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/fa/ - Fashion

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6942185 No.6942185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realized that "quality" is just a buzzword thrown around by autists to justify their overpaying for high fashion designers.

Cotton is cotton.

>> No.6942191

Finally someone gets it.

/fa/ can't into diminishing returns. paying $1200 for leather sneakers won't get you a significant increase in quality.

>> No.6942194

I agree but this thread will turn into a massive shitstorm by the time I wake up tomorrow.

>> No.6942201

It's going to be a group of tripfags screaming at the top of their lungs about how their Rick was forged by Gods.

>> No.6942203

i want a duck

>> No.6942205

implying i'm paying for the quaity

>> No.6942209

>$60 pair of adidas sambas
>4 years old virtually no wear and tear

>$700 bought second hand geos ~a year old
>had to get sole replaced

yea, quality.

>> No.6942208

Either that or techwear people frantically scrambling for their specs.

>> No.6942213

Are you British?
Me and you always seem to lurk around the same time
N.London represent

>> No.6942221

90% of this board swears the main difference between rick and hot topic is "quality."

if you took geobaskets and sold them at hot topic under the name "gothbaskets" nobody would buy them.

>> No.6942240
File: 8 KB, 400x400, do not eat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i live in the US.

i have rather....odd sleeping schedules...

woke up at 6 pm yesterday. my body clock is never the same.

>> No.6942365

I think why quality is on everyone's minds is because when it comes to talking about superiority of clothes irl, its easiest to advise the unfashionable that the difference in price is because of something tangible they can wrap their mind around.

>> No.6942427

I know all these feels.
My problem is that every night I want to sleep 8 hours but every day I want to be awake for 18.
It's a constant cycle of staying up later and later. I'm at the best part of the cycle right now though. Going to bed at 8pm - 10pm on the regular and waking up at 4am - 6am. So nice.

>> No.6942463

wow, are you me. Same damn thing. I f could just not feel so awake all the time. The only cure seems to be working/going to class for 12 hours, but no jobs and dont want to go to school anymore.

>> No.6942478
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for me it's

>sleep at least 12 hours
>stay up at least 14-15

i'm on the night routine as of now.

>> No.6942489

you must get a lot of testosterone

>> No.6942492

itt fuccbois who've never had designer garments.

"oh it's all the same, muh diminishing returns, I'm too poor to pay for anything but the material in clothing"

>> No.6942494

Seconded. Maybe a neat design or shade but material's pretty much the same. You can get nice leather shoes for 35 dorra if you know where to look.

>> No.6942502

Not when you buy cashmere, alpaca wool etc.

>> No.6942509

would you rather have a horse sized duck or a duck sized horse

>> No.6942539
File: 28 KB, 1000x800, poor timmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a horse sized duck

u could get under neath it and pretend to be one of its babies

it would b all warm and cozy~

>> No.6942542

I have enough money to buy these designer fads you guys talk about on here, but I choose not to because they're mostly garbage.
Here's the thing kiddo: having money to buy something doesn't make you special. Anyone can afford this shit if they save for it. The fact that you choose to blow your paycheck on something so that people will look at you makes you pathetic. If you can't achieve a good look without spending hundreds of dollars, you're not rich, you're retarded.

>> No.6942641

The only retarded person here is you. Who are you to call "designer trends" retarded? I assume you are talking about Rick Owens...are you a fashion critic? A highly acclaimed designer? If not, shut the fuck up because no one cares what your fucking horrible opinion is. Please leave, you are everything wrong with this board because you make wild claims with no basis in logic and state your herby opinion as if it is worth something (it isn't).

>> No.6942643

wut r they doign to timmy pls stop

>> No.6942688


>You're subjective opinion is different than mine and is therefore wrong.

>> No.6942706

Mfw when i wear a $100 outfit and get compliments and then I would wear 550-650 outfit (i know not alot) nobody says a goddam thing.

Fuck quality, fuck expensive clothes, fit to your body is ALL that fucking matters... And taste of course.

>> No.6942707

ITT: Poor people

>> No.6942717

if you base the quality of your fits on how much you get complimented on them, you might as well just quit fashion

>> No.6942729

Ya made in china shit is the same as made in Italy because herr durrrr
>implying made in china shit isn't from a factory made from millions of worker who gets 3 hours of sleep
>implying made in Italy or some fuckin rich country is the same shit

>> No.6942731

I'm using it as the only fucking quantifiable metric of fashion you twat.

At the end of my post i state that that taste and fit are all that factors into quality of a fit.


>> No.6942733

inb4 autistic trips

>> No.6942743

>Anons can't tell the different of quality
>confirmed for buying Chinese eBay shit

>> No.6942744

>being this stupid

captcha: art eenloth

>> No.6942748


It's worth noting that money pays for the build quality as much if not more than the material quality, but yes this

Mind you, expensive clothes are like expensive restaurants in a way - everything is going to be cooked better in a posh place, but there isn't going to be THAT much difference between an expensive place and a cheaper place if you only order a basic English breakfast or whatever

>> No.6942757

Holy shit how poor are you?
You can tell someone is poor if someone can't tell the difference between a 50 dollar meal with a 10 dollar meal
>"hurr not a noticeable difference"
Be richer before talking about quality you poorfag

>> No.6942766

What's the point of buying expensive shit when there is cheaper shit made from china
You are dumb
>I'm being 100% honest

>> No.6942764


You think Rick Owens shit looks good?

Your opinion is invalidated.

>> No.6942774

>Cotton is cotton.


>> No.6942788

Ya and all steak is from a cow
Why pay someone to make a 40 dollar steak dinner for you when you can buy steak from the supermarket and ask your mom to make it
Everyone is retarded

>> No.6942815

Legit how different is an Acne sweater going to be from a Uniqlo one?

>> No.6942829

Not related to the topic at hand, but yeah holy hell sambas will take a beating better than any other sneaker I've owned. They've been my beater shoe for the past nine years and in that time I've only owned two pairs.

>> No.6942843

He's not saying that there's not a noticeable difference. He's saying that there's not THAT much difference. I think what he's trying to say that quality doesn't linearly grow with price but slopes off a bit and that this is also different for certain items.

>> No.6942853

acne ones are made in STUDIOS homeboy it makes em exclusive af doe


>> No.6942854

But people pay for that difference and fuckin make money for that difference
If you are going to underplay that difference... Well idk fuck people like and want that difference so I don't know what to tell you

>> No.6942862

So I thought as well which is why I kept buying shitty cheap shirts for years. One day I bought a normal 30€ shirt and realized how much better it is. never buy primark.

>> No.6942883


Fit and styling. Quality will be a bit better, but you're mostly paying for the specific look and style that Acne has.

>> No.6942906

the problem with most of the kiddies in /fa/ is the fact they can't even see the difference between quality vs shit and designer brand =/= higher quality.

Even OP's statement of "cotton is cotton" is bullshit. Pick up a cotton shirt from H&M/Express/Shit Tier, then pick up a shirt from a place like RLPL. You can see and feel the difference. The shit tier is going to be stiff, thin and feels almost synthetic. The higher quality will be softer, typically thicker (summer/spring cotton is usually lighter) and feels much better on the skin.

You cannot tell me some shit shoes from Zara is on par with Allen Edmonds.

>> No.6943000

You can be rich, cheap and tasteless at the same time.

>> No.6943120


You can pay for school, but you can't buy class.

>> No.6943158 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.6943167

Are there any designers which actually justify their high prices by astounding quality?

Common Projects would be one of them imo, but anything else?

>> No.6943169

If you want quality and don't wanna pay too much get James Perse

>> No.6943175


>> No.6943184

What about clothes apart from shoes?

>> No.6943183

common projects prices are inflated cause of hype

red wing would be an example of a good price-quality ratio i guess

>> No.6943198

i feel like jap repro brands go under this. everything is outstanding quality and will probably last a lifetime.

mostly heritage brands in general. the real mccoy comes to mind

>> No.6943202

Not really familiar with them - what would you recommend apart from The Real McCoy?

I know Visvim but I'm not sure if their clothing is good.

Also, no Euro brands?

Thanks btw

>> No.6943204

>tfw sauces and shit from americanized Chinese food become all gelatinous overnight and that shit is gross
>tfw authentic cheap and tasty Chinese is nowhere near you, but not special enough to warrant a trip into the city.

>> No.6943216

cook it yourself

>> No.6943223

saying cotton is cotton is like saying weed is weed
Pakistan weed is Mexican weed
I'm talking about weed specifically and not just anything, because locality and environment have huge impacts on growth and type of cotton.
different cottons have different qualities, loft, weight, stretch.

In the end I wouldn't really argue with what you're saying, cotton is cotton for the most part, but what you're failing to realise is that somebody who spends $50 on a 'cotton' shirt when it says 'egyptian', or 'zimbabwe' cotton ISN'T the fucking cotton, it's Everything, including the cotton. The build, dye, stitching, brand name, design, cut, etc.
It shows the customer the commitment of a brand to the industry and it's consumers by not just doing the minimum, like your local walmart's 'signature' levi's.

As for leather shoes, yes you can buy leather shoes for $20, is the sole stitched? What welt was used? what's the thickness of the leather? what animal did it come off of? what does it smell like?

sage anyways.

>> No.6943252

I'm basically a disaster in the kitchen. Not /ck/ inclined in the least.

>> No.6944631

I'm looking for extremely durable, /fa/ shoes (sneakers preferably) that I can wear during the entirety of my college years. So they have to be able to last four years

Should I cop CP Achilles

>> No.6944638

Also, same question for basic garments like tees and denim, I want durable stuff that won't give me trouble, got ideas?

>> No.6944845

I don't spend hundreds of dollars on my shirts and jeans because they're made of superb quality. I do it because they're unique and one of a kind in some way.

>> No.6944852


they're basic shoes that can be matched with anything and can last years

>> No.6944911

Thank you. You sure they'll last that long?
Do they fit like Raf velcros? I own those and they have the same soles but don't hold up as well, apparently.

>> No.6944982

>You sure they'll last that long?

Abso-fucking-lutely. I believe everyone should have a pair of CPs in their shoe collection. They're extremely versatile and can last years.

>Do they fit like Raf velcros?
I don't know. I'm size 42 in CPs, 41 in ROs, 9 in Nikes, and 8.5 in Clark DB.

>> No.6945006

>last years
wait wait wiat
before I go buying a pair, how do you know this

>> No.6945042

For one, I own them. Two, I've heard other people say they last years. CPs have a huge following. Read more about it on Styleforum.

>> No.6945048

I think the real problem here is the fact that 'quality' is a meaningless word. You can say anything has 'quality', my raggity old work shoes have 'quality', my car has 'quality', the word has no real meaning.

So yes, 'quality' is a buzzword, it has no meaning aside from saying that an article of clothing has the quality of being that article of clothing. If you want to justify the price you pay for your clothing don't just throw 'quality' around like it's some inherent essence that exists in all things and some things have more 'quality' than others.

>> No.6945049

Do CPs have really long lasting equivalents for boots?

>> No.6945057
File: 777 KB, 800x551, common project service boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you will never own CP service boots

>> No.6945066

Hmm, w2c?

what about second hand visvim

>> No.6945102

Kthx, I'll look around. So any opinion on visvim?

>> No.6945092
File: 236 KB, 648x968, Buttero Distressed Boot 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boots aren't manufactured anymore. They're from an old season. Your only chance of finding them is by second hand, eBay, Sufu, etc. Buttero has boots in a similar style and price range.

>> No.6945111

I have wide feet though
Can I still buy a pair of CPs and wear them comfortably?

>> No.6945129

the stuff i am interested in is known for quality, loro piana, zegna etc.

the stuff /fa/ is interested in is low quality, raf, rick, cp, toj, givenchy

its okay becuase they're 16-19 and they will change their whole lifestyle 5-6 times very very soon

>> No.6945137

>low quality
What? I don't understand.

>> No.6945146
File: 923 KB, 864x1296, common projects low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>6944982 here. I have wide feet as well, but CPs are still easily my comfiest pair of shoes (even more so than ROs). People say CPs are true to size, but I had to size up one. There's an inch of wiggle room around the toe box.

>> No.6945162

I can def tell the difference in quality from say a Gildan t shirt and an AA or Supreme one, though

but paying <$70 for an item as basic as a t shirt is fucking stupid imo, i don't care how good the quality is

also lol @ people who pay $1000 for a pair of rick shoes and then they fall apart within 2 years

>> No.6945171

Can I expect quality if I buy essentially from APC and ACNE?

I got two stores right in front of my house so I'd like to regularly buy basics there. But am I paying for real quality or just overhyped shit?

Do I really have to go for Zegna, Piana, etc like he says >>6945129 if I want noticeable quality?

>> No.6945181

You're largely paying for the design when purchasing Acne.

>> No.6945175

What a lot of people on here seem to forget is that you're also paying for labor hours when it comes to these types of goods.

Coming from a family of knitters, the women in my mothers circle pay over $100 for any knitted garbage they come up with because A) they like it and B) it took the person who HANDMADE the product well over 2 weeks or so (obviously not working non stop) to finish the product.

The products that you buy are not created on some assembly line or by machines, but rather by professionals who are the some of the highest skilled craftsmen of their trade.

In that light, you can attribute the word "quality" to the garment or whatever specific item they craft.

>> No.6945183

oops that should be >$70

>> No.6945198

buying a house is stupid, it's just some chinese wood cut into 2X4 and shipped here

i can get the same thing by gluing a bunch of ply wood together

you guys are all retarded

you guys are all stupid and are stupid for having money, becuase i can just go to walmart and steal a steak, i can't tell the difference between stolen walmart frozen steak and wagyu. *becuase i never had wagyu*

you guys are alllllllllfucking stupid, going abroud and taking vacations in other countries? i just walk around in china town and pretend im in japan

yeah, CP's are low quality.
even Loake out builds them with the low end Made in england lasts.

and compaired to japanese bespokers, CP's are just factory produced crap in that reguard.

don't buy into the marketing. CP is just the current trend TOJ

>> No.6945212

has anyone got some pics of what some CP sneakers look like after long time wear?

>> No.6945209

wow they really weren't kidding about the autistic tripfags coming in

>> No.6945220

Ah. What about APC?

>> No.6945234

>APC and ACNE?
these stores are largely known for producing designer looks for less.

acne is sort of like zara, and APC sort of was the alternative to high dollar selvedge back in the day. now with china selvedge on the market for more than 7-10 years now, it's considered "middle tier" only becuase chinese selvedge with bad cuts exist, see that $25 jean website, GAP, and big star raw denim

>I got two stores right in front of my house so I'd like to regularly buy basics there. But am I paying for real quality or just overhyped shit?

the basics would be the same as any other basic from anywhere

apc, acne are on par with like all saints in that regard you get the same look, but they cut corners on the diesgn, construction and material to get them to you at those prices and for many teenagers, this is the perfect look

2 generations before you, IE when unpop/jackal were teens, the generation right before tripskank was a teen. those types of stores really did it for them i was never a teen on /fa/

>> No.6945230

Well w2c similar looking sneakers within the same price range with better quality then?

>> No.6945241

but /fa/ fucking LOVES CPs, I can't confirm anything quality wise, but aesthetic wise they're ugly as f. The majority of /fa/ loves them because of:

>MUH designer sole
>MUH minimalism
>MUH monochrome
>MUH Italian made sneakers

Welcome to /fa/, now get out.

>> No.6945243

APC isn't even that notable in terms of design.
It's just relatively boring and inoffensive. It's almost like a high street chain
Quality isn't that good, they don't produce much in france anymore (if at all). A bunch of shit made in Turkey and China, plenty pieces I handled of the new season were pretty poorly constructed, shoddy stitching and bad feel.
He's right, CPs overrated in the game.

>> No.6945244

I think it's already been established, but "quality" definitely matters for leather shoes. There's also plenty of brands that are appropriately-priced by quality, where you aren't paying too much for design or name (not that those things aren't important.)

I can't say much about other articles of clothing because I've never really had anything just fall apart on me, even Uniqlo crap or Chinese Levis.

>> No.6945250

i know fuck cp. i wont pay more than 250 for those wonderfully basic shoes

>> No.6945256

Ok so to sum up basically, when I buy APC and ACNE basics, I'm paying essentially the design and the cuts/fits.

I'm searching for quality basics for the price, that's all. Where can I find those? Not asking for much, yet nobody seems to be able to answer that simple question.

>> No.6945259

you mean size down one

>> No.6945261

>aesthetic wise they're ugly as f

I don't see how something so innoffensive could be seen as ugly. What sneakers do you think look nice?

>> No.6945268

just get some Kent Wangs then they're like $95

>> No.6945276

cps are too plain to be ugly. you know you can not like them without calling them ugly right?

>> No.6945289


I like that you got excited over a piece of clothing/footwear it shows that you have interest on what goes on your body.

but realistically, spouting "these are the best shoes ever made" when they are your first foray into the middle market just shows how inexperienced you are when it comes to clothing/textiles/construction.

we've all been there, we have all fell in love with an entry level item, produced for the teenage market in mind.

and that enthusiasm makes me nostalgic for a time when i was a little less jaded by design and construction. i know finding out about all this is exciting and such, but bring it down a notch please

>> No.6945303
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i am considering this . they look good i think i might.

>> No.6945298

what are you even talking about, no one has gotten "excited" or said anything about CPs being "the best shoes ever"

nice passive aggression btw

>> No.6945306
File: 49 KB, 599x800, ann-demeulemeester-white-degrade-waxed-suede-high-top-sneakers-product-2-3854385-890476321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see a way why someone could consider them ugly because you like them, so much in fact that I would say you're totally biased and close minded about these shoes because you jumped on the hypetrain a long time ago - and now here you are, searching for ways to counter my opinion, which is just merely that an opinion.

Here you go though, I am providing you with some much needed ammo to strike back at me, you will be biting the hand that feeds you.

You realize you can post less obvious things on 4chan right?

>> No.6945314

>You don't see a way why someone could consider them ugly because you like them, so much in fact that I would say you're totally biased and close minded about these shoes because you jumped on the hypetrain a long time ago - and now here you are, searching for ways to counter my opinion, which is just merely that an opinion.
>Here you go though, I am providing you with some much needed ammo to strike back at me, you will be biting the hand that feeds you.

holy shit, you must have legitimate autism or something, all i did was ask to see your idea of a nice shoe (which is ugly as fuck btw)

>> No.6945321

i dont like them that much, i wouldnt spend more than 150$ on a pair. for 400$ you can buy nicer shoes than cps imo. but that doesnt make them ugly. boring, sure. but ugly? nah

>You don't see a way why someone could consider them ugly because you like them

youre basically doing the opposite of this - thinking that since you dont like them theyre ugly

>> No.6945322

>nice passive aggression btw

You would fucking LOVE stylezeitgeist, except instead of calling it passive aggression they call it being diplomatic about insulting someone.

>> No.6945330


I think my biases are pretty well-known, but I wouldn't say that CPs are ugly. Aesthetically, they're in the same boat as stuff like classic GATs, Bottega's sneakers, and whatnot; simple and clean silhouettes for simple and clean dressing.

>> No.6945331


all of my stuff is Jil. everything has held up exceptionally well over the years.

I don't buy into this CP, ACNE, APC, and what-have-you. it's basically just made in china stuff repackaged to look nice.

>> No.6945340

>resorting to ad homenim because you can't counter my claims.
I knew you would react like that before I even started typing up that post. So typical.

>youre basically doing the opposite of this - thinking that since you dont like them theyre ugly

I'm not the one here arguing for them though, I am only stating my opinion.

And you're arguing about shoes that you claim to "not even like that much" over me attributing the word "ugly" to them.

What the fuck is that shit, man? Is this what they call being politically correct in the fashion industry? Because there's really no point to this.

>> No.6945349

youre basically doing the fat person thing where they say "oh i dont like water"

you dont dislike water, it doesnt even have a taste. you just dont know how to form your words correctly and differentiate between thinking something is bad and preferring something else to it

>> No.6945350
File: 122 KB, 429x413, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't see a way why someone could consider them ugly because you like them
it's actually because they're such a neutral shoe

i actually like ann and still know that those suck btw

i'm pretty sure even ann herself isn't crazy about them

>> No.6945351


It's hard to take your opinion seriously given that CP and Acne have both always produced their footwear in Italy.

>> No.6945353


Can you post links to fabric construction, materials, and generally what to look for?

http://www.loropiana.com/flash.html#/lang:en/product/FAE0713/D581 is a ~$500 dollar plain t.

I would like to be able to judge the quality of a piece of clothing: material, texture, stitching ... etc.

>> No.6945354

>"quality is a buzz word"

>> No.6945358
File: 45 KB, 540x360, bapesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just that it's so basic i don't see how you could say it's ugly

CP's have a very basic and generic shape, and there's no patterns just solid colour (shape and pattern/color being the two things that would determine an object's aesthetic value)

pic related is what i would consider an ugly shoe for example

>> No.6945367

>asking sieg a serious question

good one

>> No.6945380


From his posts, he is actually quite knowledgeable about this particular area.

But yeah, usually he's an annoying trolling faggot.

>> No.6945391

you really need to stop faking

took me about 6 years of handling stuff and trying on stuff at neiman marcus/saks shopping at boutiques while everyone else gambled

i can't show you how a garment feels or is made through low quality ASOS and hermes websites

these things take time.
go to the mall every week and walk into your favorite store asa child feel everything, go to H&M feel everything

then go to neiman marcus/saks then feel everything

try on an H&M suit, then go try on one at neiman marcus

etc etc

no, nordstrom and macys will not suffice this is why you think quality is an abstract concept

>> No.6945399
File: 305 KB, 1600x1076, g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat people truly don't like plain water because their palates and reward systems have been completely fucked over by their addictions and shitty diets

maybe something similar is happening here
plain shoes are no longer even passable for him, they have to have some kind of preferred gimmick to avoid offending him

>it's basically just made in china stuff repackaged to look nice.
what does this even mean when the product is made in italy?

>> No.6945402

There is no Sieg per se. It's just an amalgamation of various largely anonymous posters channeling a guy who used to post here back in the day (and still does, albeit rarely). A whole gang of folks have the tripcode and take turns pretending to be him. There's a little narrative for who he is that's loosely based on the original.
It's just a long running joke.

>> No.6945424

>>it's basically just made in china stuff repackaged to look nice.
When I was 14 years old, which was like 7 years ago, I used to work in a factory with me mum in Southern California, it was a dress factory, we didn't make the dresses there though, we just received them from china/taiwan removed the labels, checked them for quality, and then relabeled them with the company labels and repacked them and shipped them off to walmarts, jcpenneys, macy's, etc to all different areas of the USA. People thought these were American made products, while the chinks back in taiwan or china were getting paid rice, and we were getting paid minimum wage, while the head honcho (who considered me his nephew) raked in $25 per dress that costed no more than $5 to make. We would go through thousands of dresses per day. His company is still operating in SoCal and business is as usual.

My point is if you think shit like simple re-branding doesn't happen, you're wrong. That stuff happens a lot. Remember that when you're buying from businesses rather than from designers themselves.

>> No.6945432
File: 71 KB, 800x800, 08-02-2012_cp_vintagehigh_navy_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could find sneakers that looked this good for <200 dollars

>> No.6945442
File: 502 KB, 768x1280, 1377229442909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's what seig looks like today after losing weight.

>> No.6945454

i wish

too many pb+J sandwiches for me to be that thin

all imported from high-quality places obviously

>> No.6945457


Fuck. How the hell do you avoid that?

>> No.6945464

Check out National Standard.

>> No.6945477

>Cotton is cotton
Even that is wrong

>> No.6945481


You can't, really. Welcome to a global economy.

Well, that's not fair. The "Vero Cuoio" stamp tells you at least where the outsole leather was made.

>> No.6945490

Yeah they're the next best thing but god damn there's something about CPs

>> No.6945503

Buy directly from designers.

Alternatively, just come to realize that in the clothing business, especially when it comes to shopping at malls and department stores, there's a lot of things going on behind the scenes that are just every day business, and once you come to terms with that, you just buy whatever you like and what you think is worth your money.

>> No.6945505

>I don't buy into this CP, ACNE, APC, and what-have-you. it's basically just made in china stuff repackaged to look nice.

We should also be honest about this. Is something INHERENTLY bad just because it's made in China. If Ralph Lauren moves a factory that used to be in Italy and moves everything (fabrics, machines, notions) to China and all that's different are the people doing the stitching, what then? Of course, there's the opposite problem with something shoddily made in a bad factory in China, moved in Italy, finished, and then claimed as Italian in origin.

But the larger point remains: in today's world with global economies for materials, notions, fabrics, hides, yarns, etc. the quality of the product is the only thing you can judge, not the tag.

>> No.6945506

m8 i saw a pair of cp his go on ebay for 57$

unless ur after that specific colourway u can find em for <200$

>> No.6945519
File: 25 KB, 400x141, This difference in weave is what separates a $20 hat from $200 one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's depressing. So if you can't depend on where it's manufactured as reliable source of quality, how do you asses the quality of a given piece of clothing?

Material, stitching, reviews, longevity, what?

>> No.6945520

I think it's pretty clear everyone can tell a difference at extreme ends of the spectrum. But no one wants to buy those. It's hard to work out how good or bad things are when they're just mediocre and putting a price on that as well can be tricky

>> No.6945524
File: 137 KB, 724x997, g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I was 14 years old, which was like 7 years ago, I used to work in a factory with me mum in Southern California, it was a dress factory, we didn't make the dresses there though, we just received them from china/taiwan removed the labels, checked them for quality, and then relabeled them with the company labels and repacked them and shipped them off to walmarts, jcpenneys, macy's, etc to all different areas of the
i see what you meant by it now, but surely you understand the difference between shit that gets sent to places like macy's/retails for $25 and common projects

>> No.6945530

I'm glad I hardly go here anymore, so many people here are close-minded

1. Quality =/= durability all the time, it depends on what you're looking for.
2. Don't get upset over what other people like to spend their money on
3. What seems like a small difference to you may be different to somebody else and that's ok

>> No.6945651

There's got to be a middle ground for quality.

I don't live in NYC and I can't go around buying designer pieces at boutiques all the time.

Where else can I go? Until /fa/ enlightenment I need to go into a physical store and try/buy.

>> No.6945667


I handle it. That's really about it.

>> No.6945685


Damn. Alright, time to cop some years of experience.

>> No.6945694

Cotton is not cotton. There's a difference between upland cotton and zimbabwean cotton.

>> No.6945711

long lasting =/= quality
plastic has not higher quality than vicuna, even though it lasts forever

>> No.6945949

>tfw was going to bid on those but fell asleep

>> No.6945962


lol are you fucking kidding me right now

I went shopping with a female friend not one day ago at Barney's, and found SO many clothes from your beloved ACNE STUDIOS with "Made in China" labels. The minimalist construction is nice and all, but I have a hard time believing that the quality of the clothing (can't speak for shoes) is any better than mall-tier.

I'm sorry if you don't take my opinion seriously.

>> No.6945974

And prime rib is the same as hamburger, they're both 100% beef. Wake up sheepul!

>> No.6946026

I have never heard of Vicuna before, just read an article on it and it sounds like magic.

>> No.6946471


And where is all the footwear made?

>> No.6946487


>> No.6946551

Very un/fa/ and childish to be throwing around the word 'retard.'
Both of you learn some respect and act like adults.

>> No.6948273

goddammit /fa/

what's the final word on cp

good or bad


>> No.6948319

idk..i think they are cool.

>> No.6948320

was mainly talking about quality and durability (especially the latter)

taste is subjective, I like them too but still

>> No.6949619

jesus fucking christ some of you need to get off /fa/ and quit putting some random anon's opinions on a motherfucking pedestal. CPs are high quality, and you would know that if you ever took the time to go see some in person. instead, people like you who shop primarily at nordstrom and urban outfitters rely on the bs opinions of someone who is probably joking when they say CPs suck etc because you've only seem them in pictures. in fact you'll probably cum in your bullhead pacsun chinos when you try on CPs for the first time (or any actually nice shoe for that matter) because you're so used to wearing sambas and vans.

>> No.6949641

>in fact you'll probably cum in your bullhead pacsun chinos when you try on CPs for the first time

>> No.6949663


reppin N2

>> No.6950122

Hey I want to build a new wardrobe for college, I just want stuff that will hold up during these four years without much effort

I just got Achilles low tops in navy blue.
I need boots and basics (jeans, tees, knitwear). What do?