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/fa/ - Fashion

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6315237 No.6315237 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that all the handsome guys are loners or just single all the time?
And why are all the pretty/cute girls always single and never ''feel like dating'' or don't want to date?
Seems to me that only ugly/average people date. Why is this?

I have two handsome friends who I thought were constantly swimming in pussy but when I started hanging out with them more often I found out they were actually pretty lonely in the whole relationship department. I've met quite a few of their hot friends that they hang out with a lot but yeah... they're all just friends and the girls ''don't feel like dating''.
Again: You only see ugly/average people holding hands in the streets.

This shit ain't logical. Pic semi-related this guy is pretty handsome yet he constantly posts >tfw no gf and stuff like that.

>> No.6315242

Because they're fake as shit. Look at mike. He's handsome but hasn't had a girlfriend since he was 13.

>> No.6315252

>fake as shit

But why? Aren't they naturally beautiful?
I also refuse to believe all beautiful people are self absorbed assholes like some people say...

>> No.6315257

Mike only posts pics that favor him. Other than that he's got not much going for him.

>> No.6315258

I'm handsome enough to transcend the lifestyle you plebs dictate to one another. I have no need of or interest in females

>> No.6315259

faggot fuccboi detected

>> No.6315261

What about men?

Well okay that's just Mike but there's thousands and thousands of other guys...

>> No.6315262

I'd categorize myself into that whole handsome lonely guy group, even if I do say so myself.

For me personally It's just because I often feel disconnected from everyone else, ever since I was in primary school. I always had friends, I still do have some best friends I like to hang out with, but I've never experienced a proper relationship outside of just one night stands/short flings. I want to say it's because of my social adaptability, but usually I'm actually quite good at making conversation and keeping a girl attracted (again biased opinion coming from myself lel).
I'd like to think it's just the fact that I've slowly built a personality that's interesting at face value but when girls get to know me they lose their interest, for whatever reason.

I don't even know why I read this
tl;dr Girls like me until they get to know me better

>> No.6315265

It's more much viable for attractive people to 'play the field'

If you've got friends to fulfil certain social aspects associated with conventional relationships, why settle down when you can keep having sex with many other attractive people?

>> No.6315266

Damn. Yeah that's a possibility that handsome guys are boring maybe even shallow.

My romantic head can't comprehend all of this...

>> No.6315267

That's true yeah but I've heard some people say they don't like the whole one night stand thing anyway...

>> No.6315273

It's because nice people know they can "have better".
They don't want to be serious with an handsome someone in case they can get with someone with a better situation (housing, money, travels, ect...) so they stay lonely, because you can always get "better", in some kind of way. That is strongly present in occidental culture.

Ugly people take what they can, then stick to it.

Just mu bored 2 cents.

>> No.6315275

I've had this issue. I'm not hugely attractive, but some girls are attracted to me at first sight.

I can put on a fake personality and engage them for a while, but they don't like me very much, if I be myself. I suppose if I held out longer, I could have more sex.

>> No.6315277

>tfw this whole post has nothing to do with fashion

>> No.6315280

>who cares replies anyway

That sounds logical yeah.

>> No.6315282

It's strange I always hear people say that girls will like you as long as you are comfortable with yourself, and quite frankly I don't think that's always the case because it definitely isn't for me. No matter how relaxed or myself I am, girls always prefer the fake personality that I put on when I first meet them, then again this whole argument is a big generalization and different from person to person I guess.

>> No.6315286

>fake personality

Explain this. How different do you actually act when you put on your fake personality in comperison with your normal self?

>> No.6315291

I believe it's not the fact that handsome people are lonely, but that less attractive people are in constant need of affection. They know they arent up to standard so they try to find someone to fill the void. Handsome people have nothing to fulfill; they already have their own self awareness.

>> No.6315294

this and only this

anything else is uglies projecting

"boohoo he looks so good and must be lonely"

no bitch I got shit to do

>> No.6315295

Because everyone is there telling you you look good, so it makes it about a thousand times harder to find someone who doesn't just want to date your face.

Even if a girl is really into me while I'm talking about my interests, I never know if it's genuine interest...does that sound autistic?

Just put me down for autism.

>> No.6315297

By fake personality, I mean that I act and speak and express my opinions in a different way than I normally would just because I know it looks better in other people's eyes.
I refrain from using certain words or mentioning thoughts that might be perceived in a negative way, obviously I don't mean extreme things but just the subtle little comments and statements I'd make.

Really it's strange to think about it, maybe it's not even a fake personality, just me trying hard to fit in/leaving my comfort zone.

>> No.6315301

I don't like it for example. I develop feelings too fast and start to care. On the other hand side I've never met a woman who is both interesting and not crazy.

>> No.6315308

I always thought it worked like this:

>girl likes how you look
>approach her and talk to her
>she likes that you're confident also

And then if you're interesting enough she'll get to know you and like you for your personality too.

Or am I just thinking too romantically? I don't know because I haven't lasted in a relationship for longer than two months.

But what I don't get is the fact that some girls have this fucking FIXED idea in their head that they just ''don't need/want to date'' right now. I went out with a qt after I got her number and we were having a blast and started making out at the end of the day and it was really romantic and nice and I thought I had her hooked but then after I said that we should see eachother again she said she doesn't want to date or whatever. So I basically did nothing progressive that whole fucking day.

>> No.6315311

Well why do you NEED to date someone? Aren't you happy with yourself? And that wasn't meant to sound dickish

>> No.6315312

Iktf b
Was seeing a girl for a week going on dates and making out often and whatever, at the end of the week she just says she's not really looking for a relationship...

>> No.6315320

>this guy is pretty handsome yet he constantly posts >tfw no gf and stuff like that
Hes probably a closeted homo, not even joking.

If a hot girl is always single is most likely its cause shes a crazy bitch
If a hot guy is always single is most likely he hasnt come out of the closet yet

>> No.6315323

>>girl likes how you look
>>approach her and talk to her
>>she likes that you're confident also
This has happened to me

some qt3.14 in class sat across lecture hall eyeing me all semester. One day I twerked up to her gave some bullshit reason to exchange numbers

then again I'm a qt3.14 so it'd be like RJ telling you he wanted your # or something kek

>> No.6315324

Exactly. It's either that day you described over and over or I get into a relationship and find out she feigned interest in my interests/life and it goes stale.

>> No.6315325


>> No.6315328

Well I'm pretty happy with myself 90% of the time and I don't feel the need to date someone. I just really liked this girl and hoped we would hook up and thought that we did for a moment there.

But I'm a romantic sort of guy I've always been this way. I always wanted to have someone I love with me (that's not family) but I usually don't find the right ones (2 month long relationships) and when I do... well this happens..

>I don't want a relationship/don't want to date

And I don't like my hand and one night stands very much either.

>> No.6315331

I think that everybody does this. We all have our social face, of course.

But the difference seems to be how much is under the surface, or how much you value what's there, I suppose.

My ideas usually seem more valid to me than external life, so I don't want to fake a personality for very long. Some people must make a value judgment and think, "I will be fake most of the time, for a better life." It would drain me, but I wish I could do that.

>> No.6315335

you guys fucked up somehow, if a girl is interested she'll keep seeing you whether she wants to date or not simply because they wanna fuck. You guys just kissed, that ain't shit. Probably terrible kissers.

>> No.6315337

I admit its a generalisation, yes
I just remembered there was this guy in my class, hot as fuck (abercrombie model too etc) he was always single but he was straight. Turned out that he was very religious and didnt want to hook up/have sexy times until getting married so girls just stayed away from him

>> No.6315342

It happened quite a few times...

I don't know what's the problem though. I really don't.

>> No.6315356


i fucked a girl that was really annoying to talk to, just kind of happened. now she texts me once every couple days, when im busy as fuck and dont have time to deal with her

you might be on to something

>> No.6315360


are you me ?
I seriously need to get a proper hobby I guess
reading books, jogging every other day and working out doesn't sound too adventurous to girls but then again I am comfortable with what I do

>> No.6315372

So i'd say i'm pretty average, or even below it because of acne and i never had problems getting girls, but for the past 4 years i've been trying to avoid relationships, because i'm terrible at keeping up obligations.

>meet a girl outside
>make out
>meet up a few times
>end up having sex
>she wants to date for real
>fuck that

I'm 21 yo, i feel i'm too young to be in relationships that last longer then a month.

>> No.6315375

But what the fuck is ''adventurous'' to girls anyway? Do you have to be a musician+astronaut+surfer?

>> No.6315387


(good) skateboarder, artist, photographer, bartender, shit like that dude (provided youre also attractive)

just cool stuff that doesnt involve sitting at a desk like a boring fuccboi

>> No.6315389

When did this become /soc/?

>> No.6315403

Well I'm a drummer and guitarist and have a bunch of other shit like banjos and acoustic guitars but that hasn't gotten me anywhere...

>> No.6315400

not particularly I think most girls are looking for someone who loves his job/hobby and is outgoing and has a certain type of status amongst friends or acquaintance. they want to be part of it

>> No.6315407

it's not much to do with hobby, it's more to do with your social status within your social circle

>> No.6315411

do you play in a band?

>> No.6315414

this is truth, I was single for a year straight, then came out of the closet, boyfriend within 3 months, dumped him, another boyfriend 5 months after that.

>> No.6315427

I used to two years ago but this summer I'm making two bands. One is going to be an edgy hardcore punk band and the other is going to be an attempt at mixing funk, jazz and roots reggae with the concept of making it sound as ''summer'' as possible.

>> No.6315428
File: 129 KB, 550x825, BAPTISTE-GIABICONI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baptiste Giabiconi said he never got any girls when he was younger. Could have changed.

>> No.6315431


>tfw no social circle at all

>> No.6315441

ha this is actually me. I had a couple of girls pretty much ask me out during high school but yeah closet faggotry. Had an ugly (like 2/10) and fucked up guy obsessed with me as well despite him thinking i was straight. People would make jokes about me being attractive...
Im very quiet, have lots of social anxiety and consequently no life now; still a virgin at 21 and not enough confidence to deal with 'coming out' suddenly so ill be forever alone despite apparently being attractive. Looks aren't everything.

>> No.6315442

Handsome fucker.

>> No.6315458

You fucking kidding me? All the handsome guys are paired with a chick and all the hot chicks are bringing home lays from the club every weekend, where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6315481

90% of it is a confidence thing and he would look weird scrawny.

>> No.6315510

Not in this continent...

>> No.6315515

And what fucken continent is that?

>> No.6315525

>still a virgin at 21 and not enough confidence to deal with 'coming out' suddenly

Try alcohol

It will also provide an excuse for why you're so bad

>> No.6315531

Everybody on /fa/ is 6'2 with model tier genetics, earn 300k starting with room for improvement, designer full wardrobe and gets laid with 10/10s every weekend.

>> No.6315538

because 'im so beautiful, i don't need anyone else. just staring at my face in the mirror is pure bliis. other people simply can't compare
i'm mesexual
i can't wait to clone myself so i can fuck me and get fucked by me

>> No.6315550

Are you me?


My favorite song.

>> No.6315552

i'm a hot guy but i'm a crazy bitch lel
can't get cuties in the mental hospital

>> No.6315570

>Why is it that all the handsome guys are loners or just single all the time?
They're the only men that get approached by women and because of that, they are also the only ones that realize all women are shallow whores and that being single is superior to putting up with them.
Trust me on this, I'm a handsome loner.

>And why are all the pretty/cute girls always single and never ''feel like dating'' or don't want to date?
All the pretty and cute women feel entitled to handsome men and won't settle for anyone less, but because handsome men rather stay alone for reasons mentioned above, they end up alone too.
Makes sense, doesn't it?

>> No.6315576


>> No.6315578

post face cunt

>> No.6315579

This is actually extremely accurate

>> No.6315588

girls tell me I'm attractive all the time but I'm really self conscious so never believe them, in my head I think I should be going after 2/10's but for dignity sake I can't let myself do that so I stay alone and try to convince myself I could get a 10/10 if she came along and I liked her

>> No.6315602

this thread has me cringing so hard right now

Like I feel bad that some of you legit believe in the posts being made in this thread

>> No.6315610

Well go ahead and tell us the truth then why don't you smarty pants

>> No.6315620
File: 108 KB, 202x251, feelhelm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw decent looking but no game

>> No.6315629

a lot of this is true but the reason why girls approach handsome guys isn't because they are attracted to their looks(women don't care about looks as long as you're not really ugly) but because society tells them that handsome men are valuable they want to be the girl who has the value and is envied by other girls. obviously a guy can feel this sort of leeching off and this is the "shallow whores" you were referring to.

>> No.6315633

>tfw jailbait girls come up to you and flirt all the time but the prospect of prison makes you be an asshole to them till they leave

>> No.6315637

this thread is just nothing but baseless assumptions

everyone has different reasons for everything, and saying
>"The reason they act this way IS BECAUSE ______"
is dumb. Like ffs you guys are all late-teens/20somethings crying because you're not in a relationship smh

>> No.6315640
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>tfw blessed with a really cute face but cursed with beta and everyday qt teens approach you but you somehow fuck it up everytime

>> No.6315643

>tfw no gf
>tfw not even an ugly one

>> No.6315650

who is a qt pi here?

>> No.6315652

Most of the attractive girls I know all have boyfriends

>> No.6315654

>be on completely empty bus
>qt 9/10 gets on and asks if she can sit next to me
>sit next to her in complete silence on the empty bus for the next hour and a half
>bus driver asks if i got her number when i'm getting off

>> No.6315655

iktf. Girls always approach me and I get tons of requests on dating sites but I just lock up. Getting guys is easier but I'm getting tired of the D.

>> No.6315660

>tfw crippling social anxiety

>> No.6315664

beauty is not just facial structure. do u go anywhere near a gym? i know for a fact most of u are skinnyfat phaggots

>> No.6315666


>tfw good looking and pretty good game
>tfw not motivation

>> No.6315670

>"wahhhh I have autism and can't talk to people"
>"I can't even carry a conversation or ask "how are you"!"
>"please feel sorry for me!"

like #woah #damn you guys need to stop being fuccbois. You act like dressing well (implying) is a prereq for anything. It's a shame "pls be in london" and "post feet :3" don't work out quite so well in person eh?

>> No.6315663

>bus driver asks if i got her number when i'm getting off
aha ouch

>> No.6315673

lets see the back worked for me once

>> No.6315675
File: 286 KB, 800x1193, pawel-bednarek-by-saverio-cardia4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ugly

>> No.6315677

me too! that's why I didn't include it

>> No.6315679
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>> No.6315680


>After day 600 the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed “the beautiful ones”.

welcome to the end times, friends.

>> No.6315686


>tfw no gf


You know how much that sucks? Fucking hell...

>> No.6315692

>Implying I was bawwing
>Implying I browse /fa/ regularily
Dude, I wear Meal/HxC hoodies, a beanie and a pair of battered camos covered in band patches. I hardly dress well.

>> No.6315702


y do u trip here

>> No.6315708

That was an accident. I have /mu/ open in the background.

>> No.6315711

don't have a gf (haven't for years) but I don't think it "sucks"

You expect some random bitch to bring you happiness when you can't even be happy with yourself? #topkek

you are posting your feels on a japanese cartoon forum. Not even on the right board, this is some straighit /r9k/ bullshit
>I dress like shit
>I have autism
>I don't have friends
>I don't do anything interesting
>All I do is browse my computer all day
>B-b-but why doesn't anyone find me attractive?

>> No.6315714

tfw i am full of scars

>> No.6315716
File: 24 KB, 559x423, post-fit-fuccgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;___;; im deadly serious

>> No.6315725

pls be in london

>> No.6315731

also is this the right thread to ask how to become a throphé-wife? All i want is sushi and clothes. good at fucking and conversating i promise

>> No.6315735
File: 31 KB, 500x500, seinfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be part of the beautiful ones

>> No.6315736
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post fit fuccgirl

>> No.6315737

pls be in my shitty city
ik ur not tho ;_;

>> No.6315738

I said people find me attractive, I just sperg out when chicks talk to me. I just got out of a relationship with a qt emo fuccboi, I'm going on a #LADS holiday with some friends in a few weeks, am doing an apprenticeship at a programming company and I play in a few shitty local bands. What do you do?

>> No.6315762

I'm handsome enough, at least compared to people where I live (Ireland)

now when I say I'm handsome I feel I'm average and people could just be lying to me, but I worked as a topless waiter in spain for a few months so I cant be awful

I've been single for like a year and a half now. I've just become introverted. I don't know why. I'd been constantly in a string of really shitty relationships since I was 15.

It's more personality than how you look and my personality isn't really there anymore

>> No.6315771

>tfw 25 and never even kissed a girl

>> No.6315778

damn, it must be built up in your head like crazy

I've not had sex, barring one drunken night I can't remember for 4 months, I'm already getting dreams that I wont be able to perform anymore

>> No.6315799

>tfw have had one girlfriend for three months two years ago so not kissless handholdless or hugless
>tfw 19 year old virgin
>tfw never had a lot of friends and the ones I did weren't that close to me
>tfw going out more often now and reconnecting with aforementioned friends and I want to be close with them

There's still hope r-right?

>> No.6315800

i gave up on trying
i'm a normal guy and get along with people but even though i'm not beta at all girls simply aren't interested in me except for average looking ones with boring personalities
maybe i'm expecting too much without doing anything for it
whatever i'll just keep on fapping if i get horny

>> No.6315805

20 and the same way bro, so lonely I don't know what to do anymore nothing seems like its worth the effort anymore I so sleep as much as possible

>> No.6315812

i lost virginity when i was 20, literally 3 months ago
if i could you can too

>> No.6315818

Hey guys

Just maybe

you're ugly as fuck you deluded faggots

>> No.6315821

how'd you do it? was it some random or did you get into a relationship with someone? was it awkward did you know what you were doing? did they know you were a virgin?
sorry for bombardment of questions

>> No.6315826


theres this guy who I went to uni with, about 6 foot 5, shaped like a pear, biggest arse I've ever seen, always wears plastic tracksuits with hiking shoes, big goofy head with acne and medical card glasses

I've seen him pick up girls in clubs like it was no big deal, like not models but acceptable, I'd fuck em

I'm normal, fit enough, fashionable (not decked out in sruli and rick but I know what I'm doing, but he gets more pussy than me

It's not even a personality thing, I'm sociable and whatever, he's a weirdo, it's just he seizes every opportunity he gets, whereas I overthink everything, I'm wrapped up in neuroses, and unlike him, I have a history of fucked up relationships that are pretty much always on my mind

I try so hard and he just fucking goes

I dont think he even showers

he's a legend really

>> No.6315838

Is r9k down today?

>> No.6315842
File: 641 KB, 3500x4194, 1368547259569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw average looking guy who likes being a loner

>just want a gf to do things with and be best friends with
>don't even care about appearance


>> No.6315845

\༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ށ

>> No.6315848
File: 107 KB, 461x676, patricianofchildrenscardgames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then that greentext part doesn't apply to you, not all of it at least

I'll explain this in a way a nerd like you can understand:
leveling up your game is a lot like leveling up a profession in WoW. When you first start off you level up by doing easy/simple shit.. You're not going to twerk up to some cute bitch with any success the first day, and you're not going to make that Iridium-scale breastplate the first time you learn blacksmithing. You start with easy shit and build up your prowess. Some times you might fail, some times you might not get more xp. But if you are diligent, in the end you will look back at all of this and say "Damn, I can't believe I failed when I tried making that medium-leather belt!" (or in this case say "I can't believe I stuttered and dropped my phone when my female co-worker asked for the time!")

>> No.6315855

I wonder how many /fa/ggots cross browse r9k.

>> No.6315856

All I want is a rich sugamama who can bu me stuff and make sure I never have to work. Fuck all these bishes that want a provider I'm simply 2 fabulous 4 that.

>> No.6315857

>Implying I play WoW
Now you're just making ad hominem attacks.

>> No.6315858

> tfw no gf because don't want prison time

>> No.6315862
File: 628 KB, 541x720, animal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was trying to make an analogy

point is you get better at things with patience/practice. And you might not always succeed, you will def fail along the way.
>but you are too scared to step out of your fuccboi shell

>> No.6315863

what \༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ށ

>> No.6315877

A-are you me...?

>> No.6315875

lmao wut a fucken nerd

>> No.6315879

How did you do it anon

share your secrets

>> No.6315887

>making a leather belt with blacksmithing
>failing crafting

jesus christ at least analogise a game you've FUCKING PLAYED

>> No.6315884


>> No.6315891

>Mike only posts pics that favor him
Literally everyone does this though
I like Mike. He makes good fairly articulate contributions to the board and he's a pretty nice guy to other posters. How he treats people in person, I couldn't say.

>> No.6315901

Hey, I was generally outcast and thought I was ugly in primary. When moving on up people always said I wad handsome and such, I just never developed the confidence that everyone social did when young.

>> No.6315909

r u me?

>> No.6315907

Sure sounds like we got a matzah queen here.

>> No.6315912

I want a gf.

>> No.6315924

i'd say i'm another lonely handsome guy.
i'm not really an asshole, just have standards and am stuck in a really shitty city with very few girls who meet my criteria.

>> No.6315927

You know it actually occurs the same way in many parts of life, lifting comes to mind. You always work up.

>> No.6315932

I don't know if I'm some sort of archetype of the handsome, fashionable guy, but here's what I do:
I don't have any friends, so I'm pretty socially retarded. I also like to be alone and do stuff on my own. I hate doing things with other people and I hate listening to other people's lame stories. Whenever I talk to people I usually don't pay attention and think about something else. So either I say nothing or talk long monologues.
Every once in a while some girl is interested in me. I usually do pretty weird stuff when that happens. It starts pretty normal most of the time, but when we're starting to get to know each other, I get really anxious of talking to her, because it's so boring and stupid. So I slowly let go, until I don't even say 'hello' when I see her.
I'd love to have sex, you know, but knowing that she'll get all attached and wants to do stuff is just repulsive. I don't want to take her to restaurants, clubs, or anything. I don't want to explain to her why I don't have any friends, why I'm lonely, I don't want to apologize and try to improve. It's just like every person out there would feel like a contaminant in my life.

That's basically everything.

>> No.6315944

I'm always afraid if I ask a girl out she'll fall in love with me and want to get married, and because I've never had a girlfriend before I'll say yes so that I don't risk being alone. Now there are so many girls I want to date, but I'm too scared to ask one out for fear of settling into a boring marriage. How can I be this insecure and this overconfident at the same time? How to stop being a narcissist?

>> No.6315946

I used to have that Lindsey. Then one day i just snapped and let people in.

It did me a world of good, i didn't like it, but it helped.

>> No.6315951

*that mindset

Wow that was bad.

>> No.6315952
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 13377194081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm above average, but the only social life I have is when I go clubbing with my 'friends'. And I'm always way too drunk to talk to girls when that happens.

>> No.6315953

t was a party in my friend's house, the gf of his brother invited one of her classmates to it. i've never saw this girl before in my life.
we got drunk as the party went by, conversation flowed naturally, we went outisde to hang out a bit in the streets at night, we kissed, etc etc and by the time i realised she invited me go home with her and then we fucked. she was pretty hot, yeah, my friend got mad at me he wasn't one the who got her.

i just did what came naturally to me. i think it helps that i give literally zero fucks when i am drunk. didn't feel awkward at all.

and no they didn't. they always assumed i had my fair share of pussy for whatever reason.
i look ok i guess, not bad, but i'm scum, a walking disease, and i'm sure you are better people than me, so if you socialize with people, stop being so self-conscious(even if you need alcohol for that), don't overthink and overdo things, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get someone unless you are butt ugly or autismal

i personally never cared much about this stuff. i don't feel different or special because i managed to bang a good looking chick, to stick my dick in a wet hole. it's not something i would make an effort to do again. and it sure as hell didn't made me manny happier.

but if its so important to you guys, go ahead.


>> No.6315956

just say no or practice asking girls out then breaking up with them a month or two later so that you realize not everything ends in marriage

>> No.6315964

If you hate people why are you on a forum?

>So either I say nothing or talk long monologues.

Do you just lurk without posting? I'd say this post counts as a long monologue.

>> No.6315971

>If you hate people why are you on a forum?

not every misanthrope can transcend the psychological need of contact, despite the fact they hate people

it's like someone who hates work, or school, but still go to it because he "needs" to

>> No.6315978


There is a broad, broad difference between a misanthrope and one who craves solitude.

>> No.6315983

yeah, and?

>> No.6315985

I don't hate people. I've met a hand full of people in my life, that I'd call my friends. It's just that I need a long time and a lot of patience to get there. That was back in school. Now I'm living alone and am going to university. I don't need to talk to anyone. So, I don't, because it feels so much easier.

>> No.6315991

he's most likely not one, and I'm autistic enough to care about misuse of the word.

>> No.6315998

oh i didn't even read his post, i was just saying that hating people not always results in total isolation
specially because it's very hard to achieve nowadays

>> No.6316004

Most definitely, I do believe that social I interaction is something that is instinctively pursued by all in varying degrees, hence the intro/extroverts, and social butterflies in comparison to the social pariahs.

>> No.6316007
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I know that feel.
It's not that I hate being with people, it's just that I can't stand shallow garbage talking to me about shallow garbage. It takes a lot of time to go through those who are brainless and those who are worth giving attention.

>> No.6316013

No it doesn't, spend a night out with them and you know immediately.

>> No.6316016

How so?

>> No.6316022

Was in a relationship with a handsome guy (I'm average if not even less than that...) and felt like I had to chase after him way too much of the time.

>Nice to look at but no, thanks.

>> No.6316020

Well in my case at least, people will be themselves more at night time, this allows you to see what Interests them and what kind of person they are.

>> No.6316023

Damn /fa/, you guys need to do some therapy.

Chill out, really. Got friends, gf, and i may not be beautiful, but i'm above average. Just relax. And remember: relaxing does not equal with indifference.

>> No.6316029

>this allows you to see what Interests them and what kind of person they are.
Finding out nterests isn't the problem, this is:
>and what kind of person they are.
Sure, if I went out a night with them, I'd probably see them go nuts. But, talking to someone who's not in their mind, is fucking annoying. It's like trying to have a serious conversation with a 6-year-old about whatever. And I simply find that a waste of time, so I don't.

>> No.6316038

so don't get them drunk, get them happy, make them trust you. Appeal to them as an ear for their secrets, offer yours if you want. Fond out who they are, and how they respond to set questions and situations.

>> No.6316042

I can't tell them to not get blasted, that's basically their entire vision of a perfect night out.
It doesn't matter, fuck it.

>> No.6316044

i can get a girl to be interested, it's just that i don't do anything that girls would like to do, i'll occasionally party my ass off (less and less each year though) and I'm pretty good at guitar that's about the only thing that would be interesting to a typical girl. other than that my standards for having fun are extremely low, i could sit on my balcony listening to music and have a beer and I'd consider that extremely fun, heck I even like taking a solitary walk and it's fun to me, snapping crappy landscape pictures is fun to me, browsing google street view of places i don't know is fun to me, i don't like the socialization all that much, at least when it comes down to sitting down in a bar and the meaningless chit chat with the "friends", i do have friends that i enjoy spending time with but they're all like me. then i usually stay up all night watching streams of 16-20 year old kids (no pedo) playing hockey in junior leagues and make my own draft ranking for the NHL. that's a weird ass hobby when you're european (time difference sucks) and the country doesn't even like hockey all that much, yet I'm obsessed with hockey. I don't know, I know I can attract girls based on my personality and I'm pretty good looking, I just don't like getting a girl to know me too well, because ultimately I already know it won't work out.

>> No.6316049

then don't take them drinking, play poker, go camping with only 1 crate of beer and a dozen bags of marshmallows.

I know people who only get wasted to, take the drink away and they will find a way to cope sober, and they may thank you for it.

>> No.6316061

I feel very related.
Except the hockey part, I don't really like hockey. You sound like an interesting person to me though.

>> No.6316067

>tfw you find some overweight girls attractive if they're well proportioned and have really pretty faces but don't want to be the chubby chaser

>> No.6316074

Dude, it sure is disgusting, but nobody gives a shit.

>> No.6316075

just go get what you want and be happy. who cares.

>> No.6316083

Th-thanks guys. I guess I should start rounding them up and take them to poundtown. I mean like sex pounding. They're fat so they're kind of already from poundtown but we're going to a different poundtown now.

>> No.6316092

if people give you shit just give them the "don't knock it till you try it, you might like it"

and then they might feel a little insecure

just dont be a faggot like "sorry I like REAL women not bony girls"

>> No.6316099

It's easy for me to make friends, it's always have been. I haven't dated for the last 2 years, not because I don't like relationships, but because it never advances into one. Half the time when I talk to a girl we will have sex and then... I just lose all interest. I guess what fucks it up for me is that they put themselves out there too easily. I want a challenge. I don't want a girl who is willingly going to give me everything I want, though it is nice. I want a girl who will tease me, fight with me and make me miss her. Plus, my social circle is declining now that it is summer break. All I'd like at the moment is a qt3.14 who would like to have sex, smoke reefer and star gaze with me. I could have it with any girl I want to pursue, but I have unbelievably high standards which blows.

>> No.6316104

haha yeah dude I'm honestly pretty competent socially. It's less about being seen by other dudes with a fat chick. I couldn't care less. I just don't want more attractive girls to think my standards are too low for them but I don't even know if that happens.

>> No.6316130

I like you (and your fantastic interests).

I'm actually going to this sort of gathering thing a friend is having in a couple of weeks, so I'm hoping it won't turn into too much shit. Also might give me the chance to talk to a qt3.14 (I know she isn't an shithead, she has some of the interests I have as well so it's cool).

>> No.6316138


Nigger are you fat? No you have some form of discipline and self respect

Well fat girls don't you their obesity is a giant red flag for the crazy bubbling below the surface

>> No.6316166

well then, good luck my friend!

>> No.6316291

I'm usually called handsome by a lot of girls, don't have a problem attracting women and have what'd you call fangirls- girls who like me but I have no sexual or romantic interest in but they just keep around me.

There's a lot of reasons handsome guys would prefer to be single: they can afford to be selective since their sexual and romantic "worth" grows each day, they have beat most women at their own game since much of a woman's worth is in her looks, western girls are entitled and spoiled, so when you are chased by women who are clearly below you you begin to see how narcissistic people are.

Compound that with how you deal with a lot less bullshit with short flings and pornography you get men living in this world: http://nymag.com/news/features/70976/

However, unlike women most unattractive men have a hard time even getting sex, so they are usually more eager to settle.

While women, spoiled by third wave feminism, overprotective baby boomer parents, society fueling their thoughts that they can have an attractive, intelligent, wealthy, and outgoing prince charming are being forced to compete for the small pool of men who fit the bill and realize that most of them are going to lose in landing the man: http://www.today.com/id/35224012/ns/today-today_books/t/forget-mr-right-settle-mr-good-enough/

or maybe i'm just full of shit

>> No.6316300

This thread sucks ;_;

>> No.6316333

I'm so sorry. I sincerely hope that the next thread you post in will be much more focused on pleasing you.

>> No.6316356

or you know centered around something other than
>"wahhhhh girls don't like me tfw fuccboi =("

>> No.6316370

>have qt gf for the first time since high school
>dating for 2 months

she is awesome but i cant help but feel that it is only temporary like most relationships i have. i like being alone so maybe that has something to do with it

>> No.6316400

Of course it's temporary. Why would that bother you? She probably knows it too. Just chill out and enjoy it or end it if you can't enjoy it.

>> No.6316403

Oh god I think you've hit the nail on the head. At least for me, this is is how I feel. I've gotten interested girls, qt ones too. But I never react because of two reasons:
1. What if it doesn't work out? Then I would have failed, and that's not my style.
2. I could get better if I wanted to.

It's shallow and I hate myself for thinking this way, but I keep doing it. I should really, actively try avoiding this thought-process.

I'm not even that good looking.

(look at all the I's in this post, I'm just a narcissistic fuck)

>> No.6316409

> other than that my standards for having fun are extremely low, i could sit on my balcony listening to music and have a beer and I'd consider that extremely fun, heck I even like taking a solitary walk and it's fun to me, snapping crappy landscape pictures is fun to me

me 2 m8

>> No.6316413

>nerds trying to claim they are attractive while justifying why they have no game

>> No.6316427

Pretty much except I think there's a difference between just explaining something and trying to excuse it or justify it.

>> No.6316467
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>Girls like me until they get to know me better
Damm, when this turn into a feels?

>> No.6316461

Have the bus driver chill and backing you. Yet you still never tried fucking a qt in a moving public bus.

You missed a hell of an opportunity faggot poster.

>> No.6316464
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Thanks bb

>> No.6316500

I'm a very good looking guy, which is why I love /fa/ of course, and I'm still a virgin at age 20. I can't get girls to date me, the only ones who kiss me will do it when drunk and I always refuse to fuck bcuz 1st time 'n all; shit sucks tbh.

>> No.6316524

>bcuz 1st time 'n all
who cares

>> No.6316539

I'm decently handsome and have had multiple girls that wanted me. I've only been in one relationship. Over the course of that relationship I realized how I don't like having to cater to someone else's needs and I don't really find sex as pleasurable. As a result of this coming-to-terms, I decided to stay single and keep to friendship. I found that desire/admiration is the most pleasurable thing for me, hence keeping people as friends. I know these girls want me, but they can't have me, and it fuels me. It's kind of selfish, but they don't know and I think at least being friends offsets what I call my "vampirism."

>> No.6316542


>> No.6316629
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One might sometimes be considered handsome. One might also fit into your category of being a loner, and a self professed singleton.

One might realise, after enough relationships, perhaps something that is more likely to happen with the handsome one, that committed dating relationships are a vain and shallow affair, inviting claustrophobia, oppression and contempt rather than validation, validation and validation.

>> No.6316771

You're well on your way to becoming a wizard

>> No.6316834
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Lel, dubs confirm that you are a wizard. Pic related, you.

>> No.6317009

Thanks for this thread guys I've learned a lot.

>> No.6317832

Because the pretty/cute people are usually the perfectionists that had a lot of negativity about their looks in the past. Their shyness exists because of the self-consciousness