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/fa/ - Fashion

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6346077 No.6346077 [Reply] [Original]

>comes back to /fa/ after 2 years
>read and watches threads for 2 days without posting until now
I'm... uh... I don't even know what to think anymore.

>> No.6346081

stop slacking at work dad, my rick owens clothes won't buy themselves.

>> No.6346084


>> No.6346087


you can't compare people 30 years apart

not that i care to defend manchildren but men treated women and minorities horribly back then, you have a the culture of emasculated men you wanted, stop calling sour grapes.

>> No.6346111

two words: birth control

Essentially whats happened with the invention of BC is that women who take it become motherly and their brain tells them they need less of a manly man and more of a provider, which also happens to be more feminine.

source article( yes i know the fking huffington post, but they do cite scientific studies from reputable universities): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/01/birth-control-attraction_n_2981391.html

>> No.6346117

>muh born in the wrong generation

>> No.6346120


the trick is when you need to cite sources you site the sources your article sites.

noone will ever figure out you're just a prole.

>> No.6346122

The average age of the leading man in films dropped significantly.

>> No.6346156

>cite huffington post, claims they cited academic articles
>doesn't cite the academic articles as the original sources
Are you new at this or just stupid?

Also your pseudo-theory on evolutionary psychology is neato. It's like I'm on /fit/ with their nutritionist broscience.

>> No.6346191

OP you confused these fuckers with your picture.

>> No.6346300

No, not really. I was implying that /fa/ has gotten so bad that 2 years ago /fa/ was manly as fuck compared to these autistic queers.

>> No.6346311


>effay was "manly as fuck"

two years ago everyone was cumming their pants over hedi and everything hedi had his hands in, are you fucking kidding

At least now people are actually asking questions about how to create clothes and learning about designers and how the fuck fashion works

>> No.6346333

Lel two years ago the lolmanlybeardgruffironic bullshit was only just becoming mainstream

>> No.6346378

>what happened

Western civilization avoided major war, developed self-critiques of its conceptions of power and gender, and became more interesting.


This is bullshit; if it went the other way you'd be talking about how they want a protector.

One possible involvement of female controlled contraception, the sexual revolution, women's lib, that whole rigamarole, is that it quite simply made it less bad to be a woman, that is to say, to be feminine. The association of femininity with lack of agency and achievement, with danger and oppression, began to fade. Why wouldn't men start to adopt some of its virtues?

Pic related, Britain, 19th century. Left, James Brudenell, noted flamboyant reactionary douchebag even before he ordered the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War, the last major war the UK had with other European Powers until World War I, instead enforcing a "Pax Britannica" with it's overwhelming might and numerous colonial policing conflicts.

Right, Oscar Wilde, flamboyant and fabulous man noted for his wit, aestheticism, and kindness, writer and proto-anarcho-queer. Born the year of Brudenell's infamous charge.

>> No.6346385
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6346398
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your arguments is invalid

>> No.6346407

HEY! WAIT UP! Is this your trench coat, fedora, and pipe that was left at the diner?

>> No.6346410

Holy fuck I remember you, you're that ass wipe that trolled /fa/ with that "less of a man" thread. You started that thread with the same pic.

>> No.6346412

Louis XVI: The Swag King

>> No.6346437


I;m surprised 4chan doesn't have a /pua/ yet, considering how much broscience is in the pua world (as well as get all the shitty "help me get laid" questions out of /adv/)

>> No.6346444

I clearly meant by comparison, didn't actually mean /fa/ back then showed any type of masculinity, learn how to read you white trash fucks.


the thing is, I meant every word on that thread, /fa/ simply became upset for unknown reasons.
>calls me ass wipe
From the looks of it, you were one of those butthurt fags, yet I'm surprised anyone remembers that thread.

>> No.6346448

Moot's not a douche, and has an interest in not promoting the 4chan=misogyny perception.

>> No.6346465


if moot cared how 4chan was perceived, /pol/ would not exist

>> No.6346471

ey but on the real though OP this board is going downhill.

I remember Trispk made a poll a while back where the average age of the typical /fa/ggot was ~20something (mid twenties)

now it's ~17-18, well shit even that poll was a while ago, it's probably a lot lower now

this board has potential, but it's just full of people memespouting and shouting "lmao that shit sucks dadcore nigger!" without really knowing anything about clothes; they just want to fit in and have a sense of belonging to a community. Whether it be in real life, or on a japanese cartoon forum


>> No.6346473

/pol/ is the proverbial mcdonald's ball pit that keeps certain elements neatly localized. It's a necessary evil, just like /b/.

>> No.6346475

but 4chan=racist is fine?

>> No.6346479

it's actually reportable/bannable on the majority of the boards. But kids thing 4chan==/b/ mentality, so they act like retards on all boards

>> No.6346480


people post what they post

>> No.6346482

Racism on 4chan used to be wrapped up in a lot of self-aware mockery of the bigot mindset. It was ironic, offensive for the sake of being offensive.
Now there's actual racists here.

>> No.6346488

On the contrary: it's well known the whole point of /pol/ is a quarantine zone.

You might say /pua/ would function the same way. It might, but calling it /pua/ would be like having a /racetheory/ or /kra/ (kebab removal artist). A /sex/ board might work and maybe even have some interesting, low-bullshit threads.

>> No.6346487

The "manliness" level of mens clothing is cyclical, like most things that are matters of taste.

>> No.6346496


in that sense i guess is /adv/ is the quarantine board for "how do i get laid" questions

>> No.6346500

Not sure I'd say going downhill uncomplicatedly. It's cleaving – a lot more shitposters, but the best posters are a hell of a lot more knowledgeable than the best people a few years ago.

>> No.6346504

Yeah, probably.

>> No.6346789
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The matriarchy

>> No.6347000

OP is obviously a shitty poster if he doesn't know that fashion changes. We don't need someone who doesn't even know the basics of fashion on this board.

>> No.6347009

demin dangb pls

>> No.6347161

we moved on

2 years ago /fa/ was like the fashion board of 420 chan, fashion knowledge wasn't as widespread so it was just a bunch of internet guys trying to look good, wearing desert boots and raws.

The people who have been here a long time have developed in taste, and the people who took a genuine interest in fashion started looking into designers and aesthetics, the style of clothes discussed got a bit more avantgarde

It's a mix of the board progressing, the general zeitgeist changing, high end designer pieces becoming more commonplace and of course the hivemind effect

>> No.6347193

very true

4chan isn't profitable, it's more of a social experiment and moots baby than a business

let people say whatever they want, and look what happens

its quite cool really, as autistic as it might be

I mean, /b/ is awful, but just looking through threads and seeing that, when not constrained by accountability, that is what people think and want to talk about is mind blowing in its own way