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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 274 KB, 610x260, WAYWT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6745888 No.6745888 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread:

>> No.6745936
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>> No.6745946


>> No.6745962

>square toes
not even once

>> No.6745967
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>> No.6745983


>> No.6745992
File: 40 KB, 498x732, IMG_808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone rate my fit pls?

>> No.6745994

shit is it still Late July?

>> No.6746011
File: 688 KB, 1049x2497, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what Im still wearing today

>> No.6746022
File: 1.66 MB, 2103x2967, IMG_4420a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I was wearing yesterday.

>> No.6746030

>omg those are so last month
Are you fucking serious

>> No.6746031
File: 137 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 22-08-13 at 10.38 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746039

stop imitating sufuckers

>> No.6746046
File: 203 KB, 694x1587, IMG_20130727_181028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746047

Someone made a thread of you that was basically meant to be an insult to short people. When they realized you weren't short everyone just called you ugly

>> No.6746053

s-sorry i thought we joked like that on here

>> No.6746056


>> No.6746059

shami? shimi?

>> No.6746061

pls b in da bay

>> No.6746067

Unfortunately we do

>> No.6746070

are you mango now teddy?

>> No.6746071

do you live in Austrailia?

>> No.6746062

with overflattering lighting maybe AHAHAH

>> No.6746073


Yeah, I noticed.

I don't know turn-left, but apparently he came to my defense. I guess he does not afraid of anything.

>> No.6746074

would hold hands with

>> No.6746080


People on sufu hate me. They also dress really street #supremecore

I don't sufu very well.

>> No.6746078

the skirt seems really short, and i think the coat would benefit from some less conspicuous buttons

it looks fine besides that, but you should start turning your camera sideways or something to get your footwear in the shot

>> No.6746082

wouldn't normally say this, but try something that's not black on top or bottom

>> No.6746088

Grace? why don't you snapchat any more?

>> No.6746099

they were right about the shaving thing tbh

the little island of hair in the front isn't a good look

>> No.6746100


Good, cuffs seem weird though must be the pov, Mango m9 u need to invest in a full body mirror.


Not so sure about the skirt other then that's it's fine.


Eh, the bomber looks weird.

Also this board is too thristy.

>> No.6746109

I'm just gonna keep buzzing a 1 length. Shaving your head is a pain in the ass.

>> No.6746111 [DELETED] 


>> No.6746119
File: 214 KB, 694x531, Basic 6th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746133
File: 284 KB, 1180x1632, mango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bro

>> No.6746144

u look like a bitch

>> No.6746151

am i a pretty one?

>> No.6746165

an ugly bitch actually.

>> No.6746166

just a basic one

>> No.6746169 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 189x265, doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he was talking about doge

why did you remove doge?

>> No.6746170
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>> No.6746175

loving the fit brah

>> No.6746179 [DELETED] 

can i get a zoom-in on the face

>> No.6746180


>> No.6746184

how much did your ramones run you and which material are those?

>> No.6746188

awful fit

>> No.6746199
File: 24 KB, 479x380, 1MG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746201

same to you twinsies

>> No.6746208

about 975ish, its the reversed leathers

>> No.6746204


be nice yo

>> No.6746213
File: 87 KB, 640x480, s,g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746215

pls be in toronto

>> No.6746216

ur feet look really small in this pic

like princess feet

>> No.6746228

if I had a thigh gap would more people give suggestions?


>> No.6746229

it's the downside of taking your photos in hopes of making your shoulders look as big as possible

>> No.6746230

yeah i have bb feet when im not wearing my clunky shoes.

>> No.6746245

stand up

>> No.6746246

>his face

>> No.6746241

post feet pix pls

>> No.6746242

i was trying to pose like ol mango, i think my shoulders are whey to big as it is.

>> No.6746252


lose the beard, get a new haircut

the jacket is too big and the trousers are too tight on the crotch but too baggy on the calves, get new shoes/boots

>> No.6746254

o yea well i know guys with size 13-14 that will kick your ass

>> No.6746269

epic b8 m8

>> No.6746270

woah whos this cool guy

>> No.6746274

come see me offline then m8.

>> No.6746275

why take a pic from reddit and put it on tinypic then link it on an imageboard

>> No.6746285
File: 40 KB, 398x425, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746287

umm my dad works for shoes he has sz20 feet he has killed ppl on accident w/ them before B^)

>> No.6746305

big shoulder family

>> No.6746299

you the realist nigga breathing if i hold my breath

>> No.6746313

i would kill myself if i looked liek this

>> No.6746310
File: 188 KB, 962x1222, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because youre always frowning you hoe
pls jaden

>> No.6746320
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>> No.6746325

jesus christ even worse

>> No.6746328


>> No.6746333

thanks for the advice. I was thinking of losing the beard, it's mostly a product of laziness.

not b8 m8 just bad

>> No.6746336
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 1376713666054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember this

>> No.6746337

Not them.

Don't be jealous if my sunlight anon.

All my photos are taken with a webcam.

>> No.6746343

post back

>> No.6746346
File: 66 KB, 720x480, hope you got what you wanted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746348
File: 71 KB, 423x634, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could easily pull off one of my favourite rick fits if you had a shorter length in t-shirt

also, please consider rick do-rags or beanies.
tbh i know a local seller who might still have one on sale for $180USD cud gif contacts

>> No.6746353
File: 88 KB, 423x634, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746358
File: 71 KB, 423x634, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess its a personal pref but a clean buzz is a lot better than that weird scruff you have on your head
>hence the hat suggestion

>> No.6746366

gos those shoeboots look better tied up correctly

>> No.6746384

i really like them square tho.

>> No.6746386

is his face ok

>> No.6746406

post-rick encounter
no one has ever fully recovered V____V

>> No.6746409

i meant in that pic i don;t like the way they look with the wings open

>> No.6746455

you look really cool actually. No homo

>> No.6746475
File: 57 KB, 1024x768, IMG02568-20131010-2137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back home from work. Sorry for the shitty quality.

>> No.6746476

what exacrtly was that all about?

>> No.6746478


you need to shave your head m8

>> No.6746489

u look mean :(

>> No.6746494
File: 117 KB, 500x676, IMG 2187041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wore

>> No.6746500

It's time to kill yourself, Ricky.

>> No.6746513 [DELETED] 

lol do ppl do this every time he posts a fit

i hope this is 4 the club

>> No.6746524

18 and over yes, 21 not so much

>> No.6746519

You mean everytime I post a fit?

>> No.6746520
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>> No.6746536
File: 156 KB, 960x1280, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hungover all day

>> No.6746556

Would be proud to have as gf/10

>> No.6746562

is this a thing?

Can it be a thing? I just ordered some buffalo plaid so I can participate in the thing

>> No.6746610
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, newpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to participate in something stupid just because everyone else is doing it
>"is this a thing?" "can I join"
we middle school now

>> No.6746609
File: 1.21 MB, 1590x956, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are too late

>> No.6746629
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like there is something wrong with my fit so please criticize/help

>> No.6746624

when did this start? what is it

>> No.6746632
File: 1.91 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be gentle pls

>> No.6746643
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1162, small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. E

>> No.6746645

>rockband guitar
>bought that bed only to have sweet sex in
>playgirl mag on the floor

>> No.6746650

sweet sex with the bed not another human being

>> No.6746657

I sleep on that bed, that's my fender bass and that's a Marvel comic.

>> No.6746675

>These are the people I argue with on /fa/.

I feel so good right now.

>> No.6746729
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>> No.6746763
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I need to tailor the shirt. Any suggestions on it? Obviously tighten the abdominal area.

>> No.6746777

dont wear boots like that with shorts? iron your shorts? dont wear ugly shirts? its not even a nice shirt

>> No.6746784

someone spent all their parents hard earned cash on a pair of rafs no one wanted

>> No.6746796

furthermore, i know you're just intoing fashun, dont get mad at this shit. just lurk, and youll develop your own style. dont impulse buy. 90% chance youll hate everything from when you started intoing

>> No.6746790

such a big picture for such an ugly outfit

>> No.6746791

ugly is an opinion

>> No.6746794

Bought them myself
Only person who would make such accusations is someone who did it themselves
Talk shit post fit

>> No.6746806

true. but then again so is ugly being an opinion.

>> No.6746810

*tips fedora
You're so philosophical m8

>> No.6746814

Except you got some of the ugliest RAF I ever seen. Now if they were the all white or all black hitop, this might be a different story.

>> No.6746815


>> No.6746819

I just got this t-shirt in the mailbox today.

>> No.6746820

they call me, Fedorasopiclies

>> No.6746823

what a dumbass thing to say
that's my opinion

We can be friends in the sandbox on the playground pal

>> No.6746824

I like em bro and that's all that matters.
Not trying to impress anyone let alone anyone from /fa/
I save for what I like and I buy it

>> No.6746825

>my opinion is right
Come on now. I'm not the OP, but he likes it obviously.

>> No.6746826
File: 916 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.6746827

raf x barney(the dinosaur) collab

>> No.6746828

i think they look okay? though the shirt hes wearing looks like walmart quality

>> No.6746836

>pray for london
all the prayers in the world couldn't save that outfit.

>> No.6746842

My shirt looks really shitty in the pic don't know why.

>> No.6746843


>> No.6746846



>> No.6746844

i can deal with this.
ill even bring out my trip, its nice being back after being b&.

>> No.6746852

Is fucking basic
A tee, chinos and random sneakers

>> No.6746860

in the pic
in real life
it just looks terrible in general

>> No.6746866

absolutely disguisting

>> No.6746862

Nigga, are you gonna judge my pleb outfit or my shitty room?

>> No.6746869

i personaly dont like the khakis with it. i feel like jeans are more suited, keep it darker. furthermore, i just hate khakis in general. i see so many people in them and 99% of the time it looks terrible.

>> No.6746871

Nah it looks good irl, it looks really flarey and bad in the pic I'm not sure why. I can take another pic to prove it but that's not necessary

>> No.6746875

maybe shirt is a little short? idk

>> No.6746878

You are totally right. I kind of hate everything I own. This shirt and those shoes were actually given to me, I am just trying to make things work with what I have. (Poor college student)

Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.6746888

>b-but they are chinos

>> No.6746879

Talk shit post fit bro

>> No.6746880

how is a that t shirt basic. It looks like the teletubbies took a plain white shirt, then had a bukkake on it. Then ate it, after that they threw up on the shirt.

>> No.6746895

trip pls werk

>> No.6746906

if it makes it any better, take that shirt and wear it un buttoned with a shirt that matches your skin tone along with the colors on the shirt, than throw some jeans with it or something and youll be good. i think the similar color shorts and shoes throw it off. dont bother with a tailor, just save the money for something you want.

>> No.6746907

Why are you afraid of colours?

>> No.6746911

i never liked chinos from the start, reminds me of polo fan boys and best buy employees but if you can pull em off more power to you

>> No.6746925

also that shirt makes me super uncomfterbal and i dont know why. like i just want to walk away from it, and then ill still feel uncomft knowing its there, and its not a bad shirt! it just makes me feel uncomft

>> No.6746930

i actually like the outfit but you seem like an asshole

>> No.6746943

Alright, thanks. Quick question, what shirt would match my skin tone?

>> No.6746936

2plep. 2plep 4 me

>> No.6746938

Thing is, I don't know if I can pull them off.
I don't understand the concept of pulling something off.

>> No.6746951
File: 105 KB, 500x357, 9013374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least i'm not a faggot whew

>> No.6746958

the only thing you can pull off is the power cord to your computer. leave

>> No.6746961

I think you want to have sex with me.
>n-no homo

>> No.6746973

>being this mad
>being a fag
Pick two, juicy fruit

>> No.6746975

ever seen dylan rider? shit clothes, but he rocks em. thats pulling it off. pulling something off, isnt so much about the clothes, but about the person. furthermore, if your not confident in your clothes like that, dont wear them, stick to something you are and thats when your pulling it off. if you dress in something that makes you feel confident, then you will be confident. and thats how you pull something off(exception being fedoras and shit)

>> No.6746995

i can't say, it also depends on your hair and eyes. youll have to figure it out yourself, but some people look better in maroon than they do in red. notice people arround you see what they wear youll figure it out.

>> No.6746997

Not an ass at all, I just hate when dudes shitpost without offering any actual constructive critisism. The shirt looks like shite in the pic, and I addressed that.
Actually a nice dude, and thanks for the compliment. What makes me seem like an ass lol?

>> No.6747004 [DELETED] 

dylan rider can you honestly fuck off you're an ugly piece of shit

>> No.6747010

I got complimented on a similar shirt a lot,
I guess I kind of feel people mirin

>> No.6747018

im not exactly sure, you kind of just seem like a "bro" who evolved from a swagfag and would like personally insult someone a "pleb" (put it into terms you would use) if they didn't understand you r fashion

>> No.6747019

I think the only way to describe this kid is as Dylan Dickrider

>> No.6747026

its not about the people, its about you. no one gives a fuck about people, you dress nice for yourself, if you dress for everyone else your a fake little fuck. its how the fit makes you feel, if you feel good in it, complements will follow. you could be in the sickest shit, but if you feel like everyones questioning you about it, then they will.

>> No.6747032 [DELETED] 

fuck off dylan

>> No.6747040

Agree and will add to this, it's the reason /fa/ has become so shit and watered down. When did we ever get the right to be so pretentious? Our waywts are freaking crap at the most but yet all everyone says is
>lel fuccboi
>top kek fag
And other stupid shit like that. I don't even like this guys fit anyway I don't think it's well put together. IMO if your wearing that kind of clothing you should have some runners on the bottom or something, it just looks offsetting with Rafs on the bottom.

>> No.6747036
File: 1.97 MB, 300x205, =shh only dreams now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747064

if your wearing that type of clothing, you probably are at the welfare line picking up another check to spend it all on one piece of article

>> No.6747069

Thanks bro

>> No.6747072

np fuccshirt

>> No.6747077

Not at all lol. I apologize if I come off that way, but as I said before I save and buy what I like, and I wear what I like. Maybe someone will see my pics and say "hey that's cool, I'll work it into my style." That's what I did, and it's how I developed my personal style. It aggrivates me when typical /fa/ idiots just shitpost from their basement meanwhile they don't post their own fits, or offer any other advice to others other than shitposting to feel better about themselves because they're dressed by the Internet

>> No.6747078

that cat looks so uncomofortable

>> No.6747081

Nope. I have a steady job. No welfare for me I'm pretty comfortable with my paychecks.

>> No.6747083

>one piece of article

u ok m8

>> No.6747085

dude, come on
>wow terrible
is not 'shitposting'
you're putting yourself out there purely for the sake of being judged on an anonymous, notoriously immature site, expect to get some dumb responses, and just ignore them.
go to reddit if you want a hugbox

>> No.6747097

Yes it is lol. I have no problem with people disliking my fits but please offer some critisism. It's the whole point of a waywt. Reddit is crap for the sole reason of them only liking one style, at least ere there's a little more diversity

>> No.6747104

aren't you transgender

I saw you on the /cd/ board of 420chan I think months ago

>> No.6747110

>n-no h-homo

>> No.6747116
File: 42 KB, 400x394, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747131

haha, i have the same shoes but they look like shit on you and awesome on me

>> No.6747244

>All my photos are taken with a webcam.
is there some kind of magical force keeping you from turning your webcam on its side?

>> No.6747398

Not enough contrast between the red pants and white shoes.
I think the hoodie/shirt colors would look better switched. Would swap the pants for something black or a blue that's near black.

>> No.6747436
File: 1.20 MB, 640x1136, fitfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilled kinda work day

>> No.6747440
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>> No.6747446 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x250, meals on heels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ur a boot farmer?

>> No.6747441

got i love that thom ford

so good

nice fit but the shoes look weird

>> No.6747451 [DELETED] 

this is old tho

>> No.6747457

dunno if it's the camera but the sizes seem off. I think the pants are just no good.

>> No.6747460

wtf is this thom ford thing a new may may?

>> No.6747465
File: 2.11 MB, 350x197, 1371925193839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thom ford

>> No.6747468

I chucked

>> No.6747471



>> No.6747475

They're jsut suede desert boots, but the narrow black jeans hem doesn't drape over the boots that well.

I'm wearing the jacket as an orphan, didn't feel like wearing a full suit today as i'll be wearing one tomorrow and over the weekend for a conference

>> No.6747494


>> No.6747500

is that a tail or is he doing a shit?

>> No.6747512

dont try to pull a user pose
you need to be skinny and white to slouchcore fam

>> No.6747526
File: 153 KB, 1080x720, 1377021135833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747527
File: 34 KB, 752x701, 1376626641109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.6747547 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 300x250, kakarrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly a rotten banana

just realized the shoes r diff nvm

>> No.6747562


stop posting this mediocre fit

>> No.6747611

w2c pants?

>> No.6747664

quick question if you are still here. Is it appropriate to wear something like that in a highschool setting or is it too formal?

>> No.6747673

wrong person to ask mate, I haven't in school for nearly 10 years.

Also when i was there we wore uniforms everyday, School Blazer, school tie, pressed pants/shorts and polished black leather shoes.

>> No.6747677

What school did you go to?

>> No.6747680

A private school in Sydney.

>> No.6747694

well most of my senior class wears whatever street cloths/graphic tees and the only style of clothing I look good in is tradition/preppy, so would you recommend I wear traditional?

>> No.6747716

You can go preppy if you want to, but obviously you'd know better than me whether to dress up or dress down.

as a rule I'd recommend against ties (i'm presuming it's an American high school setting).

But a dress shirt with a jacket (+ pocket square) would look fine. Just make sure you tuck the shirt into your pants or jeans or whatever.

If you need inspo, check a book called Take Ivy. That's gonna be a good starting point.

>> No.6747738

Pocket squares sound too out of place for a High School setting.

>> No.6747761

nah, when you do a presidential it'll look fine. You dress down else where, like your shoes or pants.

>> No.6747938

His name is knuckles.

>> No.6747980

pant break game weak
do s/t pls

also i can c ur penis crease B)

>> No.6748006

idk usually I'm in love with ur thighs but those sock or boots or whatever they are, they're throwing it off for me

>> No.6748095

Please start tripping so I can filter you

>> No.6748173

that's my mangina... but yeah the break don't work with these boots as they're hemmed just above my feet... heeeeck

>> No.6748189
File: 60 KB, 640x426, yoloswagswagswag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748194
File: 779 KB, 717x960, August 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuboraum Julius

>> No.6748204
File: 228 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mrwijpDsyI1r0aowgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giant silly tee i got from some sus place in chicago 2day
+ levi's / docs

>> No.6748217

dear god i pray to jesus allah buddha lord almighty the angel mikael shiva vishnu that this isn't real

>> No.6748259

i c ur rockin stax on ur tights

>> No.6748278
File: 15 KB, 500x375, r u real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude those are sneakers are you high lol

>> No.6748294

jacket looks too big

>> No.6748323

I dunno dude, it depends on a) you can pull it off without looking try hard, and b) how your peers already perceive you. You might get some snarky asshole comments questioning your choice of attire. However, if you don't give a fuck and look good in this type of fit, go for it. It is only highschool though, you might as well enjoy being able to wear whatever you want. Maybe try a "dressed down" version of this?

>> No.6748500

>tfw no kurisu-core gf

>> No.6748518

Imagine he dropps sauce on his pullover and have to change after making his hair.

>> No.6748757 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1308x2732, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todays look, do I pull it off?

Help appreciated..

>> No.6748772

imo you should lose the shirt and replace it with a white tee
change the jeans to something not pre-faded or a black pair


>> No.6748771


>> No.6748802


tighter jeans, different t underneath

>> No.6748809

What colour?

>> No.6748826

Ok, thanks. Why doesn't the red shirt work?

>> No.6748833

what are you wearing on your feet?

>> No.6748835


my sides

>> No.6748841

Just a pair of black socks, ankle hight

>> No.6748847


are you that Faggot ricky that spammed the one of the worst boards ever /R9K?

>> No.6749153

the fit looks tacky. You pretty much look like that kid who got a hold of mommy/daddy credit card and get a pair of hologram RAF. Honestly, I think hologram RAF velcro requires a different fit, and feels like it's making your basic fit which is composed of a white tee and black pants tacky. If you want my opinion on how to make this outfit work well, then get white RAF hitop velcro. If not, then try a different outfit that isn't tacky with the velcro you have.

>> No.6749161


>> No.6749183

hello newfriend

>> No.6749210

some of the fits in this waywt are getting slept or underrated.

>> No.6749470

that beard looks so good you should keep it for life and mayb get a qt face tattoo to compliment it

>> No.6749494

nice shirt you fucking pleb

>> No.6749546

look stupid

>> No.6749552
File: 1.95 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2013-08-22-09-25-161788090685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been told this hoodie is ugly. I, for some reason, like it a lot. What do you think?

also would it work better with blue jeans?

>> No.6749564

get a parka in same color and fit. Dont wear with blue jeans

>> No.6749569

yeah it's the colour but also the elastic bits around your wrists look weird

not digging the v neck either

>> No.6749629
File: 140 KB, 960x960, idry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck y'all.

>> No.6749632
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. A new day, another fit.

>> No.6749644


w2c jeans

>> No.6749661
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>> No.6749665
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>> No.6749713


>> No.6749718

The hair you mean?

>> No.6749722
File: 717 KB, 1167x2935, 2013-08-22 11.19.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sweater is dark green
wish I had a better place to put my mirror

>> No.6749736

lol you look like a fucking faggot.

I seriously hope this is trolling

>> No.6749751

you're cute, at least.
Don't do the v-neck. Try black/grey jeans

>> No.6749778

Post a fit fuccboi.

>> No.6749777 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 1209x1280, work-outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working clothes.

Are my work clothes /fa/?

captcha: unsuccessfull stsaglo

>> No.6749780
File: 48 KB, 424x750, tumblr_mqryuuKgpr1s0k77fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread gave me cancer
worst waywt in weeks
delete pls

>> No.6749783
File: 927 KB, 1209x1280, work-outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working clothes.

Are my work clothes /fa/?

captcha: unsuccessfull stsaglo

>> No.6749784


>> No.6749785

You look fucking terrifying.

>> No.6749793
File: 1.15 MB, 1730x1280, parka-ornot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?? Why m8.

Btw, does the parka improve the fit?

>> No.6749796


bad fit

>> No.6749799

I came here for help, tell me what I'm doing wrong or fuck off because you're shitting up the board.

>> No.6749807

too late, u already did :^)

>> No.6749808

what the fuck are you doing

>> No.6749804

ur so cute bb where u live

>> No.6749814

beware the night predator

>> No.6749818

You look ladcore as fuck, ditch those nasty chinos and that shirt is disgusting, and a haircut might do

>> No.6749821
File: 613 KB, 860x1194, which-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which backpack fits the parka+etc best? Left or right?

I think you should update your haircut, it's 2006 no more and HY is the new emo haircut. The fit looks decent to me, maybe get a size smaller on the shirt.

:blush: ty. F/m? I'll tell u after u answer that. I'm a virgin and hard2get so might want to approach me a little less upfront, 'kay? :)

What do you mean? Am I doing something wrong with the outfit?

I'm the most harmless person out there, man.

>> No.6749834

f. ur fit is horrible tho and throw that hideous bag on the left away. now tell me

>> No.6749842

No wonder you're a virgin, you dress like a 13 year old going to his school disco

>> No.6749851

Why don't you go ahead and buy a superdry polo and nike blazers, would go along with your shit style

>> No.6749854
File: 712 KB, 1023x1253, y-t-fits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ladcore as fuck
Hmm, did you mean to type dadcore, or?
>ditch those chinos
I agree I don't really like them either. I just got my new payment check and I'm definitly gonna get some new jeans.
>and that shirt is disgusting,
B-but they're work clothes, I'm forced to wear them.
>and a haircut might do
Yeah I was expecting /fa/ to shit on my haircut but honestly I tried everything, even hitler youth (never again). And this has cut has honestly proven to look the least shittiest on me.

Ok, hi female, I live 25 minutes away from Amsterdam. U?

Also why is the fit so bad?

Is this one in pic better? That was my yesterday's outfit.

Ouch :(. I never thought I'd genuinely feel a little offended over the internet. I appreciate your thoughts though. Could you advice me in your opinion how I could improve?

>> No.6749856

>backpacks over longcoats.


>> No.6749860

No not dadcore you pleb, Ladcore, as in the kids who think they're the 'Lads' and wear the chinos along with RL polos, and the high tops, that's what you look like

>> No.6749865

Ugh I now know what you mean. I don't want to fit into that category at all. Without the orange work shirt, and instead of the chino the black jeans in >>6749854 I don't look so ladcore, right?

>> No.6749875

Ok, my advice, you have a jew fro, cut it down at the sides, and shorter on top, keep it curly on top, let it go down your forhead a little, now with that haircut goes the hipster/indie shit, you look young, and young hipster girls love that, so that means tight black jeans, all over print shirts, and high sleeved button up shirts

>> No.6749878

Yes that fit is a little better, my advice is you throw out all your dark baggy chinos

>> No.6749891

ha, i knew it. you look dutch as fuck. previous pic was too obnoxious with the colours. wtf were u thinking? cant see much in this one, shoes look like you bought them at the zeeman

>> No.6749903

ditch chinos, buy black skinnies

>> No.6749907


>> No.6749921

>high sleeved button up shirts

>> No.6749925
File: 950 KB, 1768x1280, newbag-whichjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Fit of last week. pls dont crush me I know it's shit and no longer wear it.

So I should never wear backpacks in combination with the parka?

Does wearing backpacks look better when I'm wearing either one of the jackets in pic related? (old fit from a week ago)

Thanks alot for the advice.

>you have a jew fro, cut it down at the sides
Hmm yeah I do kinda have a jew fro, but that's mainly because I put it shitloads of hairwax. Look at pic related it's naturally more wavy-ish and impossible to style. I tried shorter sides before and it made me look even worse, and even younger looking than I already do.

>you look young,
I always get this :(. What age do you guess me? I'll answer my real age.

>and young hipster girls love that, so that means tight black jeans, all over print shirts, and high sleeved button up shirts
Ok that's great. I made it my mission this year to finally lose my virginity. Preferably to a qt3.14 hipster girl.

I will definitly look for more tight black jeans, know any good stores/brands that are affordable? (got about €300 budget for upcoming weeks). I have only shopped at H&M, Zara and this skatestore in town that sells streetwear.

Thank you, I will. :) I was always thinking in terms of colour that I should match the colour of my hair with the colour of a piece in my fit. Guess I was wrong and retarded.

>> No.6749931
File: 947 KB, 839x1923, way1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6749950


Those two jackets seem more acceptable imo. They're a little more form-fitting.

>> No.6749953


w2c parka?

>> No.6749955


>> No.6749957

i'd make everything a little baggier.

>> No.6749965

fat piece of shit
should have gotten diors

>> No.6749966


>> No.6749970

put on an undershirt and come back
armhole length is not flattering at all

>> No.6749978
File: 385 KB, 875x1967, IMG_20130822_072432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749979

Hmm ok. Well I just spent €160 on it and I thought it looked good/passable on me. Or do you think otherwise? I don't want to have that €160 go to waste, and I don't want to be labeled "ladcore" as in above post either, tho.

Here u go

>> No.6749984

fucking lol

>> No.6749986

cheap monday or river island if you're desperately cheap, april 77 or acne if you want something good

>> No.6749992


Which thing are you talking about?

>> No.6749995

Cool, thanks, I'll look them up. Hoping they have store in the Netherlands (probably not, as with all praised stores and brands on /fa/)

The green parka I wore in all other fits I posted

>> No.6749997
File: 453 KB, 1242x1654, 1374942574604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why this gets hate
pretty spot on
fuck breaking, slight stack rules.
breaking is some tryhard shit right now, it's great with athletic shoes.

this is the only time I've ever seen DBs and like them, literally never before.

>> No.6750001


wait a week before the buttons start falling off

>> No.6750004

shouldn't you never wear a jacket apart from pants?
or at least wear the pants too without the jacket to even out the wear?

>> No.6750008

w2c sweater?

>> No.6750010

lose weight, change your clothes

>> No.6750016

Are you serious.

Personal experience, or did the internet tell you?

>> No.6750022
File: 523 KB, 923x2238, aug22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BR slim fit micropattern
uniqlo merino wool
J.Crew 484 raw indigo selvedge
Guess Callisto

>> No.6750021


Yeah, then, I can't say I'm a fan. It's just not flattering on you at all. And you look like you have a relatively nice figure, too, so there's no reason to squander it with baggy clothing.

>> No.6750040

fresh as fuck would wear

>> No.6750041
File: 221 KB, 604x1359, 1283154159945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6750046


>> No.6750053
File: 2.06 MB, 2880x1280, my-first-progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, ok I think I see your point. I still want to look for a way to be able to rock the parka though, I can't return it and initally I really liked it. And €160 is pretty much in my book to spend on a piece of clothing. Any suggestion?

>And you look like you have a relatively nice figure, too,
But that's not true at all imo. Pic related. I can't wait for the summer to go away so I'm no longer forced to wear t-shirts and people see my frail figure.

>> No.6750057

ena i have yet to see your face

>> No.6750065

halfcabs are good to skate but those tongues fucking piss me off

>> No.6750082


Haha, you're cute. I mean, you're not built or anything but I don't think you look bad. Certainly not bad enough to merit covering it up with a triangular longcoat. This is coming from a gayboy, though, so take it with a grain of salt...

>> No.6750094
File: 838 KB, 651x868, Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 6.52.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw do my chinos look less worse/passable when I cuff them like this?

>> No.6750096


Well Uniqlo works to keep their image "young", not so much like American Apparel but still they try.

>> No.6750100

T-thanks I s-suppose.

>> No.6750119
File: 235 KB, 672x1863, way2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll take it as a compliment that you don't criticize my fit
already lost over 10 pounds tho, maybe another 10 to go until i'm comfortable, but that won't help much with the thighs i guess
yeah, the jeans are tight, but i think the t fits pretty good
pic related better?

>> No.6750124

It's actually happened to me with an overcoat and a blazer I bought there.

>> No.6750134


I see nothing particularly wrong here

>> No.6750146

w2c similar parka but in black

>> No.6750189
File: 493 KB, 1280x960, myshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck.

>but those tongues fucking piss me off

>> No.6750239

Would black skinnies look alright?

>> No.6750270

if you were black/had darker skin the hoodie would look better. It would be better with a miliary jacket/parka of the same color

>> No.6750305

You look like the coolest dude to hang out with.

>> No.6750504


>> No.6750540

Cheap Monday

>> No.6750770

What Parka?

>> No.6750973 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 1234715_1409594079266214_734787442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6751001

What shoes are those?

>> No.6751007

Dreambox geobaskets

>> No.6751882

>Take Ivy

thanks for the advice