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/fa/ - Fashion

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6753940 No.6753940 [Reply] [Original]

Post outfits pls

>> No.6753992
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>> No.6754005
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lamb 2 the slaughter
yes i know

>> No.6754008

What's the shoes

>> No.6754009


can't see the fit properly but the jacket looks kinda big

>> No.6754034

please be a joke

>> No.6754055

i'd hang out with these slav niggers

>> No.6754076
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nah sry is not

>> No.6754114

Doc 1461

>> No.6754706
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Although it is the back side, what do you guys think? I wore this to a wedding reception.. You will all hate me. Hahahahha.

>> No.6754719
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>> No.6754721

is that a sandwich in your pocket?

>> No.6754724

gayest things ive ever seen

>> No.6754736

need better light
dunno if oversized on purpose but it looksneat in this pic

is that a wig

can't tell how bottoms look with lighting
also can't tell if ur shoes r good with lighting

>> No.6754741


pack of good ol' lucky strike blues.

>> No.6754745

No. I got that one popular hair cut that everyone has, and that is me trying to grow it out after a month or two. (I want my long hair back.)

>> No.6754747

its a klondike bar

>> No.6754766

I think you wore this a while ago and I gave you a bunch of advice about colors that you apparently ignored.

>> No.6754776

opinions welcome

>> No.6754780

hungry skeleton nerd mode initiated

those smokes wont distract everyone from your geek self

>> No.6754781
File: 240 KB, 724x1230, WAYWT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6754790


>> No.6754800

Needs contrast. Jeans shirt and jacket are all too similar in value. Break it up with a lighter shirt. I would do a light gray shirt and black jeans. I like the jacket though.

>> No.6754803


needs better shoes

taper of the pants has an unfortunate tumblr vibe. also undo the topmost button

not too bad overall though

>> No.6754822
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>> No.6754827

post fingernail closeup

>> No.6754833

post split ends closeup

>> No.6754838

post nostril closeup

>> No.6754839


midriff cheapens everything tbh

ultimately the dress looks pretty shoddy regardless, nice cardigan though

>> No.6754835

post dress hem closeup

>> No.6754856


you honestly make me feel fucking sick

>> No.6754866

/fa/ is as thirsty as ever.

On the other hand, I think I follow you on tumblr, I didn't know you posted on /fa/. What a small world.

>> No.6754874
File: 354 KB, 328x400, fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these guys are so thirsty am i right btw i stalk ur tumblr pls respond

>> No.6754888

She posts some nice fits, so I followed. Feel free to think of me as a stalker though, doesn't bother me.

>> No.6754891
File: 1.48 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

degrade me /fa/

>> No.6754901

>haha i'm so not creepy see how much of a non-creep i am ena?

>> No.6754904


i honestly sometimes wonder why you people even post fits

>> No.6754906

>making it seem like I'm trying to impress her
Please keep going, you're doing a great job.

>> No.6754914

>haha im being very nonchalant about this i hope she notices that instead of my white-kinghting B^)

>> No.6754920

You should post the tumblr of the person you think may be her.

>> No.6754932

Now you're just trying too hard, I'll just stop replying to you here since it'll go on forever anyways. Thanks for the kind words anon.
Polite sage since I'm shitposting basically.

>> No.6754933
File: 32 KB, 720x485, 1006157_483875785025313_252446831_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you that was the virtual degradation of my ego that i needed

>> No.6754942

did u reach nirvana, brah?

>> No.6754947
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>> No.6754955


lets be honest here, no one is going to 'improve' their fits by /fa/ criticism, or any criticism in general. the only way to dress better is to find what u want to look like and slowly start to dress like it

>> No.6754964

Texture and color of the dress are really nice on you. Midriff's weirding me out for some reason but I can't articulate why. I feel like showing midriff is not remotely conservative at all which is fine, but you're only showing a little. It's like why bother? Guess I would rather just see more or less.
I feel the width of the skirt's waistband is somehow jarring too. The bottom of the top transitions to bare skin well but then the top of the skirt is just this big barrier between what could be a much smoother visual transition. Coat looks nice though. Again even with the coat I think the fit would look better with more skin showing or none at all.

>> No.6754977

she has a Tumblr and has posted it here. He probably got it here.

>> No.6754997
File: 243 KB, 640x618, 9346782191_f3688f8efe_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more skin

>> No.6755002

post shoes

>> No.6755003

Chill dude. I'm aware it was designed to be worn that way. I just don't like the design. I think it could look better on her too. It's hard to make a girl like that look bad when you're a professional photographer and she's a professional attractive girl.

>> No.6755016


post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6755018

Not angry, just wondering if you would like it better without the stockings.

>> No.6755052
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hate being tall

>> No.6755062
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repost coz i wore the same shit today

>> No.6755064

Nice shoes. Jumper makes you look fat. Overall somewhat boring.

>> No.6755066

no u dont stop fishing for attention u thirsty bitch

>> No.6755082

this style is getting more popular where i live and (in general) i think it looks stupid, but on you it looks really good. i think you have the right body type to pull it off.

>> No.6755085

You don't actually leave your house in that, do you?

>> No.6755094

w2c plain leggings?

>> No.6755107
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>> No.6755108

Tall? You look 5'6" at best judging from pic. Also lose w8.

Not a big fan of the whole gothninja style but you pull it off very well.

>> No.6755118


ah k i live in a city of like 10 people so its still somewhat novel here but I imagine its a different situation elsewhere (and def on the net). where do u live?


its for gardening in


i got pretty cheap ones off ebay, search rhino tights. they're decent.

>> No.6755123

I like it, colours complement eachother well. Only thing I dislike is the thick thighs (are they so big?), or get better fitting pants.

>> No.6755124

i live in south australia.
it's only starting to trend with a few people, but it's catching on quick.

>> No.6755130

yeah, i have thick legs. find it hard to find slim fitting pants/jeans that don't emphasise this.

>> No.6755196

You don't have the right to criticize people if your fits are ten times worse than theirs. Drop your trip, fuccboi

>> No.6755203

That's your opinion.

>> No.6755220

Pls become a /soc/ regular bby
The world need ur nudes

>> No.6755225


ur such a beta scum cunt, fuck off back to /soc/. fucking beta worshipping a 3/10 asian chinky eyed fat cunt

>> No.6755226

I said drop it. Go lurk some more and maybe you'll see the light and stop dressing like a 5 y.o

>> No.6755229

w2c knitted jumper

>> No.6755248

M8 I know the fits I've posted so far were pretty bad. /fa/ shined light on what I was doing wrong and I learned from it.

Must everyone be a fashion expert to use trips around here?

>> No.6755254

yes why else would you trip but to give your posts credibility?

>> No.6755258
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The shoes I was wearing was just black and white vans, I wan't happy with it but it was the only option I had. Getting some new shoes next week.

>> No.6755263

Zara tee?

>> No.6755269

Saint Laurent.

>> No.6755270

Suppose you're right. I'll drop the trip until my fits improve. Deal? :)

>> No.6755271

whats the point of a trip if you ahve nothing to contribute

either ur a fashion expert or ur just another shitposter like me and everyone else on the board that isnt user, poet, facist, twerk, meta, and a couple other ppl

at least ppl like banana or matt have interesting personas, not like the 100000 shitty newtrips

>> No.6755279

nice legs

>> No.6755284

>whats the point of a trip if you ahve nothing to contribute
>coming from u
top lel

>> No.6755286
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(last time I'll use the trip for a long time)

>not like the 100000 shitty newtrips
Are you saying I'm one of them? Look at the pic brah. That's the bike I bought last month. Atleast I know what a fashionable bike is.

Look, I'm far from oblivious to what's fashionable. Just because my fits from yesterday were bad, doesn't determine my credibility.

>at least ppl like banana or matt have interesting personas
The guy has a legit attention whoring disorder or something, and his posts are quite far from humorous

>> No.6755287

matt isnt a shitposter

>> No.6755300

was bought at a secondhand clothing store, has no tag. sorry!

>> No.6755301

can you link to yesterdays waywt? i want to see those fits. nice bike btw

>> No.6755306

hahahaha ur the guy who bought the womens bike for 1k? no wonder ur so retarded
iama shitposter :)
half his posts are him whining about getting plastic surgery/telling other ppl to be less insecure and the other half is him trying to fuck rumpel

i like him but none of his shit is on topic

>> No.6755309

>The guy has a legit attention whoring disorder or something, and his posts are quite far from humorous
just stopping by to agree with this
i genuinely hope he gets some sort of professional medical attention, i'm worried about him

>> No.6755324

It 404'd sorry, not gonna repost them. Might post today's fit in a bit.

>hahahaha ur the guy who bought the womens bike for 1k? no wonder ur so retarded
First off, it isn't a womens bike. But I understand that view coming from someone who doesn't live in the Netherlands.
>no wonder ur so retarded
How am I being retarded exactly? If anything you've made yourself look like a fool plenty of times, but I'm decent enough to let you find that out yourself (although I don't think your asperger syndrome will allow you to).


>> No.6755326

I liked you better as bp

>> No.6755327

tht bike would be worth 750 maybe if u had left the original crankset on

its worth about 200 now

>> No.6755333

iam the same person

>> No.6755341

dutch people never have a sense of humour

>> No.6755342

but I liked you better as bp

>> No.6755347

Looks really good bro! don't listen to the other replies, probably posted by angsty teens.

>> No.6755348
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>> No.6755355

>post fit
>always only 1-2 replies
>replies are all neutral
>can't tell if its because people like it and nothing to say or if its too obscure for fa

>> No.6755359

Original crankset? Just because it has a different colour doesn't mean it's the original crankset.

>its worth about 200 now
The Brooks saddle and handles together alone are worth €150.

Please stop tripping, you're neither amusing nor knowledgeable in any shape or form.

>> No.6755360

its probably boring as fuck

>> No.6755365

the parts dont mean shit if ur walmart crankset falls apart in 2 months, which it will

>> No.6755362

>mean it's the original crankset.

>> No.6755364

Not that guy but I once confused here with a Bulgarian born Ena from tumblr who like the word fuccboi and guys who wear Pyrex.

This Ena's tumblr = http://n-hexane.tumblr.com
Bulgarian Ena's tumblr = http://noobgoth.tumblr.com

>> No.6755367

You don't belong here.

>> No.6755372

If people like it they will say so. It's either extremely boring or so badly done that nobody cares.

>> No.6755376

also its not the original crankset because you specifically said you took it off and replaced it with a le classy single speed peice of shit with pedal back brakes

also its shit

>> No.6755375

Who cares? You're still fat Matt

>> No.6755385


good shit

w2c backyard

>> No.6755387


coaster brakes are pretty useful in holland duder

especially for people who talk on the phone while riding and can't be arsed to grab a handful of brake every time some blazed dipshit tourist wanders into their lane

>> No.6755398

that saddle angle is brutal tho, dude needs to level it out

basket is obviously cheapening the whole bike up too

>> No.6755394

unless u talk on ur phone with both hands im pretty sure ur capable of braking

nigga spent 50$ on the crankset and 150$ on the seat and grips tho, hes retarded as shit

>> No.6755402

cant believe this dumb fuck thought his ugly bike would actually get him laid

top laugh

>> No.6755400
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>> No.6755404

filtered. Your jealousy of my /fa/ ass bike is showing m80

It actually did help me. lel jokes on u

>> No.6755406

i have bike parts worth more than your entire bike faggot

>> No.6755408

Pretty cool blog tbh

>> No.6755410

I still want to fuck you

>> No.6755415

the fat one is like prodigy but more disgusting
no wait maybe equal disgusting

>> No.6755419

Mmm Prodigy

>> No.6755433


I ride bikes professionally and am a part owner in a business selling bike parts and let me tell you, you dun goofed.

That thing is hideous.

>> No.6755442 [DELETED] 

they would be dress-wearing fag like you lol

>> No.6755460
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>> No.6755464

nice fedora

>> No.6755466

Nice fit brah

>> No.6755467


>> No.6755478

rekt, I know how you feel right now man


>> No.6755527

only acceptable fit in the thread, you just tried a lil bit too hard with the pants, that's all.

>> No.6755540

u got dat heroin chic body mayne , start wearing super skinnies

>> No.6755555

i'll probably wear a plain white tee and blue jean shorts.

>> No.6755557

Fucking eat something
I can't even tell your gender that's how malnourished you are
Or did you actually fall for /fa/'s "lul starve self till -10 BMI" troll?

>> No.6755565

On hol so don't usually wear this kinda stuff:

All Saints 3/4 length red and white striped tee
Gap pastel baby blue shorts
Navy Lacoste trainers

Boring tier I know, why am I even posting on such a boring day. y.

>> No.6755568
File: 44 KB, 800x473, Azula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quints.

>> No.6755578
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>> No.6755580

id rumpel ur dumpling bb

>> No.6755583


>> No.6755586

would you dump in my rump???? ;) ;)

>> No.6755591

a coiler

ur really bringing out my romantic side

>> No.6755589

try using a timer when you're trying to take a picture from your webcam lol

i don't like your fit

>> No.6755600


looks really shity, you look likle a tramp, like a chavy scummy tramp, piece of trash, srs, u look fuckking horrid like a prostitute but not the hot prostitiute the ugly grimey one

>> No.6755601


>> No.6755606


I don't like it.

Boots are too high for those pants and don't match. Colour combination is insipid, even more for a girl.

Nice legs, though.

>> No.6755614



what does it feel like to go to a university thats ranked 40th LOL

>> No.6755616

looks like you have a rick erection

>> No.6755621

the taper on those pants is clownish.
pulled my dick out to brace for fapping because I was thinking 'qt chick in knit with dem thighs'and you fucking showed up

>> No.6755624
File: 1.30 MB, 1079x2523, basicninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755629

lets see the london

>> No.6755634

How does this look like a ninja in any way besides being all black?

>> No.6755648

mango? that other guy who dresses like mango?
shirts nice
rick owens shoes are rick owens shoes, I am indifferrent
But due to the way your pants fit, and the fact that you're not wearing anything particularly goth ninja esque, you sortof look like a walmart shopper some strange clowny shoes and an emo shirt to everyone who doesn't know the brands.

If you did something with your pants to improve your silhoette, you might look like you're into fashion and know how to dress avante garde to the general public, without that improvement you look like you're wearing some weird steel toe boots, or monochrome clown shoes, and a hot topic shirt.

>> No.6755666
File: 429 KB, 1059x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going babysitting later but I felt like makin a little bit of an effort. Might be cause I popped a valium lel

>> No.6755673


looks bad sorry

>> No.6755677

not feeling the shirt at al, but if you like it...
the only thing that looks "objectively" flawed is the fit on those pants. may be the way youre standing though...
are they roc satin chinos?

>> No.6755680

Anyone saved yesterday's azn girl's pics?

>> No.6755681

Yeah I don't really like the shirt either but most people in the thread last time said I should keep it so i'm adding it to a few fits to see how well it incorparates. It doesn't really fit my wardrobe imo. The jeans actually fit really well , they were just sagging a bit lol. Ace cash I had tailored.

>> No.6755685

who cares, it was ugly

>> No.6755683


>> No.6755688
File: 324 KB, 500x1080, Optimized-yofeeadtbfgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the quality

>> No.6755687


not bad, taper looks a tad sharp on the trousers though

tbh everything would look 10000x better if you stood properly

>> No.6755691

why do u wear it if u dont like it wtf

>> No.6755698

'Cause I was going to sell it but I thought i'd give it a second chance to see if it'd grow on me. Got it as a gift. Anyone wanna buy it? Givenchy size S. Has a tiny hole so you can have like £10 off but in mint condition otherwise.

>> No.6755703

> they were just sagging a bit lol. Ace cash I had tailored
must be the pic then. my general advice for the future, just something you can work towards if you like this fit: high quality knit, loro piana or jil ca$mere, a slim fitted white dress shirt (jil again, saint laurent, dior) and TB wingtips would make this fit trley great

>> No.6755706

as if anyone wants to buy that if they know it was worn by a fuccboi

>> No.6755724
File: 533 KB, 871x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I did a version with a white shirt and it looks better. Will probs wear a white cable knit instead. Pic related.

>> No.6755728 [DELETED] 


Pls be in London

>> No.6755734



>> No.6755752

ill do one with slim fitted stuff i think it will look cleaner. brb taking fitpic

>> No.6755761

thanx bru

>> No.6755779

I think you should tuck in that shirt or at least get it tailored so it doesn't wrinkle like that...

matter fact get those pants tailored too, pinroll always looks very tryhard to me

>> No.6755787
File: 10 KB, 300x300, share-the-load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mate that dog's arsehole looks better than ur fit

>> No.6755802

i think it'd look better w/socks and a good stance
p good

>> No.6755805
File: 250 KB, 928x2608, fit copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here. sorry for the shitty picture, but you get the idea
acne knit
slp shirt
hedi dior skinnys
and cps

>> No.6755810

looks great man

>> No.6755811

basic and cool

>> No.6755816

haha this is really dope. you should trying getting one of those mid-walking action shots

>> No.6755817

His head is above the door moron.

>> No.6755818

Post your fit then fuccboi. Show everyone how superior you are.

>> No.6755820

tuck the collar flaps in and unroll the pants

good though i like it

>> No.6755823

pieces are good individually but i think you could put something better together. have any skirts?

>> No.6755825


i luv u mane

>> No.6755838

Hm looks better quality wise but im not feeling the collar or the fit on those jeans. I see what you mean though

>> No.6755843

>those fucking shoes

>rick owens shoes are rick owens shoes, I am indifferrent
what? are those even RO? the toecap looks totally off

>> No.6755873


>> No.6755912

im a mom you idiot

>> No.6755929

and.. Docs? the fuck?
memo: spend about the same or more amount on your shoes as everything else above them.

>> No.6755937
File: 604 KB, 882x2107, IMG_20130823_052235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755941

i like it. shoes could be better though

>> No.6755942

Uh I have white flyknits and just ordered a pair of black achillies mids but I think these look nice. Pretty versatile.

>> No.6755949

this is cool and basic. wont turn any heads but you look better than the average person (im guessing this is what you were going for, and its not a bad thing)

you should get a better phone though, nothing more unfashionable than not having an iphone. also, you have a frame that would look great if you had some muscle, ever considering bulking up?

>> No.6755955

they do, dont listen to him. fit would be really good with cps or flyknits aswell though

>> No.6755954


>> No.6755964

Yeah I actually prefer it with flyknits but mine are in the freezer atm because they fucking stink

>> No.6755974

oh my god, you're that fag with the godawful bike!

I actually like ur fits tho

>> No.6755988


very true

>> No.6756002

what in the ever-loving fuck is on your feet?

>> No.6756005

lol @ standing on nightstand

good fit tho - needs better shoes, but shirt/pants fit really well

>> No.6756167
File: 709 KB, 1000x822, DSC_9780v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know, but my excuse is summer.

>> No.6756176

navy socks and youd be fine

>> No.6756199


i want to cum on your thighs

>> No.6756205

#epic socks man

>> No.6756207


>> No.6756215

make an amazon wishlist u still using dat wired mouse

ive got a ms sidewinder x9 lyin around u want it?

>> No.6756217

Holy shit people on this board actually make fun of MFA

>> No.6756230

The shoes are disgustin, rest is ok but not sure if the fabrics/diffrent textures of black work together

>> No.6756242
File: 488 KB, 1410x3499, IMG_5603 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clothsurgeon, acne, rick

>> No.6756255
File: 1.49 MB, 1936x2592, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its shit but..

>> No.6756259


looks nice mon.

>> No.6756262

Th pants ruin it

Would not wear, a lot is off

Belt is too dark, shirt fits weird at belly

top and bottom don't work together unless you change the pants

Shoes look disgusting

It's ok, but stupid pose

>> No.6756269

I like it but, either lace your geos all the way up or take the laces out of them they look so weird half laced.

>> No.6756272

Loose some weight, or save money because you don't look good in these clothes

>> No.6756274


fit on everything is really terrible

silhouette all fucked up too, you just look fat

>> No.6756278

you new?
you look like an average joe that doesn't know how to dress himself, but tries to look like he does.

Start buy never wearing that shirt again. the jeans could would if applied to a different look (but probably not). Something far more casual. Shoes look ugly but can't really see them

>> No.6756280


>> No.6756288

You look good, Walter Jr

>> No.6756292

i like the ones he's got on.

>> No.6756294

You basically got it spot on.

>> No.6756300

>Those shoes
Top fucking lel! Also, your instream look really weird?

>> No.6756303


you look fat and it makes everything fit like shit.

>> No.6756317


first of all, lose weight.

avoid cheap shirts with epaulettes, double breast pockets, etc. keep it simple and casual.
jeans fit terribly - too tight in the thighs, too long/poor cuffing
shoes look bad too

lurk a lot more, read the sticky etc etc

>> No.6756314

shirt is fine - it fits ok
pants are godawful - fit terribly and make you look even fatter than you already are
cant really see shoes, but they don't look good

either you're fat, or you're muscular and just wear really unflattering clothes

>> No.6756335


>> No.6756336

>shirt is fine - it fits ok

listen to this guy about the apaulettes and double brest pockets.

same with the things on the sleeves to keep them rolled. avoid all of that.

>> No.6756343
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x4608, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short-sleeve OCBD by Uniqlo
Flat-front chino shorts by H&M
Woven leather penny loafers by Cole Haan
Wristwatch by Brooks Brothers

Unlike the rest of you faggots wearing a dozen layers, I'll actually be going outside today.

>> No.6756342

Any idea of what pants I should invest into?

>> No.6756352


>> No.6756359


going to school m8?
don't spend all your pocket money on junk food.

>> No.6756368

>Unlike the rest of you faggots wearing a dozen layers, I'll actually be going outside today.

wow, rude!

>> No.6756364

How's your mom? I'll be fucking her while you ride the bus.

>> No.6756365

cuffs to high imo. but like everything else.

>> No.6756373

Woah didn't know everyone on /fa/ followed CASUAL FRIDAY

>> No.6756381 [DELETED] 


I don't get it. Is it because this looks like a private school in your part of the world?


Jokes, man. I'd like to think that a good portion of people on WAYWT threads actually *do* wear their outfits in public instead of just dressing up to take their own picture and then waiting for replies.

>> No.6756383


I don't get it. Is it because this looks like a private school uniform in your part of the world?


Jokes, man. I'd like to think that a good portion of people on WAYWT threads actually *do* wear their outfits in public instead of just dressing up to take their own picture and then waiting for replies.

>> No.6756391

It look like one of those asda school kits for kids between the ages of 5-10. Those shoes made me wretch lol.

>> No.6756430
File: 674 KB, 2448x3264, don't call me fat guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolz, had the fisheye on the dslr and was too lazy to change it, same fit w/o the jacket

>> No.6756434

but i thought skellingtons don't real!

>> No.6756447

too much stack probably

>> No.6756461
File: 125 KB, 520x346, laughing-whores-the-prequel.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pants still look godawful

>making excuses for looking fat
>tryna pose like a ssense model

typ kyk

>> No.6756482
File: 377 KB, 960x1280, 20130823_133959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own any mirrors.

>> No.6756487

Jeans look 2 tight m80

>> No.6756496


>> No.6756503

w2c dress

what in the fuck is this

I like it

>> No.6756513 [DELETED] 

>short sleeved

>> No.6756523

nevermind, found it, and small's sold out ;_;

>> No.6756532

why do you wear your watch half way up your forearm?

>> No.6756541

I don't like the cuff (or whatever it is) on your boots. Lace them up and either cuff your pants or wear your pants over the boot.

>> No.6756552



What are you doing?

>> No.6756561

thanks you based hungry skeleton

>> No.6756565


>> No.6756585

No a fan of the pants, I love seeing stacks but not when they're sticking out like two inches from the leg.

Really like this, buy a mirror and do another fit pic with this outfit sometime please. GJ on the colours.

>> No.6756589
File: 466 KB, 1816x2576, 100_98476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't posted here in a while. Plain and boring fit to have a chat with my adviser -- a plain and boring ordeal.

>> No.6756593
File: 1.10 MB, 1536x2048, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> new to /fa

Come at me /fa/ggots

>> No.6756600


>> No.6756595

you look way too short, the ricks just look so goddamn big

>> No.6756596


>> No.6756601

that's a girls shirt, bruv.

>> No.6756602

lol what a joke

>> No.6756605

I just threw up in my mouth.

>> No.6756606

ugly. the dress is scoop neck, for god's sake.

oh god that's hilarious

>> No.6756603

at least take a proper fucking fit pic
and lose some weight, fatty

>> No.6756629

keep looking, you wont find anything down their m8

>> No.6756661

damn look at the hot bitch

>> No.6756664


tha yung gawd

>> No.6756672

Like it, not boring at all really. If I saw a girl wearing this in the street my eyes would stick to her.
Not the best tee, looks like you went to a chip shop and stuck greasy newspapers to your body.

>> No.6756677

I will, man. I am buying a pillow and blanket next pay check, then a cot, then maybe I can afford a mirror, ha! More on the fit; the sweater is a little baggy, but I'm going to get my tailor to fix it up. It is 15% cashmere, so I don't want to just chuck it, and I like the blue. The nudie jeans are fairly new so they're not broken in yet. Those boots are cheap as hell, but I think they look alright.

>> No.6756681
File: 78 KB, 243x245, Screen Shot 2013-08-23 at 18.22.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good, not too sure about your hair though (might just be the pic).

>> No.6756705


>> No.6756708

No! I did not ignore it. This is actually the same day I posted the picture before, but the picture was taken while I was walking, and I never got around to taking a picture via mirror.

The wedding pictures just got posted yesterday, so I decided to post the entirety of the outfit to show it better and hear others' opinions.

>> No.6756740


HAHAHAHAHAH. This times a thousand.

>> No.6756753

You said stuff about how the pants were too light to contrast the shirt, and that the shirt was not dark enough to contrast my skin. Right?

I would hate to be that guy that asks for advice and ignores it. I am not like that, I want to improve, man.


>> No.6756762
File: 68 KB, 575x640, 01001100 01101111 01101100 00101100 00100000 01001100 01101001 01101101 01100101 01110111 01101001 01110010 01100101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I think that a business suit and jungle boots are fashionable

>> No.6756875

needs better shoes

>> No.6756888

what the fuck marry me that's 2cute

>> No.6756904

Don't listen to them, girl! I think your beatiful :) It's great that you were brave enough to post you're picture here. We need more female /fa/shionistas. 'Tis an awesome thing to see!

>> No.6756905

confirmed for best female poster

>> No.6756908

hahah is this a thing now?

>> No.6756973
File: 644 KB, 671x647, oday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went with right but which one looks better /fa/?

>> No.6756998

y-you're my waifu

>> No.6756999
File: 139 KB, 433x1056, Q3xg3h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to be the best there ever was!
I also have some rick-owens ninja pics I wore to school today if anyone wants to see!!
How did I do so far

>> No.6757001


very hard to pull off sweater over buttondown with running shoes, although I like the colors. go with the JPs

>> No.6757010
File: 1.25 MB, 2416x2500, eVYPjuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my rick owen ninja fit, Is it better buttoned or unbuttoned? I wore this to school today.

>> No.6757012


>> No.6757013

left definitely, those 2s are fire

>> No.6757019
File: 584 KB, 1210x2087, mGiY6sP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this shirt was my first choice wondering if I should go with it instead I have dinner with my grandparents later

>> No.6757024
File: 1.65 MB, 2448x3264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting, sorry about the mirror.

>> No.6757032

omg pls burn it all and try again

>> No.6757038

lol @ you saying this is bad

>> No.6757040


how short are you bro? why is that tshirt so long? get it tailored or something.

>> No.6757043


Is that that one marble tee or is the mirror just dirty?

>> No.6757047

I am OBVIOUSLY better dressed than this shit. See?:

I actually pay attention to /fa/ and learn from it, I dont dress shitty and make sure all my clothes fit. roll the pants btw you will look less like a fuckboy

>> No.6757044


saaaamefag. it is really bad. t-shirt down past crotch of manlet's painted on jeans. running shoes not working at all, due to both aesthetic and color.

>> No.6757048
File: 6 KB, 937x115, nahmate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah mate

>> No.6757052

All so disgusting please stop. Nothing fits.

>> No.6757053


shirt is ridic long and making you look shorter than you already are. here's what I've done with tees that are too long: tuck in a bit of the back/side and wear a jacket.

otherwise this outfit is just fucked. don't like how the shirt is essentially the same color as the jeans either

>> No.6757060


how does it feel to be five foot nothin' ?

>> No.6757063



>> No.6757068

Did not expect this much negative feedback even from /fa/. Yeah, truth is the shirt did come out too long but I honestly like how it fits. I'll see how it comes back after it gets washed and if it's still too big I'll get it tailored. Don't give a fuck what Meth thinks though, thanks for the feedback guys.

>> No.6757071

haha congrats meth you fuccboi, you were just added to the list of unneeded/horrible trips because you dress like shit

List thus far:

1. Starfox
2. Natty
3. Stance
4. Meth

>> No.6757075

Don't match shoes with shirt like that. It would be better if they were just plain black. Also, jeans don't fit. Not horrible for a first waywt though.

>> No.6757079
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I didn't take pics of two different people from mfa's waywt

>> No.6757083


my only problem is the shoes. seem like a real fuckboi-ish afterthought that doesn't fit with the vibe of everything else. usually running shoes work best when something else in the outfit hints at athleticism/tech gear. also they just look really big with your tight jeans.

and I like print tees/shirts with jackets to tone down the loudness, but that's just preference

not a bad fit. none of the pieces are bad on their own. just needs some tweaking.

>> No.6757082

Good, post a real pic mate

You're still added for shitposting

>> No.6757086

oh :(

>> No.6757088

>Did not expect this much negative feedback even from /fa/.
yeah its weird, your fit is still better than many others in this thread. the shirt is too long, are you very short? jeans are fine, flyknits instead of current shoes would be better

>> No.6757091

post a fit shitposter

>> No.6757103

Ill gladly bless you fuckers with a fit when chucks are finally accepted footwear on here.

>> No.6757119

Since when are they not?
The only people who don't like them are fuccbois who think Rick Owens is the best even though they've never touched one of his pieces

>> No.6757132

>The only people who don't like them are fuccbois..
i dont like them because the design is awful, hows that?

>> No.6757133

you've never seen rick owens shoes before apparently
you need to just give up

>> No.6757137

That's your opinion, there's nothing wrong with chucks my friend
For the most part it's the group I stated, and I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of that group

>> No.6757143
File: 31 KB, 482x640, y58-3b45534r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime I ever posted a fit I was instantly shunned for wearing them. I will admit that I can do better than the standard black/white high tops but come on. They go great with almost any casual outfit

>> No.6757149

I'm agreeing with you quit trying to make an argument and post your fit

>> No.6757151

I'm not that guy but, I think that chucks are bad because they go for a minimalist silhouette but have all this gaudy shit on them like the black racing stripe and contrast stitching. Also they are overpriced and shit quality.

>> No.6757157

not trying to argue pal
but I-im in a work uniform right now .-.
my job isn't /fa/

>> No.6757161

Contrast stitching is only on black ones and looks terrible ill agree
The all white ones and cdg ones are cool IMO.

>> No.6757162

I think when people buy chucks they are paying for the image and the history behind them. See all the idols who wore them

>> No.6757166
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 298bf6eb52be82c19e40897715099046_663e05a411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly front sole
>contrast stripes on sole
>rubber front looks cheap and tacky
>completely unnecessary and fugly contrast stitching
>round metal eyelets
>obnoxious branding
sure some of the collabs are better though...
im not a huge rick fan, i own a tee and a tanktop, just dont feel like his designs would fit my life at all.

>> No.6757170

Or maybe because they're cheaply made and a cop out for basic kids

Like #realtalk you're on a fashion forum trying to improve your style can't you try a little harder? Everyone wears converse

>> No.6757171
File: 219 KB, 471x1600, basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic shit today, new Nikes came in. Weather is finally starting to cool down.

How's your day going /fa/?

>> No.6757174

Read my next post fuccboi I agreed with over half of that shit.

>> No.6757192

I think they look pretty sexy in person

>> No.6757198

which north face is that? varius?

>> No.6757201
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757204

what's the hat man?
loving the fit, i need to get some similar pants so i can wear a black jacket + trainers without looking like a blob
where are you from?

>> No.6757207


>> No.6757213
File: 12 KB, 300x225, $T2eC16dHJG!FFm1ltomkBRb,tJm,y!~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fucking awesome, thanks for the advice. Honestly the shoes were a complete fuckup on my part because I intended on buying Flyknits but instead mistook them for a pair of +1's I found in grey, which is what I'm wearing. Do you guys think Free Run +2's in dark navy would work better? The one's in pic related.

>> No.6757219

p sure those ones are black not dark navy
but yeah they are better

>> No.6757222
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20130823_145643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I return/get rid of the pants? I want a pair of grey pants for some reason and I got these but I think I should either return em for a different fit or get a different size. They're 30/32 Levi's 508s, was thinking either going for 31/32 or 32/32 of the same or getting 511's. Have a black pair of 511s and they're decent. I'm new to the whole skinny jean thing - I usually wore straight cut before and I feel like I need more ass to make them look good from behind - e.g. no awkward crinkling and shit.

>> No.6757229


left I guess

Muscly people are hilarious

I'm unsure if I like the button up shirt with the dress, just doesn't seem to look right. everything else looks good though


Keep trying, lose some weight, buy some clothes that fit better, get fit.


OMG this is too much. The weed socks with the po-faced expression and bad quality basic everything

I like this though

The unkemptness of this really bugs me.


>> No.6757234

your legs are a bit to extremely fat to go skinny. Maybe get addicted to hunger supressing narcotics if you must wear those

>> No.6757250

wow, you look like football hooligan from England
Hooligan-ninja ;))))

>> No.6757254
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757260

North Face Venture. It's a good, cheap, basic rain shell.

Thanks. The hat is your basic all black New Era 39thirty. I'm in Portland.

>> No.6757276

horrible shoes
look cheap

>> No.6757281

Yeah. They are PF Flyers. Hahah.

>> No.6757284

I'm on a bulk right now for the next like 8 months, 12%bf right now and I'll probably end up fat as fatass mode around like 14 or 15%. Plan on cutting then and then doing my first cycle after that. Should I just stay away from anything skinny forever? I'm 165lbs @ 5'11 right now, goal is 200.

>> No.6757298

I wouldn't wear anything that hugs your calves too much it will just make your leg shape look emphasized and weird.
I am joke friend shoe very walk and look nice

>> No.6757966

they r my friends i just put them on to piss that anon off
i said im wearing doc 1461

>> No.6758172
File: 18 KB, 480x360, The-Damned-shoes-Kurt-(Black-Distressed)-010604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6758248

quit frontin gurl we know ur prolly a large

>> No.6758540

pfft, his pockets aren't even capable of fitting a passport in there

>> No.6758792

Looks nice, but don't cuff those pants with those shoes. The colors are too close.

>> No.6760273

Not feeling this. Shoes are busy, especially the lacing. Palette's ugly. Pants fit at least. Jacket looks really loose on you. Bandana's pretty busy looking in a bad way.

>> No.6760281

i dont really care for his fit but you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6760283

Left's cuffs, right's shoes.

>> No.6760284

I like this.

>> No.6760288

pants fit like shit
every time you get criticized you just make excuses instead of owning up to the fact that you dress like shit
this is why people don't like you

>> No.6760294

Shoes look awful dude. Top looks fine. idk about the shorts

>> No.6760300

looks good

>> No.6760304

I feel it.