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File: 30 KB, 540x400, diet-butcher-slim-skin-red-patent-high-tops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6290313 No.6290313 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: trends you'll never understand

I'll start
hi-top shoes

>> No.6290368

>hip hop shoes

>> No.6290370
File: 262 KB, 960x686, 1369830578274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really starting to see the appeal. I wouldn't mind copping some hi-top sneaks that are vaguely dunkish, but I'd feel like I'm hopping on the trend.

>leggings with shorts
You goof ninjas are fuckin' crazy

>> No.6290382

When did hi-tops become a trend?

>> No.6290380

this thread

>> No.6290404

>implying this thread is a trend

>> No.6290416

implying ur not trying to start one

>> No.6290417

>ITT: trends you'll never understand

how do you not understand obvious shit

people like how they look, because they see other people wearing them. this causes them to buy them, continuing the trend.

if you just dont like how they look, and that is your basis of not being able to understand how a trend works, you are just autistic, which is fine, just try to be a little self aware.

>> No.6290442

What's so incomprehensible about hi-tops? I mean, there are trends that need some time to grasp, but hi-tops? Seriously?

>> No.6290498

a thread is not a trend

animal bracelets were a trend, crocs were a trend, ripped jeans were a trend

>reading comprehension
I didn't say I didn't understand the definition of a "trend". I'm saying I don't understand why some things become popular. Just because I don't bandwagon shit does not reflect poorly upon me. If someone wears crocs and I think that shit looks retarded, doesn't make the crocfag better than me

goddamn children in here

>> No.6290512


>I'm saying I don't understand why some things become popular

yeah, your lack of understanding is exactly what my post addressed.

>> No.6290524

because hi-tops look like shit, offer less ankle room to move your ankles, and you'll get extra sweaty during the summer compared to lower shoes. If you're using them as boots, its okay, but no need to wear them when any other time of the year

unless, everyone lives in Canada/Russia

>> No.6290553
File: 325 KB, 512x386, galaxy-leggings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galaxy leggings.

They just look so off with almost every outfit I've seen them with.

>> No.6290571

You don't understand fashion, now I get it.

>> No.6290588

yeah but

high top sneakers look good

>> No.6290594

i stated some valid points about the shoes
but you're a faggot, now i get it

>> No.6290603


hmm, i actually just read that post, it didnt contain any valid points.

hope this helps.

>> No.6290614

>less ankle room
>more sweaty during summer

illiterate fuck

>> No.6290626

flip side is more ankle support and warmer
you're dumb af nigga lmao

>> No.6290631

The first answer you gave is "looks like shit"
Which is fine, but if someone is asking you to articulate your dislike of something, you should go into specifics. Here are some selected specifics you could have delved into:

"It seems like a comical overabundance of sneaker, entirely superfluous at the end of the day."
"I don't like what it does to the way a pant is supposed to fall"
"I associate them with things that make me uncomfortable, like organized sports, 90's gang movies and poverty."
"I don't like all that weird techy looking bullshit creeping up my ankle."
"I don't know how to dance."

It's important to understand the things you dislike as much as it is the things you like. That means breaking them down into their consituent components.
Is it the toebox of a certain shoe that turns you off right away? is it really the height or is it the patterns and textiles in most hightops? What's a good sole shape? what's an awful one?

"It's Shit" tells us nothing but your opinion and does not facilitate discussion.

>> No.6290640

why would you want to be warmer during the summer? are you going to wear a coat too and jeans instead of shorts too during the summer? damn shit you're an idiot.

>> No.6290644


except thats not the case. you have fat ankles. not everyone does.

>> No.6290651

I used to think like you, until I realized how incredibly comfy they are.

>> No.6290654

They really don't make you that much hotter, though. And if you're not used to being uncomfortable for the sake of a look every now and then..................

>> No.6290667

I seen galaxy leggings for the first time today. My friend was wearing them with a sheer white button down and I thought she looked kinda qt.

>> No.6290686

hi-tops look like the were made for overweight people ashamed of their cankles.

>> No.6290703

more material = warmer.
No I don't have fat ankles. I'd rather show them off

>> No.6290710

I would think the modern day hightop shoe has its roots in hightop basketball shoes. Basketball shoes that basketball players wore. Basketball players on average aren't very fat. They may be big, but they're not fat.

>> No.6290716


you said:

>less ankle room
>more sweaty during summer

if you werent fat/have fat ankles you wouldnt have any issues like this.

its fairly clear cut, just do some cardio several times a week (fat loss) to avoid having problems with the ankle being too tight and causing sweating.

>> No.6290730

That's it?
That's your entire reason for not liking hightops?

>> No.6290737

>Because they like it

Bullshit. Say that to all the emo kids years ago.

>> No.6290748

The reason I don't like high-tops is because they look nigger-ish or "not for white people."

>> No.6290755

Out of curiosity, where do you live?

>> No.6290766

Name any fashion trend started by white people.
>you can't

Cacs gonna cac.

>> No.6290770

Goth Ninja

>> No.6290779

vests of almost any type. But mostly the puffy down vest.

>> No.6290782


>> No.6290790

Everything that didn't involve stupid things like rolling one ankle up, turning your hat at a weird angle, zoot suits, and baggy pants.

>> No.6290792


>> No.6290799

You're welcome, cutie patootie<3

>> No.6290829

was an emo kid now I like Rick

>> No.6290857

>No actual examples
Point proven.

>> No.6290884

skinny jeans is white boy shit

>> No.6290891

high tops aren't a trend. Op IS a fag.

>> No.6291255

>high tops
lel, there far more trad #menswear than lows

>> No.6291293

I read it as that tooo boo

>> No.6291296

Why do you say "Don't Understand" when what you really mean is "Don't Like"?
It's a bit unfair to present yourself like that. "Not Understanding" implies the possibility of acceptance somewhere down the road.