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File: 123 KB, 1189x800, noble_tirpitz_pocket_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6921065 No.6921065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here's a all-too-often overlooked accessory that every real man should have on him: the noble pocket knife. Handy for countless situations, a good knife shows preparedness, ruggedness, and reliability.

>> No.6921152

fuck off you fucking faggot

>> No.6921153
File: 176 KB, 760x600, Benchmade_940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Damascus. I wouldn't carry it though. to scared to lose/damage it.

just get yourself a benchmade 940

>> No.6921252
File: 137 KB, 780x320, sog_twi-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep entertaining the idea of a wood handled knife. Looking at the SOG Twitch

>> No.6921257

A real man doesnt need a pocketknife. You're just a fuccboi

>> No.6921277

fedora: weapon edition

>> No.6921301

twitch is alright, but itll be heavier, and weaker assuring it doesn't have a liner. if it does, than its heavier yet.

>> No.6921327

>carrying weapons with you at all times

We don't all live in shithole america you know...

>> No.6921366
File: 57 KB, 435x314, JapneseKnife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carpenter knife is only knife
all other knife ugly bulky technic without technical modern without modernity heritag without heritage

>> No.6921381

More of a handy tool than a weapon.

>> No.6921392
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An Opinel

>> No.6921389
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To go with my hy

>> No.6921399


I never need a knife in my daily life, and neither do most people in the 21st century.

Just fucking admit you're an autistic neckbeard carrying a knife around for cool factor and nothing else.

>> No.6921402

does that lock

>> No.6921397

lol, i carried a pocketknife for like 2 months until I realized that I had used it like once the entire time. what the fuck do you guys do that you need pocketknives?

>> No.6921410

heres a quick and easy way to figure out if someone is a real man or not

if they ever say the words real man then they are not in fact, a real man

>> No.6921421

It's a pocket knife. Folding pocket knives are no more a "weapon" than kitchen knives. Just one use is for cutting into packaging that can't easily be opened.

I personally use a small multitool, but it applies the same to a regular pocket knife.

>> No.6921429

there's no actual locking mechanism but it requires enough pressure to open that it doesn't really matter. Doesn't have a smooth opening, but personally I prefer it that way. It's a tool, not a weapon. And like any proper tool (especially potentially), it's meant to be taken out with care, not speed.

>> No.6921438

Does it lock when it's open I mean? So that it doesn't shut on your fingers if you're stupid enough to put them between the blade and handle

>> No.6921442
File: 63 KB, 1500x1500, 61mnC5Ks8AL._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this too much?
>get a load of rambo

>> No.6921440

potentially dangerous ones*

>> No.6921465

>walk into class
>have a bag of potato chips with me for a quick snack
>before I even get the chance to open it, this 220lbs smelly neckbeard waddles over to my desk and says "Oh let me help you with that"
>he takes out a huge pocket knife from his fanny pack and slices open my bag of chips
>"er, thanks" I reply, suspecting the chips have now gone off due to his unbearable stench
>"N-no problem, you know this is hand crafted nipponese steel forged in the fires of Mount Fuji, the most sacred area in all of Nippon!"

This is you, OP.

>> No.6921472

oh, no. no locking mechanism either side other than friction. It's extremely simple, nothing more than the case, hinge and blade. I don't know how stupid you'd have to be to have your hand over the inner case and putting substantial force against the top of the blade though. Can't think of any scenario, except those caused by extreme carelessness, where you'd want to put pressure on the blunt side if you're not closing the knife. The lack of any external safety mechanisms hasn't posed any kind of threat to me in the 3 months I've had it.

>> No.6921473
File: 45 KB, 1200x461, buck-55-brs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't beat the classic

>> No.6921489

but won't the blade brake when i'm stabbing someone?
>not srs i'm not gonna carry a knife
i'll just carry a gun

>> No.6921499
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, kershaw leek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you fuck off faggot. If you don't like the thread fuck off.

Also pic related most of the time. Sometimes ill switch it up with different colored stuff.

>> No.6921508

Its a useful tool you idiot.

>> No.6921515

Well you know what? Not everyone is you. Some people aren't stupid bitches that don't have a reason to use a knife once in a while.

>> No.6921518


tell me the reasons why you need a knife in your daily life you flaming faggot.

Because you're such a weak bitch you can't tear open packages with your own hands?

>> No.6921521



>> No.6921525

just get a butterfly knife

>> No.6921531

> people actually hating on a pocket knife

Tons of practical use for them, and in the very slim chance you ever absolutely HAD to stab someone you'd look pretty damn foolish with nothing to stab them with.

>> No.6921537

Shit. That looks great.

>> No.6921538


You will never HAVE to stab somebody, because by the time you're in that sort of situation you'll have a knife pressed against your chest or throat. It's fucking ridiculous to think you'll have the time to reach into your pockets.

>> No.6921539

Clean out my pipe, open letters, open boxes, occasional cutting of cord. Daily life uses. Now what faggot. Why so butt hurt about people carrying tools with them?

>> No.6921551

Apparently there's something about carrying a knife that makes you very offended when people ask if you really need to carry a knife.

>> No.6921553
File: 371 KB, 1024x1024, languiole rossignol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6921547

I can do all those things without a fucking pocket knife.

Do you carry a katana too?

>> No.6921558

Some dumb fuckers around here, about 3 of them, thought it would be fun to beat up and mug one guy, the guy had a knife and stabbed all three, one died. Whelp. I don't carry a knife since I don't really make a habit of walking at night, or in bad neighborhoods.

>> No.6921588


Laguiole's are so fucking legit

My restaurant has them as the steak knives. Very expensive though

>> No.6921665

So could I, but having a knife makes it easier. Man evolved to making and using tools for a reason.

Do you carry a dildo around with all that self righteousness?

>> No.6921672

I carry out the smallest swiss army knife. My most commonly used tools on it are the tweezers and nail file *hairflip*

>> No.6921688

/k/ here. Kershaw makes solid shit for an everyday knock around knife.

>> No.6921698

Yeah that's what I usually carry. Reliable and relatively cheap.

>> No.6921696

what's a really cheap, small pocket knife that has a blade that's useful for self-defense

I like to go watch movies
>by myself
at midnight and get scared in the parking lot

>> No.6921714


>> No.6921719

Get a gun. Not even kidding. Everyone loses a knife fight.

>> No.6921721

what about this

>> No.6921730

>Everyone loses a knife fight.
This is wisdom.

>> No.6921742

the 21 foot rule.
It really comes down to situational awareness and training. backing away from a perceived threat while drawing creates distance and time, both of which are your friend. Thats not to say guns make you unbeatable, sometimes you may just get fucked.

>> No.6921740

it shows that even if you carry a knife someone can stab you before you take it out of your pocket you dumb fuck

>> No.6921765


>> No.6921812

Maybe, I used to have a 12" smith & wesson bayonet on me at all times, sometimes hanging off my belt and others tucked into my jeans, but I lived in a small town at the time and the situation I was in required some protection.

Now I always have a folding partially serrated pocket knife in my pocket, with seatbelt cutter/point break windows if trapped in a car. I'm not very trusting of people, nor should I be. Ausfag btw.

>> No.6921823
File: 8 KB, 137x234, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>preppy wannabe rednecks
>"outdoorsy" hipster faggots
>muh knife, muh steel quality


>> No.6921954

I have a leatherman in my backpack.

I use it for odd jobs for my work now and again.

I have a box of knives inherited from grandad that i'll take 1 or 2 camping when I go camping for kicks.

Anyone who carries a knive in their pocket daily is just going to be considered a retard / psychopath this day in age.

>> No.6921961

oh also


>> No.6922009
File: 12 KB, 300x300, Sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Sage1. It's light weight, sits low so no one knows I even have it, and it looks pretty! The blade is also 3 inches so it's legal in every county I could possibly enter in California. The full flat ground blade makes it AMAZING for slicing food. The only "down side" is that it looks rather intimidating when it's unfolded and may warrant unwanted attention if pulled out in public. On the "up side", it looks intimidating in case you need to pull it out on some jackass at 2 in the morning.

>> No.6922011

I usually carry a butterfly knife with me. Useful for cutting shit AND try hard as fuck. Eat it.

>> No.6922974
File: 127 KB, 373x500, 61fPE-fBDxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my baby girl I call her Nebraska Jones
>Yes that is my skinny person hand

>> No.6922979

What's a good knife that fits these laws?
Basically what's the best folding blade 3 inches long?
Want one for various things

>> No.6923014

If someone tries to fuck with you, show em what's poppin and you will have avoided a fight all together

>> No.6923025
File: 53 KB, 850x298, FOX479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been carrying this every day since I got it.
Best quality knife for the price if you ask me

>> No.6923043

best one so far, opinels are great.

>> No.6923050
File: 18 KB, 384x480, 1126198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had this one for about a year.

>> No.6923054

>14-year old's version of cool.

Until they pull a gun on you in response.

>> No.6923062

>show em
flashing your weapon is THE stupidest thing you can possibly do.
you know nothing of real shit situations.
are you one of those people who have fantasies of pulling out your gun saying 'bck off faget, dnt make me us this'
if you're in a situation where your need to arm yourself, you better be pulling the trigger
don't be a fucking pussy
thats how you wind up dead.

>> No.6923057
File: 22 KB, 1500x1023, 829_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.6923069

Pocket knives are tools first and weapons second.

>> No.6923071


>> No.6923073

then let the choppa fly bitch
squeeze a couple out and show that fuccboi whats up
hammaz on deck
luh dem gun sounds

>> No.6923076

>in the very slim chance you ever absolutely HAD to stab someone you'd look pretty damn foolish with nothing to stab them with.

>> No.6923215
File: 237 KB, 768x1024, IMG_5389[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this:
every knife faggot itt must consider a fedora to complete their look

>> No.6923231

you are the type of guy who wears janoskis thinks he's fly and carries condoms in his wallet even though he knows he ain't getting laid

>> No.6923238


>> No.6923244








>> No.6923246
File: 55 KB, 600x450, Knife[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this knife does look pretty sick tbh

>> No.6923258

what if you like to eat mangos and open a lot of packages?

>I don't use a knife in my daily life because I'm a sheltered nerd who doesn't do anything besides use the computer and eat cheetohs. This means nobody needs a knife in their daily lives

>> No.6923275

If you open a lot of packages, I would suggest a box cutter. It's what they're for. Cardboard and tape are one of the best ways to wreck an edge.

>> No.6923279

>not using a knife to open and eat cheetohs
>getting your hands covered in cheetoh dust

this whole thread is retarded anyway.
if you need a knife, carry a knife. just make sure it looks good and isnt overkill for the shit you need it for.

if you need to trim your nails, use a flashlight, unscrew some shit, use the tiny saw on a twig that is in your way, open a bottle of wine and then open a beer, carry a multitool. you faggot.

>> No.6923289
File: 805 KB, 2048x1536, 1372020001331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6923296

can't eat mangos with a box cutter

>> No.6923350

I use a box cutter to open packages at work. My job is to open packages.

>> No.6923418
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1377953655680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these sheltered children afraid of knives

>> No.6923424

stop being edgy and use a kitchen knife like a normal person.

>> No.6923429


>> No.6923435


my father got me one of these when i was a kid, tiny as fuck. Can slice a submarine in two.

>> No.6923449

lmfao @ all these tards who assume a knife is just used for fighting

>> No.6923451

Knives are boring after you own guns. You'd know that if you weren't me at age 10 talking to me through a wormhole through time.

>> No.6923460


>> No.6923459
File: 90 KB, 1024x652, 1371483681583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They must be from Yurop

>> No.6923670

lmfao all these nerds who think you need a knife to 1. Open a package
2. Eat a mango
3. Flash at evil people

>> No.6923759


>first aid
>electronics wirework
>cutting rope
>opening cans
>opening bottles
>food preparation
>breaking glass
>splinter removal
>pencil sharpener

Name me an object you carry that can perform all those functions, on top of flashing it at evil people.

>> No.6923814

like some kind of multiple tool
a tool with multiple attachments
some sort of multitool

>> No.6923823

p.s. what are you doing? living in a 3rd world? why would you need to do impromptu wire-work or cut rope all of a sudden what kind of bond film are you accessioning for?

>> No.6923832

p.p.s disclosure: I don't think knives suck if your /out/ and camping n what
neither do I think they are useless in manual labour situations however as an "all-too-often overlooked accessory" they are piss
(also lol good knife shows euphoricness, epic manlyness, bossness and mustachememeneww)

>> No.6923851

Holy shit 10/10 lel.

>> No.6923872

10/10? crickey you sure are easy to please

>> No.6923892

c'mon man they're considering silverware as illegal products 4 chilluns
das some toplel material
i suppose it's normally a 7/10 lel but since it fits with my niche appeal of making fun of yuros it bumped it all the way to the 10

>> No.6923902

i actually have one of those. my grandfather brought it back after the war.

>> No.6923913

ah I see guess the novelty there but if it makes you feel better I find it funny you guys can't get contraception at walmart but can get bullets..

>> No.6923921

i carry a card sharp credit card knife, and a sheffield multitool that i got as my first knife when i joined boy scouts years ago. i also have a small multi tool on my keychain with a tiny prectically useless blade on it. and a tool logic survival 2. between all that i have pretty much any random tool i would need within reason, and an emergency light, fire, and whistle, on top of my flashlight and matches and lighter.

>> No.6923937

>>not using your cool knife to impress girls

>> No.6923943

I regularly buy both condoms and bullets from Walmart. The savings man.

>> No.6923947

oh I meant the contraceptive pill sorry x

>> No.6923998

>tfw often find myself needing a pocket knife/multitool but still haven't bought one yet

>> No.6924057

I have never in my life thought "A knife might be handy right now.".

>> No.6924387

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, so much butthurt from everybody for no reason at all. This is like getting upset because someone does/does not wear a watch.

>hurr you don't ever need one ever for anything ever in you whole life ever ever never ever
Sure, it's not a 100% necessity, but I find them extremely handy myself. I work with my hands so I do use mine frequently, but not everybody needs one, no.

>hurr it's the single most useful tool in existence and also doubles as the single most effective self-defense tool ever
Fuck off people, it's a handy tool, nothing more. Use it if you like it and shut the fuck up about it.

Anyway, the reason I opened this thread was to put in my two cents about a good EDC pocket knife. I carry around a Gerber 06 F.A.ST.(yeah yeah I know, Gerber) but this blade turned out extremely durable and useful. I've beaten the piss out of it for the past year and it's still great. 9/10 would recommend.

>> No.6924749

not sure if hes still around but chloefiend had a pretty nice knife anyone know what kind it was?

>> No.6924860

Jesus, I would probably end up stabbing myself with that.

>> No.6924919

w2c good knives in Australia

I see a couple in hardware stores and so on but nothing that looks like it could actually do any damage if you needed to

>> No.6924954

I carry a leatherman wave because I actually use it for my bike on which i need a hex screw to lower and heighten the seat depending on if I'm using it for transit or if I'm jumping off of stairs. I also use it at work to cut open boxes and I want to get as many cool fades into my raws as possible. Plus if I were just being faggot to carry it around just for weapon use, a knife can get you into shit with cops here while you can have an excuse for a multi-tool.

>> No.6924993

I carry an opinel.
I use it atleast 3-4 times a week.
Using in this train of thought
>Fuck i wish i had something to cu- i do have something to cut this with!
Boxes, packages, letters, sausage, cheese, bread, string, cleaning from under my nails, cutting my apples, at work, the occasional "Anyone got a knife?"
For everyone who doesn't, do you just muscle open packages or awkwardly hold scissors like a knife? What about when something needs to be cut?
I guess if you don't live a very active lifestyle, or happen to borrow someone else's cutting tool, you're fine.
I've also got a safety knife in my car, in case I ever get into an accident, I am prepared to cut myself out of the car, and break glass, if need be. Rather have it and not need it, than not have it and need it. Same reason I carry an advanced first aid kit in my car, and a few basic first aid things with me.
Not all of us live in cushy cities i guess.

>> No.6925029
File: 180 KB, 800x600, delicas_ffgcolors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one for every outfit =D

no but really, Spyderco rocks. I've got the purple one.

>> No.6925048

>Dat horrible design

Not even about fashion, that hole makes the knife weak as shit. Either one of those skinny bridges will break pretty easily.

>> No.6925120

/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.6925164

>carrying a knife

Do you guys just live in third world countries or something? How often is it that you're out and about and actually need a fucking knife for something? Seriously, when have you been out, encountered a situation, and thought "Thank god I have my pocket knife with me."?

>> No.6925267

I use to use mine all the time camping with my buddies setting tarps up and shit. Some people live in northern NH and do shit outside. I only say use to use because I lost it the other day

>> No.6925289

its called a friction folder. your thumb/finger stands over the back end of the knife where the small bar protrudes. that and tight scales keep i from closing on your fingers. though i wouldnt stab with it.

>> No.6925313

anyone who carries a real pocket knife around is absolutely retarded.

A swiss army knife can do everything a knife can do + it has hand little tweezers, a screwdriver, bottle opener, ect, and it's not something perceive as a weapon.

>> No.6925329

beckers are great innawoods knives,wouldnt EDC it though.

lol the leek is really fun to play with but i don't like how thin the tip is. fucking bend it on everything.

its a great knife.

not all of Kershaws shit is great, some of their lines are though. everything benchmade and spyderco make are top notch but top dollar for the most part.(also from /k/)


that sounds like a mall ninja knife. if you want a knife that can do all that get the benchmade triage. most knives that have a glass breaker, and serrated edge are mall ninja blades.

the sage line is awesome.

mall ninjacore

fox knives aren't the worst but karambits are super mallninja. they have no purpose other than shredding flesh and arent even that good at it. unless you live in the middle east. you don't need it.
spyderco does rock.

>> No.6925491

Sure is /k/ in here.
Didnt expect that

>> No.6926180


One time when a junkie tried to fight me

>> No.6926216

Nobody cares, and that's the truth.

>> No.6926234

My guy got me one for my birthday two years ago. This thing is magic, always turns up when I think I've lost it.

>> No.6926315

I carry a pocket knife with me, however I'll freely acknowledge that there is almost no occasion to actually use it. Even though there are situations in which I COULD use it, there are almost always other tools available that can do the job better.

>> No.6926583

Its pretty easy to avoid cutting/stabbing your self, just make sure when you are cutting something the blade is pointed away from you. Also avoid fucking around with your knife doing stupid shit, like opening and closing it for no reason that will also decrease the possibility of that. I know from experience when I was younger.

>> No.6927202

>not a single swiss army knife posted
what do you open beer with?

>> No.6927227


Your hands dumbass

>> No.6927532

With the bottleopener attached to my keychain or another beer.

>> No.6929027

americlap detected

>> No.6929071

Why does everyone get so butthurt about people carrying something to defend themselves?

I don't personally carry one but I'm a small guy and I've been mugged twice and couldn't do shit about it. I don't live in a particularly bad area but you people act like the world's not a generally shitty and occasionally dangerous place.

Some people just aren't equipped to deal with fuckers with their fists. If they get attacked are they just supposed to take it? Because calling the cops or calling for help doesn't do shit. I called the cops both times and first time they came an hour later and second they said there's no point in even coming so they didn't. And the first time I was mugged it was by a giant black guy in the subway during the day and nobody did shit. I don't blame them but you can't rely on anyone to help you.

>> No.6929135

You're a fucking fedora wearer.

You feelin' euphoric yet ?

>> No.6929191

I get what you're saying, I just think its gay as hell when people carry one to show it off and look hard.

>> No.6929197

no one sees it though?
An 18 y/o girl could carry one around, how does carrying one around make you hard

>> No.6929212

My state it's illegal for OC
It's mostly a CCW buttnerd
I agree if people did go up to other people to show off their epikk knife, that shit's autistic

>> No.6929321

mah bro

>> No.6929505

Is it legal to have one?

>> No.6929508

depends where u live

>> No.6929513

knifes are EPIC! assains creed FTW!!!