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6684278 No.6684278 [Reply] [Original]

who + why
>Jun Takahashi
>Humor, political ideas, and punk influence all done in a smart and creative way. Also, seeing his collections change as he ages/when major life events happen to him.

>> No.6684282

Plebbest post of the day, congrats

>> No.6684290

>Rick Owens
>Raf Simons, usually what I am dressed in.

>> No.6684287
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kept it short and sweet just for you

>> No.6684296

Is that the main guy for undercover? I am a new pleb, care to drop knowledge on Undercover and that guy?

>> No.6684300


>good body
>nice hair
>internet friends really like his stuff
>rappers name drop him a lot

>> No.6684304

Tatsuro Horikawa


Dude makes kick ass shit, got a problem with that?

>> No.6684314
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Yes, he's the designer behind Undercover. Also does other stuff, such as AFFA. I have a pic with his full resume, up until John and SueUndercover.
One sec.

>> No.6684317

>Rick Owens
>pioneer of the style known as " avant garde "
>original sneaker designs which have been watered down and mass produced by a company known as Nike ( just goes to show his influence)
>invented gothninja

>> No.6684327

>stealing jokes from cts sister

a new low

>> No.6684336
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found it

>> No.6684340
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I was thinking about that stuff on the spot! Don't compare to me to her, I'm sorry anon

>> No.6684348

james jebbia

>> No.6684350
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Sruli recht
Cute, charming, sexy, outlandish, handsome, charismatic, intelligent, cunning, wise, heroic, strong, insightful, humorous, witty, majestic, superb...etc (everything you want in a man/designer/superhero #__#)

>> No.6684398
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As for knowledge, I don't know what you really want. Started a little shop in 1994 called Nowhere in the Harajuku district of Tokyo with Nigo (BAPE founder) and he also started producing Undercover out of there. Made it to Paris for the S/S 2003 collection, which is also most infamous titled "SCAB," which has heavy anti-war themes and some very intricate and beautiful crust pants. From there, Undercover has been gaining a larger and larger following, and now he's releasing diffusion lines. Jun does runway shows sometimes, and other times he doesn't. Lots of people think Undercover has no real set theme, from collection to collection, but there's certain ones that have some parallels, 2010's seasons in particular.
You can find a lot of information on the internet, via interviews and blogs.

>> No.6684404

Jun, for all those reasons, plus the practical aspects of his garments, the way his use of color seems always for the sake of tying the clothes to a certain attitude towards life and the world, the way he remixes all kinds of styles into his perfect, cohesive aesthetic. I'm not really putting it well, I know.

Martin Margiela/MMM, for a lot of the same reasons: the deconstruction, the cleverness, the need to always push things to be less boring, coupled with maybe the solidest real, non-nostalgizing commitment in fashion to looking towards the past for things to push with and doing everything to a high standard of craft. Unlike a lot of Margiela fans, I think the people who have been running the house have carried all that on pretty well, not as good as Martin, but well enough they're still better than the rest.

I've also always been drawn - foundationally, I guess you could say - to the very direct, sleek elegance of Miuccia Prada and Alber Elbaz/Lanvin. Also to traditional British takes on techwear: safari stuff, casual hunting wear, etc, but I had kind of evolved those by the time I really knew any of the names behind them.

There's aspects I really love and wouldn't be without in other designers, but those four pretty much cover it.

>> No.6684427


I just love how he treads that line between gaudy and absolute class, especially recently.

also just has so many fucking grail items (that are really beyond grail because I won't ever have the chance of acquiring) ... the space boots, the parachute bomber, the multi-dipdyed sweatshirt. fuck man.

it's really the most pristine version of streetwear, but it's kind of insulting to call it that

>> No.6684429
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forgot that bomber... #1 grail :(

>> No.6684466

Yeah, I guess i gotta do some research I just never got into JPN designers because I am a big guy and I don't think they make clothes in my size.

>> No.6684488

Holy shit, that piece actually makes me smile. Nice.

>> No.6684520

I don't like the strings hanging off of it, but other than that it's nice.

>> No.6684550
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Rick for real.

He stays true to his vision and all of his collections seem more like a single continuous one. I've been particularly fond of the sportswear look ever since I was a youngin' and I feel he has perfected it down to every last detail. Plus, he has just the nicest leathers ever. I'm not big into the goth/emo/metal look so some of those darker aspects are left for others to enjoy. I started following him in 06 but didn't really get into buying Rick until 08.

I love being able to not plan outfits as everything I have works together so nicely and I pretty much wear a uniform akin to Rick himself during the summer. A designer who wears his own clothes and designs with himself in mind is a big positive. The only other designers I'd be comfortable in head to toe would probably be Boris and Yohji. For everyone else I like I would need to mix in other designers.

>> No.6684561


>> No.6684649

does anyone know of any other designers who have a grimy/grunge aesthetic?

>> No.6684660

gtfo summerfag
go back to /b/ and be edgy wearing yeestyle and posting gore pics kid

>> No.6684664


blackmeans, diet butcher slim skin, julius_7

i would say rick is very grunge in certain ways.

boris bidjan, lots of really heavily treated/destroyed/waxed things

>> No.6684678

I'd never seen blackmeans before. Thanks dude.
shh ur retired as fuck

>> No.6684694
File: 403 KB, 750x563, blackmeans_middle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep. they do some cool shit, pic rel8

>> No.6684713

lyna ty
jun takahashi
tatsuro horikawa

>> No.6684718
File: 189 KB, 2304x3456, hnnnnnnnnggnggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really dope. I'd never wear it but it's cool none the less.

This is beautiful.