.

There are a lot of interesting places in the UK outside of London and Manchester but Hull does not feature amongst them.

>> No.6967377

>Be olive skinned pakistani
>Live in ireland
>tfw most if not all pakistani citizens are hardworking or achieve high education.

I fear that, one day where I live gets inhabited by fucking pleb tier, lower class uneducated pakis.


>> No.6969667

>>Everybodys racist as shit (got beaten up twice for being "German")

its called a pocket knife...get one

>> No.6969757

>that internalised racism
yeah stop

>> No.6969775

Colombia is next to spanish harlem, the area around Princeton is shit, the area around yale is shit, and philly (UPenn) is shit as well

>> No.6969847


I saw that was Hull straight away, holy shit you should have seen how bad the old train/bus station.

What the fuck are you doing in Hull of all places? It's fucking dire like literally the worst place you could come to study in England.

>pls be grill

>> No.6969922
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>We were told that if we got attacked by anyone we should scream "we're not Germans"

Okay I thought this was fucking hilarious.

>> No.6970248

>Commenting on Hull
>Never been to Hull

Hull is the leading city for the city of culture, believe it or not. Apart from the housing estate areas a lot of the other areas are fine. There is certainly more organised crime (shootings, stabbings etc.) in cities such as Leeds.

There are also far less immigrants in cities like Hull so less cultural clashes.

The University of Hull is near Cottingham which is a fine area.

Sure there's chavs and a lot of idiots but you honestly can't compare Hull to areas of London and cities such as Bradford.

>> No.6970272

One of my favourite series ever made. I actually teared up on the final episode when they went over the top. Loved it.

>> No.6970315

nah mate it's fucking awful

>> No.6972238

I don't think pulling out your knife is a good idea when outnumbered by stronger people. You would probably get it back in your kidney or something.

>> No.6972268

I would but your language is silly and you all look like mongs.

>> No.6972275


>> No.6972280

I'm not that autistic.

>> No.6972317

mate it's not the leading city of culture get the fuck out of here. The only cultural thing of note this year was Street Sesh which was bretty good. Freedom Fest can suck a dick. It was poorly organized, boring and full of white cunts from the east riding celebrating multiculturalism. Hull's so shit it had a 22k drop in population from 1991 to 2001.

No one has jobs because 50% of the workforce are in the public sector which gets raped every time the Tories come into power.

There's just so little to do other than get fucked every weekend because people would rather complain about the state of the city than do something about it.

>inb4 i'm part of the problem, I know

>> No.6972347

because denmark is soooo much more /fa/ right?

>> No.6972352
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Surrey master race

>> No.6972364
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this is how /fa/ denmark is

>> No.6972365

where in that definition does national background come in? i didn't realize "german" was a race. xenophobic is the exact word for it you dolt.

>> No.6972367


Why Nottingham? It had a bad wrap a few years ago but I think it's a pretty nice city. It's certainly 100% better than Leicester.

The council are better managed, basic services like busses and rubbish collection actually fucking work. It's cleaner, has a better night life, and dat robin hood.

>> No.6972413

Should have came to Scotland OP. We are england with more banter.

>> No.6972444

*England with more crime, obesity, rain, and alcohol endemics.

>> No.6972808

i got an interview there in 2 weeks

>> No.6973136
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Surrey bro reporting in

>> No.6973142
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what do you think of rumpels porno?

>> No.6973151

link that vid please

>> No.6973154

>no Grimsby.

shitty shit place list.

>> No.6973155



>> No.6973160

sauf landan > norf landan

>> No.6973168


I beg

>> No.6974197


Surely you mean "plebby Estuary English master race"?

I live in Bucks and my cosy town is being filled up by annoying rich Londoners at an alarming rate.

>> No.6974214

yes bruv, Peckham, bruv.

what's that song...goes:

its a London thing
this is a London thing

>> No.6974336


>> No.6974354



Do you think Africa is a country too?

>> No.6974386

Yeah, no.
They really are the problem though, they come from impoverished backgrounds, are not educated and refuse to adapt to the country they move to.
I don't hate Pakistanis, I just don't like people in general who move to a country in search of work and begin to instill or enforce their culture/religion/politics on other people.
In the case with radicalised Islam in the UK.

>> No.6974393

The UK is commonly referred to 'Britain' in shorthand:
>The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,[nb 7] commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK), Great Britain (GB), or simply Britain

>> No.6974402

In short, live in a foreign country all you like, just don't shove or impose your way of thought onto others, keep it to yourself [or group you affiliate with].

>> No.6974563

Brighton is nice lbr and quite close to London.
But still I'm mving for uni to Ldn next year I can't imagine studying anywhere else, and I just don't get it why would foreigners choose any other city.

>> No.6974583

I'm at Leeds too
you in halls?
What are you studying?

>> No.6974631

The UK is several countries ya dingus.

>> No.6974640
File: 506 KB, 1325x926, 1365909939728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't get over this, why on earth would you move to fucking Hull? Oh god HULL AHAHAHAHA

>> No.6974647

I'm from Newcastle and there are so many annoying Tumblr cunts in the city (centred around the college). Is this the same everywhere?

>> No.6974670


tbh if u been to hull ur prob scum too

like visitng ur council estate shameless frank gallagher family, their children have tomato ketchup in their hair and there sucking on their thumbs, half of their thumb is falling off from the sucking

they look like little chernobyl mutant babies

and theres like one aggressive and voilent austistic son who punches and swears at the mum

for dinner you have smiley face potatoes and fish fingers with beans (if she bothered to cook it) or she just lets the children eat nutella out of the jar

then at nighttime you have to sleep on the piss stained bed where the youngest child sleepsand can't control his bladder so pisses his self

>> No.6974667

I think Philip Larkin was from Hull, he's a poet so that's cultural I guess...

>> No.6974677


Can you try that again in English please?

>> No.6974732

What the fuck is wrong with living in Britain?
Bognor Regis is filled with reem look people.
Move towns if it's filled with old people.

>> No.6974751


my nan lives in bognor regis

what a shit hole

fucking hell mate, complete upside down cemetery (people are just waiting to die there) (the dead live)

the only good thing is the arcade but that's probably shit now because i have grown up

>> No.6974753
File: 144 KB, 1616x854, punch fetish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally crying with laughter
>smiley faced potatoes
>autistic mum swearing son
10/10 post
Would read again

>> No.6974782


>> No.6974817


mate i only went there when we was forced, i went when i was a kid

1 - 14 maybe

>> No.6974853

if you're 18-19 go down there on a sat night
decent birds
q;^ )

>> No.6974864

God bless

>> No.6974872

well, that too

>> No.6974875


shit son
