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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 60 KB, 600x468, 1373507816666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6519634 No.6519634 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody else just stare at themselves still in the mirror for so long that you start to become dissociative with your own face, and you think you look really ugly?

>> No.6519651
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Literally every morning and night.

>> No.6519656

I think I look ugly if my hair is not exactly how I like it. Once I sort it I think I look hot as fuck.

>> No.6519665

These threads always pop up. I didn't know /fa/ was THAT insecure.

>> No.6519668
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I think I look deformed when I look in the mirror too long

>> No.6519674

I have tripped on acid a few times and it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to pull my face away from a mirror

it was amazing/terrifying

>> No.6519685
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>> No.6519699
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>> No.6519701

thats pretty common
i remember tripping on nbomes and i couldn't stop giving myself motivational speeches into the mirror

>> No.6519715
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>> No.6519720
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OP image is how I look when I look in the mirror and this is how I look after half an hour looking and accentuating my flaws to myself.

>Oh my god i'm hideous

>> No.6519724

I actually started to stare at myself and think "am I a fuccboi?? Am I ????" like in that comic. I need to just kill myself

Fuck iktf. People say don't do it but I did it and it just feels awesome. I was so intrigued with my face in the good way

>> No.6519727
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>> No.6519730


/fa/ - bald

>> No.6519737
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>pass by a mirror
>looking good pal
>stand in front of a mirror and stare directly at face
>what the fuck am i
>am i even human

>> No.6519744
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holy fuck yes

if you're really tired and out of it tho you can stare at it long enough til you kinda lose focus and it becomes scary and deformed I used to do it heaps as a kid and it creeped me the fuck out

>> No.6519758


>> No.6519764

who cares

>> No.6519765

this happens to me too. I had been up for 20 hours and was ridiculously blazed and looked at myself in the mirror. just stared. it moved when I didn't. I had an out of body experience. it was rad

>> No.6519772
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Every day bro

>> No.6519777
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>> No.6519780
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The worst part is my nose. It's prominent upon first glance but seems to get bigger the longer I look into the mirror.
>tfw can't afford plastic surgery
die in my sleep already

>> No.6519781
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>> No.6519783
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>> No.6519788
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To see how ugly /fa/ really is.

>> No.6519789
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>> No.6519800


>> No.6519819

ive been there

>> No.6519823
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... pls like me

>> No.6519824

i sometimes wank off in front of the mirror its not like im turned on by myself its just different and nice

>> No.6519830
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>> No.6519831

Trayvon I thought you were dead!

>> No.6519836
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hello rogainechan

>> No.6519838

>Drake: 5
>Rajon Rondo: 1
>Soulja Boy: 1
>Trayvon: 2

>> No.6519851

absolutely destroyed

>> No.6519856
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fucking annihilated

>> No.6519857

What the fuck man, I think you should stab anyone that calls you Drake. That guy looks like he has downs, I mean you're not model material but you're head and shoulders above Drake.

>> No.6519861

>tfw not model material
i think i'm pretty cute ._. thanks anyway...

>> No.6519863
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>> No.6519869

I used to have OP's problem, but that is just because of low self--esteem.

OP should look less in the mirror for a couple of months and get more self-esteem. As you will stop thinking you are ugly, you will become a socially better person, which is good for self-esteem.
After that couple of months, you can watch yourself for hours.

>> No.6519870

yo i look like maxwell wtf

>> No.6519872

White girls might think that, but as a 6 foot straight Chinese man I'm not a fan.

>> No.6519874


>> No.6519876

pick 1

>> No.6519877

i mean Now-era maxwell

white girls do like me... :^) thanks m8

>> No.6519886

I have a persian friend who says everyone but white guys get the hottest white girls at clubs, is that true?

>> No.6519895

i don't go to clubs. but the ones with ass tend to gravitate towards black men. i don't understand it. but i like it. the ones that have average bodies with gorgeous faces tend to show more affection towards white guys. that's just in NC tho. i don't know how the rest of the US is.

>> No.6519922
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if i don't pay attention, my hair becomes meh-tier bowl. otherwise it's fuck me tier windswept sex bangs

>> No.6519932

damn is that really you

>> No.6519934

R u a (lean mean fat reducing machine) grill??
pls b in london

>> No.6519941
File: 102 KB, 640x427, (heart).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. why

>> No.6519951

dammnnn boy i dont believe it

post w/ timestamp

>> No.6519953

Asian male, ahahaha.
Not to mention Texas.

>> No.6519956

... why

>> No.6519957

[expletive deleted]

>> No.6519976
File: 53 KB, 372x500, feels-bad-man_gp_802205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left side superbly better than the right side
>right side is fucking terrible

gib cure plz. I can't take this shit anymore

>> No.6519990

>tfw you'll never know if your face is symmetrical or not

>> No.6519998
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>> No.6520003

don't laugh at me

>> No.6520016

I don't recognize myself unless I'm dressed in shitty baggy ass cheap clothes.

My mind is locked in the 90's

>> No.6520025

im a gril

>> No.6520030


>> No.6520035
File: 28 KB, 311x329, 45fcb4dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuh uh. prove it


>> No.6520048

ungh you're really cute
n-no homo

>> No.6520053

ill prove it if you prove yourself

>> No.6520060
File: 25 KB, 494x474, 1365097655273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but... ur probably a fat dude in a basement

>> No.6520070
File: 225 KB, 500x500, d-dont hit on me you silly boys!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6520072


>> No.6520080

Man that square is not flattering, I liked the triangle a lot better.

>> No.6520093

How about circles or isosceles triangles? I can do a heart, too, but it's a little cheesy imo

>> No.6520128
File: 123 KB, 594x680, 1362096762672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time. Doesn't help that I'm 20 years old and have persistent horrible acne/acne scars. Sucks being so vain, because I'll be all ready to go outside and be confident sometimes, walk by that mirror and see that my skins looks especially shit today and make up an excuse to stay in.

>> No.6520138

Get a rick owens face mask.
Or a kanye ski mask

>> No.6520144


accutane then

>> No.6520198

Nah. I'm vain, but not to the point where I'd like to put my health at risk.

I'll just get over it.

>> No.6520204

If you have trouble going outside, it's basically a psychological treatment, not a vanity treatment.

>> No.6520205

I thought I was the only one. Is this a symptom of low self esteem or narcissism in any way? Just wondering.

>> No.6520213

>i couldn't stop giving myself motivational speeches into the mirror
I don't do drugs, and I'm not about to. But I'm still going to try this.

>> No.6520217

Body dysmorphic disorder

>> No.6520226

>People tell me I have a nice face and that I'm handsome all the time
>Face looks oblong and or oval in mirror and photos
>go to new schools orientation
>get student ID photo taken
>face looks round, eyes two small for face, chin looks undefined, eye lids uneven.

Why /fa/? What is the real me? Will I ever know what I really look like?

>> No.6520227

Ask your mom :3

>> No.6520231
File: 26 KB, 376x282, 1373469365716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I feel like I look like a god. Sometimes I look in the mirror, and I feel I should just throw out all the mirrors of my house.

>> No.6520232


>> No.6520239


id pictures are the most unflattering thing imaginable

none of my friends look anything close to how they look in their photo ids


>face looks oblong with nojaw in mirror from a distance
>up close looks defined and sexy as fuck
>in pictures jaw looks like baby fat


>> No.6520252

ID pictures are meant to trick you into thinking you're ugly.

>> No.6520253
File: 107 KB, 848x900, 1373156672019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in early twenties and suppose to be in the prime of my life
>tfw hair is graying due to stress, have acne scars and black circles
>avoid looking in mirrors

>> No.6520254

>mirror at home
>look skinny and lanky as fuck, ugly, no defined features
>see myself in windows walking along the street from a distance
>look like the sexiest motherfucker ever, broad shoulders, jawline, perfect aesthetic frame


ive had girls call me hot and a pretty boy before now so ill just go with the latter, i suppose.

>> No.6520255

Why would I have days like that? I'm really attractive. I have no flaws. People tell me I should be a model all the time.

>> No.6520257

If you don't know, just assume you're attractive. If you believe you're attractive, you'll be more confident and will then walk, talk, and act like an attractive man, making you all the more attractive.

>> No.6520271

Try to reduce stress by exercising regularly, eating healthy, and getting a decent amount of sleep. Exercising will not only help with stress, but it will help you have a more fit body and it can even reduce acne. Also, getting enough sleep will keep you from getting stress acne and it will help your facial complexion too.

>> No.6520276

all of these


any mirror with lighting that emphasizes my long neck also makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.6520299

Only when I used to get high, but i've gotten taller since then. So no. Not really.

>> No.6520340

>Not sure body dysmorphic disorder
>or genuine struggle with genuinely bad features

We all know that if this was a thread full of women, they would all be the kind that post edited pictures of themselves on every social networking site possible.

>> No.6520362

Dude, you don't need to go hardcore with accutane. There are plenty of effective antibiotics for acne, such as, Minocycline.

>> No.6520388

I only look at myself in the mirror to look at my physique, and I only get more and more egotistical the more I look at myself.

>> No.6520433

>I only look at myself in the mirror to look at my physique, and I only get more and more egotistical the more I look at myself.
Try to concentrate on your bad features. Then, compare yourself to some male models. That should help you get the feel.

>> No.6520922

I once had a bad trip on 900 mg of dxm, and my face started swelling mid trip, and when I looked in a mirror I legit was convinced I was morphing into a monster.

>> No.6520939

I think I look good in mirrors but some pictures taken with dslr cameras make me look shit if they have the wrong lenses on

>> No.6520945

>I would fuck her until she bleeds brown

>> No.6520948

Ahahahahaahaahahhahahahahahahahahaaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahha my dad even chuckled at this and he's a fuccboi

>> No.6520956


>my dad even chuckled at this and he's a fuccboi


>> No.6520962

This is 100% untrue. I go clubbing 3 times a week and have never seen a black dude pull. Black guys only ever come in pairs and never get a girl, they always try too hard by buying drinks before even having a convo. Also, despite popular belief, women don't want to sleep with black guys on one night stands, black is more of a gay guy thing.

>> No.6520974

I'm also 21 and have gone clubbing at least twice a week, every weekend I've not been ill, since I turned 18.

>> No.6520978

>They call me Mr Romantic.

>> No.6520986

Weird my ID looks better than me.

>> No.6521002

Ha, u ugly.

I had my student ID photo taken and the first three things said about it were "You're very photogenic". If I didn't hate people who took selfies so much I could probably be one of those tumblr twats if I also sold my wardrobe and bought out River Island.

>> No.6521029
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>> No.6521033
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>> No.6521039


>> No.6521117
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[conehead laugh intensifies]

>> No.6521784

>sometimes i feel ugly
>then i go to the mirror and stare at myself until i realise im pretty fucking hot.