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/fa/ - Fashion

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6913810 No.6913810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is drinking coffee fa?
im not a coffee drinker but i would like to try, plus i could use the boost in the morning for my classes.

ive had frappes and ice coffee before but i want to try real hot coffee or expresso

what what you recommend for a person trying coffee for the first time?

>> No.6913816
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This is a fashion board, what makes me think we give two fuck about coffee? Drink whatever you want. How is a drink fashionable?

>> No.6913825

In my experience, growing to enjoy something with a few syllables to its name (not a mocha frappuccino) from a coffee shop is, at the very least, a good means of socializing. Coffee preferences are an extremely easy way to spark conversation, and going out for coffee makes a nice quick date.

>> No.6913826

having a coffee and a cigarette after your shower and before classes in the morning is extremely /fa/ and the best way to start your day

/fa/ is a lifestyle not just what you wear

>> No.6913833

>>>/out/, newfaf

coffee has aesthetic purposes, as well as societal aspects.
aesthetics are important in fashion.

>> No.6913843


But in all honesty just go to a coffee shop nearby or on the way to class and try shit out. None of that starbucks shit. I would start with just black coffee (superior imo) and then try a latté or something. Just experiment until you find what you like.

Are you new? Coffee threads on /fa/ are hardly a rare thing.

>> No.6913858

>this thread
What the hell happened to /fa/

coffee, black
it's not just a drink, it's a meal.

this guy gets it.

>> No.6913859

they have red velvet coffee at winco,

i kind of want to try it with froffed milk but i can't stand the coffee after taste

>> No.6913862

leave now. check your trip at the door

>> No.6913864

git out

flat white = most effay coffay

>> No.6913877

;_; sorry bout ur special club

>> No.6913872

being /fa/ sucks

>> No.6913882

Sounds a bit too much for me. I prefer my coffee unsweetened and simple.

>> No.6913883
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>this thread
>What the hell happened to /fa/
>refers to >>6913826
>"this guy gets it."


>> No.6913884

you must be doing it wrong

>> No.6913889

Yes. However, if it's Dunkin Donuts, you're wasting your money, unless you're that cheap, broke, or nothing's available, in which case, you shouldn't be drinking it, since it'll make you more thirsty later, so if money's a problem it's counterintuitive.

First time drinking coffee, cop it off your folks, or somebody that brews it at home. This way you can try it black with nothing, if it's too much to get used to, you add cream or milk, if it's not enough, you add some sugar, if that's not enough you add some more sugar. The idea is to work your way up the basics of normal, regular, everyday coffee.

Then find coffee shops, by all means start with Starbucks (gotta start somewhere), and periodically order something you've never had and then keep experimenting with what you like. From there, find actual coffee shops closest to your city or the nearest major city to you. Again, try new things, see what works for you, add or subtract other bits to it as you please.

Great experiences with coffee are had with cigarette, after a meal as part of dessert, alone, morning, evening, maybe afternoon, on dates, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.6913895

Forgot to mention, it helps if you have one of these in your state, city, etc.,

>> No.6913899

try an easy-to-drink espresso drink at each new cafe. Cappuccinos are nice because you can measure their drink-making ability in the treatment of the espresso/milk/latte art. If you feel like you have to sweeten something, it might be made wrong or your taste might not have adjusted well. Just try different cafes in your area and read Yelp reviews.

>> No.6913919

By the way, French Vanilla coffee is goddamn amazing, depending on where you get it, and how it's made.

If you go to uni, and your school has a coffee vending machine, don't let the idea of using a vending machine for coffee fool you, it might actually be good, and you may be pleasantly surprised. I've been on more than one occasion.

>> No.6913950

>putting this much thought into coffee
coffee isn't some form over function art.

Its a cheap legal buzz to get people off their asses in the morning and through their shitty job.

Sure, people with stunted palettes fancy it up with foam and sugar and syrups, but that's just gluttony.

>> No.6913962

Says the person who probably prefers their steak, burger, or other meals, cooked, and/or prepared a certain way, and with certain ingredients, toppings, and/or condiments.

If coffee, among other things, is a means to an end for you, what are you even doing on a board other that isn't /b/?

>> No.6913972

i dunno if drinking coffee is /fa/ but i really like having it with breakfast

like its probably one of my favorite parts of breakfast

just black coffee with a little milk in it is the best

>> No.6913974

You can make anything sound stupid if you take that air with it.

It's like saying wine is just old grape juice.

>> No.6914087

Are double doubles /fa/?

>> No.6914178

>being this retarded
ill take my organic high altitute lightly roasted beans over pesticide laden stargarbage any day

and getting a buzz from coffee? what are you 14 christ

>> No.6914219

Sugar is your friend
The calories are negligible
Do you take that with a side of gay

>> No.6914268


>> No.6914362

Cut out the cream and stop ordering your coffee at Tim Hortons and you'll be set, baby.

>> No.6914365

no wine is what people who have sold their soul for stability get shitfaced off of, while pretending they can distinguish notes and textures, so they can claim guzzling the stuff is a hobby rather than alcoholism.

Also vapid women order it in bars so they can seem sophisticated while they scope out a guy to whore out for.

do you really think people chug coffee and drink triple shot espressos for the taste? they do it for the caffeine.

How you prepare a steak is if anything comparable to coffee drinks, which like I said, I think are for fatties who need everything they cram in their face at least 50% sugar or people who are upset by anything that isn't incredibly bland and need to water the taste of coffee down with cream and milk.

Where the coffee bean was grown, what fertilizers were used, how it was transported, etc is equivalent to shopping around for meat based of what the cow was fed and how much time it had to graze.

at the end of the day cow meat is cow meat.

>> No.6914383

im the person you replied to

i like the taste of coffee

>> No.6914413

i thought tim hortons was good?

>> No.6914416

Don't worry. it'll change once you move to Toronto/Van/Montreal/Ottawa from whatever small town you're from. (although I grew up in Waterloo and it was such a coffee-snob city)

>> No.6914464

That's because those people are eating 50% sugar and I'd assume you do the same. It's like people complaining about how all food tastes the same when they smoke cigs. Coffee and many other things have varying tastes when you are not fucking your tongue on sugars. Of course A1 steak sauce will make all cows taste the same, its saturated in sugar like most foods.

>> No.6914501

It's not /fa/ when you analyze it that much you autistic fuck, that makes it the opposite of /fa/

>> No.6914524


So basically what you're saying is that you have no taste, and if someone else enjoys the complexities of something you don't understand then they're surely just joking, right?

Yeah, you're just a cunt.

>> No.6914532

It's decent if you like good old-fashioned north american blonde roast drip coffee like you find in diners and donut shops and truckstop restaurants.

It's a buck fifty, it's always hot and fresh.

If you like dark roast or espresso, go someplace with more pretense.

I like both, depending on my mood.

>> No.6914539

No, take a caffeine pill if you want caffeine.
coffee is about as /fa/ as ugg boots.
it's something everybody does sure, and if you go to starbucks or dunkin donuts then that's just the opposite of /fa/, if you want coffee then get good coffee from local shops for quality instead of that sweet shit

>> No.6914548

in reality coffee shouldn't be enjoyed on the go

like it's not bad to grab starbucks on the way to work and enjoy it

but really great coffee you order and sit and enjoy, read while drinking it, chat, do work, homework, whatever. just enjoy it slowly and how it should be.

order whatever sounds good and enjoy it however you can. if you like lots of sugar it's probably because you haven't developed a taste for coffee yet, lessen the sugar off overtiem till you like black cofee. if you never get to enjoy black coffee, just drink sugared coffee and don't give a fuck.

>> No.6914547

If you use coffee for your morning classes, you MUST do it everyday and every time you take a test.

Studies show that the mood your in, or whether you take a mind altering substance (such as caffeine) will affect what memories you can readily access. For example, if I'm always extremely depressed in my English class, and I come in all giddy on test day, it will be harder to recall what I learned in the depressed state of mind. Or if I do adderall for my English class, and I stop, it will be difficult to remember what I learned on adderall.

>> No.6914560

Water is the most /fa/ drink

>> No.6914571


Then go start a thread on water you ass.

>> No.6914610

>and I'd assume you do the same
no thats vile.

what I'm getting at, is there is no such thing as a coffee connoisseur, because you're either loading it with dairy or sugars, in which case you don't actually like coffee you like the dairy and sugars, or you're drinking it straight black, and in that case the only real variation is going to come down to intensity from how charred the bean is.

trying dissect some subtle flavor differences from cup to cup is contrived bs, and what's worse is you probably hold yourself in esteem because you refuse to accept what everyone else knows to be negligible.

>> No.6914614

pls no

>> No.6914626

the exact opposite.

I do have taste and therefore can confirm that there are no complexities to coffee, because all water infused with the same type of toasted plant matter is essentially going to taste the same.

>> No.6914631

get out. real coffee drinkers drink it black and can taste different beans

do you have any understanding of fermentation? i doubt it or else you wouldnt post something so stupid

>> No.6914661

fine, you win
believe whatever you want to.

have fun contemplating your bean water.

us unworthy remainder will meanwhile put our money and energy towards something more fruitful

>> No.6914667

dude i dont give a shit, it takes me like 3 minutes to pick a new coffee when im at the grocery store but seriously you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.6914679

Your bitch taste buds won't be able to handle nor appreciate a nice dark roast, so start at medium and work up to it.

Dunkin is shit, despite it's convenience. Their dark isn't terrible.

For espresso, dive right into americano and skip the fofo shit. You'll eventually et to the point where you're using espresso for taste, rather than the boost.

Always use skim milk for lattes and stuff.

>> No.6914704
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>nice dark roast

starfucks got you good boiiii

>> No.6914711

whole milk or nothing, i quietly hate everyone who orders skim in their latte

>> No.6914712


>> No.6914719

Enjoy your excess calories and cream dilution.

>> No.6914718

dark roast being better is like saying a well done steak is better. you wont be able to tell the difference between a filet and a flank with heavy cooking

>> No.6914727

i only say that because steaming skim is just more annoying than whole. I don't really drink much other than espresso, just because thats all i usually have time for.

>> No.6914742


>what is tea

Yup. Still a tasteless cunt.

>> No.6916808

I love coffee so much.

But keep it simple. (like sombody said too many syllables and the QT at the counter will confirm your sexuality as flaming faggot)

never go to a place like starbucks cause you will be disappointed and nobody who is a patron/employee there even appreciates anything and you will just be treated as a nobody. (where office workers etc go to pro-long their shitty life with excessive amounts of sugar and cream)

I don't expect anyone to understand how amazing a good espresso is if they aren't a coffee drinker (damn makes mah duk so hard)

aim for drinking long blacks.

P.S I've been making coffee for like 5 years, worked at a range of places you can ask me anything.

p.p.s if you're asked for sugars in your coffee..psh... ofcourse you don't take sugar in your coffee.

>> No.6916818


steaming skim is no different unless your retarted.

and if your worried about the extra calories you'd get from a couple ounces of skim milk rather than regular. well that's on you.

>the person making your coffee secretly laughs at you.

>> No.6917718

Black coffee. No milk or sugar.

>> No.6917744

I've found that drinking coffee gives me no boost and just makes me poo.

>> No.6917752

But i dont like pooing while im out.

>> No.6917750

think of it as a plus

>> No.6917761





>> No.6917762


this. I swear to god OP if you drink mocha or some shit you'll never be /fa/

>> No.6917796

coffee is for hipsters for some reasons. So yes it's effay.

>> No.6917823

if you drink it have it black.
Personally i prefer espresso. Never get espresso from a place like 2nd cup or Starbucks it tastes like shit.
Your best bet is any non-chain places.

>> No.6919012

Well. You sed here mr finnish dude. ( i live in australia) and just about 0% of cafes serve filtered coffee.

We serve espresso. Yes it does take longer (not 20minutea long you must have been at a bad cafe)

>> No.6919022

Also sorry ask for a long black with a dash of milk.

Or long black with milk on the side if you want to put it in yourself.

>> No.6919158


I've gotten used to planning my day around it. Bout 25 minutes after I finish a cup, I'm going to have to poo. I just make sure I'm prepared for that when it comes.

>> No.6919167

If you want a good-boost, try some old jack3d or craze