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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 146 KB, 400x600, museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6521842 No.6521842 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /fa/.
I'm an incoming college freshman girl. I used to be chubby, but recently lost a fuckton of weight. I'm trying to recreate myself. A new wardrobe seems to be a good place to start.

Height: 5'7''
Weight: 119
Hair: dark, shoulder-length, layered, side bangs
Skin: pale
Breasts: 36 dd
Hips/ass: white girl

This picture pretty much encompasses the way I dressed before, a little toned down (I clash patterns and usually wear my pair of navy blue docs every day). Now nothing fits. What do I buy?

>> No.6521849

wear all black and cover your face with a scarf and a hood

>> No.6521851

black, dark grey, and white are sexy.
just my opinion bae

>> No.6521853

These are the fucking last people on gods green earth you want to be asking this question

>> No.6521855

So cut the colour?

>> No.6521856

never dress like op trendy tumblr feminist core
wear all black always
some grey

>> No.6521860

lol exactly what I was thinking
>this thread will certainly go well

>> No.6521862

i hate you people so so much

>> No.6521865

I come from /lit/, so I'm familiar with the psudo-cosmopolitanly elitist aftertaste left by this board, and I've been fairly warned. I still want (need) the help.

>> No.6521871

do you need a custom bra?
PS we can help you, but it would help to see pics of YOU, not some girl you claim to look like.
you can cover up your face.

>> No.6521872

good, well then fuck off
you come expecting shit, then you'll get shit - read the sticky.

>> No.6521873


Lurk the board and figure it out yourself. Don't let people decide for you.

Fuck this shit is so frustrating.

>> No.6521874

if you dress like that pic,then you dress cute and i dont see shit wrong with it.
the only reason anyone here would tell you any different is because it doesnt fit /fa/s current stupid aesthetic

>> No.6521876


monochrome and atleast sm basic drape

>> No.6521877

Ahh, I've always been decked and adorned with clashing patterned and colour. This'll be a stretch. I'm willing to try, though.

>> No.6521880

I wasn't expecting shit, I'm just bracing myself.

>> No.6521882

stop posting shithead

>> No.6521884

i hate all of you so so much

>> No.6521886

Monochrome is a step up from the horrible blend of colour in the OP picture though

>> No.6521887

why dont i give you a BLACK eye you geek

>> No.6521890

nothing wrong with color and loud patterns just don't overdo it

you may want to remake this thread at a better time when more knowledgeable people are on the board (yes there is actual knowledge here)

mostly though it's just taste and there rnt rly rules

im a guy but my general advice is don't buy a fuckton of cheap clothes like most girls, buy less and don't splruge

>> No.6521891

>Weight: 119
>Breasts: 36 dd

Have you properly remeasured yourself since the weightloss?
And not getting it done at Victoria's Secret or one of those places where the staff stuff you into any old size they have if they don't stock yours.
Just asking because 36 is fairly broad for someone slim, so I wonder if perhaps you have a smaller band size and a larger cup size because that is a common problem after weightloss

>> No.6521893

I'm not taking a picture of myself until the 23rd (my 18th birthday). I know, it's strange, but I feel like I'm under construction and I don't want to be photographed until then. I've been working at this for three months now, I barely go out anywhere but the library.

>> No.6521900

well, you do you. but excessive color and pattern clashing is usually either hit or miss (a miss more often than not, like 90% of times)

black is a more mature/sophisticated/understated color. although it can still add gravitas and shock value to a fit if done right.

draping and layering are also important.

>> No.6521903


um sorry who r u
did i say you could post on this board???


log off

>> No.6521904

take out a 'fashion' or 'design' history book then

it'll offer much more than anyone here can

>> No.6521906

ya but honestly fashion is really based on the person so if we don't know u / how u dress there isn't much advice to give.

also u dont have to dress in all black
using lots of colors is harder to pull off though because then saturation is also a factor

>> No.6521907

sticky + lurk.

>> No.6521910

*pisses on your shoes*
oops here i am rock you like a hurricane

>> No.6521912

Actually, no I have not (consider me thoroughly embarrassed). I took older bras of mine and altered them with a sewing machine. So you're right, that's not an accurate representation. However, I am top-heavy, and figure it's important to know in clothing selection (correct me if I'm wrong).

>> No.6521913

wear whatever you like

you do you

do you have a budget to work with?

>> No.6521917

I have. I'm looking for something more conversational.

>> No.6521918

*grabs you by the throat*
Fuck off?!?!

>> No.6521929
File: 66 KB, 362x700, 1332128998604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Subdued colors. If you're pale-ish you could maybe pull something like this off.

>> No.6521932

if she has disproportionately big tits or doesn't have the leg proportions that will not look good

>> No.6521933

not that this looks very good to me, the shorts give me a bad sloppy/trashy vibe

>> No.6521934

oh god no

>> No.6521935

I'm generally a thrifter (I'm not sure if those words are damning on this board), but I'm not above buying from "real" stores or online. Also, I'm something of a shoplifting aficionado, if that's what it comes to.

>> No.6521937

>shoplifting aficionado
good then i would consider dating you.

>> No.6521943

people on this board lean towards spending $$$ on clothes because it's easier to get interesting pieces.

you can look fine though otherwise, but do not clash for the sake of clashing... fit is really important, I would go for subdued clothing with some color or pattern but not all twee overboard

but I'm not you

>> No.6521944

Honestly the way you dressed before was probably fine.
Just try no more than 2 color pieces at once if you want to tone it down and be mindful of complimentaries .
dont clash textures either thats almost as bad.

like tbh i thinks its cool when girls wear a ton of colors and just look bright and fun,thats just me tho
the thing yer referencing isnt funny but i smiled at this

>> No.6521945

Go into Rick's store and steal some geos

>> No.6521946

post shoplifted fit

>> No.6521950


She'll get s-s-s-s-sruli wrekt~

>> No.6521951

i buy a bit from charity shops but i alter them most of the time, you can create some interesting shit doing that and it's p fun imo

you mentioned you want to recreate yourself, i would keep that in mind buying clothes

>> No.6521954
File: 53 KB, 433x650, 1357591896710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here the color is fine because even though it's saturated it's coherent and there isn't too much going on

>> No.6521959

>you mentioned you want to recreate yourself, i would keep that in mind buying clothes

...Why do you think I'm here?

>> No.6521962

I don't know what that means, but I haven't lifted in a while. I haven't gone out much in a while.

>> No.6521964
File: 144 KB, 500x654, 1357426045249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this top heavy style you probably do not want to go for without the thin proportions

>> No.6521968
File: 323 KB, 500x672, 1364358907770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

example of color without going all out

>> No.6521969

We can't decide what you should buy though. The best /fa/ can do is say what would look good in an outfit you post or what doesn't work. A wardrobe is a very personal thing. I'd suggest lurking for inspiration, although for women this site isn't that good. Look on tumblr or something for stuff you like that you think you can maybe do. Don't replicate whole outfits, just take inspiration.

>> No.6521972

It makes me happy, but I fear it's immature. I wear pretty strange makeshift jewelry, so that adds to it. I'm changing that, as well.

>> No.6521976

You seem knowledgeable. Are you in favour of any specific female fashion blogs that you'd be kind enough to link me to?

>> No.6521978
File: 342 KB, 980x1470, 1366213968058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be edgy just for the sake of edgy
be edgy if it's you, don't force it or you'll look like a lookbook disaster

here the blue is subdued by the black fit
this board is mostly into monochrome by the way, come back in a few years and it will probably be different

>> No.6521979

That's considered colourful? I s'pose it's relative, but damn.

>> No.6521983

Not the person you were talking to, but look up kisforkani. She usually does colour pretty well.

>> No.6521985


"Post fit (fuccboi/girl)" = post pic of outfit (generic, board-specific insult ie faggot/casual/pleb)

>> No.6521986

Should I keep my nails painted black, if I go for something like this?

>> No.6521989
File: 109 KB, 500x750, 1366214936365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm not very into colorful stuff myself
I feel that very bright colors are hard to pull off without looking tacky.

it's just my taste though and I mostly like outfits with black and white, so take it with a grain of salt. plus I am not very knowledgeable about women's fashion.

>> No.6521994

This will give you a nice introduction


suit your dress sense to your lifestyle tho too m80

>> No.6521997

Much thanks.

>> No.6521999
File: 172 KB, 590x885, 60812Colorblock6639Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the person you were talking to either but
you can look at the sartorialist there are streetstyle pictures, you may see outfits you like
there's always thefashionspot but I think their waywt is overall low quality.

just take inspiration and don't copy a look

>> No.6522008

I've got it up in another tab right now, thanks.

>> No.6522011
File: 154 KB, 500x402, 1372256084860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to find your own muse too, if you're on tumblr you can follow some cool blogs related to fashion

>> No.6522012

Have some inspiration here: you will look as amazing as her.

>> No.6522016
File: 249 KB, 1067x1600, 1357590511321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea as I'm male but that hardly seems necessary

black nails look kinda creepy to me, then again I don't pay attention to nails normally

personally I like monochrome because it feels bold without being too try-hard (of course there are countless exceptions), and the fact that color is muted draws more attention to other details of an outfit like silhouette (general shape). a lot of people who dress colorfully say all black is boring but there's merit and inspiration to be drawn from either point of view

my 2c

>> No.6522025

Thank you, this looks useful.

>> No.6522029

I like her hair.

>> No.6522035

no, don't do the black nails thing. natural color.

>> No.6522036


danny is cool but fuck he has shit taste

>> No.6522041
File: 97 KB, 450x675, 1368040253790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also sometimes, less is more

you can dress pretty basic and look very good if everything fits and coordinates, and if you have something interesting still going on (here, the shirt)

>> No.6522044

i just copped some jeremy scott track pants for fucking around in lol

but i was going with the theme of dressing to personalities and stuff, he's a loud af dude who stands out so he gonna want the jeremy scott du : )

>> No.6522050

OP, do you have OCD?

>> No.6522052

pls stop swooping my name OP

>> No.6522059

Yeah. Not severely or debilitatingly, though. It's gotten better.

>> No.6522065
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>> No.6522066
File: 110 KB, 550x825, zaraskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my opinion that tuxbell post is mostly awful.

i mean wtf is this, this is like so frumpy grandma clothes...

just have to look around lots at clothes till you get a feel for what looks good, what good quality means, and look at what other people wear to see whats in trend. thefashionspot has some good posters, try and look at celebrities that buy some of their stuff highstreet, like olivia palermo often shops at zara. however don't try to recreate a high end look on a cheap budget, because anytime i've seen someone do that it just looks shit... just try and buy the best things you can on your budget.

>> No.6522084

op u like the natural history museum?

>> No.6522085

I thought you left when matt did

>> No.6522086
File: 121 KB, 600x550, 1365112024877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep lurking lady

Part of creating your own style is the constant search and exposure to fashion. Don't expect to create a beautiful wardrobe overnight. This shit is a process that never ends. Keep an open mind to things you originally thought were unacceptable. In your search, you'll find things you like, but don't work for you. On the other hand, you'll find things that you may originally dislike, but work beautifully for you.

You might make bad purchases, but in the end, those experiences will strengthen your knowledge both in fashion and in you as a character. As well, since you're essentially in a new body, you're going to find that you will figure out your body and its nuances that most other people won't have.

Always take advice with a grain of salt, because what works for others may not work for you, and what works for you won't for others.

>> No.6522092

no i didnt leave i just was doing irl things so didnt have time to post, exams and then getting fuckd every day by my hot bf

>> No.6522094

too bad, hoped you died

>> No.6522095

5'7" and 119 would probably NEVER be wearing a size 36 band. I'm 5'8" and ~125 and I wear a band size 29.

>> No.6522102

hahahaha yeh right sure bb boi

>> No.6522103

I addressed this.

>> No.6522107

fake rumple detected

>> No.6522196


she is currently locked in her basement for ramadan

he father keeps her in chains and lets her go on the internet for 5 minutes a day

>> No.6522232

wow hilarious

>> No.6522241


go pray to allah bitch

>> No.6522259

my what sparkling wit

>> No.6522267


are you fasting?

>> No.6522286

she slowin dog

sleepy nigga

>> No.6522302

hi violet bbyg
i is what i is
whatchu wearin right now?

>> No.6522304

hey rumple :^)

>> No.6522751

Thanks dan

>> No.6523006
File: 43 KB, 596x397, hammslattery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw when OP isn't your gf

>> No.6523010

Solid cocoon mode.

>> No.6523167

To sum up, you really only need a couple tips or guidelines to go off of.
1. Fit is everything. You can wear the most /fa/ thing in the world and still look terrible if the fit is bad. Fit should always be your absolute first concern. Not too frumpy, not too tight, accentuates your shape.
2. Dress for the weather and the activity. A huge part of looking good is being well outfitted for what you're doing. This is a bit of an art, but you get the hang of it quick enough once your closet is properly outfitted.
3. Muted tones and Earth-tones are almost always safe, but colourful accents are perfectly acceptable too. Just be careful of patterns; that's where things can get really nasty.
4. Don't be afraid to wear different looks. Be chic one day, vintage the next. Have a lot of variety in your repertoire.
5. Wear what looks good. This may seem rudimentary, but what I mean is that your personal tastes are always the most important part. If you don't feel like you look good, chances are that you don't. This is different from inevitably feeling a little weird in a new style, and you'll learn the difference over time. Just remember that if you don't love what you're wearing, you're doing it wrong.

Other than that, do whatever you feel like. Go crazy, girl. And good luck at college.

>> No.6524424
File: 130 KB, 411x640, Effy-effy-stonem-22406533-411-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some chunky military combat boots. I really think more girls should wear them, its an adorable look

>> No.6524446


>chunky military combat boots
>posts a picture with docs


>> No.6524487

the aesthetic is comparable and I'm too lazy to find a more appropriate pic of Effy Stonem

>> No.6524540
File: 444 KB, 500x707, tumblr_mimtxmCTOJ1r8l8kvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step up your game and dress like a bad bitch

>> No.6524581

Don't wear Uggs or Northface, you'll look like another blob of sameness.

>> No.6524637

>shoplifting aficionado
pls be in Hstn

>> No.6526718

Wear blacks and accent it with a bright neonish color.

I do blue.

Try your favorite color, even dye your hair if you want.

Or google 'hipster girl' and dress like whatever you find.

>> No.6526732
File: 725 KB, 1366x2048, akrisprefall2013(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or google 'hipster girl' and dress like whatever you find.
go to style.com and dress like whatever u find

>> No.6526741

>emilia earheart core

>> No.6526768

I'm a girl with a small figure and huge tits, I totally get it. (DDs, yet small as fuck waist and hips - 35", 26", 30")

I found it hard to find a style that fit me.

I try to squish my tits down, I wear a sports bra to make my tits kind of go away.
I dress like OP's picture. Nice dress that accentuates the waist and a cardigan over it, trying to hide those big ta-tas.
It works pretty well, college friends didn't realize I had huge tits until I showed them where my extra weight came from.
But yea, dress like OP. highly recommended.

Also Doc Martens look so good with knee socks and some high waisted shorts. - my fave thing to wear.

>> No.6526786

Victoria's Secret has awful bras. They don't even try to find a good fit. They measure and half ass find something to try and sell.

>> No.6526791

I'm very proud of you for the weight loss. Congrats on your new body. I bet it feels great.

>> No.6526801

>doc martens and high waisted shorts


>> No.6526811

>the aesthetic of docs is comparable to combat boots

>> No.6526818


>> No.6526859

read + looked at rick ss 2014

dope af, thx fam

>> No.6527044

>hiding those glorious tits

why would you commit such a crime against humanity? Any non-lanwhale with big tits should be thankful for the gift they were given

>> No.6527076

it's hard to be effay with big tits ;_;

>> No.6527144
File: 58 KB, 532x637, 1358895499879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some underage grill comes onto /fa/ and asks for fucking BASIC advice which is clearly covered in the sticky and only turnleft does the right thing.

Pretty fuckin' disappointed /fa/

>> No.6528105

that outfit straight up DEMANDS respect from men! she pay her own billz!

>> No.6528114

>I used to be chubby
>I clash patterns and usually wear my pair of navy blue docs every day

Wow you must have been so ugly.

Congrats on turning things around.

>> No.6528136

> I used to be chubby, but recently lost a fuckton of weight.
>Height: 5'7''
>Weight: 119

Good girl. Post pics to see body

>> No.6528141
File: 54 KB, 500x716, tumblr_mlikuwvlH91rjp14xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding, shit is hot

>> No.6530192


>> No.6530213

I respect anyone who works hard.