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6417455 No.6417455 [Reply] [Original]

if you were a designer, what elements would you like to introduce in your collections?

i, for one, would place stray cat hairs on any and every black piece in the collection in an attempt to more accurately reflect everday life and poignantly comment upon the difficulty of achieving perfection.

>> No.6417459

why do cat hairs attach themselves to darker pieces

>> No.6417491
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using clothing, i would harness the energy of the gait and stride of a person and use it to power mechanical wonders like rotating skirts

need to sketch down the ideas

also would make clothes that degrade and deteriorate once they have been won for the first time

this needs some kinks to work out on for exactly how it will work
i was think maybe a fabric that is sensitive to the temperature of the human skin, its all theory at this point. if a fabric like that did exist, then varied amounts of it placed around the garment would determine the speed and positions in which it falls apart

>> No.6417509

this would be impressive.
it would feel like cotton candy but on your body and not in your mouth

>> No.6417508

nipples first ;)

>> No.6417526
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yeah that sounds like metaphor for it
ties in nicely to the theme of the whole thing which is "disposability"
each garment would have names like a type of candy or sweet
when you buy a snack at the store you eat it and then throw away the wrapper
i want the clothes to be like that, use once and its done

>> No.6417532

>this thread

>> No.6417554

they don't they're just easier to see

>> No.6417582
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i also think it might be interesting to try to take on a carribean-influenced theme.
like the parts of the carribean heavily influenced by those countries that colonized them or by the pervasive american consumerism+how badly the people try to dress like what is advertised as cool to them.

i lived in st. lucia for a while and it was really interesting to see what they wore. of course they generally dont give any fucks about 'fashion' over practicality + are poor as shit, but it was still interesting to see aeropostale+habiscus-patterned board shorts being 'in'.

generally i just think it'd be fun to be sruli-tier and do whatever sounds interesting just because you can.

>> No.6417598
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warp looms to produce skewed grains
similarly, warp knitting machines to produce biased knits

>> No.6417600

all black lol

>> No.6417605
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Sruli has had a particular theme for years, very much a political sort of context though

maybe look through from SS12 to SS14 and check the development and theme
it's evident if you recognise a pretty big political idea atm
i dont want to spoil it for you.

>> No.6417612

imo sruli crosses certain lines which take him away from traditional fashion design and not in a good way; at times he can be gimmicky

i would love to travel though, there is an abundance of visual wealth when you enter a new, foreign land and i think every person should experience that

>> No.6417615

i would make yess style clothes that actually look good

>> No.6417627
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i'd incorporate REAL workwear elements
not some chambray shirt raw jeans red wings bullshit
coveralls, welding gloves, steel-toed shoes with tons of synthetics, safety glasses, helmets, lots of pockets to hold your tools, brightly-colored/reflective details for visibility in the dark, etc
but i'd use more luxurious materials and sharper/more experimental tailoring and detailing

>> No.6417690

for example
coveralls made from a bias-cut fabric, with elastene mixed in for added maneuverability, j-cut arms and legs (just because it makes an interesting look), extended length arms/legs to ensure no skin is left exposed, articulated elbows and knees (similar to balmain biker jeans), elasticised arm/leg openings to ensure a tight fit so shit can't enter your sleeves, high-cut neck (similar to a ccp fencing jacket) for protection from sparks

my designs would be fashion-oriented, but ultimately still usable in a work environment. i would play off the juxtaposition of manual labor (which is generally viewed as unfashionable) and luxury designs and materials

>> No.6417711

always loved the way light jeans and xtra-tufs look together

>> No.6417722

why do you have such a fondness for workwear? or is it just one example you are focusing on atm

>> No.6417735

I would write pyrex 23 in block letters across champion shirts, shorts, and hoodies

>> No.6417783

in high school i was in the robotics club, so i spent a lot of time in a machine/welding shop, so i guess it just grew on me

>> No.6417790

i used to work in the cornfields in the summer with migrant laborers and lemme tell you we had some sickass silhouettes

>> No.6417821
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Most cool or interesting stuff is too expensive to mass produce which is why no one does it.

Honestly the best way to be successful is to make really simple clothes in great materials that fit well. Then invest most of your time in building a whole persona and universe based around your brand.

Most of the stuff I buy from designers is really simple anyway and on a pretty regular basis I find myself comparing really similar pieces from two different designers (or several) and the conclusion I usually come to is going with the designer whos creative vision and universe I find the most appealing.

Pic related, I'm on vacation and that's all the clothing I brought. It's pretty much all my favourite stuff (sans winter clothing) but there's very much a theme in that almost everything there I picked more so because I liked the designer rather than the actual garment (although I obviously liked that too). There's so many designers making things like black jeans and blazers, people aren't picking one designer over the other because of cute little gimmicks. This is a really huge reason why stylists and creative directors dominate fashion as opposed to true designers. When so much of your sales is stuff like plain white dress shirts the winner is going to be who can market and create the coolest universe around said plain white dress shirt. This is why I usually end up defaulting to someone like Ann Demeulemeester, because she's built this really beautiful and romantic universe around her clothing. Also this is the reason why almost all young goth ninja brands are totally unappealing. They don't have any sort of creative universe or story to tell. They are putting 100% of the focus on their designs, material, and fit which as young designers is very unlikely to stand up to veterans, they're handicapping themselves.

>> No.6417824
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I really hate when brands say they are all about the design and nothing else because in most clothes the design really doesn't mean shit. Most clothes actually design themselves, something like jeans and t-shirts which are the bread and butter of a lot of designers bottom line, there is almost no thought put into those things. And why would you put a lot of thought into them? People wont care or notice it. Most cool little details go totally unnoticed by the general public and are usually really expensive to do anyway.

For example almost all designers use the exact same cotton pocketing for their pant pockets. They buy it in massive quantities and will use it every single season year after year for the pockets in all of their pants. A lot of times most designers will source their pocketing from the same place to boot. The pocketing inside almost every designer pant is exactly the same. A cool detail to me is something like unique pocketing but here's the problem. Who really gives a shit? Are you really going to pick one pair of jeans over another because it has cool pocketing? Here's the other dilemma, if that pocketing costs more it's going to make your pants more expensive. It is really really cheap to buy pocketing in massive quantities and use it season to season, that means to buy different pocketing for a single season is really expensive in contrast. Even if you're pocketing is only $5 extra a quarter meter that doesn't just translate to the jeans being $5 more expensive you have to double that price to get your wholesale price and then double it again to get your retail price. Your pants might cost $20 more and that's for one cool detail, if you want several your pants could cost significantly more than everyone elses and yet all most people will see is a rack of several black pants with yours costing much more.

>> No.6417827
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Also if a designer has a really cool world behind their collection customers will be more willing to forgive a lack of cool little details. I don't care that my Yohji pants use a YKK zipper instead of Riri or Lampo because I buy Yohji for more than that.

Also I think one of the best examples of this is Hedi Slimane, he creates this world through his editorials and marketing that you just really want to be in on. The clothes are totally banal but it's the exclusive rockstar image that everyone wants to be a part of. Sruli Recht is a really incredible designer but the reason why he's so far above his peers (other new designers of the last 5 years) is because he's not just selling clothes he's selling an entire universe. He's telling a story with every garment and collection he releases. He has one of the most unique and interesting narratives I've seen, the clothes are nice too but so are the clothes of most of his peers. His are so much more attractive because of everything else he surrounds them with.

Of course you also need design chops as well and I feel there are some designers who can survive entirely on them (although I can't think of any off the top of my head) but the better you are at building a unique and alluring world around your clothes the more successful you're going to be as a designer and the designers playing at the highest level are the ones who have that and then focus on also making really interesting clothes but to me the story is still worth so much more and I feel this can be observed on a pretty regular basis.

>> No.6417866

this was very nice thank you. im pretty new to paying attention to runway fashion so it's all very interesting.

>> No.6417877

epaulettes epaulettes epaulettes

for the womens' lines, long tassels or streamers from the shoulder going back, sorta like angel wings

>> No.6417907

wow now this is what i am talking about! you should definitely post more often, this is depth and enriching. its so rare to see thought out posts like yours.

that idea of a universe surrounding a house or brand is what stuck out to me, great way of looking at it, but imo the basic principle of all fashion is the shallow end of it, what is initially seen, the piece and nothing else is all that matters. everything else is details, details, details. but thats not to say they are not important! i can see how the business end of a brand may interfere with certain artisanal factors, so its a shame that some designers may feel that they cant go all the way with certain garments due to budget and marketing (these, in a perfect world, should not be influences to the designers)

>> No.6417943
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>> No.6418477

sikh thread

>> No.6419064
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>> No.6419089

All clothes would be weapons as well, so maybe one lucky day during a fashion show one of the models would kill those fuckers filming with their iphones #edgy #virgin #autism

>> No.6419102


>> No.6419116

Raf Simmons X Teddy Roosevelt f/w 1926 Collection.

>> No.6419161

Make ladies clothes where there tities hang out and I can see their vagggg ;p

>> No.6419167

butt too

>> No.6419206

A good example is Thom Browne shirts, the ones with the grosgrain placket cost $80 more than the ones without.

>> No.6419222


thermochromic clothing sounds cool to everybody in theory (it's existed for a while, american apparel sells t-shirts with it for like 40 dollars) but nobody likes to wear something that mimics staining near the underarms and general crotch area. it's also pretty slow.

they also have deteriorating, reusable, even "spray on" clothing.

you should really think about going into the business side of fashion. it's good to see someone who can both appreciate creativity and artistry but still have a pragmatic mindset.

to add to your tiny details bit and how it magnifies in price, the general rule of thumb is that a particular element will manifest about 6 times the cost it took to implement it once it hits the racks.

in addition to designing and how it manifests in the final price a lot of these designers have to deal with battling retailers, whether or not they want to wholesale or not, the expenses of advertising, the seemingly exponentially increasing pace of the industry (thanks H+M, Zara, UO, and probably everywhere else you anons shop at). etc.

it's really not all that fun and all the business minutia is incredibly intimidating to young or new designers, especially since most of them are so much more comfortable in an artistic mindset. that's why you see so many designers handing off their company to groups like LMVH or PPR (Kering) because it's next to impossible to be a truly independent brand these days. Even very famous, big houses are just now buying back the rights to namesake products that they had to sell in order to stay afloat.

>> No.6419268

kanye west has already done that please be original

>> No.6419287

I love your posts, but if you're on vacation, why not enjoy it rather than try to educate us autists here?

>> No.6419345

I'm fairly new here, but I recently bought my first pair of raw jawnz (Edwin) and one of the first things I noticed was how much better the pockets were than the average pair of jeans. You might be onto something.

Me personally, I am, or used to be (had a rough 18 months) extremely /fit/. Even though I hate OTT branding I still own a fair few Superdry and A&F items purely because they fitted my torso better than uniqlo, Gap, etc. I hate t-shirts that turn into a tent below the chest because they were designed with a fat cunt in mind. So I guess I'd design plain clothing that contours to a well-proportioned human form.

Also I've spent a lot of time living out of suitcases and travelling around, living in hostels from time to time - I like clothing that fits in with that way of life, something innately practical and functional.

I'm an illustrator, so maybe I'll draw some ideas up.

>> No.6419425

thank you based anorak knowledge dropping

>> No.6419436


>> No.6419509
File: 2.73 MB, 2330x3108, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designed some high-tops. This took about 10 minutes. Never tried designing clothes before, this was interesting.

D-do I have potential, /fa/?

>> No.6419557
File: 1.44 MB, 2000x2191, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible colours. Can't decide if this looks too much like a Chuck Taylor with the white tip.

>> No.6419564
File: 1.77 MB, 2078x2577, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively, all black except for the underside and laces.

>> No.6419568

nigga, that is awful

>> No.6419571

What would you change about it?

>> No.6419577

im not a fan of how small it gets at the foot.
the white tip

the fact that they look like snowboarding boots.

sry ;_;

>> No.6419581

The foot taper was a personal thing, can't stand shoes with massive toeboxes.

Think you have a point about the tip, but without something there it would look like a high-topped Ked.

It was only a 10-minute mental exercise, don't worry about hurting my feelings.

>> No.6419589

Looks like it's designed for people with cankles.

>> No.6419590

can i see more?

>> No.6419593

you have an interesting drawing style, but it's a really unbalanced silhouette. the proportions between the leg shaft and the toe box comes off quite top-heavy and the thinness of the sole doesn't really help any. detail-wise i think the split sole is too gimmicky, and the amount of eyelets you've got going is very reminiscent of snowboarding boots (like tomato said)

>> No.6419603
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btw op, i think that is a great idea about the cat hair, i have tons of cats so i can relate.

>> No.6419710
File: 2.46 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a modified version. I've got stuff to do so that's it for now.

Guess I'll be sticking to drawing company logos and ad illustrations...

>> No.6419725

the front looks like nike air mags

>> No.6419732


theyre basically geos but with a narrow toebox and a thinner sole

look pretty good though

the contrast between messy at the top of the shoe and very clean at the bottom just makes it look too odd for me

I would recommend going for a totally clean, high top like ann demeester's

could work as a low top sneaker, just cut off the top

>> No.6419734
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>> No.6419790
File: 1.65 MB, 1585x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's basically what I wanted. A pair of high-tops that you could tuck a pair of raw jeans into for mad stax, but more functional and practical than Geos, with tips that don't look like moonboots. Final picture, I'm now running very late...

>> No.6419809

they look way better

i still like the original sole better myself though

doing good B)

>> No.6419817

These are way better than the original. They would be good with a double zipper around the tongue, just for detail. Otherwise they look too much like geos. But I would cop them

>> No.6419851


yo what pen are you using?

>> No.6419892

Pentel 0.5mm automatic pencil with blue lead.

Double-ended Sharpie marker.

>> No.6419896

would look better with geobaskets

>> No.6419906


>> No.6419915

I would just make nice, clean, clothing... Like Alexander Wang or James Perse. I would have clean cut black sweatpants in a super slim fit, without ugly cuffs or an ugly waistband and no drop crotch...

>> No.6419920

Nobody is going to go to work in your 1000 dollar outfits. Tool pockets etc are not needed...

>> No.6419924

>also would make clothes that degrade and deteriorate once they have been won for the first time


>Spend 1k on clothing
>It falls apart

This isn't fucken' Runescape.

>> No.6420536

I'd fucking love geos with a narrow toebox
Tell me where to dump my money