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6338862 No.6338862 [Reply] [Original]

I've had 4 beers and 200mg of DNP. I'm currently 112 pages into Tao Lin's "Taipei." I'm wearing a generic jersey cotton tee and "drkdshdw" color Rick Owens pod shorts, which I bought from Mr Porter at a 50% discount about a year ago.

Ask me anything.

>> No.6338873

pls be in london

>> No.6338885
File: 159 KB, 450x550, enlightened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best way to kill myself

>> No.6338888

as far as i've given it thought either a lethal dose of morphine, cutting your wrists open in a bathtub of hot water, or jumping headfirst from something really really tall

>> No.6338900

did you buy those shorts so you can fit an 'adult diaper' in them?

>> No.6338903

wondering same thing.

>> No.6338907


they dont look so weird in person especially when you're walking. they look good with a rick tee too. the whole silhouette is dropped and it makes sense

>> No.6338913

thanks, nice quads btw


>> No.6338915

What's your general opinion of Tao? How are you liking Taipei?

>> No.6338946

What was highschool like for you?

>> No.6338948

My general opinion of Tao is lukewarm. I read eeeee eee eeee before this within a single day and liked it, but obviously wasn't as moved as when i read say something by faulkner, nabakov or kafka.

That said, he's writing at higher level with Taipei. He's departed from away the surrealism and snark that characterized his earlier writing in favor of a deadpan, minimal-realist-objective account of his own life, which is like watching a Bret Easton Ellis fantasy come to life. I actually think BEE might have been impressed to see the characters and lifestyle he skewered come into living color in Taipei, but even somehow more bland and ineffectual. Tao takes an unprecedented risk to lift his prose from ennui to elegance every once in awhile, which I thought successful, if modest.

have a sample:
>Th sky had begun to colorfully darken, a few hours later, with reds and purples and pinks that drifted away, like cotton candy, from an unseen horizon, as if somethign there was changing and releasing energy, when an Asian girl, who had slowed and passed a minute ago while talking into an iPhone, returned and said she recognized Paul from the internet and distractedly asked if Daniel was a cop.

>> No.6338956
File: 614 KB, 920x1382, Rick Owens 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing with proportions

what a sad, boring wardrobe you must have

>> No.6338977

Awkward as shit, for the most part. I was confident and unselfconscious, but I look back on it now and cringe. I'd rather have been self-aware and anxious. I was a jackass douchebag that probably intimidated other people. I acted out a lot and dominated conversations with bullshit.

Now I barely talk.

>> No.6338989

> I'd rather have been self-aware and anxious

no u wouldn't

>> No.6338993

Shit. That's pretty drastic change. Good on you for realizing your supposed shittyness in high school though.

>> No.6339017

im pretty sure that dude isnt even 5 feet real talk

>> No.6339023
File: 52 KB, 560x373, chinese-midget-groom-marriage-wedding-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pants makes he look like a midget

>> No.6339026

y u fuckin w/ DNP? over albuterol or EC or something

also pls post pic of physique

>> No.6339034

whos your dnp hookup

>> No.6339044
File: 79 KB, 1600x1178, 15nuhs2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive taken ECA and clen in the past, DNP is just far, far more powerful than either of those.

pic isn't me but it's pretty close to what i look like atm. only difference i'd say is his tits are a little bit bigger.

dinitro. if ur interested i can sell you some

my physique is currently gyno-core, that's why i'm on it on the first place. want to make it to hungry skellington status.

>> No.6339052

idk i'd stay away from the DNP mang

>> No.6339063

>tao lin

stopped reading there

>> No.6339065

why do you have Brady's reagent in your system?

>> No.6339083

dnp is the best way to cut. alb does nothing and clen can fuck you up.
as long as you arent fucking retarded and take a kilogram of the stuff you'll b fine

can you give me dinitros email? I'll order it myself

not op btw

>> No.6339088

why use DNP and not ephedrine/adderall like the rest of us?

>> No.6339111

>why use DNP and not ephedrine/adderall like the rest of us?

dnp is for losing fat

>> No.6339127

yeah, like ephedrine.
and adderall works like ephedrine, just with a couple more side effects.

>> No.6339176


>> No.6339186

except yes.
>Ephedrine promotes weight loss, specifically fat loss in humans and mice.

>> No.6339191

What? EC stack is a common fat burner

>> No.6339232

you can easily google around for his email, but here you go anyway. this is from the last time i contacted him, which was awhile ago (a year at least)


dnp works faster and more powerfully in my experience

>> No.6339252

have you read infinite jest? is it a worthwhile read?

>> No.6339301

i've read infinite jest, yes. it's worthwhile imo, depending on your own interests. wallace not only delivers on a catchy premise (tennis x rehab clinic x vaguely dystopic near-future america) but the themes--addiction, entertainment, mental illness--are relevant and adequately analyzed/indulged

the first 200 or so pages will be an uphill climb as you adjust to his prose, but it will be smooth sailing after that, with memorable characters and scenes. while i found it accessible, it might be more opaque if you haven't had an undergrad education. lots of medical jargon.

>> No.6339371

nowhere near the strength of dnp. at all.

>> No.6339399

thanks for the breakdown.
I'm a med student, so the jargon won't be a problem. I just was a bit shocked by the sheer amount of pages. I usually don't read novels but scientific literature.

>> No.6339404

are you just lounging in rick? why not go #comfy and just wear pajamas or sweats around the house?

>> No.6339412

rick is already #comfy

i got a wool cardigan from him last winter and sleep in it semi-regularly

>> No.6339445

TBR he looks like a retarded nun

>> No.6339789

cool review


>> No.6339857

why'd u cop rick if ur trying to lose wait?

>> No.6339860

rick doesnt wait for losers