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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 468x692, fat_acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6666730 No.6666730 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ feel about the /fa/t acceptance movement?

>> No.6666749

the more fat people the less competition

>> No.6666756

>coming into the anorexia board
>asking about fat acceptance

I will be drinking diet coke and chewing some orbit if anyone needs me.

>> No.6666770

I don't give a fuck, it's their choice to be lardballs.

>> No.6666807
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>> No.6666831

>fat people
>too much effort to lose weight
>less effort to accept own weight
>look for emotional support like the fatty you are
>fat acceptance movement

Prove me wrong

>> No.6666884

If lardasses want to stay fat, that's on them. But the second they start shitting on me for being skinny, or for not being attracted to fatties, it's a fucking problem.

>"Big can be beautiful, just not to me"

>> No.6666991
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>> No.6667044

It might be just because of the outfit but she's got it distributed in all the right places, unlike >>6666991 these people who have shed their human form and are now liquids.

>> No.6667058
File: 54 KB, 149x166, p-p-please....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gif


>> No.6667077

why is obesity demonised way less than anorexia, obesity is way worse for you.

>> No.6667113

I just hate when they try to play the healthy card, being a landwhale is very far from healthy.

I don't mind it much. That said I am never blown away by it. I also dislike when they want to take te skinny out of fashion. There is a reason why it is that way, skinny tend to be a much better canvas for fashion than anything else. The same way you would choose a specific frame or canvas for painting.

>> No.6667269

How many of those lardasses have even seen a fashion-show man, like really.

>> No.6667288

Nah, I've seen walking skeletons and think for a minute that it's halloween, but then I realize it's a girl with eating problems. Skin and bones is not good either.

>> No.6667447

>obesity is way worse for you.
nah mate

also it's because anorexia is usually teenage girls with genuine psychological problems who really believe they are fat and won't eat

obesity is liking kfc and not liking running

>> No.6667479
File: 951 KB, 1920x1080, abercrombiebitching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On thatt topic, they are still bitching about abercrombie. Pic related, taken from facebook
>too lazy to cover names

>> No.6667501

lol 'murica

>> No.6667512

Yeah. I'm laughing right now.
>go look at their pages and hollister's for some lulz.

>> No.6667557

I feel pretty bad about it

>> No.6667573
File: 248 KB, 864x1072, 1362005631480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need to check your thin privilege

>> No.6667611

post tumblr so i may fat shame

>> No.6667633
File: 78 KB, 740x883, 1363593286541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6667650


>> No.6667653

It's fucking gross, but whatever. If they want to be disgusting pigs oozing out of their clothes around me I'm not going to complain. It only makes me look more attractive anyway.

Only time it upsets me is when they rant on about not being able to lose weight and "this is how they were made". If my lazy ass could drop 40lbs in 5 months they could lose weight too. It's not hard.

>> No.6667660
File: 18 KB, 300x295, 1376095300583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6667662

The toxic in Tumblr is just overwhelming. I can't believe a site originally meant for art and music became the SJW scum hole of the Internet... Wait, that actually kinda makes sense now that I think about it.

>> No.6667666
File: 60 KB, 663x663, 935371_468185633253580_898581048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fb/ bianca.porto.718

>> No.6667669

Personally OP, cute fat girls turn me on as well as the common barbie bitch. But they don't belong on the runway unless they're modeling a plus sized clothing line.

>> No.6667693

lol good job m8

>> No.6668273

fatty deserved it

>> No.6668309

She looks like a normal sized 12-13 year old who is banana shaped. People are retarded

>> No.6668339

What? She looks like an adult.

>> No.6668367

She's not an adult, did you even look at the face? It's a 12/13yr old. Maybe 14, with some make up on.

>> No.6668368

please post her Tumblr.
I want to fat shame the shit out of her.

>> No.6668508
File: 579 KB, 500x369, 1Auof.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those last two lines

>> No.6668560


While I find fats to be disgusting and subhuman, I look better by comparison.

>everyone has one friend they invite out because they look hotter by comparison

>> No.6668566

I hate fat people so much

>> No.6668580


she should get people to pay her to put her clothes back on

>> No.6668587
File: 44 KB, 310x600, 310px-THOSEAREWORKOUTLINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat hate thread go go go

>> No.6668597
File: 49 KB, 600x375, 5121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668605
File: 325 KB, 960x1280, jesuschristhowhorrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck guys

they block the proana tags on tumblr but allow for this bullshit?

>> No.6668614
File: 223 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mqaxb8Xhxu1symmvdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but I kinda want that dress

do you think it comes in a normal human size or is it only sold in jumbo shame?

>> No.6668619
File: 70 KB, 307x315, 1358286524125 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these comments

>> No.6668636
File: 88 KB, 466x661, fatroulette2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668630
File: 92 KB, 466x661, fatroulette1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6668641
File: 93 KB, 468x666, fatroulette3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: moot hates fatties

>> No.6668674

Tiffy or Taffy more like Laffy Taffy amirite?

>> No.6668684

>Acting smug about ignoring reasonable people.
Stay classy landwhales

>> No.6668688

haha yeah m8

>> No.6668755
File: 342 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mqaxfwLdQY1symmvdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this better not be one of you faggots

>> No.6668771

that guy's not even fat. so pretty much he's saying his girlfriend/boyfriend/best friend is a landwhale...?

>> No.6668832

I'm more concerned with his blatant disregard for matching prints properly.

he looks like a rent boy from scooby doo

>> No.6668838
File: 46 KB, 627x465, 1362798224546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Diet? Oh God no! I eat! Those model girls are only skinny because they're killing themselves!"

Captcha: implies AllerCF

>> No.6668854

If you give the fat acceptance movement bitches attention you're only giving them what they want. Attention.

They crave the attention they never received at an early age. So instead just ignore them

>> No.6668871

>diet soda and gum
>implying ur not my nigga

>> No.6668892

why would you even care please be less mad

>> No.6668913

url m8?

>> No.6668976

i'd treat him like a fat person anyways
i mean look at the fuck

>> No.6669002

>diet soda
>implying that shit does fuck your metabolism and make you put on fat easy as fuck

>> No.6669007


You're welcome

>> No.6669016


> lesbian

yet another: "I'm to fat and ugly to get guys to fuck me so I'll be a lesbian so other fat chicks might be interested". it's really a thing nowadays isnt it.

>> No.6669035
File: 9 KB, 247x200, 1009826_408681155918825_578022124_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the energy wasted on these campaigns could be used to work out.

I admit it's pretty cruel to treat fattys like a piece of shit, but don't make me think it's a valid body type. It's plain disgusting.

>> No.6669036

I can't tell you how many times I've been hit on by landwhales who think that the very fact that they have a vagina makes them attractive to me. guys never pull that shit. it's an epidemic.

>> No.6669041

Is that why they do it?
At the same time, I don't think we should shame people into a state of inaction. Failure is part of life, and it's better than inaction.
Let them ask. It's a free country.

>> No.6669044


this plus just because i accept that you're fat doesn't mean i have to like how you look

>> No.6669048

>unattractive guys never hit on girls

>> No.6669051

lol this

>> No.6669073

>Help, my actions blew up in my face and I can't accept the responsibility. Help.

>> No.6669071

to clarify, I am gay.

yes, it's very obvious. girls who are just hitting on people for attention don't exactly try to hide it.

>oh, anon, why don't you want me to sit on your lap! *giggle* I thought you liked girls
>*squeezes past, rubs body against me* oh, sorry anon, I guess that one was on the house *more obnoxious fucking giggling*
>don't worry, anon will sit by me, I'm sure she'd be more interested in sitting with a cute /girl/ than one of you gross /boys/ *giggle*

people act like that in real life. probably just my experience, but thin girls never do that to me. neither do guys.

I didn't say that. I don't care if unattractive people hit on me, how are they supposed to know I don't find them attractive in the first place. it's the assumption that I /must/ be attracted to them, for whatever reason, that pisses me off.

>> No.6669084

how is that different from what these disgusting PUAs or whatever are doing? have you ever talked to one of these guys or had one as a friend? they honestly believe that all women, no matter if the girl is a solid 10 and they're a 2, has just GOT to find their shitty-dressed, disgusting beta ass attractive. you can't reason with them.

>> No.6669079

And then they go home and blog about how some disgusting male touched their shoulder when he was asking them if he could buy them a drink.


>> No.6669086

Today my mother told me, in front of the entire family, that I was not allowed to eat any ice cream after dinner because I had already eaten some earlier in the day.
I am a recovering anorexic
Of course, no one in my family believes that I am anorexic because of my size.
oh my fucking god

>> No.6669097

most appetite destroying combination, tied with black coffee & cigs

>> No.6669100

pua fucktards do it because they want to get laid, the girls I'm talking about do it (I'm assuming, because they never follow through and identify as bisexual, not lesbian, and don't pursue women) for attention.

so that's how they're different. pua fuckery is still annoying and cringey, but it's different. similarly, girls never pull pua shit on me. similar situation, though.

>had one as a friend?

who the fuck is actually befriending those aspies

>> No.6669103
File: 490 KB, 500x270, that_crazy_nicholas_cage_47.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lesbian with a son

>> No.6669110

I feel like they're going a bit extreme.
I think they should be more into healthy body acceptance rather than either of between fat or skinny.

>> No.6669782

this is literally my favorite fucking page. One of their statuses had me in tears.

>> No.6669819


but everything written there is correct.

fuck fatties

>> No.6669957
File: 154 KB, 500x545, 1376032661978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat hate general

>> No.6670076

you offer no proof of your own, no one is required a counter proof to make a counter claim

>> No.6670100

Diet soda does nothing to your metabolism. It's the idiots who think drinking diet soda entitles them to eating more shit food.Now, I'm not saying it's healthy, but diet soda itself sure the fuck does not make you fat.

>> No.6670122

in response to OP, I think it's funny how this fat acceptance trend can exist simultaneously with the smoking hate-train. smoking is on it's way to being completely illegal while death-by-eating is absolutely acceptable. VERY soon weight-related deaths will be more prevalent than smoking-related deaths.

message with respect to any chemical, whether it be a carb or nicotine, is MODERATION

>> No.6670136


btw I'm just talking about America because I live there... however, obesity is a growing problem everywhere as I understand it.

captcha: SUPREME spiedat

>> No.6670146

Fat people are fucking vile and should be put into concentration camps

>> No.6670479

I work at a fast food pizza place and it makes me laugh when some fat fuck orders 3 pizzas and a diet coke.
I don't understand why fatties think that this is doing their body good when what they are putting into their bodies is 8 times their recommended daily calorie intake.

>> No.6671056

I wonder the same thing.

>> No.6671080

the obesity problem gets bigger every day

>> No.6671081

At least they're getting diet coke.

>> No.6671094
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, The.Office.US.S07E07.720p.HDTV.x264.mkv_snapshot_11.34_[2011.07.16_23.50.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bigger every day

>> No.6671114

Oh my god, there isn't even one that is not laughable.

>> No.6671124

>Thin privilege is also not risking fainting because you’re terrified of stopping to catch your breath whilst on an all-day tour of campus.
Fainting while slowly walking on a tour, I gotta see it.
I usually don't poke fun at fat people, but I would surely laugh until I choke if I ever was to witness that.

>> No.6671134

jesus god why

>> No.6671137

It's fucking stupid because more and more soft, liberal Americans tolerate a health condition that I have to end up paying for in the form of taxes all because 'muh feels, bone structure, and genetics'.

Goddamn I hate fat fucks.

>> No.6671186

Maybe more people would be on your side if signing up with conservatives didn't come packaged with homophobia, racist redistricting, racist voting laws and a total disregard for the environment?

>> No.6671204

My sexual ideal is a woman who has an extremely feminine body and is massively obese
s...sorry, /fa/

But when a woman has non-feminine fat deposits and is overweight, it doesn't look good to me

I think a lot of women don't know what guys find attractive and assume that being skinny will make guys attracted to them.

Girls who do shitloads of cardio and high reps at low weights to get "toned" are retarded

Many women with masculine fat deposits describe themselves as curvy, which is retarded

The fat acceptance movement is weird
I think that most of the things that the fat acceptance movement says is either wrong or entirely misses the point

>you can be fat and healthy
correct, but their opponents are saying that being overfat and eating a massive surplus will make you less likely to be healthy

>> No.6671210


I don't know if it's worse, but from this description it seems awful

>> No.6671214

your DP is awful

>> No.6671216

Holy shit I didn't know Jews browsed /fa/. Kinda makes sense now that I think about it though..

>> No.6671223

It's kind of sad that you assume that anyone who isn't a liberal is a greedy conservative.

>> No.6671242

>racist voting laws
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
>total disregard for the environment
[citation needed]
>racist redestricting
I don't even know what this means (I don't think you do either)

Being a conservative has nothing to do with any of these not to mention these are all social issues which don't really plague our country right now. Social issues are better left to the states. What we do need is federal financial conservatism.

but, libtards only care about social issues because it's the easiest thing their small brains can understand. It's as easy as picking a side because most of them are moral based and not based in any kind of science.

>> No.6671257

>someone on /fa/ actually gets it
Damn, never thought I'd say that here..

>> No.6671265

I'm honestly all for a lot of conservative viewpoints, but then you guys get on about the abortion and the birth control and the gay marriage and I just stop listening, you know? Rick Santorum? Mitt Romney? Dick Cheney and his Halliburton Homeboys? Are you fucking kidding me? That's what you offer me? Go home, you're drunk.

I am neither Liberal nor conservative, and at no point did I mention being a liberal in my post. You automatically slipped me into your dichotomy without thinking. You're a hypocrite. You should be ashamed of yourself, eating this two party garbage. Ron Paul is worthless, too.

I'm neither Jewish, Muslim or Atheist and I pray regularly. Take your assumptions and shove 'em.

>> No.6671301

I never called you a liberal, dipshit. In fact I never assigned you any label looking back at my comments. I just pointed out that you assumed I was a selfish, bigoted conservative simply because I despise the way that progressives justify obesity. I really hope you see the irony in this from your post. And where the fuck did Ron Paul come from? Why are you spewing all this politically charged bullshit?

>> No.6671314
File: 17 KB, 600x83, muh >implications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and where did I mention greed? I mentioned not liking the conservative package, and the first thing anyone says is "Ron Paul".
I'm not even talking about obesity, fat people suck. I agree. I'm talking about why there aren't more conservatives in America today.
Because the total conservative package sucks. That one-5 percent, the santorums and the corporate running dogs? they fuck it up for the rest of you. That's all.

>> No.6671322
File: 62 KB, 500x377, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because they get asked their opinions on those issues by stupid ass libtards. Why should their moral opinions bother you? Are you an intolerant tyrant? No one should give a fuck about social issues our country is dying and it isn't because of faggots rights. Just move to a state that allows it and shut the fuck up.

you asked for this.. you asked for this..

>> No.6671328

He's a fucking moron, dude. Don't even bother. It's sad these kind of people even have the ability to vote. Uninformed democracy m8.. worse than dictatorship.

>> No.6671329

>I don't even know what this means

gerrymandering because minorities tend to drift away from the republican party. essentially vote segregation, very bad news no matter what party does it (and both major parties do it).

you really shouldn't admit you don't know what a term like that means in political discourse (if this shitfest can even be called that).

>> No.6671339


Yeah one is a word the other isn't.

>> No.6671342

you are fucking retarded

I was in debate in high school and we had this one kid who was just like you. He rambled on and on about how "his party" was superior, and that all conservatives are racist homophobes who rape babies and invented aids. Im moderately conservative, and the only time in racist ir homophobic is when I want to look cool on 4chan.

I bet you kiss girls, faggot.

>> No.6671351

gerrymandering doesn't have anything to do with politics or political ideology. It's a tactic. Not really related to anything in this thread. Thanks for trying though.

>> No.6671356

I'm watching BBW porn just to train myself to not be disgusted when the time comes I love my V to a fattie

>> No.6671358
File: 7 KB, 247x199, 80526966c03e5902f2c50776f4ba1c7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creating a political advantage by isolating a certain group has nothing to do with politics or political ideology

Are you even trying dude?

>> No.6671368

What the fuck? She does not look like a 12 year old m8. she looks like she's 18-19. Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6671379

I fail to see what purpose this post served. dude made a typo. the first dude didn't. such is life.
>gerrymandering doesn't have anything to do with politics or political ideology
at its base, it doesn't. anyone can gerrymander. but it's employed differently by different groups to serve different purposes.

like I said, democrats and republicans are both guilty of it. but idk if there's enough solid evidence to say which side does it more. it'd serve the republican party better, though, I'd say, and it certainly has a more racist implication than when the democratic party does it.

also you're an idiot.


>> No.6671382



>> No.6671385

she looks about 14 to me. just very tall.

>> No.6671386

It doesn't.. It's creating an advantage for each party during campaign. It doesn't actually have anything to do with political ideology or the actual issues being addressed. If you still don't get it then we'll just have to agree to disagree cause I can't explain it any simpler than that.

>> No.6671406


>like this comment if you find fat people unattractive

my sides have left the building

i love fat shaming
i will continue 2 fight the good fight

>> No.6671960

That chick doesn't look 14 anything. Look at the fucking neck.

>> No.6672014

Thank you based Chris

>> No.6672754
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>> No.6672757

>debating gerrymandering on /fa/
get a life

>> No.6672957

>responding to a subject one is ignorant to in hostility

>> No.6673035

>assuming on an anonymous message board that the person you are referencing isn't a random person tired of people arguing
go to /pol/ guys, please