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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 172 KB, 600x600, The-Face-of-Fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6857585 No.6857585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw spend all summer building up my fall wardrobe
>half a dozen jackets, jeans, sweaters, hoodies, pullovers
>weather is nice and cool
>"today is the day"
>put on my new black uniqlo ma-1 jacket, h&m heather grey pullover, black h&m skinny jeans and docs
>go outside
>everyone is staring at me
>feel boss as fuck as i take a puff on my ecig
>preparing to cross the street when two black guys waddling up the street with their true religions at their thighs shout "yo what the fuck"
>ignore them
>walking down a residential neighborhood
>bunch of old black dudes sitting on the porch start hooting and hollering at me
>"nice hair elvis"
>"look at his boots haha damn nigga"
>go home thinking about how much i wish i could've shot the fucking niggers and left them dead in the street

what do i do now
is this what being /fa/ is like

>> No.6857596

>Dressing /fa/ in a black neighborhood
That's where you fucked up.
Only niggers are dumb enough to spend $400 on hideous True Religion jeans and oversized bulky foams and Js and think they look good.

Solution: Move to a decent suburb.

>> No.6857600

post a fit

>> No.6857604
File: 20 KB, 300x264, 1887164491751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying trues aren't god-tier

>> No.6857608

post fit

i only get mired

>> No.6857607


Dear God, do Americans really wear that shit?

>> No.6857617

Only black people.

>> No.6857622

>put on shit fit
>expect to be complimented

>> No.6857623

>That stitching
>Huge tacky tags
>Ugly wash

>> No.6857630
File: 19 KB, 260x383, 56D9540A-047D-45DD-806D-DE148808EB3D_extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doc martens
>calling blacks/negros 'niggers'
>is this what being /fa/ is like
haha no
but it is what being a fuccboi dressed by /fa/ is like

>> No.6857657

im sure the docs are a size too big, and the skinnies hug your rail thin legs, which then the parka offsets making you look like a big homo
show fit with your elvis hair

>> No.6857695

post fit anon

>> No.6857731

>feel boss as fuck as i take a puff on my ecig
Are these acceptable to use in public now?

>> No.6857753

i dont think my fit has anything to do with this discussion so back the fuck off and stop asking me

>> No.6857766


>> No.6857785
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>> No.6858121
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>> No.6858192

>having a problem with "niggers"
Reddit is that way, friend.

>> No.6858206


>>>/b/ is that way, 'friend'

>> No.6858234

>only /b/ aren't milquetoast white guilters
"Nigger" is a frequently-used word site-wide, please return to whatever consensus-approved hugbox you came here from.

>> No.6858252

>black uniqlo ma-1 jacket, h&m heather grey pullover, black h&m skinny jeans and docs
>is this what being /fa/ is like
no. no it's not.

>> No.6858253

Ur fits sux and you have no confidence.

>> No.6858255


>> No.6858263


not really, offence for offence sake is very /b/ tier

>> No.6858268

It is though...

>> No.6858285

>tfw when wore exclusively true religion for 5 years

atleast I was able to sell them all on ebay

>> No.6858298

Take your vicarious asspain somewhere else.
>offence for offence sake is very /b/ tier
Even if that were true, it doesn't change anything. "Nigger" is a common term just about everywhere on here.

>> No.6858301

>implying I haven't been on 4chan for 3 years and have said nigger in the past
it's called growing up

>> No.6858305

You're retarded.

>> No.6858307

>put on my new black uniqlo ma-1 jacket, h&m heather grey pullover, black h&m skinny jeans and docs
>feel boss as fuck as i take a puff on my ecig

If this isn't a trollpost, you need to commit sudoku right now

>> No.6858313

wow epic rek

>> No.6858311

have you been on any other boards?

>> No.6858312

haha, this is a really shit board

>> No.6858318 [DELETED] 


>> No.6858322
File: 182 KB, 442x341, 1377562780696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a pic, see if you look good

>> No.6858328

Josie :c

>> No.6858341
File: 11 KB, 234x215, 1359414136319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to feign "respectability"? Good for you. The point is that there's no reason to get upset about someone using a word like "nigger" unless you're a sanctimonious moralizer.

>> No.6858369
File: 637 KB, 500x600, tumblr_ms6ipwF8uv1rw4q08o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about feigning, you neckbeard. it's about actually realizing that being edgy and racist for no apparent reason or cause is attention seeking behaviour, and changing that. Emotional immaturity isn't /fa/

>> No.6858364

THe average black guy is not going to laugh at you for trying to dress nice. Have you ever seen when they go /fa/? It's pretty much exclusively what would be know as dad core but they love it. You must have seriously fucked up if random people were taking the time to laugh at you.

>> No.6858366
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>> No.6858422

ghetto niggers are like that

>> No.6858479

the irony is that those are exactly what the board is.

>> No.6858489

which has gone to shit. it's not effay to wear $40 uniqlo bombers and h&m.

>> No.6858501
File: 14 KB, 419x304, 1370226811329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a neckbeard, nice try.
How about using words that impart actual information instead of buzzwords and thought-terminating cliches?
>for no apparent reason or cause
Neat assumption.
>Emotional immaturity
Except that's exactly what self-congratulatory "anti-racism" is.

There's nothing the least bit /fa/ about racial egalitarianism.

>> No.6858533

>feel boss as fuck as i take a puff on my ecig


>> No.6858544

no it isnt bitch boy

hahaha at the gayboy who thinks wearing h&m is /fa/

>> No.6858553
File: 18 KB, 222x255, Arkanoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress like a bad wannabe skinhead fuccboi
>muh niggers hollering at me, wtf guys

Don't you know anything about streets and stuff?

>> No.6858559

You are a scummy person and I hope your maturity level is different in person. Cheers.

>> No.6858563
File: 496 KB, 375x211, 1376793864331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858561

>There's nothing the least bit /fa/ about racial egalitarianism.

Pahahaaha dude

>> No.6858609

It's true. Being /fa/ is about looking good, and looking good implies inequality (looking better than others). Egalitarianism and equality are intrinsically un/fa/.

There's nothing the least bit /fa/ about the "#FCKH8 WE'RE ALL EQUAL NOBODY AIN'T NOT NO DIFFERENT FROM NOBODY ELSE" attitude.

>> No.6858633

>How about using words that impart actual information instead of buzzwords and thought-terminating cliches?
There is no need for further description. You're propagating unnecessary slurs on the internet, in a discussion about fashion. How would you describe that if not edgy for the sake of edginess? The only reason racism caught on so much on 4chan is that it was hipster and cool to go against the grain where it seemed every plen was an anti racist
>Neat assumption.
So why are you hung up on using the word nigger, for no apparent reason?
>self-congratulatory "anti-racism"
>anti-racist is codeword for anti-white

What do you define as /fa/?

>> No.6858658

So if you believe that some people are inherently better than others because of things out of their control like what race they were born, why the fuck would you look to improve yourself? And dressing well is subjective as all hell and relies on what someone defines as well. Fashion is all about "in groups" and creating an area of belonging for oneself. You just clearly see all blacks as an out group and therefore they aren't "fashionable" to you. And you wear fucking doc martens you moron.

I really don't get why /pol/ wants to show everyone on 4chan that they don't like other races. Like good for you man whatever

>> No.6858662


being /fa/ is about doing what you want and being unbeholden to anyone. in a way anti racism is un /fa/ in that it propagates a certain state of mind and acceptance of a line but that's only institutionalized anti-racism. if you come to the conclusion that, hey i like blacks just fine, and not because some dumbass government mandates or school brainwashing brought you to it then that's /fa/. what's not /fa/ is being a little bitch about other people having different opinions

>> No.6858685

And as a writer, inserting big words you don't really understand makes you look like you're trying to force yourself forward as a voice of reason and intelligence, but everyone else just perceives it as you feel that you need to put them in to compensate for other people not thinking you're as smart as you say you are. You probably have a lot of friends that call you idiot and it kills you.

>> No.6858693


I'll cut your ass if you ever come to NY

Fuck outta here

>> No.6858699

Niggers do.

>> No.6858713

Lol, raddits is for censorship. Everyone here calls niggers niggers because we aren't censored.

>> No.6858720
File: 30 KB, 300x428, pauly-d-delvecchio-true-religion-billy-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858733

This is disgusting. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6858734
File: 187 KB, 753x899, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858730
File: 443 KB, 500x750, jordan-katie-price-true-religion-joey-super-t-denim-jeans-peter-andre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858746

That guy is swarthy as fuck.

>> No.6858758

>So if you believe that some people are inherently better than others because of things out of their control like what race they were born, why the fuck would you look to improve yourself
All you can do in life is work with what you're given.
>And dressing well is subjective as all hell and relies on what someone defines as well.
But it still involves looking better than others, even if it's completely subjective.
>And you wear fucking doc martens you moron.
I'm not OP.
>I really don't get why /pol/ wants to show everyone on 4chan that they don't like other races.
Be as negrophilic as you want, I just hate the snottiness of people redirecting others to /b/ for using words that have been commonplace on this site forever.
As long as people aren't crying over racial slurs, I'm fine with this.
>And as a writer, inserting big words you don't really understand makes you look like you're trying to force yourself forward as a voice of reason and intelligence, but everyone else just perceives it as you feel that you need to put them in to compensate for other people not thinking you're as smart as you say you are
That's swell and all, but the reason I use "big words" is because I'm trying to be as specific as possible so that you're sure to understand what I'm saying.
>You probably have a lot of friends that call you idiot and it kills you.
No, people have always thought I'm a genius when I'm most likely completely average intelligence-wise.

>> No.6858760

lol, being anti-racist stopped being /fa/ when everyone started acting that way

>> No.6858781

wow anti-racism is such a crazy idea, you really must have a numbed mind to fall into a trap like equality.

>> No.6858785

>inserting big words

The term for that is "bombastic", you plebeian.

>> No.6858805
File: 48 KB, 838x983, 1275870970429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you'd have to be a communist to see how retarded /pol/tards are

>> No.6858830

>There is no need for further description.
Those terms are thrown around trying to discredit someone without actually saying anything.
>You're propagating unnecessary slurs on the internet,
Don't use them if you don't like them, then. I'm just saying you need to stop redirecting someone to /b/ for saying a word that's been popular on this site forever.
>in a discussion about fashion
That's no more out-of-place than redirecting someone to /b/ in a discussion about fashion.
>The only reason racism caught on so much on 4chan is that it was hipster and cool to go against the grain where it seemed every plen was an anti racist
Assuming this is true, so what? That doesn't mean that there aren't actual reasons to be "racist," and doesn't change the fact that offensiveness (whether serious or playful) is a quality inherent to this site itself. This isn't the place for thin skin.
>anti-racist is codeword for anti-white
That's retarded Stormfront shit.
>This is disgusting.
Cool beans.
>You have no idea what you are talking about.
You shouldn't have a hard time proving me wrong, then.

>> No.6858828

There is no equality and there never was and there never will be. Some people are taller. Some people are smarter. Some people are prettier. As long as there are differences there is no equality. Racism is just noticing patterns in these differences in people and applying those observations in your thoughts. Not being at least subconsciously racist is being too stupid to notice patterns or too brainwashed to disregard them. Just because I'm racist doesn't mean I act negatively because of it. Pretending to not be racist is pretending you're stupid.

>> No.6858847

>e cig

You fucking faggot

>> No.6858862

You realize that there are more than the crazed neonazis there, right? That would be like me deciding everyone on /fa/ is gothninja.

>> No.6858866

and chinks

>> No.6858872

>wow anti-racism is such a crazy idea
Considering there's no evidence that evolution stops at the neck and just about all available data says otherwise it is.

People believe that all races are equal because they're bombarded with the idea all day, every day.

>> No.6858878

sure the rest are sheltered somewhat nerdy white teens who, due to to low self esteem and lack of sexual success, latch onto a dying movement of white is right mentality to validate their pathetic existences that don't amount to much beside the fact that they believe they are somehow more intelligent and informed because they're "redpilled"

>> No.6858893

>a dying movement of white is right mentality
If anything, there's going to be more of a surge of ethno-nationalism as whites die out in their own countries.

>> No.6858921

The Nazis are white nationalists and make the threads you're talking about. They're also Christian in 2013

>> No.6858930

i'm actually shocked that i share this board with /pol/tards. i never thoughtd itd be even worse than kttfags

>> No.6858954

>fucking doc martens
W-what's wrong with docs?

>> No.6858995

srs pls

>> No.6859006

ikr, subscribing to edgy philosophies is the polar opposite of being fashionable. Stay on stormfront nerds. This board is for fashion and not your coping mechanism.

>> No.6859041

Oh whoops I misread that, I thought he said: "is this what /fa/ is like"

>> No.6859047

I remember when I had no friends I could be open with too.

>> No.6859051

well clearly it isn't or this thread wouldn't be full of people calling you out on it.
it's not even offensive, it just makes you look dumb and childish.
grow up m8.

>> No.6859062 [DELETED] 

There's that word again.
>well clearly it isn't or this thread wouldn't be full of people calling you out on it.
The derriere devastation is a recent thing due to the influx of newish people.
>well clearly it isn't or this thread wouldn't be full of people calling you out on it.
>baseless opinion

>> No.6859066

Doing something just because the crowd doesn't do it is as brainless as doing something because the crowd does do it.

>> No.6859076

On any decent board you'd have got called out for behaving as childishly as you have been itt for the past 3 years at least. Everyone else has grown up. Maybe you should too, or fuck off back to /b/.

>> No.6859079
File: 50 KB, 429x268, 1369470296162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that word again.
>well clearly it isn't or this thread wouldn't be full of people calling you out on it.
The derriere devastation is a recent thing due to the influx of newer people.
>it's not even offensive, it just makes you look dumb and childish.
>baseless opinion

>> No.6859132

I'm not the other guy, and I realize the entire conversation is off topic. But I read everything you wrote to each other and I just want to say, there is a reason people "irl" don't use slurs all the time, and are careful with words / attitudes connected to for example racism. It's just caring about other people.
This is anonymous Internet, so of course you can be unstoppable and say anything. But here I feel like we at least in some ways strive to have a somewhat mature language. And that's why I think he's redirecting you to /b/, because there no one cares about that.

I don't think you're "trying to be edgy", and I'm not gonna get into political discussions or whatever with you, but using racist vocabulary is just lowering the quality of the board.

>> No.6859154

>being this white.

>> No.6859190

Agreed. If this actually happened (*IF*), then you were probably in a neighborhood you had no business being in anyway. In which case, they weren't laughing at your clothes, as much as your overall cluelessness about what is going on around you.

I can tell immediately when people at my school aren't from this city. They're usually the ones who rent an apartment in a certain part of town just because they found it for cheap on Craigslist or wherever, but since they're not from the area, they're ignorant of how crime-ridden that particular area may be. Is this you, OP?

>> No.6859193

>It's just caring about other people.
But there's more than one way of caring about people. Wouldn't helping people grow a thicker skin be caring about people? Hell, when the ancient Spartans euthanized their babies, they saw it as being the most compassionate action to take.

Also, rhe negative social repercussions are another factor in Joe Honky's fear of racial slurs.
>But here I feel like we at least in some ways strive to have a somewhat mature language.
Like "fuccboi"?

>> No.6859204

I live in New York you fart
718Posse til I die

>> No.6859208

Fuccboi is just a nonsense term that has little to no negative consequence if you were to say it IRL, say in a crowded lecture hall at a modern university. Try that with nigger and see what happens

And i can't believe you're equating saying nigger on 4chan with some sort of altruistic intent

>> No.6859211

lmao i just imagined some auschwitz tier italian new yorker with a stupid elvis haircut and a cheap bomber jacket saying this in a ridiculous east coast accent
"i live in new yawk ya faht"
"fuckin nigguhs laffin at my dawks"
"i can't find muh fuckin e-cig mane"

you're such a fucking faggot seriously get off my /fa/

>> No.6859224

saying nigger on certain boards autobans you

>> No.6859226
File: 38 KB, 555x555, 1348839199708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using ecigs

>> No.6859240

OP here
I had a terrible fucking day today
>Another cool pre-fall day
>Decide to spend the evening on my stoop
>Break out a few Cokes (in glass bottles because its /fa/) and chill on the stoop and smoke my blus
>Sun is setting and niggers come out and start niggering
>Party in the adjacent block
>Niggers running up and down the street throwing firecrackers at each other
>Watching the animals chimp out when a squad of three black kids come in my yard, push past my fence gate
>"Yo who you is"
>These niggers are asking who I am on my own lawn
>I don't say anything, wait for them to leave
>"You got a phone white boy?"
>"Lemme see your pockets"
>I tell him to fuck off and take a drag off my blu
>They start laughing and they get closer
>I stand up and say "Get away from me"
>I pick up my Coke bottle and try to smash it against the railing
>It doesn't break
>Niggers start laughing
>I try to run in my house and close the door
>They put a foot in between the door and pull me out and take my phone and my Supreme 5 panel and slap me and leave me on my stoop for dead

I'm so fucking angry right now, holy shit
I called the cops but they never came

>> No.6859243

this has to be a troll

>> No.6859247

>buying supreme
your first mistake lmao

>> No.6859246

10/10 copypasta

>> No.6859249
File: 253 KB, 1000x749, 1376334037687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuccboi is just a nonsense term that has little to no negative consequence if you were to say it IRL
How does the lack of negative real-life consequences make it okay, though? You could say the same for the inverse with "nigger."
>And i can't believe you're equating saying nigger on 4chan with some sort of altruistic intent
What I'm saying is that there's more than one way of "caring about people," not just focusing on their immediate emotional reactions.

>> No.6859251


My sides have reached orbit.

>> No.6859257

The sad thing is this sounds like a completely plausible scenario
>Drinking from glass Coke bottles instead of plastic to look 'effay'
What happened, /fa/?

>> No.6859264
File: 901 KB, 1778x2341, 09349_raq04_123_401lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just common decency. Do you go around calling handicapped people gimp fucks? Just to desensitize them?

>> No.6859265

>Another cool pre-fall day
>Decide to spend the evening on my stoop
>Break out a few Cokes (in glass bottles because its /fa/) and chill on the stoop and smoke my blus
>Sun is setting and crackas come out and start crackaring
>Party in the adjacent block
>Crackas running up and down the street throwing firecrackers at each other
>Watching the animals chimp out when a squad of three white kids come in my yard, push past my fence gate
>"Yo who you is"
>These crackas are asking who I am on my own lawn
>I don't say anything, wait for them to leave
>"You got a phone black boy?"
>"Lemme see your pockets"
>I tell him to fuck off and take a drag off my blu
>They start laughing and they get closer
>I stand up and say "Get away from me"
>I pick up my Coke bottle and try to smash it against the railing
>It doesn't break
>Crackas start laughing
>I try to run in my house and close the door
>They put a foot in between the door and pull me out and take my phone and my Supreme 5 panel and slap me and leave me on my stoop for dead

>> No.6859266


as someone who has actually been mugged before i honestly can't tell if this is real or fake
either way 10/10 made me lol

>> No.6859260
File: 27 KB, 324x278, 818174159510714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They put a foot in between the door and pull me out and take my phone and my Supreme 5 panel and slap me and leave me on my stoop for dead

>> No.6859269

if ur not trolling then u def belong in /r9k/ lmfao

>> No.6859268

You should consider moving.

>> No.6859280

They are, they so are shit.

>> No.6859275


you guys are fucking stupid

>> No.6859277

What can I say? Would you use a deragatory word to someone from a minority (for example someone homosexual) in public and when they said "What the fuck?" you would be like "I mean no harm, I want to make you stronger"?

And no, fuccboi is another example of immature, /b/-like language on this board.

>> No.6859286


>> No.6859295

Your problem is the niggs, their problem is your fit. We'll stay on your side if you post a fit.

>> No.6859300

/s4s/ doesn't like not nice people, plz remove yourself.

>> No.6859306


>> No.6859308
File: 349 KB, 500x375, 1376335771237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you use a deragatory word to someone from a minority (for example someone homosexual) in public and when they said "What the fuck?" you would be like "I mean no harm, I want to make you stronger"?
No, that sounds pretty aspergian. I could tell them to stop being so thin-skinned, though, which in essence is pretty similar.

I try not to use words like "nigger" out in the open just because it's in my own best interest not to use them publically in today's oversensitive world.

>> No.6859316


I don't care for your shitty opinions, but those pictures are hilarious m8

>> No.6859313


>> No.6859349

man I am taking the bait.


>pullover hoodie with jacket
>being this white

You deserve to die a pleb. Racism isn't too /fa/ either.

>> No.6859359


>tfw I've only seen white people wear true religion jeans

Saw two today actually.

>> No.6859392

>implying looking good is directly correlated with looking better than another person

Though it is subjectively true because you need a basis to compare "looking good" that's not what fashion is about.

>> No.6859421

If we had more time & space and weren't on the wrong board for the topic I would def buy you a beer or something and we could talk about why you think the world is over-sensitive and so on. I don't think it is.

I'm getting some sleep now, but my point, if you're interested, is just: for everyone's sake don't use a mindlessly offensive language when posting.

>> No.6859430

I always assumed that fuccboi came from models sucking cock to be models and being called fuccboi because of it.

>> No.6859431

They look like jeans for a ken doll that accidentally got hit by a reverse shrink ray

>> No.6859467

are people actually falling for this bait?

>> No.6859493
File: 2.32 MB, 348x323, Cheers, innit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, broseph, enjoy your rest.

>> No.6859521

>Complains about being mocked because of looks
>i dont think my fit has anything to do with this discussion


>> No.6859542

The western world is pretty oversensitive nowadays. Consider how when people were unhappy with a public figure 400 years ago they chopped off their head.

>> No.6859709



>> No.6860074

except what you fail to comprehend is that edgy isn't being used as a thought terminating cliche.

the guy who said "srs pls" is using thought terminating cliche because he is dismissing the argument.

We're using the word edgy to mean being alarming/radical/different in an attempt to gain attention. An edgy philosophy, therefore, is one which is socially unacceptable, and therefore used by some as a way to gain attention. "look at me, I believe in this anachronistic, morally reprehensible, thoroughly disproved ideology, aren't I so shocking and interesting?"

>> No.6860084


>> No.6860093

just because a word is charged doesn't mean the argument it's used in is invalid.

If anything, you are just latching onto specific words in every post against you that offend you and using the "charge" in them as your own thought terminating argument.

Notice how every one of your arguments picks apart the opposing argument bit by bit, but never addresses the actual issue at hand? you just spout off opinions right and left.

>> No.6860111

the variations caused by upbringing are often larger than the genetic ones.

racism is defined as making generalizations about an entire race, or assumptions about a person based off their race (whether they are negative or positive). stating the differences between races is not racist. Saying that those differences apply to all members of that race is.

>> No.6860127

right, because the data isn't skewed by the fact that most blacks in america are still fucked over by the history of their opression.

that said, you're right that it doesn't stop at the neck. but why does that matter? should we get rid of all white people because the average isn't as fit as a black person?

>> No.6860148

no, but he does it on 4chan because he thinks it's alarming and funny.

however, I must say that a lot of people have been seeing it so constantly on 4chan that it is just how they talk when they're here.

>> No.6860142

Is it /fa/ to act like a little bitch when someone doesn't like your cheap shit-quality fit? Of course. Does that make you a well-dressed and decent person? No, you fuck.

>> No.6860150

Yeah, no. That shit is too bold for plebeian eyes, OP. Your ilk might appreciate it, but people on the street sure as hell won't. This is why you should make a habit of donning classic menswear for unremarkable circumstances.

>> No.6860157

that shit ain't bold at all. the only bold part is the docs.

>> No.6860170

Not even once you mega faggot

>> No.6860202

>School dress code is Jordans, relaxed fit jeans, tees.
>Be the only dude that is into fashion.
>Basic bitchin'.
>White tee, tapered chinos rolled up, docs.
>Walking through parking lot.
>"That guy looks like a psycho."
>pls dnt be talking about mi :'(

At least I don't have any fit competition on campus, right?

>> No.6860208

The average person doesn't worry about quality and pricetags, that's only fashion communities.

>> No.6860220

Man that's some awful shit, it's designed for nignogs so it's at least appropriate for them. But white guys?? Wigger as fuck.

>> No.6860221


>feel boss as fuck as i take a puff on my ecig

that's where you went wrong mate

>> No.6860222

oh r u a big babby now?

>> No.6860223

At first I thought it was a greentextpasta of some sort, or OP just joking, but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.6860225

ecigs are fine quit being gay
much better than actual cigarettes, but unfortunately the long-term repercussions are still unknown as they are still a fairly new technology.

>> No.6860235

>ecigs are fine
>being this new

>> No.6860239

>tapered rolled chinos


>> No.6860243

>>being this new
They've hardly been mentioned on /fa/, I've only seen one or two threads every once in a while

>> No.6860245

lemme just say this, i was on e-cigarretes for a month and i still felt kinda shitty. Went back to normal cigs and then quit entirely. Within 2 days i felt several times better that I ever did on e-cigs.

Nicotine is more of a cunt than you might think

>> No.6860248

Post fit fuccboi.

>> No.6860251

damn son, haven't heard that before
glad you're ok now tho

>> No.6860253

>go to hippy fest because qt raver friends
>walking around with a head full of acid minding my own buisness
>wearing simple plaid buttonup with the top two buttons undone, pinrolled cargos and 8-eye docs
>some middleaged burnout with a tribal tattoo sleeve in front of me jerks his thumb at me and looks at his friends
>"get a load of this guy. Looks like a military man hahaha."
>reply "Maybe i am." (im not)
>he puts his head down and mumbles "Ah. alright."
>keep walking

alpha as fuuuuuuuuck. That was such a beautiful morning too :)

>> No.6860261

I agree with you, but OP's attitude is that he's suddenly an elite fashionista because he thought he pulled off a basic fit.

>> No.6860282


ecigs are NOT fine, do you have any idea how much inhaling straight vaporized nicotine will FUCK you?

Mind you, im not saying cigarettes are good/better/worse, but if you want a fucking awful, debilitating, bodywracking, headache inducing painful addiction you will fucking get one smoking ecigs.

>> No.6860291

Why the fuck are you two fighting about e-cigs?

>> No.6860287

>ecigs are NOT fine, do you have any idea how much inhaling straight vaporized nicotine will FUCK you?
No because there hasn't been any empirical evidence indicating any harm?

>> No.6860293

It's good for your T-Zone.

>> No.6860318


do you know what "nicotine fits" are?

you get them after years of cigarette smoking.

now imagine cigarettes are more or less odorless and you can smoke it wherever, whenever, for however long you want with noone bothering you. NOW imagine how long it'll take someone to develop the condition.

And sure, you're right. i don't have empirical evidence to suggest that this will happen. But knowing people with addictive personalities and smokers alike, it's not hard to draw a conclusion based on common sense.

The things were created to help people quit. Now people smoke them exclusively and they're marketed as an alternative "better" way to smoke. If that doesn't speak to their addictive power i don't know what does.

>> No.6860325

I judge groups by the group and individuals by individuals. I'll be nice to any black guy I see. But if he smells nasty and dresses like a nigger then he's a nigger. I love old black guys, they ham it up every time they come in the department store I work at. I've learned that Asians cheat with coupons, Indians are cheap as hell, black people are either super nice or super gross and cheap, Arabs are nice and act just like white people, old women are bad at math and abstract thought.

>> No.6860326


because ecigs are the fedora of smoking.

>> No.6860331

But black people have a higher obesity rate. That's just a myth based on athletes.

>> No.6860343

*tips blu e-cig*

>> No.6860350

Yeah, nah. I'm from /fit/ and from every ecig thread I've ever seen cigarettes are worse. Lifts go up 10-20lbs just from a week of not smoking normally.

>> No.6860372
File: 596 KB, 1315x1234, shitfuckcock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, I always felt I had something at the back of my throat and my lung capacity didn't improve whatsoever. I think it can help some people curb their habit but it's definitely not as harmless as people think. Also, there's no documentation on an appropriate dose. I looked online and there were people who were taking a drag every minute which is fucking retarded. If you have a normal smoking habit 2 drags every couple of hours will give you the nicotine you need. The thing is, smoking is more than just a chemical addiction and you'll find you're never fully satiated because you don't get the same level of asphyxiation as a normal cigarette. What this means is you end up taking a lot more nicotine than you would with normal cigarettes and so the only discernible improvements you actually get are an in taste and smell.

Pic related the side effects of nicotine

anyway this post is way too serious for 4chan so


>> No.6860395


yeah, but you look like a fag.

why lift if when you choose to smoke you look like a pussy

>> No.6860405

oh no absolutely man, they're definitely better because you're not inhaling benzene, formaldehyde and all the other crazy shit but dude they're not as good as people think. My lifts improved much more when i quit smoking outright. The thing with e-cigarettes is that i was always on edge and never properly satiated. It's much better to quit outright

>> No.6860474

Same side effects as coffee.

>> No.6860506

Fair enough, i don't drink coffee so I wouldn't know but even so surely that doesn't detract from the fact that these side effects are wank?

>> No.6860538

All you fuccbois are so gay

>> No.6860758

isn't that guy the Fantano sidekick?

>> No.6860763

count cheska

>> No.6860764

you sound like you dress like shit
fuccboi/10 if true, 9/10 if troll


>> No.6860973

OP here I'm in the hospital will update later

>> No.6860984

what happened now..

>> No.6860987



>> No.6860995
File: 207 KB, 1342x1000, toplel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if this is real im dyin

>> No.6861005

>but them back stacks

>> No.6861065

>i called the cops and they never came

>> No.6862983

>mfw op never came back
rip in peace