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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 243 KB, 700x700, momotaro-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651171 No.6651171 [Reply] [Original]

>be grill
>try to get into raw denim
>end up with tuna crotch and yeast infection

Is this the reason why only men are denim heads?

What do I do? Any advice from other girls?

>> No.6651176

Do you change your underwear every day?

Never go commando. Probably avoid tiny thongs too.

>> No.6651182

alright it's the tiny thongs and yeah I change my underwear

>> No.6651191

do you wash your jeans?

>> No.6651197


>> No.6651199

please send me ur jeans


>> No.6651203
File: 408 KB, 500x716, 1364253097476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end up with tuna crotch and yeast infection
The toppest of lels

>> No.6651207

by wash I mean cold soak every 1 month or so in cold water with woolite dark

and yeah not washing jeans + g string == fucking gross

>> No.6651208

Let me smell the crotch of your jeans baby girl.

>> No.6651212

I'd actually be willing to sell them and pretend this never happened but you'd have to pay me triple what I bought them for.

>> No.6651214

I don't...
What are your hygeine habits? I'm sure you'd be fine if you just washed you shit and this

>> No.6651220
File: 873 KB, 478x811, annika v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat my pussy first then mayb

>> No.6651228

I take a bath everyday dont know what else to do.

>> No.6651236

greedy cunt

>> No.6651241

bet you got roast beef lips too

>> No.6651243

will you offer a fuccboi discount?

>> No.6651250


so you lay in your own filth for an hour??? switch 2 showers gurl

>> No.6651252

im not letting you guy blow a load for cheap

>> No.6651262

you don't really have a choice tbh, if you dont want to sell I'll just buy a pair off ebay

i'll be blowing a low regardless ;)

>> No.6651272
File: 974 KB, 285x171, m56zuXj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn girl, you got an e-mail?

>> No.6651276

I meant showers, I bathe on occaision.

Enjoy your pair of washed jeans.

As long as they aren't my jeans I couldn't care less.

>> No.6651279

dear god whaaaaaaaaaaaaat

>> No.6651280

you guys are so disgusting

>> No.6651286
File: 261 KB, 313x406, le puke face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


message me whenever you want.

>> No.6651293

here I'll cut you a deal

you send me your jeans for free and when I'm done I'll send you a pic of my face (don't worry I'm a qt) and my load

seems fair enough???

>> No.6651298

Found your Tumblr.

>> No.6651309


i don' want the jeans anymore : (

>> No.6651313

come visit me here too

lookbook nu/annikavictoria

>> No.6651333
File: 1.61 MB, 280x296, vomiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fucking thread

>> No.6651338

Ohohoho, had me going here for a bit. Master ruseman in this thread. OP is trying to generate traffic for his/her sites.


>> No.6651339
File: 222 KB, 1904x748, 1375499883525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651348
File: 321 KB, 500x739, tumblr_mqabm1ezYs1r0q91yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651355

ew you're fat

>> No.6651368

why is that whale outside the water?

i bet shes the kind of girl that says ''i love my body, i look beautiful because fat is beautiful too (:''

>> No.6651375
File: 149 KB, 492x750, tumblr_modd9omUv71r0q91yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-ohh... anon-kun don't be so tsunedere...

You know you want a lick of this tuna crotch with some of my chunky yellow/green vaginal discharge broth.

>> No.6651383

Sweet 7.5lb baby Jesus you're an elephant! *barf*

>> No.6651385

can't wait until you knees snap under the weight

>> No.6651391

mm. classy.

>> No.6651396

top kek
she's kinda cute anyways, nothing special. Not all chubs is automatically ugly.

>> No.6651401

you look like you waddle when you walk.

>> No.6651415
File: 178 KB, 560x469, 2744053_lookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw.... thx bb

I flip my bean for u 2nite

>> No.6651434

>have fat ol thighs
>wear g string
>sweaty ass friction on jeans
"Why do i smell bad?"

>USyd Atheist Society
>dressing topshop tier
>this distasteful

you're so un /fa/ the thread headline made me fuckin gag even
if this is actually what women consider fashionable, no wonder there are so many fags in the industry

>> No.6651441

also ur bf wears a fedora

>> No.6651472

> OP seems like a pretty cool person
> turns out she isn't /fit/ or /fa/


>> No.6651503
File: 150 KB, 560x448, 2670457_lookbook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ya. well you can lick my big fat rotten cunt

>> No.6651523 [DELETED] 

same guy as >>6651396
kind of attention whoring, nothing new here
kind of tumblrcore attitude
if any of you had the chance you'd fuck her, you know it

>> No.6651526
File: 50 KB, 526x443, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well looky here, you've made a fool of yerself, now you have to kill yerself, dumb kunt

>> No.6651543

my gf had pbj's and never had any issues. change your underwear

>> No.6651579

Don't girls have vaginal discharges pretty regularly? I'd imagine raw denim would get pretty dirty and become a cesspool pretty fast if it's heavy.

>> No.6651588


unless it's super heavy it should get caught in underwear. there's thicker lining at the vag part to catch it

>> No.6651590

and the filth grows exponentially too, with bacteria and shit

>> No.6651594


>> No.6651619

Who are you? The Vaginal discharge expert?

>> No.6651632

damn, gotta feel real bad for ya on that

>> No.6651653

Or any other female woman you moron

>> No.6651655

ew you have huge vaginal discharge gross

>> No.6651658

im a gynecologist, so yea

>> No.6651659

you are one filthy dyke

>> No.6651690

w2c qt3.14's like u bby

>> No.6651722

yer hot

>> No.6651907

>ops first post mentions tuna crotch and yeast infection
>these fuccbois are still thirsty

my sides

>> No.6651931
File: 864 KB, 1035x746, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6651952

xDDDDDDDD le tumblr fashion xD xD

"lmao anon why are you wearing so much black? wear something more flowery! xDDDDDDDDDD"

>> No.6651982

Jesus Christ this entire thread is so disgusting, it's this kind of bullshit that makes me glad I'm a faggot


>> No.6651993

Why are you wearing buttfloss when you're chubs
Why are you surprised about getting thrush

>> No.6652009
File: 904 KB, 240x228, LcVJkWB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.6652012

all of my lel

>> No.6652016
File: 23 KB, 300x250, literally wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
goddamnit effay did ur troll-radars break
do you not remember the shops of that gurl


>> No.6652023

>getting this trolled

>> No.6652034

No curves, at all
I bet you have a pancake ass

>> No.6652476

>implying shes no hambeast

>> No.6652606
File: 130 KB, 509x799, lick it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went looking through her blog. She wasn't always a fatty it seems.

>> No.6652623

am i the only one here who thinks she's pretty okay


>> No.6652639

pls be in london

>> No.6652649

well, she is now :(

>> No.6652656
File: 66 KB, 559x799, lick it agai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of weird because it appears that she got fat rather suddenly. In one post she looks like this and in the next it's jiggly legs galore.

>> No.6652676

Why is everyone ITT calling her fat? She has a chubby face and a skinnyfat 4-5/10 body, that's about it.

>> No.6652677
File: 35 KB, 600x432, vomit6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652685


she is overweight

overweight = fat

>> No.6652691
File: 136 KB, 500x720, fat person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me that girl is the same as pic related?

>> No.6652693

she's morbidly obese

>> No.6652697

fat as fatass fat acceptance 'it's genetics' curvy voluptuous landwhale detected

>> No.6652696


no she is morbidly obese

>> No.6652699
File: 301 KB, 968x1600, lick it more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The female in question is Australian. We're not using American sizes here.

>> No.6652700

What a waste of dat pale skin.

>dem thirsty niggas

>> No.6652701
File: 1.03 MB, 225x186, puke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652724

>blow a low


>> No.6652734


>> No.6652768

what kind of dyke looking bitch wears raws and doesn't wash them?

the fuck

>tuna crotch and yeast infection

try taking a fucking shower and stop sleeping around

polluted fucking womb

>> No.6652773



>> No.6652852
File: 13 KB, 420x168, yt4f7d2f49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a fuckin' little baby with her!

>> No.6652896

i think youre cute hahahahahahahahahahahhaahhah p b n ldn

>> No.6653653
File: 167 KB, 560x527, 3210352_lbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're on the subject,

would you? /fa/?

>> No.6653685


would what?

>> No.6653700

y-you know... would you?

>> No.6653710

Check out Railcar Fine Goods.

>> No.6653729


no, please explain

>> No.6653739

would you stick you're dick into her pussy until you came

>> No.6653759
File: 40 KB, 506x492, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i /fa/

>> No.6653767

>end up with tuna crotch and yeast infection
Maybe had you washed yourself daily this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.6653771


what are you trying to say?

>> No.6653773

enjoy your shit-covered dicks and AIDS faggot

>> No.6653780

So cringeworthy.

>> No.6653784
File: 38 KB, 495x446, lole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653786

ya why not

and post after here or else your gay

>> No.6653789

benis in vagine

>> No.6653797

lol this kid

'You know your loved when your parents get you a rolex. Unfortunately not Omega. Guess ill have to make do and wait for it to come.'

"I earn 35.00 per hr cos im amazing at my job. And yes im showing off. And yes my ego makes it hard for me to walj through a door. And no it doesnt include the 2000.00 I get off my dad."

a couple more of his statuses just from page one of hsi fb

>> No.6653791

Uuh, maybe wearing real underwear might fix this?

>> No.6653792

Do it. That kid deserves to be laughed at.

>> No.6653807

"Things look good when my clothes are designer made tailored clothes now. Not just plain designer. Some would say im spoilt and egoegotistical. I would agree"
would you say he's egoegotistical /fa/?

>> No.6653810
File: 421 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_mk59ak4ri71qzbbgeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link me his FB fuccboi

>> No.6653855

Holy shit what a cunt

>> No.6653875

I knoq lmfao

wonder what hes gonna reply if he even does

>> No.6653874

oh shit wat r u gonna do mate make fun of his waifu? fuck off shitposter

>> No.6653884

Whatever he says just respond with "post a fit fuccboi"

>> No.6653885

eat shit you australian sub-human garbage

>> No.6653898

im american your imbecile, stop posting that middle aged dog faced gook on here, shes not your waifu shes just some old hag, fuck out of here you niggas are worse than faust

>> No.6653911
File: 195 KB, 424x640, 8228338170_0b21042d4c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An american aspiring to be an australian, that's even worse, sad as fuck.

And she has good fits, a girl can learn a thing or two from her. Wheras your posts are merely sad attempts to appear australian over the net.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6653924

no shes a dog faced gook who looks like she got gangbanged by a thriftstore and atlier clearance rack

the majority of her fits sucks ass, its just virgins like you idolize her and make her your waifu

>> No.6653930


Dude, stop posting your retardation isn't helping.

>> No.6653938

kill yourself nerd you probably wear i love ugly and void the brand

>> No.6653939
File: 132 KB, 384x640, 6858165444_1e15c9d17c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the sad part is that you're 100% serious about something so minor. Your life must suck, meanwhile I'm having fun.

>> No.6653946

>I am superior to everyone because I don't like X brand
Holy shit you're pitiful.

inb4 "I was trolling"

>> No.6653949
File: 71 KB, 633x653, lelelelel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek he replied
did i reck him

>> No.6653954

uhhh.... no.

He may be a dick but he has valid points. I disagree with the "YOU NEED TO LEVEL UP" part but other than that he sounds like a practical person.

>> No.6653955

of course im fucking mad you shit for brains weeaboo dogfucker, in hitler's paradise degenerate scum like you wouldn't exist

>> No.6653959

thats all i wanted to do
look at comments >>6653797 >>6653807
nigga deserved to be taken down a peg or two

>> No.6653962
File: 145 KB, 381x640, 7674974844_1d3eeab0b9_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm fucking mad

that's all I needed to know, I win. LOOL

>> No.6653969

if you call being a permanent virgin in cheap clothes who jacks off to old ladies on the internet winning than congrats i guess

enjoy your pathetic life

>> No.6653970

>this guy is egotistical as fuck
>I'm gonna post something edgy
>maybe then he will be reasonable
>turns out even though he's a narcissistic douche he has a light gasp of common sense.

If that was your goal. Okay, good job I guess.

>> No.6653973


>raging over a pic posted on an anonymous japanese cartoon board

> top lel

>> No.6653976
File: 122 KB, 427x640, 5301465990_9a747b4b63_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now I know why you're so mad. she was your waifu before I took her wasnt she.

I win.

>> No.6653983

>I win

keep telling yourself that, your tears are delicious

>> No.6653988
File: 142 KB, 445x800, 8152473759_af03735dbc_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel your own tears seeping into the crevasses of your keyboard as you typed that statement. LOL

>> No.6653992


>> No.6653995


>> No.6653997

read the thread bro

>> No.6654001

Nevermind, I'd pick this back up if I had a fucking DeLorean.

>> No.6654022

she looks sick in that image tbh.

To me it seems like she used to be fat as a child and she got bullied and then became skinny at any cost.

Makes me think she used to be anorexic judging by how fast she gained weight.

Everyone of her family members and friends must have been concerned for her well-being when they saw how pail and frail she looked so they urged her to gain weight.

"it's okay Annika no one is going to bully you about your weight anymore please become healthy and put on some pounds"

And so she did, but she went a bit overboard, but it was okay because she had the support of her family and friends and she still does to this day.

But she was never the same, since she got bullied all those years ago in her childhood. It seems like now she garners support through clothing via lookbook.

And all that's needed to push her over the edge and have her fall back into anorexia is a thread like this, where everyone is calling her fat as fat ass.

>> No.6654032

>end up with tuna crotch and yeast infection
this smells like bullshit unless you weren't wearing panties

OP confirmed for male

>Is this the reason why only men are denim heads?
no, it's actually because wearing the same pair of jeans 5x a week is much more socially unacceptable for a woman

raws are shit anyway

>> No.6654169

This. This is the thread that makes me quit /fa/.

>> No.6654247


Ummmmmm.... Pretty sure that's a trap. If trap, no. If female, yes.

>> No.6654288

>wearing thongs with jeans

>> No.6657194

Well she doesn't browse or post here so it doesn't matter.

>> No.6657207

wear a fucking diaper if you're leaking all kinds of goopy discharge and fluids. grils are so gross

>> No.6657240


"True opinion."

This guy you're 'friends' with is a fucking toolbag.

>> No.6657289

>that feel when my momos are hung up in my room waiting to be patched up and worn throughout winter


>> No.6657534

tip lel

>> No.6658857

Bumping for tuna crotch.

>> No.6659687


>> No.6659715

>tfw i was the one who brought up watching your wife shit because james joyce

>> No.6659729

Haha this.
I think it's just one of those "permanently suspended disbelief" threads where every one plays along because there's no more game if they don't.

>> No.6659884

OP I had your problem as well, the problem turned out to be that I'm a bit incontinent. Get those incontinence pads at your local pharmacy (should be $2 for 30 of them) and put them in your underwear every day.

>> No.6659906

>that picture
every god damn time

>> No.6660305

OP here I'm a guy