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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 682 KB, 1979x1476, relationship_between_height_and_202_dating_poolsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6320704 No.6320704 [Reply] [Original]

If you ain't green zone, why are you even trying? The clothes don't fit.

>> No.6320715

post fit of your well-fitting clothes on perfect frame OP

>> No.6320728
File: 30 KB, 396x385, 13425345534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw king of manlets
so close ;__;

>> No.6320730

there's always the kid section

>> No.6320737
File: 47 KB, 323x439, tumblr_mfgmjgmunx1r6ofspo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. U mirin' bro?

>> No.6320739

King of manlets is ideal.

>> No.6320743

stop posting these. and stop making these threads.
also that infographic is made by manlets for manlets. where i live 6,1 is pretty small.

>> No.6320745
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1369012457824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'2 is too tall

Leave now manlet

I'm 190cm (about 6'2 1/2) and I still feel a bit short when I come across people taller than me.

6'4 is master race

>> No.6320747
File: 140 KB, 600x546, 1370923337732 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'2/6'3 too tall for men
>implying tall women aren't awesome

>> No.6320756


>> No.6320758

>in green zone

>implying that isnt the king of manlets

>> No.6320766

The women section bothers me more than the mens.

>tfw no qt 5"10 gf

>> No.6320767

I would take my own life if I was less than 6ft, honestly

>> No.6320773

not at all

>> No.6320775

why would i be insecure about my height at 1,86?
only manlets make these threads and theyre fucking annoying.

>> No.6320778

Sure is /fit/ in here

>> No.6320787

this was made by a girl on reddit with data gathered from OKcupid


>> No.6320792

194cm, living the dream. Stay salty

>> No.6320797

You use your height to compensate for what you lack. Suddenly a few inches makes you top gun where in life it matters very little.

>> No.6320802

There was a curvilinear association between height and number of children, with men of average height attaining the highest reproductive success. This curvilinear relationship remained after controlling for education and income, which were associated with both reproductive success and height. Average height men also married at a younger age than shorter and taller men, and the effect of height diminished after controlling for this association. Thus, average height men partly achieved higher reproductive success by marrying at a younger age. On the basis of our literature review and our data, we conclude that men of average height most likely have higher reproductive success than either short or tall men.


>> No.6320817

tfw 1.77cm

>so close
>good to be the king.jpg

>> No.6320818

>I'm 180cm

My friends:

It's tough being a dutchfag

>> No.6320821

tfw king of manlet

but seriously 6'2 is not too tall at all

>> No.6320822

This is rather obvious, really. Of course normal men are going to have more success with the opposite sex than midgets or giraffe-like men.

>> No.6320830

>People from the largest grouping had more kids
Oh wow, I'm so impressed. I bet those bastards were unplanned anyway

>> No.6320838

Can you not read or are you actually fucking retarded?

>Average height men also married at a younger age than shorter and taller men\
>Thus, average height men partly achieved higher reproductive success by marrying at a younger age.

>> No.6320931
File: 170 KB, 500x566, 190024584567774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw exactly 6 feet perfect male

>> No.6320945

feels great

>> No.6320963

does anyone in this thread honestly think that height alone can make up for having a shitty personality/shitty fits?

>> No.6320967

Can we stop with these pointless size threads? Like what's the point?

>> No.6320975

I think that some of the /fa/ggots here truly do believe that. Those here who really think that they're inferior if they're below the average height and those who think they're gods because they're taller -- are complete morons.
I just joke with it here because people always get pissed about it.
It must be hard being that deluded.

>> No.6320981


fucking manlet

>> No.6320983

ironic shitposting is still shitpost bruh

>> No.6320988

I don't know. These threads are only there to masturbate over something you didn't work for. Let's be honest. Size does matter, but just because you are tall doesn't mean that you aer automatically a pussy magnet. It just means that you would have better chances against someone who looks the same and has the same personality, but is shorter than you.

>> No.6320989

trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
hide, report, sage etc

>> No.6321006

isnt it better to understand than to sage?

>> No.6321250

In terms of physical appeal, here is how it works;


Being tall can compensate for average facial aesthetics, but it does little if you're genuinely ugly. Likewise, having a top-tier face can and almost always does compensate for being shorter and/or not having an amazing body.

Sure there are women who won't even look at you unless you're 6'2", but they're a minority probably as small as women who actually prefer short guys. In the end, it's all subjective.

>> No.6321320

I feel you man, im 187 and its fucking average...

>> No.6321398

>Sure there are women who won't even look at you unless you're 6'2", but they're a minority probably as small as women who actually prefer short guys. In the end, it's all subjective.

That's why "tall-average" men will always be the most successful in dating, overall.

>> No.6321437

>beta faggots don't like tall women

and you know very well it's the taller guys who don't like them, b-but I like small qts, fucking faggots.

>> No.6321464

>being attracted to tall women
Do you parents know you're gay?

>> No.6321478

>being attracted to short women
Do your parents know you're a paedophile?

>> No.6321499

hahaha whoever made that pic must have been mad as fuck

>> No.6321508
File: 721 KB, 446x251, 11947201001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall women are fucking attractive, what world are you living in?

>> No.6321516

>being attracted to women
Do your parents know you're not gay?

>> No.6321518

I have an above average face. Pretty cool hair. I have some pretty good fits. BUT. I am 5'6" or 167cm for you Yuropeeins. I admit it feels pretty batman when a bunch of chicks are taller than you. Even my little bro (2 years younger) is passing me up. But I just have conditioned myself to be cocky and witty. Works alright. I get a fair amount of compliments from grills and some guys mirin my fits. Also I don't compensate with muscle. I'm 100 pounds. lol. Or roughly 45-48 kgs.
This is what happens when my 6'4" father marries a fucking 5' 1" womanlet. He basically killed all hopes of having a tall son. I had so much potential as a sperm cell.

>> No.6321522

ideal height for women is 170 cm < h < 178 cm.

>> No.6321535

Statistically, 5'4 to 5'7 is the ideal height for women, as far as dating is concerned.

>> No.6321543
File: 1.22 MB, 477x252, 11034598837682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, no midgets allowed, m8.

>> No.6321552

>being average looking is best because you can date up or down. if you are too good looking then you limit yourself to only dating attractive.
this is literally what this thread is implying

>> No.6321554
File: 439 KB, 500x372, tumblr_me4nra2ogV1rup8k6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'11/6'0

>> No.6321566


>> No.6321569

It makes biological sense that sexual creatures should be attracted to mates sporting a predominance of common or average features, as opposed to extraordinary features.[13] Natural selection results, over the course of generations, in beneficial (or "fit") features replacing their disadvantageous counterparts. Thus, natural selection causes beneficial features to become increasingly more common with each generation, while the disadvantageous features become increasingly rare. A sexual creature, therefore, wishing to mate with a fit partner, would be expected to avoid individuals sporting unusual, peculiar, unique or uncommon features (many of which are likely to be due to mutations), while being especially attracted to those individuals displaying a predominance of common or average features. This term is coined as "koinophilia".

>> No.6321576

>mfw that chart

6'3 master race here

>> No.6321591

let me guess you're single.


>> No.6321594

Doesn't apply here.

>> No.6321603



>> No.6321604

Handsome midgie-manlet here.

I think height is a definite disqualifier for women and men.

The only advice I can give is to not make a fool of yourself when you are shut out and move on to another prospect.

And I prefer taller chicks which is odd, but not hopeless in the city.

>> No.6321608

>tfw 5'8"

So close to a king. Dammit.

>> No.6321622

never realized there were so many aspies doing research and making charts to "prove" they are attractive. p sad tbh.

>> No.6321619

So, because average height men have more success in dating and reproduction, short and tall men shouldn't dare to take care of themselves or dress nice. Is that what you're saying?

>> No.6321644

Reproduction success does not imply attractiveness. Just go and ask a woman what she prefers. She'll most likely say "above 6'". Everything below is just a fucking joke.

>> No.6321647

I'm a 5'9ish female and the text in the chart is disturbingly accurate

>> No.6321652

I'm in "king of the manlet" zone and I feel sorry for whoever made that image.

>> No.6321655

>Reproduction success does not imply attractiveness.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6321657

Yeah, and if anything - women are finding a dude with some solid income and popping out a couple kids for them for their own security - AKA keep the man around with the money

And the dude is making the extra money because he is an overcompensating manlet

It all works out

>> No.6321656

i like girls with bad attitudes

>> No.6321660
File: 265 KB, 302x176, 190023574389626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot.

>> No.6321670

because the first thing you do when you have all kinds of women all over your dick is to settle down with one and start making kids


>> No.6321676

Kids just sort of happen, mate. Not that you would know, seeing as you're a virgin.

>> No.6321691

>tfw 6'0", 145lbs ottermode alpha male

I wouldn't change my height or weight in any direction. I couldn't possibly be happier with my body.

>> No.6321714
File: 389 KB, 694x834, 1333775963938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pic, fag

>> No.6321720

Yeah, you can't just throw those numbers out and not post a pic

>> No.6321769

FK <3

>> No.6321780

postafit franz

>> No.6321782

>tfw 188cm in the morning
>186.6 in the evening
what is going on.

>> No.6321791

something about joints

>> No.6321793




>> No.6321803
File: 344 KB, 300x143, 1900934678934666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic knowledge is what's going on. Look it up.


>> No.6321813

the only thing more wrong than the male height thing is the female one

>5'10 better than 6'2
>5'4 better than 5'8

oh god my sides

>> No.6321815

The spaces between your spine stretches out while you're asleep.

>> No.6321826

does franz even lurk on /fa/ anymore? havent seen him post in a while

>> No.6321840

>mfw 5'11 and 6'0 w/ shoes on

ye nigguh

>> No.6321894

I'm a 5'8" woman and men tell me all of the time that I am the perfect female height, as I am smaller than them barefoot but can put on 5 inch heels and do the whole supermodel thing. I love having long legs and a good WHR, I would actually prefer to be even taller.

>> No.6321898

IKTFB. I'm 5'7; really wish I had hit 5'9.
>So, because average height men have more success in dating and reproduction, short and tall men shouldn't dare to take care of themselves or dress nice. Is that what you're saying?

Its definitly a lot harder to find decent fits when you're short or tall, man.

>> No.6321905

Also, if you hook up with a really short woman you risk having tiny sons, even if you're a very tall man.

>> No.6321917

5'7" or 5'8" is fucking perfect for a girl. Fuck the chart. Actually the chart is quite accurate except ideal for men should be from 5'10 to 6'2 and ideal for women from 5'5 to 5'8.

>> No.6321925

post pic of those legs

>> No.6321937
File: 356 KB, 500x282, 188204502699930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnnnnng, yes please do!

>I would actually prefer to be even taller.
Good thing you're not deluded -- tall girls are incredibly attractive.

>> No.6321938


I've never had any problems finding clothes that fit anywhere.

>> No.6321966

Please post legs AND ass.

>> No.6321972

Oh I know, my best friend is a 5'11" Swedish girl and I would do horrible things for that long, lithe figure.

>> No.6321981

>Swedish girl

She's probably a coalburner.

>> No.6321985

I'm 5'11 but this just seems like manlets projecting.

>> No.6321989

Even more hnnnnng. I'm not sure whether Swedish or Norwegian girls win at being the hottest. One thing for sure though, is that Swedish is a horrible language -- can barely understand it compared to Norwegian.

>> No.6321995

its from reddit

>> No.6322004

it's actually from OKcupid. the original pic was from reddit.

>> No.6322005

>tfw 5'9

>> No.6322006

I have to agree, men who are 6'1"-6'5' are so attractive, I don't know any woman who would turn a man down for being in that range.

>> No.6322022

6'3"+ people look awkward IRL

>> No.6322030

Have you ever seen a 6'5 guy dance, lol?

>> No.6322034

Have to agree with this.

>> No.6322037
File: 13 KB, 280x280, Zlatan_Ibrahimovic_happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'0 and into tall girls

>> No.6322044

It's true.

That's nto even the worst, though. The worst is being anything taller than 6'2" and being anything less than a fucking alpha male

Seriously - you are obligated to be a leader at that height

Nothing is worse than being insanely socially awkward - oh, wait - towering over everyone at 6'4" + being awkward is lol

>> No.6322053

Are any of you women though?

>> No.6322062

I am. I'm>>6322030

>> No.6322065

I don't have to be a woman to know that a dude taller than me (6'1") is ESPECIALLY awkward because their height - should they be an awkward person

>> No.6322076

I'm not. >>6322034
I know a couple of guys who are really tall, and they just look -- eh, you know? It's just too much. There is such a thing as too much of something, you do know that right?

>> No.6322108
File: 197 KB, 937x1154, Alexander+Skarsgard+GQ+Style+Australia+4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Maybe I'm just biased because most of my friends and boyfriends have been taller and my hopeless celebrity crush is Alexander Skarsgard.

>> No.6322144

Maybe you have like an uuuh, height fetish or something? I, personally, don't really care that much about height, as long as it isn't really short or really tall. Same with breast size and ass.

>> No.6322146
File: 12 KB, 195x259, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322160

i am

which is weird because i dont feel tall

but honestly, i only ever think of my height on 4chan

I go through my day, do whatever i do, get home, make a cup of tea, go on 4chan and be reminded that height is a thing

>> No.6322179
File: 20 KB, 256x256, 1340755508654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5' 6" is the ideal female height

>> No.6322183

that's because you're in the ideal height range you idiot. if you were too short or too tall, your height would be a daily hassle

>> No.6322194

I wouldnt say ideal, im like 5'10-5'11

but most people are vaguely the same size as each other

i dont know why we build up these small divides

>> No.6322201

5'9" manlet king

>> No.6322203

>i dont know why we build up these small divides

Because we need something to talk about on 4chan.

>> No.6322210

>tfw 6' and dating a 5'6" girl

So basically we're better than everyone else... ? I'll take it.

>> No.6322227


p good answer

why cant we talk about fashion instead

>> No.6322228

I've never felt insecure about my height in my entire life until seeing this stupid chart. Is 5'1" really considered 'too short' for a girl?

>> No.6322233
File: 143 KB, 650x450, 20120329_rally_33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion is dead. It's been replaced by the hoodie.

>> No.6322236

No. Not at all

6'1" here, love fucking short girls like you

Too alpha to give two fucks about "pedo" stigma - manlets don't want you taking the few options they have

>> No.6322238


I was riding a 4'8 girl, It was good times

girls can be whatever height as long as they have ass

>> No.6322245

A girl shorter than 4'11" is a midget - just fyi

>sexual deviant detected

>> No.6322244

euw evrything's too short. im f5'8 and im not fucking awkardly tall?? fucking manlets.

>> No.6322251


lol i fucked the shit out that midget

>> No.6322248

>uses the words alpha and manlet, posts on 4chan

bruh, you are not who you pretend to be. I mean, I'm not the shit, but you aren't either

>> No.6322249
File: 262 KB, 500x256, 197400273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am
>I go through my day, do whatever i do, get home,
>go on 4chan and be reminded that height is a thing
Same. I was just about to think that I never actually think about my height or others really (aside those short bursts of revelations where I realize how short some girls/guys are when I'm close to them).
And then >>6322183 made even more sense and now I almost feel retarded.

>> No.6322250

Thanks, but judging by the way both of you talk, I wouldn't want anything to do with either of you irl.

>> No.6322253

Less intelligent and successful people also have more kids. Sounds about right.

>> No.6322261

well obviously I'm not going to somehow fuck you over the internet, are you retarded

>> No.6322263

I challenge you to a fit battle. I also challenge you to who has a better body.

We can even compare dicks if you want

And YOU have called ME out, so you put yourself in the position of having to go first

You up for it?

>> No.6322270

You're too hasty. Read top to bottom. They controlled for education, income, race, etc.

>> No.6322269

you just asked to see my body and dick

are u actually serious

>> No.6322281

Still, coming from a woman, your social commentary is not very interesting or appealing and your vocabulary is crude and lower-class.

>> No.6322284

You're already trying to derail, so I'll go ahead and take that as a win.

I'm better dressed, and I'm in better shape. AND - this is OPTIONAL (learn to read), I'm also willing to bet I have a bigger / nicer dick than you

>> No.6322288

>coming from a woman
no1 cares #lmao

>> No.6322291

Men don't like pretentious, pseudo-intellectual bitches, either.

Sounds like you're trying to outspeak your height

>> No.6322296

Not that guy, but face pic either way? Think of it as g-gloating..?
r u a qt3.14?
pls respond

>> No.6322299

Is that why you never get laid so you spend your time on /fa/ trying to look better to impress girls like me?

>> No.6322314

so? I'm not trying to appeal to you. Why must you say coming from a woman, this is the internet, your opinion is not special

ok then

look up IMACUNT, theres body pics in the fit archive, I'm pretty sure you're not going to be in better shape than me, I'm in bed though so no dick pics for you my friend

>> No.6322322

6'0"-6'4" is clearly the male master race, whoever made this is plain wrong. I agree with the female scales though

>> No.6322331


You're just a big, old fibber

Sleep well dyel-mode bro

>> No.6322327

>mfw being a manlet hasn't stopped me being succesful.

>> No.6322328

this is the full trip, theres a good few pics floating around

>> No.6322347
File: 67 KB, 400x615, cover4-11_52_nisl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jelly lankyfag detected

>> No.6322352
File: 125 KB, 960x960, asdfghgdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322355

This, a thousand times this

>> No.6322356

>whoever made this is plain wrong.

Yes, I'm sure the thousands and thousands of people involved in this study are wrong YOU are right. ;)

>> No.6322370
File: 214 KB, 432x458, cdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing trip
>posting "this" as anonymous to validate your stupidity
>being that desperate

>> No.6322381

is actually 5'7" female

yeah okay I have a thing for tall guys, I'll admit. Gotta love that feel of getting on your tip toes to kiss.

>> No.6322385
File: 151 KB, 600x473, 1360877449210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322386

bitches aren't into guys who spend 90% of their time in the gym, breh

this isn't /fit/

>> No.6322391

Eh, I'm not convinced. Post something less candid and I'll declare you winner of at least being more physically fit

Too much potential for deceiving trip of an actual person you are not

>> No.6322395

Yep, you're a dude. It's confirmed.

>> No.6322405

>Curling 5lbs but still see no gains

I lold

>> No.6322417

No, and I don't know why you're having a hard time believing girls who like tall guys exist, I thought this was an accepted social norm?

>> No.6322421

>Gotta love that feel

Okay, bro.

>> No.6322428

Women like normal men on the taller end of average not the giraffeish end of human.

>> No.6322426
File: 91 KB, 960x720, back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't lol

I don't care bruh. This is my trip, find my pics, it's me lol


>> No.6322432

>Dat V-shaped torso

Mirin hard, brah. No homoz.

>> No.6322446

I just want a boy who's taller than me when I'm wearing heels, don't have time for looking like a giantess in photos.

>> No.6322464

unless you're too tall or wearing ridiculously high inelegant heels that should pretty much include every guy.

>> No.6322469
File: 492 KB, 176x216, 19084356334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tall girls with short guys and the girls bend their knees in pics to come down to their level

>> No.6322487

Well, I'm 5'7", so even wearing 4 inch (which is in my opinion, too small) heels would make me taller than a guy in the 'ideal' range.

Exactly, and when the boy you're crouching next to is your boyfriend it's emasculating for him and embarrassing for you.

>> No.6322492

post fit fuccboi

>> No.6322495

Did you fail math?

>> No.6322493

well go fuck a giant person then

why are you still talking

>> No.6322498

my fashion game isn't all that special

>> No.6322506

>post fit
You're funny m8, don't get your hopes up.

>being THIS short

I don't know whether you're joking or if you just can't think properly.

>> No.6322507
File: 43 KB, 602x900, young-businessman-4501657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'0

>> No.6322515

No, 5'10"= 'ideal' range, 5'7" + 4"= 5'11"

Don't get mad just because we have different opinions. I appreciate this is 4chan and therefore a ridiculous thing to suggest, but still.

Anyway, I'm done here, goodbye /fa/ggots, keep being vicious and insecure <3

>> No.6322517

you're a guy pretending to be a girl

what does that tell you?

>> No.6322521
File: 452 KB, 500x298, 1900934678934661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322530

Protip: males wear shoes too

>> No.6322543

youre being a cheeky knt but it's true

I own a few nicer pieces, but for the most part it's just basics, I'm too big for nxtlvl shit

still enjoy the board though

>> No.6322545

What kind of males do you know who wear high heels?
Protip: Drag Queens don't count.

>> No.6322554

Glad to see you're not flipping your shit over it.
You took muscles and /fit/ over more high tier clothes and that's cool. You win at the beach though.

>> No.6322560

Shoes, genius. Regular, ordinary shoes.

You're retarded.

>> No.6322565
File: 816 KB, 1056x1408, heelz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't get the full height of the heel added to yours.
4" is pretty high for a heel tho!


>> No.6322574

Except normal shoes don't give you that much height, Einstein. Seriously, what are you, 12?

u gon twerk it bb?

>> No.6322577

Me too. Feels beautiful

>> No.6322582

Haha thanks bruh but I live in Ireland, very little beach time

I';m kinda down the middle, I'm not huge, I can still wear normal clothes, but the kind of aesthetic I really enjoy would look silly on me. Also, I live in Ireland, a fashion sinkhole. I've never seen a rick piece in my life. I'm the only person I've ever seen wearing CP's lol

>> No.6322592

I'm 5'4 (female) but I would not mind being <5'4 so I could feel adorable.

>> No.6322596
File: 458 KB, 994x664, 1370802378940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f / 5'8"ish / 105lbs
Being on the tall side really used to bother me and I was insecure as all fuck. But then I saw how tall models were and immediately snapped out of that dumbass haze. Now I wear heels all the time and feel confident.

> tfw guys who wouldn't date me in middle/high school because I was "too tall" are now asking me on dates

>> No.6322607

Legs pic?

>> No.6322618

Models aren't sexually attractive. They're just tall so they act as walking clothes hangers. Look more at porn stars for what guys find sexually attractive. That's what guys are jerking off to, right?

>> No.6322626
File: 953 KB, 380x218, springtime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10" w/ 5'2" qt gf

>> No.6322628

to be fair if i could watch models fucking i would wank to that

>> No.6322634

The idea of that is sort of gross


>> No.6322638
File: 495 KB, 500x293, 197400274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have a tall beautiful qtp2t than some big titted, big assed, mediocre faced, chick.

>> No.6322642

>look at porn for what guys find attractive

No, that's mostly what meth addicts find attractive

>> No.6322645

>big titted, big assed

Only a literal homosexual would have a problem with these

>> No.6322650

>be 198 cm (like 6 ft. 6?)
>gf is 158 cm

Still a good looking couple

>> No.6322656
File: 902 KB, 200x150, 1369994864207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you'd rather have a butterface than some beautiful girl who has a small ass and A cup breasts?

>> No.6322660

Just like Santa and his qt elves.

>> No.6322664

your gay

admit it

>> No.6322669

to have sex with? yeh

kids, no

rly no because imagine having a daughter with ass

it would get weird

>> No.6322675

wow youre disgusting

>> No.6322672
File: 303 KB, 1280x960, 20130612_175922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit quality quick bathroom leg pic for you, anon.

>> No.6322673

>Still a good looking couple
top lel

>> No.6322680

Also, limited to phone use so turned picture, sorry!

>> No.6322681

meh theyre kind of nasty

>> No.6322687
File: 403 KB, 500x295, 109340600204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a terrible troll. It's 2013, I thought that pathetic shit was over?

I don't understand that, but okay man -- if that floats yer boat.

>pic related

>> No.6322685

>tfw 5'10" and feel like i can't wear heels casually
how do you do it

>> No.6322695
File: 87 KB, 960x650, omfgson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ur mad cuz he called u gay


>> No.6322696

For porn, yes. We're talking about bodies. I don't know why you tossed the face in their to disrupt things as models usually have odd/not traditionally attractive faces. Any straight male would prefer nice ass and full breasts over a tall, skinny, boyish girl. It's simple biology.

>> No.6322708

almost made it ;_;

i-i can still grow an inch or two if i drink enough milk r-right?

>> No.6322710

It took me a long time to feel comfortable with the added height. Not everyone is going to like it, but it's all about how you see yourself.
Heels usually tend to boost confidence no matter the situation.

>> No.6322718
File: 301 KB, 500x258, 109340600203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any straight male would prefer nice ass and full breasts over a tall, skinny, boyish girl. It's simple biology.
If this is some sort of new definition of what gay is, then I'm gay.

>models usually have odd/not traditionally attractive faces
But that's just good? Are you saying that you'd rather have some generic girl instead of a non-traditionally attractive girl?

Also, since I have to remind you, this discussion isn't about porn per say, but what's "sexually attractive": >>6322618
And a beautiful face is certainly something about sexual attraction as well.

>> No.6322723

y u steal my gif i r wnt 2 use nig nog

>> No.6322727
File: 4 KB, 259x194, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking your shit up. Enjoy your bunions in your early 30s.

>> No.6322732

>then I'm gay.
>I'm gay.

We can tell. It's painfully obvious even over text.

>> No.6322733

I jerk it to fashion shows

>> No.6322742

>Are you saying that you'd rather have some generic girl instead of a non-traditionally attractive girl?

Most do.


>> No.6322744
File: 461 KB, 500x213, 170028562399571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha-ha-ha-ha! You are so funny! And true! But really funny as well! Ha-ha-ha!

Seriously, be careful with that edge.

>> No.6322747

that shin looks like its about to snap out of the flesh

>> No.6322763
File: 89 KB, 960x650, 1371078378160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322768

I'm 5'10 and have started lifting to oblivion. When I get huge I'mma wear docs 24/7 and grow a gert beard!

>> No.6322777
File: 285 KB, 350x197, 1900934678934662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winkielman and Halberstadt believe that prototypes are rated more attractive because they are easier for the brain to process.
Guess my brain has a defect.
Definitely fine with it.

>> No.6322790

I prefer tall girls who always wear flats.

>> No.6322791

this is the kinda guy I'd like to be with

aspire, friend

and grow that beard

capture hearts just plz dont wear docs unless u have normal-sized feets

>though I guess it will make my feet look less ducky so idc that much either way in the end

>> No.6322807


Uglies fuck uglies because it's all they get.

Average looking people become couples, you always see it, the average looking people are usually dating or in a relationship and don't stay single for too long.

Beautiful people stay single all the time and fuck barely anyone, wether its because they intimidate others or feel they're too good for most you don't see beauties go for people in lower tiers.

>> No.6322815

I'm size 43, is that considered 'normal'?
I think it is...

>> No.6322826

There was a thread similar to this comment yesterday, it actually seems correct in some ways...

>> No.6322823

I think it's actually a size small of "normal", I think

though I'm in the US so I don't know eurosizes so well

>> No.6322828


>> No.6322846

yeah I looked it up. I wear a 9.5 in ladies so I'm kinda shitty w/ insecurity cause I grew up with my dad laughing and saying that mom gave me huge feet.

feels, even though I get compliments on them when I wear flips to the pool or beach or w/e

>> No.6322864

Are you saying that people actually say "Nice feet" to you? In public?

>> No.6322870

in fucking public.

it turns really awkward for me really fast, since I don't really know how to respond to that short of "th-thanks I guess"

>> No.6322875

though in their defense, it's usually not just "nice feet" like you would compliment an article of clothing, but it basically equates to that

>> No.6322885
File: 16 KB, 582x386, Point_over_your_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the person you're responding to but "very average features" in that sense actually translates to "very above average attractiveness" if you read into the 'average is attractive' studies.

>> No.6322912

you like dating ugly people that are in ur own league

>> No.6322964

Because tailors exist

>> No.6322967

I'm fine with being 5'9", it puts me at just the right range to dance with most of the Asian girls. Some Caucasian girls will be taller, particularly if they are wearing heels or wedges but it doesn't become hard to dance together until they start hitting 6 feet; in that case I would use Cuban heels to compensate.

>> No.6322989

ids gud gif rigt?

>> No.6322991

>posting /b/ troll pics from 2011
oh fa

>> No.6323004

We like our shit vintage

>> No.6323194

>penis length to height ratio

top lel

>> No.6324172

6'6 here. Pool does shrink at this height but fuck being 5'8 would be worse. 6'1 to 6'4 is ideal.

>> No.6324189

5'10" to 6'2" is probably all the same for getting a mate. Beyond 5'10" its just for impressing / intimidating other males.

>> No.6324208

5'6'' bro here high five!

>> No.6324243

you're 5'6", you can't reach a high five.

>> No.6324253


lel ew manlet acceptance chart???

if ur not 6'3 y r u still existin leave the gene pool thnx ~~