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File: 123 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6954233 No.6954233 [Reply] [Original]

Glorious ad in sweden, supposedly a store opening selling only size zero clothes and the circle jerk amongst fatties is hilarious.

why dont they understand, /fa/?

>> No.6954238

hahaha thats ballsy as fuck, i hope their store does well, it is sweden tho thats like the social justice capital of the world. its funny how fatties will rage at them while shopping at exclusively plus sized stores.

>> No.6954240

link to news article?

>> No.6954247

Oh god that's brilliant, I hope their store does well and they start offering fat girl tears as beverages

>> No.6954252
File: 99 KB, 331x408, Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 4.30.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it. Hope they have good designs though.

>> No.6954257

>Do you fit in?

I think the raging whale thing is intentional on their part

Expect vanity sizing and skinnyfat bitches still squeezing into them somehow though

>> No.6954277

nah i bet this is the real deal, balls to the wall. read the comments on their facebook page, glorious

>> No.6954276

Where in Sweden is this opening? Stockholm?

>> No.6954279
File: 55 KB, 300x400, agray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you fit in?
Based Sweden

>> No.6954282

if it's a swedish brand it's almost 100% sure they will have decent designs

>> No.6954283



its in swedish though, you can check out their facebook page as well

>> No.6954281

cap em

>> No.6954286

no look yourself

its the typical "blah blah anorexia is unhealthy ect ect" from diabetic 400lb whales

>> No.6954285
File: 40 KB, 750x454, rin nakai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next stop, do you even lift?

Permanent body image problems for the whole family!

>> No.6954288

This is fucking awesome. Best of luck to them. Wish we had someone like this here in Vienna too.

>> No.6954290

We believe in the true beauty of women.

We believe that compromise has no place in fashion.

We never blend in. We never say sorry.

We say bye bye to normal.

Say hello to Miss Skinny.

I really hope this store will do well. Online is opening in 2 days...

>> No.6954295

they are going to be smashed by regulations

>> No.6954296

>models in advertising becomes thinner and thinner


>> No.6954312

probably a pr-scam by some feminazi

>> No.6954313

I don't really get it, even if you're really skinny everybody's got different curves and ass shapes and muscle. one size fits all just means nobody's dressing their own body properly.
I wouldn't mind a store that sold nothing but really small sizes, sure, but just One size?
I just don't get how it works, but I don't understand what the fuck size zero actually is and womens clothing is full of vanity bullshit sizing anyways, like fuck it makes me range, measure you're cocksucking body and find things with that measurement on the fucking tag like men do, what's with sizes that make absolutely no fucking sense. By being abstract, everyone can have a variation. is there a way to measure size zero with a tape measure? fuck now I'm angry for nothing goddamn this stupid fucking shit

cool store tho.

>> No.6954315

but they're not going to make any money?

>> No.6954317

its all gonna be leggings and stretchy shit lololol

>> No.6954325

same sizes, different cuts maybe
the article said they started because of an increased demand for their products

>> No.6954326

while I absolutely love the ballsiness of the ad and the general uncompromising ideology of the store, I don't support them as I find that beautiful women should have curves, i.e. well-developed tits and asses, a notion that is not quite compatible with size zero clothing.

I am actually disgusted by skinny girls. Their appearance transports a sense of weakness and morbidity, I think.
Maybe my perception is compromised because I tend to always get skinny girls (as I myself am extremely skinny) and men usually want what they have trouble getting.

>> No.6954329

>even if you're really skinny everybody's got different curves and ass shapes and muscle. one size fits all just means nobody's dressing their own body properly.

how is that any different than regular jeans? my calves might be shaped diffently than another dudes but we still both wear 32x34 or whatever

and with all the elastacene in womens jeans itll be even less of a problem

>I just don't get how it works, but I don't understand what the fuck size zero actually is and womens clothing is full of vanity bullshit sizing anyways, like fuck it makes me range, measure you're cocksucking body and find things with that measurement on the fucking tag like men do, what's with sizes that make absolutely no fucking sense. By being abstract, everyone can have a variation. is there a way to measure size zero with a tape measure? fuck now I'm angry for nothing goddamn this stupid fucking shit

0, 2, 4, ect all correlate with waist measurements you dumb fuck

>> No.6954331

oh man i feel an onset of girls 10 sizes up fitting into it horribly if its leggings and stretchy shit... pls no man

>> No.6954334

also baggy/oversized tops for tumblr cuteness

>> No.6954336

>I don't support them as I find that beautiful women should have curves, i.e. well-developed tits and asses, a notion that is not quite compatible with size zero clothing.

well gee whillickers m8 guess what not every store has to make clothes that cater to your idea of beautiful

>> No.6954338

>my calves might be shaped diffently than another dudes but we still both wear 32x34 or whatever
hahaha lose some weight you fat fuck

>> No.6954344
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>> No.6954346

haha oh jesus a sz10 is a full 10" bigger than a size 0, can you imagine the muffin top on that if she managed to squeeze in by some twist of physics?

anyways im sure the ppl with 36" waists are the ones thatll be picketing outside the store not buying from it

>> No.6954351

I sure hope you're trollin.
you're skinnyfat and your body is shaped like a pear.

>> No.6954353
File: 40 KB, 1280x1024, IMG000116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you mirin

>> No.6954355

that weak, morbid palour is hot beyond belief imo, its like some innate caretaker D/s shit or something for me.

>> No.6954356

if fat bitches really believed they were beautiful would they really have to devote so much time into telling us that they're beautiful?

>> No.6954361

lol, skinnyfat faggot found a source of lightning that deludes him into thinking that he is actually pretty muscular.

>> No.6954365

#whoa dont mire so hard ull blind urself on this godlike physique

>> No.6954366

You can call him weak, but he is definitely not skinnyfat

>> No.6954371

who bro gomad i squat 20plate dyel? gomad ss leangains scooby clique 2012 i deadlift 3k kilos

>> No.6954375

I know that there's a lot of people who think that way. I aknowledge that.
But I've had my share of skinny bitches and I just don't like them as much. Maybe as a social accessory, but when it comes to sex, I need to have had at least 10 shots of tequila before I could go to bed with a girl with underdeveloped tits.

also I usually don't like the shy and innocent ones (which I believe could cater to your notion of being a caretaker etc), but the loud and outgoing ones. And again, I usually attract the girls I'm not attracted to.

>> No.6954379

have you seen this >>6954344 picture? he could be in a dictionary under the term "skinnyfat".

>> No.6954380

gr8 b8

Niche stores are nothing new and I see nothing wrong with this. I wish them all the best. I'm no expert on Swedish constitution, but I imagine "Shops must stock produce that suits everybody at all times" is not in there.

>> No.6954386

i hope ur not gonna try 2 diss aiouh

>> No.6954389

but size 0 actually looks fucking digusting.

dont tell me any of you actually think its the most attractive size a woman can be? being skinny is fine, being THAT skinny is not.

>> No.6954395

>not fine

It's fine. Your personal tastes are your own.

>> No.6954392

>how is that any different than regular jeans? my calves might be shaped diffently than another dudes but we still both wear 32x34 or whatever

what the fuck are you talking about that's what I just said, everybody's body is different
and they probably all have ELASTANE, not elastacene, god damn trunks stop fucking posting.
I'm saying having a bunch of people wearing the same thing with different bodies isn't very original or fashionable contrary to their ad, and tons of girls who are two sizes too big still trying to fit into something from their store and looking awful instead of buying a size that'd actually accentuate their legs, not make them look gross.

>0, 2, 4, ect all correlate with waist measurements you dumb fuck
0 is not a fucking measurement, you can't measure zero, it makes no sense for zero to be a measurement at all, how do you not grasp THIS concept, of all other concepts that confuse youre stupid ass, the idea that Zero is somehow an actual measurement? Zero is not a measurement, it's a number designated like a name for another measurement or a derivative of another actual measurement by some formula I haven't been bothered to actually learn about, it's still fucking stupid.

>> No.6954393

no im trying to impress him

>> No.6954397

Will this shop have an online store too?

>> No.6954402

>and they probably all have ELASTANE, not elastacene, god damn trunks stop fucking posting.

>> No.6954409

nah. there are "plus size" stores, so this oughtnt be a problem legally. but there is gonna be a moral outrage from the fatties, of course.

>> No.6954415

so far it's only online

>> No.6954416

its no different than small medium large

its no different than mens jeans where one size 30 jean has a waist measurement of 29" and another is 32"

its no different than japanese sizing where a 1 is a size 8 and a 3 is a size 10

hell just regular shoe sizes are random numbers assigned, they dont correlate with anything

suit sizes dont mean shit

youre autistic

>> No.6954417
File: 6 KB, 197x256, nah man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6954419

lmao I do 50 plate calf raise evri day

>> No.6954424

Hmm will check it out then. Thanks anon.

>> No.6954428
File: 23 KB, 343x361, 1379946105095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long do you think it will be till it happens. Till this is posted on every stupid fucking irrelevant bullshit blog with fat tears. How long?

>> No.6954432

Also it'd only be a legal problem if they outright refused to sell certain people their clothes.
No law, not even in the EU states that you should cater to everyone in terms of product design.

>> No.6954434


>> No.6954443
File: 97 KB, 296x700, 350x700px-LL-fac95c19_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're ignorant
>suit sizes dont mean shit
Actually, they do, corresponds to chest measurements in centimeters (e.g 48 to fit a 48cm chest measurement)

>> No.6954452


Also I know what is exactly going to happen. in a desperate plea that fat fucks will buy all their clothing and start 'putting' them on, whether it will be with sellotape or what, then they will start posting pictures with their shit eating grin thinking they are clever and smart.

>> No.6954454

yeah, thats the european sizing, but then what of the american sizing? its a 38? so its just 10 less than the european sizing? sounds a lot like
>"it's a number designated like a name for another measurement or a derivative of another actual measurement by some formula I haven't been bothered to actually learn about, it's still fucking stupid"
to me

>> No.6954463
File: 25 KB, 333x508, 39YY SS01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really rare.
often the listed measurement is just sort of a REALLY vague indicator and even then varies from size to size.
trunks is right - sizing is almost completely arbitrary since it depends on the model produced, intended fit, material etc etc
always best bet w/ asking for real measurements.

>> No.6954467

*tag sizes.
tl;dr you need it in ref. to something else which is also not a constant.

>> No.6954471

You can still buy the clothes even if you're a fat fuck, but there's no law that says you have to offer every size.

>> No.6954473

European sizing? You mean essentially universal sizing?
US measurements are always idiotic, just look at your shoe sizing, or hell, the entire imperial scale, whereas the civilized world uses the logical metric scale.
Yeah, I agree, it definitely differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, but ideally a 44 should correspond to a 44 chest. Just like in the Japanese shoe system, a 27 should correspond to a 27 centimeter foot, but it varies. That doesn't mean the system it's based on is entirely arbitrary.

>> No.6954479

>i dont like us sizing so im going to pretend it doesnt exist

alright whatever dude this has nothing to do with my original point anymore anyways

>> No.6954486

US sizing is unnecessary, just like US and UK sizing for footwear. Or the imperial system.
Your original point was that sizing is all arbitrary. It's not, sizing should be, and often is, based on measurements - shoe size, suit size, jean size, etc

>> No.6954492

>ideally a 44 should correspond to a 44
yeah...but it's almost never the case.
In reality they should all correspond but they don't...
because yohji doesn't design with ricks market in mind and ann doesnt design with paul harndens market in mind etc etc.
tagged sizing is almost completely arbritary since it's pretty much baseless and only serves as a VERY rough indication of size.

>That doesn't mean the system it's based on is entirely arbitrary.
no one said that.
the system is not pointless but because no one really adheres to it it's arbitrary.

>> No.6954496

you could just as easily make the argument that uk and eu sizing is necessary, as well as the metric system. my point was that mens sizing varies from brand to brand and often doesnt correlate with anything anything, the same as womens jeans sizing. "0" doesnt give me any measurements, neither does "medium" or "3" or "44"

>> No.6954498

you don't have a point
>its no different than mens jeans where one size 30 jean has a waist measurement of 29" and another is 32"
no, that would be completely different if you have any concept of how rise works, you'd understand that a size 29 through 31 could all fit somebody with a size 30 waist depending on how heigh the front and back of the jeans are.
Should every manufacturer label the exact size of the waist? sure, in a perfect mathematical world where every single person knows the ins and outs of every nuance of each pair of pants.

But the market doesn't, so they change the label so that people with a size 30 waist will fit into a size 29 measured waist with a higher rise.

I'm a size 30, I buy e verything at size 30, not a single fucking pair of pants in my closet measures 30 inches around and yet fits perfectly. this isn't arbitrary IF you're not a complete fucking tool.

>Your original point was that sizing is all arbitrary. It's not, sizing should be, and often is, based on measurements

>> No.6954502

he's just arguing w/ you for the sake of arguing.
it's turning /pol/ tier

>> No.6954508
File: 45 KB, 400x300, 1277434682222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does trunks argue stuff ever

>> No.6954512


you're such a spastic trunks.

But you're my spastic.

>> No.6954513

great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.6954514

Holy fuck, in Sweden of all places? That's awesome.

>> No.6954515

Yes, measurements for sizes differ from label to label, hell, they even differ from season to season.
How is it baseless when the base is the measurement? The problem here is that the designers don't adhere to the set standard, not that the set standard is inherently flawed.
>In reality they should all correspond but they don't...
So we agree then?
Yes, the sizing can be applied arbitrarily, but the point trunks was making that the sizes "don't correlate with anything", when that's not true. The size hypothetically correlates to the waist in inches. It just differs in reality.
If that's the agreement we've reached, I'm completely fine because that was my initial point.

>> No.6954517

it's so dumb to market it like this. i live in sweden and the amount of shit they could've avoided just by changing the advertising is a whole hell of a lot. i give it 2-3 months before falling apart

>> No.6954523

this is great

"real men go for curves, dogs go for bones"
lmfao stfu smh

>> No.6954521

It's already a thing in murrica, isn't it?
The reason it's getting press is because swedish cunts are butthurt about it not being pc.

>> No.6954526

the thing is that they wouldn't have garnered as much attention without this bold ad. advertising needs to be bold.

>> No.6954528

That's cowardly as fuck.
Slap the same words on a commersial of a fat girl in jeans and people would applaud and whistle, this way they're getting tons of press.

>> No.6954536

>but the point trunks was making that the sizes "don't correlate with anything", when that's not true.
>The problem here is that the designers don't adhere to the set standard

just because something should correlate doesnt mean it does.

in magical hypothetical fantasy land sure it correlates. this is real life tho.

>> No.6954539

Honestly I just enjoy reading the comments on facebook.

>> No.6954540

the tag size doesn't correlate to any measurement
you said it yourself - they correlate to a specific season and a specific model -essentially meaningless.

>The problem here is that the designers don't adhere to the set standard, not that the set standard is inherently flawed.
you're a retard, no one said that.
you're essentially trying to stuff words in my mouth as i remind me with each post no one ever implied that.
we're not disagreeing on anything i don't think.

he's right...the tag size correlates with nothing...
even then a perfect fit is subjective and there is not objective 'perfect fit' it's all a matter of taste and perception.
>size hypothetically correlates to the waist in inches. It just differs in reality.
you're contradicting yourself...
you just said it doesn't...as did i...and you even agreed on it...hypothetically it can be whatever the fuck you want but in reality it's meaningless.

the only measurement you should be concerned about is the real physical measurement not the tag size.

>> No.6954543

that's not really what i meant. i think it's poorly worded to say that it's an elitist group of people who are better than everyone else who can wear their clothes, especially in sweden with the market discourse looking like it does. it's still bold enough to just open a store selling nothing but size zero.

>> No.6954551

if you don't know what to do with your money then send it to me you fuccboi.

>> No.6954549

oh btw while were wasting our time on this stupid argument what do u think of this? cant find any fits with it sadly

>> No.6954555
File: 5 KB, 236x243, 1347005861415s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally said "they dont correlate with anything".
Not "the sizes don't correlate to the actual measurements in real life". You were saying that the sizes don't correlate to anything, they do. Perhaps not always in practice, but yes, theoretically. That counts as "correlating to something"
>you're essentially trying to stuff words in my mouth as i remind me with each post no one ever implied that.
You didn't, trunks did.
>we're not disagreeing on anything i don't think.
Ok then, we can leave it there.
It could be cool, but realistically, how much would you wear it? What would you wear it with? Do you have anything else that the money might be better spent on, perhaps outerwear considering winter is coming.
Do you really need other people to tell you how to make decisions.

>> No.6954570

ok heres my credit card info

suq madiq

1234 1234 1234 1234

code on the back is 123

>they correlate to something, but not in real life
to me thats "not correlating" but whatever it was an offhand comment if i had know you were going to fly into an autismal rage over it i would have said it doesnt correlate to "the size of the garment" rather than "anything"
>Do you really need other people to tell you how to make decisions.
yep B^)

>> No.6954580

Ok then, my decision, for you, is to stop with skirts and drop-crotched shorts, get yourself a nice leather, preferably cropped, and a pair of overdyed black slim jeans. It'll go better with your shoe collection and you'll be less prone to fucking up.

>> No.6954585

ill prob get both (skirt and jeans, weather here is not leather compatible). waiting for some ace cashes or something similar to pop up in a 32x34+, hmu if u see anything on ur sufu questing

>> No.6954591

Although I wouldn't like to read a dictionary that only gives me pictures of a half naked trunks instead of real definitions
who am I kidding of course I would

>> No.6954596


>> No.6954593

I can hardly contain my glee :^)

>> No.6954617

i meant used. those are the same price as on the acne website no?

>> No.6954631
File: 119 KB, 600x800, 2013_04_02_13_11_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want used jeans of a commercially available model that are relatively inexpensive?
Also keep in mind to deduct 20%, due to the European tax that won't apply to you.

>> No.6954636

because used things are cheaper and that means ill have more money left over to buy other things

>> No.6954643

sieg aren't you really fat?

and isn't your gf really fat?

>> No.6954644

Jeans are easily one of the most versatile garments in your wardrobe, just get them, you need them more than a skirt, and used jeans are nasty, unless the pair is rare and no longer in production (Levi's x Junya for example).
Just get them.

>> No.6954648

i like other dudes greasy mansweat soaking into my legs tho

how often do they go on sale? do i gotta wait for boxing day?

>> No.6954649

like what? another diaper???

>> No.6954650

If you go to thrift or vintage shop that actually cares about clothes they will put the real measurements on the tag. It hardly ever matches the measurements on the clothes, especially for suitjackets and slacks.

>> No.6954679
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>> No.6954702


>> No.6954731

no, its very clever marketing.

>> No.6954739

whats the fb link

their website wont even load ughh

>> No.6954740

that's wrong though

>> No.6954747
File: 142 KB, 507x520, man_and_pram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually lold. Which one of you has been posting on their wall?

>> No.6954809


if you're selling something that there's a market for it's pretty swell if the entire country reads about your store.

>> No.6954812


I personally think this is a very good form of marketing. Anything controversial like this gets people talking; this brand is going to find itself being spoken about internationally. People are going to read the newspaper articles about how this "shocking new brand promotes eating disorders" and discuss it with their friends, co-workers, family etc.

It will be trending on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. I mean, it's featured on /fa/ itself and we're all talking about it. Some of us will in turn discuss it with people we know and the brand will spread further.

To draw on a recent comparison, look at the Cocaine energy drink. Obviously, the marketing team knew that was going to stir up strong opinions and make the news. They called it ‘Cocaine’ and let the media and 'outraged parents' sell the product for them.

>> No.6954845

yeah that's good when it's a product everyone can consume, like "cocaine energy drink". this is a niche market store selling clothes to a small, small percentage of the population. it's nothing wrong with it existing, it's just a tasteless advertise.
trust me, a store selling nothing but size zero in sweden gets talket about a lot in any case.

>> No.6954874

Web shop opens 26/9

To be honest, I dont even see why expensive designers or shops sell xl sized clothes. Whenever you go on sites, and see stuff thats sold out, the XL size is always left over. Having said that, thats what I notice when I buy clothes, no idea how it works with womens clothes.

It is quite a good bit of shock advertising though, at the expense fat women with self esteem issues.

>> No.6954873


>no expiration date
>no billing address

is this some kind of joke?

>> No.6954913


Yes, the target demographics for energy drinks with stupid names and size zero clothing are different but they still want to be highly publicised like any brand. A lot of people dislike energy drinks and will not buy them however gimmicky the advertising campaign.

Not everyone will ever be able to afford to buy cars from premium motoring brands such as Lamborghini or Ferrari. They are niche brands, selling to only the very wealthy; yet they are widely known and recognised. If Miss Skinny becomes well known by all, it will reach it's niche demographic.

Tasteless advertising sells. Check out this recent example of it: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2415339/Texas-company-makes-sign-depicting-woman-tied-truck.html

>> No.6954919


>> No.6954924
File: 108 KB, 550x643, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatties gonna fat
I fucking love it

>> No.6954931


Nothing really of interest on there though.

>> No.6954960



>> No.6954981

on the website it says they sell size 32

i dont get it? is size 32 size 0 or what?

>> No.6955082

This is pretty ballsy of them but I get the feeling that this isn't going to help the whole anorexia issue.

Landwhales don't look good but neither to obsessively undereating skeletons.

>> No.6955135


French/Italian/Swedish sizing uses numbers.

32/34/36 = XXS/XS/S

>> No.6955161


>> No.6955204
File: 826 KB, 2136x3204, post-19430-1311026228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd love a store with only size 0 clothes if it was full of good brands instead of mall-tier shit, and i doubt this store will carry anything but just that

why the fuck do designers even make clothes for women in sizes larger than 4 and equivalents? it's like they're asking to end up on the sales rack

>mfw finding a most coveted piece, but NOPE, it's FR 44

size 0 and equivalents aren't just for skeletons

it's more about your frame than just your body fat %

>> No.6955209

100% convinced. it's way too obvious to be true
fucking whales

>> No.6955227
File: 501 KB, 1162x1526, 1378570813654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6955234

What the fuck, Sweden

>> No.6955275


Definitely this

>> No.6955311

>Not knowing how marketing works.
Any press is good press.

>> No.6955599

Well it's not really bold or controversial, at least not with its target market. You can offend as many fat chicks as you can find and they'll buy the same amount of size 0 clothing as they did before.

If any of you have seen the "thinspiration" threads on this board, you know what the spirit, or essence, of anorexia is like. I don't mean to imply that all size 0 women are anorexic, but that anorexic women are a target market for these ads.

A size 0 store is not a bad idea in itself; but what is wrong in all this is the mean-spirited advertising. It's not about making clothes for you, it's about not making clothes for the fatties, because they're not truly beautiful, they don't fit in here, fashion is not about their gluttonous compromises. The ads are clearly more about who this store is not for than who the store is for. Not "Size Zero Clothing", but "Size Zero ONLY". Fat girls keep out.

I'd say it's unnecessary, but it's not. It's necessary to "go viral". I mentioned earlier the spirit of anorexia. What I mean is that chronic disgust and hatred which characterizes the way anorexic women see people of even healthy weights, and the especial disgust they have for those who are overweight. Behind the rationalizing about vices and virtues, gluttony and self-control, their disgust rather is aesthetically motivated, and neurotic.

Such people will love this ad campaign, because it is mean-spirited for its own sake.

And, of course, tumblr feminists will help spread the ads.

>> No.6955619

Absolutely zero difference to stores tailored for fat people. Bitches just need an excuse to explain their fatness e.g. 'society is forcing me to be thin hurr'

>> No.6955622


>> No.6955635

>A size 0 store is not a bad idea in itself; but what is wrong in all this is the mean-spirited advertising. It's not about making clothes for you, it's about not making clothes for the fatties, because they're not truly beautiful, they don't fit in here, fashion is not about their gluttonous compromises. The ads are clearly more about who this store is not for than who the store is for. Not "Size Zero Clothing", but "Size Zero ONLY". Fat girls keep out
Pretty much this. I'm not a size zero, i'm more of a 3 or 4, but this doesn't really offend me. It kind of reminds me of Mean Girls though. It's Petty and high schoolish

>> No.6955646

I'm all for pissing off self righteous fat advocates but that's sort of silly considering that most models (excluding runway) are more like a size 2-4.

>inb4 too fat
Yeah I am. 5'10 11 and I don't wear a size 0.

>> No.6955648

i still find it hilarious that some of these europe countries use fucking commas like this

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6955677

Could be, but it would be a new level of subtlety for them. Still, it's completely possible.

The discussion is partly dictated by who we choose to post screencaps of, to quote, to characterize as typical of "fat bitches". There is a variety of tumblr user that thinks "fat is beautiful" (for self-serving reasons), and they're just ridiculous and stupid enough to be a great source of argument for the other side. But what you won't see in any thread of this sort is argument of a more serious and more thoughtful stripe from the feminist side, because it's not easy to ridicule or dismiss in the same way.

It's a shame that some women have not been able to come to the conclusion that something might actually be more important than being beautiful, and instead had to warp their idea of beauty into something unrecognizable in order to feel good about themselves. But while these ridiculous people are vocal, and even popular, they are not every fat woman.

I think it is important to debunk "fat is beautiful" or "all sizes are beautiful" and all of that meaningless feel-good propaganda. But as long as the response to it is to demonize all fat women, it will only grow louder as they perceive a greater 'necessity' for fat activism. The real movement needs to be, on the one side, for recognizing that fat women are diverse and sometimes valuable human beings, and on the other, for pushing healthy eating/exercise habits, especially for children.

>> No.6955693

It's correct grammar tho lol

>> No.6955842

Aw shit that's real smal.

>> No.6955848

>It's correct grammar tho
in the retarded countries it is

it makes absolutely no sense from any other point of view

the period is much more "final" looking than the comma, so it doesn't make sense to use the comma as a decimal, and it doesn't make sense to use the period like they do ex. 1.000 (one thousand)

>> No.6955867

No one uses a period in large numbers, it's a comma or nothing. Not in the UK anyway.

And you can't just call countries that don't write how you do 'retarded' lol

>> No.6955884

well put hip$ter

>> No.6955903

>No one uses a period in large numbers, it's a comma or nothing.
>Not in the UK anyway.
so you're just blind to the ways of the rest of your continent
a lot of european countries do it

i don't even live in europe and know this


>And you can't just call countries that don't write how you do 'retarded' lol
i didn't call them retarded because they don't do it the way i do it
>the period is much more "final" looking than the comma

>> No.6955904

that's a horrible idea, It will never last.

business is to reach to as many people as possible to get their monies, Ralph Lauren might have size 0 models for women and size 30 for men but they sell sizes up to 5XL and I size 52x28 pants.

Things like that have led to RL's success, shit like this will lead to this store's failure. Think business not edgy.

>> No.6955905

Really awesome post, has me thinking differently.

>> No.6955929

Dunno if you knew bro but different countries use different writing techniques and different punctuation. Hard to comprehend I know.

And a period might look more final to you but to most europeans it just looks weird. Anyway, the comma is probably used here as a decimal because of the way you say a number.

'one' and 'thousand' are two different words hence the comma in between. Just a theory.

>> No.6955951
File: 117 KB, 1632x854, perfection of womanhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the shitstorm to come.

>> No.6955963

5* post bruh bruh

>> No.6955961

There are loads of shitty Swedish brands, they just don't get exported.

>> No.6955968

Makes me sick everytime I look at that.

>dat armpit hair

>> No.6956006

I dig it

>> No.6956008


This is so rage-worthy it's not even fucking funny.

>> No.6956058


Fuck this is the closest I've come to throwing up in years.

>> No.6956067
File: 81 KB, 500x315, kakan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is one of the swedish fatties that has been hating on this..

i fucking hate her...

>> No.6956069


>> No.6956091

Well, everyone does.
I don't know who that is, but everyone hates her.

>> No.6956108

I support this anon 100%

>> No.6956126

good post, polite sage

>> No.6956173


someone post this on /fit/ pls

>> No.6956180

why don't you? because you just want to stir some shit up?

>> No.6956186


>tfw no wide hipped bf

>> No.6956224

>Dunno if you knew bro but different countries use different writing techniques and different punctuation.
i obviously knew since that's what the whole discussion and my first post were about you passive-aggressive dumbass

>And a period might look more final to you
>to you
even in their writing aside from numericals, they use a period as an end mark and a comma as a way to separate two thoughts in a single sentence, so it's clear that even they think of the period as more final

>'one' and 'thousand' are two different words hence the comma in between.
yeah, but they use a period instead of a comma when writing it

>those armpits
i'm dying

>> No.6956269
File: 485 KB, 429x750, 1375311487983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in the middle of eating and I almost puked it up after seeing this.

>> No.6957270

trunks if you want to befriend me on facebook just do it normally, I don't need the friendship of some random asian girl who registered for an account today

>> No.6957335

Stop using polite and meaningful discourse on /fa/. We should all be talking like petulant manchildren, not mature adults.

In other words, post a fit fuccboi. get rekt

>> No.6959775

by the way guys, the webshop opened today and its some feminazi bullshit

>> No.6959803

i just finished eating an entire bag of lays chips and almost threw it all up

>> No.6959804

you look weak as piss

>> No.6959806


>> No.6959810

Its actually just a big fem troll guys

If you go to the webstore, it automatically redirects you to a foundation dedicated to fighting eating disorders

ya'll got played.

>> No.6959822

Oh, did Brandy Melville finally get to Europe?

>> No.6959828

I am so fucking mad right now.

>> No.6959862

all comments are in swedish...

>> No.6959866

Fuck me, the crowd this actually gets out to are the ones who really need an eating disorder.

>> No.6959867

Love this, it's like when the Abercrombie CEO said that he only wanted handsome people to buy his stuff and excluded whale sizes from the store. I hate my country for being huge fags when it comes to fat acceptance and feminism. Great that its opening in my fag country, gonna buy tons of gift cards to my sis there.

>> No.6959886

Lmao, only in Sweden... Fking shit tier fatacceptancefeministsocialist CUNTry

>> No.6959918
File: 2.94 MB, 200x200, 1380077312998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


only in fucking sweden. god damn liberals.

>> No.6959922

i knew it >>6954312

>> No.6960179

First time I've noticed that her shadow shows her underarm hair

>> No.6960184

hahahahah thats not me dude

>> No.6960207

you know, i thought i was used to seeing shit that makes want to puke. but then you show me the subtlety of the horror and this time, i think im gonna actually puke.

>> No.6960265
File: 97 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not real

>> No.6960363
File: 169 KB, 600x756, 1377807181449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was so hoping this would be true

>> No.6960481

Those glorious comments. Thank you based Sweden.

>> No.6960547
File: 104 KB, 986x830, ruseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dammit I got rused hard

>> No.6960563
File: 65 KB, 336x231, colin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped eating when i saw it and now im just gonna have black coffee n cigarettes for the rest of the day thanks to that pic

>> No.6960578

The perils of liberalhood: Wanting to fit in but being denied it, then sour-grapesing at the norm in the effort to change it while still trying to conform to it from your different position.
Instead of either losing weight or working with being fat. It's not impossible to look awesome while being fat, but you can't really do it with the same clothes, makeup, etc of a skinny person, otherwise you're just someone failing at being skinny while being in denial of it.

>> No.6960583

someone report this fucking cancerous shit for false advertising. this shit aint legal

>> No.6960595

or even better, just click x and ignore

>> No.6960602

its not a comma, youre just a blind fuccboi

>> No.6960608

ya I fucking called it

>> No.6960611

Yeah I'm not saying size 0 is inherently skeletal, more that the increasing pressure on girls to "achieve" that skinniness causes downward spirals of anorexia that result in hungry skeletons instead of healthy physique.

>> No.6960624

hey kevin check their facebook page pls

>> No.6960638

I feel like a wall that can never be rebuilt has been torn down

>> No.6960644

embrace it

>> No.6960675

pls dont harass aiouh
aiouh is kool

>> No.6960692

Wow. My girlfriend is a recovering anorectic, and we live in Sweden.
Guess me and her family will be spending the next coming months doing damage control.

Supporting this, even as a joke, is cruel, /fa/.
I love that woman so much, and it hurts as hell to see society keep pressing this fucked up indoctrinating towards women.
Sure, fuck fat people, they need to lose weight; in my opinion they're leading an unhealthy lifestyle and I find them very unattractive, but are you guys seriously so ignorant as to believe that this only concerns fatties, and not the entire female community's psyche?
That's some Soviet level propaganda shit right there, guys.

>> No.6960700

fuck off cunt i hope ur gf dies

>> No.6960707

im talking about the ad bro

>> No.6960731


>> No.6960734


anorexia is a lonely fat girl construct these days, the shit is so loosely defined it applies to anyone who doesnt get all of their joy from eating junkfood

>> No.6960740

Being Swedish and knowing Sweden I can't help but to think this is really a PR thing by some feminist.

Seems to obvious.

>> No.6960745

yeah joking about fatties is all well and good, but people die from anorexia du, its a real as fuck mental illness

>> No.6960764

sorry bro but thats the most retarded shit ive read today

how do you rationalize that shit being anything else than your gf being weak and whiny? i mean i get it, being weak and whiny must suck but dont fuckig blame it on society.

>> No.6960771

i dont get how anorexia is a mental illness/eating disorder but eating like a pig isnt

cancer and heart disease are the #1/2 causes of death in usa, both linked to obesity, but oh no youre "healthy at any weight (as long as youre not underweight)"

people treat anorexia and bulimia as huge problems when they affect <2% of the population

meanwhile literally 80% of america is overweight

fuck this gay earth

>> No.6960769

>the less we see the better you look

>> No.6960776

so what? its their bullshit killing them, how can you possibly blame a skinny model for some mong starving herself / himself to death

people do all kinds of stupid shit, its terrible but society is not to blame

>> No.6960794

yeah man imo fatties eating themselves to death is a muchmore widespread problem but it doesn't mean those fucked up people who have anorexia aren't in a shit place

you're a fucking bigot haha and 90% you're underage

>> No.6960806

mental illness is a metaphore for troubled or troubleing behaviour not actual illness

thats what mental stands for, anything real is simply called an illness

>> No.6960822

The problem is that a lot of kids in the US these days are BORN fat because their mothers are fat

So they feel like it is natural/"I have always been this way"

There's just really a lack of education on this subject matter in the general populace.
And nobody really tries to educate because there's no money to be gained, while school cafeteria catering companies and fast food chains make millions and use those to keep their costumers busy ingesting corn syrup 24/7

I'd say, don't just blame the people, blame their environment.

>> No.6960834


>still hasn't seen a person start convulsing and throwing up, whilst physically not being able to breathe, in mind-crippling anxiety attacks; all because someone skinny had a cupcake in their proximity
>not been forced to watch as one of your girlfriend's friends from the eating disorder unit slowly dies from major organ failure because she simply refused to take in sustenance, and had to be fed by a tube; her last dying words "i just wanted control over my life"

Anorexia isn't about not being a fatass. It's about maintaining total control over your life, and in a society that's hung up on "skinny=desirable", coupled with every living animal's total obsession about food (for obvious survival reasons), it makes for a bad, psychotic expression of pushing one-self's body to the literal limit of death.

Stay ignorant; I'm way past jaded-o'clock to get mad over these comments. Sadly.

>> No.6960846


>> No.6960841

there are legit bulimics I often see at the gym with their rehabilitation trainer and then there are internet fatty bulimics who purged once or twice and go HURR THIS SOCIETY TURNED ME INTO A BULIMIC

>> No.6960850

>and in a society that's hung up on "skinny=desirable"

this is like the opposite of society now tho

skinny girls get waaaaay more shit than fatties

u can say "eat a burger" and "bones are for dogs" as much as you want but god fucking forbid you call someone fat

god fucking forbid you dont use an ethnically diverse overweight cast of models of all ages in your ad campaigns

runway models are like the last underweight models in existance and theyre pushing to get rid of that in some countries

flip thru a magazine sometime, its all fat asses and big bazongas

>> No.6960852


yes. society is hung up, not the person refusing to eat, any "disease" that is cured by a change in your personal philosophy is ridiculus

>> No.6960855

top kek @ppl in this thread who claim you can't blame society on widespread, generic psychoses affecting almost only girls in the western society.

because societal values and issues just fall from the skies, rite guise?

>> No.6960876

What a load of crap.
Skinny girls have it better 99% of the time, you just pick up on the critique they get cus you're looking for it.

>> No.6960880

As if people indoctrinated with the fact that women should be skinny since Twiggy made it the shit in the 60's get a total turnaround of what society expects from them 'cause from 2011 to 2013, some people started shaming skinnies.

The fact that these people absolutely and in no way, without several years of therapy can change their personal philosophy is why it's called a "disease."

It's like you guys don't even have an education. You guys gotta hit the books/talk to some real people if you don't think mental illnesses are a real thing.

Sorry mang, I'm Ted.
Though relay an empathic high-five to Markus; trust me, he needs the support.

>> No.6960895

just fucking die

>> No.6960893

>As if people indoctrinated with the fact that women should be skinny since Twiggy made it the shit in the 60's get a total turnaround of what society expects from them 'cause from 2011 to 2013, some people started shaming skinnies.

wtf? i didnt claim that at all. i said SOCIETY had changed. which you agreed with. thats why i quoted the post that said "a society hung up on skinny = desirable"?

>> No.6960899

What the fuck? I'm the guy who asked and my name is Ted.
This is starting to freak me out, Markus...

>> No.6960914

Society hasn't changed much, as I pointed out, the short time span can only suggest it's a trend.
Come back in 10 years, when girls have actually been raised under somewhat fair expectations on their BMI.

And I want to point out once again: it's due to the fact that humans have a very complex relationship to food that even slight, prolonged pressure from their peers can totally fuck a person up.
Fuck the vapid sluts who practice hobbyist bulimia to purge after a salad. There's legit eating disorders out there that are considered to be the worst shit your psyche could ever be hit by of the 'regular' conditions.

I'm just here educatin' ya'll niggas from a perspective of a dude who's actually seen this stuff up close, cause /fa/ seems to have a really trivial view on eating disorders. (no shocker)

>> No.6960923

chubby chaser confirmed

>> No.6960927

Society hasn't changed fuck all if the pic in OP is considered accepted.
It's EXPLICITLY stating that you have to be a size zero to fit into societal norms.

You have it black on white that this shit has never been worse.

>> No.6960940

This thing was confirmed for being a pr campaign by an ad bureau to bring attention to eating disorders.

>> No.6960944

the pic in the op isnt considered accepted

if u go to miss skinny.se it redirects to an anorexia help line or some shit

>It's EXPLICITLY stating that you have to be a size zero to fit into societal norms.

its advertising a (fake) store that makes clothes for skinny people. same as a big and tall store.
if girls are expected to be underweight why are 80% of them overweight and rising

>> No.6960946

My girlfriend is actually slightly chubby after the nutrition drinks and supplements she was forced to eat to prevent her from actually dying.
I'd prefer if she was thinner, though I can't really say that to her face unless I'd want to risk a total mental collapse from her.
We've been going to the gym together for the last six months, and I've been teaching her about proper and moderate training while having fun, to try and shake of the image of training as something that should be done whilst crying.

Glad to hear that, though they're kind of doing a shitload of damage, short-term.
They aimed for making people go "wtf? we've come to this?", but they will also get an absurd number of people going "wow, i'm worthless."

>> No.6960955

>if girls are expected to be underweight why are 80% of them overweight and rising

... do you live in murrica?
In sweden, perhaps 2-4% of the women you'll see in the streets are overweight, and even then relatively mildly.
I never saw a "hambeast" IRL until I went to London a year a go. No joke.

>> No.6960958

>They aimed for making people go "wtf? we've come to this?", but they will also get an absurd number of people going "wow, i'm worthless."
Agreed, seems like they really didnt think it through beforehand

>> No.6960964

49.7% of people in sweden are overweight

>inb4 "but my personal opinion is more relevant than scientific polls"

>> No.6960969

maybe itll get some obese ppl to think about losign weight, save some lives

>> No.6960975

Age/gender demographic?

>> No.6960993

age 20+ both genders


>> No.6960995

Food culture etc?
Dunno really, but are you actually so detached that you can't agree with me that females are expected to be skinny?
In a thread proclaiming "based sweden" for having an ad that turned out to be an anorexia awareness campaign?

>> No.6961031


you fucking idiots

did you guys go to the website?

when you try and shop there it links you to an anti-anorexia aka "real women true beauty" activist website.

this store doesn't exist and it doesn't promote fat shaming

>> No.6961045


what exactly does the anorexia awareness campaign prove? anyone with money can make a campaign. its not even reaching out to help people who need help, its blaming fashion for something that isnt fashions fault and promoting the opinion that lean people are unhealthy.

does anyone actually think that fat models will make people with eating disorders healthy? there's a reason behind models being thin. the clothes look better, lean people look healthy, young and vibrant.

fat people look like theyre trying to cope with depression through eating.

markets dont simply tell people what to want, no matter what the edgy imsofuckingawareofhowevilcapitalismandbigbusinessis-kids think

>> No.6961052


this post is older than that site you dumbass

>> No.6961079


are you serious? i see overweight people strutting around all over in sweden

overweight is not the same as morbidly obese, though.

but then again i dont think people the same height but with a 10kg fat difference can be considered to both be fit

>> No.6961131

I'm not commenting on the ad. I'm commenting on the general positive reaction in this thread towards the ad, which later turned out to be a satire.

>> No.6961190


it would have been a breath of fresh air had it bean real, not whether or not skinny people are superior, but because it showcased how repulsively blinded people are by their sense of superiority simply because they are a majority

if you saw what people were saying about what they thought was a real company im sure you would agree.

>> No.6961193

youre a fucking retard

>> No.6961259

its a cool idea but the execution is cheap and brasen as fuck but of course most people on /fit/ and /fa/ wont see that and are totally sucked in

because theyre basically the mirror 'of the fat is sexy' type tumblr bitches, just as ignorant and dogmatic, just the opposite way round

>> No.6961302

>someone is fat (in an unhealthy way):
oh, he/she has her own style, sooo unique

>someone is skinny( in an unhealthy way):
oh, he/she is just mentally ill and brainwashed from the media

all in all: be like you want to
if you want to starve and be skinny- do that
if you love McFat and eating alot- do that

>> No.6961316

Just threw it through Google and I can't wait till the press conference on Thursday. I really hope this isn't just art or trolling.

>> No.6961321

this sums up tumblr fat feminist 'movement' in 5 seconds (vid should start at 14:55)

>> No.6961330


I thought they weren't sure yet if it was real or not?

>> No.6961337
File: 71 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck have you been you fuck

>> No.6961358


it is trolling I'm afraid, it's supposed to raise awareness about eating disorders

>> No.6961366


ifucked matts sister lol

last year shit

>> No.6961370

The website redirects to an anorexia helpline or something.
Some other swebro called it too: >>6960740

>> No.6961373

Grats on your terrible ab genetics and no arms
Please eat

>> No.6961378

So there are anti-fat-shame and anti-anorexic campaigns on this planet with obesity being by far the bigger (no pun intended) problem.
No one needs to advertise anorexia, but these whole anti-anti-anti campaigns are stupid. Why not a campaign that just fucking advertises a healthy life style? Just "Oh, you run every now and then? That's fucking great" or shit like that. The only thing that anti-campaigns are doing is making people hate themselves and/or others. Exactly like this stupid campaign. Does anyone feel better after this? No, of course not.

>> No.6961390

You're magnificent.

>> No.6961397

but he's ugly as sin

>> No.6961417

how come


>> No.6961433


>> No.6961439

I don't know I just really like these posts

>> No.6961444


>> No.6961472

omg wow so cool and edgy

jesus christ /fa/ is easily impressed, are you all 14 or something

>> No.6961502

ITT: edgy kids get get mislead, hilarious bitch tears ensue

>> No.6961533

>H-hey /fa/ pay attention to me when I call you buzzwords!

>> No.6961780

you aren't "born" fat, mo matter who your mother is. but you may have a very poor diet from day one.

>> No.6961851

for a post that makes the case that the ads target anorexic women to then miss the obvious conclusion is kinda funny

nobody actually guessed what it would be. closest we got was people thinking it was a "troll", which it wasn't. or was it closer to guess the anorexic target market but miss the scheme? well, either way, /fa/ dropped the ball on this one.

>> No.6961902

no, this wasn't a pr thing. many researchers are genuinely interested in developing treatments for anorexic people. this isn't a campaign against skinny, this is an attempt to help some women realize that they may be anorexic, and to get help for them.

A lot of people point to the lack of similar help for obese people as symptomatic of a fat acceptance society. that couldn't be more false. it's symptomatic of the unsympathetic attitude of society to obese people. Anorexic women need support structures, fat women need to get out more.

>> No.6961917

It's the exact definition of troll.
They provoked an outrage with a satire on a controversial topic in order to further their idea.

Trolling hasn't always been "umad", y'know.

>> No.6961927


>> No.6961928

... where are you contradicting what I said?

I think you misunderstood me.

>> No.6964836

Haha this. American society came out of no where and in no way effects actually human beings apparently. Not saying I agree with fatties not thing it is a problem but Jesus how can you argue there is no such thing as culture one way or another.

>> No.6965233
File: 55 KB, 449x352, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know.. I really don't like this. I mean, it's perfectly reasonable to expect women to maintain a healthy weight, but it's an entirely different realm of bullshit to bash anyone who isn't a size zero. You guys are douchebags, you know that? More so than the poorly-dressed ones. Fuck all y'all.

>> No.6965306

If everyone just played a long we could all be fat and not have to work for anything and society would be full of equally beautiful, attractive and healthy people where noone had bad self esteem because everyone was on the same terms.

Wouldnt it be great if everyone was perfect because noone was?

I mean trying to look better is obviously not fair, what about the people who don't want to work for anything? Are they supposed to be seen as unattractive and lazy only because they are? What kind of a society would that be?

>> No.6965318

>tfw a new jontron came out yesterday
thank u iran V__V

>> No.6965330

Just bully the skinny girls and call them sick, maybe they'll end up fat like us, then noone would be fat even though we are! We can have our cake and eat it too, every fat girls dream!

>> No.6965337
File: 60 KB, 484x356, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
