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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 237x320, big_lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6712755 No.6712755 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw big lips

What genetics were you blessed/cursed with?

>> No.6712901

i have a 10/10 face but I have bad skin, I think it's something I can cure though.

Any suggestions on dealing with bad/oily skin would be great

>> No.6712920
File: 969 KB, 2458x3152, 1374692347970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10/10 face

post a face fuccboi

>> No.6712922

i guess thats a blessing cus i hate bitches with thin ass lips, i like blowjobs and those wont do

>> No.6712924
File: 4 KB, 250x239, 1350853945814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>10/10 face

>> No.6712932

I wouldn't consider knoch a 10/10 by any stretch.

>> No.6712939

ask your doctor for prescriptions

>> No.6712942

>a nine inch cock

>> No.6712943

>thick as negro lips on a pale half-Asian male
At least my hair is amazing.

>> No.6712952
File: 12 KB, 140x200, why god, why - yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wide hipped male here

>> No.6712954

>10/10 face but bad skin

I have a 10/10 body but I'm morbidly obese.

>> No.6712956

nobody cares what you consider faggot

>> No.6712957

great hair

>> No.6712962

Bruh, i got wide hips, long ass arms and legs, big lips and just an average jaw.

>> No.6712963

You could be strongfat and it would be similar to what that guy is saying.
You can definitely have winning facial aesthetics covered with shit-tier skin.
Quite a number of celebs are in that position.

>> No.6712975

Blue eyes
Broad shoulders
Hard for me to gain any weight/fat

5.5" penis
I don't like trimming my pubic hair

>> No.6712986

Ever work out your basal metabolic rate and tried counting your calories?

>> No.6712994

>fairly good looking
>good hair
>roman nose, kind of too big
>naturally muscular
>full lips
I wouldn't jump back into a genetic lottery but I wish I was tall

>> No.6712995


>Hard for me to gain any weight/fat

That's because you simply aren't eating enough.

>> No.6712996

that's something he is proud of you idiot

>> No.6713005
File: 197 KB, 514x703, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 is a stretch but still

>> No.6713009

big lips here... im a dude though so it makes me look like a mouth breather

>> No.6713010


Why should he be proud of not understanding simple science?

>> No.6713011


>> No.6713014
File: 8 KB, 200x234, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6713020


>> No.6713016

maybe a 6

>> No.6713017

no jaw, chin too small, lips too big for the rest of you face, nose too big, beady eyes, looks like you're alredy balding

>> No.6713019

A prominent brow bone. Don't know if good or bad.

>> No.6713025

>lips too big for the rest of you face

lol just shut up

>> No.6713028

it makes him look like a fish, big lips need a proper jaw to not make you look like a transvestite/shit proportions

>> No.6713034

lips to big for the rest of his face?
beady eyes wot.

>> No.6713036

not seein it bud

they don't need a proper jaw btw

>> No.6713042

wouldn't look at you twice


you're not a 10 by any stretch, you're barely scraping a 6

>> No.6713044

>that's something he is proud of you idiot

Chances are this dude has no idea he is under eating.
Most fatshits and skinny people don't realize they are over/under eating.

>> No.6713050

ur pathetic lol

>> No.6713068

cleft chin, is that blessed or cursed?

>> No.6713075

I have extremely long legs and an extremely short torso.
Not sure if it's a bad or a good thing.

>> No.6713081


>> No.6713083


depends on if strong jaw and chin

>> No.6713098

you're definitely 8 or above, the other faggots are annoyed because either a) jelly or b) overreacting because you said 10/10 earlier

>> No.6713096

I'm a 7/10 on a good day but this goddamn curse called acne will never go away, so it makes me a six at best

>> No.6713113

I've always found them really unattractive on males past a certain point.

>> No.6713103

round cheeks and weak jaw

>> No.6713104

having big lips is good you gook

>> No.6713123

i'll give him a 7.5 for facial aesthetics. I can tell he's way too fucking skinny and looks a little too feminine though

>> No.6713125

eye bags

>> No.6713136

I look awkward as fuck in group pictures, I wouldn't be too sure of it but /fa/ praises shit like that.

>> No.6713137


>> No.6713138

>I can tell he's way too fucking skinny and looks a little too feminine though

both good things

>> No.6713143

No he has what I like to call "pineapple head" because his face barely comes forward of his neck

>> No.6713147

no...not at all. Depend on the kind of woman you want I guess. Unless of course you want cock in your asshole, then yeah...it's great.

Gain some muscles skinnyfag

>> No.6713150
File: 13 KB, 255x141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot

>> No.6713158

>Hips wide enough to make a pretty big visible gap between my waist
Worst thing ever, I never take off my shirt because of that.

>> No.6713160

A long neck.

sometimes it looks good at certain angles. Most of the time it looks shit though.

I guess it looks a lot better when its more feminine, which is basically when you cant see my adams apple.

>> No.6713162

colicks. or cow licks.

whatever they are called.


and also deep voice.

>> No.6713154

hahaha I didn't actually notice this before. top lel

>> No.6713156

>big lips

Sweet, I guess

>big nose

oy vey fuck my ass

>> No.6713167

>deep voice

I hope you consider this a positive

>> No.6713168


jesus these fucking noobs...

>> No.6713170
File: 27 KB, 447x335, cunt.jpg.png.gif.fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713172

deep voice is a good thing if you're a dude.
Otherwise, if you're a girl start learning how to sing...it will improve the control of your voice and you'll be able to change it permanently with practice.

Women with deep voice are gross no matter how cute they look

>> No.6713173

>Deep voice
Get this faggot out of here

>> No.6713174

I have a ginormous head :(

also my skin can be a bit shit at times but I've got that under control

>> No.6713183



>> No.6713187


r u gurl?
i noticed that a lot of attractive gurls have small bodies but massive heads.

>> No.6713191
File: 59 KB, 633x758, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have cheek bones

>> No.6713203

some people agree on something positive? saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmeeeeeeeeefaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggg

>> No.6713197


im surprised everyone thinks this.
yea it's cool to have a deep voice, but there are limits.

maybe the issue is being too montone, but i try to work on that.

>> No.6713201
File: 22 KB, 780x410, toplel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I can actually see what you're saying

>> No.6713209


Do your cheeks puff out too? Those two things usually go together, and it sucks ass.

>> No.6713214

bad feel

if I got some small implants on my jaw and cheekbones, my face would be way more balanced.

>> No.6713216


its just postive because you're samefagging

>> No.6713217

Yeah its too bad because most of the time you only see mexicans have it. And they get it real bad. Like a perfectly centered dome on top too

>> No.6713227

The bad
>5 feet 10 inches
>Beer gut
>alzheimer's runs in the family
>Small face
>No cheekbones, I look like a male version of selena gomez
>Big hips
>Big negro butt

The good
>Full lips
>deep voice
>Small nose
>Pinned ears

>> No.6713240
File: 24 KB, 398x387, 1368633190873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they do.

should we just give up now?

>> No.6713246

>I look like a male version of selena gomez

>> No.6713258
File: 45 KB, 307x507, 445VJ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While everyone is in the mood to judge faces, can I have a pass? Please be frank. Note that I was very drunk and that this was last night.

>> No.6713263

>hurr durr im a retard


>> No.6713266
File: 109 KB, 571x530, 4465r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


confirmed for qt

>> No.6713273

>6 feet tall even though almost all of the males in my family are under 5'8"
>relatively good looking face
>good skin
>thick and curly hair that I barely need to do anything to besides washing to look good

>brown eyes
>extremely short-sighted
>facial hair grows well for a moustache/goatee, but the rest is patchy
>very little body hair

>> No.6713269


you arent ugly but you sure as hell arent model tier.

big ears but bitches love big ears. ask will (smith)

>> No.6713277


>> No.6713279

why am I a retard?

what the fuck lol. I already know I have better taste in facial aesthetics than you.

I bet you like tiny eyes, and thin lips faggot.

>> No.6713282

Average east coast american white guy

>> No.6713285

why does everyone here want/think they are model tier?

i always see pics of guys saying "my "friends" say i should model" and they look average.

you can be good looking, and even really attractive without being a model.

>> No.6713302

I have ugly feet I hate them so much

>> No.6713306

It's funny, I've actually been told I should try modeling. Never really took it seriously though.

>> No.6713311

late bloomer
very small forehead
default asshole face due to angry eyebrows
late bloomer
I'm still growing
I'm getting jacked again
bitches think my voice is hot (its p deep)
no gyno or gyno hips
solid face/hazel eyes
nice nose
i like my hair
symmetrical muscle insertions from the feet up.

>> No.6713316

>thick blonde hair
>unique eye color (brought out by just about anything I wear)
>sexy male voice (I've been told)
>good facial structure
>5'9" king of the manlets (w/o growth hormone I would have been 5'1", so can't really complain).
>underbite, as a result of growth hormone

insurance has approved corrective jaw surgery, but then I'll have to spend my first year or two of college in braces (again); I think it adds character anyway.

>> No.6713319 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 535x327, wanarubmyhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i lost weight would i look at least okay?

>> No.6713323

Oh and my ears don't flair out.

>> No.6713337

you need a beard. all terrorists need beards

>> No.6713338

yea, i have too but that's kind of my point.
most people probably have been told something similar at some point.

>> No.6713347
File: 25 KB, 400x452, exo-kai-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre good

>> No.6713342
File: 955 KB, 660x726, 6261f28279c2cfc035039ccb15f0bd20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My elbow physically can't extend to make my arm flat.
Huge overbite
Receeding chin(wasn't a mouthbreather)
For some reason a lot of people find me attractive though.

>> No.6713343

Show rest of body. I think you look good now, just trim your eyebrows a bit, they repel.

>> No.6713367

I have a few really nice features that make my face pretty good despite several bad ones like a large lower lip and tiny upper one.

>> No.6713383

>gorgeous long hair
>clear skin
>hideous everything else

;_; feels bad

>> No.6713400

>tall cheekbones
>fairly weak jaw
>thin hair
besides that, i think myself a proper 8/10, although I've often been rated as high as a 10

>> No.6713403

I've got folded top eyelids like an asian does but i'm white
it's quite a cool little feature

>> No.6713421
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros- 5'11"
Pretty fit, been lifting round a year so not supa strong but still decent
Better than average looks
Love to talk to random people and just do whatever I think could be fun

Bushy eyebrows, not really sure how to trim
Can't grow facial hair for shit.
Receding hairline a bit
Used to get acne, now just a little bit comes and goes

>> No.6713422

specific features don't matter when you've just got a overall 'good look' to you
>see Ryan Gosling

>> No.6713430

Post pix

>> No.6713439

>dat hairline
>dat forehead
>dat space between eyes


>> No.6713452

nobody cares about the netherlands tho m8

>> No.6713447

>Pros- 5'11"
Hehe, you know that's pretty short don't you?

In my country (The Netherlands) you'd be considered a midget.

>> No.6713448
File: 252 KB, 511x428, 1362839996563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acne. Fuck my parents for giving me this #fucc skin

>> No.6713455

I highly doubt that.
5'11 is average in Europe.

You're probably just trying to troll anyway

>> No.6713457 [DELETED] 

Good :
-Strong jaw bones
-Deep blue eyes. I almost always wear glasses and when I put my contact lenses, people think that I have colored lenses.
-Blond hair
-Perfect tooth

bad :
-Kinda big forehead.
-Nose is a bit big
-Light acne

>> No.6713466

Don't listen to him, your facial aesthetics are fine, above average even.

Acne is largely determined by health (physical and mental), diet and a healthy lifestyle. Don't blame it all on your genes.

Nope, not trolling. I am 6ft myself which is the average here and in posh towns and cities I see men that tower over me easily, without the immigrants the average would be alot taller.

5'11" really isn't tall.

>> No.6713464


>> No.6713468

He's right though. Those glorious Dutchman are some of the tallest in the world.

>> No.6713469

>Weak chin/jaw. I mean it's not like really weak just not strong either.
>cowlicks everywhere, hair always curls whenever I do something with it and it's a pain in the ass
>no natural muscle (some people don't even workout and are still ottermode it's not fair)
>droopy eyelids I look high all the time

Average looks
Nice ass for a guy

>> No.6713477 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-18-13 at 2.38 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" 200lbs fatass :(

went a little overboard with the whole "bulking" thing hehe

>> No.6713481

....Did you just eat and not lift or something? The fukk

>> No.6713482

6 feet and 5'11 are 2.5cm apart

you're both not tall you faglords

>> No.6713488


need cut m8

>> No.6713497

I never said i was tall at 6ft, he did proclaim it being a pro to be 5'11 but it's actually midget status, especially outside of America.
Grow up.

>> No.6713491
File: 67 KB, 960x767, 1016075_4877203340523_2066907018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713500

lol no, was my first time bulking so i went full retard and went down the "eat everything in sight route"

bench: 250
squat: 315
deadlift: 400 (with chalk and straps)

started cutting just this week

>> No.6713507


just another one of those dime a dozen teenagers

>> No.6713517


you literally don't know what you're talking about. acne is entirely down to your genes you fucking pleb.

>> No.6713514
File: 9 KB, 345x258, person_ashamed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cursed with disgusting paki genetics

why was i even born, i wish i was european

>> No.6713525


definite qt. Definitely not a 10 though. 8 proper

>> No.6713521
File: 494 KB, 1080x720, Fotografi den 16-08-13 kl. 17.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just now..

>> No.6713529

Haha, what are you, 15?

Stay uneducated edgy little angry boy. :)

>> No.6713537

I'm merely saying its a pro that I'm not shorter than that, if I could pick my height I would choose either 5 11 or 6. Its a little above average and it's a good height for bulking/cutting
Post fit, forehead is average and space between eyes is average. What I lack in looks is easily made up by social aptitude. I have confidence so that typically gets me what I want.

Thanks, I appreciate it. And yeah I'd agree with you that I'm above average, not a lot but enough for me to work with

>> No.6713545

P good lifts m8, just starting my bulk. I've been eating about as much as I can (non greasy and low sugar), what do you wish you could change bout your bulking process?

>> No.6713550


please educate us all then my dermatologist. how is it down to 'health and diet' when acne is caused by how much oil your sebaceous glands produce which is determined by your hormones (ie. genetics).

fucking virgin.

>> No.6713554

webcam quality... but still.

>> No.6713558 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 166x166, aha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the picture

>> No.6713562


could you go any smaller?

>> No.6713565

You really have issues, don't you?

Because certain unhealthy lifestyles can increase the oil production in your glands due to hormonal imbalance (stress, shitty diet, bad blood circulation through the skin/lack of excersize).

I'm not even a virgin, stop projecting and work on that shitty attitude of yours.

>> No.6713568

>Slight curve on nose making it look jew
>Weak chin
>My cheeks are slightly asymmetrical

>> No.6713585 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 300x453, lu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a better picture, just for you.

>> No.6713598

What's up Johnny Flynn?

>> No.6713596


You look like a Russian serial killer.

>> No.6713600
File: 32 KB, 750x750, 1368843464394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 10/10 face but 5'5 manlet

>> No.6713604

terrible features, but at least you look gaunt eh?

>> No.6713603


'unhealthy lifestyles can increase oil production' are you retarded? eating dairy isn't unhealthy but if you consume it and already have acne (ie the genetic disposition for oily sebaceous glands it can worsen BUT it won't give you acne if you haven't got it.

Moron, that's why teenagers get acne because their hormones are unbalanced and working over-time.

All the other variables you've cited have no connection to acne. 'shitty diet' is just a vague buzz word, it isn't to do with quality or amount of food rather what you're eating and if your genetics make it likely for you to have acne.

Stress can give you the odd spot. It doesn't give you acne vulgaris. PLEB. Neither does 'bad blood circulation'

now virgin pipe down. or you could post a picture of yourself and we can all laugh.

>> No.6713605

nice zits, slav

>> No.6713620

haha, I agree. The fact that I have dead eyes and don't smile really don't help. I'll take it as a compliment, may I?

>> No.6713612

Lol, considering the amounts of times you just insulted me without giving solid arguments/proof is astounding. Simply not worth debating with, see ya. :)

>> No.6713619

I did already, try and find me.

>> No.6713613


ah nice one anon! that was a zinger.

how about you post a picture of yourself? you fat fucking virgin :)

>> No.6713622


gg kid. now stay fat, ugly and misinformed.

oh and pluck the courage to post your pic and so will I.

>> No.6713623

what do you mean?

how does ryan have bad features?

i have also always wondered why do some people with similar features look so bad, or people with "bad features" look better than some with "good"

>> No.6713624

aw, the slav is mad

>> No.6713626

He's right though. Your features don't look nice

>> No.6713629

Manlet, my hair only looks wavy when I grow it out, bad pores/mild excema on my upper arms and a mole the size of a 1P coin on my back as curses.
I have a retardedly fast metabolism, long neck and long eyelashes though. I just have to play up to being a small qt twink so guys are easy. Pain in the ass getting women though.

>> No.6713631


this is an anon board you faggot. how are we supposed to find a fat virgin like you?

>> No.6713636


this isn't the slav pleb.

>> No.6713633

I am too mature to give into your demands, little inferior, infantile waste of space. Please stop replying to me.

>> No.6713642

It wasn't me that posted this comment, just so you know.

>> No.6713647


firstly, I've not posted my photo yet. therefore you don't make sense. my point remains that he's got the balls to post his photo yet you're still a fat ugly virgin criticising somebody who's far superior to you under your anon cloak.

so if you want to criticise him, be brave and post your photo too. :)

>> No.6713658

>using virgin as an insult
End yourself.

>> No.6713661


Yeah, acne MAY be caused by some things, if you eat like a disgusting pig and never wash, but for the most part it is down to genetics.

How do you explain it when all these "unhealthy" lifestyles are fixed but the acne keeps recurring?

>> No.6713662

My hair is thicker than the queen of England's bush, but it won't grow past 2 inches, and no beard.

>> No.6713664

>calling someone ugly but refusing to post a pic of yourself

fat virgin

>> No.6713670
File: 196 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-17-13 at 12.07 PM #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh I always thought of myself just average

This is just now with 2 weeks of no shave

>tfw acne is finally leaving after years of suffering from it

>> No.6713680
File: 17 KB, 360x360, king projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet you're still a fat ugly virgin criticising somebody who's far superior to you

>> No.6713681

What is a good size for lips on a guy? How big is too big?

Also what is a good eye spacing? sometimes i feel like my eyes are too wide apart, but sometimes not

also why when i look in the mirror do i not really see my cheeks as that asymetrical, but when i take a pic of my face it looks really asymetrical?

>> No.6713692
File: 133 KB, 1200x900, keratosis_pilaris_1_0303241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was blessed with tiny tits, but I've got keratosis all on my chest and over my arms (it's not so bad in the summer when I'm tan, but in the winter it looks like pic related). I also have a thin upper lip so when I smile it disappears

>> No.6713695

I've had really bad acne from age 17-21 while suffering from an anxiety disorder. Once I got rid of my anxiety disorder my acne faded away quickly and the formation of new acne pretty much stopped. And that's no coincidense. Stress, amongst other things (genes do play a big role) are the main cause of acne. Because it directly affects your hormonal balance.

>> No.6713696

>tfw feel really ugly but girls hit on me all the time

>> No.6713697

Sup drake how ya doing?

>> No.6713708

Girls call me cute all the time

Grandmas call me handsome

have never been called hot

still feel ugo

>> No.6713710

Nice anecdotal evidence. You could just as equally say acne is caused by puberty, and you stopped developing when you were 21.

Pretty much is a coincidence. I don't see anybody getting their persistent acne fixed by anything but accutane.

>> No.6713712

>still fat virgin
>still refuses to post pic of himself


>> No.6713716

>I don't see anybody getting their persistent acne fixed by anything but accutane.
Try broadening your world, outside of 4chan.

>> No.6713718

but you didnt post a photo either mr. projector

>> No.6713727


>> No.6713731


you haven't seen me criticise somebody's appearance after they post a photo of themselves on here. you on the other hand...

>> No.6713739
File: 165 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-17-13 at 12.18 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even Anon sees the resemblance. I always get called that by my peers, especially when I cut my hair short.

>> No.6713741

I have a a slight bum chin, fairly close set eyes an the icing on the cake, a Jew nose. Other wise I'm fairly attractive as long as in not looked at side on :(

>> No.6713762
File: 765 KB, 245x227, 1376609402948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 7 inch dick that grows every year

>> No.6713760
File: 404 KB, 1267x1481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also one of my ears dips in slightly as I once got punched in it. This is my nose

>> No.6713766

you criticised them before they posted a pic and you didnt post one :^)

>> No.6713778

are you seriously this fucking retarded? I criticised idiots like you that refused to post pics of themselves but attacked the guys who posted pics. fat virgin... c'mon kid try harder,

>> No.6713772

Yeah other then that acne you're good. Just get some thick rimmed glasses and get all those stupid liberal hipster bitches. They love the non-white cock.

>> No.6713773

big lips on a girl can be cute as fuck. Extra kissable.

>> No.6713791


>> No.6713793
File: 452 KB, 489x400, 1365526163004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713807

>tfw big ears and big bottom lip

>> No.6713810
File: 155 KB, 800x1048, barb telling me to fuck her..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants to kiss a chick with paper thin lips

>> No.6713815


>> No.6713832
File: 1.70 MB, 1139x1406, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713839


big lips are great, but seem rare.

>> No.6713840
File: 52 KB, 1127x747, 1367095014480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ex had thin lips and she always rubbed her lips against my big lips

>> No.6713844

I have had a deep as fuck voice since I was likke 12, that's gotta be worth something, right? I remember when I was 14 this girl told me that she kept thinking I was a 40 year old man until she looked at me. My friend said I sounded like a mix between a 60 year old throat cancer patient and Solid Snake on the same day.

>> No.6713853

yeah, big lips are a rarity. I love a big lipped bitch. But of course they have a nice shape to em, not just big ole orangutang lips

>> No.6713857


>> No.6713855
File: 56 KB, 375x309, codine damon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lip biter it wouldn't work out.

>> No.6713863

>5' 7"

lmao fucking manlet

>> No.6713870
File: 1 KB, 91x55, IMG000072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was too
luckily i was not
pic related my lips
im not black or female

>> No.6713872
File: 212 KB, 1024x682, 1374183150805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713874


>> No.6713895
File: 233 KB, 1024x614, icon_rofl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckly im not a manlet @5'10''

>> No.6713906
File: 82 KB, 441x411, 1371842879635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a manlet

>> No.6713911


ur a manlet too, bro. the cut off is 5`11.

>> No.6713912

5' 10" is average unless you're Dutch, b

5' 9" and below is considered manlet

>> No.6713913
File: 1.93 MB, 1936x2592, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall enough to d o m i n a t e his school.
Mine are p big too.
Comes with being ethnic they hella fine tho if they don't protrude like a retard.

>> No.6713920

>im 5'11'' that is the cuttoff guise!!
get at me 7'1''

>> No.6713921


fucking bill cosby jr in here wewmao

>> No.6713928

damn son what is your skin/shaving routine

>> No.6713929

>be 5'10
>always though I was tall
>start lurking
>what I would do for 2 inches
>tfw you would sacrafice 2 inches of my dick for 2 on my height

>> No.6713932

5'10 is where manlet begins

>> No.6713936
File: 2.48 MB, 1936x2592, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713941
File: 1.71 MB, 332x182, god hand dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gay
>tfw height doesn't matter

>> No.6713943

>this oj da juiceman motherfucker

>> No.6713945

blessed with tall, blu eyes blonde hair.
cursed with wide frame, and not genetics but nose broken three times.

>> No.6713948


yea, if u want to fuck average guys, you bitch.

>> No.6713950

I take steam showers every day and exfoliate.
I don't use shaving cream or anything I just rinse my razors off with alcohol never really gave it much thought.

>> No.6713955

jokes on you I'm a bottom

>> No.6713964
File: 8 KB, 200x240, 9b7d672b081bc1c1a0d1e482a8693655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5/10 face and 5'7 manlet

>> No.6713978


if you were a 10/10 nobody would give a flying fuck

>> No.6713973

>tfw disgusting jew face

>> No.6713975

My lonely life isn't so pretty.

>> No.6713977

post face anon i'm sure you aren't that bad

>> No.6713983
File: 408 KB, 800x800, emotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 3/10 face and 5'7 manlet

>> No.6713981
File: 40 KB, 625x351, 421069_10151349796247147_1267735609_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713987

Bad skin... prone to break outs...

>> No.6713991
File: 30 KB, 300x300, taylor-lautner-downtown-dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting facebook post of this guy being ridiculed for his height by some gurrls.

>> No.6713992

And what's the curse?

>> No.6713995

What does a 10/10 face even look like?
everyone has a flaw.
>Inb4 that guy with alot of pics of knoch.

>> No.6714000

Henry Cavill

>> No.6714003

knoch is 9/10

10/10 doesnt exist

>> No.6714010

Decent looking
Naturally skinny
Good skin
Blond hair (I'm not even sure if that's good or not, but it's kind of rare anyway)
Not too much body hair
Deep voice

5'9" manlet
Angular face so can't go for feminine look
TERRIBLE hairline
Bad posture

That's all I can think of at the moment

>> No.6714012

I have a weak jaw and I'm 5' 6"

Dem Asian feel

>> No.6714005

Post your face, that's a 10/10 piece of perfection bby

>> No.6714014

Knoch is an 8/10.

>> No.6714016



he isn't a 10/10 though. He's definitely a qt tho

>> No.6714017

knoch's face is def a 9, I would give his style a 10 tho.

>> No.6714028

Okay I mean yeah hes p masculine and I cant really see anything apart from the fact that hes probably had his nose broken, But isn't it mostly opinion what u prefer ect.

>> No.6714035

well yeah, beauty like many other things is subjective

>> No.6714043

I was under the impression there was some guidelines /fa/ had to describe attractiveness.

>> No.6714049

big lips and long eyelashes, also my dick is above average in length, if only a bit.

>> No.6714064
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x2560, 096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you have thin hair.

>> No.6714073

>objective guidelines for subjective qualities
infographfags pls go

>> No.6714072

oh yeah forgot about the negatives
receding hairline (still ok at this point tho) and sensitive skin

>> No.6714122
File: 9 KB, 274x206, Webcampic21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw perfect 10/10 face 10'' dick and perfect 10/10 boady

>> No.6714117

>wide hips
>big ass
>y chromosome

>> No.6714127


preston pls go

>> No.6714136

6'3", nordic features, above average dick

chronic folliculitis & acne, both of which I can only keep away with fucking massive amounts of benzoyl peroxide

>> No.6714137

>skinny fat
>hella keratosis pilaris on both arms
>bunch of keloids on chest
>flat face and nose
do i kill myself or nah?

>> No.6714139

women actually think anything over 8" is too big though, it hurts them

>> No.6714145

Yeah dude honestly just hope reincarnation is legit tbh.

>> No.6714152

>prominent cheekbones
>strong jaw
>perfect eyebrows
>thick hair
>wide shoulders
>put on muscle easily

but i'm 5'8"

>> No.6714157

>benzoyl peroxide
enjoy your wrinkles

tretinoin + clindamycin

>> No.6714188
File: 42 KB, 500x372, 56 bjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Serious career potential.

>> No.6714189

I'm 20, I'm not concerned. Once I'm 25 or 30 and my sebum production slows down, these conditions will fix themselves and I'll stop the treatments.

>> No.6714192

>believing this

>> No.6714219

more pics of knoch pls

>> No.6714226

requesting pic of preston in norse projects floral shorts and hat and shit

>> No.6714238

nah I'm a guy :(

>> No.6714256


>> No.6714283
File: 209 KB, 800x1035, mon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Miles McMillan, for me atleast.

>> No.6714307
File: 162 KB, 750x1000, 1372210198431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714311
File: 84 KB, 500x667, 1368955275028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714312

My upper lip is dark and my lower lip is pink

>> No.6714324
File: 139 KB, 513x650, tumblr_mfyhomGrsf1r5h6yjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714334

This, to me 10/10s are dependent on taste.

>> No.6714342

That's how lips work

>> No.6714358


oh gosh

>> No.6714365

>You will never look this perfect

>> No.6714427

youre good looking i could see u in a pic with 2k notes on tumblr wearing janos

>> No.6714460

you're cute

>> No.6714552

Great, thick hair.

>Cursed with big nose and weak jawline

>> No.6714612

I don't think there is anything about myself that I really, really dislike. I'm just thankful that I'm healthy and my body functions 100%.

I do like my nose and legs, though.

>> No.6714632
File: 107 KB, 600x800, Foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the ugliest person in this thread!


>> No.6714642

are you me

>> No.6714657

L O L, are you trying to look retarded?

>> No.6714662

you can fix that with a better haircut and new glasses

>> No.6714671

Yes I am

>> No.6714672

sort your hair out and you could look much better

>> No.6714675

>that forehead
you have to know that hairstyle looks like shit right?

>> No.6714683


>> No.6714676
File: 10 KB, 140x157, 1146499_613619111991815_1654567438_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic from yesterdays party

>> No.6714710
File: 185 KB, 960x759, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit ton of birthmarks, not bad looking, just decent. I cut that monstrosity of hair though, so I look slightly less like a girl now. Also, snakebites are out, thank God.

>> No.6714711

notes: taken

>> No.6714720


>> No.6714718

big nose naturally tan skin hood asian eyes longish face

grey eyes nice eyebrows bags qt lips jawline prominent check bones nice wavyish hair

>> No.6714727

>Big lips
>Pale skin (I like it)
>Long legs

>Bad skin
>Brown hair (Wish It was black)
>Wide feet

>> No.6714738

Getting rid of the hair and snakebites was a good call

>> No.6714737


>late bloomer
>angry eyebrows
>you like your hair
>hazel eyes

are you me

>> No.6714754

Yeah, that was my gothninja phase, was dating this asian chick who was into all that emo shit.

>> No.6714768

>Yeah, that was my gothninja phase, was dating this asian chick who was into all that emo shit.

I can't even—this is too good.

>> No.6714773


what's wrong with height?

>> No.6714780

you need a nose job

>> No.6714785

I'm 5'9"

>> No.6714818

born with incomplete cleft lip (scar)
5'8" (21 y.o.)
big pores on my nose

White male
Good teeth (braces)
decent face aesthetics

>> No.6714854
File: 37 KB, 356x528, ok1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pic that isn't from early 2012.
Crooked mouth, big forehead, but yeah. Definately an improvement.

>> No.6714862
File: 153 KB, 643x960, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat forehead
>dat hairline
>curly hair
>big ass nose
>lumpy head

At least I'm tall (195 cm)

>> No.6714867

tbh you look really good, although i think you'd look better with longer hair

>> No.6714868
File: 246 KB, 1280x960, earl white supremeacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white male
oh look at the time

time 2 check ur priv cis scum

>> No.6714866


scars are gud

>> No.6714878

Sort of related, but is there any way I can quickly lose muscle mass in my thighs? I'm skinny everywhere else but years of cycling have given me really big thighs that I would prefer to get rid of.

>> No.6714890

based Jerry

>> No.6714886
File: 79 KB, 500x623, relevant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black male
pretty intelligent
great looking jaw
cheekbones like pharrell
slightly above average sized penis (and very happy with it)

size 11 feet? lol

>> No.6714901

quit cycling and start jogging

>> No.6714894

>haha this odd future image will sure show him

>> No.6714897


>good jaw, cheekbones, symmetrical features, could be said to be a 7-8/10
>hair that works how i want it
>never hungry, but i put on muscle despite being at a caloric deficit
>hairy (but there's a con)


>18, almost 19, and still a tad baby-faced
>mild acne
>while i have hair on my legs, arms, and chest, no facial hair yet (hence babby-face)

not bad tho 8)

>> No.6714898


what's it like to be an attractive black man around white women?

>> No.6714893

like pharrell?

>> No.6714905

Okay, what the fuck's the story behind this image? Earl's acting pretty goddamn lame in it.

>> No.6714910

I have, is there anything I can do to speed it up though?

>> No.6714911


When I let it grow my head looks even bigger, I've been compared to Borat...

>> No.6714917

still being shocked by oddfuture...
christ this board has gotten lame.
every fucking summer it resets itself.

>> No.6714930

Pretty good bone structure
Almond eyes with lots of lid space
Perfectly placed Monroe beauty mark

Thin hair
Nose is a bit big on profile (though it's fine from portrait)
Large Adam's apple
Goddamn eyebrows and eyelashes are wirey as fuck

>> No.6714932

Gynooo just ever so slight.... But im 6 0 and 145 so pretty obvious if i wear tight tops. Sucks having to buy all your tops large, very limiting.

>> No.6714936
File: 133 KB, 628x353, vibevixen-pharrell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not only white women but women of all colors.

its nice.

>> No.6714937

>good face
>eyes not small for an Asian
>nice lips
>flawless skin
>long legs

>thick waisted from front view

>> No.6714944

Not really m80.

Thick hair, easily maintained
Good eyes (colour, shape and lashes)
Hardly gain weight
Breddy tall
Athletic, tall legs
Thick eyebrows
Ugly feet
Slightly X-legged, big legs
Stupid cleft chin

>> No.6714975

7" dick
blue eyes
nice eyebrows

small chin
big lips
upturned nose
curly hair

id trade my height for a good looking face

>> No.6714998

u r an ugly girl.

>> No.6715002


Yeah I'd do you.

>> No.6715021

>Big blue eyes
>Big lips
>Nice jawline
>Feminine looks

>Thin hair
>My head could be smaller
>I don't like my nose
>Feminine looks
>The occasional acne, even after 4 courses of tretinoin

Oh well!

>> No.6715031


r u a grill?

>> No.6715041


Of course not.

That's why it's a good compliment.

>> No.6715049

I'm sure I'll get over it.

>> No.6715073

I'm pretty skinny and I'm constantly told people pay a lot of money for my hair color.
But I have a big nose, bad skin/pores, and brown eyes.

>> No.6715075

Hi Robin

>> No.6715095

If you want to trim your eyebrows get an eye brow brush, comb your eyebrows up, and trim the tops.

>> No.6715116


You should never trim the top part of your eyebrows.

Always pluck from the bottom up.

>> No.6715207

No clue who that is

>> No.6715232


You could be Cara Delevigne(sp)

>> No.6715405

>big lips
>dark circles
>weak hairline
>wide shoulders
>fucking keratosis pilaris

>> No.6715415

>curly hair

That's not bad unless we're talking nigger-tier curly here.

>> No.6715857

You failed and you were doing oh so well!

>> No.6716106 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 480x640, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my face, /fa/.

>> No.6716196
File: 40 KB, 380x346, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed with really thin lips.

>> No.6716790

Wide hips. Looks great, but I have to be really thin just to fit into a size 4 so people think I'm anorexic or something.

>> No.6717482

>on /fa/
>too fucking skinny
new to this board?