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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 153 KB, 500x375, 1276583171_1decb1fd59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6535305 No.6535305 [Reply] [Original]

Empty your pockets/bag

>> No.6535317
File: 607 KB, 3088x2402, What's in my bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6535334

>IBM Thinkpad
Mein neger.

>> No.6535342

O shit, this nigga Batemen-tier OCD effay

>> No.6535370

>implying having a 4chan browser having a thinkpad is anything rare or special

>> No.6535376


>Needing so many pens.
>faggy shitty film camera.

>> No.6535385

I'm worried about your levels of faggotry

>> No.6535391

Okay, I just did. Which is good because I needed to clean it out anyway. But I'm not posting a pic because shit spilled on a table in some loose organization (or lack thereof) isn't fashion. If I care about how I look in public I'm not filling my pockets and bags with practical tools. I'm grabbing my wallet, keys and maybe my cell phone and going about my day.

>> No.6535402

I'll just list because I'm not attending classes over the summer so my bag's empty

thinkpad and power cord
iphone 5
whatever book I'm reading (currently Ulysses)
cliff bar
bag of almonds
water bottle
loose papers
textbooks relevant to day's classes
ipod classic and koss portapros
shoe brush in case of emergency

backpack itself is one of those common black ones with the white cross on red, forget the brand name

I'm looking into getting a nicer backpack

those headphones are shit man

>> No.6535407
File: 518 KB, 850x672, knolling edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bag less setup.


No ocd at all actually.


I'm a graphic artist, also calling the Nikon F shitty shows how much you know about cameras. Fagbook was free with work


Don't be.


The P5's have a pretty nice neutral sound, definitely not the best but I chose them for the insanly excellent build quality and design

>> No.6535408
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>carrying loads of crap
>carrying anything big

>> No.6535410

>IBM Thinkpad
>Not Lenovo Thinkpad

>> No.6535418

>dat Nokia

>> No.6535417

do you live in 2004 or something?

>> No.6535421

>no guns
>no knives

This is the worst everyday carry thread I have ever seen.

>> No.6535425


I have had smartphones but I got sick of being slave of technology, always accessible and having access to everything. Felt like I was liberated when I got rid of them.

>> No.6535426

where I live, if you pull a weapon out of a bag to defend yourself, that's 100% illegal

you are only ever allowed to defend yourself with something that just happened to be beside you, which is why you have to keep a baseball bat lying around your house. anything else, you could go to jail

>> No.6535430

the fuck

I have cigs, money, keys and a phone

im not taking a picture of my cigs money and keys with the caveat 'taken with my phone'

>> No.6535432
File: 1.34 MB, 1632x1224, dagelijksetroep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much has changed, different book though: The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.6535438

Where the hell do you live? That sounds awful.

>> No.6535443

Carrying a gun with you is illegal propably in 95% of worlds countries.

>> No.6535447

I understand that, but even a taser or a small knife? That's a little absurd.

>> No.6535451

no point carrying a knife unless you're prepared to stab someone to death, tasers are gay

Just punch the fuck out of people if you have to

Like when someone tries to start a confrontation, dont even let them finish talking, immediately begin to punch them in the mouth as hard and fast as you can

>> No.6535452

why you need a charger, laptop, book and camera I will never know

>> No.6535461



>> No.6535473

having a job tat requires you to have those objects, you know.

>> No.6535475

if you don't mind me asking, what model is your phone? I have a Nokia Lumia 920 and while it's a nice phone, I'm tired of the whole smartphone rat race.

>> No.6535481

Hove you been living under a rock this whole time you fucking caveman

>> No.6535494

get a Blackberry then. they're quality and pretty straight-forward. something like a 9900 might fit your needs.

>> No.6535492

I had a samsung galaxy something or other and I broke it

went into this place called cellular repair centre

he said he couldnt fix it

i swapped the broken phone for an old nokia

not going back

>> No.6535493

Nokia 1280. It's not even an old model, just very basic one designed for 3rd world market.

>> No.6535519

what do you need your knife for?

>> No.6535520
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>> No.6535523 [DELETED] 

Phone, flats (because you never know), moleskine, Staedtler mobile office (with my own colours inside), key for my old apartment, wallet, sunglasses + case, concealer, mascara lipstick, passport because I lost my license.

>> No.6535533

I can't be arsed to take out the camera.

>Nexus 4
>house keys

...which reminds I need a new wallet but don't want to settle for a boring brown/black leather bifold.

>> No.6535542

what knife is that?

also what's a decent cheap, small pocket knife for under $25

>> No.6535538

Yeah. I rly regret getting my Galaxy Note II. No joke. If only there weren't absurd fees for saying to Verizon 'fucc this, I want out.'

>> No.6535550

why did tripskank delete her post

>> No.6535612
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I decided a picture would be better.

>> No.6535651

nobody wants 2 see ur stuff u smellbag

>> No.6535649

douk douk
but they're like 27

>> No.6535655

if you're into photography, you stay equipped at all times to take a photo if there's one to be taken.

>> No.6535656


>> No.6535666

>not owning a macbook

>> No.6535661

Reasonable but, spare shoes? why

>> No.6535706
File: 348 KB, 850x559, Black or white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My note taking kit comes in two colours depending on outfit.


Puma General. It dwells in my bag but I hardly ever use it.

Small knife: keychain victorinox
Medium knife: Opinel n. 8

>> No.6535713

we went out for dinner yesterday and I wore heels, but they made me taller than my mother and she likes to be the alpha female so I brought them along in case she got angry

>> No.6535727

>dat psychologically abusive family life

>> No.6535803


>Maximum Bateman OCD tier.

>> No.6535813
File: 6 KB, 256x170, sheeeeeeeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol shit

>> No.6535843

p5's are sick mayne wut you smokin with your shitty portapros?

>> No.6535853

>Clif Bars
More like shit bars.

>> No.6535906

I don't wear my good headphones out of the house

sound quality from portapros is pretty good for an expendable pair of headphones. maybe our ears hear differently, but I've heard a few pairs of p5s and I thought the sound quality was not great

>> No.6535935


normal chill brah / 10


hipster, what's the plastic mini crowbar looking thing below the camera?


>carrying a knife

I thought it wasn't /fa/ to live in a shithole?


cool phone + sansa clip


reading lolita and karamazov makes it seem like you started reading last month after you accidentally found lit


same as mine except everything's more expensive


>no sandwich


is that a makeup thing? like at any moment you may need to reapplicate your face paint and otherwise you'll go into shock?

>> No.6535964


why not just use earbuds? the high end ones must sound better than portapros right?

>> No.6536015
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>hipster, what's the plastic mini crowbar looking thing below the camera?

The Glif, iPod tripod mount.

>> No.6536046

Have a look at: Victorinox, Opinel, Spyderco Byrd, Leatherman Squirt or Micra, and Sanrenmu.

Factory edges can be shoddy so be ready to do some sharpening.

>> No.6536078
File: 33 KB, 670x447, glif2_06_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meant iPhone instead of iPod.

Also get the plus pack, the extra bar makes it a lot more secure and when not in use it nestles inside the Glif.

>> No.6536127

Is what a makeup thing?

Phone (Samsung Galaxy SIII), passport, key, concealer (nars), lipstick (chanel), mascara (dior), flash drive, flats (mbmj), moleskine volant, Staedtler "mobile office" (highlighter, fineliner, rollerball, pencil), wallet (Alexander Wang), case and sunglasses (chanel)

>> No.6536183
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, 20130720_133122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my emergency make up bag/elastics

not pictured: pebble blue galaxy s3, tampons.

>> No.6536188


>not an iphone


>> No.6536195

>still a slave to apple

>> No.6536231

iPhones are the most brickwalled pieces of shit on the market right now.

>> No.6536232

>showing off drugstore makeup and dirty brushes
gurl whatareyoudoing

>> No.6536257

I really like my carrier, but it operates on AWS 1700/2100 and iPhones don't operate on such a "new" frequency because Apple wants to keep its ties with bigger telecom.

>> No.6536857


Calling the Nikon F shitty.

>Do you even photography?

>> No.6537913



>> No.6537974 [DELETED] 
File: 570 KB, 787x565, Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 7.51.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very happy with the lack of pills in my pockets recently.
sucks but it's good too.

and i got tired of my shitty wallet and not being able to find a better one, so fuck it. i stopped using one.

>> No.6537967
File: 2.00 MB, 4288x3216, 2013-07-20 21.56.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usual daily carry, minus my lighter/smokes

>> No.6537990

They won't take my Canadian cards as ID here and I lost my license

>> No.6537991
File: 404 KB, 628x489, Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 7.56.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very happy with the lack of pills in my pockets recently.
sucks but it's good too.

and i got tired of my shitty wallet and not being able to find a better one, so fuck it. i stopped using one.

>> No.6537986
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>> No.6537995
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>> No.6538000


why not? i din do nuffin

>> No.6538004

You're black, that's reason enough in half this country

>> No.6538025

>not wearing the condom for emergency sex situations
stay piddling pleb

>> No.6538034

what you think about Leika?

>> No.6538037

typically i am usually wearing one at all times.
i have extras on me in case sex does happen, because im not gonna bone unless i double up.

>> No.6538041


>> No.6538074
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>> No.6538085

Condoms fit me too tight (regulars) but Magnums fit me loose as hell
What do I do?
I know they are supposed to be tight but they pinch at the base and its very uncomfortable.

>> No.6538091

how do you guys carry so much?do you use message bags?

>> No.6538103

Pull out.

>> No.6538109

what the point (haha) of all those knives?

>> No.6538127
File: 208 KB, 136x120, awkward dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HTC One X+
>Lip balm
>Eye drops (Sometimes)
>Apple headphones (Sometimes)
>Mint gum
>Drink (Icy Tea, water, etc)

>> No.6538135

>Tfw lost the condom inside girls' vagina twice.
>Tfw blow to self-esteem when I am slowly realizing pencil dick.
>Or maybe I am just not hard enough?

>> No.6538136

Can't take a pic now but

Thinkpad x301
Rotring 600 and eraser in leather pencil case
Pack of Lucky Strikes and lighter
bunch of textbooks/notebooks
Monoprice 8320
Rayban sunglasses
Burberry glasses

>> No.6538155

but precum can still get a girl pregnant.

>> No.6538162

Hopefully the latter.

>> No.6538173

>peasant detected

>> No.6538171

It was a joke

>> No.6538175
File: 44 KB, 140x119, cat nodding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thank you.
>Tfw having sex with my girlfriend and she cringes, saying it hurts.
>Not sure if it's me or if she is sensitive.
>either way still feels good man

>> No.6538179


Could it be



That dick size doesnt matter and youre a fucking idiot to think it does?

>> No.6538190
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6.3 inch masterrace reporting in!

>> No.6538196

5.2 inch who makes my girlfriend come everytime masterrace

>> No.6538197

maybe this
but also bwoyz just look for a girl with an innie and marry her on the spot that shit is god tier

>> No.6538274

are you talking about trojan regualrs?
because those are the only common brand that fit besides magnums (which are too big).
torjans are bigger than regular condoms.

>> No.6538298

>still falling for fake orgasms

>> No.6539641
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The essentials.

>> No.6539654

feels rapey

>> No.6539658

how the fuck do some people fit that in their pockets, oh wait. they don't. fuck off.

in my pockets: only keys and my wallet since I wear skinny jawns.
everything else is in a nice leather satchel.

>> No.6539662

>Empty your pockets/bag

>skinny jawns

>> No.6539664

If you're using candy, the condoms are probably not needed.

>> No.6539665

what are counter CSI techniques for $500 ALex

>> No.6539666

he would obviously leave dna if he didnt use one why do you think he has gloves

god have u never watched csi???

>> No.6539694


>> No.6539743

do you know what is less /fa/ than posting a picture of your edc?

ranting about how stupid it is to people who it won't have any impact on.

>> No.6539761

some actual intelligence regarding the weapons debate. i know that unless someone was in the midst of hurting a loved one, i wouldn't be prepared to kill someone. fists are sufficient.

>> No.6539765

this. i'm all for full-out dumbphone usage, but I still need a keyboard for muh texting

>> No.6539787

did you drop trip?

>> No.6539903

I thought about going back to a dumb phone when my old phone, Samsung Galaxy S2, was giving me heaps of shit. I had a lot of bad experiences with that phone. Then I thought about all the great things I do with a smartphone and decided that it was worth it to have one.
I've got a Google Nexus 4 now. Seems to be pretty good and its a decent price

>> No.6539954


Looking good. What watch is that?

>> No.6539962


no it's not ameritard

>> No.6540007


10/10 hahhaha

>> No.6540032

nice sunnies fruitboy

>> No.6540353
File: 489 KB, 2464x1632, DSC_0775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me.

>> No.6540356

Thanks, 50's Jaeger.

>> No.6540370

>carrying anything
Money clip goes in pocket, phone goes in hand or bra.

>> No.6540380

Using a Rotring 600, My Negro!

>> No.6540390

that ipod will break and you won't be able to fix it without paying for it all over again. just get a classic you faggot

>> No.6540400


>> No.6540405

>in bra

get back in your trailer

>> No.6540415

Would gf
Pls be toronto

>> No.6540474

No, not really. Ahvenanmaalainen.

>> No.6540547
File: 430 KB, 1200x675, DSCF0148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured: rucksack, book, water bottle. The camera is just a placeholder for my Fuji I took the picture with. A bit boring, I know.

>3.5mm cable splitter
>those shades
10/10 would try to get to know

>> No.6540599

I sold you those pens at the UofT bookstore.

>> No.6540604


>LAMY Safari

mah nigga

>> No.6540638


Thank you.

>> No.6540650

Best writing utensil I have ever used.

>> No.6540839

glad you noticed the splitter =) probably my favourite detail in there

The shades are super cheap but have a really nice silhouette!

>> No.6540856

When? I always buy pens after meeting my psychiatrist

>> No.6540876

Yeah, they're really convenient for sharing music with qts and friends. Mine broke, now I have to resort to the one-earbud method ;-;

>> No.6540902

w2c shades?

>> No.6541211

90% sure most of those are culinary knives, so that dude is either in teh culinary arts, or trying hard to be 9edgy4u

>> No.6541641

Sorry what? I'm not that into /fa/ lingo.

>> No.6541647

just go to r9k, you clearly want to use this board to talk about your personal life, you'll get a better response there

>> No.6541656
File: 76 KB, 960x638, 581155_213889065424365_1304193103_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was mine from the winter.

>> No.6541665

so just minus out the gloves, scarf, and hat.

>> No.6541684

>sharing music with other people

>> No.6541854

Ooooo dat foutain pen Lamay Safari Matte Black good choice

>> No.6541891

is there a fire burning cause you gettin stoked!!!!

>> No.6541915
File: 911 KB, 171x141, united_win_another_EPL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ above you're messed in the head

>> No.6541927

Nice, I like Dostojevsky

>> No.6541938

Lenovo X200
Lenovo charger
Water Battle
Refill Pad
Pencil Case
Olympus Mju2
Box of Film
Water Bottle
Lecture recorder

Orange San Francisco

AM I /FA/?

>> No.6541941

Buy a Case with cardholder.

>> No.6541950

Minolta Rokkor Master-race

>> No.6541985

I love the backup. Info on it?

>> No.6542022
File: 389 KB, 1143x857, IMG_0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sennheiser HD-498s broke so i got these shitty temp cans
not pictured is iphone 4S, laptop, and Makr Rucksack that i carry everything in

>> No.6542048
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The white bag is make up kit.

>> No.6542056

My friends in canada found it for me whn i was visitong a few years ago on someones yard with a free sign. The logo has fadeed but i think it says colombia baggage co. I have had to get it repaired a bit this year, but its an awesome bag.

>> No.6542082

I meant backpack, but you figured it out.
I saw something simlar once, I'd buy it but it was from asos brand, I really don't trust them

Someday I might pay someone to make me a bag like this one

>> No.6542110

>kinda kawaii

>> No.6542119

Yea that bag doesnt look to eb of the best quality. Also not a huge fan of the color or paded leather. Check ebay, as long as its of decent quality leather and cheap enough you can have a shoe cobbler fix it up for not much. I had the stiching fixed, new zipper put on, and the strap fixed for like 40 bucks this year.

>> No.6542177


>> No.6542242

w2c watch?

>> No.6542287

I didn't know dexter went on /fa/

>> No.6542313
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>> No.6542349
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Keys, wallet, phone. Need new in-earphones and music device.

>> No.6542363
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im going to get super high tonight.

also i have no fucking clue where my ipod is.

>> No.6542517

>doing the robo walk
wut u do after u shit all over the place?

>> No.6542541

fuck safari's auto correct, i meant part.

>> No.6542535

the only sort of sick i get is puking, and that if i do a ton.

i've got the foresight to get to the toliet, then i puke a few times and am done with the sickness wart.

>> No.6542619

Dick size does matter.

>> No.6542628

I'm listening to Knife Man as we speak

>> No.6542643
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Asos, those are either real or fake Persol 694's.

>> No.6542662


ID on those boots?

>> No.6542804
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>> No.6542818

my fucking brother.

personally, tho, knife man seemed a bit over-produced, and sort of the odd one out of their discography. People is the clear commercial success, Can't Maintain is the deep emotional one, and Candy Cigarettes is the edgy debut album. But knife man is just... idk.

>> No.6542836

>white iphone

>> No.6542856


>> No.6542860

what kind of laptop should i get? i'm kinda torn between a thinkpad, a macbook, or a vaio

>> No.6542874

fuck vaio
macbook if ur a normalfaggot and will want to buy a new one in 2 yrs
thinkpad if u want to use it to actually work and shit and are willin to open it up to upgrade it

>> No.6542900

that classic looks so clean. i bought mine of some kid at my school for mad cheap but its really fucked up. scratches everywhere and the metal is kind of coming off the front. the track wheel is weird too. works fine tho

>> No.6542914

what's wrong with vaio? and yeah i'm kinda pissed the macbook is so expensive/non customizable. but its good looking and fuctional. and yeah i don't really know how to open it/upgrade it. any other recs?

>> No.6542920

Only realistic one so far

>> No.6542924

mac is fine for the average user.

definitely go mac book pro, it'll last about 5 years, which is honestly just right for an upgrade

>> No.6542951

Average computer user was raised on Windows. It takes a long time for people to switch over despite the intuitive design of osx

>> No.6542958


I conditioned mine, so it got a nice red hugh now.

>> No.6542981

yeah im definitely used to windows. what are the drawbacks of os x? i feel like you can't install much on them but then again i don't use much except for foobar and chrome

>> No.6542985

How do all of you guys carry around these big cameras?

>> No.6542987

Why do you guys need notebooks and stuff?

Wtf do you write in them?

>> No.6543061

dem wooden pipes.

i really want to get one of those and stop using a glass blown one

>> No.6543063

In terms of reliability Apple is ranked first, Lenovo is rated second.

I would recommend a Lenovo Thinkpad if you are too poorfag to afford a Macbook Pro. For general, everyday use and work, the Thinkpads are pretty damned good. The only bad thing is that they look kinda 90s-ish.

>> No.6543066

>red starburst
9/10 would be lured in by

>> No.6543100

To do lists, passive-aggressive letters to Starbucks, notes from class/meetings, drawings

>> No.6543111
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>> No.6543114

yeah they don't look too good. i mean the x1 carbon looks p good. i don't like the little red thing in the middle of the keyboard

>> No.6543118

Based you forgot your trip.

also why does everyone from BC do drugs.

>> No.6543123


>> No.6543124

That little red touchstick is an artifact of the 90s, circa the IBM era, Lenovo needs to ditch that thing.

>> No.6543131
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>> No.6543142

yeah who uses that thing. makes it look so much less sleek

>> No.6543144


actually the correct pronounciation does not sound like "go". Pleb.

>> No.6543154
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lel, you learn that in art college?

>> No.6543256
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>tfw shitty combo skin in california

usually most of these things in a nike shoe backbag;

>> No.6543281

where's the wallet from?

>> No.6543291

Who carries around their SIN card? What is wrong with you?

>> No.6543296

Corter wallet i got from sufu

>> No.6543385
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1500, DSCN3560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was cool I guess I'd have a penknife aswell :(

>> No.6543402

Spare shitty drug phone?

>> No.6543413

update your adobe creative suite yu beta nigger

>> No.6543420


>> No.6543856

Two pieces of I.D required in Vancouver, GAH'DUH! Seeing as I'm only living in Canada for a year its my only option

>> No.6543934
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the iphone 5 i took the picture with

>> No.6543962

got it used at gamestop for like $100~ on a sale. 160GB and looks like it was never used, didn't even have scratches on the back

>> No.6544869

My niggah

>> No.6544904

lol i know right? i saw the makeup and my skin instantly started itching
>needing tampons
>not missing periods for being anorexic
totally not /fa/

Im impressed tho, ive never seen so many girls posting their bags in one of these threads <3

wots in the box?

+10 points for Nars

>> No.6544911

what's the razor for?

>> No.6544926

For cutting himself when girls in uggs try to hit on him

>> No.6545027
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So go out and get one!

Easy for me to say, haha, as I got both for free... The top one I got from a class mate that just used it for decoration. The bottom one my father found in an old shed at their summer house. If he's correct it hadn't been used for 50 years. I cleaned it up good and now it's my best one.

Before that I only had a shitty plastic one, like pic related.

>> No.6545033

Oh, super fake. Cost a grand total of 13€.

>> No.6545248

I think I have the same.

>> No.6545259

It´s considered common knowledge.

>> No.6545260

I would but I don't wanna get mold on the carpet

>> No.6545262


yfw doubling up increase the frictional forces imposed up the condoms and makes them more likely to tear

>> No.6545360

Do you keep all that stuff in your shopko cargo shorts m9?

>> No.6547179

Roken is kankerlekker.

>> No.6547228
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Thinkpad W530 here. While the quality is pretty good, you can feel that Lenovo let the quality go worse than the IBM models. I have some flex on the chassis above the keyboard.

>> No.6547249


>double up

Dude, are you in 6th grade

>> No.6547348


damn, minimalist as fuck. i love it!

w2c card holder?

>> No.6547480
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>> No.6547637

it's a rotary, i picked up at tjmaxx a few months ago so idk who would carry one anymore

>> No.6547820

If you can't embrace the trackpoint, and don't like the styling, don't buy a Thinkpad. My x200 only has the trackpoint and life couldn't be better

>> No.6548369

that's bomb. the one i bought was 80 gigs. but i got it for 50 bucks with scratches everywhere

>> No.6548384


>> No.6548443


Are you from south america?
No pun intended

>> No.6548461


Not that dude but this is the first time i've seen someone carrying a pipe around here, glad i'm not the only one, i got my first decent wooden one from my ex's dad, for my bday, that dude was the chillest.

>inb4 le classy gentleman wheres your fedora

You nigs need to try smoking a pipe with a beer to go alongside it, it's fucking great.

>> No.6548638

I love using the trackpoint. It's also better for your hands ergonomic point of view

>> No.6549028
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normalfag reporting in

>not in pic: iPhone 4s (used to take picture)

>> No.6549164

I work summers at a moving company, it's for opening boxes and it's so much more /fa/ than a pocket knife

>> No.6549179


what watch is that? look really cool.

>> No.6549214
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keys go inside the wallet though

>> No.6549549

HTC Desire Z (awful phone do not buy)
kobo mini
thin wallet

my EDC. when going out at night I leave behind the kobo.

>> No.6550041

>Lucky strikes

WW2 veteran confirmed

>> No.6550163


dat marathon

>> No.6550354

What's the deal with Lucky Strikes? Excuse my ignorance.

>> No.6551744

I'm 18 m8

>> No.6551755

There is no deal. They're just great, kind of iconic, and are great for conversation starters. I smoke em because they were the first thing I ever smoked since my friend (who thought they were /fa/ as fuck) introduced me to them. I just haven't gone back. Bitches love em too

>> No.6551787

>and are great for conversation starters

what do you mean

>> No.6551820



>> No.6551824
File: 132 KB, 560x640, 3850713365_92ff3a6543_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the majority of people who smoke just smoke a generic pack of marlboro's (reds and what not) so whenever I have Lucky's and I'm hanging out with some friends, a lot of people notice them and ask about/for one and so you end up meeting a lot of people. Especially at parties or hanging out with large groups of people. Kind of iconic, novelty I suppose and a lot of people think they're cool (mostly because they're some faggot who saw em off Mad men) so they tend to just come up to you.

Bitches think they're cool too, but be ready to be called a hipster by some marlboro man

>> No.6551832

Wait, Lucky Strikes are some kind of rarity where you are from?

>> No.6551833
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and that's obviously just a myth. No one has ever asked me about that, nor have I ever talked to people about that.

>mfw I'm not a WW2 soldier
Why would I speak of such rumors?

>> No.6551847
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Kind of. There are not all that many places that sell them, all though I know Mapco does (only gas station I've seen them in here). I'm in Nashville, TN by the way. So yea, kind of a rarity. Most people haven't seen them, or don't know what they are.

>cashiers always be like "damn son, that's an expensive pack of cigarettes" (like $8-$10 here)
Although I know up north (in the US) with taxes and shit they shoot up to like $12/pack

>> No.6551859

cheapest pack we have is bond street 20s for 10.50 and its more at gas stations and stuff

>> No.6551865

>mfw winfield's are $20 from a servo