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/fa/ - Fashion

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6574151 No.6574151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are drugs /fa/? Am I /fa/?

>> No.6574153

Drugs are /fa/
drugs are also deadly
that said i do drugs too

>> No.6574159

Cocaine is /fa/
Weed is /b/

>> No.6574165


together they're /fab/

>> No.6574174


>> No.6574191

Same here, glad I'm not the only one who thinks weed is pleb as shit. How can people center their lives around getting high off of a plant? Not just a hobby, like--only wanting to get high everyday, not worried about anything else but weed etc

>> No.6574187

Good, because its all I do. With the exception of pills and alcohol of course.

>> No.6574211

>not realizing cocaine is made from a plant too

Enjoy doing 25i fuccboi

>> No.6574247

is this the 80's?
if so, yes, they are /fa/ as fuck

any other age past that only kids do them
and kids are never /fa/ they smell like piss and badly wiped buttocks

>> No.6574271

Please, as if cocaine went out of style in the 1980's... Whats fashionable today then, Meth? Cocaine will always be class.

>> No.6574274

Yes. I have always thought this.

>> No.6574303

>what is fashinable
whatever le edgy highschoolers with tattoos and problems with authority figures or le classy fedored geeks think is out of style.
like healty stuff or oxigen, have u ever got high on oxygen?
/fa/ as fuck

>> No.6574321


Yeah weed is a plant unlike Cocaine and Opium

>> No.6574336


>> No.6574348
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Heavy use isn't, occasional use is.

Coke, N20, weed, spirits and molly are personal choices.

>> No.6574501

Mollys for the club.

>> No.6574514

Dupont lighter, Dunhill cigarettes, Gucci pen, Saks card, silver straw and cocaine. Classy?

>> No.6574523

LSD is pretty /fa/ because ~introspective~

>> No.6574530

LSD is for hippies and burn outs.

>> No.6574548

I've to to admit, that's Bateman-immaculate.

>> No.6574557


>> No.6574560

Lol. I hate people.

>> No.6574563

cocaine makes me so fucking agitated.

I personally snort dope, because it's the best high you can ever experience.

I don't give a shit if it's /fa/ because it feels sooo good.

>> No.6574569

He's kinda right shrooms are my d.o.c but the hallucinogen crowd is herby af

>> No.6574571


>> No.6574575
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>> No.6574586

25c > 25i > any other 25x
debate me

>> No.6574648

No but research chemicals that fuck you up with weird names your friends don't know about are.

>> No.6574668

>praising cocaine over weed
>not doing hardcore drugs only

>> No.6574708

i was into them for a while, but holy fuck the side effects can be terrifying when there's not a lot of info on it, so you can't be sure you won't suddenly drop dead.

>> No.6574733
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Weed is the only plant that kills all types of cancer and tumor cells caused by man made things lol

>> No.6574748

I took LSD a few days ago. I laughed like a maniac for an hour and then started having horrible paranoid delusions. I've felt like shit for the past three days and gashed up my leg with a hunting knife for the first time in years.

Fuck that stuff/

>> No.6574750

Goddammit, anon.

The study showed that weed slows or stops the growth of tumors, not that it's a magic instant cancer cure.

>> No.6574751

2C's 4 LYFE

>> No.6574767
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>tries it once and doesn't like it
>"fuck that stuff man"

>> No.6574802
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I took it every other day for at least 6 months when I was still a teenager. I flirted with madness but also learned a lot. Haven't touched the stuff in over a decade, but after you get its message it's time to hang up the phone.
I credit DXM with being able to write the way I do. It just snapped one time - I had this vision of being a child in the bathtub as the water drained away. Everything was marble because we lived well and I held myself, watching in a mirror and expecting the cold to set in but it never did, just a deep warmth spreading through my entire body.
I kind of "got it" right then - I saw the wiring under the board for a just second and I knew where all the emotions came from and what roads they traveled.
When snapped out of it, I spent the next 4 hours watching a marathon of "The Tick" while curled on a hardwood floor and overcome with a strange cosmic gratitude. I felt so very small, as if I'd been running a fever and was huddled in the deep billowing folds of a baffled down comforter.

A few of my friends never really came back from this sort of experimentation. One boy, he always has a puzzled grin on his face whenever I cross his path, and I've heard he has trouble holding down a job/relationship/etc.

I do not recommend this course of action to anyone at all. It was very stupid of me and I'm sick of hearing old hippies tell me they can "see it in my eyes".

>> No.6574817


How do you cop drugs?

>> No.6574840
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I love LSD. Ketamine, 2C-B, and occasional MDMA are nice too. Coke is once or twice a year, amphetamine to crank out work when I procrastinate too much.

Well done.

>> No.6574844

All about the addy

Fucbois don't kno bout it

>> No.6574867

fk u poet u just want me to do drugs

i'm assuming this is poet, cause i'm on my phone.

>> No.6574872
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Hey /fa/ help me out
Never tried coke but I have a g of it
what the fuck is good with this shit
(only have done basic research)
pic related

>> No.6574871
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Heads have been on that addy game and the Ritalin game since the 60's. Street name for ritalin was 'West Coast'. Addy was called 'obetrol' back then, for obesity control. They just repackaged it for helicopter parents in the 80's.

>> No.6574874

It goes in your nose, about 100mg at a time.

>> No.6574883

No, I don't.
They're fucking dangerous.

>> No.6574896

Where do i buy coke?

>> No.6574936

I tried coke last weekend...it didn't do a damn thing for me :/ blew like 6 lines too

>> No.6574943

You got burned on shit drugs

>> No.6574955

I was with my cousin and a bunch of her friends, they were definitely going on it. Luckily I didn't pay since it was my birthday.

>> No.6574987

coke is the bomb, don't snort the whole gram at once because your heart will start beating like a motherfucker

don't do it at home, you'll end up chatting crazy shit to girls on facebook and wanking to weird porn

Oh, I'm going to a party tomorrow, my mate apparently got us a couple grams of mephedrone. Excited as fuck, havent taken it in a couple years

>> No.6575022

>get some heroin

you'll thank me later

>> No.6575043

well fuck

i had a psychotic break once on dxm, but it was super boring. All I remember was closing my eyes, and then I was talking about something horribly mundane with my mother, with no knowledge or memory of taking dxm.

and then I opened my eyes and i was back in my room, in reality, and I was scared shitless because I had no idea where I was and I thought reality was back talking with my mother. The giant spider in the corner of my room.

>> No.6575083

What did LSD teach you?

have the drugs you done done any bad longtime effects on you?

>> No.6575368

It boils down to an understanding of the frailties that drive the social game and it's made me very open minded. It's also convinced me of other autonomous planes intersecting our own and shown me how meaning is derived.

My memory is a sieve, I'm prone to mental drifting and anxiety, not to mention insomnia. For some reason my organs are mostly intact to date but there's something about me that's simply not there. It's barely noticeable and actually quite an asset because it allows me to remain objective and empathic.

I think the real dangers are seeing too much or simply breaking your spirit and losing touch with reality. Ego death is not for everyone.

DXM is not a fun drug at all, but can teach you some things.

>> No.6575388
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what about dmt you guys

>> No.6575391

>DXM is not a fun drug at all
I thoroughly disagree

>> No.6575406

That sounds more like my DPH trips than any of my experiences with DXM.

Also, step up yo game and do MXE

>> No.6575459
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cocaine and h. is fashionable
but weed can be useful to make friends (a lot people smoke, you wouldnt even suspect many of them) just dont become a pothead and it'll be cool
i've done a lot of drugs, but worst of them is alcohol
>tfw you are into heroinchic and beatnick-writer-drunk style just to justify your weak will and filthy hedonism

yeah, drugs ARE /fa/ because they are illegal and most of people see you as a badboy when you are into it. its fucking stupid but it works. smoking looks cool too, because you dont give a fuck (horrible smell suck tho)

>> No.6575463

Fuck DXM, it made me shit my pants. I even had supposedly pure tablets

>> No.6575464

smoking cigs is like the fedora of drugs

>> No.6575473
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>> No.6575474

but smoking ist drugs, just a habit. like a slutty girl eating a lolipop all the time.
well toothpick - thats fedoracore

>> No.6575476

Doesn't sound like LSD to me, or you had a terrible setting, or you were depressed, or you didn't know what to expect. Something went wrong and it's not the drug's fault.

Taking LSD was one of the most worthwhile things I have ever done in my life, quite possibly even the most worthwhile

>> No.6575478

Y-you mean capsules right?

>> No.6575481

i was serious the only people who smoke are trashy wiggers and neckbeards who think it looks cool

>> No.6575487
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>> No.6575489
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but thats wrong you [put insult here] if you live in some USA shithole without taste i can understand why your opinion is like that. but for most societies its a bad habit. if you are fashionable you make it look fashionable.
same with everything

>> No.6575492
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stop it i know he just pretend to be retarded but there are people who really think like that and i find this discussion interesting

>> No.6575500

n-no, tablets. I know what's in them because they're branded and have the active ingredient listed

>> No.6575528

Mfw didn't know they came in tablets
I think you can be allergic to DXM idk

>> No.6575547

Why does every stoner have that pipe?

>> No.6575553

its a vape

>> No.6575552

vape, retard
portable smoke box

>> No.6575879

And your point? How does that make weed /fa/?

>> No.6575886

sober for 2 weeks and even sober off alcohol.
didnt drink tonight and everyone else was drinking.

feels very good and im at the top of my game.
325 am and about to pass out from natural causes.
its a very weird feeling going from a constant adderall daze to sober and then actually being able to feel the affects of energy drinks.

but yea, drugs are /fa/
just don't get addicted.

ps norcal hit me up for cool pharmaceuticals.

>> No.6575888

I have a dealer I met through a friend I party with. He is a middle class guy who surly charges me twice the street price but he makes house calls, its consistent and I don't have to deal with thugs or ghetto trash.

>> No.6575891

what are you looking for?
i can give you tips on how to go about getting what you want.

street drugs or prescription drugs?

>> No.6575926

Silk Road

>> No.6576300

join your favourite artists in the sky with this combo.

>> No.6576326

> see it in my eyes
What is it that makes LSD users visible from their eyes? I've never taken the drug but I feel I can tell immediately if someone has.

>> No.6576424

How can i learn those things without taking LSD?

>> No.6576431

>weed can be useful

when i started smoking sophmore year of HS my popularity went way up since i just met so many people.