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File: 513 KB, 2120x1182, 1375944500649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6688340 No.6688340 [Reply] [Original]

I know this isn't /adv/, but I wanna hear your guys' opinions. I'll take the 3 day ban for it.

I'm a 21-year-old college senior in Chicago studying Finance & Stats. I do very well in school and do all of the right stuff to be "successful" in the future. I thought I wanted to make oodles of money. That was my goal. I wanted to go into investment banking.

Lately, I find myself questioning what I want out of life. I'm working an internship and I could not sit in a cubicle every day. This shit's killing me. I do 90 minutes of work a day and spend the rest of my time dicking around on message boards. It feels like death.

I'm coming to realize that I don't want a 9-5. I don't really want a huge house or tons of stuff. I like experiencing things more than owning them. I don't want to get married and have kids. I just want to enjoy life. I want to travel the world, experience lots of things, and have no obligations. The feeling of being tied down or of answering to someone feels terrible to me. It makes me very anxious.

I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate next year. I don't want to go work a full time job making $70K a year, living in an apartment, hating every weekday, and getting drunk to forget every weekend.

Ideally, I'd travel the world, live in rented rooms and hotels, and do whatever I want. Might travel through South America for a few years. Live in a place, meet some people, leave when I get bored to a new place.

In order for this to be sustainable, I'd need a reliable source of income. I currently trade stocks for money and make decent returns, but it isn't consistent. I'm working on getting better always.

I currently have $25K. That's enough to travel for a while through South America and Asia. Europe is pretty expensive. I don't want to do Africa until I'm more experienced. I'll try to get to a place where I can sustain myself just trading, but I'm not there yet. Only other thing I can think of is the Navy.

What do I do with my life...

>> No.6688351

move to south africa and work for the government hunting poachers

>> No.6688367


you make more thatn me quit cryin nerd

>> No.6688368
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Go to Peru, find a shaman that will give and guide you through an ayahuasca ceremony, find meaning of life.

Don't forget to cop one of those funny hats Peruvian ladies wear

>> No.6688371


>implying i'm going to read all of that

>> No.6688382

that is one silly hat alright

>> No.6688406

You're too idealistic. You can live like that but you'll never have decent healthcare, a pension or a career that can put nutritious food on the table. Your life expectancy will be lower.

Maybe you should put in the effort to become a doctor so you can afford to travel for vacations.

>> No.6688420
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I have this vision where I live anywhere I want in the world and move all the time. I experience cool things different places and people have to offer.

I'd make money trading, which I can do anywhere. And I'd get into photography and take photos of all the cool places I go and things I do. I could start a blog. Just for fun. I like documenting things.

I want to meet the people of the world. I want to taste the food of the world, hear the music, etc. And not through a computer screen.

It's my life. Why can't I do whatever I want? Why do I have to live how the society I'm in says I should?

>> No.6688427

where is poet when you need him for stuff like this

>> No.6688433

because youre living in that society

>> No.6688447
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I can make a lot more than a doctor in less time on the route I'm on. I didn't say I want to live in jungles with bees and shit. I want to see the world. The majority of which is pretty civilized.

And all of this is assuming I can afford this shit. I don't want to wait until I'm 50 to travel.

He's cool af, but he'd just tell me to do me.

So what? I've lived in 4 countries and they all had different values. We have the ability to leave our trajectory.

>> No.6688466

I feel ya op
You should just do it man
work hard for like 6 years and live super frugally
then just go out and travel and see the world
shit you could like join the navy and abandon it like in the thin red line

>> No.6688470

i dont know shit about the world but that sounds awesome go for it if you have the means op

>> No.6688483

well if you don't do it while you're young when else are you gonna do it, i'd say go for it op, and if it doesn't work out or you change your mind or whatever it's all good too. just go and see where it takes you, you'll learn lots from it no matter the outcome.

>> No.6688485


>> No.6688507

It's normal to despise being married and having kids at 21.

>> No.6688515

I'm at med school and have the same feelings. I feel like I should "live", but when I look into the future I just see work and depression.

I tell myself I'm just being a pussy, but I don't know. I can't handle it.

>> No.6688510
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Guys, I'm not asking whether I should do it. I'm doing it. I'm asking about unconventional lifestyles and/or ways of making doja.

>> No.6688514

hey dude I would...

1) work that office job for a couple years. then you always have something on your resume that shows you're capable of making a commitment to a company. and if you leave on good terms you could probably get a job with them again in the future if you need, say, healthcare or realize you want to be able to retire.

2) along with your trading, I would imagine there would be opportunities for you to do freelance consulting work. of course no one is going to want your advice if you don't have real experience. but this would allow you to create your own schedule and incorporate travel (probs just within the states) into your work. consultants also charge a whole lot of money. that way you could work maybe half the year and travel the other half, if you really don't care about buying any nice shit.

>living in an apartment, hating every weekday, and getting drunk to forget every weekend.

wow that feel

>> No.6688519
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This post is master poet bait.

>> No.6688521

Maybe look up Tim Ferris for unconventional lifestyle.

>> No.6688529

ya sometimes I just wish I was a pleb who was happy to get any job out of college, marry the first girl you date for over a year, and start making babies.

but then I really don't but i still sort of do because those people don't seem depressed and unsatisfied like us

>> No.6688544
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>Tim Ferris
Will do. Thanks.

I wouldn't lump such a massive group of people together. But yeah. Marriage is a scam. The world is huge and life is too short. Why the fuck would I spend half of it in a cubicle so I can have marginally nicer shit each year?

I, today, a middle class college kid... I live more comfortably than the wealthiest oligarch 200 years ago. Why do I need to upgrade my fucking 7 series each year? Why do I need more than 1 bedroom?

>> No.6688547

I've got 2 more years before I graduate with an engineering degree and I'm praying this doesn't happen to me.

Fortunately my discipline of engineering involves a lot of field work so I can at least see the sun and travel instead of being stuck in a cubicle for the next 40 years hopefully.

>> No.6688568
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>mfw living in Peru
>mfw Ayahuasca 24/7

>> No.6688601

Shit, you gotta do what you gotta do.

I had a taste of the 9-5 too, and I hated that shit.

But, I savored the small time I had to enjoy things every week and weekend.

You have to find some time of compromise, unless you wanna pull a full on Chris McCandless.

>> No.6688628

how do u even become so cool as a kid
is he actually on drugs

>> No.6688641

"I even went by the book at first
Until I realized 9 to 5 wouldn't quench my thirst"

>> No.6688660

do it asap, and dont even think about it, just fucking do it

>> No.6688666 [DELETED] 
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Is this guy /fa/?

Someone please explain this to me.


>> No.6688696

Pre-med student here. A massive part of my decision was the money. I wanted to be a chef at first. I don't really know. I wish I could live like the OP dreams. I only really want an apartment and the Internet somewhere else in the world.

>> No.6688697
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Where would you start?

I kind of want to just get in my car and drive South until something fun happens.

>> No.6688707

Are you me? Fuck don't tell me you work in M&A as well.

>> No.6688716


couchsurfing would be the safest option, id just get a fucking backpack a sleeping bag and a tent and try to see how far can you go

>> No.6688765
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>> No.6688813
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>> No.6688823

I'm just going to put this in your thread

I've been a shutin and loser most of my life. I've been exceptional for brief periods, but the rest of the time has been ll fucked off. I'm now a 21 year old felon + violent record with zero work history. I have about two things going for me 1. I'm not even big but for some reason I can and do beat the fuck out of most people 2. I'm decently attractive

I don't want to work a regular job, I don't want to be a regular person. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to "make it"

Where should I start?

>> No.6689011

lrn2 the stock market and become and investment banker

>> No.6689024
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Investment banking has almost nothing to do with the stock market outside of IPOs.

Did you just feel like putting random words together?

>> No.6689291

Guess he meant stock broker lel

I mean I'm pretty good at putting patterns together. I at least wrote a bunch of pages literally talking about pattern in life

But why play it so straight? The top people in stocks do insider trading and such
I'd rather cut corners from the start and not waste my time playing fairly in a loaded game

>> No.6689314

That's wrong.
And brokers also have nothing to do with IB.

You guys need to stop talking out your collective ass.

>> No.6689329


>> No.6689379
File: 391 KB, 1920x1080, 1311120013558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do u b, u feel?

lol im so fucking high

my life sucks

>> No.6689562
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 2013-07-16 05.57.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to undergrad with #1 biz school in the cunt-tree: Wharton (Whoretown). Most of the Wall St. kids here had the attitude of "I gotta put in my time": aka work for 5-10 years then fuck off with the money. But I suspect their greed will get the better of them and it won't end there. And that's if they can make it. You better be a goddamn genius, masochistically hard-working, have proper family/networking connections, socially savvy, etc. basically an all-around perfect human.

Currently a med student at an elite med school. I question it all the time: do I just wanna drop out and invest in real estate for DAT FREEDOM? Try to make it in porno, to challenge stereotypes of Asian guys (I'm gifted)?

I grew up in Las Vegas and went to private school with casino industry billionheirs; I'll prly never be satisfied no matter what I do, because no matter how hard-working of a white-collar professional you are, you will never make it to that level...

TLDR just give up

Pic unrelated: some workboot-gasm thrift store in Nagoya Japan

>> No.6689564
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>> No.6689628

look kid, we get it. You're young, irritable, horny, and you feel unfulfilled because you haven't gotten "The Experience" like MTV promised you all those years ago.

You don't need to travel right now. right now, you need to get your life set up. maybe not a wife and kids, but a house, and a car. some place that you can come back to if and when everything abroad falls to shit.

You also need to be good enough at something that someone overseas is going to hire you and not someone else, so you can keep making money and keep your lifestyle going.

Furthermore, you're only fucking 21. Its a lot easier to get respect and women and opportunities when you're a little older than you are now.

So stick to the grind and keep saving. but get the fuck off message boards, start learning language or playing an instrument, you know, make yourself interesting so when you finally go out there you can be a real and interesting person.

>> No.6689666

>The majority of which is pretty civilized.
maybe you should do some learning about the world before you go travelling

>> No.6689839


nah man

a wise man once told me

"just do u b, u feel?"

>> No.6689878
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I speak 4 launguages and have been to like 20 countries. I guess our understandings of what "civilized" differ.

>> No.6689957

>implying civilisation is only the domain of the whites

>> No.6689994

my two cents for what its worth.
I have a music degree and work for an event company. i work 90+ hours a week during the busy season and in the slow season i usually work 40 hours in 3 days and have 4 days off every week. the company is sketchy and so i have arguments with the boss every now and again, i dont get paid overtime etc.

that said, I make pretty good money, and I basically have the opposite of 9-5. I go new places every day, one day I'm in a loft across from city hall setting up luxury furniture or audio visual, the next day I'm at a carnival with real carnies who are missing arms and teeth. Its really interesting but I'd like to point out the things you should try to appreciate about a 9-5...

I live with my girlfriend and love her more than anything. I want to travel the world but one day I want to marry her and I don't know how I'll ever support a family. It's really hard to schedule things when my work schedule changes every day or every week. In order to make enough money to save consistently, some of the shifts I work are 18, even 20 hours. I work LOTS of evenings and weekends.

All I'm saying is theres something to be said for a consistent schedule.

>> No.6690046

Oh, for sure man. For sure. But you see where I'm coming from though. I just want to see life.

Good luck to you, man. I think you're gonna be just fine. Just don't have a kid 'til you can afford it.

>> No.6691524

He is on ayahuasca, bro.

>> No.6691586


People getting into medicine to make money are retarded. Fuck you.

>> No.6691677

This. You have to have a real passion for helping people to go through premed an the >7 years you have ahead.
I predict youll drop out in a couple of years.

OP just get a sugar mama. Or a sugar daddy

>> No.6694282
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>> No.6694306
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>> No.6695610
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>> No.6695633

Hey! I made that. Glad to know somebody saved it.

>> No.6695643

nice man

What did you use?
And thank you/

>> No.6695650

Happiness is convincing yourself that what you have is already enough.

>> No.6695716
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1200, Spirit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh its just the Spirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished album cover by Animal Collective. (9.5 out of 10 Album) I like to post in wallpaper threads and edit images for people.
I used Gimp 2 to reshade it orange. (Its supposed to be blue)

(capthca shliff spiritualism)

>> No.6697057
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>> No.6697080
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>I, today, a middle class college kid... I live more comfortably than the wealthiest oligarch 200 years ago.

people actually believe this

>> No.6697085

mma fighter

>do it

>> No.6697120
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x1200, 1376002529113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dispute this claim then. I have indoor plumbing, a new 2013 car with AC a shit, AC in my house, a computer

People didn''t dream of this shit in 1900.

>> No.6697144

I had the same thoughts as you a few years ago. I ventured through some philosophy to understand how I wanted to live life. Stoicism worked for me.

You don't need a reliable source of income. You could make life a struggle; sometimes it's more enjoyable that way.

If you want to move somewhere else to cure some of your internal/psychological problems, i wouldn't do it. If you're depressed now, you're still going to be depressed in Africa or wherever you go.

check out this letter, it might help you

>> No.6697180
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european aristocrats lived in giant castles and had servants fulfilling their every whim

>you have a honda civic with air conditioning

>> No.6697200

I have a burgundy Kia Optima. Fuck yaself nigga

>> No.6697213
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>I have a burgundy Kia Optima

>> No.6697216
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OP you're still so young. Do up a tight travel budget and go overseas for as long as you want/the money lasts. Once you've done that re evaluate your situation. My advice is to get a job that fulfils you (no kids/wive will mean you can travel a great deal on a small-medium salary) then see how you go.

Been in the same situation and have started three different degrees so maybe im not the best person to give advice. Pay for a psychologist or a careers guidance councillor

>> No.6697240

I would love a 9-5 life OP.

You can do fucking anything on weekends or holidays, you're getting plenty of cash.

It sucks getting by on whatever you have in your pocket.

>> No.6697296

this is honestly one of my biggest inspos

>> No.6699477

Not op but I'd love a sugar mama, going to start hunting when I break out of my cocoon
>sugar daddy
That's ez mode. Probably a good plan z

Yeah I really want to pursue it (I'm already collecting scar tissue around my eyes and shit sucks. Fuck drunken street fights)

I exercise errday for the past month. Soon I'll get into bjj, then wrestling. My standup is on point so ill train that last/after I have an amature fight


>> No.6700939



>> No.6700965

go to Thailand and become Julian in only god forgives

>> No.6701023
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>> No.6702138

Look up how to be an expat, maybe? You probably want to have a plan for some things. Pick out where you want to live and what you'll do there. Then work on getting there (getting passports/visas, whatever). If you're going alone it'll be easiest, and you mostly have to worry about converting money and getting a place to stay. also plane tickets

>> No.6702380

This is fairly obviously wrong, in that you see people who do this route all the time, and their idea of "interesting" winds up being "having casual sex in a fancy hotel in Thailand."

Almost by definition an interesting life can't be "set up," and unless you come from a stable and insulated base already you have to be willing to be poor (not the same thing as being poor, being willing to be poor) to actually get somewhere.

>> No.6702399

Or, really, I'm taking your terms that I think are wrong. Willing to be poor, sure, but that's the least of it. Money doesn't have much to do with anything except as a means.

Willing to have lows. Willing to fail, *preferring* failure over a more comfortable inertness. Money may or may not enter into that.