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/fa/ - Fashion

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6761708 No.6761708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats your excuse /fa/?


>> No.6761724

>"picking up girls"
>all of them just laugh at him and tell him to fuck off


he has confidence for a 4'11 dude tho

>> No.6761730

im starting to hate /fa/ because of threads like this. In fact, this is the reason i left /fit/

>> No.6761738

Every board on 4chan will gradually get shittier over time when the next generation of teens start posting

>> No.6761749

damn, this vid made me appreciate i'm 6'4". Hell, I don't even care if I'm skinny. It must suck real hard to be shorter than girls.
The more I watch these vids the more I think girls actually want to look up to their man, physically and symbolically

>> No.6761768

>people really believe in "picking up" chicks or being a PUA

holy shit you sloppy fuckin nerds

>> No.6761771


>barely 5'
>jean shorts
>little boots

This guy makes me sad

>> No.6761842


he still got girls numbers (inb4 thats "doesnt mean anything") which is more than you have ever done lmao

he is at an extreme advantage and still gets more pussy than you

>> No.6761864

I think you misunderstood what I meant. I'm not hating. I just pointed out how hard it must be for him

>> No.6761863

>using pick up lines
>being this short
>trying to act cool
>thinking it is hard to get a girls number
>thinking they will ever meet again
>implying he isn't a virgin

>> No.6761880

>compensating with muscle

>> No.6761892
File: 71 KB, 640x480, that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all girls have a bf

>> No.6761896
File: 6 KB, 320x180, 1374043179018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these set backs and he has more female contact than you in one approach than you have had in your entire life time

>> No.6761902


>> No.6761905

>laughinggirls.jpayeg the video
hahahah manlets at it again hahaha oh wow my fucking sides damn

>> No.6761908


basedhated I seriously don't see how you can even have female contact when you live in the middle of a forest, seriously, it's not like you live near to somewhere where there is like a mall for example. You live isolated in the fucking country side bro, in the middle of a fucking forest. How CAN you possibly have female contact, not an insult, this is a question srs.

>> No.6761917

i am not based hated


>at work 2day
>qt3.14 who never works comes in
>fucks something up
>head chef yells at her for 10 mins
>she cries for a bit
>make a nice dessert with extra strawberries
>give it to her
>she smiles even tho shes still crying

feels gud nigga :3

>> No.6761923


basedprophet* i think you just lie about everything tbh

i seen your house man, isolated redneck, you don't work just stay on your farm

>> No.6761925


basedhated is a lot cooler than this faggot

can also dress himself too

>> No.6761927

4 star resort nigga maybe if u save up a couple paycheques u can take ur 6/10 gf there for a couple nights ;)

>> No.6761928

lol like a bitch

>> No.6761929

R u a chef? Cuz I am and u do not look like u could handle it. Altho u did say u made a desert which is the little bitch section soo. Plus there is no way in hell u can b intelligent enough to be a pastry chef so im willin 2 bet u work in a place where u microwave everything and u just scoop ice cream

>> No.6761932



>> No.6761933

LOL that explains it all then ahaha , how can u b proud of that? U work in a glorified maccies and u kno it

>> No.6761938


he doesnt fucking work anywhere

have you seen his house, its like a murderers house in the middle of the forest

he prob has to travel 20 minutes to get to the nearest gas station

pretty interesting
make a documentary about rednecks wearing raf simons

>> No.6761941

i do desserts/appis/fish

its mainly a seafood place, lots of the salmon is caught and served on the same day, classy shit
i dont know what maccies is... macys?

>> No.6761948

mcdonald :---DDDDD fuggg

>> No.6761951

Uhm any place worth its salt serves fish on the same day u inbred , nothing 2 b proud of. Wait till ur doing 15 hour shifts at least u basic bitch

>> No.6761953

no man im scard of macdonalds i feel like if i go in there to long ill inhale calories and ill get fat... idk man u just feel like ur breathing in greasy air u no what i mean?

>> No.6761956

usually 8-9 hours its not a fucking sweatshop

>> No.6761966

Yeh cuz ur not a chef so dont tell people u r. Ur an ice cream man at best.