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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 592x754, 1367942621944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6917982 No.6917982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw notice qties mirin left and right ever since I started dressing better/taking care of my appearance

thanks /fa/! Now I gotta work on my game though :(

you can post your effay feels here too if you want, anon

>> No.6917996

>tfw i've been sad all day for no reason
Also i'm hungry
And can't sleep
h8 my life

>> No.6918013


>> No.6918016

don't you live in london? why are you trying to sleep now?

you probably have Seasonal affective disorder. i always get really depressed when the weather changes like this.

>> No.6918022

'Cause i'm just in a really shit mood
Can't feel feels when you're asleep
Yeah I think it is the weather actually
Any cures?

>> No.6918038

When I started to dress better I noticed that too, but after you get used to your new clothes it just disappears, almost as if you imaged everything.

Seriously, you are imagining things, I know it sucks.

>> No.6918052
File: 52 KB, 403x403, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this feels general

apologies if not

gf was super aloof n silent and monosyllabic today
>i'll be alone soon


>> No.6918057

>tfw mom hasn't brought the car back and you won't to go shopping with Treyvon

>> No.6918054

solution: buy new clothes constantly

>> No.6918063

>tfw so many qt girls in your classes this semester
>tfw trying to find some way to strike up playful conversation

how the fuck do I do it?

>> No.6918060

take some vitamin D and B supplements and maybe some rhodaesia to counter the fatigue homebro.

>> No.6918062
File: 282 KB, 800x609, 1379049069202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw exgf
>she's even qtr now
>regretting so hard breaking up with her
>tfw my life has become pic releated since then

>> No.6918069


Ask her what was wrong du

If she is a bitch about you asking, she's not a keeper.

>> No.6918070

that's pretty much the story to my life, bro.

iktf. i'd hug you

>> No.6918067

lung yawn

>> No.6918074

:[ tiny tin don't get yo'self down she prolly aloof cuz like ovaries or something

(even if she mad u could pick another bitch u ain't stuntin)

>> No.6918095
File: 22 KB, 645x773, 133898194138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im clogging this thread w/ my shit, sorry 2 anons with real problems

nah i asked she just said it was nothing

>mfw it clearly wasn't/isn't

its her birthday too

thanks man

>> No.6918089

>tfw that's what I'm doing

>> No.6918091

did i fuck up /fa/

>met new qt in this class today
>im new, shes new, know nobody
>go out with her for a smoke
>bond a bit
>go back and finish that class
>she follows me around campus after til i gotta leave and say bye
>forget to get her number
>come home read /fa/ and cry

>> No.6918093

take some niacin and vitamin D and C nigga

>> No.6918101

nah, just wait til you run into her next time and grab it then.

>> No.6918098

shes in yo class tho

>> No.6918104

>second gf since first love
>broke up less than a year ago
>always missing first love
>she is effay and hot as fuck

>> No.6918112

I do lol
Gonna hit up holland and barrett tommorow and get all this stuff
Fuck being sad
Altho it is p./fa/

>> No.6918109

>finally making an effort to wear skirts and dresses
>crush compliments me on the way I look today
>best feel

>> No.6918110

>tfw haven't fapped in 21 days to build up sex/life drive
>check out every single piece of ass that walks by me
>feel like humping everything around me

is this what the pilgrims felt like?

I do feel a lot better tho

>> No.6918119

know that feel, it's fucking ridiculous
just wank before getting drunk and silly

>> No.6918125

This, make sure she feels good though when you ask.

>> No.6918131

ye but did i blow it

>> No.6918133

Nah, I like it. Before when I used to wank every day I had no urge to talk to girls or people and always felt tired, now I feel like a driven human being with urges. Feels good

I'm on a 1 year dryspell though so my dick really is about to jump off my body and into someones mouth

>> No.6918141

The longest I've done no fap for is a week, then I had sex with current girlfriend. I do know that horny feel though, would like to start again but I'm getting off at least two - three times a week at this point.

>> No.6918137


m8, were you not doing MDMA a couple of days ago? I think that might well be one of the causes for your grey mood. You might want to get 5-HTP from H&B too.


>> No.6918139

what does that mean

>> No.6918145
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>> No.6918146

>walkin with my gf
>Her: "That dude was totally checking you out!"
>"happens all the time."

>> No.6918149

Nah man girls b al emotional n shit n if she's in a gd mood shell give those numerals but if she all cranky n shit she mgiht not evn though she likes u

>> No.6918151

no lol
altho i did a lot of speed this summer
thanks tho , added that to my list of stuff to buy

>> No.6918173

ok i'll magically sense how she feels b4 askin
thx /fa/

>> No.6918185

wtf r u talking about
its not ur mom we're talking about m8

>> No.6918189

Judging another person's emotional state is part of not being an autist bro

>> No.6918199

Its called rhodiola rosea L. not rhodaesia, my bad.

niacinamide is usally in B complex as b-3 if you already have that supp

also if you can get something with phenyl aminobutyric acid / phenibut in it that can be like a miracle, but you should be careful not to dose too high or to use it consistently every day.

>> No.6918205

Just to clarify: Are you writing like this ironically or are you legitimately a retard? Please tell me it's irony.

>> No.6918220

Yeah i'll do my research once I have everything
Thanks m8e

>> No.6918227

just to clarify, if he wrote it ironically he wouldn't still legitimately be a retard?

>> No.6918233

Actually it is fucking annoying and stupid either way. Whatever.

>> No.6918312

It's irony.
This, like what the other anon said, is part of the package of being a functioning human being.
Why? Girls way more emotional than rational when it comes to this stuff. I'm just giving a little piece of advice. Granted, it could be worded a bit better.
The gist of it is: if she's happy or just had a good laugh or something, she'll be much more likely to give you her number than if she's neutral or even sad.
Her giving you her number is not directly related to how much she likes you in general, it's related to how she feels (and how she feels about you) at that exact moment.

>> No.6918341


>> No.6918358

Nice how you got a thought terminating cliche and an ad hominem in a one word reply.

>> No.6918360

no fam she wants u!

>> No.6918370

actual autism

>> No.6918394
File: 166 KB, 370x337, 1312101173339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get boyfriend
>says I'm really handsome and a good person

>still unhappy

>> No.6918399

autist detected

>> No.6918408

wow ur a fkin dunce
u clearly got her something shit or didn't get her anything for her birthday

>> No.6918409

post ur feet

>> No.6918411

legitimate diagnosed autism

>> No.6918414


You have got to be happy with yourself. A new gf/bf is not going to bring you happiness if you are not content with yourself.

>> No.6918416


>> No.6918421

No you whore

>> No.6918422

>tfw my room isn't clean because I haven't taken a WAYWT this week

>> No.6918430

You just reached Ground Zero

>> No.6918476

thx m80 i'll get her asap :))

>> No.6918500

>tfw notice qties laughing left and right ever since I started dressing like a faggot.

They stare at you because you look ridiculous.

>> No.6918514

Bringing people down because of your own insecurities.
Not nice man, but while you're here just tell us what's wrong anon. It's okay, just let it out.

>> No.6918524

Buy a lightbox. Seriously, they are medically approved etc. etc.
I have one when I'm studying and it really helps

>> No.6918633

That sounds nice. I´ve got a Philips Wake-Up light and it really helps me wake up in the winter (summer not so much). Might want to look at that too yawn.
Sick fit in the WAYWT btw yawn.

>> No.6918649

damn dude you saw right thru him

>> No.6918651

I want this feel

>> No.6918656

hey yawn, you're great yawn, miss you yawn.

>> No.6918662

Hahah I saw that too but I couldn't be bothered to reword it. I've been rewording shit in a paper all day now and I thought I could let this slide. :^)

>> No.6918665

at least you actually clean your room for it, unlike that 15 year old ginger fuck with the punchable face

>> No.6918668
File: 115 KB, 800x800, moleskine-backpack-pmotc9829-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got her this

idk if she likes it or not its hard 2 tell

>> No.6918667

Don't get jealous calpol ;)
Anyway i'm gonna look into lightboxes
I've felt really bad all day and I don't like it
Gonna get a pick n mix of benzos first tho lol

>> No.6918673
File: 25 KB, 280x280, You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw have a succession of fun conversations with a bunch of people and feel really happy
>tfw spending the journey home worrying if it's okay for me to be feeling this good because I haven't been this happy in months and nothing much even happened

>> No.6918681

thus you have more time for /fa/-homour threads?

>> No.6918683

>tfw gf isn't /fa/ at all
>tfw losing any interest in her
>tfw not breaking up with her because it's not like i'll be able to get a new girlfriend
>tfw job didn't schedule you this week after telling you that they needed extra people to work this week
>tfw life is a downward spiral

>> No.6918691

is she fat m8

>> No.6918697

can you post a fit? Curious how you look like

>> No.6918695

she's slightly overweight but she's also really muscular cause she plays ultimate frisbee and rock climbs and runs marathons and plays soccer and lifts like 4 times a week

>> No.6918700


lol i bet you're some needy faggot leech

she wants a real man like me who treat her like shit, funny enough i live in west london and this girl i am fucking tells me she has a boyfriend who is 6'4 and likes fashion

>> No.6918702

ok :(

>> No.6918698

That sounds disgusting

>> No.6918710

stop doing drugs idiot :3

>> No.6918722

You'll be fine m8e <3

>> No.6918740

p much
80% of the grls i fuck have boyfriends
i dont know how to feel but im oka ywith it

>> No.6918745
File: 180 KB, 1280x828, doubt_by_alicechan-d4qi38e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Childhood friend who I've been in love with since I was like 14
>We had an argument and stopped talking a couple of years ago, but I think about him every day
>We have a mutual BFF, he keeps me updated
>Childhood friend has cancer and will die, but I know if I try to go back to talking to him I'll either get rejected hardcore or if not, It'll fuck my life up because I get sucked in too hard with him

Goddamnit, man. Why are things so hard, I just want to be a stupid kid again playing video games and climbing trees

>> No.6918751

just suck him off before he dies gurl u'll make his day

>> No.6918756

I'm married to another guy, now. It's been a long time since we've been friends..

>> No.6918768

if he is dying you should at least try to make up with him or you will regret it the rest of your life

>> No.6918771

Honestly you sound pretty selfish.
>my friend is dying
>if I talk to him he might hurt my feelings
>if he doesn't hurt my feelings immediately then he'll hurt my feelings by not hurting my feelings when he dies

You should shoot him a text. Just say you miss him and all the cool shit you used to do together.

If he rejects your attempts to patch the friendship then he's as sick mentally as he is physically.

If you end up reconnecting with him, then be happy you got to enjoy his company again while you still can. If his death 'fucks up your life' that's on you honestly. You can handle it if you want to.

>> No.6918781
File: 307 KB, 880x585, 1368851635273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why man

>> No.6918790

if she didn't say she likes it she doesn't like it
maybe if u weren't a fag you would have done something cool like fill it up like roses

jesus ur so gayyyyyyyyyy tinny

>> No.6918826


sorry dude but im meeting her tonight

apparently its her birthday

>> No.6918831

she's probably fucking some other guy. Sucking his dick real good. Riding his cock and letting him fuck her ass.

>> No.6918830

tfw acne ruins my self esteem. havent talked to any qts in a while and dont see signs of complexion getting any better.

>> No.6918838

ffs why wouldn't she show appreciation for a gift like that? that's a bit wack imo
maybe you being an internet celebrity takes its toll, she might feel like she's sharing u

>> No.6918842

>and letting him fuck her ass.
dude that's hurtful.
The only thing that hurts about my past relationships is the idea that some other guys will fuck them in the asses when I didn't. I'm tearing up man.

>> No.6918858

That's because you're pathetic

>> No.6918877

wait why? what does suggesting supps have to do with posting fit? im confused

>> No.6918883


don't listen to that other faggot, this sounds delicious. not much you can do if she's boring you though.

>> No.6918908

thx man i appreciate that
i think she's attractive

she's just not a very stimulating person
she's a writer and majoring in english and just complains about writing constantly when she claims it's her favorite thing

it's annoying

>> No.6918916

>If he rejects your attempts to patch the friendship then he's as sick mentally as he is physically.

Already tried. Oh well.

>> No.6919478

Oh well????
I hate people like you

>> No.6919597


>> No.6919651

she's just going to annoy you more, might as well cut it or at least till you find another qt

>> No.6919730

>new fit
>walk by qt /fa/ guy I've been eyeing for awhile
>I hear him laugh with his friends as I leave
>so insecure now

>> No.6919778

don't be such a pussy
I have severe acne and I do fine
for the most part people only care about your acne as much as you do
anyone that cares more isn't worth your time anyway

>> No.6919784


>> No.6919822
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>tfw no gf
>tfw i've had sex with a bunch of women but i've found that it's not all that and that i'd rather make love to a woman someone i care about
>tfw only one friend but he lives in another city and we mostly keep in touch via text/cell and occasionally hang out which is great when we do
>tfw no one to hang out with
>tfw no social life
>tfw fridays and saturdays are the loneliest
>tfw so unbelievably lonely

>> No.6919830


>Oh well

Fuckin' selfish m8

>> No.6919857

Pseudo-cacoon mode is the worst. Nut up and meet some people, somewhere.

>> No.6920847

>tfw remember an embarrassing moment from my past
>become depressed and pissed off at myself

How do I deal with this shit?

>> No.6920858


>> No.6920880
File: 107 KB, 320x287, 1365844315477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hurt
i know it

>> No.6920887


>> No.6920894
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Like how do i start random convos with girls i dont know?

Once I can get a convo going I am good at it, but it is the starting it that I have trouble with.

>> No.6920897


You gotta pump yourself up brah, get that #yolo mindset happening

>> No.6920899
File: 75 KB, 954x1146, T02414_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally found a qt
>tfw like her
>tfw start to question why she would like me
>tfw hope the day doesnt come where she wont want to see me
>tfw think it might turn into a friends with benefits sort of thing
>tfw never had sex, well if you count me sticking it in for a couple of seconds

>> No.6920903


>> No.6920905

yeah but liek what do I say?

I can walk over adn say "hi my name is XXXX"

but liek wtf from there

>> No.6920912
File: 442 KB, 688x638, 1375508093967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I talk to a girl so that we date and not friends?

>> No.6920918

tfw crushing loneliness
tfw become more and more insecure the further I isolate myself from my friends and people I know
tfw so narcissistic you just end up feeling bad about it

>> No.6920928 [DELETED] 

>tfw all my lesbian friend turned straight after getting drunk and fucking me

>> No.6920987

iron your jeans

>> No.6920994

this is actually solid advice

>> No.6920997

Those are god-tier Prps. They supposed to stack up like that.

>> No.6921006

Question: Do girls ever not give their numbers out to you people? Do you just get denied? I've never had that happen

>> No.6921003

what jeans are they?

also how do they stack like that?

>> No.6921004

>that fucking HDR


>> No.6921025

Not sure which model, but it's definitely an earlier release of Prps. Japanese in origin, organic African cotton. They're distressed very very painstakingly. Some of the higher end models you're talking 12 hours of labor just on the distressing. They have a way of leaving certain parts of the jean raw so that they fade in naturally and blend into the distressing.
I'm not quite sure how they stack like that, they probably resin treat the folds or something. I'm not even sure if they do that because most of their products have little to no wear away.
Pair like that probably run you 600.

>> No.6921033


Depends on the situation.

If you're at a pub you can go "what brings you here tonight" ?

Or you could notice an item of her clothing, something she's carrying around, etc.

>> No.6921031

I know exactly what they are. And only a delusional faggot would think wearing crinkled jeans makes him look good. Grow up, child.

>> No.6921037

Part of growing up is getting to do whatever you want and wear whatever you want. Unless you work in an office, I guess.

>> No.6921053

Some girls will definitely give out their numbers even if they're not interested. Complete rejection still happens though.

>> No.6921059

Do what you gotta do. Regardless, I can guarentee that you look like a moron in your crinkled jeans. ha

>> No.6921072
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I know the opposite of this feel

>> No.6921069

what if its like in a school setting but i dont have any classes with her or shit.

i just see her walking around

>> No.6921070

random goofs keep asking to have drinks w/ me

swerv, i haf werk 2 do

>> No.6921104


Compliment her fit, talk about a book she's holding, you could go really balls out and say "hey you're cute" but that's high risk high reward

>> No.6921113

if you say your cute though how do you branch off from there?

>> No.6921195

>tfw my ex gf gained weight and doesn't look so good anymore :)

But on the other side: she's in a happy relationship and I'm single since we've broke up over two years ago

I feel like I have no initiative
I can never bring up the confidence to ask a girl out or even talking to one

I'm buying clothes to feel better about my self and it works, even if it's just for a short time and I barely leave the house so I almost never wear then

w2c confidence guys?

>> No.6921197


If she takes it well and shows interest, introduce yourself

If she takes it badly just walk off as though you say that to people all the time

>> No.6921205


Alcohol, weed and rap music help in the short term.

Fitness, good friends and success help in the long term

>> No.6921217

just become a nihilist mate

>> No.6921229

You ever look at a tall, fit person with a nice face and feel as if you aren't quite "human" but instead a member of some goblin-like slave race?

It's not enough that i'm a manlet. I'm also bald. I just wish i could be handsome.

>> No.6921231

All right, I think I'll go with the long time solutions. Gotta get off my ass and do something meaningfull with myself

In the sense of not giving a fuck about my actions and what people think of me or in the sense of stop giving a fuck about everything and become an outcast?

>> No.6921247

Posted before but I can't get over this feel

>tfw 8/10 qt at a class sending you signals all the same
>sitting next to you
>greeting whether we crossed paths
>throwing big smiles whenever possible
>eye contact all the time
>all this despite never talking
>she's way out of my league, surely she must be making fun of me, i don't have the confidence to talk to her, she'd never to be with me etc etc
>semester ends, never made a move
>find out she got a bf later on who looks like me, except he's a skaterfag and even less attractive
>tfw no gf

She was probably the qtest girl to had any interest in me and I let the opportunity go.

>blue eyes
>dark blonde
>got those Zooey Deschanel bangs going
>subtle freckles
>always contributed smart insights during class
>pretty /fa/ as well


>> No.6921279
File: 47 KB, 500x596, ngbbs5004a0fb3ffa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is having no friends /fa/?


>> No.6921283

Kinda the same thing here qt out of my leave showed interest in me and I fucked up and didn't respond

We'll maybe its better this way because she's going to new Zealand for a year and I think I would feel even worse if we got together and she had to leave

>> No.6921287

>take gf out to nice restaurant just cuz
>she orders the lobster

>> No.6921302


>All right, I think I'll go with the long time solutions. Gotta get off my ass and do something meaningfull with myself

>tfw I can't make this mentality last more than 5 minutes


Nope. Are you a sub?

>> No.6921308

the former..its not a switch though you're going to have to fake it till you make it sorta thing

>> No.6921317


>going to a nice restaurant without being prepared to spend tons of cash

>> No.6921318

>take gf out to coffee
>she refuses to get anything 8)

>> No.6921343

>tfw 5'11 male with 15.6 bmi

>> No.6921477 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 640x597, 1378970999388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start to browse /fa/
>realize I dress like shit and really get into fashion
>tfw poorfag with almost no disposable income
>tfw I can only afford shit like walmart and no thrift stores or the like where I live
>tfw I don't feel like "myself" anymore with the shitty clothes I wear
>tfw I'll never be /fa/

Damn it I wish I had never got into this

>> No.6921505

H&M fag

>> No.6921555

>meet qt
>she complements my fit, not even that great
>chat about clothes
>find out she has a pleb bf
>she still talks to me and is really complementary, also catch her looking at me in class
>she walks in and sits next to someone else, sees me and comes to sit next to me

am i being friendzoned? or is she interested and I should just bide my time until they hopefully break up?

>> No.6921557

how do u tell if she takes it well tho?

>> No.6921619

no to both
she is interested now and wants the d

>> No.6921659

This. Ask her out. If she refuses never speak to her again.

>> No.6921704


>> No.6921790
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>> No.6921833

No time for feels now, unfortunately. They'll have to wait until the weekend. Good luck, and don't lose hope. If there's another day, there's another chance for your life to get better.

>> No.6922024


Her face will light up and she'll probably have a really big smile.

>> No.6922029
File: 42 KB, 577x524, i can imagine that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6923070
File: 7 KB, 200x266, hell yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw anxiety symptoms are letting up recently
>tfw haven't had a panic attack in a few weeks
>tfw makin' eyes with qts in class and feeling better about myself

maybe everything will be okay

>> No.6923088

>try hard my entire life to look /fa/
>give the fuck up
>head to a mall, grab generic zara skinny jeans, some white newyorker hoodie I wouldn't have worn for my life a couple of months ago and some originals high tops
>that fucking night
>"hey, I like your style :)"

>> No.6923105 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 438x456, 3242342323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go overseas to check out my future uni
>meet grill i really like
>have to wait 4 months to see if i have a chance
>might get friended before then or Chad will make a move on her and be her bf

>> No.6923108

>tfw you didn't give her the d.png

>> No.6923273

>new clothes
>next level fits
>prepare for the qt 3.14s
>first day back
>classmate has even more next next level fit
>don't even compare
>go home, remove half of old wardrobe
One upped by a manlet ginger from the UK.

>> No.6923295

>6'5", 140lbs
>clothes effay, body far from
>hit that system like a pimp on his how
>tfw so weak why do I even bother
>give up, stay skinny
How do muh bruvs keep motivated? No, zyzz doesn't fucking do it for me.

>> No.6923422

>new batch of people hired at my department store
>mostly fat girls before
>two of them worked during my shift
>one 5' qt with normal style
>one 6' qt with 3edgy5me style this is my fetish
>5' girl came onto me right off the bat
>6' girl said nothing to anyone

Which one do I pursue? The 5' girl is prettier but tall girls and edgy girls are my grail. I'm 6'2"

>> No.6923446

Get your grail B.

>> No.6923483

Find a bro to work out with. There is nothing quite like having a bro who 100% has your back spotting you and helping motivate you. I imagine it is sort of like having a battle brother only not as many feels because no one is shooting at you

>> No.6923486

Why not both?

>> No.6923524

Work gossip would probably get me fired. I can play both now but once I ask one to coffee everyone will know and talk about it. I'll just hold off on asking the short one until I chat up the tall one a few times. I'm not edgy at all though, I'm #basicbitch4lyfe which has been a problem with me trying to get edgy girls in the past.

>> No.6923552

ugh. almost not qts in my classes. i am entirely underwhelmed this year.

>> No.6923556

Edgy girls are usually insecure, pseudo-intellectual, or both. If you are witty enough you will be attractive to any possible elements of her personality.

>> No.6923563

This has rung true with every edgy girl I've encountered.

>> No.6923570

Yeah, it's pretty tiring after awhile. Where are the smart girls at?

>> No.6923582

let me help you out. if shes smiling, or laughing, shes probably in a good mood. if she is crying or yelling or scowling, then she is probably in a bad mood. i dont really know though, because im an autist retard, like you.

>> No.6923592

Uggos (well not uggly per se, but not real qt looking girls) are usually the smartest, sad but true. I had this tiny little german girl in my Medieval History class. She studied Music/Musical History and was exceptionally smart. But she wasn't really pretty, she had her own kinda thing going on though.

>> No.6923598

Wait I worded that wrong. I'm not saying ugly/not really pretty girls are smart, it's that the smart girls aren't usually pretty.

>> No.6923629

Let's say you want a girl in the top 3/10 based on how attractive they are. (7/10+) And now you want her to be in the top 3/10 based on how smart they are. The odds of these happening at the same time is 9/100 or about 1 in 10. Ask yourself, honestly if you are there. I know I'm only 6/10 in looks and 7/10 in smarts.

>> No.6923649

I can't even properly reason why I like a certain painting or song, let alone give a proper evaluation of how smart I am or how attractive I am.

>> No.6923712

I do think I'm there. The problem is that I have not even found a girl up to my standards. I know I sound extremely egotistical but I can't help the way I feel, if I can't connect with someone on an intellectual level it is very hard for me to feel attracted to them sexually.

>> No.6923765

Oh, I understand. But that's why I stopped believing in perfect and just moved on. All you have to do is dumb yourself down and not make allusions that go over girls heads and you're fine.

>> No.6923780

This guy >>6923649 here, sometimes I feel like the other guy, and I try to think like you. But I just can't get that into my head. It might just be a fear of rejection AND a fear of rejecting with a little bit of fear of bonding thrown in the mix.

>> No.6924886


Go for the easy target first, get that under your belt and make the tall girl jealous, then go for the tall girl