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/fa/ - Fashion

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6359763 No.6359763 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a /fa/ feels thread? Anything relation to fashion or clothing.

>tfw you order something cheap online not expecting anything
>tfw you get it and it fits great

>> No.6359805
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>hit the ignore button instead of snooze in sleepy haze
>wake up, be in rush
>throw on some shit and rush out door
>spend rest of day walking around feeling like you look like a retard
>someone compliments your outfit

>> No.6359803

>tfw you stumble across an undercover U tee on ebay
>tfw it has a buy it now price of £8
>tfw this will never happen again

couple of seasons old but it's in great condition.

>> No.6359812
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tfw missed this

>> No.6359927

>tfw you buy nice clothes in order to fill the empty void that is your life

>> No.6359937

>tfw I have these in navy (ss13 ones)
>tfw black cropped jawnz
>tfw raf button down + generic black sweater
>tfw listening to yeezus
2 /fa/ 2 furious

>> No.6359946
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>> No.6359947

>tfw you can't go on shopstyle and find them in your size?

Don't you have any ssense? These shoes are just around thecorner...

>> No.6359971

I hope you nerds know that these low sale prices are after they sold all the nonfatty/ogrefeet sizes right?

>> No.6359987

not really

>> No.6359996

>tfw this board is slow because all the effay people are out partying and hooking up, living out their summers

>you're a quiet, introverted fuck with no friends so you just sit home all day and shop online

>> No.6359997
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this just happened at the post office i went to.
>getting a package
>some asian dude walks in,
>think nothing of it
>realize the dude is mirin'
>lookin at my fit and sneakers
>finally get a good look at him,
>its an ex's, bf, and this mofo Hates me
>look at him dead in the eyes and study his fit
>grey levis, black jordans, purple "grape soda" shirt
>laugh, call him a pleb and walk out
>he runs after me, oh shit what i do
>slam door in his face and laugh
>hop in the lexus and get the fuck outta there.
>tfw when i dress better than a fuck who hates me

>> No.6360021
File: 39 KB, 336x308, for real doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's anything wrong with Jordans
The rest of the fit is shit


>> No.6360033

there is nothing wrong with jordans, i just dont wear them. and yah.

>> No.6360041

hey but #realtalk jordans are fresh af as long as they aint some elderly j's

>implying this ever happened

nobody is going to chase you out of the post office because you called him a "pleb"

>> No.6360052
File: 93 KB, 1050x680, air-jordan-I-shoe-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth be told, the only good one is the first one. They look like standard high tops

>> No.6360053

you didnt read that well. he hates me. he FB me. that he would gut me with his bare hands. the second i opened my mouth i knew shit would hit the fan.

>> No.6360059


>> No.6360068

>tfw UPS man said he made an attempt but didn't

what an asshole... I really wanted to try out my new shoes

>> No.6360069


in the NBA

>> No.6360072
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>> No.6360073

If ausfag, check iut roger David fir something similar

>> No.6360076

why was that?

>> No.6360082

Why were the Air Jordan 1 shoes illegal in the NBA?

On October 18th, 1985, NBA commissioner David Stern banned the Air Jordan I sneaker from the NBA. He felt that they failed to meet on-court dress codes and did not match the uniform of the Chicago Bulls. Commissioner David Stern began fining Michael Jordan $5,000 every time he wore the Air Jordan I's on the court. Nike paid the fine and continued to have Michael wear the shoes. In doing so, the popularity of the product skyrocketed and sales were astronomical for the product.

>> No.6360085

haha that's sick

>> No.6360089

damn, you know you shit.

>> No.6360101

what's the exam?

>> No.6360097

>Studying for my last examn on friday.
>stuffing myself with chocolate while studying because that urge.
>feel guilty every evening.
>repeat every day during exams.

>> No.6360111

Advanced scheduling theories in operating systems. Probably the toughest one of this semester.

>> No.6360124
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>tfw finally buy a good wallet
>that poorfag feel when no money to put in it now

>> No.6360130
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Every time I see this sweater

>> No.6360135

damn sounds fiddly m8 :S
hope you do good :)

>> No.6360143

You know that was an answer off Wiki Answers right?

>> No.6360142

>have so many pairs of shoes that they don't fit in my room
>decide to sell some of them
>put a pair on ebay
>buy some more shoes two days later
>old shoes still haven't sold

I have a problem

>> No.6360154

haha thanks I hope I'll ace it as well. If I'm able to graduate in Computer engineering I'll never have to feel guilty about spending too much on designer clothing again.

>> No.6360167
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>tfw i'm saving to get out of my godforsaken flyover state and move somewhere where i can matter and live a simple, productive life but Ann D sneaks are on sale and im so tempted to blow everything i have on Italian leather

i love you Ann but goddamn you make my life hell some days

>> No.6360202

There will be better sales in your new home m8, be strong.

>> No.6360242

I wonder how many people on /fa/ are getting the Ann Ds now that they're on sale, I'm guessing we'll be seeing them a lot in future WAYWTs.

Anyway, if you really want to move you know what you need to do.

>> No.6360366

where are they on sale?

>> No.6360384

>confident in my ability to make a sweet fit
>too poor and fat to create it/pull it off.

>> No.6360413

bruh go live somewhere nice THEN buy all the shit you want.

>> No.6360431

I get by on highstreet shit. Live within your means. You can still dress better than everyone.

>> No.6360436

>tfw you like a piece a lot and cop it

>it doesn't fit your current style at all and you can't figure out how to fit it in an outfit

>> No.6360454

>tfw ~70 y/o lady out-patient comes in wearing what look like cheap versions of cps
>tfw never get a chance to ask w2c.
also would probably have been a little weird

>> No.6360461

were they these?

>> No.6360467

move in to ny w me, anon. i'm looking for a roommate

>> No.6360486
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>order something that looks awesome online
>get it and realize it was shopped and had great lighting, but actually looks like shit
Feel with me

>> No.6360511

yeah i know about those. i should have added they were a sort of beige colour.
also i'm in the UK, so there has to be some sort of department store or somewhere where middle-class retired people go that stocks simple leather sneakers.

>> No.6360529

I actually had a question as to how the quality was and if anybody had a pic with them?

>> No.6360533
File: 77 KB, 619x544, 1336449619201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a pair of pants from acne at normal price
>box arrives in perfect condition, excellent presentation and quality
>acne sale
>order shorts on sale
>box arrives beaten up
>shorts clearly been worn before, not even zipped up, looks like it was thrown in there

why put your shit on sale if you're going to treat it this way?

>> No.6360550

>buying acne at retail price

>> No.6360567

>buying acne

>> No.6360575

>buying things

>> No.6360577

acne is actually really great imo just their retail prices can be a bit high but i'm cheap so

>> No.6360582

okay so then it was
>run into guy at post office
>I insult him using a name I heard on a japanese cartoon forum
>he's really scary so I run away
>I sure showed him
booking it because you are scared some asian kid is gonna whoop your ass? #lmao how does that feel good?

>> No.6360596
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>being cheap
>on a fashion board

>> No.6360605

im cheap and the majority of my wardrobe is high end or comes from a designer so its workin out well for me

>> No.6360600

not him but I ain't buying acne for full price, or any price

majority of my basics are James Perse

>> No.6360645

Ann d leather high tops on sale at antonioli for 475. No one on /fa/ will tell you though because everyone is trying to be a unique snowflake despite the fact that we have been discussing this sale for the past weeks.

U better cop fuccboi

>> No.6360669
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tfw just copped

>> No.6360673

>4 weeks later on sufu/sz

>> No.6360700
File: 86 KB, 302x302, 1341881294055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for their popular pieces are the normal sizes (M) are sold out or not available by the time they go on sale... so what do you do in that situation?

>> No.6360705


why would i do that

>> No.6360728

i dont give a fuck about basketball. took me .4 sec to find it on google

>> No.6360750


um.. okay!

email in email field.