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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 560 KB, 1920x1060, a-serious-man43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6902495 No.6902495 [Reply] [Original]

Explain why you're /fa/ without talking about material goods.

>> No.6902516

I work in advertising
I'm covered in scars
I smoke
I have dem beautiful junkie eyes
I have a terrible amount of depth to my personality that my gf of 3 years who I broke up with a week ago told me she never really got to know me

>> No.6902519

ascend to freedom

congratulations dot jay peg

>> No.6902522

>I have a terrible amount of depth to my personality
a sure sign that you actually don't

>> No.6902526

because my clothes are so nxtlevel they're in the ethereal realm.

>> No.6902530

Hey hey look who it is!
Do you still go on /mu/, can't remember seeing you there for a while.

>> No.6902534

because i ain't afraid to have fun every nowand again :^] and im unique

>> No.6902535

Why judge so quickly?

>> No.6902537

Define "/fa/" first. Then we'll talk.

>> No.6902556

I quit the internet for a couple months to catch up on my life

does anyone have the password for the effay tc room, by the way?

>> No.6902565

I'm a devout faith filled Christian with a ever growing love for god.
I also go to free gigs put on at A modern art museum regularly to see people play on their laptops with no thought for melody or rhythm, to then go back to peoples houses in order to do much the same, though sometimes with standard instruments.

>> No.6902571

Explaining how you're /fa/ isn't /fa/

>> No.6902570

Good move, I've quit 4chan as well, except for the quitting part.
Should have stayed away.

>> No.6902576
File: 500 KB, 1200x1600, $(KGrHqQOKosFF0Bg+kSmBRd8C7Te!g~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm what? If your idea of fashion doesn't encapsulate "material goods" then it's just superficial bullshit. The material goods are the point. The choice of fabric, the design, or whatever draws us to a piece of clothing that we choose to represent ourselves in.

If you're just about the attention, fame and stupid extraneous bullshit that surrounds fashion then fuck off please.

>> No.6902573

architecture major
6 feet tall
15.6 BMI
i smoke
i don't sweat much

>> No.6902578


>> No.6902579

Only effay post in the thread, everyone else go home.

>> No.6902594

>implying fundie
The only thing fundamental of me is love <3

>> No.6902621

that pic is 3edgy5me

>> No.6902637

you don't really realize how much of your life is wasted online until you decide to unplug. i've probably read more novels this year than the accumulated total of every previous year of my life

fashion is obviously more than just the material dude. otherwise Silicon Valley would be able to purchase the good taste that they don't have

>> No.6902634

You didn't like that movie/scene? That scene is up there in my favourites from the Coen brothers. Why edgy?

>> No.6902650

I nerver think about what is fa
I never pursue fa-ness
I don't even try to be fa
I don't care about the whole fa thing

>> No.6902656

I've never thought of completely unplugging, but that does sound very appealing. I truly do love reading and I hate how the internet always distracts me from it. I think I'll unplug for a fortnight when uni break starts and see how I feel about it.
Read anything good, worth recommending lately?

>> No.6902666

>I work in advertising

>> No.6902682

i'm the king of the internet

suck my dick

>> No.6902695
File: 171 KB, 938x1424, shallowsbookcover-rev-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been pretty obsessed with HL Mencken (his Chrestomathy is like fa-esque elitism turned into journalism) and Gustave Flaubert lately. I also have Saul Bellow's bibliography on the back-burner. Pretty much anything by the former two is amazing

And this is the book that gave me the idea to unplug. Read it

>> No.6902708

i smoke, drink, whore, and have set up/participated in government funded hits on brown people. 6'1 162lbs

>> No.6902739

> I have zero emotional depth
> I like to yell at people for minor reasons
> I think that I'm better than other people
> I hate people for thinking that they're better than other people
>I like the color black