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File: 128 KB, 357x989, 453532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6810099 No.6810099 [Reply] [Original]

what's the equivalent of a grill's fedora?

>> No.6810106

Seen this topic before.

I think last time we agreed on poorly implemented burlesque.

>> No.6810111

specifically those tiny little top hats that get pinned on.

>> No.6810112


It can be good if done well, but it never is. Instead it's worn exclusively by mad bitches.

Source: The two girls I know who wear corsets are certifiably insane

>> No.6810120

Not sure if the clothes are shopped on him or that he shopped himself being outside.

>> No.6810134
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>> No.6810163

It's both.

>> No.6810169


>> No.6810190

there isnt an equivalent
at least not clothes. corsets or these hats >>6810134 are not worn for the same reason a fedora is worn

>> No.6810205

black/white converse

>> No.6810213

i think the first thread on this, the consensus was "curvy" girls in rockabilly bullshit

the thread after that, we agreed it was those striped emo arm warmers

>> No.6810238

Pretty much this.

Both worn to achieve a level of old timey "class", both outdated and awkward to wear in modern times. Both worn by euphorics, enlightened by their own autism.

>> No.6810261

Then, to add on this, what about the furry hats with the ears on

>> No.6810265

There's a girl at my college that wears those.

Sometimes she wear little motorised cat ears. She's reaaaaaaal ugly too. Like everytime I look at her, I become at little bit more gay.

>> No.6810283

We make fun of boys trying to be men by wearing a fedora they can't pull off.

For women, that would be girls wearing high heels without knowing how to walk in them.

>> No.6810296

ugg boots

>> No.6810302

OH god I know a girl like this. Brb Dumping pics of the hilarity.

>> No.6810305

yeah but theres a fuckton, a majority of girls that CAN and do pull of heels

theres like 2 guys worldwide that pull off fedoras

id say its corsets like the other guy. outdated irrelevant fashion that could be attractive on an attractive person but is worn by ugly fat people 99.999% of the time

>> No.6810311
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>> No.6810313

I know a girl who used to dress like this at my uni. She was hot tho.

>> No.6810319
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>> No.6810325


fucking awfull

shitty fucking dyed black hair contrast w shitty pale shit skin and shitty as fuck bright shit red lips and shitty dresses

abso disguto

>> No.6810330
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>> No.6810334
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The thing is, if she lost 15-20kg's I'd totally fuck her face, but meh.

>> No.6810351


ew wtf, is she a midget? (literally)

>> No.6810362

She'd be 5'5 at best. Potential to be one of those tiny try-hard scene girl sluts if she lost some weight.

>> No.6810372


looks nasty af bruh

>> No.6810387

I think you mean 4'5 at best

>> No.6810398

The only girls I know who where them are actually from Korea/China and make them look kind of cute.

I think rockabilly makes sense. Like
said, it's the type of thing that the wearer thinks sets them apart from "modern-day awful society" and makes them think they are wearing something more "classic." Although really, classic fashion is an oxymoron. And it certainly wasn't made to fit size 14+ girls.

>> No.6810409
File: 49 KB, 570x467, ConverseChuckTaylorXXHiKneeHighSneaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all wrong.
The thing is, guys will definitely try and wear a fedora. I've never seen a girl try and pull off a corset.
But these motherfuckers.. These fucking disgusting things. I HATE when some nasty le edgy punk or scene tryhard wears these.
It's basically a red flag to stick to the other side of the hallway when walking past.

>> No.6810413
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>tfw no clueless 16 yo edgy teen gf to have rough sex with after listening to old green day songs

>> No.6810414

miss me jeans

>> No.6810427
File: 21 KB, 289x310, 1377207180437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to actually go to her house, I'll guarantee it vaguely smells of cigarettes, cat litter and old laundry in every room.

>> No.6810434
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off-topic, but i felt that this should be shared.

>> No.6810446
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>> No.6810447
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>> No.6810466
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>> No.6810473
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Think how long it would take to get them on or off

>> No.6810475
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>> No.6810476

they have a zipper on the back. lel.==

>> No.6810480
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>> No.6810479
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>> No.6810494

Absolutely this. Go to a convention where the fedoras hang out en masse and you'll see a million shitty corsets with black or rainbow painted nails and shitty neon coloured hair.

>> No.6810498

lol no, they may look like shit, but plenty of hot/normal girls wear them

>> No.6810506

the doubles prove it to be true

>> No.6810510
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>> No.6810518
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>> No.6810523

>The only girls I know who where them are actually from Korea/China and make them look kind of cute.

female opinion isn't rly relevant here

>> No.6810537

reminds me of the geosuit

>> No.6810549

i'd.... i'd probably fuck her anon.

but i do like to mess around with girls of that shape. no fatter though.

>> No.6810553


i cant even look at females like this

just quit you dont look fucking good at all you tumblrcunt

>> No.6810557

Awww come on her and her brother are trying to get better.
And uggs op uggs were made for men.

>> No.6810562

This is no argument. Even a fedora can be pulled off by a hot model.

>> No.6810587

she looks retarded.

>> No.6810717
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Not neccesarily "classy", but I've never seen a girl pull off this look.

>> No.6810727
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>> No.6810724

its dumb but sometimes i dig the seapunk look

>> No.6810738

painfully autism.

>> No.6810769
File: 214 KB, 340x468, Screen shot 2013-08-31 at 12.00.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, pic related is p cute