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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 476 KB, 2827x1608, 47582-bezig-blizzard-bevestigt-micro-transacties-voor-wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6654943 No.6654943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is WoW a /fa/ game?

Does it make me more, or less /fa/ when I start playing again? (still deciding whether to renew sub, but my newyear resolution for 2013 was to become more /fa/).

>> No.6654957

not /fa/ at all

>> No.6654966

GW2 is /fa/er

>> No.6654964

Go spend that subscription money on a gym subscription instead

permanent personal gainz man

>> No.6654971

no games are /fa/

>> No.6654974
File: 543 KB, 1920x1080, rfewft_1358545435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait a month for the most /fa/ game

>> No.6654975

WoW is for casuals.
Even vanilla.

>> No.6654978

Playing videogames is hardly /fa/, but WoW has become such a mainstream example of a "nerd with no life" game that it's almost impossible to seem cool for playing WoW unless you're appealing to other nerds.

>> No.6654986

But playing WoW is much more engaging socially, intellectually, mentally, etc. than just lifting some weights to gain useless muscle mass which won't really matter.


Those are the olden days, remember when you were seen as a "nerd with no life" for browsing the internet in the late 90s/early 00s? nowadays literally everyone does it, same goes for online gaming.

>> No.6654988

GW2 was such a massive disappointment

GW1 was an unique experience that could stand on itself without binding itself to any conventions and succeeded.

GW2 is just everything wrong with MMOs dumbed down and streamlined into a bland ball of furry shit that defecates all over what GW1 stood for

>> No.6654995


Dark Souls is /f/a

>> No.6654991
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>> No.6654996

good lord, listen to yourself. You're hopeless, unless you're just trolling

>> No.6654997

why would you play wow past wotlk?

>> No.6654998


not fashion related

>> No.6655004

announcing reports is a bannable offense

>> No.6655010

Please don't report, it is in fact a fashion-related thread (the game may not be, but that's subjective, actually, have you even tried out transmogrification).

I'm interested in learning from you why I'm hopeless?

>> No.6655014

game where u control plebs
sounds /fa/

>> No.6655015

you are nerd and i sex your girlfriend when you world warcraft alone

>> No.6655016

You instantly gain 12 pounds and grow a neckbeard by even installing that time-sink.

no it is not fucking /fa/

>> No.6655018

>But playing WoW is much more engaging socially, intellectually, mentally, etc.
I'll bet a dollar that the people you're going to meet at your gym are far more interesting than your guildmates

>> No.6655038

You don't want to go to the gym, even though it takes maybe five hours a week, and makes you look and feel better.

You think WoW is in anyway engaging.

You don't understand why video games are lame.

You're defending WoW.

You're trying to be more "/fa/"

Just go back to >>>/v/ and try again next year, damn I hope you're trolling

>> No.6655047

>You instantly gain 12 pounds and grow a neckbeard by even installing that time-sink.

But if you have self control (i.e. not get addicted) you can easily just dedicate 60minutes a day to it right?

>> No.6655049

>nowadays literally everyone does it, same goes for online gaming.
How deluded are you? Online gaming is more popular but WoW and MMOs are still very much attached to that stigma, and gaming is still a niche area for gaming enthusiasts outside of iOS games.

>> No.6655058

honestly, aside from it being a nerdy MMORPG it kind of is /fa/. Your goal is to constantly get better, cooler gear that no one else has. Yeah some fags strive to be the most powerful, but really it's about getting them epic drops that no noob (fuccboi) could ever hope to get.

>> No.6655064

>tfw running over plebs in my fixed gear elephant and my rick owens tunic

>> No.6655069

No it's not /fa/ because you are a fuccboi who is afraid to apply this simple concept you already understand strangely enough to real life

>> No.6655071


If you are able to easily just dedicate 60 minutes a day to something you can get the body of a god in 2 years and while doing that you can listen to classic literature

>Feeling the need to be better than everyone else and never be satisfieed with yourself
>truly /fa/

pick two

>> No.6655076

>You don't want to go to the gym, even though it takes maybe five hours a week, and makes you look and feel better.
I didn't say that. And as cliche as it sounds, I'd rather spend my life doing something I genuinely enjoy and have fun doing, rather than going through self torture just to feel quite statisfied with myself because I slowly gain some muscle mass which won't really benefit me, or the world, in any way other than being more equiped to defend myself from criminals or bullies in the outside world. Which is useless because I live in a 1st world country in Western Europe.

>You think WoW is in anyway engaging.
Have you ever played PvP? It takes alot of skill to truly excell in arenas, no other game quite like it.

>You don't understand why video games are lame.
No I don't and it seems that neither do you, because you don't explain why they're so lame?

>You're defending WoW.
Well, it seems you don't realize what the game truly offers, you only think it's a game for "nerds with no life" because others have told you that, yet you haven't even played it yourself, or so it seems.
>nerd with no life
Do you even know who Swifty is? He's one of the most famous WoW players and he's far from that description, go find him on Youtube.

>> No.6655082

that sounded autistic as fuck sorry mate :(

>> No.6655091

good god my life was better when i played wow

why the fuck is it already 2013

>> No.6655098
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>It takes alot of skill to truly excell in arenas, no other game quite like it.
Oh please

Play a game that isn't an asymmetric metagame fest for once

>> No.6655100

>better, cooler gear that no one else has
maybe in vanilla.

>> No.6655106
File: 10 KB, 300x250, UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quake >>>>> WoW

>> No.6655105


Don't think of the gym as a chore, and if you're so opposed to gaining muscle mass just do cardio.

There's a difference between engaging and just raw stimulation

Video games are lame, because that whole rant you posted on not going to the gym applies in almost the exact same way

I've played WoW when I was in Middle School, it is the most tedious, boring, Sisyphusean game ever created

I never called you a nerd with no life, dat projection

Fuck you I'm so out

>> No.6655115

is quake live still alive and well?

>> No.6655118

quake will never die, but you will

>> No.6655123
File: 26 KB, 300x291, go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i played wow for years, it was fun but i know now it was just some crap, and when i stopped i started doing more interesting things instead. gym included

go is the best, most /fa game by a hell of a lot. other games are pathetic shadows of go

>> No.6655126



>> No.6655143

I'm sorry, I did not mean to disrespect you or your point of view, I understand where you're coming from.

I suppose I wasn't entirely serious about everything I wrote.

But, can't WoW be played and enjoyed if you put a time limit on and just PvPed etc? Or is it a complete waste of time, even if it can bring you enjoyment?

>> No.6655144


swear to god vanilla and early tbc was sooooo much fun!!!!! dont remember my old account so i'd have to buy, what, 4 expansions? 2 much of a hassle...... just kill me now

>> No.6655150
File: 6 KB, 225x225, feels guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that railgun twitch precision

>> No.6655157


it's just a game, man, you don't have to become a complete aspy shut in and as long as you're an interesting and nice person people don't give a shit what games you play.

>> No.6655168

It's not /fa/ to play but it is /fa/ to run bots to powerlevel characters, sell them for $800 a piece, and them cop some ricky

>> No.6655179

video games can be fa, but it is not fa to spend a lot of time playing them

>> No.6655181

You are actively contributing to the downfall of society.
You probably also don't want to have kids just because, "I don't see any reason" right?

>> No.6655185

>People still haven't realized that video games won't benefit you in any real way (unless you're full-time pro) and your time would have more worth invested in something else
OP it's time to grow up

>> No.6655192

says the guy who is spending time during the day on 4chan.

>> No.6655194
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>> No.6655202
File: 1.34 MB, 1680x1050, kelethinimage01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EverQuest was the most /fa/ video game
but I gave up vidya long ago to pursue more meaningful things

>> No.6655204

>cost-benefit analysis of recreation
choke on friedman's dick you rationalist utilitarian shitstain

>> No.6655210

>but I gave up vidya long ago to pursue more meaningful things
Like what?

Games can be just as meaningful, as long as you enjoy it.

>> No.6655213

you don't need to take jabs at everyone who posts in your thread


>> No.6655217

Not really

Unless you're really deep into "hardcore" games (I'm thinking dwarf fortress and shit I don't know) all the games you mention should either be well-known or artistically valid.

Games like Guild Wars 2 show that you are more of a "gamer" but not in a really impressive way. You say "World of Warcraft" and most people just assume you have the addiction; how they react depends on the person.

And IMO World of Warcraft is a better game than Guild Wars 2. I say this having played both.

Not true anymore. It's actually really common right now. And besides, people will only think you're a nerd with no life for playing it if you look and act like a nerd with no life.

Strongly worded but I agree with the sentiment

Where do you live? How old are you? I'm 21, I live in Toronto, and the coolest guys I know at least have played a few video games. They don't brag about it or call themselves "gamers", but they play video games, even if only once in a while. How many adult males don't own at least one game console or have a PC capable of gaming? Among the people I know, it's a faux pas to say you don't know what Diablo II is, or don't know what Goldeneye is. It reflects on your cultural literacy. Now, if all you do is game, and you call yourself a gamer, that's worse; but the attitude toward video games that I sense in my generation is that playing video games is an inescapable (and forgivable) part of life.

>> No.6655223

Fucking nerd.

>> No.6655226

>and the coolest guys I know
prolly the least humble tho

>> No.6655230

Reading, learning so many new things
Lifting, getting that godlike physique
Networking and meeting people that can give me chances to further my position in society.

They can be meaningful, but the large majority toady are just a huge time sink an your time can be spent better elsewhere.

>> No.6655242
File: 225 KB, 601x251, mai_raifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing mmos
>implying that e-deportes isn't the most /fa/

>> No.6655243

4chan is actually a very good place to about almost anything

>> No.6655245

Obviously not you fucking idiot

>> No.6655273

well it is /fa/ if you are /fa/ already.
you need a big net to catch little fish. There are some things that are more often /fa/. Like being handsome and tall is almost always /fa/. So the thing is you need to do lots of other things to increase your /fa/ level so all the little things you do become /fa/ as well. If a fat neckbeard plays wow it is hideous, but if some japanese fuccboi plays wow it is /fa/.

>> No.6655328
File: 218 KB, 986x617, The-Witness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who reads books and plays video games, I can say that I haven't gotten my bang per minute out of video games, but it's not the fault of every game I've played. Some gave me a very good return on the time spent.

Braid was a very good use of my time.

Minecraft was a pretty good use of my time.

Portal / Portal 2 were a good use of my time.

Some games, like Machinarium or Dear Esther, were not necessarily perfect games, but were aesthetically interesting, and I don't feel my time was wasted.

It's hard to just look at a game and say how much I got out of it, but games are like a lot of other things; how much you get out of it depends on how you think about it while it's happening. Games aren't going to inherently offer you as much mental value as a good book, but you needn't be playing them with your brain turned off. One man may get more out of a game than another gets out of a book if he plays it with the right mentality.

I have high hopes for the future of game design, and I'm extremely bothered by "shut off your brain and just do it" AAA games. But like other industries (film, music) the best games won't be coming from the AAA developers. I think games can be a fantastic medium if we start thinking about them the right way.

I'm excited to play The Witness when it comes out.

>> No.6655355

Have you played Bastion yet

>> No.6655358

>X game was good use of my time

It just means that your 'time' isn't worth shit

>> No.6655368

I agree with Portal, however your time could still be better spent no matter how much you're "getting out of a video game"

>> No.6655376

Oh god at least play VNs* instead of thinking shit like Portal 2 was a good use of your time.

* = By VNs I mean mindfuck types, not waifu shit.

>> No.6655393

No it isn't, but not everything needs to be /fa/. It shouldn't concern you whether it is fashionable to play a game or not - you should play it for your own personal enjoyment without concern to how others view you for doing so. The issue with games like World of Warcraft comes when people dedicate their lives to the game and neglect other important parts of life, such as socializing, exercising, educating themselves, etc.

Playing WoW is fine - as long as you manage your time. An hour a day isn't going to harm you. Just make sure you do other things.

>> No.6655394

>implying they won't drop the ball like they did with tw napoleon and shogun 2

>> No.6655408
File: 18 KB, 190x205, 1362411008359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not waifu shit

>> No.6655410

>enjoying anything ever
Have fun with your bread and circus while simultaneously not being /fa/

>> No.6655433

Not all activities you do have to benefit society or others. Some will just improve you or entertain you personally.

>> No.6655446

I agree about your activities not having to benefit others, but you should strive to make everything you do benefit yourself in some way.

>> No.6655467
File: 15 KB, 184x184, unhappy marshmellow playing checkers in bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing waifu VNs

>> No.6655501

How about after a day at work or a work out at the gym, you can relax at home playing WoW? Only for an hour. It is helping you relax. It can also improve motor skills and reaction times (this is true).

OP was saying how going to the gym wasn't worth it and playing WoW is just as valuable...I don't agree with this. But gym/work as a bigger priority and video games as something to unwind with sounds healthy to me.

>> No.6655537

Yeah, sounds fine, moderation is key though. Things like that are so easy to get addicted to.

>> No.6655605

Hand held game systems can be /fa/ I think.

>> No.6655661

VNs are lame shit, even the non-waifu ones.

Say what you want about Portal 2's lame jokes or uninteresting story, from a purely gameplay perspective it was a well-designed game.

Well, on some abstract level, sure... but IMO it's not as straightforward as "this activity is a better way to spend your time than video games." It can't be true all the time and with respect to every video game.

well at least it's not so valueless that I resort to pointless shitposting to pass time

yeah but not much, just barely started

>> No.6655703

>tfw lvl 60 pvp grind for those titles

>> No.6655791

>VNs are lame shit

>hasn't played ever17
>hasn't played 999

>> No.6655808


>tfw killing guards in ratchet for that sweet ass pirate outfit