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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 503x581, 1363465378071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6385545 No.6385545 [Reply] [Original]

Took me 2 years to realise but its dawned on me

>tfw ugly
>tfw no matter what your haircut or style is you will never be attractive
>instead of just being ugly you will be 'that ugly guy who is over-compensating with a nice haircut and clothes'

>> No.6385551

have you tried lifting some weights and putting them back down?

>> No.6385552

The trick to being attractive is embracing your ugliness

>> No.6385555

better to be ugly and dress and groom good than being ugly and look like shit

>> No.6385558

You're either not creative enough or haven't met someone who is.

Or, you're fucking Quasimodo...

>> No.6385560
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>> No.6385561

at least you have a gf and nice clothes

>> No.6385576

Being ugly doesn't mean you'll never have a girlfriend or get married. It just means you'll have less anonymous sex.

>> No.6385578

This. Always remember this.

You don't need to be /fa/, you probably cannot be /fa/, but you can certainly be decently dressed. If you're not good looking, then your best bet is to practice good hygiene and grooming. You've been dealt a shit hand, OP. It is up to you to make the best of it.

>instead of just being ugly you will be 'that ugly guy who is over-compensating with a nice haircut and clothes'
It sounds like you have some self esteem issues. You are a faggot for having these issues. Pony up or get rekt.

>> No.6385583


although, you could just look like a spud in which case youre just fucked

if you have a weird looking thin face, you can own that

if you look like a spud become buddhist, suicide and reroll

>> No.6385584


No-matter how bad you think you got it it could always be worse

>> No.6385586

post face, Ill give you an honest girl opinion, if you care of course

>> No.6385591

>btw im a girllllll

>> No.6385587
File: 6 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pony up

>> No.6385598

no I think it matters. Men and women have completaly different tastes. And if he is into girls he probably cares more for their opinions.

>> No.6385602

But women dont know what they want.

>> No.6385605

They do. Not you.

>> No.6385611

and why should that matter in this case?
so many bitter retards here

>> No.6385642

>ITT: Women analflustered over hurt feels
top kek.
Keep it up, grills.

>> No.6386089
File: 1.27 MB, 1467x1298, fuckingweirdface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post face

for the most part ugly is a state of mind. as long as you're well groomed you're not ugly, unless you're physically disfigured.

people like bennedict cumberbatch, peter dinklage and matt smith have weird faces but bitches still want their dick.

having 10/10 facial asthetics is easy mode.

>> No.6386098

>>instead of just being ugly you will be 'that ugly guy who is over-compensating with a nice haircut and clothes'
lmao no you wont
insecure faggot just kill yourself now instead of waiting for the downwards spiral into deep depression and suicide

>> No.6386161

Never wish you were somebody else man, never. Embrace yourself and work your ass off to be the best you can be. I know this sounds cheesy but the only thing that matters is how well you can communicate with yourself.

>> No.6386231

only mentally deranged people like doctor who, he's hideous

>> No.6386272

quads of truth

>> No.6386888

sept that giga-jaw which u wish u had
>also hes enigmatic and ur alone

>> No.6386941

Yeah, I'm kind of at the same spot OP.

I've had acne my whole life, and no matter how much I try, it doesn't go away. I lift, run, yoga, meditate, eat healthy and well, dress "decent", yet I'll always be some ugly guy with acne. Sure I'm extremely healthy and happy with my body's progression but I feel like all my effort is for nothing.

Just going to hide behind clothing the rest of my life.

>> No.6386954
File: 99 KB, 265x265, 1371980514269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the more mature responses to a thread I have ever seen on /fa/, what is going on?

>> No.6386961

Yeah nah, the overcompensating thing is only true if you overdress or dress badly in expensive shit. Don't dress in a way that looks like you are trying to draw attention. Wear understated shit that fits well, have good hygiene and ok personality and you're fine.

I'm in the weird position of knowing people who look very similar to me (short, skinny gingerfaggot) and being able to watch what they wear and know exactly what to avoid.

>> No.6386964

What Im most impressed is that this hasn't been already hijacked into a height thread ...

>> No.6386970

just go to a dermatologist and take pills
it's not a big deal

i just took double the dosis and got rid of my acne in 2 months

>> No.6386979

i want to cuddle that dog

>> No.6386986

>Implying that anyone cares about how you look if you are under 5'11"

>> No.6386989
File: 18 KB, 313x286, You sho bout that?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not posting much superior dog species ...

>> No.6387043

You have a weak personality. I've seen pictures of you. My acne is worse. I can still get 7s and 8s when I'm in a good mood. Your acne isn't the problem if you've noticed that people aren't attracted to you.

>> No.6387073

i never notice if someone s ugly when they wear nice clothing and have a flattering haircut
i think you're reasoning that if you aren't attracted to ugly people who look effay then no one would be attracted to you even if you look effay, but you're wrong.
there are different kinds of attractiveness, acquired attractiveness and natural good looks, if you really are ugly (i doubt it, i have never seen a truly ugly man before in my life) then that just means you have to work a little harder.

>> No.6387088

this guy has a point. there are many factors that affect how attractive a person is besides facial aesthetics...sense of humor...being outgoing and personable....confident....amount of $$$ you have....overall vibe you put out.
If you act like you KNOW youre ugly...then that's gna be the focus and impression you put out

>> No.6387121
File: 235 KB, 1000x662, 1371093374105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, this thread is so full of shit.

>dude, just dress well and they won't know you're ugly!
>bro you just gotta BELIEVE in yourself
>uglyness doesn't exist man, it's all in your head!

The FIRST THING you notice about somebody is their face. No bullshit, cut to the chase, that's it. Have you ever met somebody really good looking, and you only notice that they don't dress well AFTER the fact?

Clothes will never matter as much as an attractive face will. Period. Dot. The end. You CANNOT prove this wrong. You will always be the ugly guy, with a mediocre haircut and good style.

>> No.6387161

But you're wrong though. Good looking people who dress like shit almost always look like shit.

>> No.6387170

you can still improve upon your appearance by taking better care of yourself and getting a good haircut

>"well I'm ugly, so I might as well intentionally look/dress shitty and be unhygienic"
so much projection in these posts

>> No.6387181
File: 1.05 MB, 800x474, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6387199
File: 24 KB, 442x454, 1371633215679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can IMPROVE your bad appearance by "taking care of yourself", that doesn't take away how important a below average face vs. an above average face works.

Nobody said you have to intentionally dress like shit because you're ugly.
But just remember, face will ALWAYS matter more than clothes will. And you'll never be able to change that.

>> No.6387208

yeah your face is important, but it doesn't matter if you are socially inept

good personality/social skills will give you a lot more in life than a pretty face + autism

I am attractive, have a good face, and dress well. I am also introverted so people call me a serial killer lmao

>> No.6387212

Aww shit, you posted a picture about autism, now my point is disproven and I can never post in this thread again...

Seriously though, you're clothes say something about you, and if you dress like you don't give a shit, people will assume you generally don't give a shit whether or not you are good looking.

>> No.6387219


>> No.6387237

Fashion is all about playing up your strengths. Unless you're a hideous train wreck, there's a look which highlights your best assets. Being in shape doesn't hurt, either.

If the issue is something like shitty skin, that can be fixed. If you're saggy and out of shape, that can be fixed. Unless you have some sort of deformation, you can make it work. Just stop being a dadcore tool and figure out what looks good on you and go from there.

>> No.6387243
File: 15 KB, 547x255, signs-of-autism-in-toddlers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if you dress like you don't give a shit, people will assume you generally don't give a shit whether or not you are good looking

>> No.6387254

oh well too late
at least i have nice clothes and god tier viking hair

>> No.6387258

>yeah your face is important, but it doesn't matter if you are socially inept
Not always.

>I am attractive
No you're not. Prove it. Post a pic.

>> No.6387447

Ok then - guess you really don't have anything useful to contribute.

>> No.6387674
File: 62 KB, 640x426, pic22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge my face, /fa. My face is totally fucked up with symmetricity shit. It's one of the best webcam photos i have, lel.
Be strict and honest.

>> No.6387682

>Judge my face

This is what /soc/ is for.

>> No.6387690

You look both weird and good at the same time. It is indescribably confusing. Like your face looks good above and below your nostrils, but not together. Like you were spliced down the middle from two separate but attractive faces.

>> No.6387694


>> No.6387706

/soc is for people without social skills.
/fa can into beauty, style. Actually it's the most appropriate place to discuss such things imo

>> No.6387714


>> No.6387718


s'got character in yo face
It's good if you have adequate social graces and such, otherwise you look like a weirdo. S'all.

>> No.6387739

Don't be socially retarded, be outgoing and chill and you'll do great bud.

>> No.6387768

Yup, I see the same. Got the cheekbone thing going, and an aesthetic, manly top half face but they don't fit together for some reason. It's really weird.

>> No.6387773
File: 82 KB, 645x773, 1300904731001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all my money on clothes and proper food to keep me /fa/
>when I'm not working, stay inside all day posting on /fa/

>> No.6387787
File: 720 KB, 1404x350, pic32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your opinions.

My eyes definetely are making me unsecure. Like..what the hell is with him? left and right half of the face are looking different.
Like some retarded serial killer autist, duh.
I think only plastic surgery can help me.

I never wear hoods, cause my face in that case ruins everything. And fedora hats are not for me too, lel. Like majority of beanies.

>> No.6387798

You look finnish

>> No.6387853

You're not ugly in the least. You look attractive and distinctive. Much better than being plain.

On a related note, is it just me or do only at least somewhat attractive people go on about how ugly they think they are? None of my truly ugly friends ever mention appearance issues; only people with a few flaws here and there, but who are otherwise attractive. I've never seen an "i'm so ugly" post followed up with actually ugly pictures. What about you /fa/gs?

>> No.6387856

your eyes are too small / far apart

>> No.6387860
File: 2 KB, 113x126, 1370826185921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to be 19 in a month
>look 15 to no end
>desperately need /fa/'s help to get rid of justin bieber haircut the hairdresser in my hick town gave me
>if i posted a picture of my face no one would believe im 19

not sure whether to shave my head and accept im ugly or perpetually look like a pre-teen

>> No.6387862

i know this will sound really, really mean and hateful but take this example: benedict cumberbatch is actually not that good looking if you just look at him, but yet he's attractive. just because by society's standards you may be "ugly" (even if it isn't just in your head) it doesn't equal unattractive at all. what is the alternative, ugly hair and ugly clothes because you feel ugly? it's attractive to have a sense of style and honestly it's a waste of time to feel ugly

>> No.6387895

i'm russian, by the way.

yeah, that for sure. In some cases my friends told me i'm looking mongolian for that reason.

i'm 24, pal. Nobody and never gave me more than 19-20. Being a manlet sucks.

Actors are very charismatic. Even the ugliest ones can be much more attractive then average babyfaces for example.

>> No.6387899

Small eyes are attractive on men. Large eyes are a sign of high estrogen.

>> No.6387907

post a pic

>> No.6387941

If I did, would someone actually give me haircut suggestions?

>> No.6387948


>> No.6387960

2 minutes then

>> No.6388015

Im waiting for Manycam to install. Know any other good sites with pictures of haircuts other than the faggot store?

>> No.6388021


>> No.6388033

could have used cameroid or whatever.. but yes i will help

>> No.6388076 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 320x240, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hopefully this goes better than when I showed someone on skype once. Looking at myself makes me think I should just become a trap

>> No.6388084

lol ur not ugly faggot. start working out + get shorter hair (short sides longer top etc)

>> No.6388091

wtf he deleted it. i saved it op tell me why you deleted it and i wont post it

>> No.6388095
File: 88 KB, 320x240, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry i edited out the back. I get paranoid but I realized it was too late anyways, but here

>> No.6388105

>>show with your hair

>> No.6388113

i wasnt ognna post it anyway

either way you look fine man. def some feminine features but you don't look like a gril. tan+gain some weight = hot dude

>> No.6388116

I think my forehead is too big for a cut like that, I still need to cover it somehow in my opinion. I have been trying to lose weight, although I'm far from overweight. I just wanna be a really skinny guy. Thank you though

>> No.6388121
File: 55 KB, 503x581, 1372088434543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6388134

You think I should gain weight? I dont really want to be /fit/, unless you mean I should actually gain fat? And thanks, I just get paranoid like I said, someone will find out where I live and murder me from seeing my walls

>> No.6388145

ya i think you should gain muscle, would help with jawline.

>> No.6388155

Makes sense, alright, thanks. I will definitely work on the tanning as well

>> No.6388157

Are you like 14?

>> No.6388163

This isn't /b/, you don't have to worry about /fa/ or /fit/ when you post yourself.

>> No.6388175


To be honest, OP, if you are a male you can be pretty ugly and it doesn't really matter. Males don't have to be pretty.

Also this is my first post on /fa/ so I'm sage'ing just in case the fashion police come for me.

>> No.6388194

Importance of good looks vs money:
35%looks 65%money
85%looks 15%money

>> No.6388196

Go to /r9k/ and post that.
Yeah Ive been lurking, the hipster-y boards like those and /mu/ are more chill
;~; no

>> No.6388202

/mu/ is soc with bad music

>> No.6388662

>implying people look for women with money
Unless you're a boy toy chasing after MILFs who married into money in the hamptons or whatever noone cares about the money a woman has

>> No.6389124

i have always thought that features trumps symmetry every time, unless you have something drastically asymmetric

take knoch for example, he has almost perfect symmetry but his features are bland and unexciting

>> No.6389879

His features are great. Especially his nose. Stop being scared by perfection.

>> No.6389892

its just a boring face, its not interesting to look at

>> No.6389908
File: 1.91 MB, 411x229, 1317144392246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god there's opinions and taste and I don't need to acknowledge yours. I love his lines and smooth uninterrupted flow in proportions.

>> No.6389935
File: 115 KB, 600x800, Bar R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao im trying to get hooked up with a milf from the hamptons ya feel me.

i just know theres a ton of single (or married) lonely milfs who either not getting pleasured at all or want a lil boy toy to fuck around with.

>> No.6389936

lmao looks like he got caught in an industrial garbage compactor

>> No.6389943

also yes the bitch has to pay me or shower me with gifts

>> No.6389965

better than having older ladies hit on you because "you should be done by now wasting time with all these stupid young girls" (I'm 21, always taken to be at least 25).

>> No.6389974

holy fuck

who this?

>> No.6389984


>> No.6390001

>decade of watching tv and Internet and advertising using top 0.004%of populations most attractive people with state of the art image editing, makeup and professional photography.

It's easy to think you're ugly


Almost everyone thinks they're more attractive than they are: above average effect etc

IrOnically 4chan is the best place to get an honest answer

Your friends will lie to you no matter how you ask the question

So will the opposite sex I get their motive unless all they want is an attractive partner. But even then lying tothemself might warp their opinion.

Solution: become god.

>> No.6390002
File: 39 KB, 467x363, sanjuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post image of myself on /fa/


>Guy says I'm white

>> No.6390007

>Almost everyone thinks they're more attractive than they are: above average effect etc
this is bullshit

you are your own worst critic

>> No.6390011

Brb getting a gardening job for rich white women

>> No.6390022

errr no

4chan is the worst place because everybody is jelly of anything that looks better than them

you can post pictures of 9/10 models on soc and theyll rate them 3/10 and below

>> No.6390029

not him but p sure he is correct and somebody said like 75% of the population thinks they are above average
also most people who think they are ugly are depressed in some form its actually a telltale sign of depression

>> No.6390034

That's because soc has user IDs, /fa/ does not
They're creating their own bubble

>> No.6390040

nah its the same here and worse

you look like shit too chinaman

>> No.6390051
File: 55 KB, 600x448, 1371526374325[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw i now wish i was ultra-aesthetic azn

>> No.6390059


>> No.6390071

The kids are asleep

>> No.6390084

Look at the statistics

It's something like 90-80% rate themselves as above median attractiveness. This is statistically impossible. And similar to the, "town where everyone's child is above average"

>> No.6390085

Ya it's wierd, on /soc/ they will intentionally increase people's scores to make them feel better, and if someone is better looking than them the will decrease it

>> No.6390102
File: 124 KB, 1000x667, 1367052691802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better dog...cmon /fa/

>> No.6390113


Bar Rafeali

>> No.6390111

Discussion quality increases during the wee hours.

>> No.6390122

>tfw don't know what to do about my eyebrows to complement my face
>just leave them growing and bushy

>> No.6390197

>tfw decently attractive but horrible in fresh social encounters and just dont talk very much
it hurts so much....

>> No.6390211
File: 1.41 MB, 294x268, Mu4kEDs[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you're a girl bushy eyebrows are pretty alright.
makes you more manly
i on the other hand have pretty feminine eyebrows, ive been accused of plucking numerous times

>> No.6390234

i wonder what he's saying
"take that pen and move it left"

>> No.6390243

pretty sure he's talking about the light source being moved

>> No.6391126
File: 137 KB, 295x395, Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me? Dude,I would gladly murder small children for your cheekbones. Pic related. It's me.

>> No.6391128

cheekbones aint gonna fix that, boy