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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 134 KB, 500x396, 237055775_baa84ef9a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6877130 No.6877130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so /fa/, what do u smoke?

>> No.6877143

lucky strikes

>> No.6877144



>> No.6877150

Used to be b&h silver but now all my money goes on clothes and drugs lol

>> No.6877149

lol look at this fag

>> No.6877160

normally B&H silver.
I'm poor as hell at the moment so it's Sterling or Chesterfield for me.

>> No.6877194



>> No.6877211

ya same

>> No.6877216
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kamel reds usually

sometimes marb lights or reds, but only if i'm associating with plebs

>> No.6877228

marlboro 27's only when $1 off
camel regular or blue
American Spirits or Parliaments are nice

I am open to trying some other brands.

>> No.6877240

Marlboro nxt

>> No.6877248

galouises rouge

>> No.6877260

Export A

>> No.6877290

does anybody get pains or weird feelings when smoking or after?

>> No.6877313

i used to have headaches after smoking, not anymore now thankfully

>> No.6877349

Nothing because I'd rather not smell like shit and pay the government to poison myself

>> No.6877357

Marlboro Gold or Camel Blue usually,
i can't stand reds, they're disgusting. Lucky Strikes are okay though at times

>> No.6877368


>> No.6877391


>> No.6877395

If I can find them, American Legend, but they're fucking rare in the UK.

Marlboro Reds/Lucky Strikes when I feel like spending more than £8 a pack, if not then Sovereigns or Winstons.

Can't stand light/overly smooth cigarettes like Marl Golds or Silk Cut or w/e.

>> No.6877444


>> No.6877526

i once smoked a djarum black

>> No.6877755

Cigars with my dad for his birthday
Cigs when I'm really drunk and manage to bum one off someone no real preference
Hookah with friends

>> No.6877771

ur mum

>> No.6877785

smoking's not /fa/
i make fun of kids that do it.

>> No.6877832

how do marlboro gold compare to camel blues?

I've smoked blues forever but had to quit for about a month while I was on some meds, now they taste extremely mediocre.

>> No.6877982
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Quit smoking, dip instead.

>> No.6877993

lol why would you do that

>> No.6878000
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No, don't do that. With lung cancer you at least get to die without looking like Pic Related.

>> No.6878005

Frog Morton on the Bayou
Peterson Sherlock Holmes

>> No.6878059

you fucking disgusting

>> No.6878075

I just smoke whatever friends have. never buy my own.
i also smoke swisher sweet blunts wif greenery in em. but im not a stoner, just occasionally like the sensation

>> No.6878077

I love inflicting lung cancer upon myself whilst receiving no nutritional value

>> No.6878094

>enjoying being alive

>> No.6878132

clove cigarettes master race reporting in

>> No.6878211

Ever notice how they use just that one faggot to tell you how bad it is? The anti-tobacco crowd isn't driven by reason so they're not going to tell you that you increase your risk by x percent. No, they try to make you believe that you WILL lose your jaw no matter your level of use. Back in the day Bill Tuttle was the big cautionary tale and he did it for 40 fucking years before anything happened. Sure, you're increasing your risk big time but the fucked up stuff happens to heavy users and outliers who would croke from a few cigarettes.

>> No.6878229

I guess one of the reasons why dipping scares me is how badly it damaged my gums and loosened my teeth when I used it back in boarding school (smoking was nigh impossible without a hike into the woods). It took me many months of abstinence and whitening to get things back to normal.

What it was doing to my mouth just felt wrong. Personal anecdote, I know, but I'd be wary of the stuff except in very consistent moderation.

>> No.6878233
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I dont smoke, coz in New fagland, smokes cost too much money.

and smoking is considered as bad as rape

>> No.6878251
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>looking like a badass w/my American Spirits

>> No.6878270

If by newfagland you're talking about new england then same here. Why the fuck is everyone so against smoking? Where I go to school you get shunned if people find out you smoke its weird as shit.

>> No.6878278

Nice try, retard. That's a marlboro cigarette. Look right above the filter.

>> No.6878275

hahaha never seen that pic before

>> No.6878336

> camel black
Im a social smoker... i enjoy a couple if ive been drinking, or ill spark one up just as an exuse to sit down and chat with some other smoking stranger
New Fagland= new zealand?
if nz, same here

>> No.6878365

I hardly smoke, but when I do, I smoke whatever my mom has.

>> No.6878372

if there was ever a better anti smoking ad than this comment...

>> No.6878379
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>knowing cigarettes on sight

>> No.6878389

anyone who has smoked a marlboro ever "knows them on sight"
having the name written on the paper is pretty fuckin obvious m8

>> No.6878395
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>being able to read words

>> No.6878405

Southern Cuts

>> No.6878409

You can't read that. You guys are just a bunch of smoking degenerates that smell like shit and try to troll for edgy tumblr pussy.

>> No.6878419

http://hawaiianlibertarian.blogspot dot com dot au /2013/08/the-longevity-paradox-tobacco.html

but where the fuck do I buy Am Spirits in Melbourne?

Champion ruby is harmless too r-right?

>> No.6878548

your friends hate that about you. get your shit together and buy a pack already.

>> No.6878576


I smell like vanilla motherfucker

and I also know how to read a label

>> No.6878579

>I smell like vanilla motherfucker
That's like how fat NEETS can't smell their own filth. You don't smell like vanilla.

>> No.6878590
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420 blaze it faggot

>> No.6878595

I guarantee you do not smell like vanilla. No disrespect or anything, it's just not something you'll really grasp until you quit.

>> No.6879024

marlboro red

>> No.6879035

Used to smoke RYO Bugler and American Spirit blacks in between pouches.
Quit a couple months ago after smoking for a year.
I don't miss it. Willpower looks better than smoking anyway.

>> No.6879037


lmao enjoy your cancer and shitty high. Vaporizer master race reporting

>> No.6879057

i dont smoke
i didnt know smoking as effay
where do i start

>> No.6879076
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I thought I was alone anon.

>> No.6879084

>walk to deli
>ask arab guy behind counter for camel turkish royal
>buy it
>dont forget the lighter

>> No.6879083


Right now I smell like vanilla because I used vanilla-scented body wash in the shower.

I don't smoke cigarettes.

>> No.6879099


>> No.6879118
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camel ok
thx anon

>> No.6879144

american spirits have the gold band around the filter, and have the birdie on the paper right above that. come on man

>> No.6879172

Gauloises blondes, motherfucker

>> No.6879208

camel lights (blues)

was up to half pack a day a couple years ago and now I just smoke one or two at the most. guess I'm not too susceptible to nicotine addiction. it is good for weight loss tho

>> No.6879212

Be sure to inhale the smoke after it's in your mouth, otherwise you won't get buzzed

>> No.6879228

you have fat fingers

>> No.6879224

I can't smoke anymore, it just makes me sick.

I miss smoking.

>> No.6879225
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yeah i tried it a few times
i coughed a lot and
it made my heart hurt so i stopped

>> No.6879400

>bought marl ice blast recently for fun
>every time I smoke them it sends cold chills through the rest of my body, I can fill it's icey grip in my lungs

I'm scared guys.

>> No.6879458
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dont start mate seriously. fuck this /fa/ shit. those who do it all the power to them, i smoked marlboros for 3 years, but its not a good habit to begin and costs a shit load. you're paying the gov to piss away money to get a momentary high you become to rely on when you accomplish even stupid small milestones like tieing your fucking shoes makes you crave one if you get too deep into it. dont do it.

>> No.6879495
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wow i didnt know that
thanks for saving my life

>> No.6879555

I got an ecig today, it's nicotine free and it's pomegranate flavored

I like it, it's fun doing smoke tricks without the lung damage

>> No.6879580

champion ruby
strayaaa, but seriously if you smoke camel blues/lights you're a gigantic faggot, there's like 0 nicotine in them at least smoke camel filters.

>> No.6879593
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>> No.6879606

Parliament, Marlorobouro Black 100 Menthol

>> No.6879614

Two packs of Camel unfiltereds a day or Lucky Strike unfiltereds if I can get them nearby.

>> No.6879621
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Jeez guys, how do you get so dependant on cigarettes?
For the past half year maybe, if I were to not give cigs to friends and shit, I'd probably go through 2 packs a month.

The hell, is it just because I'm not smoking alot that I'm not hooked? Hey, I'm not complaining. I get my little buzz while waiting for the bus and move on I guess.

>> No.6879634

Addictions can take years to firmly entrench themselves in your brain chemistry.

>> No.6879636
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some people have restless minds that need constant stimulation. this doesnt mean purely addictive behavior, but they need something "new" continually and get anxiety from banal tasks if there isnt anything to look forward to. For these people cigs is a chain smoker in the making.

>> No.6879720

Anyone know any good soft pack cigarettes?

>> No.6879975

have you guys seen Manhattan?

>> No.6879988

that sounds bad.

>> No.6880016
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This,cause I didnt find reds while in Moscow.

>> No.6880245

>tfw sheepfuckers can get Camels and ausfags can't

Don't really have a loyalty to any particular brand, just get whatever is cheap. Usually Stuyvesant rich New York blend, B&H classic or Bond St blue

used to smoke RYO Champion legendary ruby and then Golden Virginia
>tfw pleb qt3.14 I'm seeing rolls like a poorfag
>can't quite manage to coax her onto tailors

>> No.6880548

Camel Bleck

>> No.6880559

I like Manhattan.

>> No.6880561

Are there any effay smoke cases? Would be nice to combine wallet with smoke pack.

>> No.6880569

any tobacconist will have cigarette cases. I copped one because dat ausfag plain packaging. It's silver with a simply art deco pattern on one side. Keep it minimalistic, no skulls and shit etc and you can't go wrong.

Whenever people see mine at parties/clubs or whatever they seem to assume I'm some fancyfag tho

>> No.6880574


>tfw stopped smoking since 8 days

doesn't feel effay bruv

>> No.6880583

iktf. are you experiencing difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep? agitated easily?

sometimes if I don't smoke all evening then go to bed I can't sleep

>> No.6880584

Are American Spirits genuinely good? Or is it just some trendy hipster bullshit that is smoked ironically?

I've been smoking Camel wides and Parliaments lights for a few years now.

>> No.6880589


Thanks mate, I'll have a look.

I fucking hate this countries smoke laws. The packs aren't really plain when 95% of it is grotesque images and shit. I'm going to buy some smokes while overseas but the stamp duty is insane. 50 grams duty free? What a joke.

>> No.6880594


Yeah, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I stopped because I got ill and didn't felt the need to smoke. So after 5 days I was in form again and I thought "well fuck, the difficulty of the first few days is behind me, let's give it a try".

Doesn't help that I have half a carton sitting on my desk though

>> No.6880596

>Or is it just some trendy hipster bullshit that is smoked ironically?
Read the package. Consider that maybe people smoke them because the tobacco is additive free.
They burn slowly and they're easier to quit than cigarettes with additives. Also they're really dry, generally harsher than normal cigarettes.
I really like the blacks. Pretty sure they have a higher nicotine content than most cigarettes.

>> No.6880599
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A user's guide.

>> No.6880606


I have heard that the whole "additive free" thing is bullshit. That the tobacco maybe un-doctored, but the paper and/or filter is full of the same "poisons" found in the tobacco from other cigarettes.

I ask because I see a lot of artsy qt girls smoking them at parties. I found this trend interesting. Might pick up a pack and see for myself.

Thanks m8.

>> No.6880635

Yeah I'm the dude you replied to. I've heard the same thing, that the tobacco is additive free while the paper is doctored. I don't know or care really.

I don't smoke anymore btw, if that's any sort of testament to their quitability. Just slowly cut down, less every day until it was only 1 a day then none.

>> No.6880815

Thus. I started smoking at age 14 to try and be edgy, and I felt like shit a lot because I would always get dirty looks for being obviously underage, and smoking in general.

>> No.6880835

Irregular smoker for 12 years now. B&H golds. In the process of quitting. God i love a good smoke

>> No.6880842

>le don draper face

this describes me perfectly, and yes, I am a chain smoker

>these feels
>hung out with French/euro kids in later years of high school
>they smoke because they're French
>start smoke socially and to be more European
>start smoking while drinking
>meet someone who teaches me how to smoke properly
>nek minit chain smoker at age 18
w-what have I done with my life?

>> No.6880846


>> No.6881469

i breath in the ashes of the cremated smokers by the cemetery, i love breathing all these years of being /fa

>> No.6881481

>bad for your health
>ruins skin
>makes your clothes stink

Why would you do it?

>> No.6881502


it looks cool BB)))) B)))))))

>> No.6881505
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life is hard, some people haven't learned how to cope

>> No.6881726

To any smokers reading this, please consider quitting for your own sake.

>> No.6881738

i like the smell and its pretty good. id rather enjoy life than watch out for all kinds of 'danger' just so that i can live a few years longer.

>> No.6881741

how hard was it to tell your parents you were gay?

>> No.6881745

'Merican Spirits 4eva.

if I'm broke I go with marby 27's or camel 99s doe

>> No.6881765


>> No.6881768

>2013 the year of our Rick
>still smoking actual plant matter

made the switch to BHO and never looked back masterrace

>> No.6882953

How do you deal with the smell that comes with smoking? I smoked for the first time with a group of friends the other day and I could not get the smell to go away it was disgusting, and I don't think the smell is very /fa/

>> No.6883240
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>> No.6883274

A couple of packs of duty free Drum tobacco at the moment. Trying to find some sweet, sweet Gauloises rolling tobacco.

>> No.6883291

i like the smell idk. fades away after an hour for me, or i just get used to it lol

>> No.6883327

high grade weed and camel turkish royals or camel wide lights.

>> No.6883392


>buying cigarettes
It's like you want to get addicted and be poor

>> No.6883423

I only smoke da ganj

>> No.6883581
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>> No.6883608

Woody Allen flick? No, why? Thinking of watching.

>> No.6883994


>> No.6884017

I just got one today too. It has nicotine, but it's better than smoking a pack a day. Or at least I hope.

Cafe mocha is wonderful.

>> No.6884064

I smoke American Spirit rolling tobacco and a whole lotta ganja :)))))))))!!!

>> No.6884133

Sounds like meth is for you.

>> No.6884146
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>> No.6884171

I smoke weed, but only out of properly rolled joint and blunts, hardly ever from a pipe or bong unless i'm at a party.

pipes and bongs aren't /fa/.

captcha: NTSBuir Papers

>> No.6884180
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Joints are cooler anyway. Bongs are gross and smelly. The only /fa/ way to smoke weed is with a joint, a small one.

>> No.6884192

>pipes aren't /fa/
I've smoked out of some antique wooden pipes.
Not sherlocks, but a real old school pipe.
Like what a master bronze age wood-carver would make.

>> No.6884202
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We're talking about glass pipes. Unless of coarse they are certain hand blown ones. But just a normal shitty glass pipe or bong is gross and un/fa/.

>> No.6884223


Also, native american peace pipes are /fa/.

>> No.6884222

xD lol

>> No.6884247

people don't enjoy life on meth.

Id rather be a heroin addict

>> No.6884251

Watch it immediately, Woody Allen is a genius.

>> No.6884262
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>> No.6884267
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heroin is the most /fa/ drug

>> No.6884274

If I'm wanting to get American Spirits and I want
-non menthol
Which one do I get?

>> No.6884278

american spirits taste like shit.

>> No.6884281

whichever you like the best? lol stop sperging

>> No.6884284
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worldly things

>> No.6884289

See how gross bongs are?

>> No.6884293

There's too many damn boxes. I don't know which are which.

>> No.6884298
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flavor, stronger nicotine buzz, less harm, etc.


I'm starting to dip and I smoke too, camel unfiltered and camel filters, but in my country they don't sell camel unfiltered cigarettes or dip so it's not that easy to buy both drugs.

>> No.6884303

how so?

>> No.6884305



Fucking pleb. Learn to have taste.

>> No.6884394


>> No.6884438
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>> No.6884447


you don't. look the what you are saying, you are to beta to start smoking.

>> No.6884476

don't know where else to ask, but whats the difference between Camel Turkish Royal, and Turkish Gold? I can never find Royals, but always find Gold. Apparently Royals are sweeter or something?

>> No.6884482


why do you ask? camel untiltereds

>> No.6884480

not that guy but reds taste like fucking cheese.

>> No.6884559
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>pipes and bongs aren't /fa/


>Bongs are gross and smelly. The only /fa/ way to smoke weed is with a joint, a small one

>a small one

Fucking ignorants probably brainwashed by /fa/.

>> No.6884728

Bongs are far more efficient, that should be your main concern, don't want to be wasting any weed.

Buckets are the most /fa/ anyway, look how /fa/ Jay is here.

>> No.6884732

marlboro lights

>> No.6884782


American Spirits are pretty gross, try Tareyton, or Kent instead.

>> No.6884797


>> No.6884803

lol why would you smoke

is coughing up blood effay?
is leaving your family at 55 effay?
is dying while hooked up to 6 different machines effay?

>> No.6884839

first time was with marlboro black.
tried ice blast and theyre pretty cool no pun intended
kinda getting into lights menthol now.

i heard lucky strikes are good? havent tried them yet

>> No.6886586

been in the market for a good vape for weed. any suggestions?

>> No.6887709
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I've got the magic flight launch box, it's perfect for an affordable, small portable vape that works in any situation. Vaporite sells some good plug-in vapes that aren't too expensive, and if you're willing to shell out more money volcano is the way to go

>> No.6889104

gauloises bleu.

>> No.6889120


>> No.6889316

Marlboro 27's when I am drinking, 2-3 cigars a month.

>> No.6889326

marlboro lights. i started smoking rollies for a bit to save money but it didn't work because i would just smoke more of them.

>> No.6889335

mah nigga

>> No.6889369


>> No.6890833

what country do you live in where they don't sell dip?

>> No.6891089
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Best thing about CA
Can't touch it during season though

>> No.6891108
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A non-trivial number of posters in this thread will die of lung cancer

>> No.6891157

>and nothing of value was lost

>> No.6891209

haven't smoked since tuesday
tfw walking by cuties carrying the delicious scent of cheap cigarettes

god fucking damn

why do cigarettes smell SO FUCKING GOOD when you're on a break

you just get one little whiff

>> No.6891239

i know right? even just during a shift, you get a smell morsel from the back door where your coworkers are out having a smoke break and aaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.6891272

can't sleep
too busy humoring myself with stupid ideas of how to find some cigs

>> No.6891271
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>tfw never smoked a cigarette before

i really want to know this feel

>> No.6891289

no tomato don't
why the fuck do i care
go for it
ruin your life
but ruin it the best way you can

>> No.6891300
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>tfw i'm scared i'll end up getting lung cancer

just my luck it would happen too

>> No.6891328

honestly the chances are that you'll die from some other controllable disease due to stupid shit everyone does like eating meat or not exercising

but i forgive myself by telling myself i'll quit before i get old enough that the lung damage is irreparable

>> No.6891337

fuck god dammit
nearest gas station is a 40 minute walk

>> No.6891338

when the fuck was katawa shoujo animated

>> No.6891350

haha that sucks
my license has been revoked for the past two months and i look like a fifteen year old so getting cigarettes has been really annoying, literally an ordeal every time

>> No.6891368

my grandfather quit smoking when he was 40 and is still suffering the consequences at age 90. he has a tumor on his lip and some heart problem whose name i forget, and it can only be caused by smoking

>> No.6891414

sorry to hear that anon
i mean
i've had family who never smoked who didn't even make it to 90
i'd say your grandpa is doing good

anyway, i was thinking more like 30
but regardless
this shit aint good for ye

>> No.6892276

BRUH! SAME, they're pretty tasty

>> No.6892375

>tfw people look down on u when u tell them u smoke
thanks fa

>> No.6893484

>thinking that most people associate smoking with being "cool"

Smoking stops being cool for most people after the age of 19.

>> No.6893753

>lol why would you do that

It's more effective than smoking at what I use nicotine to achieve, which is appetite suppression and a buzz. It has a terrible reputation only because of its association with rednecks and an effective campaign by the anti-tobacco lobby after they realized "smoking kills you" would just turn people toward smokeless. Objectively speaking, it's less disgusting than smoking if you use it right. Don't do it to the point of addiction, brush your damn teeth, and no one will even know you do it.

>> No.6893792

marl red

bh silver

>> No.6893799

weed. occasionally.

>> No.6893806

Hookah with college friends
Pipe tobacco with high school friends
Cigarettes for daily
Bud on the weekend

>> No.6893812


>> No.6893808
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>> No.6893832

am I the only one?

>> No.6894012

You'll hate the first couple anyway

>> No.6894026


Paki detected

>> No.6894047

American Spirits, usually blue or red, but I'm kind of trying to quit.

>> No.6894058

I wish I could find these up in the frozen north. Fucking Lights and Filters only.

>> No.6894089
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>> No.6894100

but i dont smoke cuz its cool. stop proejcting

>> No.6894126

i thinks its funny how women who gladly starve themselves and cause organ damage to be model thin if they had the willpower turn their nose up and rant about how unhealthy smoking is if you tell them that cigarettes curb idle snacking.

>> No.6894148
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my fix

>> No.6894156

or fat shits who can barely walk bitch at you for smoking
nigga you're gonna have a heart attack at 30, you can't talk about what's healthy

>> No.6894209

look at this badass

>> No.6894218


>> No.6894230

Only weed.

I quit smoking years ago when I was in a tight financial spot and now I can't smoke tobacco or cloves anymore without feeling seriously ill.

>> No.6894231

starbucks coffee is so awful though

>> No.6894240

coming from someone with hipster as their trip

>> No.6894276

>Mfw my jewish friend never bought a single pack of cigs in his life and always borrowed cigs from someone else
>Tfw no face

>> No.6894630

fucin jew fag go back to auswhitz u anoreix btichch

>> No.6895205

you just don't "get it"

>> No.6895830

Nat Sherman Hints

>> No.6895846

bought a pack of davidoffs, n broke into neighbours house with my uncle drunk last night and nipped a pack of LM's

>> No.6895872

fuck that man dont smoke seriously

>> No.6896060

marlboro smooth 100


>> No.6896122

Oh god, golds are fucking gross.

>> No.6896127

I'm sure anything you make fun of just can't be /fa/.

>> No.6896156

Boxxi has nice breasts.

>> No.6896179

don't smoke cigs homies :(

>> No.6897985

why not

>> No.6898367

Rothmans Gold King Size

>> No.6899037

Marlboro reds, Red devils, Camel gold

>> No.6899218

I only drink Starbucks coffee on my smoke break because I work there.
>Blue Camels Wide Filters
>Tall Blonde Roast, no cream

It's not great, though.

>> No.6899627

five days since last smoke
send help

>> No.6899922
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Vapur e-cigs

Yes I know I'm a fag.

>> No.6900255

National Sherman Hint of Mint. The brown smokes make them look ghetto, but they're so damn delicious!

>> No.6900396


>> No.6900477

B-but weed is gud 4 u! IT CURES CANCER!

>> No.6901020

I stopped wanting to smoke because I realized it was stupid. So I stopped.

>> No.6902072


I smoke Lucky Strikes always, but haven't smoke for about a month. I still want one so bad, maybe next week. I didn't quit, i just didn't have the opportunity to smoke one.

>> No.6902306
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tbf I hear all these horror stories but all the older people i know who smoked from a young age and still smoked are in good health and look fine. Smoking is bad obvs but it's not a death sentence for everyone who does it.

Anyway, I'd probably die from a heart attack due to caffeine addiction than lung cancer due to smoking

>tfw had chest pains earlier
>tfw one of my arms felt like it was going numb
scary shit

>> No.6902337

A lot of independent smoke shops don't ask for ID. Good for those who look young/are underage.

>> No.6902340


There are sides, as with everything. I think it's only if your life style is bad in the first place. As in that article, 6 of the 10 oldest people who ever lived smoked, how can that be a death sentence? They we're healthy, thats it.

>> No.6902350


>> No.6902359
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27's master race reporting in

>> No.6902390

Yeh, I live a good lifestyle I think, I walk everywhere, I don't eat much meat or junk food and tobacco/weed and caffeine are the only 'drugs' I do. I also don't drink much at all now which is good, so my chances of getting cancer probably aren't that big.

>> No.6902394

can't find this in Florida anymore and the Golds are too light :(

I smoke Camel Filters

>> No.6902404

They don't sell enough Marlboro brands in the UK. The only ones they sell in most shops where I live are reds. But they were my regular smoke until recently so it's not all bad.

>> No.6902505
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Hey effay, I've never had any experience with smoking, and it's kinda on my bucket list. So, where do I go and what do I buy? And when I do that, how the fuck do I smoke?

>inb4 lung cancer
>mfw people who complain about smoking have never smoked

>> No.6902540

Go to any corner shop or a tobacconist. Ask for what brand catches your eye, the more expensive cigs are generally better. Get a lighter or two as well obviously.

Remember when you drag, breath the smoke down into your lungs afterwards (Real deep) or you won't get the nicotine hit. It's drag, then breathe in, then exhale.

Just be aware that if you start smoking on the reg, it will be an expensive habit. It will be a complete bitch to quit, and if you succeed in quitting you'll spend the rest of your life wanting a cigarette (so I'm told).

But you'll enjoy it anyway, the social aspect of smoking is very fun.

>> No.6902555

Star with a light cigarrette, just go fucking buy a pack and smoke.
I'ts not difficult, but INHALE, BREATHE the smoke in, this will take you like 3 days to master.
You will look like a faggot fot the first 3 or so months because you'll be aware of it. After that, when it becomes a habit, then, oh so only then, you'll look cool.

Enjoy your nausea and sleep hands the first days, then is all about the pleasure baby.

>> No.6902563
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Used to smoke B&H gold but I fell in love with belmonts.

>> No.6902575

Yo what country do you live in that has such obnoxious warning labels

>> No.6902586

Does smoking make you thinner? Im kinda chubby, it kills my self esteem.

>> No.6902591

eating less makes you thin you fucking fatass

>> No.6902593

Fucking canada. I smoke B&H and pay like 16 bucks a pack.

>> No.6902595
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>> No.6902625
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>> No.6902627

marlboro reds

>> No.6902640
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That sucks man. Smokers get treated like scum nowadays. Luckily warnings aren't as disgusting here in britbongland as u can see.

Also, this 25 gram bag was only 7 quid. Prices have always been cheap here.

>> No.6902646

Are Viceroys actually nice? Only know about them bc of Mac DeMarco. Ode to viceroy is a great song to smoke too.

>> No.6902681

theyre cheap.

>> No.6902686 [DELETED] 


dude 7 quid is like 20 candian dollars.

>> No.6902698

>obnoxious warning labels
>nigga don't know shit bout ausfag plain packaging

>> No.6902704


I know fuck all about exchange rates

>> No.6902714
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>> No.6902719

Pot is for degenerate faggots.

>> No.6902771
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you look 3 months pregnant

>> No.6902988

I never said I was a guy, anon ;)

>> No.6903001
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Feeling a little edgy tonight, eh?

>> No.6903007

but i have a thing for tenderly loving a qt traps boypussy and making him pregnant

if ur a girl then this does nothing for me

r u rlly a girl? ://