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/fa/ - Fashion

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6295389 No.6295389 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck /fa/,
i'm a halfcast and that makes it fucking hard for me to be /fa/. I have literally no idea what the fuck would look good on me. Recommend me some /fa/ things that would fit me . Also general Pleb thread.

>> No.6295398

Sorry, for the Image i look really retardet. But it's only one with my face showing and i guess that's a must for recommendations. Also i'm really small, about 170 cm or so

>> No.6295405

>i'm a halfcast and that makes it fucking hard for me to be /fa/


>> No.6295407

Come back when you're not 12

>> No.6295417

You can only be /fa/ if you're 100% Nordic European. They are the only good looking people on this planet. If you don't have pink nipples, blonde hair, and blue eyes (with the exception of green) you are pretty much not worthy of /fa/. Please leave. Enjoy your Wal-Mart clothes.

>> No.6295414

I'm 16, told you i'm small.
And the last time i checked, there was no age restriction on /fa/



>> No.6295426

>le epic trolle

>> No.6295421

The whole of 4chan is 18+ , for now you should just be wearing what all your mates wear but better or you'll look like a massive try hard tbh. Sucks but it's the truth , get your fits and colours down so in a couple years you can bang out whatever style you want without everyone your age thinking you're a massive faggot.

>> No.6295422

the age restriction is 18

>> No.6295424

Shit has to fucking fit to my skin color. It's probably not even hard , but i really find it hard finding something worth copping.

>> No.6295435

>Shit has to fucking fit to my skin color.
I think you're overthinking things, son. Is your skin color like that in OP? If so, that's just regular brown skin. You can pretty much wear fucking everything (avoiding pastels) without looking off-key.

I also think you have some major insecurity. I can sense the teenage angst. Shit, son, I wish I could help a brotha out.

>> No.6295438

>denying the truth

Have fun not being part of the elite, you pleb.

>> No.6295441

I really have a problem with the fucking shit my mates are wearing. It's all just fucking air max, a cheap shirt and a denim shirt.

>> No.6295444



global rule 2

try reddit or ktt

>> No.6295446

what are you even asking

just wear anything, what you are wearing in the OP is fine

>> No.6295449

Well, thanks anyway.

>> No.6295455

You look waaay cooler than I did when I was 16. Fuck you, you sexy bastard.

At the very least, you just look like a cool teenager. That's it, mayne. Wait until you're 18 to step your game up.

>> No.6295457

>Cop white nike maxes/airs
>Wear black jeans that fit
>Wear a white T bright like the sun or a short sleeved button down
You now dress better than half your peers without being a try hard

>> No.6295479

I do appreciate your suggestions but i really hate the designs of the nike air/maxes . Any other shoe suggestions ?

>> No.6295480

It almost seems like you are just fishing for compliments.

You look pretty /fa/ in that picture, and judging by your face you will have near model good looks by the time you hit 20.

You have nothing to worry about, except maybe your height, but even short people can be /fa/

>> No.6295486

Only buy dark earth tones, buy some can't-tell-if-green-or-brown-or-grey olive shinos or jeans, up your basics in good, muted colors. Get some brown leather sneakers, black shake shoes (GUM SOLE BRO IT'S KEY)

>> No.6295482

why do half black people always just look black

>> No.6295483

Go look at the shoe infograph that's somewhere on the front page u tard

>> No.6295491

>It almost seems like you are just fishing for compliments.

This. OP is a faggot.

>> No.6295492


Yeah I agree

Honestly OP you already look really good for someone in high school.

You have to remember that most people here are in their mid twenties and we werent even close to steezy back in high school

>> No.6295493

I'm really not. Just trying to find new shit to cop as i really have no real idea of /fa/. I usually just wear stuff i bought in Urban Outfitters which is like middle class here already

>> No.6295507

You look like lighter Donald Glover

>> No.6295509

Get some Supergas

>> No.6295531

Well, thank you .. i guess

>> No.6295536

I have no experience with that brand..mind pointing out some good white ones?

>> No.6295542

Bruh you cute as hell
Please look into modeling u could even do that SUPREME shit and still look good

>> No.6295561

Not planning on doing that. There's no way i could cop any supreme stuff here. Isn't that like US only?

>> No.6295574


>> No.6295582


You look like a fgt and you act like one too (OMG GUIS AM I UGLY PLS BE GENTLE) You aren't ugly but you aren't anything special either. You look like a standard issue mutt halfcast with a Negroid nose and mouth. There's nothing interesting about your face

how tall are you?

>> No.6295596

Nigger i'm not looking for compliments, neither did i ask for them. I only need recommendatins as for what to cop. Pic is just for orientation.
my height

>> No.6295606

scope the sneakers here, they've got good taste that varies from low to high street.
Keep it simple and quiet, though. remember that context is always important to the fit, just as much as you are. Some highschool punk with daddy's credit card is gonna come off as a pretentious tryhard showing up to class in designer wear, esp b/c you've probably not the taste to know if you're doing it right, considering the daily fashion you're exposed to. Keep it simple, in hs I was just wearing cheap uniqlo tees and black denim with the branding cut off, all tailored to fit, and nb576s in grey. I only wore any louder, usually thrifted fits when going up to the city, but I didn't have much money, it seems like you're a bit more affluent.
Our Legacy & Acne have well-designed, unassuming, quality basics in the $100-200 range. Acne's jeans, Our Legacy's sweater. Take a look at tries-bien's shop.

>> No.6295633

I really really appreciate that you typed all that out and tried to help me out. Also , i will take a look . Thanks alot.

>> No.6295640
File: 135 KB, 590x885, judge_dredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I only need recommendatins as for what to cop. Pic is just for orientation.

Sorry but this is the worst question you can ask, Negro. /fa/ stands for fashion. What style of fashion do you want to sport completely depends on your personality and taste. We don't know anything about you, and regardless, you're still a trend-follower teenager who shouldn't even be here. Very few people have a "personality" when they're 16, and the fact that you're asking /fa/ what to cop makes me believe you aren't one of them.

Go cop some Supreme and dress like the people you see on the background of OF's videos. Wait til you're 21 and you have any trace of personality.

PS: I am a 27 years old, halfcast too. I dress a mix of mod, skinhead and Basquiat-core

>> No.6295674

i guess i expected an answer like this sooner or later. I already said that i have no fucking Idea nor that i have any fucking idea what i'm doing. I just wanted to hear someone elses's Opinion on what they think would fit me . And when i recall correctly i already stated that i don't like the shit EVERYBODY is wearing. Not trying to be edgy and acting like an individual but it just appears stupid to me if everybody is wearing the same shit.

>> No.6295711

add some nesquik to milk and mix it
what color does it turn?

>> No.6295707
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>i have any fucking idea what i'm doing. I just wanted to hear someone elses's Opinion on what they think would fit me

And how do you expect us to know what would fit you? Just because we're looking at a photo of your face? Negro please, this is a dumbass question. We can't tell you what to wear. That is you who has to decide. /fa/ will be shitposting this thread with 1000 posts, each one with a different style of what THEY think would look good. Tell me, how is that different from selecting a random style

>And when i recall correctly i already stated that i don't like the shit EVERYBODY is wearing. Not trying to be edgy and acting like an individual but it just appears stupid to me if everybody is wearing the same shit.

If you don't want to wear the same shit everybody else is wearing, why the fuck are you asking strangers to dress you up? Blud, that is something that YOU have to figure out for fuck sakes. Every idea that /fa/ will tell you will be something safe, base and boring aka what "everybody" is wearing. Clothes are supposed to be an extension of your personality. Not even my gf could dress me, how do you expect /fa/ to know what your personality is?

Just stop asking that. You will find your own style (if you really care) after a lot of trial and error. Asking /fa/ won't get you there

>> No.6295712
File: 56 KB, 400x400, rammelzee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this guy's right
>Wait til you're 21 and you have any trace of personality.

but personally I'd replace "personality" with "taste". When you can see what's good and what isn't, when you don't need to trendhop because you're aware of what you like and constantly exploring new styles already, even if you do like a new trend, it's a genuine appreciation of the look, that you can push it further in different directions and pull it off better than anyone who is just wearing it because they got the idea from other people that it's what's supposed to look good. If you really want to dress and look cool, you'd be better off spending your time reading books, watching movies, digging through music, cutting the trivial social highschool bullshit that most idiots will carry with them all the way through uni and into their careers and focus on more genuine things that are cool enough to transgress ephemeral social fads by looking beyond the limited worldview and interests of your direct peers, curating all human culture towards your own aesthetic.
gl m8 and keep it real.

>> No.6295718 [DELETED] 


the melanin gene is dominant

so is muh bb cock

#rekt #ohsnap

>> No.6295725


the melanin gene is dominant

so is muh bb cock

#rekt #ohsnap

>> No.6295737
File: 98 KB, 423x590, this is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't #rekt your own post brah that's like liking your own status on facebook

>> No.6295740

Then i salute you. Guess i'm not serious enough for fucking /fa/. No hard feelings though. Maybe i will really develop a real taste over the next couple years. Thank you, you really taught me alot.

>> No.6295753

not him but you gotta stop swearing every time you talk it makes you appear stupid

>> No.6295748
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fite me irl

>> No.6295762
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>> No.6295765

It's something i do when i talk on a language other than my native language. I'm working on it

>> No.6295787
File: 27 KB, 647x608, kathleen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not about being "serious". In general, this place is a joke as far as fashion (I come here when /mu/ is being shittier than usual and once in a while a good thread will appear). However, there is some real good posts among the Dick Ovens dickriding brigade and the ASap Rocky faggotry.

Just lurk moar, and like anon said above, find a hobby, listen music, attend shows, red whatever will give you any sense of personality. It took me a long time to be able to experiment and feel comfortable with my clothes. Like I said, a /fa/ person exudes confidence on their own style and personality. Both of those come with age and/or experiences.

>> No.6295791


what's your native language?

>> No.6295823

German i guess but i'm also fluent in dutch

>> No.6295828

I'd fuk u
Post moar pics

>> No.6295840
File: 132 KB, 752x1024, 3767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do the krauts give you shit because of your skin colour?

I want to check out Berghain and Hard Wax. Am I going to get jumped on by a band of neo-nazis?

>> No.6295860

Nah, that's old germany. Stay away from the uneducated turks and general uneducated people though.

>> No.6295870

Yeah, I was thinking of transferring to Humboldt in Berlin for a year, any idea how the city would feel about a half arab/japanese?

>> No.6295881

Really depends on your personality and also how old your are. I guess you're going to study there ? Just make sure you get to know the right people, shouldn't be a problem then.